


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 05/04 今日の出來事

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今日は、ノストラダムス Michel Nostradamus 150366Les Prophéties 豫言集を刊行した日だとあった。

未來を見通したごとくに未來を告げる ―― そのためのそのヒントとなったのは

かつて私は書きつけた ――
未來=Future は Fiction だ。この現實界の事實 Fact は多種多樣の希望や絶望が重ねられた想像界でもある。
Fact=ゲンジツにゲンジュツ(言述、幻術)によって Fiction=藝術=ゲイジツを重ねる。ゲンジツはそれだけで變質をはじめ、あらたなゲンジツとなっていく。夢想することのできる人間の腦は虚實の判斷が曖昧だ。そして、實例は歴史上にいくらでもある。
このどうしようもないゲンジツにコトバの錬金術を驅使してゲイジツを振りかけるなり被せるなりして、ゲンジツを變へていくのだ。それがもっともジェントルな世界の維新革命の方法だらう。 ……

いづれにしろ、新たなるゲンジツの始まりはフィクションだ。最初は何事も夢や幻から始まる。コトバの錬金術といふ幻術=言述によって、想像界が描きだされる。やがて、想像は現實を圧倒するやうになる。 ……


The Roman Christian Florian of Lorch is drowned in the Enns after a death sentence. The martyr is venerated as a saint.


Religious reformers John Wycliffe and Jan Hus are condemned as heretics at the Council of Constance.

Assassination of the Swedish rebel (later national hero) Engelbrekt Engelbrektsson

Engelbrekt Engelbrektsson 139036 was a Swedish rebel leader and later statesmen. He was the leader of the Engelbrekt rebellion in 1434 against Eric of Pomerania, king of the Kalmar Union.

1471/0504:Wars of the Roses「Battle of Tewkesbury」
The House York under Edward IV succeeded in the battle of Tewkesbury the provisional decisive victory of the Rosary for the English throne against the House Lancaster.
Edward of Westminster, the only descendant of King Henry VI, falls, Edmund Beaufort, 4th Duke of Somerset, and Margarete of Anjou are imprisoned.


Le pape Alexandre VI promulgue la bulle Inter caetera qui confirme le partage de toutes les terres à découvrir entre le Portugal et l'Espagne.



The book printer Lucantonio Giunta produces in Venice on parchment one of the earliest known printed miniature books = Ore Officium Virginis secundum consuetudinem Beatae Mariae romane curie.

Martin Luther wird auf der Heimreise vom Reichstag zu Worms in der Nähe von Schloss Altenstein zum Schein gefangengenommen und zur Wartburg unter den Schutz des sächsischen Kurfürsten Friedrich des Weisen gebracht.

1527/0504:日本[室町] 連歌師 肖柏144327、死去

Shōhaku est un poète japonais waka et renga.
Il utilise également les noms de plume : Muan (夢庵), Botange (牡丹花) et Rōkaken (弄花軒)

Shōhaku compose en 1488 à Minase avec son maître, le prêtre et moine bouddhiste Iio Sōgi 宗祗142102 et Sōchō 宗長144832, autre élève de Sōgi, la collection renga intitulée Minase sangin hyakuin 水無瀬三吟百韻.

L'ouvrage passe pour l'un des meilleurs du genre renga. Il participe également à la composition du Shinsen tsukubashu de Sōgi, une collection renga, qui comprend de nouvelles règles pour composer en renga. Shōhaku rédige en outre un commentaire sur le Ise monogatari, Ise monogatari shōbunshō et un traité sur la poésie renga, Shōhaku kōden.

1555/0504:フランス ノストラダムスの『豫言集』初版、刊行
Publication des Prophéties de Nostradamus.

1654/0504:中國[清] 04皇帝 康煕帝165422、誕生

The Kangxi Emperor, personal name 玄燁 Xuanye, was the fourth emperor of the Qing dynasty, the first to be born on Chinese soil south of the Shanhai Pass near Beijing, and the second Qing emperor to rule over that part of China, from 1661 to 1722.

