


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
今日が誕生日の Étienne-Jules Marey 183004 が發明した連続写真

歴史暦:古今東西 03/05 今日の出來事

血盟團主宰の 井上日召188667 曰く

If denial is passionate, it will be affirmative
{これぞ、人文系の知性あるいは理性の極致。この、表がいつしか裏になってゐる「メビウスの輪」「クラインの壺」的なトポロジックな論理、じゃなくて情理が理解じゃなくて直感できれば、人間を動かすものがロゴスではなくパトス(パッション)であること、すなはち「絶対矛盾的自己同一」が人間精神の本質であることに東洋的直觀で …… 

The Roman Emperor Julian sets off from Antioch for the campaign against the Sassanids.

Roman Emperor Julian moves from Antioch with an army of 90,000 to attack the Sasanian Empire, in a campaign which would bring about his own death.

The traditional Armenian calendar starts, it uses Armenian numbers.









それから二十年後となる 0823弘仁14、東寺は時の052嵯峨神野078642天皇によって、眞言密教空海077435に給預された。これにより、東寺は國家鎭護の寺であるとともに眞言密教の根本道場となった。


嵯峨天皇がその文藝への趣味で空海を敬愛したであらうことは疑ひない。空海も、自分の眞言密教を日本に根付かせることに、そのために朝廷への接近にもっとも熱心になってゐた時期である。 ……


Nasir Khusraw begins the seven-year Middle Eastern journey which he will later describe in his book Safarnama.

The Livonian Order is defeated in the Battle of Aizkraukle by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

Mit der Unterzeichnung des Vertrages von Ripen wird der dänische König Christian I. auch Herrscher über Schleswig und Holstein.

King Henry VII of England issues letters patent to John Cabot and his sons, authorising them to explore unknown lands.

1512/0305:世界地圖制作 Gerardus Mercator 151294、誕生

a 16th-century German-Flemish cartographer, geographer and cosmographer.
He was renowned for creating the 1569 world map based on a new projection which represented sailing courses of constant bearing (rhumb lines) as straight lines—an innovation that is still employed in nautical charts.

1538、彼が出版した最初の世界図は、北アメリカと南アメリカが地名として最も早く記載された地圖の一つであった。1569年には、メルカトルの名を不朽ならしめた世界図が完成した。1.32×1.98メートルの大型の地図であり、記載された地名は豊富で、多くの注記も記されていた。この世界地図では、ヨウロパやアフリカの形態はすでにプトレマイオスの影響から脱していたが、東アジアやアジア・アフリカの内陸の部分ではまだプトレマイオスやMarco Polo 125424の記述に頼らざるを得なかった。

1534/0305:イタリアの画家 Correggio 148934、死去

Antonio Allegri detto il Correggio è stato un pittore italiano.
Prendendo spunto dalla cultura del Quattrocento e dai grandi maestri dell'epoca, quali Leonardo, Raffaello, Michelangelo e Mantegna, inaugurò un nuovo modo di concepire la pittura ed elaborò un proprio originale percorso artistico, che lo colloca tra i grandi del Cinquecento.

Io e Zeu

『聖ヒエロニムスのいる聖母』 1527-8

1574/0305:イギリス数学者 William Oughtred 157460、誕生

an English mathematician and Anglican minister.
After John Napier invented logarithms and Edmund Gunter created the logarithmic scales (lines, or rules) upon which slide rules are based, it was Oughtred who first used two such scales sliding by one another to perform direct multiplication and division; and he is credited as the inventor of the slide rule in about 1622.
Oughtred also introduced the "×" symbol for multiplication as well as the abbreviations "sin" and "cos" for the sine and cosine functions

1611/0305:日本の戰國大名 島津歳久153792、死去

Shimazu Yoshihisa was a daimyō of Satsuma Province and the eldest son of Shimazu Takahisa. His mother was a daughter of Iriki'in Shigesato (入来院重聡), Sesshō (雪窓).
Shimazu Yoshihiro 島津義弘153519 and Shimazu Toshihisa 島津歳久153792 are his brothers.


Das Heilige Offizium der römischen Inquisition verbietet das Buch von Nikolaus Kopernikus, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium, mit dessen heliozentrischem Weltbild.

Nicolaus Copernicus's book On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres is added to the Index of Forbidden Books 73 years after it was first published.

