


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 04/10 今日の出來事

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The troops of Cao Wei led by Sima Zhao captured Shou Chun, Zhu Gesheng was killed, and the rebellion was pacified.
Zhuge Dan's Rebellion, or the Third Rebellion in Shouchun, was a revolt led by Zhuge Dan, a general from the state of Cao Wei 曹叡022639, against the regent Sima Zhao 司馬昭021165. Zhuge Dan received some support from Eastern Wu, Cao Wei's rival state. It was the third and final of a series of three rebellions that took place in Shouchun (壽春) in the 250s during the Three Kingdoms period of China.

Nestorius becomes the Patriarch of Constantinople.

Nestorius 038650
0428 コンスタンチノプルの大主教となった。イエスキリストの神性と人性を區別し、イエスの生母は聖母ではないと主張。ために 0431のエフィソス公會議で異端とされ、國外追放、エジプトへ。0451のカルケドン公會議でも、ふたたび異端とされた。


The name of the temple of Mt. Hiei becomes "Enryakuji" by Emperor Saga.
Mt. Hiei seen from Lake Biwa


Halley's Comet makes its closest approach to Earth at a distance equal to 0.0342 AU (5.1 million kilometres/3.2 million miles).


Louis III and Carloman II become Kings of the Western Franks.

西フランク王國 0843~0987 Charlemagne 074214 = Carl 大帝、ヨウロパ統一=フランク王國 大帝死後、帝國分裂の危機 0843、ルイI(ルトヴィヒI)死後、三人の子に帝國分割、ヴェルダン条約で正式分裂、西部のガリア地方=西フランク王國、イタリア半島北部中心=中部フランク王國、頭部のゲルマニア=東フランク王國 西フランクの初代はチャルル二世、王權弱體 →0987、ルイ五世の夭折でカロリング家斷絶、姻戚関係のカペ家のユグカペが繼承、以後フランス王國

兄、Louis III 086382
弟、Carloman II 086684
ルイ三世は 0883/0805 狩獵中の事故がもとで逝去、嗣子なくカルロマンが單獨の王となったが、彼も二年後には逝去。

ルイ三世は 0883/0805 狩獵中の事故がもとで逝去、嗣子なくカルロマンが單獨の王となったが、彼も二年後には逝去。

1179/0410:日本の政僧 俊寛114379、流刑地で死去

a Japanese monk who, after taking part in the Shishigatani 鹿ヶ谷 plot to overthrow Taira no Kiyomori 平清盛111881, was exiled along with two others to Kikai-ga-shima 鬼界ヶ島.
His story is featured in the Heike monogatari 物語, and in a number of traditional derivative works, including the Noh play Shunkan, Jōruri play Heike Nyogo-ga-shima, and Kabuki.









Philippe IV、史上初となる三身分合同會議(三部會)を開催。

Philippe IV 126814, a tenu la première réunion conjointe en trois parties (réunion trilatérale) dans l'histoire.


Zhu Yuanzhang occupied Nanjing.

朱元璋132898、The Hongwu Emperor, personal name Zhu Yuanzhang (formerly Romanized as Chu Yuan-Chang), was the founder and first emperor of China's Ming dynasty.

Deshin Shekpa, 5th Karmapa Lama visits the Ming dynasty capital at Nanjing. He is awarded the title "Great Treasure Prince of Dharma".

Ludovico Sforza viene catturato dalle truppe svizzere a Novara ed è consegnato ai francesi.

Ludovico Sforza is captured by Swiss troops at Novara and is handed over to the French.

1583/0410:Hugo Grotius 158345、誕生

Hugo Grotius, also known as Huig de Groot [ɦœyɣ də ɣroːt] or Hugo de Groot [ˈɦyɣoː də ɣroːt], was a Dutch jurist.
Along with the earlier works of Francisco de Vitoria and Alberico Gentili, Grotius laid the foundations for international law, based on natural law.
A teenage intellectual prodigy, he was imprisoned for his involvement in the intra-Calvinist disputes of the Dutch Republic, but escaped hidden in a chest of books. He wrote most of his major works in exile in France.

The Virginia Company of London is established by royal charter by James I of England with the purpose of establishing colonial settlements in North America.

