

02/27:歴史とおどるは死の舞踏「Toten tanz, Danse macabre

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 02/27 今日の出來事


0272/0227:ロウマ皇帝 Constantinus I 027237、誕生

Gaius Flavius Valerius Constantinus 027237
a Roman Emperor of Illyrian origin from 306 to 337 AD. He was the son of Flavius Valerius Constantius, a Roman Army officer, and his consort Helena.

0380/0227:Edict of Thessalonica:
 Emperor Theodosius I and his co-emperors Gratian and Valentinian II, declare their wish that all Roman citizens convert to trinitarian Christianity.

The Edict of Thessalonica (Cunctos populos), issued on 27 February AD 380 by three reigning Roman Emperors, ordered all subjects of the Roman Empire to profess the faith of the bishops of Rome and of Alexandria, making Nicene Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire

0425/0227:The University of Constantinople
 is founded by Emperor Theodosius II at the urging of his wife Aelia Eudocia.

Fondation de l'Université de Constantinople par l'empereur Théodose II.

0749/0227(天平21/0202):日本の勸進僧 行基066849、死去

Gyōki was a Japanese Buddhist priest of the Nara period, born in Ōtori county, Kawachi Province (now Sakai, Osaka), the son of Koshi no Saichi.

0907/0227:中國[遼=契丹國 0907(0916)~1125]、立國
le Khagan Khitan Yelü Abaoji s'empare du trône et fonde la dynastie Liao.

Abaoji, a Khitan chieftain, is enthroned as Emperor Taizu, establishing the Liao dynasty in northern China.


With a papal bull, Pope Sixtus IV authorizes the establishment of Uppsala University in Sweden. It is the oldest surviving university in Scandinavia.

1545/0227:Bataille d'Ancrum Moor.
The Battle of Ancrum Moor was fought during the War of the Rough Wooing in 1545.
The Scottish victory put a temporary end to English depredations in the Scottish border and lowlands.

Convocation du premier Zemski sobor (Congrès de la Terre Russe) par le tsar Ivan IV.

Czar Ivan IV convenes the first Zemski sobor (Russian Earth Congress).
Царь Иван IV созывает первый Земский собор.

ゼムスキ・ソボル(земский собор);十六世紀半ばから十七世紀にかけてロシアでおおこなはれた封建的身分制議會、全國會議。 モスクワ大公イヴァンⅣ=イワン雷帝により召集された會議=サボルが起源とされる。 イワン雷帝はしばしばゼムキサボルを開催し、法律の骨格や國政について討議する場となったが。
1598、リュウリク朝が斷絶すると、ボリス・ゴドノフをツァリに選出。以後、十七世紀初頭の動亂時代にもっとも頻繁に開催された。 1613、MFロマノフをツァリに選出、こゝにロマノフ朝が誕生した。 …… https://is.gd/61pJGE

1560/0227:The Treaty of Berwick,
 which would expel the French from Scotland, is signed by England and the Lords of the Congregation of Scotland.



戰況、經過は省略 ―― 。


Couronnement d'Henri IV de France.

Henri IV 155310 ユグノ戰でユグノ盟主 サンバルテルミ虐殺、カトリック改宗 1576プロテスタントに 1589 Henri III 155189 が暗殺され王位に 再度カトリックへ 1598ナント勅令でカトリックユグノの融和に努め四十年來の宗教戰爭を集結、フランスの再建へ 暗殺 在位中から Henri le Grand, Le bon roi Henri 敬愛される

1610/0514、アンリIV は馬車に乗ろうとした時、狂信的なカトリック教徒の François Ravaillac に刺殺された。事件は単独犯として決着したが、多くの歴史家たちは権力上層部による陰謀であったとする。

アンリⅣはサンドニ大聖堂に埋葬され、後繼は八歳の王太子ルイが Louis XIII 161043 として即位、成人する1617まで母后マリイが攝政した。

Henri IV 155310 の暗殺
Assassinator F Ravaillcl's public death penalty

1600/0227:Traité de Paris,
 entre Charles-Emmanuel Ier de Savoie et d'Henri IV.

