


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 04/26 今日の出來事

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今日、四月二十六日は春の「文化の日」かと云ひたいほど、各種の(私の思想的体験にとっては意義深い)文化的な人物が誕生し、また死去した日だ。 『自省録』の ロウマ皇帝、Marcus Aurelius Antoninus 012180 が誕生し、
『梁塵祕抄』を作った日本の天皇 077後白河112792が崩御し、
千夜一夜の心を持つ William Shakespeare が生まれ(洗禮を受け)、
フランスの自由の女神を描いた Eugène Delacroix 179863 が生まれ、
ドイツの論理哲學者 Ludwig Wittgenstein 188951が生まれ、
近代以降で最も私に氣に入った俳句の作者 飯田蛇笏188562 が生まれ、
日本の内田吐夢189870、フランスのJean Vigo 190534 と私には忘れがたい映画監督が生まれ、

また、この日、二十世紀だけでも多くの重要な文化的事件があった ――

0121/0426:ロウマ皇帝 Marcus Aurelius Antoninus 012180、誕生


0909/0426:日本平安朝期の公家 北家時平087109薨去

Fujiwara no Tokihira was a Japanese statesman, courtier and politician during the Heian period.
Fujiwara no Tokihira est le fils aîné de Fujiwara no Mototsune par sa première épouse, une fille du prince Saneyasu. Il naît en 871. Il reçoit la charge de Grand Conseiller (dainagon) avant 897. En 899, il est nommé Ministre de la Gauche, alors que son rival Sugawara no Michizane est nommé ministre de la Droite. Les deux hommes dirigent les affaires de 897 à 901, année qui voit l'exil de Michizane. Selon certains dires, ce sont les propos diffamatoires de Fujiwara no Tokihira qui provoquent la chute de Sugawara no Michizane. Tokihira disparaît prématurément en 909, et il se dit à l'époque que c'est à cause de l'esprit de Michizane. Il reçoit le grade de ministre des affaires suprêmes à titre posthume.

藤原北家摂政関白太政大臣 藤原基經083691の一男。官位は正二位の左大臣、贈正一位太政大臣

1192/0426:日本の天皇 077後白河雅仁112792崩御

L'empereur Go-Shirakawa est le 77e empereur du Japon, selon l'ordre traditionnel de succession.
Il a régné du 23 août 1155 au 5 septembre 1158, pour prendre ensuite le statut d'empereur retiré jusqu'à son décès en 1192.
Son nom personnel est Masahito (雅仁). Son nom posthume lui a été donné en mémoire de l'empereur Shirakawa ( le préfixe Go-, 後, signifiant « postérieur », soit « Shirakawa II ».)


Consécration solennelle de la Sainte Chapelle de Paris.


King Robert the Bruce opens the first Scottish parliament in Ayr.


1336/0426:イタリア詩人、ペトラルカ 、山に登る
Francesco Petrarca 130474 ascends Mont Ventoux.

1478/0426:イタリア、フィレンチェ、Pazzi の陰謀、
The Pazzi family attack Lorenzo de' Medici and kill his brother Giuliano during High Mass in Florence Cathedral.

Su Lorenzo e Giuliano de 'Medici, di fatto il signore di Firenze, è nel corso di un servizio da parte di un gruppo di nobili a Francesco de' Pazzi e fatto un tentativo Girolamo Riario. Giuliano perde la vita mentre Lorenzo sfugge alla congiura dei Pazzi.

Congiura dei Pazziフィレンツェのパッツィ家(Pazzi)がライバルのメディチ家当主のロレンツォ・デ・メディチらを暗殺しようとした事件。フィレンチェの Pazzi パッツィ家によるライヴァルのメディチ家の打倒計画。具體的には、当時のメディチ家当主の Giovanni de Medici 147521 らの暗殺計画。

教皇 Sixtus iv 141484教皇庁の金融を担当するメディチ銀行を、メディチに對抗するフィレンチェのパッツィの銀行に移動、このため兩家の對立が激化、パッツィ派の Fサルヴィアテがピサ大司教に任じられるとメディチはその赴任を妨害したりなどした。かくしてパッツィ家はメディチ家当主のロレンツォを抹殺すべく陰謀を巡らした。教皇もこの陰謀を識ってゐながら默認してゐたと云はれてゐる。

