


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 03/03 今日の出來事


0078/0303:インド地域で Saka 時代が始まる
début de l'ère Saka (Sakas) en Inde.

Saka or Saca (Persian: old Sakā, mod. ساکا; Sanskrit: Śaka; Ancient Greek: Σάκαι, Sákai; Latin: Sacae; Chinese: 塞, old *Sək, mod. Sāi) was the term used in Middle Persian and Sanskrit sources for the Scythians, a large group of Eurasian nomads on the Eurasian Steppe speaking Eastern Iranian languages.


Yang Jian proclaims Emperor, founding Sui. Northern Zhou Dynasty, perish.





The Tang Dynasty five history books ("Liang book", "Chen book", "Northern Qi", "Northern Zhou Dynasty", "Sui Shu") revision completed.


Tang Zhongzong restored the Tang Dynasty nationality, the national number from "week" back to "Tang."

則武天=則天武后062405 が卽位して、國名を「唐」から「周」に變へたが、その崩御後、彼女の息子が中宗として卽位すると、國名を元の「唐」に戻した。

元正天皇068048が聖武天皇070156 に讓位

Empress Genshō abdicates the throne in favor of her nephew Shōmu who becomes emperor of Japan.


藤原三代、藤原清衡105628・藤原秀衡112287・藤原泰衡115589源義經115989の悲劇に卷き込まれるやうにして歴史に光芒を残して消えていった奥州藤原氏。その光芒のあとを、私は、昨日も出てきた、平城京=奈良で鑑眞068863の座像に感涙をもよほして「若葉して御目の泪ぬぐはばや」と詠った松尾芭蕉164494によって想起してゐる(なんといふ歴史時空の重なりであることか) ――


The Statute of Rhuddlan incorporates the Principality of Wales into England.

A Peace of Herring Treaty ends the several months long war of the four Lords in the Duchy of Lorraine.

Les villes brabançonnes imposent au duc de Brabant la charte de la Joyeuse Entrée.

the Brabant cities impose on the duke of Brabant the charter of the Joyous Entrance.

1455/0303:ポルトガル王 Juan II de Portugal 145595、誕生

o Rei de Portugal e dos Algarves em dois períodos diferentes, primeiro durante quatro dias em novembro de 1477 e depois de 1481 até sua morte. Era o filho mais novo do rei Afonso V e sua primeira esposa Isabel de Coimbra.
He is known for re-establishing the power of the Portuguese throne, reinvigorating the Portuguese economy, and renewing his country's exploration of Africa and the Orient.


Ashikaga Yoshiaki soldiers for the suppression of Oda Nobunaga.



1575/0303:Indian Mughal
 Emperor Akbar defeats Bengali army at the Battle of Tukaroi.

Apre il Teatro Olimpico di Vicenza, costruito secondo i piani di Andrea Palladio come il primo edificio teatrale indipendente fin dall'antichità in Europa. Il dramma è interpretato dal re Edipo di Sofocle.

The Olympic Theatre, designed by Andrea Palladio, is inaugurated in Vicenza.

Teatro Olimpico

1615/0303(慶長20/0204):日本[江戸] 家康の女、督姫156515、死去

Toku Hime (Hime means "princess", "lady") was a princess during the Sengoku 戰國 and Edo 江戸 periods of Japanese history. She was the second daughter of Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康154316;


Bernhard von Sachsen-Weimar, supported by France, defeats imperial Bavarian troops under the command of Federigo Savelli and Johann von Werth with his army during the Thirty Years' War at the Battle of Rheinfelden. 


1671/0303:À Paris, 最初のオペラ、開演
l'Opéra national (Académie) ouvre avec le premier opéra en français, Pomone, par Robert Cambert.

1703/0303:イギリスの科學系万能家 Robert Hooke 163503、死去

an English natural philosopher, architect and polymath.
His adult life comprised three distinct periods: as a scientific inquirer lacking money; achieving great wealth and standing through his reputation for hard work and scrupulous honesty following the great fire of 1666, and eventually becoming ill and party to jealous intellectual disputes (the latter may have contributed to his relative historical obscurity).
弾性に関する法則(フックの法則)や『顕微鏡図譜』、生体の最小単位を "cell"(細胞)と名付けたのも彼であった。

Hooke's microscope

1706/0303:ドイツ 作曲家 Johann Pachelbel 165306、死去

ein deutscher Komponist des Barocks. Neben seiner Tätigkeit als Komponist war Pachelbel Organist unter anderem in Wien, Eisenach, Erfurt, Stuttgart, Gotha und ab 1695 an der Sebalduskirche in Nürnberg.

