


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
今日が命日の Francis Bacon 190992 『The Head IV』

歴史暦:古今東西 04/28 今日の出來事

學名 Rosmarinus は「海の滴」だとか

The Parthian king, Artabanos IV, is defeated by the Sassanian Ardashir I, who succeeds in establishing the Sassanian rule over Persia.


The Sasanian dynasty was named after Sasan, the eponymous ancestor of the dynasty. It was founded by Ardashir I in 224, who defeated the last Parthian (Arsacid) king, Artabanus IV (Persian: اردوان Ardavan)[

 Parthia, shaded yellow, alongside the Seleucid Empire (blue) and the Roman Republic (purple) around 200 BC

Location of Persia

Emperor Constantius II enters Rome for the first time to celebrate his victory over Magnus Magnentius.

Constantius II 031761
Magnentius 030353

On behalf of the ruler of Ifriqiya, Musa ibn Nusayr, the Arab commander Tariq ibn Ziyad relocates to Gibraltar (Jezbel al Tariq). The Islamic expansion to Spain begins with the founding of Al-Andalus.










Rouleau datant du XIIe siècle du « concours de poésie organisé par l'impératrice durant l'ère Kanpyō »(c. 890); 
un parmi plusieurs manuscrits des compétitions de poésie qui ont été désignés trésors nationaux; 
Musée national de Tokyo

 Tōhoku'in Poetry Contest among Persons of Various Occupations (1214); 
Important Cultural Property; Tokyo National Museum

第三回十字軍: エルサレム王即位直前のコンラート1世が暗殺される。

Konrad of Montferrat, elected only a few days ago to the King of Jerusalem, is stabbed in Tire on the way home by two Assassins.

Corrado del Monferrato ??1192 北イタリアの貴族、第三回十字軍の主導者 結婚によりエルサレムの事實上の王となったが公式に認められたのは1192 その二日後に暗殺されてしまふ。

1192/0428:イタリア 貴族 Conrad of Montferrat 114092、死去

a north Italian nobleman, one of the major participants in the Third Crusade.
He was the de facto King of Jerusalem (as Conrad I) by marriage from 24 November 1190, but officially elected only in 1192, days before his death. He was also marquis of Montferrat from 1191.

1220/0428:イギリス、Cathedral of Salisbury、着工

The foundation stone for the Cathedral of Salisbury is laid.

1330/0428:The monastery Ettal is founded
Das Kloster Ettal im Graswangtal wird am Tag des Heiligen Vitalis von Kaiser Ludwig dem Bayern als Teil eines Gelöbnisses gegründet. Zum Gründungsgelübde gehört auch der Ausbau des Verkehrsweges nach Süden und die Erschließung der Gegend.


1423/0428(應永30/0318): 日本[室町]、足利義量に將軍宣下

1442/0428:イングランド王 Edward IV of England 144283、誕生

He was the first Yorkist King of England.
The first half of his rule was marred by the violence associated with the Wars of the Roses, but he overcame the Lancastrian challenge to the throne at Tewkesbury in 1471 to reign in peace until his sudden death.

Coat of arms of Edward IV,

Rose Noble coin of Edward IV, minted in 1464

1503/0428:フランス&スペイン「Cerignola 戰」、スペインの勝利

The Battle of Cerignola is fought. It is noted as the first battle in history won by small arms fire using gunpowder.

1519/0428:Madeleine de la Tour d’Auvergne 149519、死去

, mère de Catherine de Médicis, reine de France.

Nach einer Disputation zwischen Theologen der Reformation und der Katholischen Kirche wendet sich der Rat der Stadt Hamburg der Reformation zu. Die neue von Johannes Bugenhagen ausgearbeitete Hamburger Kirchenordnung tritt bereits im Mai in Kraft.

1545/0428:李氏朝鮮の将軍 李舜臣154598、誕生

He led the Korean navy army in the role of Bunroku & Keicho, fought against the Japanese army.
However, it was a man of undulating career, for example, being harassed frequently by the influence of the internal party struggle and being made a soldier as a result of being appointed to it.

Establishment of the Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas, The Catholic University of the Philippines, the largest Catholic university in the world.

