


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
Beweist durch die Tat, dass Ihr anders denkt
Prove by the fact that you think differently

歴史暦:古今東西 02/22 今日の出來事


Abdication de l'impératrice chinoise Wu Zetian en faveur de son fils Tang Zhongzong, lequel restaure la dynastie Tang.



{則天の生涯を追ってみたが長くなったので省略(御覧になりたければ Source には殘しておきます、

0934/0222:カリファト Abdullah al-Mahdi Billah 087334、死去

Abu Muhammad Abdallah al-Mahdi Billah ( أبو محمد عبد الله المهدي بالله), was the founder of the Ismaili Fatimid Caliphate, the only major Shi'a caliphate in Islam, and established Fatimid rule throughout much of North Africa, Hejaz, Palestine and the Levant.

1300/0222:ロウマ教皇Holly Year」宣言
L'Anno Santo viene lanciato e commesso per la prima volta da Natale. Papa Bonifacio VIII regola i dettagli nella toro di Antiquorum, compresa una completa indulgenza di tutti i peccati per i pellegrini.

The Holy Year is launched and first committed from Christmas. Pope Boniface VIII regulates the details in the bull Antiquorum has, including a complete indulgence of all sins for the pilgrims.

1316/0222:Battle of Picotin
 between Ferdinand of Majorca and the forces of Matilda of Hainaut

Guerre de Cent Ans, Signature du traité de Mantes.

Les émeutiers parisiens, sous la conduite d'Étienne Marcel, le prévôt des marchands, pénètrent dans la chambre du dauphin Charles, futur Charles V, qui gère le royaume en l'absence de son père, Jean II le Bon, captif en Angleterre. Les conseillers du prince, Jean de Conflans et Robert de Clermont, sont égorgés sous ses yeux au Palais de la Cité.

Appalled merchants, who have been hit particularly hard by the turmoil of the Hundred Years War, invade the Paris Palace under the guidance of cloth merchant Étienne Marcel and assassinate the marshals of Champagne and Normandy in the eyes of the dauphin.

Robert II becomes King of Scotland, beginning the Stuart dynasty.

After the death of David II, the steward Robert Stewart becomes king of Scotland. He establishes the rule of Stuart.

卽位の時に彼はすでに54歳で、しかもきはめて健康状態が惡く、ほとんど盲目で、Old Blearie (霞目の爺さん)と裏では呼ばれてゐた。在位中も、先王のイングランドへの身代金の支拂ひや、家臣同士の反目と抗爭などの問題を抱へ、その息子たちへ實權は握られていった。

1461/0222:In the Wars of the Roses,
 Margaret of Anjou triumphs with troops from the House of Lancaster in the Second Battle of St. Albans, freeing her husband, King Henry VI, from captivity in York.


L'armée de Charles VIII occupe Naples.

King Charles VIII of France enters Naples to claim the city's throne.
≒ フランス王のシャルルⅧ、ナポリ王國の繼承權を主張してナポリに入る。十六世紀ヨウロパ史上、その後に重大な影響を引き起こす。

彼は王妃アンヌ(François I 149447 の姉の Anne de Beaujeu 146122)とのあひだに三男一女があったが、いづれも夭折して、彼の死によりヴァロア家の本流は斷絶。
そのため、サリカ法により、Charles V の曾孫にあたり、シャルルの父のLouis XI の又従弟になるヴァロア=オルレアン家のオルレアン公ルイⅡが Louis XII として王位を繼いだ。
Louis XII にも子ができなかったために、王位は從甥にあたるアングレイム伯のフランソワ(ルイXIIの王女クロウドと結婚)が繼承した。
{どうにか François I 149447 まで到達した。ほんたうに西洋の王統譜は似たやうな名前ばかりが重なって、たちまちスパゲッティにこんがらがってくる。

Charles VIII 147098 l'Affable:Valois家 イタリア戰爭を開始 13でフランス王に卽位 姉二人 Anne de Beaujeu 146122, Jeanne de Valois=Jeanne de France 146405
{1498、弟のフランス王シャルルVIII が子なくして崩御すると、ジャンヌを妻とするオルレアン公ルイドヴァロワがLouis XII として卽位(サリカ法による王位繼承で、ジャンヌの結婚で繼承權を得たわけではない)。が、結婚後二十五年經っても二人の間に子は生まれなかった。ルイはシャルルⅧの長姉、未亡人となったアンヌとの再婚を考へた。ジャンヌとの離婚は、ロウマ教皇アレクサンデルⅥに認可された。

