


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
今日が命日の Aubrey Beardsley 187298『Venus between Terminal Gods』

歴史暦:古今東西 03/16 今日の出來事

Babylonians capture Jerusalem, and replace Jeconiah with Zedekiah as king.


新バビロニアカルデア王國 -625~-539 カルデアの將軍ナポポラッサルによりメソポタミアに建國。首都はバビロン。
Nebuchadnezzar -63462 夢見 ダニエル書

エホヤキン(主は設立する):ユダ王國18王。バビロン王ネブカデネザルの脅威のもと18で卽位。 エゼキエル書19-05 豫言 エレミアの書を燒き、神の詞を冒瀆、結果、ネブカは財寶もろともバビロンに移した。その治世は三ヶ月と十日。その後は、エホヤキンの伯父ゼデキアが20代目にして最後のユダ王國の王となった。


 Stèle représentant Nabonide, devant des symboles divins.

0037/0316:02ロウマ皇帝 Tiberius Julius Caesar -04237、崩去

Romanum imperium Conditoris tenura post Augustum.
Roman emperor from 14 AD to 37 AD, succeeding the tenure of the Empire's founder, Augustus.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f9/Roman_Empire_in_14_AD.png/1280px-Roman_Empire_in_14_AD.png L'Empire romain en 14, au début du règne de Tibère.

Caligula is throne to the successor's emperor

0037/0316:カリグラ、03ロウマ皇帝に卽位 ~0041/0124


Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (Caligura) -01241
ロウマ市民からの支持は高かった。後代の評價では、狂氣じみた獨裁者、殘忍、浪費癖 と惡評多いが、彼についての第一次史料はすくない。

Map of the Roman Empire in 37 AD

≫ Le pouvoir donne ses chances à l'impossible. 

Caligula et Agrippine mère

Emperor Valentinian III is assassinated by two Hunnic retainers while training with the bow on the Campus Martius (Rome).

0729/0316:奈良朝の皇族 長屋王067629、薨去(自決)

Nagaya-no-ōkimi was a politician of the Nara period and an imperial prince of Japan, a son of Prince Takechi (grandson of Emperor Tenmu 天武天皇063086.
His father was Prince Takechi and his mother Princess Minabe (a daughter of Emperor Tenji and Empress Genmei's sister). He married Princess Kibi (his cousin, a daughter of Empress Genmei and Empress Genshō's sister).

The Fujiwara clan were the most powerful competitors of Nagaya. Fujiwara no Fuhito, the leader of the house, had been the most powerful courtier in the court in the days when Japan was under the reign of Empress Genshō, a cousin of Nagaya's. After Fuhito's death in 720, Nagaya seized complete power within the court. This power shift was the source of later conflicts between him and Fuhito's four sons (Muchimaro, Fusasaki, Maro and Umakai) in the reign of Emperor Shōmu.

In 729, the four sons charged him with a false crime and Nagaya received the death penalty. He was forced to commit suicide. His wife, Princess Kibi, and his children were killed at the same time.





0760/0316:日本渡來のインド僧 菩提僊那070460、入定

Bodhisena was an Indian Buddhist scholar and monk, known for traveling to Japan and establishing the Kegon school 華嚴宗, the Japanese transmission of the Huayan school of Chinese Buddhism.
His stay has been noted in the official history records called the Shoku Nihongi『續日本紀』, where he is referred to as Bodai-Senna 菩提僊那.

Meng Zhixiang declares himself emperor and establishes Later Shu as a new state independent of Later Tang.


Massacre of Jews at Clifford's Tower, York.

In the English city of York, there is a pogrom against local Jews, probably fueled by influential debtors.


Over 200 Cathars are burned after the Fall of Montségur.

Hugues d’Arcis, Pierre Amiel (archevêque de Narbonne) et Durand (évêque d’Albi) brûlent plus de 200 cathares qui viennent de se rendre après la prise du Château de Montségur, France.



