


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 04/11 今日の出來事

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1727年の四月十一日、ドイツのライプニッツの聖トマス教會で初演された Johann Sebastian Bach 168550の『マタイ受難曲』を聴きつゝ作業してゐると、
1961年の四月十一日に始まったイスラエルでのアイヒマン裁判の記事に行きあたり、かつて Hannah Arendt 190675 によって思ひ考へた「アイヒマン問題」が甦ってくる時間となっていきました。
ドイツ人の生みだしたもっとも崇高な音樂を耳にしながら、同じドイツ人が演じたもっとも醜惡なる人間の行動を見ながら、ナチス強制収容所長で大量殺人を実行し戰後、逃亡先のアルゼンチンからユダヤ人によって連行され、イスラエルで裁かれ死刑となった、軍服を脱げば平凡なドイツ人男性でしかないアイヒマンの事を「凡庸な惡」、誰もが持ち合はせてゐる惡と分析して人間性について斬新に切り込んでいった Hアレントの論を反芻しながら(スタンフォウド大學でおこなはれた有名な実験なども想起されてきて)「人間性と制服」とか「職業と倫理」とか、人間について悲觀的に絶望的に思ひ考へこんでしまってゐました。

0145/0411:ロウマ皇帝 Septimius Severus 014511、誕生

Lucius Septimius Severus Augustus, also known as Severus, was Roman emperor from 0193 to 0211.
Severus was born in Leptis Magna in the Roman province of Africa. As a young man he advanced through the cursus honorum(the customary succession of offices)under the reigns of Marcus Aurelius and Commodus.
Severus seized power after the death of Emperor Pertinax in 193 during the Year of the Five Emperors

Severus, Julia Domna, Caracalla and Geta, whose face is erased.)

Sul Palatino a Roma si consacrò il tempio Mater Magna.

Palatino はヨウロパ各國語で「宮殿」を意味する(Palazzo や Palace)の語源となった。

Flavius Anastasius becomes Byzantine emperor, with the name of Anastasius I.

Anastasius I 043118 


Emperor Sui emperor of China died in a mutiny and the Sui Dynasty perished.



今までのところ、富士山の最後の噴火は 1707寶永04 の噴火で、噴煙は成層圏まで達するほどで、江戸(東京)でも四糎ほどの火山灰が積もるほどであった。この時、寶永山が形成された。

1079/0411:Stanislaus von Krakau 103079、処刑(殉教)
Bishop Stanislaus of Kraków is executed by order of Bolesław II of Poland.

, deutsch auch Stanislaus von Szczepanów, auch Szczepański und Rurykowicz war Bischof von Krakau in Polen und gilt als einer der polnischen Nationalheiligen.


Batu Khan defeats Béla IV of Hungary at the Battle of Mohi.

In der Schlacht bei Muhi bezwingen die Mongolen unter Batu Khan zur Zeit des Mongolensturms in Europa das Heer des ungarischen Königs Béla IV.
Das ungarische Heer wird beinahe zur Gänze vernichtet, Bela selbst kann jedoch fliehen.

1357/0411:ポルトガル王 João I 135733、誕生

João I de Portugal , conhecido como o Mestre de Avis e apelidado de "o de Boa Memória", foi o rei de Portugal e dos Algarves de 1385 até sua morte, sendo o primeiro monarca português da Casa de Avis.

1492/0411:フランス王族 Marguerite d'Angoulême 149249、誕生

Sœur du roi François Ier, elle est la mère de Jeanne d'Albret (reine de Navarre et mère du futur roi Henri IV).
Elle est aussi connue pour être, après Christine de Pisan et Marie de France, l'une des premières femmes de lettres françaises, surnommée la « dixième des muses », notamment pour son recueil de nouvelles connu aujourd'hui sous le titre L'Heptaméron.

par Jean Clouet, (vers 1530)

彼女は、ナバラの宮廷を人文主義者の拠点にした。文藝を好み、みづからも文藝をなした彼女に當時の文人、たとへば François Rabelais 148353 のやうに自作を彼女に獻呈する者が多かった。

1512/0411:War of the League of Cambrai:
Gaston de Foix gagne sur l'armée hispano-italienne la bataille de Ravenne.

The main participants of the war, fought from 1508 to 1516, were France, the Papal States and the Republic of Venice; they were joined, at various times, by nearly every significant power in Western Europe, including Spain, the Holy Roman Empire, England, Scotland, the Duchy of Milan, Florence, the Duchy of Ferrara and Swiss mercenaries.

Northern Italy in 1494

French forces defeat a Spanish army at the Battle of Ceresole.

William III & Mary II are crowned as joint sovereigns of Great Britain.


War of the Spanish Succession (Queen Anne's War): Treaty of Utrecht.