Château d'Amboise アンボワアズ城 {この時代とこの城、Leonard da Vinci 145219 の生涯の最後に關はってくる。この城内にあるレオナルドの墓

Tombeau de Léonard de Vinci

1512/0222:アメリカ發 Amerigo Vespucci 145412、死去

un navigatore, esploratore e cartografo italiano, cittadino della Repubblica fiorentina prima e suddito del Regno di Castiglia dal 24 aprile 1505

Fu tra i primi esploratori del Nuovo Mondo, tanto da lasciare il suo nome all'America, nome dato dai cartografi tedeschi Martin Waldseemüller 147021 e Matthias Ringmann 148211.
L'intuizione fondamentale di Vespucci fu di aver compreso che le nuove terre non costituissero porzioni di territorio dell'Asia, ma rappresentassero una "quarta parte del globo" indipendente e separata dal continente asiatico. The fundamental intuition of Vespucci was to have understood that the new lands did not constitute portions of the territory of Asia, but represented a "fourth part of the globe" independent and separated from the Asian continent.
Egli notò infatti, compiendo un viaggio al servizio del Portogallo nel 1501, che l'estensione delle zone scoperte si spingeva fino al 50º grado di latitudine sud. Da tale notevole grandezza comprese di essere in presenza di un continente fino ad allora sconosciuto. In fact, he noticed, on a voyage to the service of Portugal in 1501, that the extension of the uncovered areas went as far as the 50th degree of southern latitude. From such remarkable greatness he realized to be in presence of a continent hitherto unknown.

{アメリゴは1454年にイタリアのフィレンチェに生まれた。といふことは、Leonard da Vinci 145219とまったくの同郷人で同時代人だったわけだ。

Galileo presenta il suo libro Dialogo sui due grandi sistemi del mondo al Granduca di Toscana Ferdinando II de 'Medici.

Galileo's Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems is published.

1635/0222:A Paris,
 l'Académie française est créée par le cardinal Richelieu avec pour mission de veiller à la pureté de la langue française. Le Mémorandum, un édit royal, daté du 29 janvier.

1651/0222:St.Peter's Flood:
 A storm surge floods the Frisian coast, drowning 15,000 people.

Catherine Deshayes, dite La Voisin, mêlée à l'affaire des Poisons, est brûlée en place de Grève.

Catherine Deshayes, une tueuse en série (empoisonneuse) française, prétendue sorcière.

The French potions and poisoners Catherine Monvoisin, on whose property the remains of more than 2,500 infants have been dug, is sentenced in the course of the poison affair of the Chambre ardente together with other people to the death at the stake and executed the same day.
The process of Satanism and witchcraft has exposed contacts with the highest circles and almost caused a scandal at the court of Louis XIV.

1732/0222:USA大統領 George Washington 173299、誕生

an American statesman and soldier who served as the first President of the United States from 1789 to 1797 and was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He served as Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, and later presided over the 1787 convention that drafted the United States Constitution. He has been popularly known as the "father of his country," both during his lifetime and to this day.

1744/0222:Austrian Succession War「Battle of Toulon」
 causes several Royal Navy captains to be court-martialed, and the Articles of War to be amended.

les Français abandonnent le siège de Madras (Inde) à l'arrivée de la flotte anglaise.

Wilhelm Herschel discovers the spiral galaxy NGC 3521.

1788/0222:ドイツ思想家 Arthur Schopenhauer 178860、誕生

ein deutscher Philosoph, Autor und Hochschullehrer.
Schopenhauer entwarf eine Lehre, die gleichermaßen Erkenntnistheorie, Metaphysik, Ästhetik und Ethik umfasst.
Er sah sich selbst als Schüler und Vollender Immanuel Kants, dessen Philosophie er als Vorbereitung seiner eigenen Lehre auffasste. Weitere Anregungen bezog er aus der Ideenlehre Platons und aus Vorstellungen östlicher Philosophien.
Innerhalb der Philosophie des 19. Jahrhunderts entwickelte er eine eigene Position des Subjektiven Idealismus und vertrat als einer der ersten Philosophen im deutschsprachigen Raum die Überzeugung, dass der Welt ein irrationales Prinzip zugrunde liegt.

