


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 03/01 今日の出來事

-752/0301:Roma の發祥神話「ロムルス
Romulus, legendary first king of Rome, celebrates the first Roman triumph after his victory over the Caeninenses,


“Lupa Capitolina”: she-wolf with Romulus and Remus.


Publius Valerius Publicola celebrates the first triumph of the Roman Republic after his victory over the deposed king Lucius Tarquinius Superbus at the Battle of Silva Arsia.

Lucius Cornelius Sulla, at the head of a Roman Republic army, enters Athens, removing the tyrant Aristion who was supported by troops of Mithridates VI of Pontus ending the Siege of Athens and Piraeus.

Emperor Diocletian and Maximian appoint Constantius Chlorus and Galerius as Caesars. This is considered the beginning of the Tetrarchy, known as the Quattuor Principes Mundi ("Four Rulers of the World").

R東方正帝ディオクレティアヌスが、ガレリウスを東方副帝、コンスタンティウス・クロルスを西方副帝とし、西方正帝マクシミアヌス、あわせて四人が帝位につく τετραρχία=tetrarchia=テトラルキアが始まる。


Crispus and Constantine II, sons of Roman Emperor Constantine I, and Licinius Iunior, son of Emperor Licinius, are made Caesares.

Vetranio is asked by Constantina, sister of Constantius II, to proclaim himself Caesar.

Emperor Louis the Pious is restored as sole ruler of the Frankish Empire. After his re-accession to the throne, his eldest son Lothair I flees to Burgundy.

1201/0301:日本の皇女(歌人) 式子内親王115401、薨去

La princesse Shiokushi Naishinnō est une poétesse médiévale japonaise, de la fin de l'époque de Heian au début de l'époque de Kamakura.
Elle est la troisième fille de l'empereur Go-Shirakawa 077後白河112792天皇 qui règne de 1155 à 1158.
En 1159, Shokushii, qui ne s'est pas mariée, entre au service du sanctuaire Kamo 加も齋院 à Kyoto. Elle quitte le sanctuaire après un certain temps, et devient bhikkhuni vers la fin de sa vie.


{彼女の心の師であった 法然113312 の命日は昨日であった。

1325/0301:禪宗の學僧 義堂周信132588、誕生


Gidō Shūshin , sommité japonaise de la secte zen rinzai, est un maître de la poésie et de la prose en littérature chinoise de la (Littérature des cinq montagnes 五山文學). (Kuge Nikkushū (空華日用工夫略集)), le propre journal de Gidō, raconte comment, enfant, il a découvert et conservé précieusement le classique zen Rinzairoku 臨濟録 dans la bibliothèque de son père.

1445/0301:ルネサンスの画家 Sandro Botticelli 144510、誕生

Sandro Botticelli, vero nome Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi è stato un pittore italiano.

La Primavera (c. 1482),

The Birth of Venus, c. 1485. Uffizi, Florence

He belonged to the Florentine School under the patronage of Lorenzo de' Medici, a movement that Giorgio Vasari would characterize less than a hundred years later in his Vita of Botticelli as a "golden age". Botticelli's posthumous reputation suffered until the late 19th century; since then, his work has been seen to represent the linear grace of Early Renaissance painting.

1457/0301:The Unitas Fratrum is established
 in the village of Kunvald, on the Bohemian-Moravian borderland. It is to date the second oldest Protestant denomination.

The Moravian Church, formally named the Unitas Fratrum (Latin for "Unity of the Brethren"), in German known as [Herrnhuter] Brüdergemeine (meaning "Brethren's Congregation from Herrnhut"), is one of the oldest Protestant denominations in the world, with its heritage dating back to the Bohemian Reformation in the fifteenth century and the Unity of the Brethren (Czech: Jednota bratrská), established in the Kingdom of Bohemia.

Forces of the Catholic Monarchs engage the combined Portuguese-Castilian armies of Afonso V and Prince John at the Battle of Toro.

Protestant princes and German Catholics form the League of Heidelberg to prevent the election of Philip II of Spain at the head of the Holy Roman Empire.

Publication du premier recueil de Michel de Notre-Dame, qui regroupe sept Centuries.

Le massacre de Wassy où 80 Huguenots sont assassinés sous les ordres du duc de Guise déclenche la première des Guerres de religion en France (fin en 1598).

Sixty-three Huguenots are massacred in Wassy, France, marking the start of the French Wars of Religion.

