


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
今日が誕生日の Odiron Redon 184016 の Chariot of Apollo 1910

歴史暦:古今東西 04/20 今日の出來事

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Crusaders of the Principality of Antioch are engaged in the Battle of Artah in their reconquest of lost territory against a Muslim armed force.

1284/0420:日本[鎌倉] 18執權 北条時宗125184、死去

Hōjō Tokimune of the Hōjō clan was the eighth shikken 執權 (officially regent of the shōgun, but de facto ruler of Japan) of the Kamakura shogunate ( he reigned 1268–84), known for leading the Japanese forces against the invasion of the Mongols and for spreading Zen Buddhism.


1303/0420:イタリア「Sapienza University of Rome
 is instituted by Pope Boniface VIII.

1314/0420:ロウマ教皇 195Papa Clemens V 126414、死去

, born Raymond Bertrand de Got, was Pope from 5 June 1305 to his death in 1314.
He is remembered for suppressing the order of the Knights Templar and allowing the execution of many of its members, and as the Pope who moved the Papacy from Rome to Avignon, ushering in the period known as the Avignon Papacy.

Three Genoese galleys and a Byzantine blockade runner fight their way through an Ottoman blockading fleet a few weeks before the fall of Constantinople.

Die Eidgenossen unter Heinrich Wohlleb bleiben im Schwabenkrieg in der Schlacht bei Frastanz Sieger über kaiserlich-habsburgische und Einheiten des Schwäbischen Bundes.

1521/0420:中國[明] 11皇帝 正徳帝 149121、崩去

The Zhengde Emperor was the 11th Ming dynasty Emperor of China between 1505~21.
Born Zhu Houzhao, he was the Hongzhi Emperor's eldest son. His era name means "Right virtue" or "Rectification of virtue".


1526/0420:In the First Battle of Panipat
 defeated Babur, a descendant of Genghis Khan and Timur Lang, the Sultan of Delhi, Ibrahim II. With his death in battle, the Lodi dynasty ends, and Babur establishes the North Indian Mughal empire.

Jacques Cartier begins his first voyage to what is today the east coast of Canada, the island of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Jacques Cartier 149157, qui s'est mis en tête de trouver la route du Nord pour atteindre les Indes sans passer par la longue et périlleuse route du Sud, part de Saint-Malo avec deux petits bâtiments, et le soutien du roi François Ier, à la recherche du passage. À défaut, il découvrira le Canada et le Labrador.

Weather anomalies are observed over Stockholm, which are handed down to posterity in the Vädersolstavlan. The oldest known pictorial representation of the city shows secondary suns and halo phenomena.




1586/0420:南米最初の聖女 Santa Rosa de Lima 158617、誕生

una mística cristiana terciaria dominica canonizada por el papa Clemente X en 1671.

Retrato póstumo de Santa Rosa, lienzo del artista italiano Angelino Medoro. Fue pintado pocas horas después del fallecimiento de la santa limeña, el 24 de agosto de 1617.



Oliver Cromwell dissolves the Rump Parliament.

Admiral Robert Blake destroys a Spanish silver fleet under heavy fire at the Battle of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Freedom of religion is granted to the Jews of New Amsterdam (later New York City).

1745/0420:フランスの醫師 Philippe Pinel 174526、誕生

un savant français : médecin renommé comme aliéniste précurseur de la psychiatrie et accessoirement zoologiste.
Il œuvre pour l'abolition de l'entrave des malades mentaux par des chaînes et, plus généralement, pour l'humanisation de leur traitement.
Il travailla notamment à l'hôpital Bicêtre. On lui doit la première classification des maladies mentales.
Il a exercé une grande influence sur la psychiatrie et le traitement des aliénés en Europe et aux États-Unis.

Après la Révolution française, le docteur Pinel bouleverse le regard sur les fous (ou « aliénés ») en affirmant qu'ils peuvent être compris et soignés. Il préconise le « traitement moral » du malade qui préfigure nos psychothérapies modernes.

1752/0420:Konbaung–Hanthawaddy War,
 a new phase in the Burmese Civil War (1740~57).