"Buddha, Eckhart und ich lehren im Wesentlichen das Gleiche"

1796/0222:社界統計学の開祖 Adolphe Quételet 179674、誕生

Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet est un mathématicien, astronome, naturaliste et statisticien belge, précurseur de l'étude démographique et fondateur de l'observatoire royal de Belgique.
Poète à ses heures, il fut membre de la Société de littérature de Bruxelles et plus tard membre-fondateur de la Société des douze.


Les troupes françaises débarquent en Grande-Bretagne, mais doivent capituler deux jours plus tard.

French troops land in Britain, but must capitulate two days later.

The last Invasion of Britain begins near Fishguard, Wales.

In Fishguard, Wales, during the First Coalition War, the last invasion in the UK took place. However, 1,400 French soldiers who have arrived on four warships are consuming alcohol that has been captured and thus become incapacitated.


Qianlong emperor of China's Qing Dynasty's ministers and 珅 due to corruption Jiaqing Di Cijia after death in prison.

1819/0222:By the Adams–Onís Treaty,
 Spain sells Florida to the United States for five million U.S. dollars.

The Adams-Onís Treaty, negotiated by two foreign ministers, John Quincy Adams and Luis de Onís, redefines the border between the viceroyalty of New Spain and the United States; Among other things, Spain is selling its East and West Florida colonies to the US for $ 5 million. These waive in return for claims in Texas west of the Sabine River.


1821/0222:Greek War of Independence:
 Alexander Ypsilantis crosses the Prut river at Sculeni into the Danubian Principalities.

Friedrich Wöhler brings about the synthesis of urea from ammonium cyanate.
For the first time, he artificially wins an organic substance and refutes the widespread thesis that it could only be produced by living beings under the influence of the "vis vitalis".

1847/0222:Mexican–American War「Battle of Buena Vista
 5000 American troops defeat 15,000 Mexicans troops.

The United States clashes with Mexican troops during the Battle of Buena Vista.

1848/0222:Révolution française de 1848;
 Paris se soulève contre la Monarchie de Juillet.

The French Revolution of 1848, which would lead to the establishment of the French Second Republic, begins.

政府の禁令を無視して選挙改革宴會=Campagne des banquets が開催強行、勞働者や學生らのデモに發展、フランス二月革命の發端となる。

The United States Republican Party opens its first national convention in Pittsburgh.

1857/0222:ドイツ科學者 Heinrich Rudolf Hertz 185794、誕生

ein deutscher Physiker. Er konnte 1886 als Erster elektromagnetische Wellen im Experiment erzeugen und nachweisen und gilt damit als deren Entdecker.

彼は James Clerk Maxwell 183179 の電磁気理論をさらに明確化し発展させた。1888年に電磁波の放射の存在を、それを生成し検出する機械によって初めて実証した。

1857/0222:ボウイスカウト創立 Robert Baden-Powell 185741、誕生

a British Army officer, writer, author of Scouting for Boys which was an inspiration for the Scout Movement, founder and first Chief Scout of The Boy Scouts Association and founder of the Girl Guides.

1857/0222:ドイツ、ミュンヘンで「White sausage」発売
In München werden die ersten Weißwürste im Gasthaus Zum ewigen Licht serviert.

In Munich, according to uncertain tradition, the first white sausages are served in the Gasthaus Zum ewigen Licht.

{皮肉なことに、この「White sausage」から86年後の1943年の今日、同じミュンヘンで「 White rose Weiße Rose」の悲慘な事件が起こることになる。

Jefferson Davis is officially inaugurated for a six-year term as the President of the Confederate States of America in Richmond, Virginia. He was previously inaugurated as a provisional president on February 18, 1861.

1864/0222:フランス作家 Jules Renard 186410、誕生

un écrivain et auteur dramatique français.

1867/0222(慶應03/0118):日本の文筆家 宮武外骨186755、誕生

Miyatake Gaikotsu、a Japanese author, journalist and media historian


United States Senate initiates Impeachment proceedings against President Andrew Johnson for violation of the Tenure of Office Act.

1874/0222:日本の俳人 高濱虚子187459、誕生

un poète japonais actif durant l'ère Shōwa.


