


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 03/25 今日の出來事




Romanos Lekapenos seizes the Boukoleon Palace in Constantinople and becomes regent of the Byzantine emperor Constantine VII.

0940/0325:日本 承平天慶の亂、平將門??0940、敗死

Taira no Masakado was a samurai in the Heian period of Japan, who led one of the largest insurgent forces in the period against the central government of Kyoto.

Fatimid caliph al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah assassinates the eunuch chief minister Barjawan and assumes control of the government.

Richard I is wounded by a crossbow bolt while fighting France, leading to his death on April 6.

Richard I 115799 of England生涯の大部分を戦闘の中で過ごし、その勇猛さから獅子心王(Richard the Lionheart、フランス語ではCœur de Lion)と称され、中世ヨウロパで騎士の模範とたたえられた。十年のその在位中、イングランドにゐたのはわずか半年間ほどで、その生涯のほとんどは戦争と冒険に明け暮れた。

1306/0325:At the height of the Scottish War of Independence,
 Robert the Bruce is crowned in the palace at Scone as Robert I, King of the Scots.

1347/0325:Sainte Catherine de Sienne 134780、誕生

née Catherine Benincasa, mystique, tertiaire dominicaine et théologienne italienne

1351/0325:Combat des Trente
 lors de la guerre de Succession de Bretagne, trente chevaliers anglais, partisans de Jean de Montfort, s'affrontent en combat singulier à trente chevaliers français partisans de Charles de Blois ; ces derniers sont vainqueurs.

The new King of Scotland James II, aged seven, is crowned in Holyrood Abbey of Edinburgh.

1538/0325:Christophorus Clavius 153812、誕生

Ef war Mathematiker und Jesuitenpater am Collegio Romano.
Von seinen Zeitgenossen „Euklid des 16. Jahrhunderts“ genannt, wurde er vor allem durch die unter seiner fachlichen Leitung durchgeführte Kalenderreform zum Gregorianischen Kalender berühmt, die 1582 mit der Bulle Inter gravissimas von Papst Gregor XIII. verfügt wurde.
Clavius setzte dabei einen Reformentwurf von Aloisius Lilius um, der bereits 1576 verstorben war.

1558/0325:スペイン 宣教師 Marcos de Niza 149558、死去

un misionero español y fraile franciscano.
Le acreditan ser el primer europeo en lo que ahora es el estado de Arizona en los Estados Unidos.

Johannes Corputius publishes the birdshow of Duisburg named after him.

Der Corputius-Plan

the New Year's feast is celebrated for the last time on this day; henceforth, with the entry into force of the Gregorian calendar, the year will begin on the first of January.

Sir Walter Raleigh is granted a patent to colonize Virginia.

 The founding of the East India Company results from the merger of eight Dutch commercial companies formed since 1595.

1655/0325:天文 ホイヘンス土星の衛星「タイタン」發見
Saturn's largest moon, Titan, is discovered by Christiaan Huygens.

François Poulin de Francheville obtient un brevet d’exploitation du minerai de fer et crée les Forges du Saint-Maurice à Trois-Rivières, la première industrie lourde du Canada.

François Poulin de Francheville obtains a patent for the exploitation of iron ore and creates the Forges du Saint-Maurice in Trois-Rivières, Canada's first heavy industry.

1767/0325:ナポレオンの將軍 Joachim Murat 176715、誕生

est un maréchal d'Empire français, de 1806 à 1808 grand-duc de Berg et de Clèves, prince français et roi de Naples de 1808 à 1815.
Il est aussi le beau-frère de Napoléon Ier, par son mariage avec Caroline Bonaparte.

1793/0325:(Europe) :
 la Convention déclare la guerre à l'Angleterre et aux Provinces-Unies. L'Angleterre refuse que la France ouvre à la navigation l'Escaut et la Scheldt qui risquent de concurrencer les ports hollandais et surtout elle reprend l'ancienne tradition qui prescrit de susciter des ennemis à la France sur le continent, subsides à l'appui s'il le faut.
 Elle entreprend de regrouper derrière elle tous les monarques hostiles à la Révolution. Déjà, en 1792, avant même l'ultimatum du Premier ministre Grenville avait fait des ouvertures en direction de l'Autriche. Le 25 mars avec la Russie.

1801/0325:Novalis 177201、死去

Novalis war das Pseudonym und Pseudonym von Georg Philipp Friedrich Freiherr von Hardenberg, einem Dichter, Autor, Mystiker und Philosoph der frühen deutschen Romantik.
Hardenbergs beruflicher und universitärer Hintergrund, namentlich sein Studium der Mineralogie und der Salzbergbau in Sachsen, wurde von seinen zeitgenössischen Lesern oft ignoriert. Die ersten Studien, die wichtige Beziehungen zwischen seinen literarischen und professionellen Arbeiten zeigen, begannen in den 1960er Jahren.