1617/0227:Sweden and Russia sign the Treaty of Stolbovo,
 ending the Ingrian War and shutting Russia out of the Baltic Sea.

Yuan Chonghuan is appointed Governor of Liaodong, after he led the Chinese into a great victory against the Manchurians under Nurhaci.

1637/0227(寛永14/0203):日本の工藝家 本阿弥光悦155837、死去

Hon'ami Kōetsu est un artisan japonais, ainsi qu'un potier, un calligraphe et un fabricant de laques, dont l'œuvre est généralement considérée comme ayant inspiré l'école de peinture Rimpa.


Creation in Sweden of the first Society of Auctioneers specializing in art: the "Stockholms Auktionsverk".

At the southernmost point of Norway, the first beacon in the lighthouse Lindesnes fyr is lit. The light of thirty candles behind leaded glass windows on a wooden tower is intended to provide orientation for ships.

William Dampier discovers the island of New Britain.

El rey español Carlos III emite una prohibición de los jesuitas. Los jesuitas son arrestados y sacados del país.

The Spanish King Charles III issues a Jesuit ban. The Jesuits are then arrested and taken out of the country.

1776/0227:American Revolutionary War: The Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge
 in North Carolina breaks up a Loyalist militia.

1778/0227:Traité d'alliance
 entre la France et les insurgés américains.

1782/0227:American Revolutionary War:
 The House of Commons of Great Britain votes against further war in America.

1795/0227(寛政07/0109):名横綱 谷風梶之助179550、死去

Tanikaze Kajinosuke est un lutteur sumo officiellement reconnu comme le 4e yokozuna et le premier à recevoir ce titre de son vivant. Il devient très célèbre et remporte 21 tournois. Il est également l'entraîneur de Raiden Tameimon.


1802/0227(享和02/0125):日本の文人 木村蒹葭堂173602、死去

Kimura Kenkadō was a Japanese scholar, artist and art connoissuer.

1807/0227:USA詩人 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 180782、誕生

an American poet and educator whose works include "Paul Revere's Ride",
The Song of Hiawatha, and Evangeline. He was also the first American to translate Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, and was one of the five Fireside Poets from New England.

1809/0227:Action of 27 February 1809:
 Captain Bernard Dubourdieu captures HMS Proserpine

1812/0227:Argentine War of Independence:
 Manuel Belgrano raises the Flag of Argentina in the city of Rosario for the first time.

1812/0227:Lord Byron expresses
 understanding of Luddism in the British House of Lords and defends the strikers of his native constituency.

Poet Lord Byron gives his first address as a member of the House of Lords, in defense of Luddite violence against Industrialism in his home county of Nottinghamshire.

1814/0227:Ludwig van Beethoven交響曲第八番』初演


1822/0227(文政05/0106):江戸の戯作者 式亭三馬177622、死去

Shikitei Sanba est un écrivain japonais du genre gesaku.


1828/0227(文政11/0113):日本の画家 狩野芳崖182888、誕生

Kanō Hōgai was a 19th-century Japanese painter of the Kanō school.
One of the last of the Kanō painters, Hōgai's works reflect the deep traditions of the school, but also at times show hints of experimentation with Western methods and styles. Like his predecessors, Hōgai painted a variety of subjects, but is perhaps most well known for his paintings of falcons, and of dragons.


L'étincelle de la Révolution française de février saute au Grand-Duché de Bade et déclenche la Révolution de Baden: à l'Assemblée du Peuple de Mannheim, une pétition avec quatre demandes au gouvernement est décidée.

1860/0227:USA、Abraham Lincoln makes a speech
 at Cooper Union in the city of New York that is largely responsible for his election to the Presidency.

1861/0227:神智學思想家 Rudolf Steiner 186125、誕生

ein österreichischer Publizist, Esoteriker und Vortragsredner.
Er begründete die Anthroposophie, eine spirituelle Weltanschauung, die an die anglo-indische Theosophie Blavatskys, das Rosenkreuzertum, die Gnosis sowie die idealistische Philosophie anschließt und zu den neuen mystischen Konzeptionen der Einheit von Mensch und Welt aus der Zeit um 1900 gezählt wird.
Auf Grundlage dieser Lehre gab Steiner einflussreiche Anregungen für verschiedene Lebensbereiche, etwa Pädagogik (Waldorfpädagogik), Kunst (Eurythmie, anthroposophische Architektur), Soziales (Dreigliederung des sozialen Organismus), Medizin (anthroposophische Medizin), Religion (die Christengemeinschaft) und Landwirtschaft (biologisch-dynamische Landwirtschaft).