1655/0504:ピアノの發明者 Bartolomeo Cristofori 165531、誕生

un cembalaro, organaro e liutaio italiano. Fu uno dei più famosi costruttori di clavicembali del suo tempo. È considerato l'inventore del "fortepiano", principale precursore del pianoforte.
He is a musical instrument maker who served the Medici family in Florence. He is known as a person who invented the piano.

1662/0504:日本 江戸幕府の老中 松平信綱伊豆守159662、死去

Matsudaira Nobutsuna was a Japanese daimyō of the early Edo period,
He ruled the Kawagoe Domain 川越藩. First serving Tokugawa Iemitsu 徳川家光160451 as a page, Nobutsuna was renowned for his sagacity. He was named a rōjū 老中 in 1633. Nobutsuna led the shogunal forces to their final victory over the rebellion at Shimabara 島原.
His court title was Izu no Kami 伊豆守, which was the origin of his nickname, "Izu the Wise" (知恵伊豆 Chie Izu).

King Charles II of England orders the construction of the Royal Greenwich Observatory.

The Municipality of Ilagan is founded in the Philippines.

1776/0504:ドイツ 教育者 Johann Friedrich Herbart 177641、誕生

ein deutscher Philosoph, Psychologe und Pädagoge, der über den deutschen Sprachraum hinaus als Klassiker der Pädagogik gilt. Er begründete den Herbartianismus und die Allgemeine Pädagogik.
Herbart is now remembered amongst the post-Kantian philosophers mostly as making the greatest contrast to Hegel—in particular in relation to aesthetics.


Rhode Island becomes the first American colony to renounce allegiance to King George III.

{こっちは北アメリカの Rhode 島か。後で、本物といふかエーゲ海の Rhodes が出てくる。これも奇しき歴史の偶然、かな。

The 1st Derby Stakes begin at Epsom racecourse in the UK.

La Convention nationale promulgue la loi du maximum.

The French Welfare Committee sets a maximum price for cereals in the Small Maximum Act, in order to counteract a supply crisis.

 La Convention nationale est un régime politique français qui gouverna la France du 21 septembre 1792 au 26 octobre 1795 lors de la Révolution française.

1799/0504:Fourth Anglo-Mysore War「Battle of Seringapatam」
 The siege of Seringapatam ends when the city is invaded and Tipu Sultan killed by the besieging British army, under the command of General George Harris.

The golden horns of Gallehus are stolen from the Royal Kunstkammer in the Danish town of Christiansborg. Just a year later, the goldsmith and watchmaker Niels Heidenreich admits the act. He has melted both pieces.

Emperor Napoleon I of France arrives at Portoferraio on the island of Elba to begin his exile.

King Ferdinand VII of Spain signs the Decree of the 4th of May, returning Spain to absolutism.


König Fernando VII. En España se plantea la Constitución de 1812 por decreto y asigna la vuelta al absolutismo. La Inquisición se vuelve a introducir.

1825/0504:Darwinの番犬 Thomas Henry Huxley 182595、誕生

an English biologist specialising in comparative anatomy.
He is known as "Darwin's Bulldog" for his advocacy of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.

aged 21
Huxley's famous debate in 1860 with Samuel Wilberforce was a key moment in the wider acceptance of evolution and in his own career. Huxley had been planning to leave Oxford on the previous day, but, after an encounter with Robert Chambers, the author of Vestiges, he changed his mind and decided to join the debate. Wilberforce was coached by Richard Owen, against whom Huxley also debated about whether humans were closely related to apes.

1827/0504:イギリス 探檢家 John Hanning Speke 182764、誕生

an English explorer and officer in the British Indian Army who made three exploratory expeditions to Africa.
He is most associated with the search for the source of the Nile and was the first European to reach Lake Victoria.
He is also known for propounding the Hamitic hypothesis in 1863, in which he supposed that the Tutsi ethnic group were descendants of the biblical figure Ham, and had lighter skin and more Hamitic features than the Bantu-featured Hutu over whom they ruled.