Miguel de Benavidez, the later Archbishop of Manila, opened the Colegio de Nuestra Senora del Santisimo Rosario, the later Catholic University of Santo Tomas in Manila. It is Asia's first university.

1708/0428(寶永05/0308):日本[江戸] 京都で大火(寶永の大火


1758/0428:USA大統領 James Monroe 175831、誕生

an American statesman and Founding Father who served as the fifth President of the United States from 1817 to 1825.

Mutiny on the Bounty: Lieutenant William Bligh and 18 sailors are set adrift and the rebel crew returns to Tahiti briefly and then sets sail for Pitcairn Island.

乘員は唯一の士官である艦長の William Bligh 以下、下士官・水兵、合計46名。ブライには初めての艦長であった。


France invades the Austrian Netherlands (present day Belgium and Luxembourg), beginning the French Revolutionary Wars.


König Viktor Amédée III. de la Sardaigne se termine par Napoleon Bonaparte au cours de laquelle la campagne italienne à Cherasco un cessez-le.

1809/0428:江戸期の大名(薩摩藩) 島津齊彬180958、誕生

Shimazu Nariakira was a Japanese feudal lord (daimyō) of the Edo period, the 28th in the line of Shimazu clan lords of Satsuma Domain.
He was renowned as an intelligent and wise lord, and was greatly interested in Western learning and technology.

Shimazu Nariakira's three daughters by Nariakira

Création de la Caisse des dépôts et consignations.

1834/0428:日本の士族叛亂者 前原一誠183476、誕生

Maebara Issei、Japanese samurai (Choshu clan). He worked as a volunteer at the end of the Tokugawa period, but after the Meiji Restoration, he was executed as a mastermind of Hagi no Ran 萩の亂.

1853/0428:ドイツロマン派作家 Ludwig Tieck 177353、死去

Johann Ludwig Tieck war ein deutscher Dichter, Schriftsteller, Herausgeber und Übersetzer der Romantik. Er publizierte auch unter den Pseudonymen Peter Lebrecht und Gottlieb Färber.

1855/0428:フランス ブロウニュの森でナポ三世の暗殺、失敗?
Au Bois de Boulogne à Paris un assassinat de canon de Giovanni Pianori sur Kaiser Napoléon III de la France échoue.





1862/0428:南北戰爭、Battle of New Orleans ~0501

南北戦争ニューオーリンズの戦い: ジャクソン砦とセントフィリップ砦がデヴィッド・ファラガット率いる北軍に降伏。
https://is.gd/35Gwza ニューオーリンズの戦い (南北戦争) - Wikipedia

1874/0428:ウインの才人 Karl Kraus 187436、誕生

einer der bedeutendsten österreichischen Schriftsteller des beginnenden 20. Jahrhunderts. Er war Publizist, Satiriker, Lyriker, Aphoristiker, Dramatiker, Förderer junger Autoren, Sprach- und Kulturkritiker sowie vor allem ein scharfer Kritiker der Presse und des Hetzjournalismus oder, wie er selbst es ausdrückte, der Journaille.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fd/Lajos_Tihanyi_Karl_Kraus_1925.jpg Lajos Tihanyi: Karl Kraus (1925)

The drama "The last days of mankind" published in 1922 was reproduced in the documentary style of the First World War and became one of the pioneering works of modern political and fable plays.

1881/0428:USA西部開拓 ビリザキッド、脱走して、有名人となる

Billy the Kid escapes from the Lincoln County jail in Mesilla, New Mexico.

Billy the Kid 185981William Henry McCarty, Jr. 母の再婚で Henry Antrim に。
アウトロウ時代のときには William H. Bonney を自稱。


The Vesakh Day is celebrated as a holiday in Ceylon - this is the beginning of the renaissance of Buddhism. For the first time the International Buddhist Flag is hoisted, which will subsequently become one of the symbols of world Buddhism.

 Internationale Buddhistische Flagge


Die Sinfonische Dichtung Kullervo von Jean Sibelius wird in Helsinki uraufgeführt.

1896/0428:ドイツ愛國歴史家 Heinrich von Treitschke 183496、死去

ein deutscher Historiker, politischer Publizist und Mitglied des Reichstags von 1871 bis 1884, zunächst als nationalliberaler Abgeordneter, ab 1878 ohne Parteizugehörigkeit. Er war einer der zu seiner Zeit bekanntesten und meistgelesenen Historiker und politischen Publizisten in Deutschland.


