


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 04/06 今日の出來事

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今日、四月六日は、イタリアルネサンスの画家ラファエル Raffaello Santi 148320 が生まれ(そして死に)、ドイツルネサンスの画家デュラー Albrecht Dürer 147128 が死んだ日だ。
ラファエルのはうはともかくとして、デュラーは私の思想=思考∞空想の精神に決定的な影響をあたへたのであった。たった一枚の版画によって ――


Walter Benjamin 189240Paul Klee 187940 の描いた『新しい天使』によって「歴史の天使」を啓示された。私に「歴史の天使」を啓示したのは、デュラーの版畫『メランコリア』の天使であった。それは、わが「歴史と天使」の構想と造形にもっとも強い啓示となった。ベンヤミンとクレーの「天使」論とともに。

そして、今日は(なんたる偶然か)、1943年の四月六日には、サンテグジュペリ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 190044 の有名な童話 Le Petit Prince が刊行された日でもあったのだ。




Julius Caesar defeats Caecilius Metellus Scipio and Marcus Porcius Cato (Cato the Younger) in the battle of Thapsus.

Thapsi Pugna:Gaius Julius Caesar -10044 と元老院派及びヌミディア連合軍とが激突した北アフリカの地。

199/0406:イングランド王 Richard I 115799、崩去(戰死)King Richard I of England dies from an infection following the removal of an arrow from his shoulder.

King of England from 6 July 1189 until his death. He also ruled as Duke of Normandy, Aquitaine and Gascony, Lord of Cyprus, Count of Poitiers, Anjou, Maine, and Nantes, and was overlord of Brittany at various times during the same period.
He was the third of five sons of King Henry II of England and Duchess Eleanor of Aquitaine. He was known as Richard Cœur de Lion or Richard the Lionheart because of his reputation as a great military leader and warrior.

Richard I being anointed during his coronation in Westminster Abbey, from a 13th-century chronicle

Bataille de Fariskur. Cette défaite de Louis IX met fin à la septième croisade.

Seventh Crusade: Ayyubids of Egypt capture King Louis IX of France in the Battle of Fariskur.

The Scots reaffirm their independence by signing the Declaration of Arbroath.

Declaration of Arbroath:ロウマ教皇ヨハネス22への書簡文で、同時にイングランド王国から解放されたスコットランド王国の独立宣言でもある。独立戦争に勝利したスコットランドは、これを採択して独立、1328年にはイングランドとの間に和約を成立させた。

Il poeta italiano Francesco Petrarca vede per proprio conto nella chiesa di Santa Chiara in Avignone per la prima volta il sposato Laura. L'amore per lei può essere scritto in anni successivi 317 sonetti di lui.


John, Master of the Order of Aviz, is made king John I of Portugal.

João I 15733:ペドロ一世の庶子で、フェルナンド一世の異母弟。エンリケ航海王子の父。政治軍事の兩面で多くに成功を収め、ポルトガルの全盛期の基礎を築きあげたことからポルトガルの「大王」と呼ばれている。

1483/0406:イタリアルネサンス Raffaello Sanzio 148320、誕生

un pittore e architetto italiano, tra i più celebri del Rinascimento italiano.


Madonna del Cardellino (1506 circa)

Madonna del Granduca, Galleria Palatina

Der Zürcher Bürgermeister Hans Waldmann wird nach einem Schnellverfahren hingerichtet. Er fällt Intrigen und auch einem Aufruhr der Landbevölkerung zum Opfer, weil er wildernde Hunde der Bauern töten ließ.

The Zurich mayor Hans Waldmann is executed after a quick trial. He falls victim to intrigues and even a riot of the rural population, because he had poaching poaching dogs of the peasants killed.

1520/0406:イタリアルネサンス Raffaello Sanzio 148320、死去



1528/0406:ドイツルネサンス Albrecht Dürer 147128、死去

ein deutscher Maler, Grafiker, Mathematiker und Kunsttheoretiker.
Mit seinen Gemälden, Zeichnungen, Kupferstichen und Holzschnitten zählt er zu den herausragenden Vertretern der Renaissance.