フランスの ヴァシで、François (Ier) de Guise =Francois de Lorraine 151963 の兵士らの武力行動により市民とユグノの禮拜者が慘殺された事件。この慘劇はユグノ戰爭で最初の大きな事件だった。

ユグノ戰爭=Guerres de religion:フランスにおいてカトリックプロテスタントが八十年近く、休戰を挾みつつ抗爭した内戰。ドイツで、Martin Luther 148346 などによって始まり擴がったプロテスタントは、フランスでは Jean Calvin 150964 の思想影響下に擴がり、カトリックから「huguenot ユグノ」と呼ばれた。ユグノは彈壓にもかかはらずフランスに根を張っていった。1562のカトリックの中心人物となったギュイズ公フランソワのヴァシでの虐殺事件が契機となり、對立ははげしい抗爭となり、フランスは内亂状態となっていった。1572/0824 にはカトリックがユグノを數千人虐殺するサンバルテルミの虐殺が起こってゐる。宗教上の對立に、貴族間の對立が絡まっていき、やがては、カトリック系のスペイン王フェリペⅡとプロテスタント系のイングランド女王エリザベスⅠとの對立の、フランスでの代理戰爭の樣相も加はった。
この戰亂のなかでフランス王室はヴァロア家が亡び、Henri IV 155310 が卽位してブルボン王統が興った。アンリⅣは 1598『ナントの勅令』を發して、一定の制限下ではあるがプロテスタントに信教の自由を認め、對立抗爭はやうやく終息した。

Fundação da colônia portuguesa do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

The city of Rio de Janeiro is founded.

Georgeana, Massachusetts (now known as York, Maine), becomes the first incorporated city in the United States.

1643/0301:イタリア作曲家 Girolamo Frescobaldi 158343、死去

un compositore, organista e clavicembalista italiano. È ritenuto uno dei maggiori compositori per clavicembalo del XVII secolo.

Frescobaldi's work had a very important influence on later composers. It influences both Baroque and organ organizers in France and Germany through Johann Jakob Froberger 161667 of his student.


Sarah Good, Sarah Osborne and Tituba are brought before local magistrates in Salem Village, Massachusetts, beginning what would become known as the Salem witch trials.

The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693.


: その年の秋頃になって、娘らの證言にたいする疑問が囁かれるやうになった。
: 十月、ボストンの聖職者から知事に上告がなされ、事態を識った州知事は裁判の停止を命令、1693/05、収監者に大赦を宣言、事件は終息した。



この時の審理を擔當した判事の一人、John Hawthorne はアメリカの最初の文豪の一人、『緋文字』を作った Nathaniel Hawthorne 180464 の先祖にあたる。

徳川05將軍、綱吉164609 の死後十日目、『生類憐れみの令』が廃止。

The tenth day after the death of Tokugawa Tsunayoshi 164609, "Decree of life mercy" has been abolished.

One of the early modern newspapers, The Spectator, appears with the first edition in London.

1716/0301:日本の繪師 伊藤若沖171600、誕生

un peintre japonais d'animaux et de fleurs


The French astronomer Pierre Méchain discovers two spiral galaxies in the constellation Leo, which are later referred to as Messier 65 and Messier 66.

The Continental Congress adopts the Articles of Confederation.


1790/0301:USA、初の國勢調査、人口 3939326人
the first census in the United States reveals that there are 3,939,326 people in the country.

1793/0301:French Revolutionary War:
 Battle of Aldenhoven during the Flanders Campaign.

The Dutch East India Company is nationalized by the Batavian Republic.

Napoléon Ier crée la noblesse d'Empire et y associe quelques familles de l'Ancien Régime.


1810/0301:ピアノの詩人 Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin 181049、誕生

un compositeur polonais et pianiste virtuose de l'époque romantique qui a écrit principalement pour le piano solo.
Il a acquis et maintenu sa renommée mondiale en tant que musicien de premier plan de son époque, dont «le génie poétique était basé sur une technique professionnelle sans égal dans sa génération».

Méhémet Ali massacre les mamelouks au Caire.

Leaders of the Mamluk dynasty are killed by Egyptian ruler Muhammad Ali.

1812/0301:イギリス建築家 Augustus Pugin 181252、誕生

「オウガスタス ピュウジン」Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin was an English architect, designer, artist, and critic who is principally remembered for his pioneering role in the Gothic Revival style of architecture.
His work culminated in designing the interior of the Palace of Westminster in Westminster, London, England and its iconic clock tower, later renamed the Elizabeth Tower, which houses the bell known as Big Ben.