1802/0325:La paix d'Amiens
 est signée entre la France d'une part, et le Royaume-Uni, l'Espagne, La Hollande, et l'Empire ottoman, d'autre part, qui met fin à la Deuxième Coalition.

The Treaty of Amiens is signed as a "Definitive Treaty of Peace" between France and the United Kingdom.

The law on the abolition of the Atlantic Treaty is approved by King George III and becomes law throughout the British Empire.

奴隷制度廃止運動: イギリス議会で奴隷貿易廃止法が可決。

The Swansea and Mumbles Railway, then known as the Oystermouth Railway, becomes the first passenger-carrying railway in the world.

L'astronome français Honoré Flaugergues découvre la comète Flaugergues (C/1811 F1), la première des grandes comètes du 19ème siècle.

1811/0325:Napoléon Bonaparte ordonne
 la culture de la betterave à sucre parce que son interdiction continentale sur l'Angleterre manque d'importations de sucre de canne en provenance des Antilles. En Europe, l'industrie sucrière émerge.

Napoleon Bonaparte orders the cultivation of sugar beets because his continental ban on England lacks cane sugar imports from the West Indies. In Europe, the sugar industry is emerging.

1811/0325:Percy Bysshe Shelley is expelled
 from the University of Oxford for publishing the pamphlet The Necessity of Atheism.

1815 /0325:
l'Autriche, le Royaume-Uni, la Prusse et la Russie s'allient contre Napoléon.

1818/0325:ドイツ 歴史家 Jacob Burckhardt 181897、誕生

ein Schweizer Kulturhistoriker mit Schwerpunkt Kunstgeschichte.
Er lehrte jahrzehntelang an der Universität Basel. Grosse Bekanntheit erhielt er durch sein Buch Die Cultur der Renaissance in Italien.

Auf dem Weg zu seiner Vorlesung passiert Jacob Burckhardt das Basler Münster, um 1890.

ブルクハルトはGeorg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 177031を嫌悪した。歴史哲学などには関心がなく、体系を操る者ではなく、あまりにも個性的であったので学派が形成されることもなかった。

{Leonard da Vinci 145219 に興味と關心を持った私は(Paul Valéry 187145 の『レオナルドダビンチ方法序説』とともに) 彼の『イタリアルネサンスの文化』でルネサンス期のイタリアに降り立ったのであった。





 Gli insorti vittoriosi degli austriaci, acclamati, Carlo Alberto, re di Piemonte e le sue truppe entrano in città.

Nach einer Auseinandersetzung im preußischen Landtag kommt es zwischen liberalen Georg von Vincke und dem konservativen Otto von Bismarck zu einem Pistolenduell. Doch blieb dem Drama die Tragödie erspart, denn beide Kontrahenten blieben beim Duell Vincke–Bismarck unverletzt.

After a dispute in the Prussian Landtag, it comes between liberal Georg von Vincke and the conservative Otto von Bismarck to a pistol duel. But the tragedy was spared the drama, because both opponents remained uninjured in the duel Vincke-Bismarck.

1854/0325:in the Crimean War、
France and Great Britain declare war on Russia .

1865/0325:American Civil War: In Virginia,
 Confederate forces temporarily capture Fort Stedman from the Union.

1867/0325:フランス 建築家 Jacques Ignace Hittorff 179267、死去

un architecte français d'origine allemande.

Le Cirque d'Été et la fontaine des Quatre Saisons.

Le Cirque d’Hiver.

1867/0325:イタリア 指揮者 Arturo Toscanini 186757、誕生

un conduttore italiano.
Era uno dei musicisti più acclamati tra la fine del XIX e il XX secolo, famoso per la sua intensità, il suo perfezionismo, il suo orecchio per i dettagli orchestrali e la sonorità, e la sua memoria eidetica.

1872/0325:日本の作家 島崎藤村187243、誕生

Shimazaki Tōson est un écrivain japonais, tour à tour poète, romancier ou essayiste, des ères Meiji, Taishō et Shōwa.

 i progressisti, sotto la direzione di Agostino Depretis, formano un governo e impegnano il paese su un percorso riformista.



1881/0325:ハンガリ 作曲家 Béla Bartók 188145、誕生

un compositeur et pianiste hongrois.
Pionnier de l’ethnomusicologie, il enregistra sur le vif nombre de morceaux de musique folklorique d’Europe de l'Est.
Il est influencé à ses débuts par Richard Strauss, Liszt et Brahms dans le style tzigano-hongrois du verbunkos; puis sa découverte de Debussy et des chants paysans slaves l'oriente vers un nouveau style très personnel où sont intégrées les découvertes de Stravinsky et Schönberg. Pédagogue de renom, il restera toute sa vie profondément attaché à sa terre natale : « Pour ma part, durant ma vie entière, en tout lieu, en tout temps et de toute façon, je veux servir une seule cause, celle du bien de la patrie et de la nation hongroise ».


