


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 04/29 今日の出來事

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フランス人の Henri Poincaré 185412 が生まれ、
ドイツ人の Ludwig Wittgenstein 188951 が死に、

イギリス人の Alfred Hitchcock 189980 が死に、
アメリカ人の Fred Zinnemann 199707 が生まれ、

ギリシア詩人の Constantin Cavafis 186333 は今日生まれて、今日死んだ。

0766/0429:日本[平城京] 藤原北家 眞楯071566、死去

Fujiwara no Matate was a Japanese noble of the Nara period 平城京.
He was the third son of the founder of the Hokke branch of the Fujiwara, the sangi Fujiwara no Fusasaki 北家房前068137.
He achieved the court rank of shō san-mi (正三位) and the position of dainagon 大納言, and posthumously of daijō-daijin 太政大臣.
His original name was Yatsuka (八束).

01091/0429:Battle of Levounion
The Pechenegs are defeated by Byzantine Emperor Alexios I Komnenos.


1157/0429:日本 奥州藤原二代目 藤原基衡110557、死去

Fujiwara no Motohira was the second ruler of Northern Fujiwara in Mutsu Province, Japan, the son of Fujiwara no Kiyohira 藤原清衡105628 and the father of Fujiwara no Hidehira 藤原秀衡112287.
Fujiwara no Motohira is credited with expansion of Hiraizumi 平泉, the residence of Northern Fujiwara. In particular, he founded Mōtsū-ji 毛越寺, and his wife built Kanjizaiō-in 感自在王院 which was adjacent to Motsu-ji. Both sites survived,
He also expanced Chūson-ji 中尊寺, where he was buried, along with his father and his son.

金色堂に納められた清衡の遺骸を調査した結果、血液型はAB型であり、曾孫の泰衡まで四代直系で矛盾はないとされる。清衡の顔は頬骨の秀でた比較的短い顔で、鼻筋が通っている。身長は159cm、手の形は小さく華奢。四肢の筋はよく発達している。体形は痩せ形。レントゲン検査によると、左半身に顕著な骨萎縮が見られ、脳溢血、脳栓塞、脳腫瘍などによる半身不随であったと見られる。発症時期は快方が見込めなくなった頃に妻が筆写納経を行った1117年 - 1119年頃ではないかと推測されている。没年齢は歯の状態から70歳以上と見られ、史料の没年齢と矛盾はないとされる。

1211/0429:日本 皇族 暲子内親王113711、誕生


その人柄はかなり個性的で、 ……

1380/04/0429:キリスト教聖女 Caterina da Siena 134780、死去

une tertiaire dominicaine mystique, qui a exercé une grande influence sur l'Église catholique. Elle est déclarée sainte et docteur de l'Église.

par Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.

1386/0429:Battle of the Vikhra River:
The Principality of Smolensk is defeated by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and becomes its vassal.


La guerre de Cent Ans Jeanne d'Arc se brise avec La Hire et plusieurs autres hommes le siège d'Orléans anglais et est arrivé dans la ville avec un Proviantzug.

The Siege of Orléans 1428~29 was the watershed of the Hundred Years' War between France and England.
百年戰爭 ジャンヌダルクが劣勢のフランス軍を奇跡的な勝利へと導いた。



百年戰爭は、イングランド王Edward Ⅲ 131277がフランス王位を主張した1337始まった 政略結婚
1420トロワ条約により イングランドのHenry V 138722がフランス攝政となった。
Henry V 138722はフランス王のCharles VI 136822の娘カトリヌと結婚、生まれたHenry VI 142171がシャルル6の死去によりフランス王位を継承。シャルル6の息子で、フランス王位の法定推定相続人だったシャルル王太子は王位繼承できなかった。

Gran Canaria, the main island of the Canary Islands is conquered by the Kingdom of Castile.

La isla de Gran Canaria está dominado por la tarea de la última resistencia de las filas de los guanches contra las tropas españolas al mando de Pedro de Vera y Alonso Fernández de Lugo desde la Corona de Castilla. Los indígenas son esclavos.

And the natives were enslaved.