Steiner gained initial recognition at the end of the nineteenth century as a literary critic and published philosophical works including The Philosophy of Freedom. At the beginning of the twentieth century he founded an esoteric spiritual movement, anthroposophy, with roots in German idealist philosophy and theosophy; other influences include Goethean science and Rosicrucianism.

Russian troops fire on a crowd in Warsaw protesting against Russian rule over Poland, killing five protesters.

1863/0227:USA思想家 George Herbert Mead 186331、誕生

an American philosopher, sociologist and psychologist, primarily affiliated with the University of Chicago, where he was one of several distinguished pragmatists.
He is regarded as one of the founders of symbolic interactionism and of what has come to be referred to as the Chicago sociological tradition.

1864/0227:American Civil War:
 The first Northern prisoners arrive at the Confederate prison at Andersonville, Georgia.

Wilhelm Adolf Lette founds in Berlin the association for the promotion of the gainful employment of the female sex, later Lette-Verein under the protectorate of Crown Princess Victoria of Great Britain and Ireland.


The current flag of Japan is first adopted as the national flag for Japanese merchant ships.


1874/0227:Carlos Manuel de Céspedes del Castillo 181974、死去

un líder independentista cubano. Quien inicio la Guerra de los Diez Años al levantarse en armas contra el gobierno España el 10 de octubre de 1868, y dando conocer su plan de lucha con el Manifiesto de la Junta Revolucionaria de la Isla de Cuba, concediéndoles la libertad a sus esclavos e invitándoles a unirse a la lucha anticolonialista.

弁護士、プランテション所有者。1868年10月10日にキュウバの独立を宣言し、第一次キュウバ独立戦争が開始。Padre de la Patria(国父)と呼ばれている。





Professors Constantin Fahlberg and Ira Remsen of Johns Hopkins University inform in Baltimore about the discovery of the sweetener saccharin.

1881/0227:Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer 188166、誕生

a Dutch mathematician and philosopher, who worked in topology, set theory, measure theory and complex analysis.
He was the founder of the mathematical philosophy of intuitionism.


1881/0227:First Boer War:
 The Battle of Majuba Hill takes place.

1887/0227:ロシア作曲家 Alexandre Borodine 183387、死去

русский композитор, учёный — химик и медик. Участник «Могучей кучки». Основоположник русского эпического симфонизма.
a Russian Romantic composer of Georgian-Russian origin, as well as a doctor and chemist. He was one of the prominent 19th-century composers known as The Mighty Handful, a group dedicated to producing a uniquely Russian kind of classical music, rather than imitating earlier Western European models
Borodin is best known for his symphonies, his two string quartets, the tone poem In the Steppes of Central Asia and his opera Prince Igor.

1888/0227:ドイツソプラノ Lotte Lehmann 188876、誕生

eine deutschamerikanische Opernsängerin (Sopran).
Sie gehörte neben Erna Berger, Elisabeth Grümmer, Hilde Güden, Martha Mödl und Elisabeth Schwarzkopf zu den herausragenden deutschen Sopranistinnen des 20. Jahrhunderts und war auch als Schriftstellerin und Dichterin bekannt.

1890/0227:ロシア舞踏家 Vaslav Nijinski 189050、誕生

Вацлав Фомич Нижинский
un danseur et chorégraphe russe d'origine polonaise.
Nijinski est aussi l'auteur d'un système de notation de la danse qu'il inventa pour son usage personnel. Grâce aux recherches de spécialistes, on a pu reconstituer fidèlement certaines de ses chorégraphies, dont L'Après-midi d'un faune et une partie du Sacre du printemps.


