


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 03/21 今日の出來事

0537/0321:Siege of Rome:
 King Vitiges attempts to assault the city walls, but is repulsed at the Praenestine Gate, known as the Vivarium, by the defenders under the Byzantine generals Bessas and Peranius.

The city was besieged by the Ostrogothic army under their king Vitiges; the defending East Romans were commanded by Belisarius, one of the most famous and successful Roman generals. The siege was the first major encounter between the forces of the two opponents, and played a decisive role in the subsequent development of the war.

Emperor Heraclius returns the True Cross, one of the holiest Christian relics, to Jerusalem.

The True Cross is the name for physical remnants which, by a Christian Church tradition, are said to be from the cross upon which Jesus was crucified.

0717/0321:Battle of Vincy
Charles Martel vainc les Neustriens à Vinchy.

In the power struggle within the Frankish kingdom, Charles Martell prevails at the Battle of Vincy against the Merovingian king Chilperic II and his housemaid Raganfrid, becoming the dominant figure in Western Europe.

Charles Martel 069041:メロヴィング朝フランク王国の宮宰。トゥール・ポワティエ間の戦闘でウマイヤ朝のヨウロパ侵攻を阻止、ヨウロパへのイスラム教徒の侵入をイベリア半島でとどめたことで名高い。

Évolution du Royaume franc de 481 jusqu'à l'Empire franc en 814.


宋朝開國皇帝。後漢時,趙匡胤於漢隱帝在位期間投奔郭威,之後郭威篡漢建立後週,是為周太祖;而趙匡胤則得任東西班行首,始入宦途。 959年,周世宗於北征回京後不久駕崩,逝世前任命趙匡胤為殿前都點檢,執掌殿前司諸軍。隔年(960年)元月初一,北漢契丹聯兵犯邊,趙匡胤受命防禦。初三夜晚,大軍於京城開封府(今河南省開封市)東北二十公里的陳橋驛(今河南省封丘縣陳橋鎮)發生政變,將士於隔日清晨擁立趙匡胤為帝,史稱「陳橋兵變」。大軍隨即回師京城,週恭帝禪位,趙匡胤登基,建國號「大宋」,是為「宋太祖」,年號為建隆,史稱「北宋」。

Emperor Taizu of Song personal name Zhao Kuangyin, courtesy name Yuanlang, was the founder and first emperor of the Song dynasty in China.
He reigned from 960 until his death in 976. Formerly a distinguished military general of the Later Zhou dynasty, Emperor Taizu came to power after staging a coup d'état and forcing Emperor Gong, the last Later Zhou ruler, to abdicate the throne in his favour.

Selon la tradition, fondation par Robert de Molesme de l'abbaye de Cîteaux.


Le roi Louis VII de France et Aliénor d'Aquitaine sont divorcés avec le consentement d'un conseil et d'une dispense papale.
La couronne française perd ainsi le territoire acquis par l'Aquitaine après le mariage.




1239/0321:日本 踊り念佛の遊行層 一遍123989、誕生

Ippen ou Ippen Shōnin (le saint Ippen), de son nom de naissance Chishin 智眞, était un moine bouddhique japonais de l’époque de Kamakura, fondateur de l’école amidiste Ji-shū (時宗 école du temps).

Ippen's doctrine was primarily influenced by Shōkū, founder of the Seizan branch of the Jōdo-shū, who "insisted that the various Buddhist practices contain no more than a portion of the merit of the single practice of the nembutsu and serve merely to lead people to recite the nembutsu."
However he was also strongly influenced by the nondualism of Zen and even received Dharma transmission as a Zen master from Rōshi Kakushin.