De Revolu­tionibus Orbium Coelestium

1626/0305:Le traité de Monzón
 entre la France et l'Espagne confirme l'indépendance du canton suisse des Grisons et interdit à l'armée espagnole le passage du Valteline (Italie).

The Germanic Empire, Poland and Venice form the Holy League against the Ottoman Empire.

Durch die Vermittlung von Papst Innozenz XI. wird die Heilige Liga zwischen dem Heiligen Römischen Reich, Polen-Litauen und Venedig als Kampfbund gegen die Osmanen gegründet.

1696/0305:ヴェネチア派の画家 Giambattista Tiepolo169670、誕生

Giambattista Tiepolo è stato un pittore e incisore italiano, cittadino della Repubblica di Venezia. È uno dei maggiori pittori del Settecento veneziano.

1770/0305:Boston Massacre:
Five Americans, including Crispus Attucks, are fatally shot by British troops in an event that would contribute to the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War (also known as the American War of Independence) five years later.


Exécution de Jacques-René Hébert et de ses partisans.

Hébert pris sur le vif par Vivant Denon, sur la charrette le conduisant à l'échafaud.

Les Français occupent Berne.

1811/0305:フランスvsスペイン「Peninsular War」
 A French force under the command of Marshal Victor is routed while trying to prevent an Anglo-Spanish-Portuguese army from lifting the Siege of Cádiz in the Battle of Barrosa.

1815/0305:フシギな医者 Franz-Anton Mesmer 173415、死去

Er war zunächst Arzt in Wien, führte dann „magnetische“ Kuren durch und begründete den Animalischen Magnetismus, auch Mesmerismus genannt.

1766年に博士論文 De planetarum influxu in corpus humanum(人体への惑星の影響について)を提出。天体の人体および病気への影響を論じた内容。といっても (Medical astrology) ではなく、Isaac Newton 164227 の潮の干満の理論に依據したものだが、メスメルは人体にも潮の干満があり、その原因は太陽や月の運動に違いないと解説した

1817/0305:考古學的探檢家 Austen Henry Layard 181794、誕生

an English traveller, archaeologist, cuneiformist, art historian, draughtsman, collector, politician and diplomat.
He is best known as the excavator of Nimrud and of Nineveh, where he uncovered a large proportion of the Assyrian palace reliefs known, and in 1851 the library of Ashurbanipal.

1819/0305:日本 江戸時代の大名 毛利敬親181971、誕生

Mōri Takachika was the 13th daimyō of Chōshū 長州 Domain. He was later allowed to use a character from the name of shogun Tokugawa Ieyoshi and changed his name to Yoshichika (慶親). His domain was a traditional enemy of the Tokugawa shogunate, and he became a key player in its downfall during the Bakumatsu period.

Events during his reign include the Bombardment of Shimonoseki, the Ikedaya Incident, the Kinmon incident, the First Chōshū expedition and Second Chōshū expedition, the Satchō Alliance and the Boshin War.
He was also the first daimyo to return his lands to the Emperor during the abolition of the han system.

1824/0305:First Anglo-Burmese War:
 The British officially declare war on Burma.

1827/0305:大数学者 Pierre-Simon Laplace 174927、死去

un mathématicien, astronome, physicien et homme politique français.
Laplace est l’un des principaux scientifiques de la période napoléonienne. En effet, il a apporté des contributions fondamentales dans différents champs des mathématiques, de l’astronomie et de la théorie des probabilités.
Il a été l'un des scientifiques les plus influents de son temps, notamment par son affirmation du déterminisme. Il a contribué de façon décisive à l'émergence de l’astronomie mathématique reprenant et étendant le travail de ses prédécesseurs dans son Traité de Mécanique céleste3 (1799-1825).
Cet ouvrage majeur, en cinq volumes, a transformé l’approche géométrique de la mécanique développée par Newton en une approche fondée sur l’analyse mathématique.



1827/0305:電池の發明 Alessandro Volta 174527、死去

un ingegnere, chimico e fisico italiano, conosciuto soprattutto per l'invenzione del primo generatore elettrico mai realizzato, la pila, e per la scoperta del metano.


