

03/09:History is his Story「歴史を動かす英雄、烈女、

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
この日、坂本龍馬183667の命を救った拳銃 Smith & Wesson Army No 2

歴史暦:古今東西 03/09 今日の出來事

Liu Che, posthumously known as Emperor Wu of Han, assumes the throne over the Han dynasty of China.



武帝はさらに、匈奴征伐の將軍に衛青??-106やその甥の霍去病-14017を登用し、彼等は戰果を擧げて匈奴を追ひ拂ひ、西域との交通(シルクロウド)が可能になった。さらに李廣利??-088  に命じて大宛國を攻めさせ、念願の天馬「汗血馬」を手に入れた。



  秋風起こりて 白雲飛び、草木黄落して 雁南にかへる。  蘭秀有りて、菊芳有り、佳人を懐かしみて 忘るあたはず。  楼船を浮かべて 汾河を渡り、中流をよぎりて 素波をあぐ。  簫鼓《しょうこ》鳴りて 櫂歌《とうか》おこる。  歓楽極まりて 哀情多し。少壮、幾時ぞ 老いを奈何せん。



武帝はさらに、匈奴征伐の將軍に衛青??-106やその甥の霍去病-14017を登用し、彼等は戰果を擧げて匈奴を追ひ拂ひ、西域との交通(シルクロウド)が可能になった。さらに李廣利??-088  に命じて大宛國を攻めさせ、念願の天馬「汗血馬」を手に入れた。


  秋風起こりて 白雲飛び、草木黄落して 雁南にかへる。  蘭秀有りて、菊芳有り、佳人を懐かしみて 忘るあたはず。  楼船を浮かべて 汾河を渡り、中流をよぎりて 素波をあぐ。  簫鼓《しょうこ》鳴りて 櫂歌《とうか》おこる。  歓楽極まりて 哀情多し。少壮、幾時ぞ 老いを奈何せん。



{私は、私のやうな者が古代にもゐて、歴史と文學といふことを思ひ考へて、一書を歴史的に、別に文學的手法を許した一書を一對に作ったのかな、とかなり本氣に思ってゐた。『古事記』の魅力は、殊にその歌謡にあったことからそんな放恣な想像をしてみたのであった。 …… 

詳しい比較對照は Wikipedia ja にあり、これが一番便利で解りやすいだらう。





First known mention of Lithuania, in the annals of the monastery of Quedlinburg.

With the formation of a new monastic community by the arrival of Cistercian monks, the prosperity of the Trappist Abbey of Orval begins.

Only three weeks after the death of his uncle Conrad III, the Duke of Swabia Friedrich III of the house of the Hohenstaufen is crowned as Frederick I in Aachen to the Roman-German king.

Friedrich I.

Bulgarian tsar Ivan Asen II defeats Theodore of Epirus in the Battle of Klokotnitsa.

In the battle of Klokotnitsa, the Bulgarian Tsar Ivan Assen II defeats the ruler of Epirus, Theodoros I Komnenos Dukas, who is captured in the battle. Almost the entire territory of the Despotats Epirus falls to Ivan.

The despotate of Epirus from 1205 to 1230

Ivan Asen II of Bulgaria ??1241
A golden coin of Tsar Ivan Asen II.


Augsburg becomes a Free imperial city.

Panorama of Augsburg, 1493

1409/0309:Le traité de Chartres,
 rédigé par Jean de Montaigu entre Charles, duc d'Orléans, et John Ohnefurcht, duc de Bourgogne, met temporairement fin aux hostilités entre les maisons de Bourgogne et d'Orléans.

Die Bulle von Gegenpapst Alexander V wird in Prag bekannt, welche die Auslieferung der Schriften John Wyclifs und den Widerruf seiner Lehren fordert.
Jan Hus lässt sich davon nicht beeindrucken und predigt weiter in der Bethlehemskapelle auch über kirchliche Missstände.

The cop of antipope Alexander V becomes known in Prague, which demands the surrender of John Wycliffe's writings and the revocation of his teachings. Jan Hus is not impressed by this and continues to preach in the Bethlehem Chapel about ecclesiastical grievances.

Mariage de Louis XI et de Charlotte de Savoie.