Selbstbildnis (Münchner Selbstbildnis), Öl auf Leinwand (1500),

Les Quatre Cavaliers de l'Apocalypse, extrait de L'Apocalypse

Le Chevalier, la Mort et le Diable

One of the largest earthquakes recorded in the history of England, Flanders, or Northern France, takes place.


千利休屋敷跡 (堺市堺区宿院町西1丁)



1652/0406:At the Cape of Good Hope,
 Dutch sailor Jan van Riebeeck establishes a resupply camp that eventually becomes Cape Town.


Qing Dynasty troops occupy Jinzhou, the Battle of Songjin in the Ming and Qing Dynasties ended in victory of the Qing Dynasty

1712/0406:アメリカ植民地、ニュウヨウクで奴隷、反亂}The New York Slave Revolt of 1712 begins near Broadway.

Ships of the Continental Navy fail in their attempt to capture a Royal Navy dispatch boat.


King Buddha Yodfa Chulaloke (Rama I) of Siam (modern day Thailand) founds the Chakri dynasty.

1782/0406:Taksin, roi de Thaïlande 173482、崩去(処刑)

He had been an Ekatat servant and then was a leader in the liberation of Siam from Burmese occupation after the Second Fall of Ayutthaya in 1767, and the subsequent unification of Siam after it fell under various warlords. He established the city of Thonburi as the new capital, as the city of Ayutthaya had been almost completely destroyed by the invaders.
His reign was characterized by numerous wars; he fought to repel new Burmese invasions and to subjugate the northern Thai kingdom of Lanna, the Laotian principalities, and a threatening Cambodia.

Taksin's tomb in Chenghai, Guangdong, China

In the constellation Dragon, the German-British astronomer Wilhelm Herschel discovers the barred spiral galaxy, now called NGC 4236.

Création du Comité de salut public.

During the French Revolution, the Committee of Public Safety becomes the executive organ of the republic.


The Edo shogunate informed the Russian mission Nicolai Rezanov, who is on its way to Nagasaki, refusing to trade.

1808/0406:日本の本草學者 木内石亭172508、死去

Kiuchi SekiTe'i。日本(江戸時代)の本草學者、奇石蒐集家。


1812/0406:ロシア 文筆家 Alexander Herzen 181270、誕生

русский публицист, писатель, философ, педагог, принадлежащий к числу наиболее видных критиков официальной идеологии и политики Российской империи в XIX веке, сторонник революционных преобразований.
Russian publicist, writer, philosopher, educator, one of the most prominent critics of the official ideology and policy of the Russian Empire in the XIX century, a supporter of revolutionary changes.

British forces under the command of the Duke of Wellington assault the fortress of Badajoz.
This would be the turning point in the Peninsular War against Napoleon-led France.

Rétrocession de l'île Bourbon à la France.

Nominal beginning of the Bourbon Restoration; anniversary date that Napoleon abdicates and is exiled to Elba.

{ま、この珍道中のおかげで、Stendhal 178342 や Honoré de Balzac 179950、Victor Hugo 180285于 らの小説がつくられたわけではあるが、

1820/0406:フランス写真家 Nadar 182010、誕生

Félix Tournachon, dit Nadar, est un caricaturiste, écrivain, aéronaute et photographe français.
Il publie à partir de 1854 une série de portraits photographiques d'artistes contemporains,


Nadar élevant la Photographie à la hauteur de l'Art., 
lithographie d'Honoré Daumier parue dans Le Boulevard, le 25 mai 1863.



The Edict to Repel Foreign Vessels (異国船打払令) was a law passed by the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1825 to the effect that all foreign vessels should be driven away from Japanese waters.
An example of the law being put into practice was the Morrison Incident of 1837, in which a merchant ship bearing Japanese citizens was fired upon.
The law was repealed in 1842.