# Guerra de Sucesión Española 1701~14:十八世紀初頭、スペイン王位の継承者を巡ってヨウロパ諸国間が争った戰爭。この戦争に関連して北アメリカでおこなはれた局地戦は「アン女王戦争」と呼ばれる。https://is.gd/iWT0R0

Europa nach dem Frieden von Utrecht

Premiere of Johann Sebastian Bach's St Matthew Passion BWV 244b at the St. Thomas Church, Leipzig


Britain supported Prussia during the Seven Years War by pledging funds and assistance from newly deployed Kurhannover soldiers.



In the Qing Empire, the upraising of Miroku Faith 's association "White lotus church".

1644年に建國した清王朝は 1916 まで續いたが、その全盛期は、康煕帝165422・雍正帝167835・乾隆帝171199の「三世の春」と呼ばれる十八世紀の時代であった。が、そんな繁榮の時代にも次第に社界の墮落や官僚の腐敗などが蓄積されていった。




Battle of the Basque Roads Naval battle fought between France and the United Kingdom

1810/0411:楔形文字の解讀者 Henry Rawlinson 181095、誕生

Major-General Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson, 1st Baronet, was a British East India Company army officer, politician and Orientalist, sometimes described as the Father of Assyriology.

 …… 彼は、そのままイギリス国内に二年間留まり、1851年に「ベヒストゥン碑文」に関する回顧録を出版。

Conclusion du traité de Fontainebleau, qui consacre l'abdication de Napoléon et son exil à l'Île d'Elbe.

The Treaty of Fontainebleau ends the War of the Sixth Coalition against Napoleon Bonaparte, and forces him to abdicate unconditionally for the first time.

An Ottoman fleet landed on the island of Chios in the Aegean Sea and established a massacre among the Greek inhabitants. The greater part of the inhabitants are carried away into slavery. The only ones which are temporarily spared are the mastic farmers. The massacre is a reaction to the independence struggle of all Greeks.

1825/0411:ドイツ 社界主義者 Ferdinand Lassalle 182564、誕生

Schriftsteller, sozialistischer Politiker im Deutschen Bund und einer der Wortführer der frühen deutschen Arbeiterbewegung.



L'entreprise générale des omnibus crée les premières lignes de voitures à chevaux à Paris.

Louis Pasteur dépose son brevet sur la méthode de chauffage du vin qui va porter son nom, la pasteurisation.

Former Shogun Tokugawa Yoshinobu surrenders Edo Castle to Imperial forces, marking the end of the Tokugawa shogunate.


1885/0411:日本の新聞王 正力松太郎188569、誕生

Shōriki Matsutarō was a Japanese journalist and media mogul, also known as the father of Japanese professional baseball.
Shōriki owned the Yomiuri Shimbun, one of Japan's major daily newspapers, and founded Japan's first commercial television station, Nippon Television Network Corporation.


1890/0411:エレファントマンと呼ばれた Joseph Merrick 186290、死去

an English man with very severe face and body deformities who was first exhibited at a freak show as the "Elephant Man", and then went to live at the London Hospital after he met Frederick Treves, subsequently becoming well known in London society.


1902/0411:日本の批評の神樣となった 小林秀雄190283、誕生

Kobayashi Hideo est un écrivain japonais qui a établi la critique littéraire comme discipline artistique indépendante au Japon.

≫ 日本に生まれたといふ事は僕等の宿命だ。誰だつて運命に関する知恵は持つてゐる。大事なのはこの知恵を着々と育てることであつて、運命をこの知恵の犠牲にする為にあわてる事ではない。

1903/0411:日本 童謠詩人 金子みすゞ190330、誕生

Kaneko Misuzu est une compositrice de chansons et poétesse japonaise.

1908/0411:Sony創業者 井深大190897、誕生

Ibuka Masaru was a Japanese electronics industrialist and co-founder of Sony.

The Titanic of the White Star Line under Captain Edward John Smith leaves the port of Queenstown in Ireland, where a few passengers have left on board, making their way across the Atlantic to New York.

1915/0411:チャプリン、銀幕に登場The silent movie The Tramp by Charlie Chaplin, with him in the lead role, comes to the cinema.


1918/0411:オストリ 建築家 Otto Wagner 184118、死去
Der bedeutendste österreichische Architekt, Architekturtheoretiker und Stadtplaner Wiens in der Belle Epoque bzw. um das Fin de siècle.

an Austrian architect and urban planner, known for his lasting impact on the appearance of his home town Vienna, to which he contributed many landmarks.

≫ Artis sola domina necessitas 藝術は必要のみにしたがふ。
{ならば話は簡単なんだが ……

The International Labour Organization is founded.

Das epische Theaterstück Die heilige Johanna der Schlachthöfe von Bertolt Brecht wird in der Radiofassung vom Berliner Rundfunk als Uraufführung gesendet.