Pachelbels populärstes Werk ist der Kanon aus Kanon und Gigue in D-Dur. Es handelt sich um den einzigen von Pachelbel komponierten Kanon, er ist deshalb nicht repräsentativ für sein Gesamtwerk. Vom Kanon in D existieren heute zahllose Aufnahmen, Versionen und Bearbeitungen.

1707/0303:モンゴル皇帝 Aurangzeb 16181707、崩去
Death of Aurangzeb, last Great Mughal of India and beginning of the decline of the Mughal empire.

Muhi-ud-Din Muhammad), commonly known by the sobriquet Aurangzeb、the sixth, and widely considered the last effective Mughal emperor. His reign lasted for 49 years from 1658 until his death in 1707.
Aurangzeb was a notable expansionist and during his reign, the Mughal Empire reached its greatest extent, ruling over nearly all of the Indian subcontinent.

It was at the end of his reign that the downfall of the Mughal Empire began. Rebellions and wars eventually led to the exhaustion of the imperial Mughal treasury and army. He was a strong-handed authoritarian ruler, and following his death the expansionary period of the Mughal Empire came to an end. Nevertheless, the contiguous territory of the Mughal Empire still remained intact more or less until the reign of Muhammad Shah

Am Theater am Gänsemarkt in Hamburg erfolgt die Uraufführung des Pasticcios Circe von Reinhard Keiser.

1756/0303:イギリス 政治思想家 William Godwin 175636、誕生

an English journalist, political philosopher and novelist.
He is considered one of the first exponents of utilitarianism and the first modern proponent of anarchism.

Godwin is most famous for two books that he published within the space of a year: An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, an attack on political institutions, and Things as They Are; or, The Adventures of Caleb Williams, which attacks aristocratic privilege, but also is the first mystery novel. Based on the success of both, Godwin featured prominently in the radical circles of London in the 1790s. He wrote prolifically in the genre

ゴドウィンは政府のない社会や富の平等な分配を主張する。が、その手段としては理性と説得による合理的な同意の獲得しか提示できなかった。「貧困」の問題については何らの重要性も意識してゐなかった。社界生活上の經濟的な問題より、個人の知性や道徳を進歩させるための「余暇」を真の富だとした。彼のユウトピア的な経済観念に対し、同時代の経済学者 Thomas Robert Malthus 176632 は『人口論』を書いて、富の平等な分配の不可能を説いた。

1776/0303:American Revolutionary War
 The first amphibious landing of the United States Marine Corps begins the Battle of Nassau.

1779/0303:American Revolutionary War
 The Continental Army is routed at the Battle of Brier Creek near Savannah, Georgia.

1792/0303:建築から室内装飾まで Robert Adam 172892、死去

a Scottish neoclassical architect, interior designer and furniture designer.
Robert Adam was a leader of the first phase of the classical revival in England and Scotland from around 1760 until his death.


One of Adam's masterpieces: Pulteney Bridge, Bath

The Russo-Ottoman siege of Corfu ends with the surrender of the French garrison.

Perte par la France du département d'Ithaque à la suite de la capitulation de Corfou.

Un arrêté légifère sur la visite sanitaire obligatoire des prostituées en France.

A decree legislating on the obligatory health visit of the prostitutes in France.

l'armée de Murat occupe Madrid.


The regent Bernadotte signs a treaty of alliance with England in order to preserve the interests of Sweden, hampered by the continental blockade. England promised Norway and territories in the West Indies, in Guadeloupe, against the provision of thirty thousand soldiers.

The Caribbean island group Guadeloupe, conquered by France on February 4, 1810, is transferred from Great Britain to King Charles XIII. ceded by Sweden. This serves as compensation for the loss of property of Crown Prince Charles XIV, which he suffered as an ally against Napoleon.

1842/0303:メンデルスゾン「第三交響曲 スコットランド」初演
Im Leipziger Gewandhaus findet die Uraufführung der 3. Sinfonie („Schottische Sinfonie“) von Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy unter der Leitung des Komponisten statt.