極度の Anglophobia(イギリス嫌ひ)

1897/0428:中共の軍事指導者 葉剣英189786、誕生

Ye Jianying was a Chinese communist general, Marshal of the People's Liberation Army. As the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress from 1978 to 1983, Ye was the head of state of the People's Republic of China.


1898/0428:日本の洋画家 佐伯祐三189828、誕生

Saeki Yuzō est un peintre japonais influencé par le modernisme et le fauvisme européens du début du XXe siècle.


1900/0428:ナチスドイツ Heinrich Müller 190045、誕生

ein deutscher Mitarbeiter der Geheimen Staatspolizei (Gestapo, Amt IV im Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA)) und ab Oktober 1939
Leiter dieser Behörde, zuletzt im Rang eines SS-Gruppenführers und Generalleutnants der Polizei.


1902/0428:歴史の終り論者 Alexandre Kojève 190268、誕生

Александр Владимирович Кожевников, est un philosophe français d'origine russe qui a renouvelé l'étude de Hegel en France.
Personnage controversé et mystérieux, Kojève, longtemps soupçonné d'être un agent soviétique, reste une figure de toute première importance dans la réflexion sur la philosophie politique.

Hegel の「ナポレオンに具現化された歴史の終焉」の一節がコジェヴに啓示をあたへた。

1903/0428:USA 科学者 Josiah Willard Gibbs 183903、死去

an American scientist who made important theoretical contributions to physics, chemistry, and mathematics.
His work on the applications of thermodynamics was instrumental in transforming physical chemistry into a rigorous inductive science.
Together with James Clerk Maxwell 183179l and Ludwig Boltzmann, he created statistical mechanics (a term that he coined), explaining the laws of thermodynamics as consequences of the statistical properties of ensembles of the possible states of a physical system composed of many particles.
Gibbs also worked on the application of Maxwell's equations to problems in physical optics. As a mathematician, he invented modern vector calculus (independently of the British scientist Oliver Heaviside, who carried out similar work during the same period).


1906/0428:不完全性定理 Kurt Gödel 190678、誕生

ein österreichisch-amerikanischer Mathematiker, Philosoph und einer der bedeutendsten Logiker des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er leistete maßgebliche Beiträge zur Prädikatenlogik (Vollständigkeit und Entscheidungsproblem in der Arithmetik und der axiomatischen Mengenlehre), zu den Beziehungen der intuitionistischen Logik sowohl zur klassischen Logik als auch zur Modallogik sowie zur Relativitätstheorie in der Physik.



Fondation de l'Association mondiale d'espéranto.

Hector Hodler founds the Universala Esperanto-Asocio, which in the course of its history develops into the largest organization of Esperanto speakers.


1916/0428:ランボルギニ創業 Ferruccio Lamborghini 191693、誕生

un imprenditore italiano fondatore della casa automobilistica Lamborghini.

Lamborghini accanto ad un esemplare della Miura

Azerbaijan is added to the Soviet Union.

The Russian Red Army marched into Azerbaijan and ended the independence of the young country with the establishment of an occupation regime in Baku.


A Paris, l'exposition internationale des Arts Décoratifs et industriels modernes a ouvert, ce qui était du même nom pour le Kuntbewegung Art Déco.



1926/0428:USA 小説家 Harper Lee 102616、誕生

Nelle Harper Lee, better known by her pen name Harper Lee, was an American novelist widely known for To Kill a Mockingbird, published in 1960.
Immediately successful, it won the 1961 Pulitzer Prize and has become a classic of modern American literature.

≫ I never expected any sort of success with Mockingbird. I was hoping for a quick and merciful death at the hands of the reviewers, but at the same time I sort of hoped someone would like it enough to give me encouragement. Public encouragement. I hoped for a little, as I said, but I got rather a whole lot, and in some ways this was just about as frightening as the quick, merciful death I'd expected. — Harper Lee, quoted in Newquist, 1964

1928/0428:フランス 前衛藝術 Yves Klein 192864、誕生

Malgré une carrière artistique assez courte (1954-1962), il est considéré comme l'un des plus importants protagonistes de l'avant-garde picturale de l'après-guerre. Il est notamment connu pour son bleu (IKB pour International Klein Blue), qu'il a appliqué sur de nombreuses œuvres.
Il recherche toute sa vie un travail pictural d'ordre spirituel, ce qui l'amena à intervenir dans l'espace public. Selon lui la peinture est « comme la fenêtre d'une prison, où les lignes, les contours, les formes et la composition sont déterminés par les barreaux ». Ses tableaux monochromes l'ont libéré de ces contraintes1.