1892/0227:フランスブランド Louis Vuitton 182192、死去

1900/0227:Second Boer War:
 In South Africa, British military leaders receive an unconditional notice of surrender from Boer General Piet Cronjé at the Battle of Paardeberg.

The British Labour Party is founded.


1901/0227:イタリア彫刻家 Marino Marini 190180、誕生

un artista, scultore, pittore, incisore italiano.

1902/0227:USA作家 John Steinbeck 190268、誕生

an American author.
He won the 1962 Nobel Prize in Literature "for his realistic and imaginative writings, combining as they do sympathetic humour and keen social perception".
He has been called "a giant of American letters", and many of his works are considered classics of Western literature.

1902/0227:USAゴルファ Gene Sarazen 190299、誕生

an American professional golfer, one of the world's top players in the 1920s and 1930s, and the winner of seven major championships. He is one of five players (along with Ben Hogan, Gary Player, Jack Nicklaus, and Tiger Woods) to win each of the four majors at least once,

1902/0227:Second Boer War:
 Australian soldiers Harry "Breaker" Morant and Peter Handcock are executed in Pretoria after being convicted of war crimes.

Der Neubau des Berliner Doms wird – in Anwesenheit des Kaiserpaares – geweiht.

1907/0227:JazzSinger Mildred Bailey 190751、誕生

a popular and influential Native American jazz singer during the 1930s, known as "The Queen of Swing", "The Rockin' Chair Lady" and "Mrs. Swing".

{私は ジャズスタンダドの "Lover come back to me" では、彼女のシンギングが一番好きなのです。

1908/0227:日本の名優 長谷川一夫190884、誕生

Hasegawa Kazuo、Il est principalement connu pour ses rôles principaux dans les films La Porte de l'enfer de Teinosuke Kinugasa et Les Amants crucifiés de Kenji Mizoguchi, et pour avoir incarner Zenigata Heiji, détective de l'époque d'Edo, dans de nombreux films.

1912/0227:イギリス作家 Lawrence Durrell 191290、誕生

an expatriate British novelist, poet, dramatist, and travel writer.
His most famous work is The Alexandria Quartet, a tetralogy published between 1957 and 1960. The best-known novel in the series is the first, Justine. Beginning in 1974, Durrell published The Avignon Quintet, using many of the same techniques.

1913/0227:フランス思想家 Paul Ricœur 191305、誕生

un philosophe français.
Il développe la phénoménologie et l'herméneutique, en dialogue constant avec les sciences humaines et sociales.
Il s'intéresse aussi à l'existentialisme chrétien et à la théologie protestante. Son œuvre est axée autour des concepts de sens, de subjectivité et de fonction heuristique de la fiction, notamment dans la littérature et l'histoire.


fin du procès de la « bande à Bonnot » en France.


The British passenger steamer Maloja sinks two miles from Dover by crashing onto a mine that has been laid by a German submarine a few days earlier, drowning 155 passengers and crew. The sinking of the Maloja is one of the biggest losses for the British shipping company P & O.

Der Höhepunkt des expressionistischen Films, Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari von Robert Wiene nach dem Drehbuch von Hans Janowitz und Carl Mayer mit Werner Krauß und Lil Dagover kommt in die Kinos. 

Der Stummfilm, der Brutalität und Wahnsinn von Autoritäten darstellt, gilt als Meilenstein in der Filmgeschichte.

ドイツがナチス政権になると、ヴィネはドイツを出てパリに移り住んだ。そこで、Jean Cocteau 188963と『カリガリ博士』のトーキー版のリメイクの構想を練ってゐたといふ

The International Working Union of Socialist Parties is founded in Vienna.

Zwei Jahre nach der Gründung der Dritten Internationalen in Moskau entsteht aus dem Versuch, die internationale Arbeiterbewegung wieder zu einen, in Wien die Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialistischer Parteien (IASP) auf Initiative von Friedrich Adler.

A challenge to the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, allowing women the right to vote, is rebuffed by the Supreme Court of the United States in Leser v. Garnett.

Im Münchner Bürgerbräukeller wird die NSDAP neu gegründet und deutschlandweit organisiert. Adolf Hitler hat seinen ersten Auftritt nach seiner Haft.