Felix Mendelssohn 180947 第三交響曲『Sinfonie Nr. 3 in a-Moll op. 56 Scottland』、作者自身の指揮で初演。

1829/03、長らく忘却されてゐた Johann Sebastian Bach 168550 の『マタイ受難曲』を復活上演して、バッハ音樂そのものを復活させた二十歳のメンデルスゾンは、/05、スコットランドエディンバラの、Mary Stuart (Queen of Scots) 154287(また出てきた)ゆかりの宮殿を訪れ、そのそばにある修道院跡で、十六小節分の樂想を書きとめた。これがこの交響曲の最初の着想になった。が、翌年にはイタリアに旅行して、そこでは『イタリア』と題した第四交響曲の作曲をはじめ、指揮者として活動もより多忙になり、この交響曲の作曲は先延ばしになっていった。全四楽章を完成させた時、彼は三十三歳になってゐた。

1845/0303:数学者 Georg Cantor 184518、誕生

ein deutscher Mathematiker.
Er erfand die Mengenlehre, die zu einer fundamentalen Theorie in der Mathematik geworden ist.

Cantor stellte die Wichtigkeit der Eins-zu-Eins-Entsprechung zwischen den Mitgliedern zweier Mengen fest, definierte unendliche und wohlgeordnete Mengen und bewies, dass die reellen Zahlen zahlreicher sind als die natürlichen Zahlen.
In der Tat impliziert Cantors Beweismethode dieses Theorems die Existenz einer "Unendlichkeit der Unendlichkeiten". Er definierte die Kardinal- und Ordnungszahlen und ihre Arithmetik. Cantors Arbeit ist von großem philosophischen Interesse, eine Tatsache, die er sehr gut kannte

1847/0303:電話の發明 Alexander Graham Bell 184722、誕生

a Scottish-born scientist, inventor, engineer, and innovator who is credited with patenting the first practical telephone and founding the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) in 1885.

{ベルの誕生日に 彼の関係した AT&Tが創業されたゐた。たんなる偶然?、それともベルの誕生日に合はせたのだらうか?

The US Congress allows the United States Mint to coin gold coins in denominations of one and twenty US dollars.

1854/0303:ベルリオズの幻想 Harriet Smithson 180054、死去

a famous Shakespearean actress,
Elle est connue surtout pour avoir inspiré à Hector Berlioz sa Symphonie fantastique avant de devenir sa première épouse.

The most famous of these works was Hector Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique. After Berlioz saw Smithson as Ophelia in 1827, he became infatuated with her, or rather "a dramatic image [of a woman] lent force by supreme art of Shakespeare and intensity by a highly charged occasion and performance."[2] His obsession prompted him to compose the Symphonie Fantastique, which is known as the first great romantic symphony.

Second Opium War: France and the United Kingdom declare war on China.

Prenant prétexte de l'assassinat du missionnaire français Chapdelaine, les gouvernements anglais et français déclarent la guerre à la Chine.

アロウ號事件:1856/1018、清の官憲は英國船籍を名乘る中國船 Arror に臨檢をかけた。清人の船員12名を拘束、うち3人を海賊の要義で逮捕(残りは抗議で釋放)。これにたいし、英國領事だった Harry Parkes 182885 は清國による臨檢は不当と主張、その逮捕の時に英國國旗を引摺り下ろしたのは大英帝國への侮辱と聲高に抗議した。清國側はその時國旗は上げられてゐなかったと主張したが、パアクスは頑強に自説を主張、交渉は決裂した。(その後の調査では、清國側の主張が正しいことが判明)。



The two-day Great Slave Auction, the largest such auction in United States history, concludes.

In Hannover wird die 1. Serenade von Johannes Brahms uraufgeführt.

Alexander II of Russia signs the Emancipation Manifesto, freeing serfs.