In the last years of the Yuan Dynasty, the Red Turban Army led Han Liner to become the emperor in Zhuozhou and established the country as Song.

1478/0316:コンキスタドル Francisco Pizarro 147841、誕生

Francisco Pizarro González​ fue un conquistador español que, lideró la expedición que inició la Conquista del Perú.a​Posteriormente sería nombrado gobernador de Nueva Castilla, con sede de gobierno en la Ciudad de los Reyes.
Se sabe que encarceló y condenó a muerte en 1533 al emperador inca Atahualpa después de la batalla de Cajamarca.

The fifth Lateran Council ends in Rome. The initiated church reform stifles some theological issues because of disagreement.

El navegante portugués Fernand de Magallanes llegó a Filipinas y convirtió al catolicismo en el rey de Cebú.

Ferdinand Magellan=Fernão de Magalhães 148021


England breaks all relations with the Catholic Church.

1578 /0316:フランス、「ポンヌフ」の建造
Lettres patentes du roi de France Henri III autorisant la construction du Pont Neuf sur la Seine à Paris.

Plan de Mérian montrant une vue aérienne du pont neuf en 1615.

1613/0316:戰國大名 池田輝政156513、卒去

Ikeda Terumasa was a Japanese daimyō of the early Edo period.

He became the first lord of the Harima Himeji clan and built him a large scale in Himeji castle, making it the number one castle in history.

The Long Parliament of England is dissolved so as to prepare for the new Convention Parliament.

After King Charles II ascended the English throne and summoned the rights of Parliament, the "Long Parliament" meeting since 1640 is formally dissolved.

Inauguration du premier transport en commun entre la Porte St Martin et la Porte du Luxembourg. Il s'agit de carrosses publics. Blaise Pascal en est l'instigateur.


Louis XIV sends an army to Ireland to fight alongside King James II.

1736/0316:イタリア作曲家 Giovanni Pergolesi 171036、死去

Giovanni Battista Draghi detto Pergolesi è stato un compositore, organista e violinista italiano di opere e musica sacra dell'epoca barocca.

1736年、彼は病氣療養のためにナポリ近郊の聖フランチェスコ修道院に移る。そこで、ナポリ在住の貴族の「悲しみの聖母騎士団Cavalieri della Virgine dei Dolori」から委嘱された『Stabat Mater』を書き上げて、間もなく死去、二十六歳。

Création au théâtre des Italiens de la comédie de Marivaux Les Fausses Confidences.

1751/0316:USA大統領の一人 James Madison 175136、誕生

an American statesman and Founding Father who served as the fourth President of the United States from 1809 to 1817.
He is hailed as the "Father of the Constitution" for his pivotal role in drafting and promoting the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

1766/0316:フランスの山師 Jean-Frédéric Waldeck 176675、誕生

Jean-Frédéric Maximilien de Waldeck est un antiquaire, cartographe, artiste et explorateur français connu pour avoir eu une vie exceptionnellement longue (109 ans révolus1, quasi-supercentenaire).
Il est le premier artiste européen à avoir dessiné les monuments de la culture Maya.
Waldeck est un personnage haut en couleur : il prétend être duc, comte ou baron, être né à Prague, Paris et Vienne, ainsi qu'en Allemagne, en Autriche et en Grande-Bretagne. Il se fait également appeler Johann Friedrich Graf von Waldeck à l'occasion.

彼は19歳で南アフリカ共和国へ旅立ち、探査の経歴を始めた。その後、フランスへ戻り、Jacques-Louis David 174825 の学生として絵画を学んだ。彼は、Napoléon Bonaparte 176921の遠征にしたがってエジプトへも行ったと云った。 ……

1789/0316:オウムの法則の Georg Simon Ohm 178954、誕生

ein deutscher Physiker und Mathematiker.
Als Schullehrer begann Ohm seine Forschungen mit der neuen elektrochemischen Zelle, die von dem italienischen Wissenschaftler Alessandro Volta erfunden wurde.
Er fand heraus, dass es eine direkte Proportionalität zwischen der Potentialdifferenz (Spannung), die über einen Leiter angelegt wird, und dem resultierenden elektrischen Strom gibt. Diese Beziehung ist als Ohmsches Gesetz bekannt.