1521/0429:Swedish War of Liberation
Swedish troops under Gustav Vasa defeat a Danish force under Didrik Slagheck in the Battle of Västerås and soon capture the city of Västerås. The Danish-held castle does not surrender to the Swedes until 01/31 the following year, after a nine-month siege.


太平洋をさまよへるオランダ船、船名は『De Liefde リーフデ号』、元々は「エラスムス」が船名だったが、それは「リーフデ(愛)」に變った經緯は、不明。


外國船の漂着は最初大阪城の秀頼の元に報じられ、その時、五大老の一人であった徳川家康154316 により、大阪から江戸へと回航された。

William Adams 156420(三浦按針)イングランド人の航海士、オランダ船リーフデ号に乘船して漂流して日本に來て家康の外交顧問となった。また別の一人、
Jan Joosten van Loodenstey 155623、オランダ人航海士、家康に信任され、江戸城の内堀内に邸を貰った。そこが現在の八重洲(彼の名に由來)。彼はその後、歸國しようとバタヴィアに渡ったが、歸國交渉が思ふに任せず、結局諦めて日本に戻ろうとするが、船がインドシナ座礁、溺死した。

リーフデ号の船尾に守護神として取り付けられてゐた「エラスムス」像、あの人文學者の Desiderius Erasmus 146636 の木像が今も保存されてゐる(なぜエラスムスが守護神なのか、私には不明)。船のはうは沈没してしまったらしい。

Le cardinal de Richelieu devient ministre de Louis XIII.

1659/0429:日本 04仙台藩伊達綱村165919、誕生

Date Tsunamura was an early Edo period Japanese samurai, and the 4th daimyō of Sendai Domain in northern Japan, and the 20h hereditary chieftain of the Date clan.
Tsunamura’s succession led to the Date Sōdō 伊達騷動 or "Date Disturbance" of 1671, which has been retold in theatre, and has become one of the more well-known tales of unrest and disunity among the daimyō of the Edo period.


1727/0429:バレエの始祖 Jean-Georges Noverre 172710、誕生

un danseur et maître de ballet français. Il est considéré comme le créateur du ballet moderne.
Le jour de sa naissance, le 29 avril, est devenu la Journée internationale de la danse

bataille de Gondelour entre la France et le Royaume-Uni.

James Cook arrives in Australia at Botany Bay, which he names.

# On 23 April he made his first recorded direct observation of indigenous Australians at Brush Island near Bawley Point, noting in his journal: "…and were so near the Shore as to distinguish several people upon the Sea beach they appear'd to be of a very dark or black Colour but whether this was the real colour of their skins or the Clothes they might have on I know not." On 29 April Cook and crew made their first landfall on the mainland of the continent at a place now known as the Kurnell Peninsula. Cook originally christened the area as "Stingray Bay", but he later crossed it out and named it "Botany Bay" after the unique specimens retrieved by the botanists Joseph Banks and Daniel Solander. It is here that James Cook made first contact with an aboriginal tribe known as the Gweagal. James Cook - Wikipedia

1780/0429:フランス幻想文學の父 Charles Nodier 1784044、誕生

Jean-Charles-Emmanuel Nodier est un écrivain, romancier et académicien français,
On lui attribue une grande importance dans la naissance du mouvement romantique.
Père de la littérature d'illusion française

フランスにJohan Wolgang von Goethe 174932やGeorge Gordon Byron 178824を紹介するなど、作家達に与えた影響は大きく、彼の幻想的な作風はGérard de Nerval 180855らに引き継がれた。

1781/0429:American R-War、英佛海戦、マルチニックでも
British and French ships clash in the Battle of Fort Royal off the coast of Martinique.

1803/0429:イギリスの植民地王 James Brooke 180368、誕生

a British soldier and adventurer who founded the Kingdom of Sarawak in Borneo. He ruled as the first White Rajah of Sarawak from 1841 until his death in 1868.

・Brooke was also a model for the hero of Joseph Conrad's novel Lord Jim, and he is briefly mentioned in Kipling's short story "The Man Who Would Be King".
・Charles Kingsley dedicated the novel Westward Ho! (1855) to Brooke.