# 1855年クリミア戦争セヴァストポリ要塞の激戦を迎えている最中にニコライ一世が崩御したため、後を繼いで皇帝の座についた。が、戦局は悪化の一途をたどり、翌1856年3月にロシアは敗北を認め、パリ条約を結んだ。クリミア戦争の敗北はロシアの支配階級に大きな危機感を抱かせ、帝国の弱体化の責任は既存の国家体制が抱く「立ち遅れ」に求められた。資本主義化や工業化のような経済発展、自由主義的な社会改革こそがロシアを救うと考えられたのである。農奴制について述べた「下から起こるよりは、上から起こった方がはるかによい」という言葉が示すとおり、アレクサンドル二世自身はこうした国家の西欧化改革を慎重に採用していくことで、伝統的な専制政治を延命させることが出来るという思想を以って改革に臨んだ。このため自由主義者とは改革に対するヴィジョンに最初から齟齬があった。

1863/0303:ウエルズ 作家 Arthur Machen 186347、誕生

「マッケン」(Arthur Llewelyn Jones-Machen),
a Welsh author and mystic of the 1890s and early 20th century. He is best known for his influential supernatural, fantasy, and horror fiction. His novella The Great God Pan (1890; 1894) has garnered a reputation as a classic of horror,

Opening of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, the founding member of the HSBC Group.

1868/0303:フランス 文人 Alain 186851、誕生

Alain de son vrai nom Émile-Auguste Chartier, est un philosophe, journaliste, essayiste et professeur de philosophie français. Il est rationaliste, individualiste et critique.
Il a adopté son pseudonyme en hommage au poète normand Alain Chartier du XVe siècle.




In Jena wird die Alt-Rhapsodie von Johannes Brahms mit der Solistin Pauline Viardot-García uraufgeführt.

Johannes Brahms 183397、『アルトラプソディ』を初演、イエナで、

Naissance de la Commune de Paris.

1873/0303:Censorship in the United States
 The U.S. Congress enacts the Comstock Law, making it illegal to send any "obscene, lewd, or lascivious" books through the mail.

Création de l'opéra Carmen de Georges Bizet à l'Opéra-Comique sur un livret d'Henri Meilhac et Ludovic Halévy et sous la direction d'Adolphe Deloffre.

The premiere of the Opéra comique Carmen by Georges Bizet with the libretto by Henri Meilhac and Ludovic Halévy after the novella of the same name by Prosper Mérimée at the Opéra-Comique in Paris is received cool by the audience. The world-wide success of the work begins only months later.

Création de l'opéra Carmen de Georges Bizet à l'Opéra-Comique sur un livret d'Henri Meilhac et Ludovic Halévy et sous la direction d'Adolphe Deloffre.

The first ever organized indoor game of ice hockey is played in Montreal, Quebec, Canada as recorded in the Montreal Gazette.

1878/0303:The Russo-Turkish War ends
 with Bulgaria regaining its independence from the Ottoman Empire according to the Treaty of San Stefano; a few months afterwards the Congress of Berlin stripped its status to a vassal principality of the Ottoman Empire.


The American Telephone & Telegraph Company is incorporated in New York.

1886/0303:Bulgarians and Serbs sign
 a white peace maintaining the status quo between the two countries.

The Peace of Bucharest ends the Serbian-Bulgarian war in the Balkans. The status quo before the war is restored.

1895/0303:經濟學者 Ragnar Frisch 189573、誕生

a Norwegian economist and the co-recipient of the first Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1969 (with Jan Tinbergen). He is known for being one of the founders of the discipline of econometrics, and for coining the widely used term pair macroeconomics/microeconomics in 1933.


1895/0303:USA軍人 Matthew Ridgway 189593、誕生

General Matthew Bunker Ridgway was the 19th Chief of Staff of the United States Army.
He served with distinction during World War II, where he was the Commanding General of the 82nd Airborne Division, leading it in action in Sicily, Italy and Normandy, before taking command of the newly formed XVIII Airborne Corps in August 1944, holding this post until the end of the war, commanding it in the Battle of the Bulge, Operation Varsity and the Western Allied invasion of Germany.

As a successor of Douglas MacArthur he took over the occupation of Japan as commander of the second generation Allied Army from April 1951 until April 1952.

Ridgway held several major commands after the war and was most famous for resurrecting the United Nations (UN) war effort during the Korean War. Several historians have credited Ridgway for turning the war around in favor of the UN side.

1898/0303:二十世紀屈指の数学者 Emil Artin 189862、誕生

ein österreichischer Mathematiker und einer der führenden Algebraiker des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Er arbeitete vor allem auf dem Gebiet der Algebra und Zahlentheorie.