できるだけ多くの人々を往生するために「一切衆生決定往生」の祈願を込めた安心の六八の弘誓「南無阿弥陀仏 決定往生六十万人」を賦算した。「六十万人」とは、


旅ころも 木の根 かやの根いづくにか 身の捨られぬ処あるべき

身を観ずれば水の泡 消ぬる後は人もなし 命を思へば月の影 出で入る息にぞ留まらぬ


Guillaume Ier d'Avesnes, comte de Hainaut, accorde aux habitants de Genly le privilège d’être régis par une loi conforme à celle de Mons (Hainaut).

Die Mehrzahl der Erfurter Juden wird vom Rest der Bevölkerung massakriert, die sie für die Pest verantwortlich macht.

The majority of the Jews of Erfurt is massacred by the rest of the population who makes them responsible for the plague.

 la guarnigione francese di Novara passa all'esercito di Ludovic Sforza.

the French garrison of Novara goes to the army of Ludovic Sforza.

In Oxford, Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer is burned at the stake.

1532、大司教 Wヲウアムが逝去、イングランド國王 Henry VIII 149147 はその後繼者を物色、國王の側近だった Thomas Cromwell 148540 は当時ケンブリッヂの教授だった Thomas Cranmer 148956 を推薦し、翌年クランマはカンタベリ大司教に就任。ヘンリ八世のキャサリンオブアラゴンとの離婚を承認した。同時代者の『Utopia』の作者 Thomas More 147835 は國王の離婚に絶対反對し、断首されてゐる。
Henry VIII の後を繼いだ Edward VI も父同様、イングランド國教會を全面的に支持、くらんまいはさらに積極的に宗教改革を推進した。
ところが、Mary I of England 151658 が卽位すると、彼女はカトリックで、しかもイングランドカトリック国教にするといふ強い宗教情熱を持ってゐた。そのために、プロテスタントを迫害、そのために Bloody Mary と呼ばれた。クランマも彼女によって轉向を求められたが、拒絶した彼を待ってゐたのは火刑、オクスフォウドの廣場で實行された。

1556/0321:Thomas Cranmer 148956、火刑(殉教)

a leader of the English Reformation and Archbishop of Canterbury during the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI and, for a short time, Mary I.
He helped build the case for the annulment of Henry's marriage to Catherine of Aragon, which was one of the causes of the separation of the English Church from union with the Holy See. Along with Thomas Cromwell, he supported the principle of Royal Supremacy, in which the king was considered sovereign over the Church within his realm.

1666/0321:江戸の儒學(古文辭學)者 荻生徂徠166628、誕生

Ogyū Sorai est un penseur japonais parmi les plus influents de l’époque d’Edo (1603~1868).



彼の同時代に起こった赤穗事件にかんして 周囲の學者は仇討ちにたいする賞讃と助命を云ったが、徂徠は義士切腹論を主張した

L'astronomo Giovanni Domenico Cassini scopre due lune del pianeta Saturno, Teti e Dione.

1736/0321:フランス 建築家 Claude Nicolas Ledoux 173606、誕生

un architecte, urbaniste et utopiste français.
Très actif de la fin de l'Ancien Régime, il fut l'un des principaux créateurs du style néoclassique. La plupart de ses constructions ont été détruites au XIXe siècle.

Projet de ville de Chaux – Le cimetière

Parc de Mauperthuis - Projet de maison des gardes agricoles

Saline royale d'Arc-et-Senans

1763/0321:ドイツ 作家 Jean Paul 176325、誕生

Jean Paul, eigentlich Johann Paul Friedrich Richter, war ein deutscher Schriftsteller.
Sein Werk steht literaturgeschichtlich zwischen den Epochen der Klassik und Romantik.
Die von ihm gewählte Namensänderung geht auf Jean Pauls große Bewunderung für Jean-Jacques Rousseau zurück.
Er schuf eine einzigartige literarische Welt mit Distanz sowohl zu "Sturm und Drunk", einer Klassik und Romantik des literarischen Geschmacks des literarischen Gedankens, der damals in der deutschen Literaturzeitalter geblasen wurde. 

