

03/14:近代の歴史を作った二人の偉人「Marx 死んで Einstein 誕生の日

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

今日が誕生日の  Georges de La Tour 159352『Adoration des bergers』

歴史暦:古今東西 03/14 今日の出來事

奇しくも今日、三月十四日は、西洋近代の進化と革命(Evolution & Revolutiion) をもたらした二人のユダヤ系の偉人、資本論Karl Marx 181883 が死去し、相対性理論Albert Einstein 187955 が誕生した日です。


Casca and Cassius decide, on the night before the Assassination of Julius Caesar, that Mark Antony should live.

Emperor Jin Huaidi is executed by Liu Cong, ruler of the Xiongnu state (Han Zhao).

永嘉の乱: 末期に勃發した異民族による反亂。懷帝司馬熾028413の年號である「永嘉」年間0307~12 に多發したからかう呼ばれてゐるが、實質的にこの反亂が始まったのは、0304かそれ以前で、一應の終結をみたのは0316年のことである。





1101/0314:日本の攝政關白 藤原師實104201、薨去

Fujiwara no Morozane was a regent of Japan and a chief of the Fujiwara clan during the late Heian period.
He was known as 京極殿 Kyōgoku dono (Lord Kyōgoku) or 後宇治殿 Go-Uji dono (the Later Lord Uji).
He held the positions of 攝政 Sessho or 關白 Kanpaku for a twenty-year period, sessho from 1075 to 1086 during the reign of Emperor Shirakawa 072白河105329天皇 and from 1094 to 1099 during the reign of Emperor Horikawa 073堀河107907天皇, and kampaku from 1086 to 1094 during the reign of Emperor Horikawa.



1369/0314:(Guerre de Cent Ans)
 Du Guesclin remporte la victoire de Montiel, dans le sud-est de la Castille sur une coalition pro-anglaise, conduite par le Portugal et les partisans de Pierre Ier le Cruel.

53 noblemen and 19 Prussian cities, including Gdansk, Elbing and Thorn, join forces against the arbitrariness of the Teutonic Order to form a covenant of violence and injustice.

1457/0314:中國[明]07皇帝、景泰帝 142859、崩去

The Jingtai Emperor (景泰), born Zhu Qiyu, was Emperor of China from 1449~57. The second son of the Xuande Emperor, he was selected in 1449 to succeed his older brother, the Zhengtong Emperor, when the latter was captured by Mongols following the Tumu Crisis. He reigned for 8 years before being removed from the throne by his brother, who was restored as the Tianshun Emperor. The Jingtai Emperor's era name, "Jingtai", means "Exalted View".


1471/0314:『アサ王の死』の Thomas Malory 141571、死去

Sir Thomas Malory was an English writer, the author or compiler of Le Morte d'Arthur.

Since the late 19th century, he has generally been identified as Sir Thomas Malory of Newbold Revel in Warwickshire, a knight, land-owner, and Member of Parliament. Previously, it was suggested by antiquary John Leland and John Bale that he was Welsh (identifying "Malory" with "Maelor").

The Queen of Cyprus, Catherine Cornaro, sells her kingdom to Venice.

1590/0314:フランス「Bataille d'Ivry」
 dans le cadre des guerres de religion. C'est au cours de cette dernière bataille que le truculent Béarnais (futur Henri IV de France) aurait lancé son apostrophe célèbre : « Ralliez-vous à mon panache blanc, vous le trouverez toujours au chemin de l'honneur et de la victoire ! ».

Battle of Ivry: Henry of Navarre and the Huguenots defeat the forces of the Catholic League under Charles, Duke of Mayenne during the French Wars of Religion.