Caveau à Cléry-Saint-André présentant les crânes présumés de Louis XI (à droite) et Charlotte de Savoie (à gauche).

1454/0309:新世界發見 Amerigo Vespucci 145412、誕生

un navigatore, esploratore e cartografo italiano, cittadino della Repubblica fiorentina prima e suddito del Regno di Castiglia dal 24 aprile 1505
an Italian explorer, financier, navigator and cartographer who first demonstrated in about 1502 that Brazil and the West Indies did not represent Asia's eastern outskirts as initially conjectured from Columbus' voyages, but instead constituted an entirely separate landmass hitherto unknown to people of the Old World. In 1505 he became a citizen of Spain.
Colloquially referred to as the New World, this second super continent came to be termed "Americas", deriving its name from Americus, the Latin version of Vespucci's first name.


Salida de la expedición de Pedro Álvares Cabral a Sudamérica.

The fleet of Pedro Álvares Cabral leaves Lisbon for the Indies. The fleet will discover Brazil which lies within boundaries granted to Portugal in the Treaty of Tordesillas.
Pedro Álvares Cabral sets sail from Lisbon with a fleet of 13 boats. He is to set up a trade route to Kalikut. The south equatorial current in the Atlantic Ocean, meanwhile, will drive its ships along unknown shores, today's Brazil.

Mit der ersten seiner Invokavitpredigten meldet sich Martin Luther nach seinem Aufenthalt auf der Wartburg wieder in Wittenberg zurück und greift in den Streit um die Wittenberger Bewegung ein.

With the first of his invocabit sermons, Martin Luther returns to Wittenberg after his stay at the Wartburg and intervenes in the dispute over the Wittenberg movement.

 Der Bruch des Fastengebots mit einem Wurstessen in Zürich gilt als Urdatum für die Reformierte Kirche.
 Ulrich Zwingli verteidigt die Aktion mit dem Argument, dass Fasten kein göttliches Gesetz sei.

The breaking of the fasting bid with a sausage meal in Zurich is the date for the Reformed Church. Ulrich Zwingli defends the action with the argument that fasting is not a divine law.

Ulrich Zwingli

David Rizzio is murdered in the Palace of Holyroodhouse, Edinburgh, Scotland.

David Rizzio, private secretary and favorite of Mary Stuart, is assassinated at the Holyrood Palace in Edinburgh in the eyes of the Queen of Scottish Nobles under the leadership of her jealous husband Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley. The pregnant queen is briefly placed under house arrest.

David Rizzio 153366、イタリアの宮廷人の子として生まれた彼は、Mary Stuart (Queen of Scots) 154287 の私設秘書となり、メアリの夫のダムレ卿に嫉妬され?、プロテスタント派の歸屬の陰謀に加はり、暗殺されるといふ數奇な運命線を描いた。

Signature of the Bytom Treaty and Będzin. Maximilian III of Austria renounces his rights over the Polish crown.

Kaiserliche Söldner unter dem Befehl von Johann T’Serclaes von Tilly siegen im Dreißigjährigen Krieg in der Schlacht bei Bamberg über schwedische Einheiten unter Gustaf Horn.

Imperial mercenaries under the command of Johann T'Serclaes of Tilly win in the Thirty Years' War in the Battle of Bamberg on Swedish units under Gustaf Horn.

1661/0309:イタリア生まれのフランス宰相 Jules Mazarin 160261、死去

Mieux connu sous le nom de cardinal Mazarin, fut un diplomate et homme politique, d'abord au service de la Papauté, puis des rois de France Louis XIII et Louis XIV. Il succéda à Richelieu en tant que principal ministre d'État de 1643 à 1661.

En 1639, naturalisé en France, il devient cardinal par Urbain VIII en 1641 sur recommandation de Louis XIII.
Richelieu en 1642 et Louis XIII en 1643 moururent l'un après l'autre, il devint consultant de la régente Anne d'Autriche 160166 et officier d'éducation de Louis XIV.

Le lendemain de la mort de Mazarin en 1661, Louis XIV déclare le service civil, le sommet royal de la royauté française. On peut dire aussi que Mazarin lui-même recommandait Louis XIV à la situation politique.