1768/0321:フランス 数学者 Joseph Fourier 176830、誕生

un mathématicien et physicien français.
Il est connu pour avoir déterminé, par le calcul, la propagation de la chaleur en utilisant la décomposition d'une fonction quelconque en une série trigonométrique convergente.
De telles fonctions sont appelées séries de Fourier ; la méthode de calcul permettant de façon réversible de passer d'une fonction à la série trigonométrique correspondante est la transformation de Fourier.

1775/0321:ボナパルトの弟 Lucien Bonaparte 177550、誕生

le troisième3 fils de Charles-Marie Bonaparte et de Maria-Létizia Ramolino et le second frère de Napoléon Bonaparte.
Homme politique français, il est ministre de l'Intérieur (1799-1800) puis tribun (1802).
Il est prince romain de Canino, prince français en 1815, puis prince (romain) de Musignano en 1824 et prince (romain) Bonaparte en 1837.

The astronomer Wilhelm Herschel discovers the galaxy NGC 4379 in the constellation Coma Berenices. Furthermore, he encounters in his observations on another previously unknown galaxy in the constellation Leo, today's NGC 3370.

1788/0321:USA、Fire in New Orleans
A fire destroys almost the entire city of New Orleans. Of the approximately 1100 buildings, 856 fall victim to the flames.

 Création des comités de surveillance révolutionnaires dans les communes et dans les sections.

Creation of revolutionary monitoring committees in municipalities and sections.

1800/0321:Russie et l'Empire ottoman,
 s'entendent, dans le traité de Constantinople pour former la « République fédérative des Sept-Îles », nom donné à l'entité regroupant sept îles de la mer Ionienne (anciennement vénitiennes), situées entre la Grèce et l'Italie, que la France s’était attribuées au traité de Campo-Formio en 1797.

Les Français sont battus par les Anglais à la bataille de Canope près d'Alexandrie (Égypte).

British troops under Ralph Abercromby defeat the French under Jacques-François Menou at Alexandria. Napoleon's Egyptian expedition has thus practically failed, even if the French remain in Egypt until August.

map of the British plan for the battle

la France signe un traité avec l'Espagne. Le duché de Toscane est transformé en Royaume d'Étrurie et la Louisiane est rétrocédée à la France.

France signs a treaty with Spain. The Duchy of Tuscany is transformed into the Kingdom of Etruria and Louisiana is retroceded to France.

(30 ventôse an XII) Napoléon Bonaparte promulgue le Code civil.

Code Napoléon is adopted as French civil law.

Exécution du duc d'Enghien dans les fossés du château de Vincennes.

In the ditch of the castle of Vincennes, Louis Antoine Henri de Bourbon-Condé, duc d'Enghien, who had been deported to France by order of Napoleon, was executed by an executioner's peloton.

Louis Antoine Henri de Bourbon-Condé 177204フランス革命期のエミグレ(亡命貴族)、アンギャン公。ブルボン家支流のブルボン=コンデの出身。バスティユ襲撃後、フランス革命戦争にも參じたg、エミグレは解散を強制され、アンギャン公は結婚し、妻の縁でバアデン選帝候國に父祖と別れて亡命、平穏な生活に入った。
Napoléon Bonaparte 176921 への暗殺計画の首謀者として彼の名前があがり(誤認)、1804、越境入國してきたフランス軍に逮捕され、パリ郊外のヴァンセンヌ城まで拉致され、そこで軍事裁判にかけられる。判事員の大佐七人は死刑を宣告。反論も充分に許されず、上層部への報告もなく、判決の一時間後には銃殺により死刑執行された。事實誤認の冤罪であった。

Exécution du duc d'Enghien 21 mars 1804.

1806/0321:メキシコ建國の父 Benito Juárez 180672、誕生

Benito Pablo Juárez García fue un abogado y político mexicano, de origen indígena (de la etnia zapoteca), presidente de México en varias ocasiones, del 18 de diciembre de 1857 al 18 de julio de 1872.1​ Se le conoce como el «Benemérito de las Américas». Es célebre su frase: «Entre los individuos, como entre las naciones, el respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz».