1769/0420:アメリカ先住民 Pontiac (Ottawa leader) 172069、死去

Pontiac or Obwandiyag was an Odawa war chief known for his role in the war named for him, from 1763 to 1766 leading American Indians in a struggle against British military occupation of the Great Lakes region.
It followed the British victory in the French and Indian War, the North American front of the Seven Years' War. Pontiac's importance has been debated in the war that bears his name. Nineteenth-century accounts portrayed him as the mastermind and leader of the revolt, but some subsequent scholars argued that his role had been exaggerated. Historians today generally view him as an important local leader who influenced a wider movement that he did not command.

James Cook takes possession of Australia.

The Georgian king, Erekle II, abandoned by his Russian ally Count Totleben, wins a victory over Ottoman forces at Aspindza.

le roi Héraclius II de Géorgie remporte une victoire considérable sur l'armée turque à la bataille d'Aspindza. Ce sera la dernière bataille remportée par la Géorgie jusqu'à nos jours.

1775/0420:American Revolutionary War:
 The Siege of Boston begins, following the battles at Lexington and Concord.

1786/0420:フランス 発明家 Marc Seguin 178675、誕生

, ingénieur et inventeur français

Lecture du Rapport sur l’organisation générale de l’instruction publique présenté à l'Assemblée constituante par Condorcet.

Début des guerres de la Révolution française

la France déclare la guerre à l'Autriche. La Prusse déclare la guerre à la France en vertu de l'accord austro-prussien du 16 février.

1805/0420:ドイツ肖像画家 Franz Winterhalter 180573、誕生

ein deutscher Porträtmaler.

Elisabeth of Bavaria, Empress of Austria (1865),

1808/0420:フランス最後の王 Napoléon III 180873、誕生

Charles-Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte1, dit Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte, est un homme d'État français.
Il est à la fois l'unique président de la Deuxième République, le premier chef d’État français élu au suffrage universel masculin, le 10 décembre 1848, le premier président de la République française, et après la proclamation de l'Empire le 2 décembre 1852, le dernier monarque du pays, sous le nom de Napoléon III, empereur des Français.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/21/The_Four_Napoleons.jpg « Les quatre Napoléon ». En haut : Napoléon Ier et Napoléon II, roi de Rome. En bas : Napoléon III et le prince Louis Napoléon, dit Napoléon IV. 

{まさに「二番煎じ」の喜劇、ファルスでしかないとKarl Marx 181883に貶されるのは仕方ないとしても、同國人の大文人 Victor Hugo 180285 にももっと貶された。

Two Austrian army corps in Bavaria are defeated by a First French Empire army led by Napoleon at the Battle of Abensberg on the second day of a four-day campaign that ended in a French victory.

The Governor of Caracas declares independence from Spain.


Les adieux de Napoléon à la Garde impériale dans la cour du cheval blanc du château de Fontainebleau, départ pour l’Île d'Elbe.+
Traité de Fontainebleau (1814)


Traité de Fontainebleau:フランスと第六次對佛大同盟諸國との講和条約、Napoléon Bonaparte 176921 の退位条件を規定したもの。0411に合意、0416締結された。二百万フランの年金がフランス政府から與へられ、エルバ島に近衛兵とともに謹愼を命じられた、


Le Français René Caillié 179938 obtenus déguisé en arabe comme deuxième européen après Alexander Gordon Laing, mystérieux en Europe Tombouctou sur le Niger. La ville se révèle être petit, insignifiant et pauvres. Son décevant pour les rapports qui ont précédé l'Europe aujourd'hui que sa présence à Tombouctou est mise en doute.

René Caillié becomes the second non-Muslim to enter, and the first to return from, Timbuktu, following Major Gordon Laing.

Skizze von Timbuktu von René Caillié

1840/0420:フランス 画家 Odiron Redon 184016、誕生

Son art explore les aspects de la pensée, l'aspect sombre et ésotérique de l'âme humaine, empreinte des mécanismes du rêve. わが最愛の画家の一人

Alexis de Tocqueville a publié le deuxième volume de son œuvre majeure De la démocratie en Amérique.