1741/0309:In the War of Jenkins' Ear,
 the British besiege the port of Cartagena in the Spanish colony of New Granada. The siege will be canceled unsuccessfully after exactly two months.

1749/0309:フランス革命初期の指導者 de Mirabeau 174991、誕生

Honoré-Gabriel Riquetti de Mirabeau、un écrivain, diplomate, franc-maçon, journaliste et homme politique français, figure de la Révolution.



1758/0309:骨相學開祖 Franz Joseph Gall 175828、誕生

ein Neuroanatomist, Physiologe und Pionier in der Erforschung der Lokalisierung von mentalen Funktionen im Gehirn.
Claimed as the founder of phrenology, Gall was an early and important researcher in his fields. His contributions to the field of neuropsychology were controversial at the time and now widely referred to as pseudoscience. However, Gall's study of phrenology helped establish psychology as a science, contributed to the emergence of the naturalistic approach to the study of man, and played an important part in the development of evolutionist theories, anthropology, and sociology.

Galle's theory has influenced Italian criminal scholar Cesare Rombroso and its competitors in France Alexandre Lacasagne.

1762/0309:フランス宗教裁判:Jean Calas 事件
Condamnation à mort de Jean Calas

Sur les conclusions du procureur général Riquet de Bonrepos, par huit voix sur treize, le parlement condamne au supplice Jean Calas.

L’affaire Calas est une affaire judiciaire qui se déroule en 1761 et 1762 à Toulouse sur fond de conflit religieux entre protestants et catholiques, rendue célèbre par l'intervention de Voltaire.

The cruel death of Calas, who was broke on the wheel at Toulouse, 10 March 

三年後、Voltaire 169478 の活躍で、名譽回復 ―― 

1765/0309:Verdict de réhabilitation de Jean Calas.

Le protestant français Jean Calas est condamné à la peine de mort parce qu'il aurait étranglé son fils pour l'empêcher de rejoindre le catholicisme. La phrase est appliquée le lendemain. Après une campagne de Voltaire, qui fait connaître l'affaire Calas dans toute l'Europe, Calas est réhabilité trois ans plus tard.

After a campaign by the writer Voltaire, judges in Paris posthumously exonerate Jean Calas of murdering his son. Calas had been tortured and executed in 1762 on the charge, though his son may have actually committed suicide.

1776/0309:Adam Smith "The Wealth of Nations" published

原題 An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations(『諸国民の富の性質と原因の研究』

Adam Smith 172390 
:生まれはスコットランド人 父は彼が誕生半年前に逝去。母一人子一人で育てられる。
:1950、終生の知己となる David Hume 171176と知り合ふ。
:1757 蒸氣機關を發明?することになる James Watt の大學内での実験器具製造修理店の開業に助力
:1759、G大學での講義録を The Theory of Moral Sentiments に纏めて出版、名聲を得る。その内容は性善説といふか、人間は MoralSense を具へてゐるといふ說
:1763、フランスへ。先にフランスへ行きイギリス大使館祕書となってゐたHumeの紹介で、フランスの思想家たち、Jacques Turgot 172781、Jean Le Rond d'Alember 171783、François Quesnay 169474 たちと交はる。テュルゴウの經濟思想には殊に影響を受ける。

道徳感情論では、人間は他人の視線を意識し、他人に同感 sympathy を感じたり、他人から同感を得られるやうに行動する。この同感を起訴に、人間は誰か特定の視線ではなく、公平な觀察者 impartial spectator の視線を意識するやうになる。この「公平な觀察者」の視線に反しないやう行動し、他人の行動を判斷することで、社界は或種の秩序を獲得する。社界は同感を基にし成立してゐるのだから、慈善などの特別な好意がなくとも成立しうると論じた。
:富國論では、 ―― もう飽き飽きしたでせう。私もどうしてこんな事に時間を費やしてゐるのだらうと苛々してゐます。よって省略、

Napoléon Bonaparte épouse Joséphine de Beauharnais.

Napoléon Bonaparte marries his first wife, Joséphine de Beauharnais.


Le divorce de l'Impératrice Joséphine, 15 décembre 1809, par Henri-Frédéric Schopin.