Ohm's law first appeared in the famous book 'Die galvanische Kette, mathematisch bearbeitet (1827) in which he gave his complete theory of electricity. In this work, he stated his law for electromotive force acting between the extremities of any part of a circuit is the product of the strength of the current, and the resistance of that part of the circuit.

1782/0316:American Revolutionary War:
 Spanish troops capture the British-held island of Roatán.

King Gustav III of Sweden is shot; he dies on March 29.

Johann Jakob Anckarström perpetrates an assassination attempt on the Swedish king Gustav III at a masked ball, which succumbs to the gunshot wound on March 29th. The event is based on Giuseppe Verdi's opera Un ballo in maschera.

1797/0316:French Revolutionary Wars:
 An Austrian column is defeated by the French in the Battle of Valvasone.

「West Point Military Academy」found, 

The Army Corps of Engineers is established to found and operate the United States Military Academy at West Point.

 alliée de la France, accepte de fournir une armée à Napoléon.

During the Napoleonic Wars on the Iberian Peninsula begins a Portuguese-British army under Arthur Wellesley with the siege of the French garrison in Badajoz, which will last until April 6.

Prince Willem proclaims himself King of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands, the first constitutional monarch in the Netherlands.

1818/0316:スペインvsチリ「Second Battle of Cancha Rayada」
 Spanish forces defeated Chileans under José de San Martín.

1828/0316:ドイツの名物先生 Johann Georg Galletti 175028、死去

war ein deutscher Historiker und Geograph, Verfasser zahlreicher zeitgenössisch bedeutsamer Historien und Lehrbücher.


The New York Stock Exchange records the lowest daily turnover in its history. Of the 80 million listed shares, only 31 are traded.

1839/0316:フランス詩人 René Armand Prudhomme 183907、誕生

, dit Sully Prudhomme est un poète français, premier lauréat du prix Nobel de littérature en 1901.

1840/0316:明治維新の實業家 澀澤榮一184031、誕生


幕末 |  維新

Shibusawa Eiichi was a Japanese industrialist widely known today as the "father of Japanese capitalism".
He spearheaded the introduction of Western capitalism to Japan after the Meiji Restoration. He introduced many economic reforms including use of double-entry accounting, joint-stock corporations and modern note-issuing banks.


(幕末)の長州藩の活動家。吉田松陰183059 門下、久坂玄瑞184064・高杉晉作183967 とともに「三秀」とうたはれた(これに入江九一183764を加へて「四天王」とも)



 at the news of the Viennese uprising and the fall of Metternich, the enthusiasm seizes the Berliners.
 Cockades with German colors (black, red and gold) appear. The streets are soon covered with barricades.
 King Frederick William IV is forced to accept the need for a renovation and announce the immediate meeting of a federal Parliament, the creation of an army and a national fleet, and the extension of the Zollverein. He grants some concessions to the Liberals: the abolition of censorship and the upcoming summons of the Landtag. But it is already too late to stop the revolution.

1850/0316:USA文藝 ホウソン『緋文字』刊行
Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel The Scarlet Letter appears for the first time.

1851/0316:ウイルス学創始 Martinus Beijerinck 185131、誕生

Martinus Willem Beijerinck was a Dutch microbiologist and botanist.
He is often considered one of the founders of virology and environmental microbiology. In spite of his numerous pioneering and seminal contributions to science in general, he was never awarded the Nobel Prize.

1859/0316:無線通信の発明 Alexandre Popov 185906、誕生

a Russian physicist who is acclaimed in his homeland and some eastern European countries as the inventor of radio.

同時期に Guglielmo Marconi 187437 も特許出願しており、一般的な知名度はこちらの方が高いが、ポポフの公開実験はマルコニが成功する実験より4月ほど早かったし、Mは

1864/0316:American Civil War:
 During the Red River Campaign, Union troops reach Alexandria, Louisiana.