1933/0411:日本のプロ野球選手「怪童」 中西太1933--、誕生

Nakanishi Futoshi is a Japanese former professional baseball infielder, coach, and manager. He spent all of his playing career with the Nishitetsu Lions of Nippon Professional Baseball, and served as player-manager of the team from 1962 to 1969.

1939/0411:USA 推理小説家 S. S. Van Dine 188839、死去

S. S. Van Dine (also styled S.S. Van Dine is the pseudonym used by American art critic Willard Huntington Wright when he wrote detective novels.
Wright was an important figure in avant-garde cultural circles in pre-World War I New York, and under the pseudonym (which he originally used to conceal his identity) he created the immensely popular fictional detective Philo Vance, a sleuth and aesthete who first appeared in books in the 1920s, then in movies and on the radio.

 American forces liberate the Buchenwald concentration camp.

Tristan Tzara, Le Surréalisme et l'après-guerre, conférence prononcée à la Sorbonne.

1951/0411:Korean War:
US President Harry Truman relieves General of the Army Douglas MacArthur of overall command in Korea.


日本時間午後三時、マッカサはそのとき夫人とともに、来日してゐた上院議員Wマグナソンたちと会食をとってゐた。副官のSハフ大佐は、立ち上がった夫人に解任の報を知らせ、「至急報」と書かれた茶封筒を渡した。夫人はその茶封筒を默って夫に渡した。内容を読んだマッカサはしばらく沈黙していたが、やがて夫人に「ジーン、これで歸國できるよ」と言ったと伝えられている。 Wikipedia ja

1951/0411:The Stone of Scone,
 the stone upon which Scottish monarchs were traditionally crowned, is found on the site of the altar of Arbroath Abbey. It had been taken by Scottish nationalist students from its place in Westminster Abbey.

The Battle of Nanri Island takes place.


1953/0411:フェルマ最終定理の証明 Andrew Wiles1953--、誕生

a British mathematician and a Royal Society Research Professor at the University of Oxford, specialising in number theory.
He is best known for proving Fermat's Last Theorem, for which he received the 2016 Abel Prize.

Albert Einstein『ラッセル=アインシュタイン宣言』に署名。


この宣言を受けて、1957より Pugwash Conference が開催されることになった。

In Israel beginnt der Prozess gegen den zuvor aus Argentinien entführten ehemaligen SS-Obersturmbannführer und Leiter des Reichssicherheitshauptamts, Adolf Eichmann.


`Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil` Hannah Arendt 190675 が1963NewYorker に寄稿。





Bob Dylan made his debut in New York City as a singer in Gerdes' Folk City in Greenwich Village, Manhattan.

1962/0411:日本、雪の研究 中谷宇吉郎190062、死去

Nakaya Ukichirou est un physicien japonais connu pour son travail en glaciologie et en sciences de basses températures.
Il est considéré comme le premier à avoir fabriqué des flocons de neige artificiels.

The Palm Sunday tornado outbreak of 1965: Fifty-one tornadoes hit in six Midwestern states, killing 256 people.

President Lyndon Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1968, prohibiting discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of housing.

Apollo 13 is launched.



The Apple I is created.

1977/0411:『枯葉』作詞者 Jacques Prévert 190077、死去

un poète, scénariste, parolier et artiste français.
Auteur de recueils de poèmes, parmi lesquels Paroles (1946), il devint un poète populaire grâce à son langage familier et à ses jeux sur les mots. Ses poèmes sont depuis lors célèbres dans le monde francophone et massivement appris dans les écoles françaises.
Il a également écrit des sketchs et des chœurs parlés pour le théâtre, des chansons, des scénarios et des dialogues pour le cinéma où il est un des artisans du réalisme poétique, et il a réalisé de nombreux collages à partir des années 1940.

Ugandan dictator Idi Amin is deposed.


The London Agreement is secretly signed between Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister Shimon Peres and King Hussein of Jordan.

450 prisoners rioted at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility in Lucasville, Ohio, and continued to do so for ten days, citing grievances related to prison conditions, as well as the forced vaccination of Nation of Islam prisoners (for tuberculosis) against their religious beliefs.

1994/0411:ルワンダ虐殺: 公立技術学校の虐殺


The Ghriba synagogue bombing by al-Qaeda kills 21 in Tunisia.


Over two hundred thousand people march in Caracas towards the Presidential palace to demand the resignation of president Hugo Chávez. 19 protesters are killed.

2007/0411:USA 作家 Kurt Vonnegut 192207、死去

an American writer.
In a career spanning over 50 years, Vonnegut published 14 novels, three short story collections, five plays, and five works of non-fiction.
He is most famous for his darkly satirical, best-selling novel Slaughterhouse-Five (1969).

A pair of great earthquakes occur in the Wharton Basin west of Sumatra in Indonesia. The maximum Mercalli intensity of this strike-slip doublet earthquake was VII (Very strong). Ten were killed, twelve were injured, and a non-desctructive tsunami was observed on the island of Nias.



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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