1875/0222:フランス画家 Jean-Baptiste Corot 179675、死去

un peintre et graveur français.
Il est une figure charnière de la peinture de paysage et sa vaste production fait simultanément référence à la tradition néo-classique et anticipe les innovations en plein air de l'impressionnisme.

La Femme à la perle (1869)

Souvenir de Mortefontaine (1864)




1879/0222:USA、In Utica, New York,
 Frank Woolworth opens the first of many of five-and-dime Woolworth stores.

The merchant Winfield Woolworth sets himself up and opens his first five-cent store in Utica, New York, for which, however, a failure soon emerges. But a ten-cent store opened a few weeks later becomes a successful business model.


President Grover Cleveland signs a bill admitting North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Washington as U.S. states.

Filipino forces led by General Antonio Luna launch counterattacks for the first time against the American forces during the Philippine–American War. The Filipinos fail to regain Manila from the Americans.

1900/0222:Luis Buñuel 190083、誕生

Luis Buñuel Portolés fue un director de cine español, que tras el exilio de la Guerra Civil Española se nacionalizó mexicano.
A pesar de los hitos cinematográficos logrados en su país natal con Viridiana (1961) y Tristana (1970), la gran mayoría de su obra fue realizada o coproducida en México y Francia, debido a sus convicciones políticas y a las dificultades impuestas por la censura franquista para filmar en España.

The American passenger steamer City of Rio de Janeiro sinks in San Francisco Bay after hitting an underwater rock. 138 of the 220 people on board are killed.
The sinking of the City of Rio de Janeiro is considered to be the heaviest shipwreck in the San Francisco Bay Area.

 City of Rio de Janeiro

1903/0222:オストリの作曲家 Hugo Wolf 186003、死去

ein österreichischer Komponist und Musikkritiker.


{彼のJohannes Brahms 183397への嫌惡はブラウムスの親切心が彼の自尊心を傷付けたがためであった。さういふタイプの男であったらしい。だが、さうした彼から獨自の美意識を持った音樂が生みだされることになる。ブラウムスのアドヴァイスを鵜呑みにしてゐたら、彼の名前は歴史に殘ってゐなかったであらう。

1903/0222:イギリス数学者 Frank Ramsey 190330、誕生

Frank Plumpton Ramsey was a British philosopher, mathematician and economist who made fundamental contributions to abstract algebra before dying at the age of 26.
He was a close friend of Ludwig Wittgenstein 188951 and was instrumental in translating Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus into English, as well as persuading Wittgenstein to return to philosophy and Cambridge.

The United Kingdom sells a meteorological station on the South Orkney Islands to Argentina; the islands are subsequently claimed by the United Kingdom in 1908.

Takeshima was incorporated into Shimane prefecture in Japan

Robert Baden-Powell made the first scouting camp in Brownsea, England.


The sixteen battleships of the Great White Fleet, led by USS Connecticut, return to the United States after a voyage around the world.

1913/0222:言語學者 Ferdinand de Saussure 185713、死去

un linguiste suisse. Reconnu comme le précurseur du structuralisme en linguistique, il s'est aussi distingué par ses travaux sur les langues indo-européennes.


On estime (surtout en Europe) qu'il a fondé la linguistique moderne et établi les bases de la sémiologie. Dans son Cours de linguistique générale (1914), publié après sa mort par ses élèves, il définit certains concepts fondamentaux (distinction entre langage, langue et parole, entre synchronie et diachronie, caractère arbitraire du signe linguistique, etc.) qui inspireront non seulement la linguistique ultérieure mais aussi d'autres secteurs des sciences humaines comme l'ethnologie, l'analyse littéraire, la philosophie et la psychanalyse lacanienne.

 The Imperial German Navy institutes unrestricted submarine warfare.


1921/0222:イタリア女優 Giulietta Masina 192194、誕生

Giulia Anna "Giulietta" Masina è stata un'attrice cinematografica italiana.

Giulietta Masina con Federico Fellini.

1921/0222:アフリカの独裁者 Jean-Bedel Bokassa 192196、誕生

a dictator of the Central African Republic and its successor state, the Central African Empire, from his coup d'état on 1 January 1966 until overthrown in a subsequent coup (supported by France) on 20 September 1979.