1865/0316:American Civil War:
 The Battle of Averasborough began as Confederate forces suffer irreplaceable casualties in the final months of the war.


The first version of the overture fantasy Romeo and Juliet by Tchaikovsky receives its première performance.

 Wilhelm I sanctioned the construction of the Kaiser Wilhelm Canal as a connection between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea.


https://is.gd/3gFvTx 脱亜論 - Wikipedia
https://is.gd/isE4wD 脱亜論 - Wikisource

Première de Thaïs, opéra de Jules Massenet à l'Opéra de Paris.

The premiere of the opera Thaïs by Jules Massenet with a libretto by Louis Gallet based on the novel by Anatole France takes place at the Grand Opéra Paris and is critically received.

1898/0316:イギリスの線描家 Aubrey Beardsley 187298、死去

Aubrey Vincent Beardsley was an English illustrator and author.
His drawings in black ink, influenced by the style of Japanese woodcuts, emphasized the grotesque, the decadent, and the erotic.
He was a leading figure in the Aesthetic movement which also included Oscar Wilde and James A. McNeill Whistler.
Beardsley's contribution to the development of the Art Nouveau and poster styles was significant, despite the brevity of his career before his early death from tuberculosis.

1898/0316:In Melbourne
 the representatives of five colonies adopted a constitution, which would become the basis of the Commonwealth of Australia.

Sir Arthur Evans purchased the land around the ruins of Knossos, the largest Bronze Age archaeological site on Crete.

In Moskau erlebt die 1. Sinfonie von Alexander Skrjabin ihre erste vollständige Aufführung (mit Chorfinale).

В Москве первая симфония Александра Скрябина получила свое первое полное выступление (с хоровыми финалами).

1904/0316:In Deutschland
 wird die Buchausgabe des Schauspiels Der Reigen von Arthur Schnitzler von den Behörden verboten.

Japan nationalizes its railways.

1908/0316:フランスの幻想作家 René Daumal 190844、誕生

un poète, critique, essayiste, indianiste, écrivain et dramaturge français.

彼の作品、『大いなる酒宴』1938 とアレゴリカルな『類推の山』。
『類推の山』はアレハンドロ・ホドロフスキの映画『Holly Mountain』1973 の原作となった。{この映画はおもしろかった。

1908/0316:USA映画監督 Robert Rossen 190866、誕生

an American screenwriter, film director, and producer whose film career spanned almost three decades.
His 1949 film All the King's Men won Oscars for Best Picture, Best Actor and Best Supporting Actress, while Rossen was nominated for an Oscar as Best Director. He won the Golden Globe for Best Director and the film won the Golden Globe Award for Best Picture. In 1961 he directed The Hustler, which was nominated for nine Oscars and won two.


Suzuki Umetarou successfully extracted vitamin B1 (oryzanin).

1911/0316:人にはあらず悪魔なり Josef Mengele 191179、誕生

a German Schutzstaffel (SS) officer and physician in Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II.
Mengele was a member of the team of doctors responsible for the selection of victims to be killed in the gas chambers and for performing deadly human experiments on prisoners. Arrivals deemed able to work were admitted into the camp, and those deemed unfit for labor were immediately killed in the gas chambers.
Mengele left Auschwitz on 17 January 1945, shortly before the arrival of the liberating Red Army troops. After the war, he fled to South America, where he evaded capture for the rest of his life.

taken sometime before 1945

As his health rapidly deteriorates, Lawrence Oates, a member of Robert Falcon Scott's Terra Nova Expedition, leaves the tent and declares that "it could take a little longer." He does not return.


1914/0316:日本の公家 嵯峨浩191487、誕生

Saga Hiro、Japanese noblewoman. She was the daughter of Marquis Saga Saneto and a distant relative of the Shōwa Emperor.