Benito Pablo Juárez García was a Mexican lawyer and politician, of indigenous origin (of the Zapotec ethnic group), president of Mexico on several occasions, from December 18, 1857 to July 18, 1872.1 He is known as the "Benemérito de las Americas ». His famous phrase "Among individuals, as among nations, respect for the rights of others is peace."


1814/0321:フランス、Napoleonic Wars:
 Austrian forces repel French troops in the Battle of Arcis-sur-Aube.

bataille d'Arcis-sur-Aube. Après avoir manqué d'anéantir les forces de Blücher, Napoléon est vaincu par les troupes de l'Autrichien Schwarzenberg.

un terremoto causa 6.000 muertes en España.

Austrian forces enter Italy to strike an uprising.

1839/0321:ロシア 作曲家 Modeste Moussorgski 183081、誕生

русский композитор, член «Могучей кучки».
Beaucoup de ses œuvres ont été inspirées par l'histoire russe, le folklore russe et d'autres thèmes nationaux. De tels travaux incluent l'opéra Boris Godounov, le poème de ton orchestral Night on Bald Mountain et la suite de piano Pictures at an Exhibition.

Felix Mendelssohn dirigiert auf Anregung von Robert Schumann die postume Uraufführung von Franz Schuberts Großer Sinfonie C-Dur im Gewandhaus zu Leipzig.
Die Sinfonie setzt sich in der Folge jedoch nur langsam durch.

メンデルゾンは、Rシュウマンから、Fシュウベルトの遺作のなかに 大作の交響曲があると教へられ、その初演をおこなふ。が、あまりにも長すぎるとして不評。

1844/0321:Bahá'í calendar begins.
 This is the first day of the first year of the Bahá'í calendar. It is annually celebrated by members of the Bahá'í Faith as the Bahá'í New Year or Náw-Rúz.

The Belgian Adolphe Sax receives the patent for the saxophone in France.


(Viêt-Nam) : l'empereur Tu Duc fait mettre à mort des prêtres chrétiens.

1855/0321:パリの象徴派詩人 Emile Verhaeren 185516、誕生

Émile Adolphe Gustave Verhaeren est un poète belge flamand, d'expression française.
Dans ses poèmes influencés par le symbolisme, où il pratique le vers libre, sa conscience sociale proche de l'anarchisme lui fait évoquer les grandes villes dont il parle avec lyrisme sur un ton d'une grande musicalité. Il a su traduire dans son œuvre la beauté de l'effort humain.

Am Carltheater in Wien wird Franz von Suppés Operette Leichte Kavallerie mit Karl Costas Libretto uraufgeführt. Sie ist heute nur noch durch ihre weltberühmte Ouvertüre bekannt.

Franz von Suppé's operetta Light Cavalry is premiered at the Carltheater in Vienna with Karl Costa's libretto. Today it is known only for its world-famous overture.

Otto von Bismarck is appointed as the first Chancellor of the German Empire.

Otto von Bismarck wird von Kaiser Wilhelm I. zum ersten Reichskanzler des neu gegründeten Deutschen Kaiserreichs ernannt und in den Fürstenstand erhoben. Als erstes Mitglied nimmt er Hermann von Thile, Staatssekretär für Auswärtiges, in sein Kabinett auf.

Journalist Henry Morton Stanley begins his trek to find the missionary and explorer David Livingstone.

1889/0321:日本の民藝先導者 柳宗悦188961、誕生

Yanagi Sōetsu ou Yanagi Muneyoshi 柳 宗悦, 1889-1961) est un écrivain, penseur et collectionneur japonais, connu pour son implication dans le mouvement Shirakaba (Bouleau blanc) et son travail de réévaluation des arts populaires coréens et japonais.