"Big Ben" (London), completed to Pugin's design

évadé de l'île d'Elbe, Napoléon débarque de l’Inconstant à Golfe-Juan, il est accueilli par une compagnie de onze cents hommes de la vieille garde et de la garde corse.

Napoleon returns to France from his banishment on Elba, start of the Hundred Days.

1816/0301:日本の戯曲家 河竹默阿彌181693、誕生

Kawatake Mokuami est un dramaturge japonais de kabuki connu comme l'un des trois plus grands hommes du théâtre.
La première partie de son œuvre concerne l'occidentalisation du Japon (avant 1868) alors que la seconde concerne la restauration. Parfois surnommé le "poète des voleurs", Mokuami semble s'être intéressé aux mauvais garçons qui fréquentaient Yoshiwara (quartier des plaisirs).

1823/0301:In Vienna, 市民開放の公園
 the Volksgarten becomes the first park in Hofbesitz open to the public.

A convention of delegates from 57 Texas communities convenes in Washington-on-the-Brazos, Texas, to deliberate independence from Mexico.

Révolution dans le canton de Neuchâtel (Suisse).

German psychologist Friedrich Eduard Beneke disappears; two years later his remains are found in a canal near Charlottenburg.

1858/0301:ドイツの社会學者 Georg Simmel 191858、誕生

ein deutscher Philosoph und Soziologe.
Er leistete wichtige Beiträge zur Kulturphilosophie, war Begründer der „formalen Soziologie“ und der Konfliktsoziologie. Simmel stand in der Tradition der Lebensphilosophie, aber auch der des Neukantianismus.
Er wird oft als Karl Marx 181883, Émile Durkheim 185817, Max Weber 186420, etc. als Hauptfigur in den Anfängen der Soziologie bezeichnet.




Marshal F. S. López dies during the Battle of Cerro Corá thus marking the end of the Paraguayan War.

Yellowstone National Park is established as the world's first national park.

Detailed pictorial map from 1904

 Remington and Sons in Ilion, New York begins production of the first practical typewriter.

Première ascension hivernale réussie de l'Aneto (3 404 m), dans les Pyrénées, par Roger de Monts, B. Courrèges, et V. Paget.


At his house, the engineer Werner von Siemens installs a coal arc lamp developed by him for the purpose of street lighting.
Shortly thereafter, the city of Berlin equips a street with this electric light source for the first time worldwide.






1886/0301:ウイン画家 Oskar Kokoschka 188680、誕生

ein österreichischer Maler, Grafiker und Schriftsteller des Expressionismus und der Wiener Moderne.

Er beteiligte sich nicht an der Kunstbewegung der Zeit wie dem Wiener Separatisten und "blauen Ritter" "Brücke" und ging die ganze Zeit über einen eigenen Weg.

1888/0301:Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

Rose Cross of the Golden Dawn こゝにこの思想のすべてが示されてゐる、はず。

1889/0301:日本の思想家 和辻哲郎188960、誕生

Watsuji Tetsurō est un philosophe et penseur japonais.
Historien culturel, philosophe japonais. Connu pour des écrits tels que «古寺巡禮Kojoji pèlerin» ou «風土 climat culturel», le système d'éthique s'appelle Watsuji Ethics.


1892/0301:日本の短編小説家 芥川龍之介189227、誕生

Akutagawa Ryūnosuke était un écrivain japonais actif dans la période Taishō au Japon. Il est considéré comme le «père de la nouvelle japonaise» et le premier prix littéraire du Japon, le prix Akutagawa, porte son nom.


Electrical engineer Nikola Tesla 185643 gives the first public demonstration of radio in St. Louis, Missouri.

1896/0301:Battle of Adwa:
 An Ethiopian army defeats an outnumbered Italian force, ending the First Italo-Ethiopian War.

Henri Becquerel discovers radioactivity in the development of photographic plates of an X-ray experiment.


1904/0301:USAジャズ Glenn Miller 190444、誕生

an American big-band musician, arranger, composer, and bandleader in the swing era.
He was the best-selling recording artist from 1939 to 1943, leading one of the best-known big bands. Miller's recordings include "In the Mood", "Moonlight Serenade", "Pennsylvania 6-5000", "Chattanooga Choo Choo", "A String of Pearls", "At Last", "(I've Got a Gal In) Kalamazoo", "American Patrol", "Tuxedo Junction", "Elmer's Tune", and "Little Brown Jug".


 "Russo-Japanese War" Fengtian Battle. Until March 10th.

The worst avalanche in United States history buries a Great Northern Railway train in northeastern King County, Washington, killing 96 people.