陰謀の實行の場は、フィレンチェの Cathedorale di SantaMaria del Fiore、ミサの途中で実行された。ピサ大司教のサルヴィアティとパッツィ家のフランチェスコらがメディチの兄弟を襲撃し、弟の Giuliano de' Medici 145378 を刺殺したが、兄の Lorenzo de' Medici 144992 は傷を負ひながらも逃げ延びた。その後、フィレンチェ市民にメディチ家への反亂を呼びかけたが、かへって反撥され、捕らへられ、即刻處刑された。メディチ家のパッツィ家への報復は容赦ないものであった。パッツィ家の者、百人ほどが殘酷に處刑された。
このフィレンチェの事態にパッツィ家と結んでゐた Sitxtus iv は激怒し、フィレンツェ市を破門し、ナポリ王國と同盟してフィレンチェに宣戰布告した。

1489/0426:日本の室町將軍 09足利義尚146589薨去

Ashikaga Yoshihisa was the 9th shōgun of the Ashikaga shogunate who reigned from 1473 to 1489 during the Muromachi period of Japan.
Yoshihisa was the son of the eighth shōgun Ashikaga Yoshimasa with his wife Hino Tomiko.
Since the almost 30-year-old shōgun Yoshimasa had no heir by 1464, he adopted his younger brother Ashikaga Yoshimi to succeed him. However, Yoshihisa was born in the next year starting a struggle for succession between brothers that erupted into the Ōnin War starting in 1467, beginning the Sengoku period of Japanese history.
In the middle of hostilities, Yoshimasa retired in 1473, relinquishing the position of Sei-i Taishōgun to Yoshihisa.


In der Heidelberger Disputation, einem wissenschaftlichen Streitgespräch an der Universität Heidelberg, legt Martin Luther seine theologia crucis dar. Spätere Reformatoren wie Martin Bucer, Erhard Schnepf, Franciscus Irenicus, Martin Frecht und Johannes Brenz sind unter den Zuhörern, die Luther mit seinen Thesen beeindruckt.


1564/0426:William Shakespeare 156416、洗礼を受ける

Playwright William Shakespeare is baptized in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England (date of actual birth is unknown).

William Shakespeare 156416 の洗礼の記録(誕生の日は不明)

1575/0426:フランスの王妃 Marie de Médicis 157542、誕生

une reine de France et de Navarre de 1600 à 1610 par son mariage avec Henri IV. Veuve en 1610, elle assure la régence au nom de son fils, Louis XIII, jusqu'en 1614.
Elle devient chef du Conseil du roi à la suite du lit de justice du 2 octobre 1614, et ce jusqu'en 1617, date de la prise de pouvoir de son fils.

English colonists make landfall at Cape Henry, Virginia.

1717/0426:イギリス 海賊 Samuel Bellamy 168917、死去

Captain Samuel Bellamy, later known as "Black Sam" Bellamy, was an English pirate who operated in the early 18th century.
Though his known career as a pirate captain lasted little more than a year, he and his crew captured at least 53 ships, making him the wealthiest pirate in recorded history before his death at age 28. Called "Black Sam" in Cape Cod folklore because he eschewed the fashionable powdered wig in favor of tying back his long black hair with a simple band, Bellamy became known for his mercy and generosity toward those he captured on his raids. This reputation earned him another nickname, the "Prince of Pirates". He likened himself to Robin Hood, with his crew calling themselves "Robin Hood's Men".

A massive earthquake devastates the Iranian city of Tabriz.

1785/0426:USA 鳥類圖鑑 John James Audubon 178551、誕生

an American ornithologist, naturalist, and painter. He was notable for his extensive studies documenting all types of American birds and for his detailed illustrations that depicted the birds in their natural habitats.
His major work, a color-plate book entitled The Birds of America (1827–1839), is considered one of the finest ornithological works ever completed. Audubon identified 25 new species.

1794/0426:Battle of Beaumont
during the Flanders Campaign of the War of the First Coalition.

1798/0426:フランス 画家 Eugène Delacroix 179863、誕生

un peintre français né en 1798 à Charenton-Saint-Maurice et mort en 1863 à Paris. Dans la peinture française du XIXe siècle, il est considéré comme le principal représentant du romantisme, dont la vigueur correspond à l'étendue de sa carrière.