1913、大学卒業。このころから Walter Whitman 181992 の「直観」重視の思想に共鳴、これが芸術と宗教に立脚する独特な柳思想の基礎となった。

1894/0321:日本の陶藝家 荒川豊蔵189485、誕生

Arakawa Toyozō、Japanese ceramic potter.
In 1930 he discovered shards at the site of the ruins of an ogama style kiln at Mutabora proving that that Shino and Oribe glazed work of the Momoyama and early Edo period in Japan had been manufactured in Mino rather than in the Seto area. In 1933 he built a kiln reproducing the original Mutabora kiln and rediscovered the techniques for manufacturing Shino glazes.




1898/0321:オストリア 生物學 Paul Alfred Weiss 189889、誕生

an Austrian biologist who specialised in morphogenesis, development, differentiation and neurobiology. A teacher, experimenter and theorist, he made a lasting contribution to science in his lengthy career, throughout which he sought to encourage specialists in different fields to meet and share insights.


1908/0321:France : L'Action française devient un quotidien.

L'Action française becomes a daily newspaper.

1908/0321:France :
 Léon Delagrange et Henri Farman font leur premier vol avec passager sur un biplan.

Henri Farman et son épouse sur un biplan.

1910/0321:フランス 写真家 Nadar 182010、死去

Félix Tournachon, dit Nada est un caricaturiste, écrivain, aéronaute et photographe français.

Il publie à partir de 1854 une série de portraits photographiques d'artistes contemporains, parmi lesquels Daniel-François-Esprit Auber, Michel Bakounine, Théodore de Banville, Charles Baudelaire, Hector Berlioz, Sarah Bernhardt, Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot, Gustave Courbet, Gustave Doré, Alexandre Dumas, Jules Favre, Loïe Fuller, Victor Hugo, Zadoc Kahn, Charles Le Roux, Franz Liszt, Édouard Manet, Guy de Maupassant, Gérard de Nerval, Jacques Offenbach, les frères Élie Reclus et Élisée Reclus, Gioachino Rossini, George Sand, Hector de Sastres, Jules Verne, Richard Wagner et Gustave Bourdin.

Nadar, série Autoportrait « tournant », vers 1865

L'atelier de Nadar au 35, boulevard des Capucines, en 186

Over 360 are killed and 20,000 homes destroyed in the Great Dayton Flood in Dayton, Ohio.

 Albert Schweitzer und seine Frau Helene brechen zu ihrer ersten Reise nach Afrika auf, um in Französisch-Äquatorialafrika ein Krankenhaus aufzubauen. Sie treffen am 16. April in Lambaréné ein.

Albert Schweitzer and his wife Helene set out on their first trip to Africa to build a hospital in French Equatorial Africa. You will arrive in Lambaréné on the 16th of April.

1915/0321:Mexican Revolution,
 the Battle of El Ébano, in which the Constitutionalists succeed after more than 70 days of fighting, fends off the attempt by Pancho Villa-dominated conventionists to acquire ownership of the Mexican oilfields and oil export port of Tampico put.

1918/0321:日本、將棋棋士 升田幸三191891、誕生

Masuda Kōzō、deceased Japanese professional shogi player who achieved the rank of 9-dan.



 The first phase of the German Spring Offensive, Operation Michael, begins.

On the western front of the First World War, the German army begins its first of a total of five spring offensives: The company Michael brings large land gains, but ultimately fails in early April before Amiens.

In Weimar entsteht das von Walter Gropius initiierte Bauhaus als eine Hochschule für Gestaltung.

In Weimar, the Bauhaus, initiated by Walter Gropius, emerges as a university for design.

The Hungarian Soviet Republic is established becoming the first Communist government to be formed in Europe after the October Revolution in Russia.

In Hungary, after the merger of the Communist and Social-Democratic parties, Béla Kun seized power and proclaimed the Republic of Hungary's Councils on the model of the Russian Soviets. This communist interlude will last until August 1st.