1911/0301:化學者 Jacobus Henricus Van 't Hoff 185211、死去

「ファント ホッフ」a Dutch physical chemist. A highly influential theoretical chemist of his time, van 't Hoff was the first winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
His pioneering work helped found the modern theory of chemical affinity, chemical equilibrium, chemical kinetics, and chemical thermodynamics.



Imperial Theater opened in Japan.


Declaration of independence of Korea occupied by Japan.

In Korea, the first March movement begins as a demonstration of Korea's intentional independence from the Japanese Empire. By the time of the suppression in August, around 7,500 people will be killed in the uprising.

1921/0301:In Russia, Cronstad rebellion

クロンシュタットの反乱 Кронштадтское восстание:獨裁化していくボリシェヴィキ政權にたいし、バルト海艦隊の拠点であるクロンシュタットの水兵たちが起こした反亂。

1888 German map of Kronstadt Bay.

1927/0301:カリプソの王Harry Belafonte 1927--、誕生

an American singer, songwriter, actor, and social activist.
One of the most successful Jamaican-American pop stars in history, he was dubbed the "King of Calypso" for popularizing the Caribbean musical style

1928/0301:ヌヴェルヴァグ Jacques Rivette 192816、誕生

Comme ses camarades de la Nouvelle Vague, Rivette est d'abord critique de cinéma. Avec Éric Rohmer, il fonde la Gazette du cinéma en 1950 avant de rejoindre les Cahiers du cinéma, revue dont il devient rédacteur en chef en 1963.




With the help of the Great Japanese Empire, Manchukuo was proclaimed in northeast China and its capital was set in Changchun.



The coronation of regent Puyi resuscitates the empire thanks to the Japanese, who, occupying the country since 1931, declared him independent.

Charles Lindbergh's son is reportedly kidnapped.

The two-year-old son of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh is kidnapped from the apartment of the pilot couple. On May 12, the child is found dead.

Das Saarland wird wieder uneingeschränkt in das Deutsche Reich eingegliedert, bleibt aber als politische Einheit erhalten.

The Hoover Dam is completed.

1938/0301:イタリア作家 Gabriele D'Annunzio 186338、死去

uno scrittore, poeta, drammaturgo, militare, politico, giornalista e patriota italiano, simbolo del Decadentismo e celebre figura della prima guerra mondiale, dal 1924 insignito del titolo di "principe di Montenevoso".

1939/0301:半七捕物帖の 岡本綺堂187239、死去

Enfant, il se passionne pour Sherlock Holmes.
Il se fait connaître en 1908 avec une pièce du genre théâtral kabuki, Shuzenji monogatari. Il écrit par la suite plus de cent pièces. Il crée également le personnage de l'inspecteur Hanshichi, dont les aventures se déroulent à l'époque d'Edo.

1939/0301:文藝理論家 Tzvetan Todorov 193917、誕生

un critique littéraire, sémiologue, historien des idées et essayiste français d'origine bulgare.
Diplômé de l'Université de Sofia, il commence à travailler en France depuis 1963 et étudie la sémiotique chez Roland Barthes 191580.



 Bulgaria signs the Tripartite Pact, allying itself with the Axis powers.

 Japanese forces land on Java, the main island of the Dutch East Indies, at Merak and Banten Bay (Banten), Eretan Wetan (Indramayu) and Kragan (Rembang).

Japan is destroying the last remnants of the Allied ABDA fleet that had been defeated in the Battle of Java Sea the previous day in the Battle of the Sunda Strait in the Pacific War.

バタビア沖海戦: 日本海軍が連合軍艦隊に勝利し、インドネシア方面の連合軍艦隊は壊滅。

The Bank of England is nationalised.

The International Monetary Fund begins financial operations.

Indonesian Army recaptures and occupies for six hours its capital city Yogyakarta from the Dutch.

1950/0301:Cold War: In London,
 Klaus Fuchs, formerly involved in the Manhattan Project, is convicted of secret betrayal of the Soviet Union. The sentence is set at the age of 14 the next day.


Chiang Kai-shek announces the continuation of the Republic of China in Taiwan, the Kuomintang's post-civil war retreat.


Liberal Democratic Party and former Democratic Party of the Liberal Democratic Party join to form a Liberal Party.

Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin suffers a stroke and collapses; he dies four days later.

Иосиф Сталин рушится после обеда с Георгием Маленковым, Николаем Булганиным и Никитой Хрущевым. Он умирает четыре дня спустя.