  1837          1858. par Nadar

Delacroix, Hamlet et Horatio au cimetière (1835)

Napoleon Bonaparte signs a general amnesty

 to allow all but about one thousand of the most notorious émigrés of the French Revolution to return to France, as part of a reconciliary gesture with the factions of the Ancien Régime and to eventually consolidate his own rule.

Thousands of meteor fragments fall from the skies of L'Aigle, France; the event convinces European scientists that meteors exist.

1805/0426:First Barbary War:
United States Marines captured Derne under the command of First Lieutenant Presley O'Bannon.

After the undeclared battle of Prussian Eylau in February, Russia and Prussia decided in the Treaty of Bartenstein to continue the joint struggle against Napoleon Bonaparte.

1822/0426:USA 自然景観 Frederick Law Olmsted 182203、誕生

an American landscape architect, journalist, social critic, and public administrator. He is popularly considered to be the father of American landscape architecture. Olmsted was famous for co-designing many well-known urban parks with his senior partner Calvert Vaux, including Central Park in New York City.

1829/0426:ドイツ 外科醫 Theodor Billroth 182994、誕生

Christian Albert Theodor Billroth、ein deutsch-österreichischer Mediziner und einer der bedeutendsten Chirurgen des 19. Jahrhunderts, dessen Errungenschaften bis in die heutige Zeit hineinwirken.
Er wird allgemein als der Begründer der modernen Bauchchirurgie und Pionier der Kehlkopfchirurgie sowie der Bakteriologie angesehen.

Austrian surgeon from Germany is the first successful gastric cancer resection surgery. He was also a best friend of Johannes Brahms composer.

Billroth im Hörsaal, um 1880

Zusätzlich zu seinen großen Erfolgen in der Chirurgie war Theodor Billroth auch ein begabter Amateur-Pianist und Amateur-Violinist, der in enger Freundschaft mit Johannes Brahms und Eduard Hanslick stand.

1843/0426:日本 幕末期の歌人 香川景樹176843、死去

Kagawa Kageki est un poète japonais de tanka. Ses noms de poètes sont entre autres Keien (桂園, « jardin de l'arbre au caramel ») et Tōutei (東塢亭).


1864/0426:日本 幕末期の老中 堀田正睦181064、死去

Hotta Masayoshi was the 5th Hotta daimyō of the Sakura Domain in the Japanese Edo period, who served as chief rōjū in the Bakumatsu period Tokugawa shogunate, where he played an important role in the negotiations of the Ansei Treaties with various foreign powers.


1865/0426:リンカンの暗殺者 John Wilkes Booth 183865、刑死

an American actor and assassin, who murdered US President Abraham Lincoln at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C. on April 14, 1865.
Booth was a member of the prominent 19th-century Booth theatrical family from Maryland and, by the 1860s, was a well-known actor.
He was also a Confederate sympathizer, vehement in his denunciation of Lincoln, and strongly opposed to the abolition of slavery in the United States.

L-to-r: Booth with brothers Edwin and Junius, Jr. in Julius Caesar
こんな芝居を演じてゐるうちに …… 

1865/0426:American Civil War:
Confederate General Joseph Johnston surrenders his army to General William Tecumseh Sherman at the Bennett Place near Durham, North Carolina. Also the date of Confederate Memorial Day for two states.

17 days after the surrender of General Robert Edward Lee, General Joseph Johnston and his Army of Tennessee surrendered to the Union General William  Sherman at Durham Station, North Carolina, at the end of the Secession War.

經濟共榮圈によるゆるやかな聯合體 {EUの雛形として北ドイツ連邦?、

1885/0426:日本 詩人(俳句) 飯田蛇笏188562、誕生

Iida Dakotsu est un poète japonais de haïku originaire de la préfecture de Yamanashi.
Communément appelé Dakotsu, son vrai nom est (飯田 武治, Iida Takeji).
Il étudie auprès de Kyoshi Takahama 高濱虚子187459 et contribue fréquemment aux revues de haïku 俳句 telles que Hototogisu ホトトギス et Unmo 雲母 dont il est rédacteur en chef.