1830/0305:連続写真の発明 Étienne-Jules Marey 183004、誕生

un médecin et physiologiste français, et un inventeur.
Considéré à son époque comme un touche-à-tout atypique, il est l’un des premiers, à partir de 1870, à étudier méthodiquement ce qu’il « nomme d’un terme magnifique, "la machine animale" » , c’est-à-dire les mécanismes des différents modes de déplacement et de leurs diverses allures, aussi bien des animaux que des êtres humains.

Fusil photographique de 1882 adapté à la pellicule en 1888,

Samuel Colt patents the first production-model revolver, the .34-caliber.

Colt Single Action Army,

The Britannia Bridge across the Menai Strait between the island of Anglesey and the mainland of Wales is opened.

Heinrich Steinweg founds the piano construction company Steinway & Sons in New York. It now has production facilities in New York City and Hamburg.

The Royal Theater in London's Covent Garden falls victim to a major fire for the second time.


Following the surrender of the Edo shogunate, Shogun Tokugawa Yoshinobu moves from Edo castle to Ueno Kan'ei Ji.

Mefistofele, an opera by Arrigo Boito receives its premiere performance at La Scala.

1871/0305:ドイツの社界主義者 Rosa Luxemburg 187119、誕生

eine promovierte einflussreiche Vertreterin der europäischen Arbeiterbewegung, des Marxismus, Antimilitarismus und „proletarischen Internationalismus“.

George Westinghouse receives a patent in the USA for the air brake developed by him for the railway operation.

1876/0305:イタリアで新聞『Corriere della Sera』創刊
Eugenio Torelli Viollier fonda il quotidiano Corriere della Sera a Milano.

Eugenio Torelli Viollier founds the daily newspaper Corriere della Sera in Milan.

l'anarchiste Charles Gallo accomplit un acte de propagande par le fait en lançant une bouteille d'acide prussique dans la Bourse de Paris.

Pyramide du système capitaliste (1911)

1887/0305:ブラジルの作曲家 Heitor Villa-Lobos 188759、誕生

um compositor brasileiro. Destaca-se por ter sido o principal responsável pela descoberta de uma linguagem peculiarmente brasileira em música, sendo considerado o maior expoente da música do modernismo no Brasil, compondo obras que contêm nuances das culturas regionais brasileiras, com os elementos das canções populares e indígenas.

He stands out for having been the main responsible for the discovery of a peculiarly Brazilian language in music, being considered the greatest exponent of the music of modernism in Brazil, composing works that contain nuances of the Brazilian regional cultures, with the elements of the popular and indigenous songs.

The Austro-Hungarian explorers Sámuel Teleki and Ludwig von Höhnel discover a body of water in East Africa that they first of all christen the Austrian Crown Prince Rudolf in honor of Rudolfsee, today's Lake Turkana.


1893/0305:歴史思想家 Hippolyte Taine 182893、死去

un philosophe et historien français issu de l'École normale supérieure.

1856年、史論『Essai sur Tite-Live』でアカデミ賞を受賞。この頃から彼の代表作となる『Histoire de la littérature anglaise』に着手。1857年には『Essais de critique et d'histoire』を発表、批評家としての地位を確立した。


彼は『近代フランスの起源』で、フランス革命精神の起源を解明しようと試みた。それはデカルトに始まる「演繹的精神」の賜物であり、その思想を引き継いだ啓蒙家連中は具体的事実や現実を無視する傾向を強めて理想主義に走り、ついには近代フランスの悲劇を招いた、と説いた。彼は、1789年7月の理想主義と1793年の恐怖政治を区別せず、それらの責任や発端を Jean-Jacques Rousseau 171278 の思想に原因を求めたのであった。そして、「民衆は何を望むかは言えても、何が必要であるかを考えることができない」として民主主義にたいして疑念を示した。

1895/0305:イギリスの地政学者 Henry Rawlinson 181095、死去

a British East India Company army officer, politician and Orientalist, sometimes described as the Father of Assyriology.