She was married in 1937 to Pujie, the younger brother of Puyi, the Last Emperor of China from 1908~12 and the puppet emperor of Manchukuo from 1934~45.
After her marriage to Pujie, she was known as, and identified herself as, Aisin-Gioro Hiro (愛新覺羅・浩) or Aixin-Jueluo Hao in Chinese.

1915/0316:日本の数学者 小平邦彦191597、誕生

Kodaira Kunihiko、un mathématicien japonais connu pour son travail en géométrie algébrique et en théorie des variétés complexes et aussi en tant que fondateur de l'école japonaise de géométrie algébrique.
Il a reçu une médaille Fields en 1954, le premier Japonais à avoir cet honneur.

Interdiction de fabrication et de vente de la liqueur d'absinthe.

The 7th and 10th US cavalry regiments under John J. Pershing cross the US–Mexico border to join the hunt for Pancho Villa.

 A German auxiliary cruiser is sunk in the Action of 16 March 1917.

 Prince Georgi Lvov, Paul Miliukov and Alexander Kerensky form a government.

One day after the transfer of the regency by his brother Nicholas II in the course of the February Revolution, the Russian Tsar Mikhail II hands over power to the provisional government under Georgy Yevgenyevich Lvov and Alexander Fyodorovich Kerensky, without expressly abdicating.

1918/0316:Finnish Civil War:
 Battle of Länkipohja is infamous for its bloody aftermath as the Whites executed 70–100 capitulated Reds.

The German chemist Fritz Winkler discovers an additional state of matter in an experiment: plasma.

Conclusion of British Soviet Trade Agreement. In fact, the UK approved the Soviet Union.

Great Britain recognizes the Kingdom of Egypt and an Anglo-Egyptian condominium on Sudan.

Der Unbestechliche von Hugo von Hofmannsthal wird im Wiener Raimund-Theater uraufgeführt.

1924/0316:Treaty of Rome,
In accordance with the agreement with the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes laid down in the Treaty of Rome, Italy annexes the independent Free State of Fiume.

1925/0316:経口避妊薬發明 Luis Ernesto Miramontes 192504、誕生

Luis Ernesto Miramontes Cárdenas fue un químico mexicano conocido como el coinventor de la progestina noretisterona utilizada en uno de los primeros tres anticonceptivos orales.
a Mexican chemist known as the co-inventor of the progestin norethisterone used in one of the first three oral contraceptives.

1928/0316:相撲横綱 初代若乃花幹士192810、誕生

Wakanohana Kanji I 、a sumo wrestler, the sport's 45th yokozuna (the highest-ranking position).


in Auburn, Massachusetts, Robert Goddard launches his first liquid fuel rocket. It rises to 12.5 meters and its flight lasts 2.5 seconds.

1928/0316:メゾソプラノ Christa Ludwig 1928--、誕生

eine deutsche Opern- und Konzertsängerin (Mezzosopran).
She is widely recognised as one of the most significant and distinguished singers of the 20th century.
Elle est considérée comme « l'une des plus grandes voix de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle » et « une interprète adulée de Mozart, Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Mahler, Strauss... »

Christa Ludwig mit ihrer Kollegin Maria Callas und

1930/0316:スペインの軍人 Miguel Primo de Rivera 187030、死去

Miguel Primo de Rivera y Orbaneja fue un militar español que ejerció como dictador entre 1923 y 1930.
El rey español Alfonso XIII lo llamó "mi Mussorini". Él gobernó España de forma autónoma desde 1923 hasta 1930.

When the influence of the Great Depression that began in 1929 has also spread to Spain, Rivera's economic policy will be stalled from the collapse of the currency value. In January 1930, in January 1930, Alfonso XIII was forced to resign to Rivera, and he was dismissed on the grounds of "deterioration of health". A few months later, he died in exile Paris.

Italy, Austria and Hungary sign in Rome the Protocols creating the Danubian bloc to make room for the Little Entente, constituted by Czechoslovakia, Romania and Yugoslavia.