1889/0426:ドイツ 論理思想家 Ludwig Wittgenstein 188951、誕生

einer der bedeutendsten Philosophen des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Er lieferte bedeutende Beiträge zur Philosophie der Logik, der Sprache und des Bewusstseins. Seine beiden Hauptwerke Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung (Tractatus logico-philosophicus 1921) und Philosophische Untersuchungen (1953, postum) wurden zu wichtigen Bezugspunkten zweier philosophischer Schulen, des Logischen Positivismus und der Analytischen Sprachphilosophie. Sein rund 20.000 Seiten umfassender philosophischer Nachlass wurde Ende Oktober 2017 in die Liste des Weltdokumentenerbes eingetragen.


1894/0426:ナチス党員 Rudolf Heß 189487、誕生

ein deutscher Politiker (NSDAP). Heß war ab 1933 Reichsminister ohne Geschäftsbereich und ab 1939 Mitglied des Ministerrates für Reichsverteidigung. Öffentlich tat sich Heß als fanatischer Anhänger des Führerkultes hervor. 1933 ernannte ihn Adolf Hitler zu seinem Stellvertreter.
Am 10. Mai 1941 flog Heß nach Großbritannien, um die britische Regierung zu einem Friedensschluss zu bewegen. Er geriet in Kriegsgefangenschaft und wurde 1945 dem internationalen Militärgerichtshof in Nürnberg überstellt.
Er war einer der 24 Angeklagten im Nürnberger Prozess gegen die Hauptkriegsverbrecher. Heß wurde am 1. Oktober 1946 in zwei von vier Anklagepunkten schuldig gesprochen und zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt. 1987 starb er im Kriegsverbrechergefängnis Spandau durch Suizid.

Karl Haushofer (links) mit Rudolf Heß, um 1920

1898/0426:日本 映画監督 内田吐夢189870、誕生

Réalisateur japonais. Depuis le début du film japonais jusqu'à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, il était un «maître» qui a continué à photographier une variété d'œuvres.

1905/0426:フランス 映画監督 Jean Vigo 190534、誕生

un réalisateur français qui a aidé à établir le réalisme poétique dans le film dans les années 1930; Il a exercé une influence posthume sur la Nouvelle Vague française de la fin des années 1950 et du début des années 1960.

1910/0426:ノルヱイ 作家 Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson 183210、死去

a Norwegian writer who received the 1903 Nobel Prize in Literature "as a tribute to his noble, magnificent and versatile poetry, which has always been distinguished by both the freshness of its inspiration and the rare purity of its spirit", becoming the first Norwegian Nobel laureate.
Bjørnson is considered to be one of The Four Greats (De Fire Store) among Norwegian writers, the others being Henrik Ibsen, Jonas Lie, and Alexander Kielland.
Bjørnson is also celebrated for his lyrics to the Norwegian National Anthem, "Ja, vi elsker dette landet".


1912/0426:カナダ SF作家 Alfred Elton van Vogt 191200、誕生

a Canadian-born science fiction author.
He is regarded as one of the most popular, influential and complex practitioners of the mid-twentieth century, the genre's so-called Golden Age.


Im Piper Verlag erscheint der Almanach Der Blaue Reiter, herausgegeben von Wassily Kandinsky 186644 und Franz Marc 188016. Mäzene des Vorhabens sind der Kunstsammler Bernhard Koehler, der Verleger Reinhard Piper und der Kunsthistoriker Hugo von Tschudi.
Umschlagillustration des Almanachs Der Blaue Reiter 

1914/0426:USA 小説家 Bernard Malamud 191486、誕生

an American novelist and short story writer.
Along with Saul Bellow and Philip Roth, he was one of the best known American Jewish authors of the 20th century.
His baseball novel, The Natural, was adapted into a 1984 film starring Robert Redford. His 1966 novel The Fixer (also filmed), about antisemitism in Tsarist Russia, won both the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize.

1920/0426:インド 數學者 Srinivasa Ramanujan 188720、死去

an Indian mathematician who lived during the British Rule in India.
Though he had almost no formal training in pure mathematics, he made substantial contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory, infinite series, and continued fractions, including solutions to mathematical problems considered to be unsolvable.

1924/0426:ドイツ映画『Nibelungen 第二部』プレミア
Die Uraufführung des zweiten Teils des zweiteiligen Stummfilms Die Nibelungen – Kriemhilds Rache von Fritz Lang und Thea von Harbou erfolgt im Ufa-Palast am Zoo in Berlin und wird ein großer Publikumserfolg. Neben den darstellerischen Leistungen werden vor allem die Spezialeffekte Eugen Schüfftans gelobt, die dieser mit dem von ihm entwickelten Schüfftan-Verfahren auf die Leinwand bringt.