The New Economic Policy is implemented by the Bolshevik Party in response to the economic failure as a result of war communism.

1925/0321:イギリス 演劇監督 Peter Brook 1925--、誕生

Peter Stephen Paul Brook is an English theatre and film director who has been based in France since the early 1970s.
He has won multiple Tony and Emmy Awards, a Laurence Olivier Award, the Praemium Imperiale, and the Prix Italia. He has been called "our greatest living theatre director".
With the Royal Shakespeare Company, Brook directed the first English language production of Marat/Sade in 1964. It transferred to Broadway in 1965 and won the Tony Award for Best Play, and Brook was named Best Director.

The Butler Act prohibits the teaching of human evolution in Tennessee.

L'Enfant et les Sortilèges, fantaisie lyrique en deux parties de Maurice Ravel, est représentée pour la première fois à l'Opéra de Monte-Carlo.

Syngman Rhee is removed from office after being impeached as the President of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea.


Zhou Enlai, Luo Yinong, Zhao Shiyan and other leaders led Shanghai workers to hold a general strike to cooperate with the National Revolutionary Army to occupy Shanghai.

Charles Lindbergh is presented with the Medal of Honor for the first solo trans-Atlantic flight.

In einer Pressekonferenz gibt Heinrich Himmler als kommissarischer Polizeipräsident von München die Fertigstellung des KZ Dachau als eines der ersten Konzentrationslager im Deutschen Reich bekannt. Tags darauf treffen die ersten rund 150 Häftlinge ein.

In a press conference, Heinrich Himmler, acting Commissioner of Police in Munich, announces the completion of the Dachau concentration camp as one of the first concentration camps in the German Reich. The next day, the first 150 prisoners arrive.

 Adolf Hitler beschäftigt die Arbeitslosen um Autobahnen zu bauen.


Shah of Iran Reza Shah Pahlavi formally asks the international community to call Persia by its native name, Iran.


1937/0321:Ponce massacre:
 Nineteen people in Ponce, Puerto Rico are gunned down by police acting on orders of the US-appointed Governor, Blanton C. Winship.

Near Ponce, Puerto Rican policemen shoot 21 people peacefully demonstrating for the release of nationalist Pedro Albizu Campos. The Ponce massacre is one of the bloodiest events in Puerto Rican history.

Das von v. Gersdorff geplante Attentat auf Adolf Hitler während einer Besichtigung erbeuteter Waffen scheitert.

Wehrmacht officer Rudolf von Gersdorff plots to assassinate Adolf Hitler by using a suicide bomb, but the plan falls through; von Gersdorff is able to defuse the bomb in time and avoid suspicion.


 the British Air Force bombards Copenhagen, targeting the premises of the Gestapo; civilians are killed, including 86 schoolchildren.

 British troops liberate Mandalay, Burma.

 Operation Carthage: Royal Air Force planes bomb Gestapo headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark. They also accidentally hit a school, killing 125 civilians.

 Bulgaria and the Soviet Union successfully complete their defense of the north bank of the Drava River as the Battle of the Transdanubian Hills concludes.



Alan Freed presents the Moondog Coronation Ball, the first rock and roll concert, in Cleveland, Ohio.

1957/0321:奇才の思想家 Charles Kay Ogden 188957、死去

an English linguist, philosopher, and writer. Described as a polymath but also an eccentric and outsider, he took part in many ventures related to literature, politics, the arts and philosophy, having a broad effect particularly as an editor, translator, and activist on behalf of a reformed version of the English language.
He is typically defined as a linguistic psychologist, and is now mostly remembered as the inventor and propagator of Basic English.


The Chinese military defeats the Tibetan popular uprising against the illegal occupation of the country by the People's Republic of China with military force.

 Sharpeville massacre, South Africa: Police open fire on a group of unarmed black South African demonstrators, killing 69 and wounding 180.