Josef Stalin collapses after a dinner with Georgi Malenkov, Nikolai Bulganin and Nikita Khrushchev with a stroke. He dies four days later.

1954/0301:USA 太平洋のビキニ環礁で水爆の實驗
Nuclear weapons testing「Castle Bravo」, a 15-megaton hydrogen bomb, is detonated on Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean, resulting in the worst radioactive contamination ever caused by the United States.


Armed Puerto Rican nationalists attack the United States Capitol building, injuring five Representatives.

Formation of the East German Nationale Volksarmee.

US President John F. Kennedy announces the creation of the Peace Corps to help developing countries build their economy.

Sortie du film Le Président d'Henri Verneuil avec Jean Gabin, Bernard Blier et Renée Faure.

1964/0301:チリ、Villarrica Volcano
 begins a strombolian eruption causing lahars that destroy half of the town of Coñaripe.


Venera 3 Soviet space probe crashes on Venus becoming the first spacecraft to land on another planet's surface.


The Ba'ath Party takes power in Syria.

President of Pakistan Yahya Khan indefinitely postpones the pending national assembly session, precipitating massive civil disobedience in East Pakistan.

The Thai province of Yasothon is created after being split off from the Ubon Ratchathani Province.

1973/0301:スウダン、Black September storms
 the Saudi embassy in Khartoum, Sudan, resulting in the assassination of three Western hostages.

1974/0301:USA「Watergate scandal
 Seven are indicted for their role in the Watergate break-in and charged with conspiracy to obstruct justice.

1978/0301:日本の数学者 岡潔190178、死去

Oka Kiyoshi est un mathématicien japonais qui accomplit un travail fondamental dans la théorie des fonctions de plusieurs variables complexes.



On the night of the 2nd of March, the coffin of the comedian Charlie Chaplin of the cemetery Corsier-sur-Vevey is stolen to extort a ransom.

Provisional Irish Republican Army member Bobby Sands begins his hunger strike in HM Prison Maze.

1983/0301:批評の神樣 小林秀雄190283、死去

Kobayashi Hideo est un écrivain japonais qui a établi la critique littéraire comme discipline artistique indépendante au Japon.

1983/0301:ハンガリ出身の作家 Arthur Koestler 190583、自殺

In 1940 he published his novel Darkness at Noon, an anti-totalitarian work that gained him international fame. Over the next 43 years, from his residence in Britain, Koestler espoused many political causes, and wrote novels, memoirs, biographies and numerous essays.

1967年に出版した『機械の中の幽霊(The Ghost in the Machine)』では彼の発明による概念「ホロン」の提唱などで、ニューサイエンス運動の発端となる。同著では、Karl Popper 190294 の「反証可能性」を下敷きに生物学や心理学等における機械的観念論(還元主義)への批判を展開した。

In 1976 he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and in 1979 with terminal leukaemia. In 1983 he and his wife committed suicide at their home in London.


In the criminal case of Minamata disease, the Supreme Court dismissed the defendant's appeal, and the conviction of Chisso and others was confirmed. 32 years since the discovery of Minamata disease.

Uprisings against Saddam Hussein begins in Iraq, leading to the death of more than 25,000 people mostly civilian.

Bosnia & Herzegovina declares its independence from Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

1995/0301:Internet, Yahoo! is incorporated.

Titanic became the first film to gross over $1 billion worldwide.

2002/0301:U.S. invasion of Afghanistan:
 Operation Anaconda begins in eastern Afghanistan.

Management of the United States Customs Service and the United States Secret Service move to the United States Department of Homeland Security.

The International Criminal Court holds its inaugural session in The Hague.

English-language Wikipedia reaches its one millionth article, Jordanhill railway station.

 break out across the southern United States, killing at least 20 people, including eight at Enterprise High School.

The Armenian police clash with peaceful opposition rally protesting against allegedly fraudulent presidential elections, as a result ten people are killed.

2014/0301:フランスの映像作家 Alain Resnais 192214、死去

un réalisateur français, également scénariste et monteur,
Réalisateur d'Hiroshima mon amour (1959) et de L'Année dernière à Marienbad (1961), Alain Resnais est rapidement considéré comme l'un des grands représentants du Nouveau cinéma et comme un des pères de la modernité cinématographique européenne à l'instar de Roberto Rossellini, Ingmar Bergman et Michelangelo Antonioni dans sa manière de remettre en cause la grammaire du cinéma classique et de déconstruire la narration linéaire.

At least 29 people are killed and 130 injured in a mass stabbing at Kunming Railway Station in China.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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