Der gestiefelte Kater, ein Kindermärchen in drei Akten mit Zwischenspielen, einem Prologe und Epiloge von Ludwig Tieck, wird in Berlin uraufgeführt.

1854/0420(嘉永07/0323):日本[幕末] ロシア艦隊、またも長崎來航

Евфимий(Ефим) Васильевич Путятин 180383

1852、海軍中將になった。USAの Matthew Perry 179458 の条約締結交渉のために日本へ向かったといふ情報を得たコンスタンチン大公から遣日全權使節に任命され、ニコライⅠからは平和理に交渉することを云はれて、1852/09、日本へ向かった。Pに最初の日本遠征を勸めたのは Philipp Franz von Siebold 179666 だったが、彼のアドヴァイスもあり紳士的態度で日本の交渉窓口である長崎へ向かった。

1861/0420:American Civil War:
 Robert Lee resigns his commission in the United States Army in order to command the forces of the state of Virginia.

Louis Pasteur and Claude Bernard complete the experiment falsifying the theory of spontaneous generation.

In the Roman district of Prima Porta, the surviving statue of Emperor Augustus is found in Villa di Livia.

A Roma Prima Porta si trova, la statua più grande della vita dell'imperatore Augusto nella Villa di Livia.

Astronomer Angelo Secchi demonstrates the Secchi disk, which measures water clarity, aboard Pope Pius IX's yacht, the L'Immaculata Concezion.

1868/0420:アクションフランセズ Charles Maurras 186852、誕生

un journaliste, essayiste, homme politique et poète français, académicien, théoricien du nationalisme intégral.




1873/0420:ポウランド愛國者 Wojciech Korfanty 187339、誕生

Wojciech Korfanty, geboren als Adalbert Korfanty war Journalist, Mitglied des Deutschen Reichstages und polnischer Ministerpräsident.

His historical rating is different; For the Germans, he is a Polish nationalist and a free disciple, for the Poles a Silesian protagonist, for the Silesian father of Silesian autonomy in Poland.

1876/0420:The April Uprising begins.
 Its suppression shocks European opinion, and Bulgarian independence becomes a condition for ending the Russo-Turkish War.

1889/0420:二十世紀の惡夢 Adolf Hitler 188945、誕生

war von 1933 bis 1945 Diktator des Deutschen Reiches.
Ab Juli 1921 Parteivorsitzender der NSDAP, versuchte er im November 1923 mit einem Putsch von München aus die Weimarer Republik zu stürzen. Mit seiner Schrift Mein Kampf (1925/26) prägte er die antisemitische und rassistische Ideologie des Nationalsozialismus.

{二日前に書いたことだが、Albert Einstein 187955 と Charlie Chaplin 188977、そして Adolf Hitler 188945 で二十世紀といふ狂氣の時代を象徴したいと思った私の直感を確信させるやうに、わづか二日のズレでヒトラーが登場してきた。この三人を一人で演じられる役者はゐないか ―― シナリオは書いてやってもいいぞ。

1893/0420:チャプリン&キイトン& Harold Lloyd 189371、誕生

an American actor, comedian, director, producer, screenwriter, and stunt performer who is best known for his silent comedy films.
Lloyd ranks alongside Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton as one of the most popular and influential film comedians of the silent film era.
Lloyd made nearly 200 comedy films, both silent and "talkies", between 1914 and 1947.
He is best known for his bespectacled "Glasses" character, a resourceful, success-seeking go-getter who was perfectly in tune with 1920s-era United States.

1893/0420:スペイン 画家 Joan Miró 189383、誕生

un pintor, escultor, grabador y ceramista español, considerado uno de los máximos representantes del surrealismo.
En su obra reflejó su interés en el subconsciente, en lo «infantil» y en la cultura y tradiciones de Cataluña.
Aunque se le asocia al arte abstracto por su estilo maduro de formas estilizadas e imaginarias, en su juventud se inició en la figuración, con fuertes influencias fauvistas, cubistas y expresionistas, pasando a una pintura plana con cierto aire naïf, como lo es su conocido cuadro La Masía del año 1920.

