


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 05/01 今日の出來事

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-475 BC/0501:
Roman consul Publius Valerius Poplicola celebrates a Roman triumph for his victory over Veii and the Sabines.


0280/0501(太康01/0315):中國 「呉」滅び「晉(西晉)」興る

In the Western Jin Dynasty, the general Wang Bingbing was approached by Jianye and the Wudi Sunsong was surrendered. During the 52 years of the founding of the country, Sun Wu of the Five Emperors was declared dead, and the Three Kingdoms era was formally ended.


Diocletian and Maximian retire from the office of Roman emperor.


Maximianus 025010
Diocletianus 024412


Map of the Roman Empire under the tetrarchy, showing the dioceses and the four tetrarchs' zones of influence post 299 after Diocletian and Galerius had exchanged their allocated provinces.

King Sigismund of Burgundy is executed at Orléans after an 8-year reign and is succeeded by his brother Godomar.


0880/0501:The Nea Ekklesia is inaugurated
in Constantinople, setting the model for all later cross-in-square Orthodox churches.


Norman mercenaries land at Bannow Bay in Leinster, marking the beginning of the Norman invasion of Ireland.


1218/0501:ハプスブルグ家の開祖 Rudolf I. (HRR) 121891、誕生

Rudolf I. war als Rudolf IV. ab etwa 1240 Graf von Habsburg und von 1273 bis 1291 der erste römisch-deutsche König aus dem Geschlecht der Habsburger.
Count of Habsburg from about 1240 and the elected King of the Romans from 1273 until his death.


Johann von Schwaben lauert mit vier Begleitern seinem Onkel, dem römisch-deutschen König Albrecht I, auf und ermordet ihn bei Königsfelden. Motiv des Verbrechens sind in erster Linie dem Täter nicht geleistete Entschädigungszahlungen des Königs.



By the Treaty of Edinburgh–Northampton the Kingdom of England recognises the Kingdom of Scotland as an independent state.


Les nobles français normand Jean de Bethencourt et Gadifer De La Salle voile de La Rochelle à la mer à la conquête des îles Canaries pour la couronne espagnole - une tâche qui prendra près de quatre ans.


1455/0501:スコットランドで政變劇「Battle of Arkinholm」 Royal forces end the Black Douglas hegemony in Scotland.




Il navigatore italiano Antonio da Noli trovato un'altra isola capoverdiana al servizio del Portogallo e nomi dopo la data della scoperta Maio.




In Straßburg nimmt die neu gegründete Akademie, die Vorläuferinstitution der späteren Universität ihren Lehrbetrieb auf.


Akademie, später Universität Straßburg


Stephen Báthory, the reigning Prince of Transylvania, marries Anna Jagiellon and they become co-rulers of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.




The Ottoman Empire begins with the siege of Candia, a fortress town held by the Republic of Venice on the island of Crete. It will take more than 21 years for the Turks to get through this longest siege of history.



1672/0501:イギリス 文人 Joseph Addison 167219、誕生

an English essayist, poet, playwright, and politician.
His name is usually remembered alongside that of his long-standing friend, Richard Steele, with whom he founded The Spectator magazine.

1711年、友人の Richard Steele とエッセイ新聞『スペクテイタ』を創刊

The Act of Union joins the Kingdom of England and Kingdom of Scotland to form the Kingdom of Great Britain.



Publication of Species Plantarum by Linnaeus, and the formal start date of plant taxonomy adopted by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature.

Die erste Auflage der Species Plantarum des schwedischen Naturwissenschaftlers Carl von Linné erscheint. Das Datum gilt damit als Beginn der Nomenklatur in der Botanik.

Le aiguilleté par l'Autriche Kanzler Wenzel Anton Kaunitz à propos de Mme de Pompadour le premier traité de Versailles entre la France sous Louis XV et l'Autriche sous Maria Theresia marks la venue en mouvement « renversement des alliances ».


1757/0501:En réponse à la Friedrich a déclenché la Grande Troisième guerre Silesian comprennent l'Autriche et la France, le second Traité de Versailles, qui vise à vaincre la Prusse.


Establishment of the Illuminati in Ingolstadt (Upper Bavaria), by Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt.

Der Illuminatenorden wird von Adam Weishaupt zusammen mit zwei Studenten an der Universität Ingolstadt als Geheimbund gegründet, um der Vorherrschaft der Jesuiten in Wissenschaft und Lehre etwas entgegenzusetzen.