The South African Police are closing a demonstration organized by the Pan Africanist Congress in the Sharpeville Township against the discriminatory apartheid regime of the Sharpeville massacre by firing at the demonstrators, killing 69 people and injuring at least 180.

 at the Cavern Club Liverpool, the first Beatles show.

1963/0321:USA、Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary closes.
Robert Kennedy, US Attorney General, ordered the closure of Alcatraz High Security Prison. This is due to high operating costs and the threat of costly maintenance measures for the island in the Bay of San Francisco.

1965/0321:Ranger program:
 NASA launches Ranger 9, the last in a series of unmanned lunar space probes.

in Selma, Alabama, start of the five-day march by Martin Luther King and eight thousand black rights activists to Birmingham.

Martin Luther King begins his third civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery with his civil rights movement in order to get Black into the electoral roll. The march, which is successful for the first time, arrives on March 24 in the capital city of Alabama.

1968/0321:Battle of Karameh in Jordan
 between the Israel Defense Forces and the combined forces of the Jordanian Armed Forces and PLO.

At the Battle of Karame, Palestinian Fatah claims its first military victory against Israel in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

1969/0321:USA 軍人 Courtney Whitney 189769、死去

an American lawyer and Army commander during World War II who later served as a senior official during the occupation of Japan. He played a major role in the liberalization of Japanese government, society, and economy during the Occupation of Japan, 1945 to 1951.

After Japan surrendered, Whitney accompanied MacArthur to Atsugi Air Base and became Chief of the Government Section at GHQ. With Lt. Col. Milo Rowell, he drafted the Constitution of Japan and sent it to the Diet for approval. Historians emphasize the similarity of occupation policies to the American New Deal programs of the 1930s. Moore and Robinson note that, "New Deal liberalism seemed natural, even to conservative Republicans such as MacArthur and Whitney.

1970/0321:in Cambodia,
 following the March 18 coup against Norodom Sihanouk, Mr. Cheng Heng is sworn in as the new head of State; the former government chaired by General Lon Nol remains in place.




Création du Serpent monétaire européen qui constitue un premier pas vers l'union monétaire européenne.


Die Kattwykbrücke wird in Hamburg eingeweiht. Sie ist die größte Hubbrücke Deutschlands.

1977/0321:日本の女優 田中絹代190977、死去

Tanaka Kinuyo was a Japanese actress and director. She had a career lasting over 50 years with more than 250 credited films, and was best known for her roles in collaboration with director Kenji Mizoguchi over 15 films between 1940 and 1954.

U.S. President Jimmy Carter announces a United States boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow to protest the Soviet–Afghan War.

The first cases of the 1983 West Bank fainting epidemic begin; Israelis and Palestinians accuse each other of poison gas, but the cause is later determined mostly to be psychosomatic.

Namibia becomes independent after 75 years of South African rule.

Namibia becomes provisionally the last African country independent, as South Africa, the trust management, which was deprived of him in 1966 by the UN, finally surrenders. First President is Sam Nujoma of the Southwest African People's Organization (SWAPO).

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change enters into force.


Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones become the first to circumnavigate the Earth in a hot air balloon.

foot-and-mouth disease epidemic: the Republic of Ireland officially identifies its first case of foot-and-mouth disease. Veterinary experts from the European Union issue an embargo on exports of live cattle and derived products from the Netherlands.

In Red Lake, Minnesota, student Jeffrey Weise runs amuck. He shoots his grandfather and his partner first at home and then continues the massacre at the local high school. The killing spree costs ten people, including the perpetrator, life.

2006/0321:Twitter is founded
The microblogging service Twitter is founded. That same day, the very first tweet from Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey will be sent.

Four police officers are shot and killed and a fifth is wounded in two shootings at Oakland, California.

le mathématicien français Yves Meyer reçoit le prix Abel « pour son rôle central dans le développement de la théorie mathématique des ondelettes ».


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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