Nach offizieller Nichtigkeitserklärung des Vertrags von Versailles seitens des Deutschen Reiches ordnet Adolf Hitler die Wiedereinführung der allgemeinen Wehrpflicht an. Gleichzeitig wird die Reichswehr in Wehrmacht umbenannt.

Adolf Hitler orders Germany to rearm herself in violation of the Treaty of Versailles. Conscription is reintroduced to form the Wehrmacht.
Adolf Hitler rétablit le service militaire obligatoire en Allemagne et dénonce les clauses du traité de Versailles concernant le désarmement.

Warmer-than-normal temperatures rapidly melt snow and ice on the upper Allegheny and Monongahela rivers, leading to a major flood in Pittsburgh.

1938/0316:ウインの文人、Egon Friedell 187838、死去(自殺)

ein österreichischer Journalist und Schriftsteller, der als Dramatiker, Theaterkritiker und Kulturphilosoph hervortrat. Außerdem wirkte er als Schauspieler, Kabarettist und Conférencier.
He is a versatile writer born in Vienna, an actor and a recitation, and also a manager of Cabaret (literary cabaret).


≫ 我々が年齡とともに得る最惡の偏見は「生命こそが重要」とする考へである。子供の時には正しい本能を持ってゐたのに。子供は生命など重要視しないで、それを遊びとして、ゲイムとして扱ふ。
≫ 人々がかつて考案した分類はすべて任意なものであり、人為的で誤りである。だが、それに対する単純な反発は、それらが我々の思考の固有の様相と一致するので、そのような分類が有用で不可欠で、不可避であると思はせるのだ。

From Prague Castle, Hitler proclaims Bohemia and Moravia a German protectorate.

Die am Vortag von der deutschen Wehrmacht unter Bruch des Münchner Abkommens vom September 1938 besetzte Zweite Tschechoslowakische Republik wird aufgelöst und von Adolf Hitler zum Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren des Großdeutschen Reiches erklärt. Die Karpatenukraine wird gleichzeitig von Ungarn besetzt und annektiert.

The future Iranian Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi marries the Egyptian princess Fausia.

1940/0316:ニルスの作者 Selma Lagerlöf 185840、死去

Selma Ottilia Lovisa Lagerlöf est une femme de lettres suédoise. Son œuvre la plus connue est Le Merveilleux Voyage de Nils Holgersson à travers la Suède. En 1909, elle est la première femme à recevoir le prix Nobel de littérature.

First person killed (James Isbister) in a German bombing raid on the UK in World War II during a raid on Scapa Flow in the Orkney Islands.

1941/0316:イタリア映画監督 Bernardo Bertolucci 1940--、誕生

un regista, sceneggiatore e produttore cinematografico italiano.
Ha diretto film di successo come Il conformista, Ultimo tango a Parigi, Il tè nel deserto, Novecento e L'ultimo imperatore, che gli valse l'Oscar al miglior regista e alla migliore sceneggiatura non originale.

Bertolucci con Pasolini

Durch britische Bombardierung wird die Stadt Würzburg zu mehr als 80 Prozent zerstört. Rund 5000 Menschen kommen ums Leben.

 The Battle of Iwo Jima ended, but small pockets of Japanese resistance persisted.





Sortie du film La beauté du diable de René Clair avec Michel Simon, Gérard Philipe.


Nichigeki music hall opens in Yurakucho.

1957/0316:抽象彫刻 Constantin Brâncuşi 187657、死去

「ブランクシ」Il est considéré comme ayant poussé l'abstraction sculpturale jusqu'à un stade jamais atteint dans la tradition moderniste et il a également ouvert la voie à la sculpture surréaliste, ainsi qu'au courant minimaliste des années 1960

Brâncuși's Paris studio, 1920, photograph by Edward Steichen

The Ford Motor Company produces its 50 millionth automobile, the Thunderbird, averaging almost a million cars a year since the company's founding.

A Flying Tiger Line Super Constellation disappears in the western Pacific Ocean, with all 107 aboard missing and presumed dead.