1901/0420:フランス 作家 Michel Leiris 190190、誕生

un écrivain, poète, ethnologue et critique d'art français.
Il fréquente les milieux artistiques après 1918, notamment les surréalistes jusqu'en 1929. Il se lie d'amitié avec Max Jacob, André Masson, Picasso, etc. Son œuvre a marqué les recherches ethnographiques et ethnologiques.

1901/0420:東方滯在者 Paul Georg von Möllendorff 184701、死去

ein deutscher Sprachwissenschaftler und zeitweiliger Diplomat.
Er war in Ostasien tätig als Dolmetscher an deutschen Konsulaten, als höherer Beamter der chinesischen Seezollbehörde und als einflussreicher Vizeminister des Königreichs Korea.

Er diente dem König von Korea, der in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts König von Korea war, als Berater und ist auch für seinen Beitrag zu chinesischen Studien bekannt. Er erdachte Romanisierung in Manchurian



1902/0420:Marie et Pierre Curie
 réussit à isoler le radium élément chimique.

Pierre and Marie Curie refine radium chloride.

1908/0420:Jazzバイブラフォン Lionel Hampton 190802、誕生

an American jazz vibraphonist, pianist, percussionist, bandleader and actor. Hampton worked with jazz musicians from Teddy Wilson, Benny Goodman, and Buddy Rich to Charlie Parker, Charles Mingus, and Quincy Jones.

1910/0420:日本の都市計画 高山英華191099、誕生


1912/0420:ドラキュラの原作者 Bram Stoker 184712、死去

Abraham "Bram" Stoker (8 November 1847 – 20 April 1912) was an Irish author, best known today for his 1897 Gothic novel Dracula. During his lifetime, he was better known as the personal assistant of actor Henry Irving and business manager of the Lyceum Theatre in London, which Irving owned.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/ba/Dracula1st.jpeg The first edition cover of Dracula


Nineteen men, women, and children die in the Ludlow Massacre during a Colorado coal-miner's strike.
A mining ministry in Colorado, USA escalates to the Ludlow massacre, where the National Guard kills 22 strikers, family members and uninvolved people. Three national giants are killed.


夏目漱石186716、小説『心 先生の遺書』(後に『こゝろ』に改題)連載開始~0811。


In the Pravda, the April of the Lenin will be published.
He criticized, among other things, the Provisional Government after the February revolution and called for the establishment of a republic based on the Soviets, as well as the unconditional peace agreement with the German Reich.

1918/0420:ブラウン管の Ferdinand Braun 185018、死去

ein deutscher Physiker, Elektrotechniker und Nobelpreisträger (1909, gemeinsam mit Guglielmo Marconi), der in besonderem Maße daran mitwirkte, die von Heinrich Hertz 1888 experimentell nachgewiesene elektromagnetische Strahlung nachrichtentechnisch nutzbar zu machen.


Manfred von Richthofen 189218, a.k.a. The Red Baron, shoots down his 79th and 80th victims, his final victories before his death the following day.

Manfred von Richthofen, sagte der Red Baron, wird das Ass der offiziellen Ass des Ersten Weltkrieges nach seinem 80. Sieg

07 Summer Olympics bigins in Antwerp, Belgium ~0912


1932/0420:イタリア 論理學 Giuseppe Peano 185832、死去

un matematico, logico e glottoteta italiano.
Fu l'inventore del latino sine flexione, una lingua ausiliaria internazionale derivata dalla semplificazione del latino classico.

an Italian mathematician and glottologist. The author of over 200 books and papers, he was a founder of mathematical logic and set theory, to which he contributed much notation. The standard axiomatization of the natural numbers is named the Peano axioms in his honor.
He also wrote an international auxiliary language, the 'Latin sine flexione' ("Latin without inflections"), which is a simplified version of the Classical Latin. Most of his books and papers are in Latin sine flexione, other ones are in Italian.

Der Propagandafilm Olympia von Leni Riefenstahl, bestehend aus den beiden Teilen Fest der Völker und Fest der Schönheit über die Olympischen Spiele von 1936, wird in Berlin uraufgeführt.


Adolf Hitler 188945、五十歳の誕生日を祝賀して、ナチスドイツは休日とし、ベルリンで大規模な軍事パレイドを擧行。

US troops capture Leipzig, Germany, only to later cede the city to the Soviet Union.