1826/0406:フランス 画家 Gustave Moreau 182698、誕生

un peintre, graveur, dessinateur et sculpteur français.
Il est l'un des principaux représentants en peinture du courant symboliste, imprégné de mysticisme.

イタリア滞在中の1858年頃、彼は Edgar Degas 183417 と知りあった。
Salomé tatouée (1874),

L'Apparition (1876-1898)

Élu à l'Académie des beaux-arts en 188812, Gustave Moreau est nommé professeur en 1892 à l'École des beaux-arts de Paris où il succède à son ami Jules-Élie Delaunay. Enseignant très apprécié, on compte parmi ses élèves : Adolphe Beaufrère, Auguste Brouet, Henri Matisse, Raoul du Gardier, Albert Marquet, Léon Lehmann, Georges Rouault, Léon Printemps, Louis Valtat, Henri Manguin et Charles Camoin13.

Church of Christ, the original church of the Latter Day Saint movement, is organized by Joseph Smith and others at either Fayette or Manchester, New York.

1829/0406:天才數學者 Niels Henrik Abel 180229、死去

a Norwegian mathematician who made pioneering contributions in a variety of fields.
His most famous single result is the first complete proof demonstrating the impossibility of solving the general quintic equation in radicals. This question was one of the outstanding open problems of his day, and had been unresolved for 250 years. He was also an innovator in the field of elliptic functions, discoverer of Abelian functions.
Despite his achievements, Abel was largely unrecognized during his lifetime; he made his discoveries while living in poverty and died at the age of 26.

1862/0406:アメリカ南北戰爭「Battle of Shiloh」
In Tennessee, forces under Union General Ulysses S. Grant meet Confederate troops led by General Albert Sidney Johnston.

1860/0406:フランス 烏工藝家 René Lalique 186045、誕生

un maître verrier et bijoutier français.
Il s'est rendu célèbre par ses créations étonnantes de bijoux, puis de flacons de parfum, de vases, de chandeliers, d'horloges et, à la fin de sa vie, de bouchons de radiateur de voitures. L'entreprise qu'il a fondée fonctionne toujours. Son nom est resté attaché à la créativité et la qualité, car il a toujours su dessiner des objets fastueux mais restant discrets.

Dragonfly lady brooch, Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, 1903

Diadème coq

Bijou de Réné Lalique.

Im Rahmen seiner Untersuchung des Coma-Haufens findet der deutsch-dänische Astronom Heinrich Louis d’Arrest die elliptische Galaxie NGC 4884.

Friedrich Engelhorn, August Ritter von Clemm, Carl Clemm, Seligmann Ladenburg, Leopold Ladenburg und andere gründen im badischen Mannheim die Badische Anilin und Soda Fabrik als Aktiengesellschaft. BASF entwickelt sich in der Folge zum weltweit größten Chemiekonzern.

1865/0406:アメリカ南北戰爭「Battle of Sailor's Creek」
Confederate General Robert Lee's Army of Northern Virginia fights and loses its last major battle while in retreat from Richmond, Virginia during the Appomattox Campaign.







1869/0406:發明「Celluloid」is patented.

Celluloids are a class of compounds created from nitrocellulose and camphor, with added dyes and other agents. Generally considered the first thermoplastic, it was first created as Parkesine in 1856 and as Xylonite in 1869, before being registered as Celluloid in 1870.
Celluloid is easily molded and shaped, and it was first widely used as an ivory replacement.

1875/0406:ユダヤ人思想家 Moses Hess 181275、死去

ein deutsch-jüdischer Philosoph und Schriftsteller.
Er gehörte zu den Frühsozialisten und war ein Vorläufer der Zionisten.

a French-Jewish philosopher and a founder of Labor Zionism. His socialist theories predicated on racial struggle, led to conflict with Karl Marx and Frederick Engels .[



1895/0406:イギリス、O ワイルド、同性愛容疑で逮捕される
Oscar Wilde is arrested in the Cadogan Hotel, London, after losing a libel case against the Marquess of Queensberry.