1593/0314:フランス画家 Georges de La Tour 159352、誕生

un peintre lorrain,
Artiste au confluent des cultures nordique, italienne et française, contemporain de Jacques Callot et des frères Le Nain, La Tour est un observateur pénétrant de la réalité quotidienne. Son goût prononcé pour les jeux d'ombres et de lumières fait de lui l'un des continuateurs les plus originaux du Caravage.
La Tour était la première moitié du 17ème siècle. A cette époque, l'Europe était l'apogée de l'art baroque et dans les peintures françaises le propriétaire du classicisme Nicolas Poussin était actif, mais des régions comme la Lorraine ont leur propre style différent des villes comme Paris et Rome Les peintres qui existaient existaient

1607/0314:茶道家 千道安154607、死去

Sen Dōan est un maître de thé japonais, fils aîné naturel de Sen no Rikyū 千利休152291 et de sa première femme Hōshin Myōju 寶心妙樹 (morte en 1577).
Son frère adoptif est Sen Shōan 千少庵154614, et l'une des raisons de la complexité de la lignée familiale après la mort de Rikyū et que Shōan, plutôt que Dōan, est devenu le nouveau chef de la famille Sen1.

1632/0314:02徳川將軍 徳川秀忠157932、薨去

Tokugawa Hidetada was the second shōgun of the Tokugawa dynasty, who ruled from 1605 until his abdication in 1623.
He was the third son of Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康154316, the first shōgun of the Tokugawa shogunate.



1647/0314:Thirty Years' War:
 Bavaria, Cologne, France and Sweden sign the Truce of Ulm.

la France et la Suède signent le traité d'Ulm avec l'électeur de Bavière.
Auf Betreiben des bayerischen Kurfürsten Maximilian I. wird im Dreißigjährigen Krieg in Ulm der Ulmer Waffenstillstand zwischen Bayern, Kurköln, Frankreich und Schweden geschlossen.

1653/0314:In the naval battle at Livorno,
 the Dutch under Johan van Galen conquer an English squadron in the English-Dutch War and gain supremacy in the Mediterranean.

1682/0314:オランダ風景画家 Jacob Van Ruysdael 162882、死去

Jacob Isaackszoon van Ruisdael was a Dutch painter, draughtsman, and etcher.
He is generally considered the pre-eminent landscape painter of the Dutch Golden Age, a period of great wealth and cultural achievement when Dutch painting became highly popular.

1692/0314:オランダの科學者 Pieter van Musschenbroek 169261、誕生

a Dutch scientist.
He was a professor in Duisburg, Utrecht, and Leiden, where he held positions in mathematics, philosophy, medicine, and astronomy.

He is credited with the invention of the first capacitorコンデンサ)in 1746: the Leyden jar. He performed pioneering work on the buckling of compressed struts.
Musschenbroek was also one of the first scientists (1729) to provide detailed descriptions of testing machines for tension, compression, and flexure testing.


Jean-Jacques Rousseau 171278, alors âgé de seize ans, quitte sa ville natale (Genève) à pied pour se rendre à Annecy, chez Madame de Warens, une protestante émigrée de Suisse, à laquelle le curé de Confignon l'a adressé.

1731/0314:芭蕉十哲 各務支考166531、死去

un moine bouddhiste japonais et poète haiku.
Kagami est élève de Matsuo Bashō 松尾芭蕉164494 et le théoricien le plus important de la poésie haïku 俳句 de son école.
Il compte parmi les Bashō Juttetsu (芭蕉十哲 10 élèves importants de Bashō ) et après sa mort exerce une énorme influence sur ses disciples.
Son élève le plus connu est la poétesse Kaga no Chiyojo 加賀千代女. Kagami est l'auteur du haibun 俳文 en neuf volumes Honchō bunkan 本朝文鑑.

Admiral Sir John Byng is executed by firing squad aboard HMS Monarch for breach of the Articles of War.

In Portsmouth, British admiral John Byng is shot dead by a peloton aboard the HMS Monarch following a death sentence. The decision of the court martial that he did not comply with the applicable Fighting Instructions is controversial.

1780/0314:American Revolutionary War:
 Spanish forces capture Fort Charlotte in Mobile, Alabama, the last British frontier post capable of threatening New Orleans in Spanish Louisiana.

1782/0314:Battle of Wuchale:
 Emperor Tekle Giyorgis I pacifies a group of Oromo near Wuchale.