1882/0325:荻野式避妊法開発 荻野久作188275、誕生

Oghino KyuuSaku、Obstetrics and gynecologists, doctor of medicine.
He is known for pioneering work that studied the relationship between female menstrual cycle and pregnancy.

1887/0325:日本海軍大將 南雲忠一188744、誕生

Nagumo Chūichi was a Japanese admiral in the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II and onetime commander of the Kido Butai (the carrier battle group).
He killed himself during the Battle of Saipan.


Geisha of Izukoku Shimoda from the end of the Tokugawa period to the Meiji Period. Known as the name of Torijin oKichi 唐人お吉

「Officer's Daughter」十九9歳の斎藤きちとされてゐる写真の元になった。

Ouverture des premiers J.O. modernes. À l'initiative du baron français Pierre de Coubertin, les premiers Jeux olympiques sont organisés à Athènes en mémoire de la tradition antique.
 14 pays y sont représentés pour un total de 285 athlètes.

1897/0325:フランス 映画監督 Jean Epstein 189753、誕生

Jean Alfred Epstein est un réalisateur, essayiste et romancier français.

 Manufacture of the first two-stroke diesel engine.

GreatBritain & the United States agree on the Alaska-Canada border.

1908/0325:イギリス 映画監督 David Lean 190891、誕生

an English film director, producer, screenwriter and editor, responsible for large-scale epics such as
 The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957),
 Lawrence of Arabia (1962) and
 Doctor Zhivago (1965).
He also directed adaptations of Charles Dickens novels Great Expectations (1946) and Oliver Twist (1948), as well as the romantic drama Brief Encounter (1945).

1911/0325:日本の洋画家 青木繁188211、死去

Aoki Shigeru est un peintre japonais,
Connu comme auteur de Umi no sachi (海の幸, Fruit de mer), Aoki est un des plus grands peintres japonais de l'ère Meiji.

海の幸 1904

わだつみのいろこの宮 1907

1911/0325:USA、in New York City,
 the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire kills 146 garment workers.

1913/0325:USA、in Ohio
 After four days of storms and rains, the Ohio River overflows and floods Dayton.
 Over 350 people are killed, around 65,000 are left homeless.

1914/0325:緑の革命家 Norman Borlaug 191409、誕生

Norman Ernest Borlaug was an American agronomist and humanitarian who led initiatives worldwide that contributed to the extensive increases in agricultural production termed the Green Revolution.
He developed a new agricultural technology centering on high-yield varieties such as wheat in India and China and instructed a substantial increase in grain production (green revolution) (Mexico achieved triple production improvement ). The Nobel Peace Prize was given as it tried to improve the world food shortage

1916/0325:アメリカ先住民最後の一人 Ishi 186016、死去

Ishi was the last known member of the Native American Yahi people from the state of California in the United States.
The Yana were destroyed during the California Genocide in the 19th century. Ishi, who was widely acclaimed as the "last wild Indian" in America, lived most of his life isolated from modern American culture. In 1911, aged 50, he emerged near the foothills of Lassen Peak in Northern California.

1918/0325:フランス 作曲家 Claude Debussy 186218、死去

Compositeur français.
De la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle au début du XXe siècle, de la manière d'utiliser l'échelle et l'échelle chromatique déviant de la tradition, effectuant la composition originale en utilisant la rotation autre que l'échelle majeure et l'échelle mineure et l'harmonie libre Il était le compositeur le plus influent.

The Belarusian People's Republic is established.

Nach der Fertigstellung der Kuppel durch Filippo Brunelleschi weiht Eugen IV. den Dom Santa Maria del Fiore in Florenz. Der Bau des Doms hat 140 Jahre gedauert.

1919/0325:日本の建築家 辰野金吾185419、死去

a Japanese architect. Tatsuno is most widely known for his work as the designer of the Bank of Japan building (1896) and the Marunouchi building of Tokyo Station (1914).

Exterior Tokyo Station

 Der Putschversuch gegen die Republik Wolfgang Kapp endet heute mit einem Misserfolg.

1921/0325:フランス 女優 Simone Signoret 192185、誕生

une actrice de cinéma française souvent saluée comme l'une des plus grandes stars du cinéma français. Elle devient la première française à remporter un Oscar, pour son rôle dans Room at the Top (1959).