Paraguayan forces defeat Manuel Belgrano at the Battle of Tacuarí.

Manuel Belgrano 177020 was "an Argentine economist, lawyer, politician, and military leader. He took part in the Argentine Wars of Independence and created the Flag of Argentina. He is regarded as one of the main Libertadores of the country." 

Francis Ronalds describes the first battery-operated clock in the Philosophical Magazine.

The first patent is granted for dentures. The New Yorker Charles M. Graham receives it for the invented by him improved construction of artificial teeth.

la Légion étrangère est créée par l'ordonnance du roi des Français Louis-Philippe.

The Prussian regulation on the employment of young workers in factories prohibits child labor before the age of nine. It is considered the first German law for occupational safety.

1839/0309:フランスvsメキシコ「Cake war」
 between France and Mexico ends under British mediation after pledge of a compensation of 600,000 pesos by the Mexican President Anastasio Bustamante with the withdrawal of the French force under Admiral Charles Baudin.

The U.S. Supreme Court rules in the United States v. The Amistad case that captive Africans who had seized control of the ship carrying them had been taken into slavery illegally.


Giuseppe Verdi's third opera, Nabucco, receives its première performance in Milan; its success establishes Verdi as one of Italy's foremost opera composers.

The first documented discovery of gold in California occurs at Rancho San Francisco, six years before the California Gold Rush.


l'opera lirica Ernani di Giuseppe Verdi con il libretto di Francesco Maria Piave, dopo la commedia Hernani di Victor Hugo, viene rappresentata con grande successo al Teatro La Fenice di Venezia.

1847/0309:Mexican–American War:
 The first large-scale amphibious assault in U.S. history is launched in the Siege of Veracruz.

In the Mexican-American War, US troops under General Winfield Scott near Veracruz invade Mexico's largest ever amphibious land campaign by US forces.

Der Bundestag des Deutschen Bundes in Frankfurt am Main beschließt während der Märzrevolution als Organ der Fürstenvertreter die Farben Schwarz-Rot-Gold als Bundesfarben. Somit haben diese Farben erstmals den Status als nationales Symbol.

1851/0309:化學&自然哲學 Hans Christian Ørsted 177751、死去

ein dänischer Physiker, Chemiker und Naturphilosoph. 1820 entdeckte Ørsted die magnetische Wirkung des elektrischen Stromes und gilt als Mitbegründer der Elektrizitätslehre und Elektrotechnik.

He discovered that the current forms a magnetic field and lay the foundation for electromagnetism.
One who decided the direction of science in the latter half of the 19th century.

1859/0309:ウインのディオゲネス Peter Altenberg 185919、誕生

ein Schriftsteller und Dichter aus Wien, Österreich. Er war der Schlüssel zur Entstehung der frühen Moderne in der Stadt.
a writer and poet from Vienna, Austria. He was key to the genesis of early modernism in the city.

Gott denkt in den Genies, träumt in den Dichtern und schläft in den übrigen Menschen. God thinks in the geniuses, dreams in the poets, and sleeps in the other people.

1862/0309:American Civil War:
The USS Monitor and CSS Virginia fight to a draw in the Battle of Hampton Roads, the first battle between two ironclad warships.

1864/0309:American Civil War:
 President Abraham Lincoln appointed General Ulysses Grant as Union Command Commander.


"Terada-ya incident" Sakamoto Ryoma and others staying at Teradaya are attacked by the Fushimi magistrate.


この時、龍馬の命を救った拳銃は、高杉晉作が中國清の上海を訪れた時に買ひ求めた「Smith & Wesson Army No 2」であった。


The western regions between Ontario and the Rocky Mountains are ceded to Canada by the Hudson's Bay Company.

1873/0309:ツタンカアメン發掘 Howard Carter 187339、誕生

a British archaeologist and Egyptologist who became world-famous after discovering the intact tomb (designated KV62) of the 18th Dynasty Pharaoh, Tutankhamun (colloquially known as "King Tut" and "the boy king"), in November 1922.