1897/0305:蒋介石夫人 宋美齢189703、誕生

(英文名:Soong May-ling)冠夫姓尊称为蔣宋美齡女士或蔣夫人。前中華民國第一夫人,中國國民黨總裁、軍事委員會委員長及第一、二、三、四、五届中華民國總統蒋中正的第四任妻子,前任中國國民黨主席及第六、七任中華民國總統蔣經國的繼母。曾任中國國民黨中央評議委員會議主席团主席、中國國民黨中央婦女工作委員會指導會議指導長,同時亦為國立彰化師範大學與中華民國婦女聯合會的創辦人。美國韋爾斯萊大學
a Chinese political figure who was First Lady of the Republic of China (ROC), the wife of Generalissimo and President Chiang Kai-shek. Soong played a prominent role in the politics of the Republic of China and was the sister-in-law of Sun Yat-sen, the founder and the leader of the Republic of China.

1898/0305:中共指導者 周恩來189876、誕生


{今日三月五日は、周恩來が誕生し、Иосиф Сталин 187853 が死去した日か。宋美齢189703 が誕生し、Anna Akhmatova 188966 が死去した日か。なんか、重なるな。

The Ottoman Empire gives the Anatolian Railway the concession to build the Baghdad Railway.

Alfred Dreyfus, obtient la réouverture de son dossier devant la chambre criminelle de la Cour de cassation.

Alfred Dreyfus, gets the reopening of his file before the criminal chamber of the Court of Cassation.

1906/0305:日本の汎アジア主義者 田中清玄190693、誕生

Tanaka Se'igen、
Japanese businessman, political activist. CIA collaborators and fixers are also told.

田中は池田成彬の紹介で、汎ヨーロッパ主義者のリヒャルト・クデンホフ=カレルギと汎アジア主義者の鹿島守之助と親交をむすび、汎ヨーロッパ運動を推進していたハプスブルク=ロトリンゲン家家長のオット大公を紹介された。オット大公は戦前にオストリア皇位継承権を放棄して、反ファシズムを表明、戦後は欧州統合運動の推進役となった。経済学者Friedrich Hayek 189992にはオット大公から紹介された。田中はオットに勧められ、1961年自由主義運動を推進するためにハイエクが組織したモンペルラン・ソサイエティに入会した。

1906/0305:Moro Rebellion
 United States Army troops bring overwhelming force against the native Moros in the First Battle of Bud Dajo, leaving only six survivors.

1910/0305:イタリア脚本家 Ennio Flaiano 191072、誕生

uno sceneggiatore, scrittore, giornalista, umorista, critico cinematografico e drammaturgo italiano.
Specializzato in elzeviri, Flaiano scrisse per Oggi, Il Mondo, il Corriere della Sera e altre testate. Lavorò a lungo con Federico Fellini, con cui collaborò ampiamente ai soggetti e alle sceneggiature dei più celebri film del regista riminese, tra i quali La strada, La dolce vita e 8½.

Best known for his work with Federico Fellini, Flaiano co-wrote ten screenplays with the Italian director, including La Strada (1954), La Dolce Vita (1960), and 8½.
A fine and ironic moralist, at once tragic and bitter, Flaiano produced narrative works and other prose writings permeated by an original satiric vein and by a vivid sense of the grotesque through which he stigmatised the paradoxical aspects of contemporary reality. He introduced the expression saltare sul carro del vincitore ("to jump on the winner's chariot") into the Italian language.

1910/0305:カップ麺發明者 安藤百福191007、誕生

Andō Momofuku was a Taiwanese-Japanese inventor and businessman born in Imperial Japanese Taiwan who founded Nissin Food Products Co., Ltd..
He is known as one of the inventors of instant noodles, instant ramen, and Cup Noodles.

Kaiser Franz Joseph I. eröffnet in Wien das Haus der Industrie.

1912/0305:Italo-Turkish War
 Italian forces are the first to use airships for military purposes, employing them for reconnaissance behind Turkish lines.

1914/0305:中共の魔女 江青191491、誕生


1915/0305:数学者だが、Laurent Schwartz 191502、誕生

Il est l’un des plus grands mathématiciens français du XXe siècle, le premier de ceux-ci à obtenir la médaille Fields, en 1950 pour ses travaux sur la théorie des distributions.

今日シュワルツ超関数と呼ばれる「超関数 (distribution)」 の理論を構築。終生のトロツキストを自称。ブルバキのメンバ。

1918/0305:日本の文人 中村眞一郎191897、誕生

Nakamura Shin'ichirō est un écrivain japonais.
Il étudié à l'université de Tokyo, où il fait la connaissance d'écrivains tels que Takehiko Fukunaga, Tatsuo Hori et Shūichi Katō.
Il se fait connaître avec la publication d'une série de romans en cinq parties entre 1947 et 1952 qui lui vaut la réputation d'un Marcel Proust japonais. Outre ses propres romans, il écrit une biographie du poète Rai San'yō, traduit des ouvrages du français et chinois et écrit des critiques littéraires.