Kamehameha I, the king of Hawaiʻi, defeats Kalanikūpule and establishes the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi.


Die Oper Le nozze di Figaro, KV 492, von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart wird am Burgtheater in Wien uraufgeführt.
Das italienische Libretto stammt von Lorenzo da Ponte und basiert auf der Komödie La Folle Journée, ou Le mariage de Figaro von Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais aus dem Jahr 1778. Die Oper wird vom Wiener Publikum sehr gemischt aufgenommen.


1794/0501:War of the Pyrenees「Battle of Boulou」ends,
 in which French forces defeat the Spanish and regain nearly all the land they lost to Spain in 1793.


1820/0501:Execution of the Cato Street Conspirators
Exécution des militants radicaux, dont Arthur Thistlewood qui ont organisé le complot de la Rue Cato destiné à assassiner les membres du Cabinet et à prendre le pouvoir.


1837/0501:日本[幕末] 大鹽平八郎179337、反亂に失敗、自決

Ōshio Heihachirō was a former yoriki and a Neo-Confucianist scholar of the Wang Yangming (陽明学, youmeigaku) school in Osaka 大阪.
Despite working for the government, he was openly against the Tokugawa regime. He is known for his role as leader in the rebellion against the Tokugawa shogunate.



1840/0501:世界初の郵便切手「Penny Black
The Penny Black (the first official adhesive postage stamp) is issued in the United Kingdom.



1851/0501:ロンドン、初回の萬國博覽會を開催 ~1015

The Great Exhibition, the first world exhibition, was officially inaugurated at the Crystal Palace in London's Hyde Park, specially designed by Joseph Paxton.


1856/0501:USA 西部の女傑 Calamity Jane 185603、誕生

Martha Jane Canary or Cannary, better known as Calamity Jane, was an American frontierswoman and professional scout known for being an acquaintance of Wild Bill Hickok and fighting against Indians. Late in her life, she appeared in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show and at the 1901 Pan-American Exposition.



1857/0501:画家ゴッホの弟 Théo Van Gogh 185791、誕生

un marchand d'art néerlandais, frère cadet du peintre Vincent van Gogh. Les 652 lettres que Vincent écrivit à son frère Théo1 constituent un témoignage unique de la vie et de la pensée de l'artiste.


1859/0501:マッチの發明者だが、John Walker 178159、死去

an English inventor who invented the friction match.
By chance he discovered a firing friction by accident, in 1827 he began selling friction matches under the name 'friction lights' and sold much.
But he did not file for a patent. In 1829 imitators appeared and stopped marketing matches in 1830 or 1831.
His match was a mixture of potassium chlorate and antimony sulfide mixed with a rubber glue on the shaft, which was badly ignitable and replaced by a yellow phosphorus match invented by the Frenchman.




1864/0501:パリ、『Madame X』にスキャンダル騷動

Le portrait de Madame X libère au Salon de Paris un scandale.

{この頃、Charles Baudelaire 182167 の『惡の華』や Gustave Flaubert 182180 の『マダムボヴァリ』が公然猥褻罪で摘發を受けてゐた。昨日、死亡記事を載せた、Édouard Manet 183283 もまたスキャンダラスな傾向を本質的に持った画家であった。それらが今や、フランスの不朽の文化遺産だ。

The Empire of Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay sign the Treaty of the Triple Alliance.


The Memphis Race Riots begin. In three days time, 46 blacks and two whites were killed. Reports of the atrocities influenced passage of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.


1869/0501:In Paris, Folies Bergère opens.


1873/0501:アフリカへの侵入者 David Livingstone 181373、死去

a Scottish Christian Congregationalist, pioneer medical missionary with the London Missionary Society, an explorer in Africa, and one of the most popular British heroes of the late-19th-century Victorian era.
He was the first European to be a missionary across the African continent, which was then called the "Dark Continent". He also reported on the situation on the ground in detail and was a person who worked hard to release the slaves in Africa.
He had a mythical status that operated on a number of interconnected levels: Protestant missionary martyr, working-class "rags-to-riches" inspirational story, scientific investigator and explorer, imperial reformer, anti-slavery crusader, and advocate of commercial and colonial expansion.

The journeys of Livingstone in Africa between 1851 and 1873.