1784/0314:天文、ハシェル「NGC 4394」發見
In the Virgo galaxy cluster, Wilhelm Herschel finds a barred spiral galaxy in the constellation Haar of the Berenice. It is later cataloged as NGC 4394.

Eli Whitney is granted a patent for the cotton gin.

Eli Whitney receives a patent in the USA for the cotton ginning machine he invented. This makes the large-scale cultivation of the plant in the southern states lucrative. For harvesting slaves are needed and used.

 unable to obtain from George III the entry of Irish Catholics in Parliament, William Pitt resigns.

1823/0314:フランスの文人 Théodore de Banville 182391、誕生

Théodore Faullain de Banville(バンヴィル)est un poète, dramaturge et critique dramatique français.
Célèbre pour les Odes funambulesques et les Exilés, il est surnommé « le poète du bonheur ».
Ami de Victor Hugo 180285, de Charles Baudelaire 182167 et de Théophile Gautier 181172, il est considéré dès son vivant comme l’un des plus éminents poètes de son époque. .

The British House of Commons holds the first reading of the Great Reform Act.
The draft legislation on constituency reform has been made necessary above all by the problem of the "rotten boroughs", in which the deputies are determined only by a handful of voters.

1853/0314:スイス画家 Ferdinand Hodler 185318、誕生

ein Schweizer Maler des Symbolismus und des Jugendstils. Er ist heute der bekannteste Schweizer Maler des 19. Jahrhunderts.

Tänzerin Giulia Leonardi, 1910,

1854/0314:ドイツ醫學者 Paul Ehrlich 185415、誕生

ein deutscher Mediziner und Forscher.
Durch seine Färbemethoden unterschied er verschiedene Arten von Blutzellen, wodurch die Diagnose zahlreicher Blutkrankheiten ermöglicht wurde. Als Erster entwickelte er eine medikamentöse Behandlung der Syphilis und begründete damit die Chemotherapie.

「chemotherapy 化學療法」「magic bullet 特効薬」といった新語を用ゐた。

Vittorio Emanuele II viene eletto re d'Italia.

1862/0314:American Civil War,
 the port city of New Bern is taken by the Army of the Northern States.

1863/0314:日本近代の代表的言論人 徳富蘇峰186357、誕生

Tokutomi Sohō est le nom de plume d'un journaliste et historien japonais actif de la fin de l'ère Meiji jusqu'au milieu de l'ère Shōwa.
Son véritable nom est Tokutomi Iichirō. Il est le frère ainé de l'écrivain Tokutomi Roka.

1866/0314:日本の禪僧 山本玄峰186661、誕生

Yamamoto Genpō was the abbot of both Ryūtaku-ji 龍澤寺 and Shoin-ji 松蔭寺 in Japan—also serving temporarily as the head of the Myōshin-ji 妙心寺 branch of Rinzai 臨濟 Zen Buddhism.


1872/0314:France :
 toute propagande socialiste ayant en vue de changer la société est interdite.



1879/0314:相對性理論の Albert Einstein 187955、誕生

a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics (alongside quantum mechanics).
His work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science.
He is best known by the general public for his mass–energy equivalence formula E = mc2 (which has been dubbed "the world's most famous equation").
He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect", a pivotal step in the evolution of quantum theory.

1882/0314:ポウランド数学者 Wacław Sierpiński 188269、誕生

a Polish mathematician.
He was known for outstanding contributions to set theory (research on the axiom of choice and the continuum hypothesis), number theory, theory of functions and topology. He published over 700 papers and 50 books.
Three well-known fractals are named after him (the Sierpinski triangle, the Sierpinski carpet and the Sierpinski curve), as are Sierpinski numbers and the associated Sierpiński problem.

Sierpinski square, a fractal

1883/0314:資本論の Karl Marx 181883、死去

ein deutscher Philosoph, Ökonom, Gesellschaftstheoretiker, politischer Journalist, Protagonist der Arbeiterbewegung sowie Kritiker der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft und der Religion.
Zusammen mit Friedrich Engels wurde er zum einflussreichsten Theoretiker des Sozialismus und Kommunismus. Bis heute werden seine Theorien kontrovers diskutiert.