1651/0410:Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus 165108、誕生

ein deutscher Naturforscher (Didaktiker, Mathematiker, Mineraloge, Philosoph, Physiker, Techniker, Vulkanologe) zu Beginn des Zeitalters der Aufklärung.

Kirchers Modell der unterirdischen Feuer, Illustration aus Mundus Subterraneus


1685/0410:Pope Gregory XIII 150285、死去

Pope of the Catholic Church from 13 May 1572 to his death in 1585.
He is best known for commissioning and being the namesake for the Gregorian calendar, which remains the internationally accepted civil calendar to this day.

The Statute of Anne, the first law regulating copyright, comes into force in Great Britain.

The Statute of Queen Anne becomes valid in the Kingdom of Great Britain. It is considered the first modern copyright protection law.

Preußen unter Friedrich dem Großen besetzt im Österreichischen Erbfolgekrieg Schlesien und erringt in der Schlacht bei Mollwitz einen Sieg über die österreichischen Truppen.

War of the Austrian Succession : defeat for Austria at Mollwitz on this date.

1752/0410:イギリス 解剖學 William Cheselden 168852、死去

an English surgeon and teacher of anatomy and surgery, who was influential in establishing surgery as a scientific medical profession.
Via the medical missionary Benjamin Hobson, his work also helped revolutionize medical practices in China and Japan in the 19th century.

1794/0410:ペルリ提督 Matthew Calbraith Perry、誕生

a Commodore of the United States Navy who commanded ships in several wars, including the War of 1812 and the Mexican–American War (1846–48). He played a leading role in the opening of Japan to the West with the Convention of Kanagawa in 1854.

Matthew Perry U.S. postage, 1953 issue

1796/0410:アラモ砦の英雄 James Bowie 179636、誕生

a 19th-century American pioneer, who played a prominent role in the Texas Revolution, culminating in his death at the Battle of the Alamo. Stories of him as a fighter and frontiersman, both real and fictitious, have made him a legendary figure in Texas history and a folk hero of American culture.

1809/0410:Napoleonic「War of the Fifth Coalition」
 begins when forces of the Austrian Empire invade Bavaria.

1813/0410:フランス 數學者 Joseph-Louis Lagrange 173613、死去

un mathématicien, mécanicien et astronome italien naturalisé français.
À l'âge de trente ans, il quitte le Piémont et va séjourner à Berlin pendant vingt-et-un ans. Ensuite, il s'installe pour ses vingt-six dernières années à Paris, où il obtient la nationalité française sur l'instance d'Antoine Lavoisier.
彼の『解析力学』は Pierre-Simon Laplace 174927 の『天体力学』とともに十八世紀末の古典的著作となった。

L'Académie des sciences est supprimée en 1793 et un an plus tard, son collègue et ami Lavoisier est exécuté, victime de la Terreur. Cet événement le touche beaucoup ; il déclare à son sujet : « Il a fallu un instant pour couper sa tête, et un siècle ne suffira pas pour en produire une si bien faite. ».

The Mount Tambora volcano begins a three-month-long eruption, lasting until July 15. The eruption ultimately kills 71,000 people and affects Earth's climate for the next two years.


Patriarch Gregory V of Constantinople is hanged by the Ottoman government from the main gate of the Patriarchate and his body is thrown into the Bosphorus.

1823/0410:ドイツ 哲學者 Carl Leonhard Reinhold 175723、死去

Philosoph und Schriftsteller.
Er gilt als der wichtigste aus Österreich stammende Vertreter der deutschen Aufklärung. Inzwischen wird sein philosophisches Denken in seinem gesamten Umfang und als eigenständiger Ansatz innerhalb der postkantischen Systemphilosophie zur Kenntnis genommen, erforscht und interpretiert.

1829/0410:救世軍創設者 William Booth 182912、誕生

an English Methodist preacher who founded The Salvation Army and became its first General (1878~1912).
The Christian movement with a quasi-military structure and government founded in 1865 has spread from London, England, to many parts of the world and is known for being one of the largest distributors of humanitarian aid. In 2002, Booth was named among the 100 Greatest Britons in a BBC poll.
Salvation Army Social Campaign, 1890, by William Booth.

1847/0410:ピュウリツァ賞 Joseph Pulitzer 184711、誕生

a newspaper publisher of the St. Louis Post Dispatch and the New York World. Pulitzer introduced the techniques of yellow journalism (a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news) to the newspapers he acquired in the 1880s.