Launch of Gemini 8, the 12th manned American space flight and first space docking with the Agena target vehicle.

1968/0316:Vietnam War: My Lai Massacre occurs;
 between 347 and 500 Vietnamese villagers (men, women, and children) are killed by American troops.

In the Vietnam War, members of the US Army kill more than 500 men, women and children whom they refer to as members of the Viet Cong in order to boost military statistics in the South Vietnamese village of My Lai 4. Only the active intervention of helicopter pilot Hugh Thompson junior ends the massacre of My Lai.

A Viasa McDonnell Douglas DC-9 crashes in Maracaibo, Venezuela, killing 155.

1977/0316:Assassination of Kamal Jumblatt,
 the main leader of the anti-government forces in the Lebanese Civil War.

Former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro is kidnapped. (He is later murdered by his captors.)


The accident of the oil tanker Amoco Cadiz caused in the following weeks on the Breton coast a heavy oil spill.

Supertanker Amoco Cadiz splits in two after running aground on the Portsall Rocks, three miles off the coast of Brittany, resulting in the largest oil spill in history at that time.


The People's Liberation Army of the People's Liberation Army completely withdrew from China to Vietnam. The Sino-Vietnamese War ended.

The China Syndrome with Jane Fonda, Jack Lemmon and Michael Douglas in the leading roles comes to the cinemas of the United States.
The thriller about a reactor accident learns only a little later massive media coverage, as happened on March 28 on Three Mile Iceland actually a meltdown.

Demolition of the Ismaning radio transmitter, the last wooden radio tower in Germany.

1984/0316:In Beirut,
William Buckley, the CIA station chief in Beirut, Lebanon, is kidnapped by Islamic fundamentalists. (He later dies in captivity.)

A clear referendum rejects the country's accession to the UN in a Swiss referendum.

1988/0316:Iran–Contra affair:
 Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North and Vice Admiral John Poindexter are indicted on charges of conspiracy to defraud the United States.

1988/0316:Halabja chemical attack:
 The Kurdish town of Halabja in Iraq is attacked with a mix of poison gas and nerve agents on the orders of Saddam Hussein, killing 5000 people and injuring about 10000 people.


1988/0316:アイルランド、The Troubles:
 Ulster loyalist militant Michael Stone attacks a Provisional IRA funeral in Belfast with pistols and grenades. A PIRA volunteer and two civilians are killed, and more than 60 others are wounded.

1989/0316:In Egypt,
 a 4,400-year-old mummy is found near the Pyramid of Cheops.

Taiwan’s student movement took place in March.


French sailor Titouan Lamazou won the first solo edition of the Tour du Monde, the Vendée Globe Challenge, and flew in 109 days, 8 hours, 45 minutes.

The airplane carrying eight members of Reba McEntire's touring band crashed on the side of Otay Mountain.

1993/0316:日本の男優 笠智衆190493、死去

Ryū Chishū est un acteur japonais,
De 1928 à 1992, il est apparu dans au moins cent cinquante-cinq films, dont de nombreux films de Yasujirō Ozu, dont il était l'acteur fétiche. Il a également participé à la longue série des Tora San où il jouait le rôle d'un prêtre.


Premier Wen Jiabao took over Zhu Xiji as the Premier of the State Council at the first meeting of the Tenth National People's Congress.

Israel officially hands over Jericho to Palestinian control.

2012/0316:日本の評論家 吉本隆明192412、死去

Yoshimoto Takaaki also known as Ryūmei Yoshimoto, was a Japanese poet, literary critic, and philosopher.

The installation of Big Air Package by Christo begins inside the Gasometer Oberhausen.

Crimea votes in a controversial referendum to secede from Ukraine to join Russia.

A bomb detonates in a bus carrying government employees in Peshawar, Pakistan, killing 15 and injuring at least 54.

Two suicide bombers detonate their explosives at a mosque during morning prayer on the outskirts of Maiduguri, Nigeria, killing 22 and injuring 18.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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