The Mikado, a light opera by W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan, receives its first public performance in London.

At the end of the three-day Great Snowstorm on the east coast of the US, around 400 deaths are counted.

Das Trauerspiel Fräulein Julie von August Strindberg wird in Kopenhagen uraufgeführt. Strindbergs Ehefrau Siri von Essen spielt die Titelrolle.

1899/0314:ドイツ哲學者 Heymann Steinthal 182399、死去

Chajim Heymann Steinthal, auch Heinemann, Hermann oder Heinrich, war ein deutscher Philologe und Philosoph.

彼は1850年から、フンボルトの後釜となったベルリン大学言語哲学的な研究をし、心理学的な方法を言語研究に導入し、諸言語を構造的に分類した。これは、Wilhelm Wundt 183220 とともに「民族心理学」の創始とされ、社会心理学の先駆となった。が、これによって主張される「民族魂」は、Hermann Cohen 184218「得体の知れない代物」と批判された。



The Gold Standard Act is ratified, placing United States currency on the gold standard.

The Netherlands: Botanist Hugo de Vries rediscovers Mendel's laws on heredity.

1903/0314:ドイツ思想家 Otto Friedrich Bollnow 190391、誕生

ein deutscher Philosoph und Pädagoge.

1927年に Martin Heidegger 188976の『存在と時間』による強い刺激に導かれてマルブルク大学とフライブルク大学に通う。その後、ゲッティンゲン大学で、Wilhelm Diltheyi183311の弟子になる HノウルとGミッシュのもとで、教育学と哲学の教授資格取得、。


The Hay–Herrán Treaty, granting the United States the right to build the Panama Canal, is ratified by the United States Senate. The Colombian Senate would later reject the treaty.

1905/0314:フランス哲學者 Raymond Aron 190583、誕生

un philosophe, sociologue, politologue, historien et journaliste français.
D'abord ami et condisciple de Jean-Paul Sartre et Paul Nizan à l'École normale supérieure, il devient, lors de la montée des totalitarismes, un ardent promoteur du libéralisme, à contre-courant d'un milieu intellectuel pacifiste et de gauche alors dominant. Il dénonce ainsi, dans son ouvrage L'Opium des intellectuels, l'aveuglement et la bienveillance des intellectuels à l'égard des régimes communistes.

He is best known for his 1955 book The Opium of the Intellectuals, the title of which inverts Karl Marx's claim that religion was the opium of the people – Aron argues that in post-war France, Marxism was the opium of the intellectuals. In the book, Aron chastised French intellectuals for what he described as their harsh criticism of capitalism and democracy and their simultaneous defense of Marxist oppression, atrocities, and intolerance.

1907/0314:On the New York Stock Exchange
 there are stock sales, which are reflected in the Dow Jones index with a loss of 8.29 percent. The uncertainty of investors leads to the panic of 1907 in the autumn.

Theodore Roosevelt expels Japanese workers from the American continent.

1908/0314:身心論者 Maurice Merleau-Ponty 190861、誕生

un philosophe phénoménologique français, fortement influencé par Edmund Husserl et Martin Heidegger. La constitution de la signification dans l'expérience humaine était son principal intérêt et il a écrit sur la perception, l'art et la politique. Il était membre du comité de rédaction des Temps modernes, le magazine de gauche créé par Jean-Paul Sartre en 1945.

彼の思想は「Ambiguïté 両義性の哲学」「身体性の哲学」「知覚の優位性の哲学」と呼ばれ、従来対立するものと看做されてきた概念の<自己の概念>と<対象の概念>を、知覚における認識の生成にまで掘り下げたものであった。

1909/0314:フランス文人 André Pieyre de Mandiargues 190991、誕生

マンディアルグ」un écrivain surréaliste français.
Son œuvre comprend des poèmes, des contes et des romans, des essais, des pièces de théâtre, ainsi que des traductions. Il fut également un grand collectionneur de pornographie.