 Adolf Hitler makes his last trip to the surface to award Iron Crosses to boy soldiers of the Hitler Youth.

Twenty Jewish children used in medical experiments at Neuengamme are killed in the basement of the Bullenhuser Damm school.

The League of Nations officially dissolves, giving most of its power to the United Nations.

1948/0420:日本の海軍人で政事家 米内光政188048、死去

Yonai Mitsumasa was an admiral in the Imperial Japanese Navy, and politician. He was the 26th Prime Minister of Japan from January 16 to July 22, 1940.


1951/0420:日本の歌人 前田夕暮188351、死去

Maeda Yūgure、un poète japonais.




Failure of the Bay of Pigs Invasion of US-backed Cuban exiles against Cuba.

1971/0420:日本の雑文家 内田百閒189971、死去

Uchida Hyakken, également Hyakkien (百鬼園) est un écrivain japonais.


Apollo 16, commanded by John Young, lands on the moon.

Flight 902 Korean Air is shot down by Soviet interceptors.


1991/0420:DirtyHurryの監督 Don Siegel 191291、死去

an American film director and producer.
His name variously appeared in the credits of his films as both Don Siegel and Donald Siegel.
He is best known for the original sci-fi film Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956), as well as five films with Clint Eastwood, including the police thriller Dirty Harry (1971) and the prison drama Escape from Alcatraz (1979), and John Wayne's final film, the 1976 Western The Shootist.

1991/0420:日本 プロボクサ 海老原博幸194091、死去

Ebihara Hiroyuki was a Japanese world champion flyweight boxer.
 His record includes 62 wins (33 Os), 5 losses, and 1 draw. In September 18, 1963, he won the Lineal, WBA, WBC and The Ring flyweight titles when he knocked out Pone Kingpetch in Tokyo, Japan.


1991/0420:ロックンロウラ Steve Marriott 194791、死去

an English musician, songwriter and frontman of two notable rock and roll bands, spanning over two decades.
Marriott is remembered for his powerful singing voice which belied his small stature, and for his aggressive approach as a guitarist in mod rock bands Small Faces (1965–1969 and 1977–1978) and Humble Pie (1969–1975 and 1980–1981). Marriott was inducted posthumously into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2012 as a member of Small Faces.


1993/0420:メキシコのコメディアン Cantinflas 191193、死去

Mario Fortino Alfonso Moreno Reyes fue un actor y comediante mexicano, ganador del Globo de Oro en 1956. Debido a su gran trayectoria cinematográfica,se constituye como uno de los comediantes más grandes y recordados de habla hispana y como el más reconocido comediante mexicano de todos los tiempos. Se dice de Mario Moreno que es el «Charles Chaplin de México».

The character came to be associated with the national identity of Mexico, and allowed Cantinflas to establish a long, successful film career that included a foray into Hollywood. Charlie Chaplin once commented that he was the best comedian alive, and Moreno has been referred to as the "Charlie Chaplin of Mexico".

1995/0420:ユウゴ 革命理論家 Milovan Djilas 191195、死去

[mîlɔʋan dʑîlaːs] a Yugoslav communist politician, theorist and author.
He was a key figure in the Partisan movement during World War II, as well as in the post-war government.
A self-identified democratic socialist, Djilas became one of the best-known and most prominent dissidents in Yugoslavia and the whole of the Eastern Bloc.

1998/0420:七人の侍の一人 稲葉義男192098、死去



1999/0420:USA「Columbine High School massacre
 Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 13 people and injured 24 others before committing suicide at Columbine High School in Columbine, Colorado.

2007/0420:USA「Johnson Space Center shooting」
 William Phillips with a handgun barricades himself in NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas before killing a male hostage and himself.


{この日本史上最強の戰績の井山が中國韓國に混じると優勝できない。やっぱり、勝負の世界はハングリ精神がないとダメなんだらうな。さう云へば、日本のボクサーも昔は強かったが、今は全然ダメだし。ま、日本人全体が「ユルフン・腰パン・キャミソウル」の時代だから。 …… 


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World