1896/0406:オリンピック初回となるアテネ大會、開催 ~0415
In Athens, the opening of the first modern Olympic Games is celebrated, 1,500 years after the original games are banned by Roman emperor Theodosius I.

Ouverture des premiers J.O. modernes. À l'initiative du baron français Pierre de Coubertin, les premiers Jeux olympiques sont organisés à Athènes en mémoire de la tradition antique. 14 pays y sont représentés pour un total de 285 athlètes.

1898/0406:画家モジリアニの妻 Jeanne Hébuterne 189820、誕生

une artiste-peintre française.
Surnommée « Noix de coco » en raison de son teint blanc laiteux et de ses cheveux châtain aux reflets roux, elle est surtout connue, de nos jours, pour sa relation amoureuse avec Amedeo Modigliani.

Le 27 janvier, Modigliani est enterré au cimetière du Père-Lachaise, accompagné des artistes de Montmartre et de Montparnasse. Jeanne est enterrée le lendemain au petit jour au cimetière de Bagneux dans l'intimité. Achille Hébuterne a refusé aux amis de Modigliani de faire enterrer sa fille aux côtés du peintre. Il faudra attendre 1930 avant qu'il revienne sur sa décision.

1902/0406:ロシア 文筆家 Gleb Ivanovich Uspensky 184302、死去

русский писатель, близкий к народническому движению.
Russian writer, and a prominent figure of the Narodnik movement.


Uspensky's works had a considerable influence on Russian literature and society, and were praised by many of his fellow writers, including Leo Tolstoy, Anton Chekhov and Maxim Gorky. Tolstoy especially liked Uspensky's story "The Incubator Chicken," first published in 1888, and translated into English as "The Steam Chicken" in 1895.

Robert Peary and Matthew Henson reach the North Pole.

1911/0406:ドイツ 生化学者 Feodor Lynen 191164、誕生

ein deutscher Biochemiker und Nobelpreisträger.


During the Battle of Deçiq, Dedë Gjon Luli Dedvukaj, leader of the Malësori Albanians, raises the Albanian flag in the town of Tuzi, Montenegro, for the first time after George Kastrioti.

The United States declares war on Germany (see President Woodrow Wilson's address to Congress).

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi orders a general strike.

1920/0406:生化学者 Edmond Fischer 192092、誕生

a Swiss American biochemist. He and his collaborator Edwin Krebs were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1992 for describing how reversible phosphorylation works as a switch to activate proteins and regulate various cellular processes.

1927/0406:日本の國粹主義者 志賀重昂186327、死去

Shiga Shigetaka est l'éditeur du magazine Nihonjin, durant l'ère Meiji, dans lequel il prend position contre une extrême occidentalisation du pays.

Shiga Shigetaka est généralement considéré, parmi les intellectuels japonais, comme l'un des pionniers de la politique du kokusui shugi (國粹主義« maintien de l'identité culturelle japonaise ») qui appelle à une solidarité spirituelle à la fin des années 1880 lorsque le Japon faisait face à une pression grandissante de la part de l'Occident.
Il est également considéré comme un opposant au journaliste Tokutomi Sohō  徳富蘇峰186357, qui défendait la politique du heimin shugi 平民主義, c'est-à-dire la modernisation totale du Japon. …… Wikipedia fr


1927/0406:Jazzサキソフォニスト Gerald Mulligan 192796、誕生

an American jazz saxophonist, clarinetist, composer and arranger.
Though Mulligan is primarily known as one of the leading jazz baritone saxophonists – playing the instrument with a light and airy tone in the era of cool jazz – he was also a significant arranger, working with Claude Thornhill, Miles Davis, Stan Kenton, and others.
Mulligan's pianoless quartet of the early 1950s with trumpeter Chet Baker is still regarded as one of the best cool jazz groups.

1928/0406:DNA二重螺旋 James Dewey Watson 1928--、誕生

an American molecular biologist, geneticist and zoologist, best known as one of the co-discoverers of the structure of DNA in 1953 with Francis Crick and Rosalind Franklin.