The Lakeview Number One well started by the Lakeview Oil Company in California causes a blowout. During the so-called Lakeview Gusher, around 1,400,000 m³ of crude oil will be released in the following 1½ years before the outbreak can be brought under control.

The SMS Dresden, the only German ship that escaped the devastating defeat in the naval battle of the Falkland Islands on December 8, 1914, is attacked by the British under disregard of Chilean neutrality at the Robinson Crusoe Island. 


En respuesta a una incursión en la guarnición estadounidense de la ciudad de Columbus en Nuevo México por unidades del líder revolucionario mexicano Pancho Villa, Estados Unidos envía una expedición punitiva bajo el mando del general John J. Pershing a México.

In response to a raid by the Mexican revolutionary leader Pancho Villa on the US garrison city of Columbus in New Mexico, the US sends a punitive expedition under General John J. Pershing to Mexico.

Formation of a provisional government in Russia.

As a result of the February Revolution, Order No.1 of the Petrograd Soviet is issued, giving legal force to the Soldiers' Committees formed spontaneously in the Russian Army.

1923/0314:USA写真家 Diane Arbus 192371、誕生

an American photographer and writer noted for photographs of marginalized people
a notorious American street photographer for his street portraits shot at the 6x6 dual-lens reflex camera equipped with a high power magnesium flash tube torch. She also did a project on a community of the mentally handicapped.

1926/0314:列車事故、El Virilla train accident, Costa Rica:
A train falls off a bridge over the Río Virilla between Heredia and Tibás. Two hundred forty-eight are killed and 93 wounded.


アメリカの牧師で親日家の Sidney Lewis Gulick が日本への贈り物とした、青い目の人形の「MissAmerica」など各州代表する人形が日本に到着。


1932/0314:RollFilm発明 George Eastman 185432、死去(自殺)

an American entrepreneur who founded the Eastman Kodak Company and popularized the use of roll film, helping to bring photography to the mainstream. Roll film was also the basis for the invention of motion picture film stock in 1888 by the world's first film-makers Eadweard Muybridge and Louis Le Prince, and a few years later by their followers Léon Bouly, William Kennedy Dickson, Thomas Edison, the Lumière Brothers, and Georges Méliès.

Eastman suffered from depression due to his pain, reduced ability to function, and also since he had witnessed his mother's suffering from pain.
On March 14, 1932, Eastman died by suicide with a single gunshot through the heart, leaving a note which read, "To my friends, my work is done – Why wait? GE."

The first all-sound film version of Show Boat opens at Radio City Music Hall.

Papst Pius XI greift in der Enzyklika Mit brennender Sorge die Politik der Nationalsozialisten an.

Vatican: The encyclical In my poignant concern, published by Pius XI, denotes the concern aroused in Rome by the methods used by the Hitler regime against

Adolf Hitler betritt Wien, wo er von 200 000 Österreichern gefeiert wird.

Slovakia declares independence under German pressure.

At the instigation of the German Reich under Adolf Hitler, Slovakia declares itself independent of the Czechoslovakia. Jozef Tiso becomes Prime Minister of the Slovak State.

The Kraków Ghetto is "liquidated".



1335、國王はヴィスワ川によって首都クラクフから切り離されてゐる地域に新しく町を作り「Kaimierz カジミェシュ」と命名した。この地域にユダヤ人が増えていった。

1940/05~08、自主的な退去 23000がポウラン総督府領内の地域へ移住
1940/09, /12、強制追放で20000近いユダヤ人がクラクフ追放
1942/0601, /0608、クラクフGのユダヤ人の移送が始まる。この二度の移送で、5000人ほどがベウジェツツ絶滅収容所へ移葬された。


1944/0314:歌舞伎役者 十五代目片岡仁左衛門1944--、誕生


1944/0314:ドイツ、In Berlin
 beginnt der geheime Korruptionsprozess gegen den Verlagsbuchhändler Matthias Lackas und führende Dienststellenleiter der Wehrmacht. 