Walter Hunt receives the patent for the safety needle he invented.

1858/0410:ロンドン、After the original Big Ben,
 a 14.5 tonnes (32,000 lb) bell for the Palace of Westminster, had cracked during testing, it is recast into the current 13.76 tonnes (30,300 lb) bell by Whitechapel Bell Foundry.


Big Ben from Victoria Tower in the 1920s

1861/0410:USA、MIT 開學
William Barton Rogers founds the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as a tripartite facility consisting of "a society of arts, a museum of arts, and a school of industrial science First students.

Archduke Maximilian of Habsburg is proclaimed emperor of Mexico during the French intervention in Mexico.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) is founded in New York City by Henry Bergh.

1867/0410:アイルランド愛國的作家 George William Russell 1935、誕生

was an Irish writer, editor, critic, poet, painter and Irish nationalist. He was also a writer on mysticism, and a central figure in the group of devotees of theosophy which met in Dublin for many years.
アイルランド民族主義者、評論家、詩人、画家、ジャーナリスト。アイルランド文芸復興運動の中心的役割を果たし1880年頃から神智学に興味を持ち始めた。1885年に学友のWilliam Butler Yeats 186539 がダブリンにヘルメス協会を設立した時には加入しなかったが、この組織が神智学協会へと改組されると参加、さらに1898年にはこの組織を抜けてヘルメス協会を復興させた。

At Arogee in Abyssinia, British and Indian forces defeat an army of Emperor Tewodros II. While 700 Ethiopians are killed and many more injured, only two British/Indian troops die.

Im Bremer Dom wird Johannes Brahms’ Deutsches Requiem mit Erfolg als sechssätziges Werk uraufgeführt.

1882/0410:ラファエル前派 Dante Gabriel Rossetti 182882、死去

a British poet, illustrator, painter and translator.
He founded the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood in 1848 with William Holman Hunt and John Everett Millais.
Rossetti was later to be the main inspiration for a second generation of artists and writers influenced by the movement, most notably William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones. His work also influenced the European Symbolists and was a major precursor of the Aesthetic movement.

1886/0410:木戸考允の糟糠の妻 木戸松子184386、死去


1910/0410:メキシコのマルクス經濟學者 Paul Sweezy 191004、誕生

a Marxian economist, political activist, publisher, and founding editor of the long-running magazine Monthly Review.
He is best remembered for his contributions to economic theory as one of the leading Marxian economists of the second half of the 20th century.

1911/0410:USA チェスとパズル Sam Loyd 184111、死去

an American chess player, chess composer, puzzle author, and recreational mathematician.
As a chess composer, he authored a number of chess problems, often with interesting themes. At his peak, Loyd was one of the best chess players in the US, and was ranked 15th in the world, according to chessmetrics.com.
Following his death, his book Cyclopedia of 5000 Puzzles was published (1914) by his son

A modern rendering of the "Back from the Klondike" puzzle

In Southampton beginnt der erste Abschnitt der Jungfernfahrt des White Star Line-Schiffes Titanic unter Kapitän Edward John Smith in Richtung Cherbourg. Ihr endgültiges Ziel, New York, wird sie nie erreichen.

In Southampton begins the first leg of the maiden voyage of the White Star Line Titanic under Captain Edward John Smith towards Cherbourg. Her final destination, She will never reach to New York.


The Professional Golfers' Association of America (PGA) is created in New York City.

1917/0410:USA 有機科學 Robert Burns Woodward 191779、誕生

an American organic chemist. He is considered by many to be the preeminent organic chemist of the twentieth century, having made many key contributions to the subject, especially in the synthesis of complex natural products and the determination of their molecular structure.

1917/0410:USA、NYC 前衛藝術、デュシャン『泉』陳列

Marcel Duchamp expose le ready made Fontaine dans le cadre d'une exposition « sans jury et sans médaille » organisée par la Société des artistes indépendants. L'œuvre est refusée pour cause d'« obscénité et de non-art ».

Alfred Stieglitz, photographie de la Fountain de Marcel Duchamp, 1917.

レディメイドの前衛ゲイジツだとしてもあんまり安直だよな。たゞの思ひつきのアイデアだけで捻りがなくアイデア倒れと云ったところ。これとか、John Cage の『四分三十三秒』1952とか。

Mexican Revolution leader Emiliano Zapata is ambushed and shot dead by government forces in Morelos.