1934/0406:Anton Geesink 193410、誕生

「アントン ヘーシンク」Anthonius Johannes (Anton) Geesink was een Nederlandse judoka, wereld- en olympisch kampioen judo en lid van het Internationaal Olympisch Comité (IOC).

Nazi Germany launches Operation 25 (the invasion of Kingdom of Yugoslavia) and Operation Marita (the invasion of Greece).







1943/0406:サンテグジュペリLe Petit Prince 刊行
Le Petit Prince fait son apparition dans les librairies aux États-Unis.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 190044 云はく、
Le plus important est invisible. 最も重要なことは目に見えない。
{これは、私には Paul Klee 187940 の「目に見えないものを見えるやうにするが藝術だ」と結びついた。正確に引用すれば、
Kunst gibt nicht das Sichtbare wieder, sondern Kunst macht sichtbar. 藝術とは見えるものの再現ではない、見えないものを見えるやうにすることだ。

1945/0406:WWⅡ: サラエボ解放
Sarajevo is liberated from German and Croatian forces by the Yugoslav Partisans.

The Battle of Slater's Knoll on Bougainville comes to an end.

The first Tony Awards are presented for theatrical achievement.

At the Waldorf-Astoria in New York City, the Tony Awards for theater and musicals, which have been broadcast on Broadway during the year, will be presented for the first time.


1951/0406:古生物学者 Robert Broom 186651、死去

a Scottish South African doctor and paleontologist.
…… Following the discovery of the Taung child he became interested in the search for human ancestors and commenced work on much more recent fossils from the dolomite caves north-west of Johannesburg, particularly Sterkfontein Cave (now part of the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site). As well as describing many mammalian fossils from these caves he identified several hominin fossils, the most complete of which was an Australopithecine skull, nicknamed Mrs Ples, and a partial skeleton that indicated that Australopithecines walked upright.



1961/0406:微生物学者 Jules Bordet 187061、死去

un immunologiste et un microbiologiste belge.
Les bactéries du genre Bordetella lui doivent leur nom.

Leonard Bernstein causes controversy with his remarks from the podium during a New York Philharmonic concert featuring Glenn Gould performing Brahms' First Piano Concerto.

事の成行はこんなふうだった ――
Leonard Bernstein said, "There is nobody quite like him, and I just love playing with him." Bernstein created a stir at the concert of 6 April 1962 when, just before the New York Philharmonic was to perform the Brahms Piano Concerto No. 1 in D minor with Gould as soloist, he informed the audience that he was assuming no responsibility for what they were about to hear. He asked the audience: "In a concerto, who is the boss – the soloist or the conductor? (audience laughter). The answer is, of course, sometimes the one and sometimes the other, depending on the people involved." Specifically, he was referring to their rehearsals with Gould's insistence that the entire first movement be played at half the indicated tempo. The speech was interpreted by Harold C. Schonberg, music critic for The New York Times, as an abdication of responsibility and an attack on Gould. Plans for a studio recording of the performance came to nothing. The live radio broadcast (along with Bernstein's disclaimer) was subsequently released on CD.

YouTube で探してみたら、簡單に見付かった。事の一部始終が、演奏とともに二人へのインタビュウが録音されてゐる。

私は当時(今もさうだが)グウルドのファンだったので、バンスタインのたっぷり聽衆を意識した演奏前の弁明調に不快感を持った。ところが、バンスタインは私がその頃(今も時々さうだが)氣に入って聽いてゐたミュウジカル『 West Side Story 』の作曲者だった。
他のクラシクピアニストはまるで異なる、そのポップと云ってもいいな明快なタッチの乾いた音による、しかも彼獨自の解釋によるバッハに魅了されたのであった。彼のレコウドデビュとなった『 Goldberg Variation』のレコウドを、私は子供の大枚をはたいて買った。それから、おそらく私が一番繰り返し聽いたことになるだらう、バッハの『平均律クラヴィア曲集』第一巻の二枚組、LPレコウドはほんたうに高かった。
その一方で、マイルスデビスの Kind of Blue を買ひ、ビイトルスの A Harddays Night、ミュウジカルのウエストサイドストリのサウンドトラックを買ったりしてゐた。ステレオセットが急速に普及してゐた頃であった。


Launch of Early Bird, the first commercial communications satellite to be placed in geosynchronous orbit.