1818/0429:ロシアのツァ Alexandre II 181881、誕生

Император Всероссийский, Царь Польский и Великий князь Финляндский (1855—1881) из династии Романовых. Старший сын сначала великокняжеской, а с 1825 года императорской четы Николая Павловича и Александры Фёдоровны.

The last Ottoman ruler of Algeria, Hussein Dey, struck the French Consul in the face with a fly-whisk during a dispute over unpaid French debts to Algeria. This insult became a pretext for the French invasion of Algeria in 1830.

1835/0429:Golden Hat of Schifferstadt
During Schifferstadt's field work in the Rhine-Palatinate district the Golden Hat of Schifferstadt, one of four bronze-time gold hats found in Europe, was discovered.


1837/0429:フランス 將軍 Georges Boulanger 183791、誕生

Georges Ernest Jean-Marie Boulanger, est un officier général et homme politique français.
Ministre de la Guerre en 1886, il est notamment connu pour avoir ébranlé la Troisième République, porté par un mouvement nommé « boulangisme ».

Dessin humoristique du général Boulanger « à la barbe blonde, aux yeux bleus », faisant référence à son habitude de parader à cheval noir


1854/0429:フランス 數學者 Henri Poincaré 185412、誕生

un mathématicien, physicien, philosophe et ingénieur français.
Poincaré a réalisé des travaux d'importance majeure en optique et en calcul infinitésimal. Ses avancées sur le problème des trois corps en font un fondateur de l'étude qualitativeb des systèmes d'équations différentielles et de la théorie du chaos ; il est aussi un précurseur majeur de la théorie de la relativité restreinte et de la théorie des systèmes dynamiques.


サルディニヤ王 エマヌエレ二世がオウストリア帝國の庇護下にある北部イタリアへ侵攻、開始


{このイタリア統一運動のなかから、Benito Mussolini 188345 のファシズムが生成されてくることになる。

1862/0429:American Civil War: Capture of New Orleans
New Orleans falls to Union forces under Admiral David Farragut.

1863/0429:USA新聞王 William Randolph Hearst 1186351、誕生

an American businessman, politician, and newspaper publisher who built the nation's largest newspaper chain and media company Hearst Communications and whose flamboyant methods of yellow journalism influenced the nation's popular media by emphasizing sensationalism and human interest stories.

His life story was the main inspiration for Charles Foster Kane, the lead character in Orson Welles's film Citizen Kane.

1863/0429:ギリシア 詩人 Constantin Cavafis 186333、誕生

Κωνσταντίνος Π. Καβάφης was an Egyptian Greek poet, journalist and civil servant.
His consciously individual style earned him a place among the most important figures not only in Greek poetry, but in Western poetry as well.
Cavafy wrote 154 poems, while dozens more remained incomplete or in sketch form. During his lifetime, he consistently refused to formally publish his work and preferred to share it through local newspapers and magazines, or even print it out himself and give it away to anyone interested. His most important poems were written after his fortieth birthday, and officially published two years after his death.




Werner von Siemens führt auf einer 540 Meter langen Versuchsstrecke in Halensee bei Berlin einen elektrisch angetriebenen Kutschenwagen vor. Bei dem so genannten Elektromote handelt es sich um den ersten Oberleitungsbus der Welt.


1875/0429:ロマンスと冒險の小説家 Rafael Sabatini 187550、誕生

an Italian-English writer of romance and adventure novels.
He is best known for his worldwide bestsellers: The Sea Hawk (1915), Scaramouche (1921), Captain Blood (a.k.a. The Odyssey of Captain Blood) (1922), and Bellarion the Fortunate (1926).




1893/0429:Harold Urey 189381、誕生

Harold Clayton Urey was an American physical chemist whose pioneering work on isotopes earned him the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1934 for the discovery of deuterium.
He played a significant role in the development of the atom bomb, as well as contributing to theories on the development of organic life from non-living matter.

1895/0429:民話の構造分析 Vladimir Propp 189507、誕生

русский и советский учёный, филолог-фольклорист.
un folkloriste russe qui s'est rendu célèbre en Occident par son étude de la composition / structure des contes merveilleux russes, et qui se consacra à de nombreux travaux sur le folklore et plus particulièrement le folklore russe (conte, chant épique, chanson lyrique ...). Ce n'est que dans son dernier livre, resté inachevé, qu'il a aussi écrit sur la littérature.
Publié en Union soviétique sous le titre Morphologie du conte en 1928, son premier ouvrage que lui-même intitulait Morphologie du conte merveilleux, provoque une polémique importante en France dans les années 1970, lorsqu'il est traduit et publié en français, polémique due notamment à des malentendus linguistiques et culturels.