Routes taken by the expeditions of Burton and Speke (1857~58) and Speke and Grant (1863)

In 1856 Richard Francis Burton 182190 and Speak saw from the East Africa to the African Great Lakes area believing the "discovery" of the Nile River source which was not confirmed by Europeans.

In Leipzig erscheint die Erstausgabe des Pfennig-Magazins, der ersten deutschen Illustrierten.

1846/0504:アルヌボのガラス細工 Émile Gallé 184604、誕生

un industriel, maître verrier, ébéniste et céramiste français.
un artiste français qui a travaillé dans le verre, et est considéré comme l'une des forces majeures dans le mouvement Art Nouveau français.

Engraved crystal vase by Gallé, around 1900

Vase de tirage industriel aux fougères, vers 1904.


1852/0504:フシギの國の Alice Liddell 185234、誕生

Alice Pleasance Hargreaves was an acquaintance and photography subject of Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson).
One of the stories he told her during a boating trip became the children's classic Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Alice Liddell (right) with sisters c. 1859 (photo by Lewis Carroll)

US American adventurer William Walker & 57 followers leave the US authorities in San Francisco by boat to seize power in Nicaragua.


1864/0504:カネにこまった Richard Waner、王樣の所に居候

Rencontre entre Richard Wagner et le roi Louis II de Bavière qui devient son mécène.

Surrender of the Confederate departments of Alabama, Mississippi and East Louisiana at Citronelle, Alabama.

1870/0504:日本の民族學者 鳥居龍蔵187053、誕生

Torii Ryūzō est un ethnologue, anthropologue japonais, connu pour ses recherches anthropologiques à Taïwan.
Il a également conduit des fouilles archéologiques et essayé de comprendre la préhistoire de l'Asie du nord-est.

1870/0504:ロシアの多藝人 Alexandre Benois 187060、誕生

(Алекса́ндр Никола́евич Бенуа́ est un peintre, décorateur, scénographe et historien d'art russe. Ami intime de Serge de Diaghilev, Léon Bakst, Dimitri Bouchène et Serge Ivanoff, ses créations ont particulièrement porté sur des décors pour des représentations de ballets.

The National Association, the first professional baseball league, opens its first season in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

1880/0504:ドイツ 建築家 Bruno Taut 188038、誕生

ein deutscher Architekt und Stadtplaner.
Als Vertreter des Neuen Bauens wurde er vor allem durch die Großsiedlungen in Berlin-Britz (Hufeisensiedlung) und Berlin-Zehlendorf (Onkel Toms Hütte) bekannt.
He is evaluated as an iron monument (1910), a glass house (1914), and is known as an expressionist architect.


1883/0504:中國の革命家 汪兆銘188344、誕生

He was initially a member of the left wing of the Kuomintang (KMT), leading a government in Wuhan in opposition to the right wing government, but later became increasingly anti-communist after his efforts to collaborate with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ended in political failure. His political orientation veered sharply to the right wing later in his career after he joined the Japanese.

1886/0504:USA、シカゴで「Haymarket affair
A bomb is thrown at policemen trying to break up a labor rally in Chicago, United States, killing eight and wounding 60. The police fire into the crowd.



事件の起点となった五月一日は國際的にMayDayとして記念されることになったが、USAでは暴動の記憶を甦らせかねないとして LaborDayは九月の第一月曜日に設定した。

Literary death of Sherlock Holmes and Professor Moriarty fighting at the Reichenbachfall near Meiringen (Arthur Conan Doyle: The Last Problem).


Japan accepted the recommendation to abandon the full renunciation of the Liaodong Peninsula.





1897/0504:Sophie-Charlotte en Bavière 184797、死去

Incendie du Bazar de la Charité à Paris où nombres de dames de la noblesse et de la haute bourgeoisie, essentiellement françaises, trouvent la mort.

incendie du Bazar de la Charité à Paris, qui fait cent vingt morts. Ce fait inspirera à Gaston Leroux Le Fantôme de l'Opéra.