In Berlin begins the secret corruption process against the publisher Matthias Lackas and leading department heads of the Wehrmacht. Investigations targeting 50 publishing companies, among others, are heading for military collapse over the course of the year.

1945/0314:日本の女優 栗原小巻1945--、誕生

Kurihara Komaki est une actrice japonaise.


 The R.A.F.'s first operational use of the Grand Slam bomb, Bielefeld, Germany.


Der Wiederaufbau der von der deutschen Wehrmacht gesprengten Alten Brücke in Heidelberg beginnt.

Alte Brücke

1950/0314:吉本興業創業者 吉本せい188950、死去

Yoshimoto Se'i、Yoshimoto Kogyo Founder, Entertainment Promoter.


 FBI publishes the first list of the ten most wanted fugitives.

The Rover Jet 1 completes its first rides. It is the world's first gas turbine powered racing car.



Korean War: For the second time, United Nations troops recapture Seoul.

After just eight days, Nikita Khrushchev replaces Georgi Malenkov as Secretary-General of the CPSU. Malenkov becomes head of government.

Спустя всего восемь дней Никита Хрущев заменяет Георгия Маленкова на пост Генерального секретаря КПСС. Маленков становится главой правительства.


le Việt Minh enlève le poste Gabrielle aux coloniaux français, prélude à sa victoire de Ðiện Biên Phủ.

USAF Broken Arrow nuclear weapon mishap in B-52 crash near Yuba City, Ca.

1964/0314:USA、A jury in Dallas
 finds Jack Ruby guilty of killing Lee Harvey Oswald, the assumed assassin of John F. Kennedy.

In Dallas, Jack Ruby, the murderer of Lee Harvey Oswald, is sentenced to the electric chair. On November 24 of the previous year, he shot dead President John F. Kennedy's killer at the time of his transfer from police headquarters to a Dallas jail. Ruby succumbed to cancer on January 3, 1967, before a second trial.





The body of U.S. President John F. Kennedy is moved to a permanent burial place at Arlington National Cemetery.

1968/0314:イコロジ研究 Erwin Panofsky 189268、死去

a German-Jewish art historian, whose academic career was pursued mostly in the U.S. after the rise of the Nazi regime.
Many of his works are still in print, including Studies in Iconology: Humanist Themes in the Art of the Renaissance (1939), Meaning in the Visual Arts (1955), and his eponymous 1943 study of Albrecht Dürer.
Panofsky's ideas were also highly influential in intellectual history in general, particularly in his use of historical ideas to interpret artworks and vice versa.
His theorized Iconology has become the most important methodology alongside "style theory" for art historiography of the 20th century


1969/0314:プロテスト画家 Ben Shahn 189869、死去

a Lithuanian-born American artist. He is best known for his works of social realism, his left-wing political views, and his series of lectures published as The Shape of Content


Ouverture de l'Exposition universelle d'Osaka.

Expo '70, the world's first expo in Asia, will be opened in the city of Suita in Osaka by the Japanese Emperor Hirohito under the motto "Progress and Harmony".


Italian publisher and former partisan Giangiacomo Feltrinelli is killed by an explosion near Segrate.

1973/0314:Howard Hathaway Aiken 190073、死去

an American physicist and a pioneer in computing, being the original conceptual designer behind IBM's Harvard Mark I computer

彼が制作したコンピュウタ「Mark II」は、故障の原因として虫(蛾)がリレーに挟まっているのが見つかり、G ホッパが「本物(actual)の虫(バグ)が見つかった最初の例」と書き残した

Mark IIのリレーに挟まった蛾に関するメモが記されたノート。蛾の実物が貼り付けられている


The Israel Defense Forces invade and occupies southern Lebanon in Operation Litani.

Three days after Palestinian terrorist attacks on buses in Israel, the Israeli army invades Lebanon under the code name Operation Litani.

1979/0314:In China, 飛行機事故
a Hawker Siddeley Trident crashes into a factory near Beijing, killing 44 and injuring at least 200.