1899/0429:JazzBandMaster Duke Ellington 189974、誕生

Edward Kennedy "Duke" Ellington was an American composer, pianist, and bandleader of a jazz orchestra, which he led from 1923 until his death in a career spanning over fifty years.


Avec une course record du fonctionnement électrique La Jamais Contente le Français Camille Jenatzy est le premier véhicule de pays atteint une vitesse de plus de 100 km/h.


1901/0429:日本 皇族 124熈仁昭和190189天皇、誕生

Hirohito was the 124th Emperor of Japan according to the traditional order of succession, reigning from 25 December 1926, until his death.

Emperor Hirohito after his enthronement ceremony in 1928,
 dressed in sokutai 束帶


Ozaki Hotsumi was an Imperial Japanese journalist working for the Asahi Shimbun newspaper, communist, Soviet Union intelligence agent, and an advisor to Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe.
The only Japanese person to be hanged for treason (under the guise of the Peace Preservation Law) by the Japanese government during World War II, Ozaki is well known as an informant of the Soviet agent Richard Sorge.


Nakahara Chūya était un poète japonais.
Beaucoup le qualifient de « Rimbaud japonais » pour ses affinités avec le poète français dont il traduisit les poèmes en 1934 ainsi qu'une partie de la correspondance avec Paul Verlaine. Il traduisit aussi certains poèmes de Baudelaire et d'autres, de Francis Carco. Parmi ses poèmes, Asa no uta et Asei sont considérés comme ses chefs-d’œuvre. Avant-gardiste, Chûya est l'un des grands rénovateurs de la poésie japonaise.

1907/0429:USA 映画監督 Fred Zinnemann 199707、誕生

an Austrian-born American film director. He won four Academy Awards for directing films in various genres, including thrillers, westerns, film noir and play adaptations. He made 25 feature films during his 50-year career.
Some of his most notable films were The Men (1950), High Noon (1952), From Here to Eternity (1953), Oklahoma! (1955), The Nun's Story (1959), A Man For All Seasons (1966), The Day of the Jackal (1973), and Julia (1977).
His films have received 65 Oscar nominations, winning 24.



The telephone switch ("dial") developed by the company Siemens & Halske and still used to this day is patent pending.

Gideon Sandback is granted a patent for the enclosure.

The British 6th Indian Division surrenders to Ottoman Forces at the Siege of Kut in one of the largest surrenders of British forces up to that point.

1916/0429:アイルランド「Easter Rising」
After five days of fighting, the insurgents of the Easter revolt surrendered in Ireland. The fighting of the Irish Volunteers under Patrick Pearse and the Irish Citizen Army by James Connolly against the British Army cost more than 1,000 people.

1926/0429:USA NetWorkエンジニア Paul Baran 192611、誕生

a Polish-born Jewish American engineer who was a pioneer in the development of computer networks. He was one of the two independent inventors of packet switching, which is today the dominant basis for data communications in computer networks worldwide, and went on to start several companies and develop other technologies that are an essential part of modern digital communication.



The first meeting of the founding committee of the American Society of Rheology marks the birthdays of modern rheology.

1930/0429:日本の女優 岸田今日子193006、誕生

Kishida Kyōko was a Japanese actress, voice actress, and writer of children's books.
She is perhaps best known for her role in the 1964 film Woman in the Dunes.



1933/0429:Constantin Cavafis 186333、死去

Κωνσταντίνος Π. Καβάφης was an Egyptian Greek poet, journalist and civil servant.
His consciously individual style earned him a place among the most important figures not only in Greek poetry, but in Western poetry as well.
Cavafy wrote 154 poems, while dozens more remained incomplete or in sketch form. During his lifetime, he consistently refused to formally publish his work and preferred to share it through local newspapers and magazines, or even print it out himself and give it away to anyone interested. His most important poems were written after his fortieth birthday, and officially published two years after his death.

http://tinyurl.com/ydkmmmw Constantine P. Cavafy 原詩と英訳

1937/0429:ナイロン發明者 Wallace Hume Carothers 189637、自殺

an American chemist, inventor and the leader of organic chemistry at DuPont, credited with the invention of nylon.