Sun Yat-sen called Chiang Kai-shek to Guangzhou and entrusted with the task.

1922/0305:イタリア作家 Pier Paolo Pasolini 192275、誕生

un poeta, scrittore, regista, sceneggiatore, drammaturgo e giornalista italiano, considerato tra i maggiori artisti e intellettuali del XX secolo.
Culturalmente versatile, si distinse in numerosi campi, lasciando contributi anche come pittore, romanziere, linguista, traduttore e saggista, non solo in lingua italiana, ma anche friulana.

The world's first science-fiction magazine "Amazing Stories" in America is launched






1933/0305:USA「Great Depression」
 President Franklin Roosevelt declares a "bank holiday", closing all U.S. banks and freezing all financial transactions.

Bei der Reichstagswahl erreicht die NSDAP mit einem Anteil von 43,9 Prozent die meisten Stimmen. Es ist die letzte Reichstagswahl im Mehrparteiensystem.

Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party receives 43.9% at the Reichstag elections, which allows the Nazis to later pass the Enabling Act and establish a dictatorship.
the National Socialist Party of German Workers (NSDAP) won 93 seats and won 45% of the votes in the German elections.

Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party receives 43.9% at the Reichstag elections, which allows the Nazis to later pass the Enabling Act and establish a dictatorship.

1933/0130、Paul von Hindenburg 184734 大統領から首相に任命されたナチ党の党首 Adolf Hitler 188945 は、ナチは第一党であったが議員数の過半數に達してゐなかったため、就任後わづか二日後に國會を解散、総選挙に打って出た。選擧期間中、ヒトラは四年間の首相の地位を國民に訴へた。ユダヤ人問題などこれまでの激烈さは姿を隠し、ドイツ人を安堵させた。
かくして、0321の新國會開會日は「國民高揚の日」と名付けられ、國會は全燒してゐたため、ポツダムのフリドリヒ大王の霊廟のある Gamisonkirche でヒンデンブルク大統領臨席のもと、Goebbels の演出による華麗な開會式が催された。この日は「Tag von Potsdam ポツダムの日」と呼ばれ、歴史的な轉換點となった。


1934/0305:行動經濟學者 Daniel Kahneman 193402、誕生

an Israeli-American psychologist notable for his work on the psychology of judgment and decision-making, as well as behavioral economics, .
His empirical findings challenge the assumption of human rationality prevailing in modern economic theory.
In 2015 The Economist listed him as the seventh most influential economist in the world.


Prospect theory 不確実性下における意思決定モデルの一つ。選択の結果得られる利益もしくは被る損害および、それら確率が既知の状況下において、人がどのような選択をするか記述するモデル

Heuristics(複雑な問題解決等のために何らかの意思決定を行う際、暗黙のうちに用いている簡便な解法や法則のこと) and Biases(ヒュウリスティクによる判斷は素早いが正確さには欠けやすい。それを認知バイアス)"

(Peak-end rule)、あらゆる経験の快苦の記憶は、ほぼ完全にピーク時と終了時の快苦の度合で決定されるという法則

1936/0305:First flight of K5054,
 the first prototype Supermarine Spitfire advanced monoplane fighter aircraft in the United Kingdom.

The airline US Airways is founded under the name All American Aviation.

1938/0305:進化論批判 Lynn Margulis 193811、誕生

an American evolutionary theorist and biologist, science author, educator, and popularizer, and was the primary modern proponent for the significance of symbiosis in evolution.

James Lovelock 1919--  が提唱したガイア理論の支持者。




Josef Stalin and other members of the Politburo of the CPSU sign the order to execute "nationalists and counterrevolutionary activists" in the territories of Poland occupied by the Soviet Union. The following Katyn massacre kills around 20,000 Polish intellectuals and civil servants.