Charles Rolls and Henri Royce meet at a Manchester hotel, their association and merge forming the Rolls-Royce.

The United States begins construction of the Panama Canal.

The Italian general Giovanni Ameglio seizes the island of Rhodes lord of the Italo-Turkish war.

{こっちは地中海にある Rhodes

1913/0504:日本映画俳優他 森繁久彌191309、誕生

He is one of the national actors representing the entertainment world of Showa and he was active in a wide range of fields including movies, TV, stage, radio, singer, essayist


1914/0504:日本 東洋思想研究 井筒俊彦191493、誕生

Docteur littéraire, linguiste, érudit islamique, chercheur en pensée orientale, philosophe mystique. Membres de la conférence Elanos, membres de l'Académie japonaise.
Il est considéré comme un génie de la langue et parfois la plupart de ses œuvres sont écrites en anglais, et il est très apprécié en Occident plutôt qu'au Japon.

1916/0504:Jane Butzner Jacobs 191606、誕生

an American-Canadian journalist, author, and activist who influenced urban studies, sociology, and economics. Her book The Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961) argued that urban renewal did not respect the needs of city-dwellers. It also introduced the sociological concepts "eyes on the street" and "social capital".

1918/0504:日本 政事家 田中角縈191893、誕生

Tanaka Kakuei was a Japanese politician who served in the House of Representatives from 26 April 1947 to 24 January 1990, and as the 40th Prime Minister of Japan from 7 July 1972 to 9 December 1974 (his two terms being divided by the 1972 general election).

He was a central figure in several political scandals, culminating in the Lockheed bribery scandals of 1976 which led to his arrest and trial; he was found guilty by two lower courts, but his case remained open before the Supreme Court through his death. The scandals, coupled with a debilitating stroke he suffered in 1985, led to the collapse of his political faction, with most members regrouping under the leadership of Noboru Takeshita in 1987.


中國北京的學生、在天安門前集会游行,抗议巴黎和会和二十一条 ⇨ 五四運動爆发。
May Fourth Movement: Student demonstrations take place in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China, protesting the Treaty of Versailles, which transferred Chinese territory to Japan.
After the recognition of the twenty-first demands of Japan by the Chinese government under Yuan Shikai, and the fact that the victorious powers of the First World War wanted to transfer the former German colony of Kiautschou to Japan, instead of giving it back to the Republic of China, First big student movement in Chinese history with bloody clashes.

The United Kingdom general strike begins.

In Hollywood, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is founded in Hollywood with the purpose of advancing for the advancement of the film industry. The first president of the not-for-profit association to be awarded as "Oscars" from 1929 will be Douglas Fairbanks.


1929/0504:映画女優 Audrey Hepburn 192993、誕生

a British actress, model, dancer and humanitarian. Recognised as a film and fashion icon, Hepburn was active during Hollywood's Golden Age.

for Roman Holiday (1953)

After being sentenced to 17 years in prison for tax evasion, Al Capone began his detention in Atlanta State Prison.

Situado en la Guerra Civil española comenzará en Barcelona las Jornadas de Mayo, batallas unidades republicanas entre sí, que el pasado 8 de mayo de hasta

1938/0504:柔道の開祖 嘉納冶五郎186038、死去

Kanō Jigorō was a Japanese educator and athlete, the founder of Judo.
Judo was the first Japanese martial art to gain widespread international recognition, and the first to become an official Olympic sport. Pedagogical innovations attributed to Kanō include the use of black and white belts, and the introduction of dan ranking to show the relative ranking among members of a martial art style. Well-known mottoes attributed to Kanō include "Maximum Efficiency with Minimum Effort" (精力善用 Sei-ryoku Zen-yō)and "Mutual Welfare and Benefit"(自他共栄 Ji-ta Kyō-ei).

as a child (right)


The Japanese large-scale bombing of Chongqing, the city of fire, the public died more than 4400 people, injured more than 3100 people, the house was destroyed more than 1,200 buildings, homeless up to 20 million people. Chongqing bombing


The CPC Central Committee issued Mao's instructions to the Southeast Bureau: "let go of the development of anti-Japanese forces, resistance to anti-Communist diehards attack"

1942/0504:WWⅡ、太平洋戰爭「Battle of the Coral Sea」begins
 with an attack by aircraft from the United States aircraft carrier USS Yorktown on Japanese naval forces at Tulagi Island in the Solomon Islands. 