On April 28, 1937, Carothers went to the Experimental Station to work. He committed suicide in a hotel room in Philadelphia the next day by taking cyanide dissolved in lemon juice, knowing that the ingestion of cyanide in an acidic solution would greatly intensify the speed and effect of the poison. No note was found.

British agent Nancy Wake, a leading figure in the French Resistance and the Gestapo's most wanted person, parachutes back into France to be a liaison between London and the local maquis group.

Dachau concentration camp is liberated by United States troops.

Das Konzentrationslager Dachau wird im Zweiten Weltkrieg als vorletztes aller KZ von einem Bataillon der 7. US-Armee befreit. Dabei kommt es zum Dachau-Massaker durch ehemalige Häftlinge und US-Soldaten an Angehörigen der Schutzstaffel.

The German army in Italy unconditionally surrenders to the Allies.



前日、パルチザンによって銃殺された Benito Mussolini 188345 とその愛人 Claretta Petacci の死體、ミラノのロレト広場で逆さ吊りにして晒される。




Kurz nach Mitternacht heiratet Adolf Hitler im Berliner Führerbunker seine langjährige Freundin Eva Braun. Trauzeugen sind Joseph Goebbels und Martin Bormann.

Führerbunker: Adolf Hitler marries his longtime partner Eva Braun in a Berlin bunker and designates Admiral Karl Dönitz as his successor; Hitler and Braun both commit suicide the following day.

The International Military Tribunal for the Far East convenes and indicts former Prime Minister of Japan Hideki Tojo and 28 former Japanese leaders for war crimes.

With the reading of the indictment, the Tokyo process against the former Prime Minister and Chief of Staff Hideki Tōjō and 25 other leading Japanese officers and politicians begins because of conspiracy against world peace, murder, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

1947/0429:USA 経済学 Irving Fisher 186747、死去

an American economist, statistician, inventor, and Progressive social campaigner. He was one of the earliest American neoclassical economists, though his later work on debt deflation has been embraced by the Post-Keynesian school.
Joseph Schumpeter described him as "the greatest economist the United States has ever produced", an assessment later repeated by James Tobin and Milton Friedman.

Fisher was also an active social and health campaigner, as well as an advocate of vegetarianism, Prohibition, and eugenics.

1951/0429:論理哲學思想 Ludwig Wittgenstein 188951、死去

einer der bedeutendsten Philosophen des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Er lieferte bedeutende Beiträge zur Philosophie der Logik, der Sprache und des Bewusstseins. Seine beiden Hauptwerke Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung (Tractatus logico-philosophicus 1921) und Philosophische Untersuchungen (1953, postum) wurden zu wichtigen Bezugspunkten zweier philosophischer Schulen, des Logischen Positivismus und der Analytischen Sprachphilosophie. Sein rund 20.000 Seiten umfassender philosophischer Nachlass wurde Ende Oktober 2017 in die Liste des Weltdokumentenerbes eingetragen.



Tibetan delegates to the Central People's Government arrive in Beijing and draft a Seventeen Point Agreement for Chinese sovereignty and Tibetan autonomy.

1953/0429:モンマルトルの画家 Moïse Kisling 189153、死去

モイズ キスリング un peintre français d'origine polonaise, rattaché à l'École de Paris.

par Amedeo Modigliani 188420

Portrait of Rénée Kisling

1954/0429:PRChina とインド、ひとつの協定に調印


1962/0429:日本の哲學者 田邊元188562、死去

Tanabe Hajime ist ein japanischer Philosoph, Schüler Shinrans, Kitaro Nishidas und Martin Heideggers.

Am Berliner Schillertheater hat das Drama Die Verfolgung und Ermordung Jean Paul Marats dargestellt durch die Schauspielgruppe des Hospizes zu Charenton unter Anleitung des Herrn de Sade von Peter Weiss unter der Regie des polnischen Regisseurs Konrad Swinarski Uraufführung. Das Stück erlebt vehementen Beifall und einzelne Buhrufe und wird in der Folge ein weltweiter Erfolg.