Although only 17, Carter was innovative in improving the methods of copying tomb decoration. In 1892, he worked under the tutelage of Flinders Petrie for one season at Amarna, the capital founded by the pharaoh Akhenaten. From 1894 to 1899, he worked with Édouard Naville at Deir el-Bahari, where he recorded the wall reliefs in the temple of Hatshepsut.

1883/0309:イギリス經濟學者 Arnold Toynbee 185283、死去

a British economic historian also noted for his social commitment and desire to improve the living conditions of the working classes.[
(Toynbee was the uncle, via his brother Harry Valpy Toynbee, of universal historian Arnold Joseph Toynbee 188975. The two are often confused for each other due to the similarity of their names.)

He is a historian who has spread the "Industrial Revolution" as an academic term and is one of the founders of the settlement movement that created the world's first settlement "Toynbee Hall".

1886/0309:少年よ大志を抱け William Smith Clark 182686、死去

William Smith Clark was an American professor of chemistry, botany and zoology, a colonel during the American Civil War, and a leader in agricultural education.

Japanese officials, striving to achieve rapid modernization of that country in the wake of the Meiji Restoration, were especially intrigued by Clark's work.[2] In 1876, the Japanese government hired Clark as a foreign advisor to establish the Sapporo Agricultural College (SAC), now Hokkaido University. During his eight months in Sapporo, Clark successfully organized SAC, had a significant impact on the scientific and economic development of the island of Hokkaido, and made a lasting imprint on Japanese culture. Clark's visage overlooks Sapporo from several statues and his parting words to his Japanese students, "Boys, be ambitious!"(「少年よ大志を抱け」) have become a nationally known motto in Japan.

Création du Carnaval des animaux de Camille Saint-Saëns.

1888/0309:日本の洋画家 梅原龍三郎188886、誕生

un peintre japonais du style yō-ga (style occidental). Il fréquente l'académie des arts de Kansai à Kyoto et l'Université des arts de Tokyo.

1908、Part à Paris pour étudier l’art et s’inscrit à l’Académie Julian…Rencontre Renoir l’année suivante et devient son élève.

1910 in Paris

1892/0309:兩性具有的 Vita Sackville-West 196292、誕生

an English poet, novelist, and garden designer.
She was a successful novelist, poet, and journalist, as well as a prolific letter writer and diarist. She published more than a dozen collections of poetry during her lifetime and 13 novels.
She was the inspiration for the androgynous protagonist of Orlando: A Biography, by her famous friend and lover, Virginia Woolf.

Vita Sackville-West in 1913

Vita Sackville-West in her twenties, by William Strang, 1918


1895/0309:マゾヒスト Leopold von Sacher-Masoch 183695、死去

in österreichischer Schriftsteller. Er schrieb auch unter den Pseudonymen Charlotte Arand und Zoë von Rodenbach.


Venus im Pelz 毛皮を着たヴィナス』など、彼の作品の一部に特徴づけられる精神的あるいは肉体的な苦痛に感じる快楽を、精神科医クラフト=エビング1886年に『性の心理学』で「マゾヒズム」と名づけた。

Prime Minister Francesco Crispi resigns following the Italian defeat at the Battle of Adwa.

1908/0309:During the Nimrod expedition,
 a five-man crew manages the first ascent to the summit of Mount Erebus in the Antarctic.



1907/0309:神話論etc Mircea Eliade 190786、誕生

un historien des religions, mythologue, philosophe et romancier roumain. Polyglotte, il parlait et écrivait couramment cinq langues : le roumain, le français, l'allemand, l'italien et l'anglais. Il lisait aussi l'hébreu, le persan et le sanskrit. Ainsi, la majeure partie de ses travaux universitaires a été écrite d'abord en roumain, puis en français et en anglais.

About 1932, he met Emil Cioran 191195 & Eugène Ionesco 190994 at the University of Bucharest, and three had a lifelong friendship although there was a short break in the middle.

After WWⅡ, he moved to Paris, worked in France, collaborating and publishing "Anthaius" magazine with German writer Ernst Jünger 189598

1910/0309:弦樂アダアジョ Samuel Barber 191081、誕生

n American composer of orchestral, opera, choral, and piano music. His Adagio for Strings (1936) has earned a permanent place in the concert repertory of orchestras.