Neuengamme concentration camp near Hamburg is liberated by the British Army.

In San Francisco Bay, U.S. Marines from the nearby Treasure Island Naval Base stop a two-day riot at Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary; 5 people are killed in the riot.

première cérémonie des Grammy Awards.

The entire Torino football team (except for two players) is killed in a plane crash.

Nationalized the Anglo-Iranian oil company (AIOC) of British capital.

1953/0504:USA ヘミングヱイ『老人と海』でピュリツァ賞
Ernest Hemingway wins the Pulitzer Prize for The Old Man and the Sea.

Paraguay, el general Alfredo Stroessner tomó el poder y estableció una dictadura.

1955/0504:多能な音樂家 Georges Enesco 188155、死去

un compositeur roumain. Il fut également violoniste virtuose, chef d'orchestre, pianiste et pédagogue.

beginning of Operation Redwing, a series of seventeen US nuclear tests conducted at the Bikini and Eniwetok Atolls.


Vietnam War: Kent State shootings: The Ohio National Guard, sent to Kent State University after disturbances in the city of Kent the weekend before, opens fire killing four unarmed students and wounding nine others. The students were protesting the Cambodian Campaign of the United States and South Vietnam.

1973/0504:PRChina & Japan、共同投資の海底ケイブル工事
China and Japan jointly invest in construction of Sino - Japanese submarine cable.



Margaret Thatcher becomes the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

1980/0504:ユウゴスラビア独裁者 Josip Broz Tito 189280、死去

a Yugoslav statesman.
Josip Broz took part in the activities of the underground Yugoslav Communist Party during the inter-war years, then led various missions in Europe on behalf of the Comintern. During this period he used the war names of "Walter" and then "Tito". Back in Yugoslavia in the late 1930s, he took the leadership of the Communist Party.
During the Second World War, he led the communist resistance in Yugoslavia and, after four years of bloody conflict, managed to triumph over all his adversaries and to reunite under his banner Yugoslavia, which had been dismembered at the beginning of the war. following the invasion of 1941.

1983/0504:日本 作家 寺山修司193583、死去

Terayama Shūji est un poète, écrivain, dramaturge, chroniqueur sportif (spécialisé dans la boxe et le turf), photographe, scénariste et réalisateur japonais.
Ses œuvres, souvent expérimentales et crues, témoignent d'un engagement artistique aux influences multiples, d'Antonin Artaud ou Bertolt Brecht à Federico Fellini et Lautréamont. En Europe et aux États-Unis il est essentiellement connu pour son cinéma, tandis qu'au Japon il est plutôt considéré comme un poète et un dramaturge.



1989/0504:Iran–Contra affair、O North への判決(後に覆る)
Former White House aide Oliver North is convicted of three crimes and acquitted of nine other charges; the convictions are later overturned on appeal.

Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO leader Yasser Arafat sign a peace accord, granting self-rule in the Gaza Strip and Jericho.


2004/0504:地理学者 Torsten Hägerstrand 191604、死去

a Swedish geographer. He is known for his work on migration, cultural diffusion and time geography.
His doctoral research was on cultural diffusion. His research has helped to make Sweden, and particularly Lund, a major center of innovative work in cultural geography. He also influenced the practice of spatial planning in Sweden through his students


2000/0504:日本の競走馬 ハイセイコー197000、大往生
Haiseikō was a Japanese Thoroughbred racehorse.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World