Main entrance to the fair with the Rotunde behind


1870/0501:日本の首相の一人 濱口雄幸187031、誕生

Hamaguchi Osachi was a Japanese politician, cabinet minister and Prime Minister of Japan from 2 July 1929 to 14 April 1931.
Nicknamed the "Lion Prime Minister" (ライオン宰相 Raion Saishō) due to his dignified demeanor and mane-like hair,
Hamaguchi served as leading member of the liberal Rikken Minseitō (Constitutional Democratic Party) during the "Taishō Democracy" of interwar Japan; he survived an assassination attempt by a right-wing fanatic in 1930, but died a few months later.




1881/0501:キリスト教的進化論者 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin 188155、誕生

un prêtre jésuite français, chercheur, paléontologue, théologien et philosophe.
主著『現象としての人間』で、キリスト教的進化論を提唱 彼は創世記の伝統的な創造論の立場を破棄した。

人間は意志と知性を持つことでビオスフェアを越えて、生物進化の新しい段階へと上昇した。それが「Noosphère(叡智圏)」であり、人間はまだ叡智存在として未熟な段階にあるが、宇宙の進化の流れは、叡智世界の確立へと向かっており、人間は、叡智の究極点である「Point Oméga Ω点」へと進化の道を進みつつある。「オメガ」は未来に達成され出現するキリスト(Christ Cosmique)であり、人間とすべての生物、宇宙全体は、オメガの実現において、完成され救済される。これが彼のキリスト教的進化論であった。

Proclamation of the demand for eight-hour workday in the United States.

1886/0501:USAシカゴ、勞働八時間を要求してストライキMayDay の起源となる)
Rallies are held throughout the United States demanding the eight-hour work day, culminating in the Haymarket affair in Chicago, in commemoration of which May 1 is celebrated as International Workers' Day in many countries.

1890/0501:世界各地で「International MayDay」開催


The World's Columbian Exposition opens in Chicago.



1894/0501:USAワシントンで、初の抗議デモ=Coxey's Army,
the first significant American protest march, arrives in Washington, D.C.


1895/0501:ソ連大肅清の実行者 Nikolai Yezhov 189540、誕生

советский партийный и государственный деятель, генеральный комиссар госбезопасности (с 28 января 1937 года, 24 января 1941 лишён звания).
a Soviet secret police official under Joseph Stalin who was head of the NKVD from 1936 to 1938, during the most active period of the Great Purge.
Having presided over mass arrests and executions during the Great Purge, Yezhov fell from Stalin's favour and power. He was arrested, confessed to a range of anti-Soviet activity, later claimed he was tortured into making the confessions, and was executed in 1940.



1898/0501:フィリピンで 米西戰爭
Spanish–American War: Battle of Manila Bay: The United States Navy destroys the Spanish Pacific fleet in the first major battle of the war.


Publication du Rire de Henri Bergson.

Henri Bergson 185941
Le Rire : essai sur la signification du comique est un ouvrage du philosophe Henri Bergson paru le 1er mai 1900. Le livre est composé de trois articles (les trois chapitres) qui avaient précédemment été publiés dans la Revue de Paris.

1901/0501:USA、Another world exhibition
Opens in Buffalo, New York. The Pan-American Exposition is mainly known by the shotgun act on US President William McKinley on September 6th.


1904/0501:チェコ 作曲家 Antonín Dvořák 184104、死去

a Czech composer. After Bedřich Smetana, he was the second Czech composer to achieve major worldwide recognition.
Following Smetana's nationalist example, Dvořák frequently employed aspects, specifically rhythms, of the folk music of Moravia and his native Bohemia.
Dvořák's own style has been described as "the fullest recreation of a national idiom with that of the symphonic tradition, absorbing folk influences and finding effective ways of using them".




The RMS Lusitania departs from New York City on her two hundred and second, and final, crossing of the North Atlantic. Six days later, the ship is torpedoed off the coast of Ireland with the loss of 1,198 lives.


1916/0501:Jazz といふ音樂が世界へ広がっていく
Le terme de Jazz est reconnu aux États-Unis comme décrivant un style musical.


1917/0501:フランス 映画女優 Danielle Darrieux 191717、誕生

une actrice et chanteuse française.
Vingt ans avant Brigitte Bardot, elle imposait ses initiales : DD.


1923/0501:Joseph Heller 192399、誕生

an American author of novels, short stories, plays and screenplays.
His best-known work is the novel Catch-22, a satire on war and bureaucracy, whose title has become a synonym for an absurd or contradictory choice.