Six high-ranking members of Soviet politburo, including Joseph Stalin, sign an order for the execution of 25,700 Polish intelligentsia, including 14,700 Polish POWs, in what will become known as the Katyn massacre.
Josef Stalin und weitere Mitglieder des Politbüros der KPdSU unterzeichnen den Befehl zur Exekution von „Nationalisten und konterrevolutionären Aktivisten“ in den von der Sowjetunion besetzten Gebieten Polens. Beim darauf folgenden Massaker von Katyn werden ca. 20.000 polnische Intellektuelle und Beamte ermordet.

1940/03~04 Katyn massacre (Polish: zbrodnia katyńska, mord katyński, "Katyń crime"; Russian: Катынский расстрел Katynskij rasstrel, "Katyn shooting")


そして、悲劇は尾を引く ――
2010年4月10日10時56分(モスクワ夏時間、協定世界時6時56分)頃、ポーランド側主催の「カティンの森事件70周年追悼式典」に出席するポーランド共和国政府訪問団を乗せて、ワルシャワフレデリック・ショパン空港を7時23分(中央ヨーロッパ夏時間)に離陸しスモレンスクへ向かっていたポーランド空軍第36特殊輸送航空連隊所属の大統領特別輸送機Tu-154M 101号機が、スモレンスク市の北4kmにあるスモレンスク北飛行場へ着陸進入中、同飛行場から1.5km離れたスモレンスクスモレンスク地区のペチョルスク村に墜落した。

1942/0305:SF作家 Mike Resnick 1942--、誕生

Michael Diamond Resnick is an American science fiction writer under the name Mike Resnick. He was executive editor of Jim Baen's Universe.

# 共和制→民主制→寡頭製→独裁制→無政府制

 Japanese forces captures Batavia, capital of Dutch East Indies, which left undefended after the withdrawal of KNIL garrison and Australian Blackforce battalion to Buitenzorg and Bandung.

Dmitri Dmitrievich Shostakovich's Symphony No. 7, written in Leningrad during the German siege, was premiered in Kuybyshev by the orchestra of the Bolshoi Theater outsourced there with great success.

ナチスドイツを貶すためにスタリンソ連を持ちあげるんじゃなあ …… こんな時代に生まれあはせて辛かっただらうなと同情する、この時代のソ連の藝術家は。迎合しなければたちまち肅清の境遇。事實、ショスタ自身も後年、批判の矢面に立たされることになる。
後年、スタリンが死んで十何年かしてショスタはこの作品について、あらためて「スタリンによって破壞され、ヒトラによってとどめを刺されたレニングラド」に捧げたのだと釋明してゐる。しかし、私には「物云へば唇寒し」の感がある。そのレニングラドもペテルベルクを革命記念して改名したものだし、 …… スタリンは否定できてもまだレニンは否定しきれない、 …… 。この人の音樂には大衆性と云へば聞こえはいいが、露骨にプロパガンダ的な煽情性があって、私は好きになれなかった。

1943/0305:First Flight of the Gloster Meteor,
 Britain's first combat jet aircraft.

 The Red Army begins the Uman–Botoșani Offensive in the western Ukrainian SSR.

A bomb attack on Chemnitz in the Second World War destroys most of the city and demands numerous deaths. Chemnitz is then declared by the Air Ministry to the "dead city".

1946/0305:Cold War:チャチル「鉄のカアテン」演説
In a speech at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill uses the term Iron Curtain, behind which the Soviet sphere of influence exists in Europe.

チャチル英首相が米ミズリ州でソ連を非難する「鉄のカアテン」の演説。第二次世界大戰終了後、一年にして Cold War 冷戦が始まる。

英國首相退任後の Winston Churchill 187465 は米大統領 Harry Truman 188472に招待されて訪米、その際におこなった演説で、
From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe.

Joseph Stalin, the longest serving leader of the Soviet Union, dies at his Volynskoe dacha in Moscow after being hit by a cerebral hemorrhage.


1953/0305:ソ連の指導者 Иосиф Сталин 187853、死去

российский революционер, советский политический, государственный, военный и партийный деятель, Генералиссимус Советского Союза (1945).

1953/0305:ソ連の作曲家 Sergueï Prokofiev 189153、死去

русский советский композитор, пианист, дирижёр, музыкальный писатель. Народный артист РСФСР (1947). Лауреат Ленинской премии (1957) и шести Сталинских премий (1943, 1946 — трижды, 1947, 1952).