1924/0325:日本 女優 京マチ子1924--、誕生

Kyō Machiko est une actrice japonaise qui a été active principalement dans les années 1950.


Death penalty, judgment on Park Kun and Kaneko Fumiko of "BokuRetsu incident"



 In the film Tarzan, the ape man, swimming Olympic champion Johnny Weissmuller embodies the primeval forest man Tarzan for the first time.

Signature of a naval convention between France, Great Britain and the United States in London.

1939/0325:Im Deutschen Reich
 wird die „Jugenddienstpflicht“ eingeführt, womit die Mitgliedschaft von Kindern und Jugendlichen in der Hitlerjugend auch gegen den Willen der Eltern polizeilich erzwungen werden kann.

In the German Reich the "Jugenddienstpflicht" is introduced, whereby the membership of children and youth in the Hitler Youth can be enforced also against the will of the parents police.

André Breton, sa femme Jacqueline Lamba et leur fille Aube embarquent à Marseille pour New York. Max Ernst, Wifredo Lam, Claude Lévi-Strauss, André Masson et Victor Serge les accompagnent.



Ein Kommando der Nazis ermordet Franz Oppenhoff, den Oberbürgermeister des befreiten Aachen. Das Endphaseverbrechen führt später vor einem deutschen Gericht nur zu kurzen Haftstrafen und Freisprüchen.

A Nazi commando murders Franz Oppenhoff, mayor of the liberated Aachen. The final phase crime leads later to a German court only to short prison terms and acquittals.

# Franz Oppenhoff (18 August 1902 – 25 March 1945) was a German lawyer who was appointed Mayor of the city of Aachen by Allied forces and subsequently murdered on the order of Heinrich Himmler.

1947/0325:Elton John 1947--、誕生

, chanteur et pianiste britannique.

1948/0325:日本のマタハリ 川島芳子190748、処刑(銃殺)

Kawashima Yoshiko was a Chinese princess of Manchu descent.
She was raised in Japan and served as a spy for the Japanese Kwantung Army and puppet state of Manchukuo during the Second Sino-Japanese War.
She is sometimes known in fiction under the pseudonym "Eastern Mata Hari".
After the war, she was captured, tried and executed as a traitor by the Nationalist government of the Republic of China. She was also a notable descendant of Hooge, eldest son of Huangtaiji.

More than 92,000 kulaks are suddenly deported from the Baltic states to Siberia.

Parution du premier numéro de Paris Match.

 US Customs seizes copies of Allen Ginsberg's poem "Howl" on obscenity grounds.

France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands sign two treaties in Rome: the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community and the Treaty establishing the European Community of the atomic energy.


 Civil rights activists led by Martin Luther King Jr. successfully complete their 4-day 50-mile march from Selma to the capitol in Montgomery, Alabama.

1966/0325:Eiger in the Swiss Alps
The Scottish extreme mountaineer Dougal Haston manages together with four Germans the first ascent of the Eiger north face in the Direttissima. The route is named after Dougal's friend John Harlin, who died in the ascent.

Pakistani President Ayoub Khan hands over power to the military after 11 years of rule.

Faisal of Saudi Arabia is shot and killed by a mentally ill nephew.

1980/0325:USA 精神医学者 Milton Erickson 190180、死去

Milton Hyland Erickson was an American psychiatrist and psychologist specializing in medical hypnosis and family therapy.
He is noted for his approach to the unconscious mind as creative and solution-generating.
He is also noted for influencing brief therapy, strategic family therapy, family systems therapy, solution focused brief therapy, and neuro-linguistic programming.

Erickson frequently drew upon his own experiences to provide examples of the power of the unconscious mind. He was largely self-taught. A great many of his anecdotal and autobiographical teaching stories were collected by Sidney Rosen in the book My Voice Will Go With You. Erickson identified many of his earliest personal experiences as hypnotic or autohypnotic.

The Candle demonstration in Bratislava is the first mass demonstration of the 1980s against the communist regime in Czechoslovakia.

1992/0325:日本、九州の長崎県に 「ハウステンボス」開園


 the world's first wiki, and part of the Portland Pattern Repository, is made public by Ward Cunningham.

1996/0325:天文、Hyakutake, the Great Comet of 1996, reaches its closest approach to Earth.

The European Union's Veterinarian Committee bans the export of British beef and its by-products as a result of mad cow disease (Bovine spongiform encephalopathy).

Magnitude 5.9 earthquake in Baglan province in Afghanistan causes around 2,000 deaths and at least as many injuries. Around 150,000 people become homeless.

2006/0325:Capitol Hill massacre:
 A gunman kills six people before taking his own life at a party in Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood.

The first cases of Ebola are officially reported in Guinea.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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