1924/0501:ルワンダ 大統領 Grégoire Kayibanda 192476、誕生

le deuxième président de la République rwandaise, le premier du Rwanda indépendant et le premier élu (26 octobre 1961 - 5 juillet 1973)
the first elected and second President of Rwanda. He led Rwanda's struggle for independence from Belgium, and replaced the Tutsi monarchy with a republican form of government. He asserted Hutu majority power.


1926/0501:ハンガリ天才の一人 Peter David Lax 1926--、誕生

Peter David Lax is a Hungarian-born American mathematician working in the areas of pure and applied mathematics. He has made important contributions to integrable systems, fluid dynamics and shock waves, solitonic physics, hyperbolic conservation laws, and mathematical and scientific computing, among other fields. Lax is listed as an ISI highly cited researcher.
He was one of The Martians. {これは科學關係だけだが、そのほかにもハンガリ人はバルトウクやコダイなどの音樂家をはじめ多方面に天才的業績の人々を輩出してゐる。

1927/0501:日本の洋画家 萬鐵五郎188527、死去

Yorosu Tetsugorō est un peintre japonais, connu pour avoir introduit les courant d'avant-garde, particulièrement le cubisme dans la peinture yō-ga (peinture de style occidental) au début du XXe siècle.
En tant que pionnier introduisant le Forvisisme qui était alors la peinture d'avant-garde du monde cinématographique japonais où le style académique du style de Kuroda 黒田清輝186624 était dominant, la réalisation d'une bonne affaire est géniale





The dwarf planet Pluto is officially named.


The Empire State Building in New York City is opened by US President Herbert C. Hoover. It replaces the Chrysler Building as the tallest building in the world, a status that it loses again in 1972 by the World Trade Center.


1934/0501:電子回路設計者 Carver Andress Mead 1934--、誕生

an American scientist and engineer.
A pioneer of modern microelectronics, he has made contributions to the development and design of semiconductors, digital chips, and silicon compilers, technologies which form the foundations of modern very-large-scale integration chip design. In the 1980s, he focused on electronic modelling of human neurology and biology, creating "neuromorphic electronic systems."
He is also known as a naming person of Moore's Law. The content of Moore's Law itself was predicted by Intel's Gordon Moore in 1965 about the increase in the number of transistors in the integrated circuit.

The VLSI Technology VL82C486 Single Chip 486 System Controller incorporates several devices essential to the implementation of a intel 486 based PC/AT-compatible computer system.





1941/0501:USA 映画 Orson Welles『Citizen Kane』封切
In the New York Palace Theater Orson Welles' movie Citizen Kane premiered.

The film is heavily criticized on its appearance and a financial failure, but is now regarded as a milestone in the Kinogeschichte.

{さう云へば、昨日が命日だったハアストがこの Kane のモデルだったはずだ。

German forces launch a major attack on Tobruk.


Les Japonais occupent la ville birmane de Mandalay.


Two hundred Communist prisoners are shot by the Germans at Kaisariani, Athens in reprisal for the killing of General Franz Krech by partisans at Molaoi.


Forces of the Soviet Red Army liberate Allied prisoners of war imprisoned at Stalag Luft I near Barth, Germany.


A German newsreader officially announces that Adolf Hitler has "fallen at his command post in the Reich Chancellery fighting to the last breath against Bolshevism and for Germany".
The Soviet flag is raised over the Reich Chancellery, by order of Stalin.

Karl Dönitz, von Hitler testamentarisch zum Reichspräsidenten des Deutschen Reichs bestimmt, erklärt in einer Rundfunkansprache die Fortsetzung des militärischen Kampfes gegen „den vordrängenden bolschewistischen Feind“.
In Berlin nehmen sich Joseph Goebbels, testamentarisch zum Reichskanzler bestimmt, und seine Frau Magda nach Ermordung ihrer Kinder das Leben.

1945/0501:ナチスドイツ Joseph Goebbels 189745、一家心中
Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels and his wife Magda commit suicide in the Reich Garden outside the Führerbunker. Their children are also killed by having cyanide pills inserted into their mouths by their mother, Magda.


Paul Joseph Goebbels war einer der einflussreichsten Politiker während der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus und einer der engsten Vertrauten Adolf Hitlers.
Als Gauleiter von Berlin ab 1926 und als Reichspropagandaleiter ab 1930 hatte er wesentlichen Anteil am Aufstieg der NSDAP in der Schlussphase der Weimarer Republik. Als Reichsminister für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda und Präsident der Reichskulturkammer hatte Goebbels von 1933 bis 1945 in Deutschland zwei entscheidende Positionen für die Lenkung von Presse, Rundfunk und Film sowie des sonstigen Kulturschaffens inne.