71 cm snow in South of Pennsylvania


Chinese Communist Party leader Mao Zedong led the Autumn Harvest uprising troops and Zhu De led the Nanchang Uprising troops to join forces in Jinggangshan.

1937/0428:イラク大統領 Saddam Hussein 193706、誕生

Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti
( صدام حسين عبد المجيد التكريتي Ṣaddām Ḥusayn ʿAbd al-Maǧīd al-Tikrītī) was President of Iraq from 16 July 1979 until 9 April 2003.
A leading member of the revolutionary Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party, and later, the Baghdad-based Ba'ath Party and its regional organization the Iraqi Ba'ath Party—which espoused Ba'athism, a mix of Arab nationalism and socialism—Saddam played a key role in the 1968 coup (later referred to as the 17 July Revolution) that brought the party to power in Iraq.

Inauguration des studios cinématographiques italien Cinecittà en présence de Benito Mussolini.




1941/0428:クロアチア、Ustaše massacre 

nearly 200 Serbs in the village of Gudovac, the first massacre of their genocidal campaign against Serbs of the Independent State of Croatia.

1944/0428:大菩薩峠の作者 中里介山188544、死去

Nakazato Kaizan、A Japanese novelist. Author of long story novel "大菩薩峠 Big Bodhisattva Pass".


Nine German E-boats attacked

 US and UK units during Exercise Tiger, the rehearsal for the Normandy landings, killing 946.

1945/0428:WWⅡ、ムッソリニ捕まり、銃殺され逆さ吊りにBenito Mussolini e la sua compagna Clara Petacci, catturati a Dongo mentre tentavano di espatriare in Svizzera, vengono fucilati da membri della resistenza italiana a Giulino di Mezzegra

Benito Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petacci are executed by a firing squad consisting of members of the Italian resistance movement.

1945/0428:Benito Mussolini 188345、銃殺

un politico, dittatore e giornalista italiano.
Dopo il suo successo nel Partito Socialista Italiano, costruì indipendentemente un nuovo fascismo di pensiero politico e stabilì una dittatura a partito unico da parte del Partito Nazionale Fascista.




Thor Heyerdahl and five crew mates set out from Peru on the Kon-Tiki to prove that Peruvian natives could have settled Polynesia.


Igor Stravinsky conducted the premier of his American ballet, Orpheus, in New York City at New York City Center.


The Hukbalahap are accused of assassinating former First Lady of the Philippines Aurora Quezon, while she is en route to dedicate a hospital in memory of her late husband; her daughter and ten others are also killed.

Dwight D. Eisenhower resigns as Supreme Allied Commander of NATO.


Occupied Japan by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers: The United States occupation of Japan ends as the Treaty of San Francisco, ratified September 8, 1951, comes into force.



The Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty (Treaty of Taipei) is signed in Taipei, Taiwan between Japan and the Republic of China to officially end the Second Sino-Japanese War.
In the Taipei Treaty, a separate peace treaty exists between Japan and the Republic of China, which abolishes the state of war existing between the two Contracting Parties since the Second World War.


In Colombo, the Prime Ministers of India, Pakistan, Burma, Ceylon and Indonesia will meet to discuss, among other things, the current situation in French Indo-China, where the battle of ệiện Biên Phủ is underway. Among other things the Bandung conference in 1955 is prepared.

1958/0428:Die der Trinkwasserversorgung dienende Wahnbachtalsperre wird vom nordrhein-westfälischen Ministerpräsidenten Fritz Steinhoff in Betrieb genommen.


With the bomb Yucca starts the Operation Hardtack, which runs until 30 October, a series of nuclear weapon tests of the United States on the Eniwetok Atoll and the Bikini Atoll of the Marshall Islands.