{私は Pブルックが映画化した『マラ/サド』のを見て、同じ頃に見たGロウシャのブラジル映画『アントニオ・ダス・モルテス』と並べるやうにして、それまでにはない映画的感動を覺えてゐたものであった。


1967/0429:USA 映画監督 Anthony Mann 190667、死去

American actor and film director, most notably of film noir and Westerns. As a director, he often collaborated with the cinematographer John Alton and with actor James Stewart in his Westerns.

The controversial musical Hair, a product of the hippie counter-culture and sexual revolution of the 1960s, opens at the Biltmore Theatre on Broadway, with some of its songs becoming anthems of the anti-Vietnam War movement.

1970/0429:Vietnam War:
United States and South Vietnamese forces invade Cambodia to hunt Viet Cong.

About 20,000 US soldiers are invading the neighboring Cambodia in the Vietnam War in the search for Vietcong bases. In the United States, this invasion provoked harsh student protests.



1974/0429:Watergate scandal:
United States President R Nixon announces the release of edited transcripts of White House tape recordings relating to the scandal.

1975/0429:Vietnam War: Operation Frequent Wind
 The U.S. begins to evacuate U.S. citizens from Saigon before an expected North Vietnamese takeover. U.S. involvement in the war comes to an end.

Operation Frequent Wind:ベトナム戦争末期、陥落寸前の南ベトナムの首都サイゴンからの航空機により行われた脱出作戦。当初の作戦暗号名 "Talon Vise" だったが、暴露された急遽 Frequet Wind になったお粗末。



1978/0429:日本の日本畫家 安田靫彦188478、死去

Yasuda Yukihiko est le nom d'artiste d'une figure majeure de la peinture japonaise de l'ère Taishō et du début de l'ère Shōwa, qui est considéré comme l'un des fondateurs de la technique nihonga.


1980/0429:サスペンススリラ Alfred Hitchcock 189980、死去

an English film director and producer, widely regarded as one of the most influential filmmakers in the history of cinema.
Known as "the Master of Suspense", he directed 53 feature films in a career spanning six decades, becoming as well-known as any of his actors thanks to his many interviews, his cameo roles in most of his films, and his hosting of Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1955–1965).


la Chine compte désormais plus d’un milliard d’habitants.


Los Angeles riots: Riots in Los Angeles, following the acquittal of police officers charged with excessive force in the beating of Rodney King. Over the next three days 53 people are killed and hundreds of buildings are destroyed.

Les quatre policiers blancs de Los Angeles filmés le 3 mars 1991 en train de passer à tabac l’automobiliste noir Rodney King sont acquittés de tous les chefs d’inculpation qui pesaient contre eux, sauf un. Des émeutes font une cinquantaine de morts.

The Chemical Weapons Convention of 1993 enters into force, outlawing the production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons by its signatories.

1999/0429:日本の猫(駅長)たま 199915、誕生

Tama was a female calico cat who gained fame for being a station master and operating officer at Kishi Station on the Kishigawa Line in Kinokawa, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan.


2006/0429:USA 経済学 John K Galbraith 190806、死去

a Canadian-born economist, public official, and diplomat, and a leading proponent of 20th-century American liberalism. His books on economic topics were bestsellers from the 1950s through the 2000s, during which time Galbraith fulfilled the role of public intellectual. As an economist, he leaned toward post-Keynesian economics from an institutionalist perspective.

Among his works was a trilogy on economics, American Capitalism (1952), The Affluent Society (1958), and The New Industrial State (1967). Some of his work has been criticized by economists like Milton Friedman, Paul Krugman, and Robert Solow.

The Wedding of Prince William & Catherine Middleton takes place at Westminster Abbey in London.


2008/0429:LSDの發見?發明? Albert Hofmann 190608、死去

a Swiss scientist known best for being the first person to synthesize, ingest, and learn of the psychedelic effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). Hofmann was also the first person to isolate, synthesize, and name the principal psychedelic mushroom compounds psilocybin and psilocin



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World