1947/0501:シシリイで「血の MayDay
Portella della Ginestra massacre against May Day celebrations in Sicily by the bandit and separatist leader Salvatore Giuliano where 11 persons are killed and 33 wounded.


The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) is established, with Kim Il-sung as leader.


Guam is organized as a United States commonwealth.


1951/0501:長崎の被曝医師 永井隆 190851、死去

Nagai Takashi was a Catholic physician specializing in radiology, an author and survivor of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki.
His subsequent life of prayer and service earned him the affectionate title "saint of Urakami" and has subsequently been honoured with the title of Servant of God, the first step towards Catholic sainthood.







The polio vaccine developed by Jonas Salk is made available to the public.




A doctor in Japan reports an "epidemic of an unknown disease of the central nervous system", marking the official discovery of Minamata disease.

The director of the hospital in Minamata, Japan, Hajime Hosokawa, reports for the first time of an epidemic disease of the central nervous system, which is later known as Minamata disease. The disease caused by the uncontrolled dumping of methylmercury iodide into seawater causes the death of around 3,000 people, over 17,000 being severely injured.

1960/0501:USA、"Maharashtra Day"
Formation of the western Indian states of Gujarat and Maharashtra.


1960/0501:Cold War「U-2 incident」
Francis Gary Powers, in a Lockheed U-2 spyplane, is shot down over the Soviet Union, sparking a diplomatic crisis.


The Prime Minister of Cuba, Fidel Castro, proclaims Cuba a socialist nation and abolishes elections.




1964/0501:Computer program「BASIC」
le premier programme informatique écrit en langage BASIC est exécuté au Dartmouth College11.


1976/0501:ギリシア 抵抗詩人 Alexandros Panagoulis 193976、死去

Αλέξανδρος Παναγούλης was a Greek politician and poet.
He took an active role in the fight against the Regime of the Colonels (1967~74) in Greece.
He became famous for his attempt to assassinate dictator Georgios Papadopoulos on 13 August 1968, but also for the torture that he was subjected to during his detention.


1977/0501:トルコでも、血の MayDay
Thirty-six people are killed in Taksim Square, Istanbul, during the Labour Day celebrations.


1978/0501:ソ連 作曲家 Aram Khatchatourian 190378、死去

「アラム ハチャトリアン」(アルメニア語: Արամ Խաչատրյան [ɑˈɾɑm χɑt͡ʃʰɑt(ə)ɾˈjɑn], グルジア語: არამ ხაჩატურიანი, ロシア語: Ара́м Ильи́ч Хачатуря́н (Aram Il'ich Khachaturian)
советский композитор, дирижёр, музыкально-общественный деятель, педагог.


1990/0501:ソ連ゴルバチョフMayDay の公式行事」中止
Mikhaïl Gorbatchev, hué par des milliers de manifestants sur la place Rouge, quitte la tribune avant la fin du traditionnel défilé du 1er mai.




Dingiri Banda Wijetunga became president of Sri Lanka automatically after killing of R Premadasa in LTTE bomb explosion


1994/0501:F1ドライバ Ayrton Senna 196094、事故死
Three-time Formula 1 world champion Ayrton Senna is killed in an accident during the San Marino Grand Prix at Imola.

a Brazilian racing driver who won three Formula One world championships for McLaren in 1988, 1990 and 1991, and is widely regarded as one of the greatest Formula One drivers of all time.
He died in an accident while leading the 1994 San Marino Grand Prix for Williams.


The body of British climber George Mallory is found on Mount Everest, 75 years after his disappearance in 1924.


Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo declares the existence of "a state of rebellion", hours after thousands of supporters of her arrested predecessor, Joseph Estrada, storm towards the presidential palace at the height of the EDSA III rebellion.


2003/0501:Invasion of Iraq:
In what becomes known as the "Mission Accomplished" speech, on board the USS Abraham Lincoln (off the coast of California), U.S. President George W. Bush declares that "major combat operations in Iraq have ended".


Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia join the European Union, celebrated at the residence of the Irish President in Dublin.




2009/0501:Sweden, Same-sex marriage is legalized.



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World