In Frankfurt wird Richard Strauss’ sinfonische Dichtung Ein Heldenleben vom Frankfurter Opern und Museumsorchester unter der Leitung des Komponisten uraufgeführt.

In Frankfurt, Richard Strauss' symphonic poem Ein Heldenleben is premiered by the Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra under the direction of the composer.

Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany becomes the first person to make a sound recording of a political document, using Thomas Edison's phonograph cylinder.

The German Kaiser Wilhelm II is the first person to make a sound recording of a political document. For this purpose, sound recording cylinders are used by Thomas Alva Edison.

Fritz Schaudinn entdeckt zusammen mit Erich Hoffmann bei Forschungen am Berliner Klinikum Charité den Syphilis-Erreger Spirochaeta pallida.

Fritz Schaudinn and Erich Hoffmann discover the syphilis pathogen Spirochaeta pallida during research at the Berlin Charité Hospital.

Das Naturkundemuseum Leipzig wird gegründet.

1910/0303:Rockefeller Foundation
 John Rockefeller Jr. announces his retirement from managing his businesses so that he can devote all his time to philanthropy.

1911/0303:USA女優 Jean Harlow 191137、誕生

an American film actress and sex symbol of the 1930s.
Harlow was signed by director Howard Hughes, and her first major appearance was in Hell's Angels (1930), followed by a series of critically unsuccessful films before she signed with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer in 1932.




China League in Nanjing formally transformed into an open political party.

1913/0303:社界科學 Roger Caillois 191378、誕生

「ロジェ カイヨワ」un écrivain, sociologue et critique littéraire français.
Roger Caillois s'est, entre autres choses, interrogé sur la sympathie qui paraît régner entre les formes complexes du monde minéral et les figures de l'imaginaire humain. Le Fleuve Alphée et L'Écriture des pierres, notamment, explorent cette relation.
Sur le plan des recherches sociologiques, Roger Caillois s'est d'abord fait connaître par un essai d'anthropologie et de sociologie intitulé L'homme et le sacré dans lequel il développe une théorie de la fête. En disciple de Marcel Mauss, il contribue à la fondation du Collège de Sociologie avec Leiris et Georges Bataille. Dans son ouvrage suivant Le Mythe et l'homme paru chez Gallimard en 1938, Caillois poursuit son analyse du mythe de la fête de façon plus systématique. Dans ce dernier livre, il propose une rationalisation, une analyse du système rationnel du mythe et de sa signification. Dans un de ses derniers ouvrages sociologiques, Les jeux et les hommes, il tente de construire une épistémologie visant à saisir la structure rationnelle des rêves et de l'imaginaire en général.

Thousands of women march in a suffrage parade in Washington, D.C.

The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) is created, which will be dissolved and become NASA in 1958.

1918/0303:生化学 Arthur Kornberg 191807、誕生

an American biochemist who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1959 for his discovery of "the mechanisms in the biological synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)" together with Dr. Severo Ochoa of New York University.
His primary research interests were in biochemistry, especially enzyme chemistry, deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis (DNA replication) and studying the nucleic acids which control heredity in animals, plants, bacteria and viruses.

1918/0303:Russia signs the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk,
 agreeing to withdraw from World War I, and conceding German control of the Baltic States, Belarus and Ukraine. It also conceded Turkish control of Ardahan, Kars and Batumi.

Le traité de paix de Brest-Litovsk se termine dans la Première Guerre mondiale sur le front oriental par la guerre des puissances centrales avec la Russie. Entre autres choses, la Russie soviétique renonce à ses droits souverains en Pologne, en Lituanie et en Courlande, tandis que le Reich allemand étend sa sphère d'influence en Europe de l'Est et dans les Etats baltes.


Foundations of the Third Communist International in Moscow.



TIME magazine is published for the first time.

The first edition of the founded by Henry Luce and Briton Hadden US news magazine Time appears in New York.

the reformer Mustapha Kemal abolishes the Ottoman caliphate, in Turkey.

The fourteenth-century Islamic caliphate is abolished when Caliph Abdülmecid II of the Ottoman Empire is deposed. The last remnant of the old regime gives way to the reformed Turkey of Kemal Atatürk.

The Mount Rushmore National Memorial carved into the stone by John Gutzon de la Mothe Borglum in the Black Hills, South Dakota, is inaugurated. The Lakota see the monument as desecration of their sacred mountain.