The Westmoreland County coal strike, involving 15,000 coal miners represented by the United Mine Workers, begins.

Accord secret franco-anglais pour le démantèlement de l'Empire ottoman.

1916/0309:Mexican Revolution
 Pancho Villa leads nearly 500 Mexican raiders in an attack against the border town of Columbus, New Mexico.

1918/0309:ドイツ表現主義 Frank Wedekind 186418、死去

ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Dramatiker und Schauspieler. Mit seinen gesellschaftskritischen Theaterstücken gehörte er zu den meistgespielten Dramatikern seiner Epoche.


In 1888, the death of his father entered a large heritage, which gained assurance of the author's life. In 1890 he completed "Awakening of Spring", one of his masterpieces, but this work was not accepted in the epidemic of naturalism, and the premiere will take place 16 years later.

Seine Tätigkeit ist eine wichtige Verbindung zwischen Georg Büchner 181337, später Expressionismus, modernes Theater, vor allem der spätere Dramatiker Bertolt Brecht 189856 wurde von ihm beeinflusst.


The Russian-Soviet Federal Socialist Republic transits the capital from Petrograd to Moscow for the first time in 200 years.

Erik Liebreich erhält ein deutsches Patent für ein Verfahren zur elektrolytischen Abscheidung von metallischem Chrom, die Grundlage für das Verchromen durch Chromelektrolyte.

Erik Liebreich receives a German patent for a process for the electrolytic deposition of metallic chromium, the basis for chrome plating by chromium electrolytes.

1925/0309:Pink's War:
 The first Royal Air Force operation conducted independently of the British Army or Royal Navy begins.

1930/0309:FreeJazz 權化 Ornette Coleman 193015、誕生

an American jazz saxophonist, violinist, trumpeter, and composer. He was one of the major innovators of the free jazz movement of the 1960s, a term he invented with the name of his 1961 album.
1959: The Shape of Jazz to Come
1960: Free Jazz

{音樂といふよりその登場と存在自体が Freejazz だった。

In Leipzig findet die Uraufführung der Oper Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny von Kurt Weill und Bertolt Brecht statt.
Im Zuschauerraum kommt es zu von Mitgliedern der NSDAP geförderten tumultartigen Szenen und das Stück kann nur unter Schwierigkeiten zu Ende gespielt werden.

Ernst Ruska tests the first electron microscope developed by him together with Max Knoll, ie a device that scans the samples with electrons instead of light. In 1986 he receives the Nobel Prize in Physics.


Puyi, the last ruler of the Chinese Empire before his abdication, becomes President of the Japanese-controlled puppet state of Manchukuo.
Différentes définitions géographiques de la Mandchourie.

Der Kommunist Georgi Dimitroff wird in Berlin wegen des Reichstagsbrandes verhaftet. Der anschließende Prozess gegen ihn gerät zu einem Debakel für die Nationalsozialisten und Dimitroff wird freigesprochen.

The Communist Georgi Dimitroff is arrested in Berlin because of the Reichstag fire. The subsequent trial of him turns into a debacle for the National Socialists and Dimitroff is acquitted.

Dimitroff (rechts) bei Stalin in Moskau, 1936

Franz von Epp wird auf Grund der Reichstagsbrandverordnung zum Reichskommissar für Bayern ernannt, damit haben die Nationalsozialisten im Zuge der Gleichschaltung auch hier die Macht übernommen.

Franz von Epp is appointed Reich Commissioner for Bavaria on the basis of the Reichstag Fire Ordinance, which means that the National Socialists have also taken power here in the course of Gleichschaltung.

1933/0309:USA「Great Depression」
 President Franklin Roosevelt submits the Emergency Banking Act to Congress, the first of his New Deal policies.

Great Depression: President Franklin D. Roosevelt submits the Emergency Banking Act to Congress, the first of his New Dealpolicies.


Muto Sanji(members of the House of Representatives)was shot by unemployed man and died the next day.

1942/0309:WWⅡ オランダ領東インドのオランダ軍が日本軍に降伏
 Dutch East Indies, represented by KNIL Commander in Chief Lieutenant General Hein Ter Poorten, unconditionally surrendered to the Japanese forces in Kalijati, Subang, West Java, and Japanese completed their Dutch East Indies campaign.