In the Bürgerbräukeller in Munich the NSDAP is newly established and organized nationwide. Adolf Hitler has his first appearance after his imprisonment. ミュンヘンので、NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) 再設立。出所した Adolf Hitler 188945、初めて公衆の面前に姿を現はす。

Norwegian Thor Bjørklund invents the cheese planer (or cheese slicer).

1926/0227:カナダ神經生理學者 David Hunter Hubel 192613、誕生

a Canadian neurophysiologist noted for his studies of the structure and function of the visual cortex.

1932/0227:映画女優 Elizabeth Taylor 193211、誕生

a British-American actress.
She began her career as a child actress in the early 1940s, and was one of the most popular stars of classical Hollywood cinema in the 1950s. She continued her career successfully into the 1960s, and remained a well-known public figure for the rest of her life.

Nature magazine publishes an article by James Chadwick describing the existence of the neutron.

Das Reichstagsgebäude in Berlin brennt auf Grund von Brandstiftung ab. Als Tatverdächtige für den Reichstagsbrand werden trotz fehlender Beweise Marinus van der Lubbe und andere junge Kommunisten verhaftet

Reichstag fire: Germany's parliament building in Berlin, the Reichstag, is set on fire; Marinus van der Lubbe, a young Dutch Communist claims responsibility. The Nazis used the fire to solidify their power and eliminate the communists as political rivals.

/0130 に Hitler 内閣、成立。ヒトラは政權基盤を確固とするために議會を解散。総選挙を0305に決定。

現場搜索で、延燒した建物の陰にゐた半裸の男が拘束された。名前は Marinus van der Lubbe 190934、オランダ人で講讃党員だった。彼は放火の理由は「資本主義にたいする抗議」と言ひ、内務省の政治警察部長も「一人の狂人の單獨行動」と公表した。

その後、共産党議員団長の Eトルクラ、Gディミトロフ、彼と同じブルガリア人のBポポフとVテネフの四名を共犯として逮捕した。

翌日、ヒトラは閣議に、コミュニストと「法的考慮に左右されず決着を付ける」ためとして、「国民と国家の保護のための大統領令」と「ドイツ国民への裏切りと反逆的策動に対する大統領令 (Verordnung des Reichspräsidenten gegen Verrat am Deutschen Volke und hochverräterische Umtriebe」の二つの緊急大統領令の発布を提議した。

As the first of only three films to date, the comedy It Happened One Night Was Awarded at the Academy Awards in All Five Major Categories.



{しかし、どうして叛亂軍はいきなり重臣を殺害してしまったのか。君側の奸を取り除けば、それで昭和維新がなると思ひ考へてゐたとしたら、あまりにも純眞すぎるだらう。本來の意味での naive としか言ひやうがない。しかし、彼等の行動を見れば、さうだったとしか思はれない。君側の奸を殺したことだけが、彼等が實行したことだったからだ。


1936/0227:ロシア生理学者 Ivan Petrovitch Pavlov 184936、死去

a Russian physiologist known primarily for his work in classical conditioning.

1939/0227:レニン妻 Nadejda Kroupskaïa 186939、死去

российская революционерка, советский государственный партийный, общественный и культурный деятель, организатор и главный идеолог советского образования и коммунистического воспитания молодежи.
Russian revolutionary, Soviet state party, public and cultural figure, organizer and chief ideologist of Soviet education and communist education of youth.
and the wife of Vladimir Lenin from 1898 until his death in 1924. She served as the Soviet Union's Deputy Minister of Education from 1929 until her death in 1939.


The Francoist regime of Francisco Franco is recognized by Britain and France as the government of Spain, although the government forces still hold Madrid and other cities in the Spanish Civil War.

1939/0227:United States labor law:
 The U.S. Supreme Court rules that sit-down strikes violate property owners' rights and are therefore illegal.

Martin Kamen and Sam Ruben discover carbon-14.

During the Battle of the Java Sea, an Allied strike force is defeated by a Japanese task force in the Java Sea in the Dutch East Indies.