1925/0426:Franz Kafka の『審判』、死後に世に出る
Max Brod veröffentlicht als Nachlassverwalter seines ein Jahr zuvor verstorbenen Freundes Franz Kafka gegen dessen letzten Willen in Berlin Kafkas Romanfragment Der Process.

Die Entstehungszeit dieses unvollendeten Werkes – vom Sommer 1914 bis Januar 1915 fiel mit prägnanten Ereignissen im Leben des Autors zusammen.
Kafkas Arbeit am Process schritt zunächst zügig voran – in zwei Monaten entstanden rund 200 Manuskriptseiten –, kam aber alsbald zum Erliegen.




この年の四月には、アメリカからパリに來てゐた F. Scott Fitzgerald が The Great Gatsby を出版した。
同じドイツで、作曲家の ALban Berg 188535 がこれも異樣な音調によるオペラ『Wozzeck』を上演し、

Paul von Hindenburg defeats Wilhelm Marx in the second round of the German presidential election to become the first directly elected head of state of the Weimar Republic.

Ein Erlass des kommissarischen preußischen Innenministers Hermann Göring führt zur Bildung des Geheimen Staatspolizeiamtes, der Keimzelle der später auf das gesamte Reich ausgeweiteten Gestapo.

The Gestapo, the official secret police force of Nazi Germany, is established.

The first World Dog Exhibition with 124 breeds from 15 countries will be opened in Berlin. The exhibition is considered to be the largest of its kind in the world.

1937/0426:Spanish Civil War:
Guernica (or Gernika in Basque), Spain is bombed by German Luftwaffe.

La ciudad vasca de Gernika fueron completamente destruidas durante la Guerra Civil española en un fuera llevada por la Legión Cóndor alemana bajo Wolfram von Richthofen y el ataque aéreo italiano Corpo Truppe Volontarie. Sin embargo, el supuesto objetivo militar, el puente Rentería se mantiene en buen estado. Los crímenes de guerra inspiró Pablo Picasso a su pintura monumental Guernica.

https://is.gd/PK16F6 Bombing of Guernica - Wikipedia
https://is.gd/2H1LXy Guernica (Picasso) - Wikipedia


1939/0426:またドイツ、Messerschmitt Me 209、最高速更新Mit einem Flugzeug, der von Robert Lusser konstruierten Messerschmitt Me 209, stellt Fritz Wendel über einer Messstrecke zwischen Augsburg und Buchloe einen neuen Geschwindigkeits-Weltrekord (755,138 km/h) auf, der bis 1969 halten wird.

1940/0426:USA シカゴ学派 George Herbert Mead 186331、死去

an American philosopher, sociologist and psychologist, primarily affiliated with the University of Chicago, where he was one of several distinguished pragmatists. He is regarded as one of the founders of symbolic interactionism and of what has come to be referred to as the Chicago sociological tradition.

1931:https://is.gd/crAvfP 1925年の論文『自我の発生と社会的統制』

1940/0426:ドイツ 化学者 Carl Bosch 187440、死去

ein deutscher Chemiker, Techniker und Industrieller. Bosch, der zwischen 1919 und 1925 als Vorstandsvorsitzender die BASF und anschließend zehn Jahre den unter seiner Lenkung gegründeten Chemiekonzern I.G. Farben leitete, schuf mit der Entwicklung des Haber-Bosch-Verfahrens zur Herstellung von Ammoniak die Grundlage für die großtechnische Erzeugung von Stickstoffdüngern und Sprengstoffen.
Basierend auf dem Haber-Bosch-Verfahren wurden 2013 über 200 Millionen Tonnen Ammoniak produziert.


1941/0426:日本 軍醫 石黒忠悳184541、死去

Ishiguro Tadanori、the Japanese Army surgeon inspector general.


Benxihu Colliery accident in Manchukuo leaves 1549 Chinese miners dead.


1945/0426:WWⅡ「Battle of Bautzen」
Last successful German tank-offensive of the war and last noteworthy victory of the Wehrmacht.

Filipino troops of the 66th Infantry Regiment, Philippine Commonwealth Army, USAFIP-NL and the American troops of the 33rd and 37th Infantry Division, United States Army are liberated in Baguio City and they fight against the Japanese forces under General Tomoyuki Yamashita.