United States occupation of the Dominican Republic: American troops land in the Dominican Republic to "forestall establishment of a Communist dictatorship" and to evacuate U.S. Army troops.
Four days after the putsch in favor of democratically elected President Juan Bosch in the Dominican Republic, the US intervenes militarily with the Operation PowerPack in favor of the overthrown military dictatorship.

Boxer Muhammad Ali refuses his induction into the United States Army and is subsequently stripped of his championship and license.

Charles de Gaulle peut annoncer sa démission du bureau du président français lors du référendum pour le Sénat et la réforme régionale quelques minutes après minuit, après sa défaite électorale.

1970/0428:Vietnam War: ニクソンカンボジアに戦線拡大
U.S. President Richard Nixon formally authorizes American combat troops to fight communist sanctuaries in Cambodia.

1975/0428:Vietnam War:アメリカの負け
General Cao Văn Viên, chief of the South Vietnamese military, departs for the US as the North Vietnamese Army closed in on victory.

Only seven days after the takeover of the office of Nguyễn Văn Thiệu, Trần Văn Hương also retires as President of South Vietnam. General Dương Văn Minh, who two days later can only announce the unconditional surrender in the Vietnam War.


The Red Army Faction trial ends, with Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin and Jan-Carl Raspe found guilty of four counts of murder and more than 30 counts of attempted murder.
Der Stammheim-Prozess gegen die Mitglieder der Rote Armee Fraktion in einer eigens errichteten Halle der Justizvollzugsanstalt Stuttgart-Stammheim endet mit der Verurteilung von Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin und Jan-Carl Raspe wegen Mordes. Die Angeklagten, die wegen eines Hungerstreiks nicht bei der Urteilsverkündung anwesend sind, werden zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt.

On the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure is signed.

President of Afghanistan, Mohammed Daoud Khan, is overthrown and assassinated in a coup led by pro-communist rebels.

1992/0428:イギリス 画家 Francis Bacon 190992、死去

an Irish-born British figurative painter known for his bold, grotesque, emotionally charged, raw imagery.

He is best known for his depictions of popes, crucifixions and portraits of close friends.

 Head VI, 1949
His abstracted figures are typically isolated in geometrical cage like spaces, set against flat, nondescript backgrounds. Bacon said that he saw images "in series", and his work typically focuses on a single subject for sustained periods, often in triptych or diptych formats.

Three Studies for a Portrait of Henrietta Moraes, 1963

His output can be broadly described as sequences or variations on a single motif; beginning with the 1930s Picasso-informed Furies, moving on to the 1940s male heads isolated in rooms or geometric structures, the 1950s screaming popes, and the mid-to-late 1950s animals and lone figures, the 1960s portraits of friends, the nihilistic 1970s self-portraits, and the cooler more technical 1980s late works.

Former Central Intelligence Agency counterintelligence officer and analyst Aldrich Ames pleads guilty to giving U.S. secrets to the Soviet Union and later Russia.

1996/0428:Whitewater controversy:
President Bill Clinton gives a 4½ hour videotaped testimony for the defense.


Port Arthur massacre, Tasmania: A gunman, Martin Bryant, opens fire at the Broad Arrow Cafe in Port Arthur, Tasmania, killing 35 people and wounding 23 others.



2007/0428:ドイツ科學者 Carl von Weizsäcker 191207、死去

ein deutscher Physiker, Philosoph und Friedensforscher.


He was the longest-living member of the team which performed nuclear research in Germany during the Second World War, under Werner Heisenberg's leadership. There is ongoing debate as to whether or not he and the other members of the team actively and willingly pursued the development of a nuclear bomb for Germany during this time.
Weizsäcker made important theoretical discoveries regarding energy production in stars from nuclear fusion processes. He also did influential theoretical work on planetary formation in the early Solar System.

2013/0428:ハンガリ チェリスト János Starker 192413、死去

「ヤノシュ シュタルケル」a Hungarian-American cellist.

1946年には祖国を去り、ヨウロパ各地で演奏、の名を知らしめた。フランス滞在中に録音したが、そのなかの一枚、コダイの『無伴奏チェロソナタ』が1948年のディスク大賞 (Grand Prix du Disque) を獲得し、彼の名を世界的な者にした。


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World