Die letzten in Berlin verbliebenen Juden werden in der Fabrikaktion verhaftet und deportiert. Über 7.000 kommen ins KZ Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Etwa 1.700 so genannte „arisch Versippte“ werden in Berlin festgehalten, wo sie nach Demonstrationen von Verwandten wieder freigelassen werden.

In Berlin, the Gestapo arrest 1,800 Jewish men with German wives, leading to the Rosenstrasse protest.
Protestation des femmes allemandes sur la Rosenstraße de Berlin contre l'arrestation de leurs époux juifs.

1944/0227:Massacre de Khaïbakh

Le massacre de Khaïbakh est le massacre de 7051 civils au village de Khaïbakh, en Tchétchénie, le 27 février 1944, effectué par les forces militaires soviétiques au cours de la déportation des Tchétchènes. La victime la plus âgée avait 110 ans, les plus jeunes étaient nés le jour même2,

After the successful conquest of the Philippines by the Japanese in the Pacific War, US General Douglas MacArthur hands over the land to President Sergio Osmeña.

1947/0227:Pierre Janet 185947、死去

d'abord un philosophe puis un psychologue et enfin un médecin français.
C'est une figure majeure de la psychologie française du XIXe siècle. Il crée1 le terme de subconscient .

ジャン=マルタン シャルコのもとで催眠療法を研究。解離について研究。1887年に「心的外傷」の意味で trauma という術語を造語。トラウマ記憶の感覚・知覚・感情・再上演行動(reenactment)なども研究。フロイトより先に「無意識」を発見してゐたとも云はれる。

The Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution, limiting Presidents to two terms, is ratified.

修正第22条では、一人の大統領が十年まで務め上げることが可能である(前任者の任期残りが二年以下の時に引き継いだ場合)が、1933年から1945年まで大統領を務めた Franklin Roosevelt 188245 だけが二期以上の例。


lancement de la « Campagne des cent fleurs » par Mao Zedong.
In the People's Republic of China, Mao Zedong gives his speech during the Hundred Flower Campaign On the question of the right treatment of contradictions among the people.

Two dissident Republic of Vietnam Air Force pilots bomb the Independence Palace in Saigon in a failed attempt to assassinate South Vietnam President Ngô Đình Diệm.

# Le bombardement du palais de l'indépendance désigne un attentat et une tentative de coup d'État contre le palais de l'indépendance (désormais palais de la réunification) à Saïgon (désormais Hô-Chi-Minh-Ville) en 1962


The Dominican Republic receives its first democratically elected president, Juan Bosch, since the end of the dictatorship led by Rafael Trujillo.

The Government of Italy asks for help to keep the Leaning Tower of Pisa from toppling over.

Doctors in the first Dutch abortion clinic (the Mildredhuis in Arnhem) start performing aborti provocati.

1972/0227:USA、PRChina 承認
President Nixon's visit to China: Nixon announced a joint statement of normalization of diplomatic relations (Shanghai Communiqué announced, virtually approved the People's Republic of China.

ニクソン大統領の中国訪問: ニクソン米大統領が国交正常化の共同声明(上海コミュニケを発表。中華人民共和国を事実上承認。

1973/0227:USA、Occupation of Wounded Knee
 by the American Indian Movement.

Members of the Native American Indian Movement occupy Wounded Knee at the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota and call for an independent Oglala nation to protest against human rights violations by the US administration on the reservation. The occupation ends violently after 71 days.

この事件の原因となった Wounded Knee の虐殺とは、

The formerly Spanish territory of Western Sahara, under the auspices of the Polisario Front declares independence as the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.

In the Western Sahara dispute, the Polisario proclaims the flag of the Democratic Arab Republic of Sahara on the territory of the former Spanish colony of Western Sahara, and at the same time introduces an official flag.

1977/0227:USA推理小説家 John Dickson Carr 190647、死去

an American author of detective stories,
Carr is generally regarded as one of the greatest writers of so-called "Golden Age" mysteries; complex, plot-driven stories in which the puzzle is paramount.
He was influenced in this regard by the works of Gaston Leroux and by the Father Brown stories of G. K. Chesterton. He was a master of the so-called locked room mystery, in which a detective solves apparently impossible crimes. The Dr. Fell mystery The Hollow Man (1935), usually considered Carr's masterpiece, was selected during 1981 as the best locked-room mystery of all time by a panel of 17 mystery authors and reviewers.[1] He was also an author of historical mystery.