The Allies on Java surrender to the Japanese in the Pacific War. All of the Dutch East Indies will remain in Japanese hands until the end of the war.

Exécution des sept condamnés du procès du Palais Bourbon.

1943/0309:不世出のChessPlayer Bobby Fischer 194308、誕生

an American chess grandmaster and the eleventh World Chess Champion. Many consider him to be the greatest chess player of all time.
Fischer showed skill at an early age; at 13, he won a "brilliancy" that became known as "The Game of the Century". Starting at age 14, Fischer played in eight United States Championships, winning each by at least a one-point margin. At 15, Fischer became both the youngest grandmaster up to that time and the youngest candidate for the World Championship.

At age 20, Fischer won the 1963–64 U.S. Championship with 11/11, the only perfect score in the history of the tournament. His book My 60 Memorable Games, published in 1969, is regarded as a classic work of chess literature. Fischer won the 1970 Interzonal Tournament by a record 3½-point margin and won 20 consecutive games, including two unprecedented 6–0 sweeps in the Candidates Matches. In July 1971, he became the first official FIDE number-one-rated player.

 Japanese troops counter-attack American forces on Hill 700 in Bougainville in a five-day battle.

 Soviet Army planes attack Tallinn, Estonia.


l'Empire du Japon réalise un coup de force pour prendre le contrôle de l'Indochine française.

 The first nocturnal incendiary attack on Tokyo inflicts damage comparable to that inflicted on both Hiroshima and Nagasaki five months later.

The US bombing of Tokyo with B-29 bombers in the Pacific War is considered the most serious conventional bombing of all time. With approximately 100,000 dead, the number of victims is comparable to that of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.



1945/0309:フランス映画、Mカルネ『Les Enfants du Paradis』封切

Premier film de Marcel Carné Les Enfants du Paradis à Paris. Le film est considéré comme un exemple exceptionnel de réalisme poétique en France.

Bolton Wanderers stadium disaster at Burnden Park, Bolton, England, kills 33 and injures hundreds more.



 CBS television broadcasts the See It Now episode, "A Report on Senator Joseph McCarthy", produced by Fred Friendly.

CBS broadcasts the 30-minute report, a report on Senator McCarthy that contributes significantly to the decline of the McCarthy era in the See It Now news program by Edward R. Murrow and Fred W. Friendly.

Soviet forces suppress mass demonstrations in the Georgian SSR, reacting to Nikita Khrushchev's de-Stalinization policy.

The massacre of Tbilisi demands at least 80 deaths. The Soviet Army opened the fire on anti-Soviet demonstrators who want to storm the telegraph office and the radio station. Radical insurgent pro-Stalinist students had demanded Georgia's independence following de-Stalinization.

The 8.6 Mw Andreanof Islands earthquake shakes the Aleutian Islands with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VIII (Severe), causing $5 million in damage from ground movement and a destructive tsunami that affected Hawaii, where two people were killed in a plane crash while documenting its arrival.


1959/0309:USA、「Barbie doll」 debut
At the American Toy Fair in New York, the US company Mattel introduces the Barbie doll. Model for the doll is the cartoon character Bild-Lilli.

The first Barbie doll was introduced in both blonde and brunette in March 1959.

1961/0309:ソ連、Sputnik 9
 successfully launches, carrying a human dummy nicknamed Ivan Ivanovich, and demonstrating that Soviet Union was ready to begin human spaceflight.

1964/0309:USA、Ford Mustang、debut
In Dearborn, Michigan, the first Ford Mustangs leave the car assembly lines.

Trans World Airlines Flight 553, a Douglas DC-9-15, crashes in a field in Concord Township, Ohio following a mid-air collision with a Beechcraft Baron, killing 26.

Forty-two people died in the 1976 Cavalese cable car disaster, the worst cable-car accident to date.

1977/0309:The Hanafi Siege:
 In a 39 hour standoff, armed Hanafi Muslims seize three Washington, D.C., buildings, killing two and taking 149 hostage.

President Soeharto inaugurated Jagorawi Toll Road, the first toll highway in Indonesia, connecting Jakarta, Bogor and Ciawi, West Java.