As the creator of acknowledged masterpieces across numerous musical genres, he is regarded as one of the major composers of the 20th century. His works include such widely heard works as the March from The Love for Three Oranges, the suite Lieutenant Kijé, the ballet Romeo and Juliet – from which "Dance of the Knights" is taken – and Peter and the Wolf.
Of the established forms and genres in which he worked, he created – excluding juvenilia – seven completed operas, seven symphonies, eight ballets, five piano concertos, two violin concertos, a cello concerto, a symphony-concerto for cello and orchestra, and nine completed piano sonatas.

1953/0305:映画プロデュサ Herman Mankiewicz 189753、死去

, scénariste et producteur de cinéma américain


1954/0305:日本の劇作家 岸田國士189054、死去

Kishida Kunio est un dramaturge, romancier, critique et traducteur japonais.


Indonesian President Soekarno dismissed the Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR), 1955 democratically elected parliament, and replaced with DPR-GR, the parliament of his own selected members.

Photographer Korda takes the "mythical" photo of Che Guevara in Havana during the burial of the victims of the Explosion of the Coubre

La photo Guerillero Heroico de Korda
この寫眞を撮った男=Alberto Korda 192801 est un photographe cubain renommé pour son cliché mondialement connu de Che Guevara, le Guerrillero Heroico.

American country music stars Patsy Cline, Hawkshaw Hawkins, Cowboy Copas and their pilot Randy Hughes are killed in a plane crash in Camden, Tennessee.

1965/0305:March Intifada
 A Leftist uprising erupts in Bahrain against British colonial presence.

The first Italian spaghetti star, Sergio Leones For a handful of dollars, is listed in German cinemas. Leading actor of the film is Clint Eastwood.

1966/0305:ソ連の詩人 Anna Akhmatova 188966、死去

Анна Андреевна Горенко、русская поэтесса Серебряного века, переводчица и литературовед, одна из наиболее значимых фигур русской литературы XX века.

Russian poet of the Silver Age, translator and literary critic, one of the most significant figures of Russian literature of the 20th century

L'œuvre d'Akhmatova se compose aussi bien de petits poèmes lyriques, genre qu'elle contribue à renouveler, que de grandes compositions poétiques, comme Requiem, son sombre chef-d'œuvre sur la terreur stalinienne. Les thèmes récurrents de son œuvre sont le temps qui passe, les souvenirs, le destin de la femme créatrice et les difficultés pour vivre et pour écrire dans l'ombre du stalinisme.

British Airways International Flight 911 (Boeing 707 G-APFE) was disintegrated in the air by mountain waves over Mt. Fuji. All 124 people died.


The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons goes into effect after ratification by 43 nations.

The Non-Proliferation Treaty, which deals with the possession and proliferation of nuclear weapons and the peaceful use of nuclear energy, enters into force.

1974/0305:Yom Kippur War
 Israeli forces withdraw from the west bank of the Suez Canal.

In the People's Republic of China adopted the new Constitution stating "Four Modernization".



The Landsat 3 is launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

Soviet probes Venera 11, Venera 12 and the German-American solar satellite Helios II all are hit by "off the scale" gamma rays leading to the discovery of soft gamma repeaters.

1982/0305:BluesBrothers John Belushi 194982、死去

an American comedian, actor and singer. Belushi is best known for his "intense energy and raucous attitude" which he displayed as one of the seven original cast members of the NBC sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live (SNL). Throughout his career, Belushi had a close personal and artistic partnership with his fellow SNL star Dan Aykroyd, whom he met while they were both working at Chicago's The Second City comedy club.

人気絶頂にあった彼は、薬物の過剰摂取によりハリウッドの高級ホテル(Chateau Marmont Hotel) 」の客室で死去。SpeedBall(コカインとヘロインの混合物)の乱用が原因とされる。

Soviet probe Venera 14 landed on Venus.

Six thousand miners in the United Kingdom begin their strike at Cortonwood Colliery.








Paul Okalik becomes the first Prime Minister of the Nunavut Canadian territory, which is autonomously administered by the Inuit.


In Haifa, 17 Israeli civilians are killed in the Haifa bus 37 suicide bombing.


The Islamic State bulldozes the ruins of Nimrud, the capital of Assyria between 879 and 613 BC. AD


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