1919/0410:Emiliano Zapata 187919、暗殺

Emiliano Zapata Salazar fue uno de los líderes militares y campesinos más importantes de la Revolución mexicana y un símbolo de la resistencia campesina en México.
Como parte del movimiento revolucionario, estuvo al mando del Ejército Libertador del Sur.
También fue conocido como el «Caudillo del Sur». Ideólogo e impulsor de las luchas sociales y las demandas agraristas, así como de justicia social, libertad, igualdad, democracia social, propiedad comunal de las tierras y el respeto a las comunidades indígenas, campesinas y obreras de México, víctimas de la oligarquía y el latifundismo de los hacendados del Porfiriato.


The Romanian physiologist Nicolae Paulescu receives the patent from the Romanian Ministry of Industry and Trade for the extraction of insulin. With his procedure a breakthrough in the history of diabetology has been achieved.

1925/0410:USA文藝『Great Gatsby』出版
 by F. Scott Fitzgerald is first published in New York City, by Charles Scribner's Sons.


Im zweiten Wahlgang der Reichspräsidentenwahl erhält Amtsinhaber Paul von Hindenburg die absolute Mehrheit und wird damit als Reichspräsident wiedergewählt.
Adolf Hitler erhält über ein Drittel, der kommunistische Kandidat Ernst Thälmann rund 10 Prozent der abgegebenen Stimmen.

1933/0410:上を向いて歩こうの作詞者 永六輔193316、誕生

un parolier, écrivain, essayiste et tarento japonais d'origine chinoise.
Ei wrote the lyrics to the song "Ue o Muite Arukō", known internationally as "Sukiyaki", which has been used in several English language films.


In the UK, the members of the newly created MAUD Commission, chaired by George Paget Thomson, meet for the first time to discuss the possibility of building an atomic bomb.

The Axis powers in Europe establish the Independent State of Croatia from occupied Yugoslavia with Ante Pavelić's Ustaše fascist insurgents in power. The Ustaše will kill more than 300,000 Serbs, Jews, Roma, and dissidents between 1941-45.

Der letzte Transportzug mit über 2000 Häftlingen verlässt das kurz vor der Befreiung stehende Konzentrationslager Bergen-Belsen in Richtung KZ Theresienstadt zu deren Vernichtung. Der so genannte „Verlorene Zug“ irrt tagelang durch Deutschland, bis er am 23. April bei Tröbitz von russischen Truppen befreit wird.

NHK, continuous radio drama "Kimonomono" started broadcasting.


The Suez Canal is reopened for all shipping after being closed for three months.



129 American sailors die when the submarine USS Thresher sinks at sea.

1966/0410:日本の日本畫家 川端龍子188566、死去

Kawabata Ryūshi est un peintre japonais des XIXe – XXe siècles,
Son style fluide et dynamique comporte, dans ses aspects décoratifs, des réminiscences du peintre des XVIIe – XVIIIe siècles, Ogata Kōrin 尾形光琳165816.

Appeared as stamp 1974

Blazing Grass“, 1930 (a pair of six-piece screens)

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a9/Kawabata_R_6.jpg/1280px-Kawabata_R_6.jpg „Wild Grapes“, 1933

1966/0410:イギリス作家 Evelyn Waugh 190366、死去

an English writer of novels, biographies and travel books.
He was also a prolific journalist and reviewer of books. His most famous works include the early satires Decline and Fall (1928) and A Handful of Dust (1934), the novel Brideshead Revisited (1945) and the Second World War trilogy Sword of Honour (1952–61).
Waugh is recognised as one of the great prose stylists of the English language in the 20th century.


Shogakkan's girl's cartoon magazine "Girl's Comic" was launched.

Paul McCartney announces that he is leaving The Beatles for personal and professional reasons.


1971/0410:中共Ping-pong diplomacy:
 In an attempt to thaw relations with the United States, the People's Republic of China hosts the U.S. table tennis team for a week-long visit.

Tombs containing bamboo slips, among them Sun Tzu's Art of War and Sun Bin's lost military treatise, are accidentally discovered by construction workers in Shandong.