{「青い目をしたお人形は、 ……」 あの童謠の歌詞、子供心になんとなく闇の奥からの歌聲のやうに感じられたのが思ひだされてきた。

1930/0303:フランスで、Flood of the Tarn,
 very deadly, takes place in the south-west of France, the floods of March 1930 of the Tarn, which killed hundreds of people.

The United States adopts The Star-Spangled Banner as its national anthem.

The congress raises The Star-Spangled Banner, texted in 1814 by Francis Scott Key, for the national anthem of the United States.

The Japanese army occupies Shanghai.


Oil is discovered in Saudi Arabia.



In Bombay, Mohandas Gandhi begins a hunger strike in protest at the autocratic rule in British India.

Five people are killed in an arson attack on the offices of the communist newspaper Flamman in Luleå, Sweden.

The RMS Queen Elizabeth secretly runs into her maiden voyage in Liverpool for the war. The world's largest passenger ship is heading for New York City.

 Ten Japanese warplanes raid Broome, Western Australia, killing more than 100 people.

 In London, 173 people are killed in a crush while trying to enter an air-raid shelter at Bethnal Green tube station.

Jostling at London's Bethnal Green subway station; 173 dead and 62 injured.

 These American hunters make their first appearance over Berlin.

 American and Filipino troops recapture Manila.

In the Battle of Manila, US and Philippine forces are fighting with the Japanese forces, culminating in the capture of the heavily destroyed city by the Allies.

 The RAF accidentally bombs the Bezuidenhout area of The Hague, Netherlands, killing 511 people.

Jackie Brenston, with Ike Turner and his band, records "Rocket 88", often cited as "the first rock and roll record", at Sam Phillips's recording studios in Memphis, Tennessee.

A De Havilland Comet (Canadian Pacific Air Lines) crashes in Karachi, Pakistan, killing 11.

Nuri al-Said becomes Prime Minister of Iraq for the eighth time.

Apollo program: NASA launches Apollo 9 to test the lunar module.


Mohawk Airlines Flight 405 crashes as a result of a control malfunction and insufficient training in emergency procedures.


In Washington, D.C. The Convention on International Trade is signed in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) for the protection of wild flora and fauna. The agreement, drawn up by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, aims above all to prevent trade in wild animals and the parts derived from them.

Turkish Airlines Flight 981 crashes at Ermenonville near Paris, France killing all 346 aboard.

A magnitude 8.3 earthquake strikes the Valparaíso Region of Chile, killing 177 and leaving nearly a million people homeless.

The Australia Act 1986 commences, causing Australia to become fully independent from the United Kingdom.

Heavy metal band Metallica releases their album Master of Puppets, which is considered a milestone in Thrash Metal.

1993/0303:USAマフィア Carlos Marcello 191093、死去

Carlos Marcello, also known as The Godfather and "The Little Man" was a Sicilian-American mafioso who ruled the New Orleans crime family from 1947 until the 1980s.

Credible investigators, mob figures and Robert F. Kennedy reportedly believed Marcello masterminded the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy in retaliation for federal prosecution that threatened his $2 billion organized criminal activities across Louisiana and Texas.

1996/0303:フランス 作家 Marguerite Duras 191496、死去

une femme de lettres, dramaturge, scénariste et réalisatrice française,
Par la diversité et la modernité de son œuvre, qui renouvelle le genre romanesque et bouscule les conventions théâtrales et cinématographiques, elle est un auteur important de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, quelles que soient les critiques qui aient pu être adressées à ses œuvres.

The tallest free-standing structure in the Southern Hemisphere, Sky Tower in downtown Auckland, New Zealand, opens after two-and-a-half years of construction.


James Roszko murders four Royal Canadian Mounted Police constables during a drug bust at his property in Rochfort Bridge, Alberta, then commits suicide.
This is the deadliest peace-time incident for the RCMP since 1885 and the North-West Rebellion.



A bomb blast in Karachi, Pakistan, kills at least 45 people and injured 180 others in a predominately Shia Muslim area.

Announcement of the discovery of the giant Pithovirus sibericum virus in Siberian permafrost.

2017/0303:Nintendo releases
 the hybrid Nintendo Switch video game console worldwide to critical acclaim, later becoming the fastest selling console in the United States.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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