The Embassy of the Republic of Dominican Republic in Colombia was occupied by guerrillas, 52 people including the US and Egyptian ambassador became hostages.



金城湯池の熟語の意味とは全然關係ないんだが、この四つの文字を見ると私は田中角縈を思ひだすといふか、田中角縈を見ると、あの脂ぎった顏から「金・城・湯・池」が「よっしゃよっしゃよっしゃよっしゃ」のキンピカの響きで聞こえてくるのである。「政治とは數であり、數は力、力は金だ」。かうはじらひもなくホンネを云はれたのでは實も蓋もない。どうも、私のタイプではない。私はこの今太閤も元太閤の豊臣秀吉153798 も好きになれない。はっきり云へば、嫌ひだ。嫌惡するほどに。

1988/0227:Sumgait pogrom:
 The Armenian community in Sumgait, Azerbaijan is targeted in a violent pogrom.

In the aftermath of the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, there is a pogrom of Armenians living in the Azerbaijani city of Sumqayit.

1989/0227:動物行動学 Konrad Lorenz 190389、死去

ein österreichischer Zoologe,
Medizin-Nobelpreisträger und einer der Hauptvertreter der klassischen vergleichenden Verhaltensforschung (Ethologie).
Er selbst nannte dieses Forschungsgebiet bis 1949 „Tierpsychologie“. Lorenz wird im deutschsprachigen Raum als dessen Gründervater angesehen. Er war zudem Mitarbeiter des Rassenpolitischen Amtes der NSDAP und Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts für Verhaltensphysiologie.

With Nikolaas Tinbergen (left), 1978

1991/0227:Gulf War:
liberation of Kuwait City and suspension of hostilities in the Persian Gulf.

The Austrian writer and criminal Jack Unterweger is arrested in Miami by FBI officials. He is wanted for suspected multiple murders committed.

1993/0227:映画大女優 Lillian Gish 189389、死去

an American actress of the screen and stage,[2] as well as a director and writer. Her film acting career spanned 75 years, from 1912, in silent film shorts, to 1987. Gish was called the First Lady of American Cinema, and she is credited with pioneering fundamental film performing techniques.

任天堂ポケットモンスター 赤・緑』発売

Sortie des premiers jeux de la franchise Pokémon.

Ryanair Flight 296 catches fire at London Stansted Airport. Subsequent investigations criticize Ryanair's handling of the evacuation.

2002/0227:列車事故、Godhra train burning:
 A Muslim mob torches a train returning from Ayodhya, killing 59 Hindu pilgrims.

2004/0227:日本の歴史家 網野善彦192804、死去

Amino Yoshihiko was a Japanese Marxist historian and public intellectual, perhaps most singularly known for his novel examination of medieval Japanese history.



A bombing of a Superferry by Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines' worst terrorist attack kills 116.

Shoko Asahara, the leader of the Japanese doomsday cult Aum Shinrikyo, is sentenced to death for masterminding the 1995 Tokyo subway sarin attack

2005/0227:新幹線設計者 三木忠直190905、死去

Miki Tadanao、Navy soldiers, aircraft engineers, railway engineers in the Japan Imperial Japanese Empire. The final class is Major Navy Technology. Developer of Shinkansen.


Taiwan's President Chen Shui-bian declares suspended the 1990 National Reunification Council, which fears a heightening of the Taiwan conflict with the People's Republic of China.

The Chinese Correction: The Shanghai Stock Exchange falls 9%, the largest drop in ten years.

An earthquake measuring 8.8 on the moment magnitude scale strikes central parts of Chile leaving over 500 victims, and thousands injured.

Assassination of Boris Nemtsov occurs.

2016/0227:映画女優 高千穂ひづる193216、死去

Takachiho Hizuru、actrice japonaise


1948年、宝塚歌劇団35期生として宝塚歌劇団入団。宝塚入団時の成績は46人中3位。雪組の娘役となった。最終出演公演の演目は雪組公演『シャンソン ド パリ』。


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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