Zhongnanhai rebellion publicly criticized Liu Shaoqi for the first time.


”2001: A Space Odyssey”

Epic science-fiction film produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick. Premire in United States


Wikipedia en では /0403になってゐた。日本語版では/04だが。ま、これこそどっちでも大差ないか。
{今や期待とともに恐怖ともなりつつある人工知能=Artficial Intelligenceは、この宇宙船の Hall のやうな惡意を持つことになるのだらうか ―― おそらく、人間に似せて作れば、さういふことになっていくだらう。どうして、人間の頭脳に似せようとするのだらう。人間の頭腦の最大特徴は惡を思ひ行へるといふところにあるのに、その頭脳をモデルにするとは、墓穴を掘ってるやうなものじゃないかと思ふのだけれど。介護犬や警察犬のはうがよかったのではないか。もう手遲れだらうけれど。

1971/0406:春の祭典の作曲者 Igor Stravinski 188271、死去

Игорь Фёдорович Стравинский
Один из крупнейших представителей мировой музыкальной культуры XX века.

L'œuvre de Stravinsky s'étend sur près de soixante-dix années. Elle se caractérise par sa grande diversité de styles. Le compositeur accéda à la célébrité par la création de trois ballets dont il composa la musique pour les Ballets russes de Diaghilev : L'Oiseau de feu (1910), Petrouchka (1911) et son œuvre maîtresse Le Sacre du printemps (1913) qui eurent une influence considérable sur la façon d'aborder le rythme en musique classique. ……

The American table tennis team traveled to China and was known as "ping pong diplomacy."


1972/0406:Vietnam War: Easter Offensive
American forces begin sustained air strikes and naval bombardments.


Launch of Pioneer 11 spacecraft.



The Swedish pop band ABBA wins the Eurovision Song Contest with the song "Waterloo", launching their international career.


1976/0406:Wilder Penfield 189176、死去

a Canadian-American neurosurgeon.
He expanded brain surgery's methods and techniques, including mapping the functions of various regions of the brain such as the cortical homunculus. His scientific contributions on neural stimulation expand across a variety of topics including hallucinations, illusions, and déjà vu. Penfield devoted much of his thinking to mental processes, including contemplation of whether there was any scientific basis for the existence of the human soul.


1977/0406:昭和天皇の側近者 木戸幸一188977、死去

Kido Kōichi served as Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal of Japan from 1940 to 1945, and was the closest advisor to Emperor Showa throughout World War II.
He was convicted of war crimes and sentenced to life imprisonment of which he served 6 years before being released in 1953.




1984/0406:日本の映画男優 長谷川一夫190884、死去

Hasegawa Kazuo、
Il est principalement connu pour ses rôles principaux dans les films La Porte de l'enfer de Teinosuke Kinugasa et Les Amants crucifiés de Kenji Mizoguchi, et pour avoir incarner Zenigata Heiji, détective de l'époque d'Edo, dans de nombreux films.








Rembrandt van Rijns Painting The Nachtwache is sprayed with sulfuric acid by a confused man in the Amsterdam Rijksmuseum.



1992/0406:三大SF作家の一人、Isaac Asimov 192092、死去

He was known for his works of science fiction and popular science.
Asimov was a prolific writer, and wrote or edited more than 500 books and an estimated 90,000 letters and postcards
Asimov wrote hard science fiction and, along with Robert A. Heinlein and Arthur C. Clarke, he was considered one of the "Big Three" science fiction writers during his lifetime

The Rwandan Genocide begins when the aircraft carrying Rwandan president Juvénal Habyarimana and Burundian president Cyprien Ntaryamira is shot down.



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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