1981/0309:生化学者 Max Delbrück 190681、死去

Max Ludwig Henning Delbrück、a German–American biophysicist, helped launch the molecular biology research program in the late 1930s. He stimulated physical scientists' interest into biology, especially as to basic research to physically explain genes, mysterious at the time.

Derbrück studierte Astrophysik, wandte sich aber der Theoretischen Physik an der Universität Göttingen zu. Er promovierte 1930 und reiste nach England, Dänemark, in die Schweiz und so weiter. Er interessierte sich für Biologie, indem er Wolfgang Pauli, Niels Bohr und andere auf dem Weg traf. Nach seiner Rückkehr nach Berlin im Jahr 1932 wurde er Assistent von Lise Meitner 187868

He emigrated to the United States in 1937 to pursue biology,

デルブリュックは、20世紀に流行った物理学から生物学へ転向する潮流の中で、最も人々に影響を与えた人物の一人である。物理学を基盤とした生物学の考え方は、Erwin Schrödinger 188761『What Is Life?』から影響を受けている。この本は Fクリック、Jワトソン、Mウィルキンスにも大きな影響を及ぼした。

"Krononauts" hosted an event in Baltimore, Maryland asking time-travelers to meet and demonstrate future science methods of Time travel.

1983/0309:スヰスの科學者 Ulf Svante von Euler 190583、死去

a Swedish physician, physiologist, pharmacologist, neurophysiologist and neurochemist.

Since 1946 when noradrenaline was discovered he devoted himself to the study of the tissues and nervous systems of diseased organisms. Then, we made a groundbreaking discovery that noradrenaline accumulates at the end of the synapse. In 1970, he received the Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine with the other two people

1992/0309:イスラエル指導者 Menahem Begin 191392、死去

an Israeli politician, founder of Likud and the sixth Prime Minister of Israel. Before the creation of the state of Israel, he was the leader of the Zionist militant group Irgun, the Revisionist breakaway from the larger Jewish paramilitary organization Haganah. He proclaimed a revolt, on 1 February 1944, against the British mandatory government, which was opposed by the Jewish Agency. As head of the Irgun, he targeted the British in Palestine.[1] Later, the Irgun fought the Arabs during the 1947–48 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine.

NKVD mugshots of Menachem Begin, 1940

Begin addressing the Knesset in 1974



The Complete Chinese Dictionary, the largest dictionary in Chinese history, completed.

The Irish rock band U2 release their fifth studio album The Joshua Tree, produced by Brian Eno and Daniel Lanois. In 1988, the album receives the Grammy for Best Album of the Year.

日米韓3国が朝鮮半島エネルギー開発機構 (KEDO) 設立協定に調印。

1997/0309:Comet Hale–Bopp:
 Observers in China, Mongolia and eastern Siberia are treated to a rare double feature as an eclipse permits Hale-Bopp to be seen during the day.

John Allen Muhammad is sentenced to death in Virginia for his involvement in the 2002 Beltway Sniper Attacks.

2006/0309:NASA announces
 that there may be water on the Saturn moon Enceladus. The assumptions go back to the exploration by the Cassini-Huygens space probe.

2011/0309:Space Shuttle Discovery
 makes its final landing after 39 flights.

At least 130 rockets are fired into Israel from Gaza; 12 Palestinians militants are killed as part of the latest escalation in violence in the region.

éclipse solaire totale visible en Indonésie et en Micronésie.

2016/0309:フランス映画『Louis-Ferdinand Céline』封切
sortie en France du film Louis-Ferdinand Céline réalisé par Emmanuel Bourdieu.

去年2017年の今日の私 ――   
さばえなしてとよもす(五月蠅のやうに騷ぎ立ってゐる)世界と日本、この現在狀況、まさに「世界が心配、日本が心配、世界のなかの日本が心配」で、氣になってしやうがないのだが、こんな事を始めてしまったばかりに、時々刻々のニュウスに落ち着いて接してゐる時間もない。ま、どうせなるやうにしかならねえとは諦めてゐるのだが、ディオゲネスの樽轉がしくらゐのことはできないか、と思って始めたのがこの歴史暦だったのだが、 ……


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