1951/0426:ドイツ 理論物理學 Arnold Sommerfeld 186851、死去

Arnold Johannes Wilhelm Sommerfeld war ein deutscher theoretischer Physiker, der die Entwicklungen in der Atom- und Quantenphysik vorantrieb und eine große Anzahl von Studenten für die neue Ära der theoretischen Physik ausgebildet und betreut hat.



子供たちに、眠りに就いた子供にこの映画を夢のなかで見るほどに見せ続け、燒きつけてしまふのだ ―― と


Forced out by the April Revolution, President of South Korea Syngman Rhee resigns after twelve years of dictatorial rule.

NASA's Ranger 4 spacecraft crashes into the Moon.

1963/0426:In Libya,
amendments to the constitution transform Libya into one national unity (Kingdom of Libya) and allows for female participation in elections.

1964/0426:日本 鉄道事業家 堤康次郎188964、死去

Tsutsumi Yasujirō was a Japanese entrepreneur, politician, and business tycoon who founded a dynasty which became the wealthiest, most influential family of 20th century Japan.

Tanganyika and Zanzibar merge to form Tanzania.


A new government is formed in the Republic of the Congo, led by Ambroise Noumazalaye.

1968/0426:USA ビジュアリスト John Heartfield 189168、死去

a visual artist who pioneered the use of art as a political weapon.
Some of his most famous photomontages were anti-Nazi and anti-fascist statements.
Heartfield also created book jackets for book authors, such as Upton Sinclair, as well as stage sets for contemporary playwrights, such as Bertolt Brecht and Erwin Piscator.

1969/0426:合氣道の始祖 植芝盛平188369、死去

Ueshiba Morihei est le fondateur de l’aïkido.
En adaptant les techniques de combat ancestrales japonaises, il a contribué, avec Jigorō Kanō et Gichin Funakoshi, à la conservation de ce savoir menacé d’oubli par la modernisation de la société japonaise.

Morihei Ueshiba à Ayabe, à 38 ans en 1921.

Fifty-seven people are killed by former police officer Woo Bum-kon in a shooting spree in South Gyeongsang Province, South Korea.



1984/0426:JazzBigBand Count Basie 190484、死去

an American jazz pianist, organist, bandleader, and composer. His mother taught him to play the piano and he started performing in his teens.
Many musicians came to prominence under his direction, including the tenor saxophonists Lester Young and Herschel Evans, the guitarist Freddie Green, trumpeters Buck Clayton and Harry "Sweets" Edison and singers Jimmy Rushing, Helen Humes, Thelma Carpenter, and Joe Williams.

1994/0426:極真空手開祖 大山倍達192394、死去

Ōyama Masutatsu, born Choi Yeong-eui (최영의 Hanja: 崔永宜), more commonly known as Mas Oyama, was a karate master who founded Kyokushin Karate, considered the first and most influential style of full contact karate. A Zainichi Korean, he spent most of his life living in Japan and acquired Japanese citizenship in 1964.

A nuclear reactor accident occurs at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the Soviet Union (now Ukraine), creating the world's worst nuclear disaster.

The deadliest tornado in world history strikes Central Bangladesh, killing upwards of 1,300, injuring 12,000, and leaving as many as 80,000 homeless.


People's Daily publishes the April 26 Editorial which inflames the nascent Tiananmen Square protests

Seventy tornadoes break out in the central United States. Before the outbreak's end, Andover, Kansas, would record the year's only F5 tornado.


China Airlines Flight 140 crashes at Nagoya Airport in Japan, killing 264 of the 271 people on board.


2001/0426:日本の政局 小泉純一郎内閣総理大臣に就任
Jun'ichirō Koizumi devient Premier ministre du Japon

Robert Steinhäuser kills 16 at Gutenberg-Gymnasium in Erfurt, Germany before dying of a self-inflicted gunshot.

2004/0426:USA 小説家 Hubert Selby 192804、死去

an American writer.
His best-known novels are Last Exit to Brooklyn (1964) and Requiem for a Dream (1978), exploring worlds in the New York area. Both novels were adapted later as films, and he appeared in small roles in each.

Under international pressure, Syria withdraws the last of its 14,000 troop military garrison in Lebanon, ending its 29-year military domination of that country.



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World