1972/0410:Vietnam War:
 For the first time since November 1967, American B-52 bombers reportedly begin bombing North Vietnam.

74 nations sign the Biological Weapons Convention, the first multilateral disarmament treaty banning the production of biological weapons.


Invicta International Airlines Flight 435 crashes in a snowstorm on approach to Basel, Switzerland killing 108 people.

1975/0410:USA 写真家 Walker Evans 190375、死去

an American photographer and photojournalist best known for his work for the Farm Security Administration (FSA) documenting the effects of the Great Depression. Much of Evans's work from the FSA period uses the large-format, 8×10-inch (200×250 mm) camera. He said that his goal as a photographer was to make pictures that are "literate, authoritative, transcendent".

Allie Mae Burroughs, a symbol of the Great Depression

en Alabama, été 1936,

1979/0410:イタリア 映画音樂Nino Rota 191179、死去

un compositore italiano, tra i più influenti e prolifici della storia del cinema.

私にとってはこれが彼の最高作だ ――


The United States regulate the Taiwan Relations Act the future state contacts with Taipei. This is required by the establishment of diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China and their one-China policy at the beginning of the year.

Red River Valley tornado outbreak: A tornado lands in Wichita Falls, Texas killing 42 people.

1985/0410:哲學と音樂と Vladimir Jankélévitch 190385、死去

un philosophe et musicologue français,

1988/0410:日本のフランス研究家 桑原武夫1990488、死去

Kuwabara Takeo est un théoricien de la littérature et traducteur japonais.
Il traduit entre autres des œuvres de Stendhal et Alain, et publie en outre, des écrits sur la littérature japonaise. En 1951, il est couronné du prix Mainichi de la culture pour son ouvrage Rousseau kenkyū (« Étude sur Rousseau »).

1988/0410:The Ojhri Camp disaster:
¥Killing more than 1,000 people in Rawalpindi and Islamabad as a result of rockets and other munitions expelled by the blast.


Italian ferry MS Moby Prince collides with an oil tanker in dense fog off Livorno, Italy killing 140.

A rare tropical storm develops in the South Atlantic Ocean near Angola; the first to be documented by satellites.

1995/0410:ドイツでスパイ Günter Guillaume 192795、死去

Günter Karl Heinz Guillaume war Offizier im besonderen Einsatz (OibE) des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit (MfS) der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR) und als Agent im Bundeskanzleramt Namensgeber der Guillaume-Affäre.
Seine Enttarnung war der größte Spionagefall in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik und Anlass, aber wohl nicht alleiniger Grund, für den Rücktritt von Bundeskanzler Willy Brandt, dessen persönlicher Referent er von 1972 bis 1974 war.

1998/0410:Northern Ireland
 peace deal reached (Good Friday Agreement).

President of Fiji Ratu Josefa Iloilo announces the abrogation of the constitution and assume all governance in the country, creating a constitutional crisis.


Polish Air Force Tu-154M crashes near Smolensk, Russia, killing 96 people, including Polish President Lech Kaczyński, his wife, and dozens of other senior officials and dignitaries.

2010年4月10日10時56分(モスクワ夏時間、協定世界時6時56分)頃、ポーランド側主催の「カティンの森事件70周年追悼式典」に出席するポーランド共和国政府訪問団を乗せて、ワルシャワフレデリックショパン空港を7時23分(中央ヨーロッパ夏時間)に離陸、スモレンスクへ向かっていたポーランド空軍第36特殊輸送航空連隊所属の大統領特別輸送機Tu-154M 101号機が、スモレンスク市の北4kmにあるスモレンスク北飛行場へ着陸進入中、同飛行場から1.5km離れたスモレンスクスモレンスク地区のペチョルスク村に墜落した。

2010/0410:ポウランド大統領 Lech Kaczyński 194910、飛行機事故死

a Polish lawyer and politician who served as the Mayor of Warsaw from 2002 until 2005 and as the President of Poland from 2005 until his death in 2010.
Before he became president, he was also a member of the Law and Justice party. He was the identical twin brother of the former Prime Minister of Poland and current Chairman of the Law and Justice party, Jarosław Kaczyński.

2016/0410:Paravur temple accident
 in which a devastating fire caused by explosion of firecrackers stored for Vishu, killed more than hundred people out of the thousands gathered for seventh day of Bhadrakali worship.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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