1980/0314:In Poland, 飛行機事故
LOT Flight 7 crashes during final approach near Warsaw, killing 87 people, including a 14-man American boxing team.

1983/0314:フランス男優 Maurice Ronet 192783、死去

un acteur, réalisateur et écrivain français.

He first garnered acclaim at the 1953 Cannes Film Festival for a supporting role in Jean Dreville's Horizons sans fin and over the next few years, notably as the romantic lead in André Michel's La sorcière (1956) and in Jules Dassin's Celui qui doit mourir (He Who Must Die, 1957). It was at the presentation of "La Sorcière", at Cannes, where he met a creative and an intellectual counterpart in Louis Malle. Two years later he made his international box-office breakthrough as Julien Tavernier in Malle's first feature film, Ascenseur pour l'échafaud (Elevator to the Gallows, 1958). He is probably most known for originating the role of Philippe Greenleaf in the French adaptation of The Talented Mr. Ripley (Plein soleil, René Clément, 1960).

Representatives of 19 Arab League countries in Baghdad condemn Iran's attacks on Iraq.




Johnson South Reef Skirmish: Chinese forces defeat Vietnamese forces in Johnson South Reef, disputed Spratly Islands.



Timeline of Linux development: Linux kernel version 1.0.0 is released.

1997/0314:USA映画監督 Fred Zinnemann 190797、死去

an Austrian-born American film director.
He won four Academy Awards for directing films in various genres, including thrillers, westerns, film noir and play adaptations. He made 25 feature films during his 50-year career.
Some of his most notable films were The Men (1950), High Noon (1952), From Here to Eternity (1953), Oklahoma! (1955), The Nun's Story (1959), A Man For All Seasons (1966), The Day of the Jackal (1973), and Julia (1977). His films have received 65 Oscar nominations, winning 24.

Bill Clinton and Tony Blair launch a joint call to scientists around the world for free access to the human genome.

Vladimir Putin is re-elected President of Russia with more than 71% of the vote.

In the presidential elections in Russia, the incumbent Vladimir Putin is re-elected with over 70% of the vote. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe describes the elections as only partially democratic. 
На президентских выборах в России действующий Владимир Путин переизбран с более чем 70% голосов. Организация по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе описывает выборы как частично частично демократические.

The National People's Congress of China passed the Anti-Secession Law.

Taiwan Conflict: As part of its one-China policy, the People's Republic of China passed the anti-secession law, which threatens the Chinese province's renegade province Taiwan by military means should it pursue further formal pro-independence efforts.


2007/0314:フランスレジスタンスの象徴 Lucie Aubrac 191207、死去

une résistante française à l'Occupation allemande et au régime de Vichy pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Elle est l'épouse de Raymond Aubrac.
Activiste de la résistance française contre la résistance pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Elle était "un symbole de résistance à l'Allemagne".

Lucie Aubrac et sa fille Élisabeth avec Ho Chi Minh en 1946.

Films et documentaires
・Son livre autobiographique Ils partiront dans l'ivresse fut adapté deux fois au cinéma :
en 1992, Boulevard des hirondelles de Josée Yanne, avec Élisabeth Bourgine (Lucie Aubrac) et Pierre-Loup Rajot (Raymond Aubrac) ;
en 1997, Lucie Aubrac de Claude Berri, avec Carole Bouquet (Lucie Aubrac) et Daniel Auteuil (Raymond Aubrac).
・Dans L'Armée des ombres de Jean-Pierre Melville, sorti en 1969, le personnage de Mathilde joué par Simone Signoret est librement inspiré de la figure de Lucie Aubrac.
・ Le film Les Femmes de l'ombre a été inspiré à son réalisateur par la mort de Lucie Aubrac en 2007.
Lucie de tous les temps, documentaire réalisé en 2003 par Julie Perron

A series of riots, protests, and demonstrations erupt in Lhasa and elsewhere in Tibet.

2011/0314:日本、東日本大震災、 福島第一原子力発電所事故:





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