After Russian forces under Baron Roman von Ungern-Sternberg drive the Chinese out, the Bogd Khan is reinstalled as the emperor of Mongolia.

Die Parteien der Weimarer Koalition gründen in Magdeburg die Republikschutzorganisation Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold. Ihr treten in der Folge über 3,5 Millionen Mitglieder bei.

U.S. President Calvin Coolidge becomes the first President to deliver a radio address from the White House.












The music club Village Vanguard opens in New York.

Village Vanguard と云へば、Bill Evans Trio 

1939/0222:スペインの詩人 Antonio Machado 187539、死去

un poeta español, el más joven representante de la Generación del 98. Su obra inicial, de corte modernista (como la de su hermano Manuel), evolucionó hacia un intimismo simbolista con rasgos románticos, que maduró en una poesía de compromiso humano, de una parte, y de contemplación casi taoísta de la existencia, por otra; una síntesis que en la voz de Machado se hace eco de la sabiduría popular más ancestral. (a Spanish poet, the youngest representative of the Generation of '98. His initial work, of a modernist nature (like that of his brother Manuel), evolved into a Symbolist intimacy with romantic features, which matured into a poetry of human commitment, of a part, and almost Taoist contemplation of existence, on the other; a synthesis that in the voice of Machado echoes the most ancestral popular wisdom.

1940/0222:ノルヱイの政治思想家 Jon Elster 1940--、誕生

a Norwegian social and political theorist who has authored works in the philosophy of social science and rational choice theory.
He is also a notable proponent of analytical Marxism, and a critic of neoclassical economics and public choice theory, largely on behavioral and psychological grounds.

Tenzin Gyatso is enthroned at the age of 4½ as the XIVth Dalai Lama.

1942/0222:オストリの作家 Stefan Zweig 188142、死去

ein österreichischer Schriftsteller.
Zweig schrieb einen langen Roman und eine kurze Geschichte, und dann eine Reihe von biographischer Literatur. Die Bewertung seines Geschichtsromans ist hoch, "Marie Antoinette" 1933 und "Mary Stuart" 1935 sind berühmt.
{私が氣に入ったのは『Joseph Fouché』1929 だった。傳記を書くなら怪物的な惡人がいいと思ったものであった。


 President Franklin Roosevelt orders General Douglas MacArthur out of the Philippines as the Japanese victory becomes inevitable.

{"I shall return." と云ったのはこの時の事か。この I shall return. がその後、彼の兵士らのあひだでどんな意味の隱語として使はれてゐたかのついては、すでにこのブログのなかで記しておいた。

Die Geschwister Hans und Sophie Scholl sowie Christoph Probst von der Widerstandsgruppe Weiße Rose werden vom Volksgerichtshof unter Roland Freisler zum Tode verurteilt und im Gefängnis München-Stadelheim hingerichtet.

Hans and Sophie Scholl and Christoph Probst, first members of The White Rose judged by the Volksgerichtshof, guillotined the same day of their death sentence in the Stadelheim prison near Munich.


Die Weiße Roseナチスドイツ支配下で學生中心に始まった非暴力主義の反ナチ運動。ミュンヘンの大學生であった彼等は1942から翌年にかけて六種類のリーフレットを作成した。その後、彼等はゲシュタポに逮捕され、主導者とされるハンスショル他五人がギロチンで處刑された。

:Die Weiße Rose に參加した學生の多くは(とは云っても數人だが)、フランス侵攻や東部戰線に從軍した陸軍の帰還兵であった。ドイツ青年運動に影響を受けたと思はれ、中心となったショルとプロプストはそのメンバであった。彼等は、ポウランドのユダヤ人居住地区の狀況や東部戰線の慘状を目の當たりにして、この戰爭を受け入れることができなかった。彼等はナチスのヨウロパ支配を否定し、キリスト教の忍耐と正義を信奉した。

YouTube で檢索したら、映画の類もあったが、著作權があるだらうからこゝでは紹介しない。

{ま、こんな絶望を、この私なりの世界史の制作で試みてゐるわけだ。L'histoire est ma histoire.

1943/0222:Hans Scholl 191843、處刑(斷首)

Hans Fritz Scholl war als Mitbegründer und prägendes Mitglied der 1942/43 aktiven studentischen Widerstandsgruppe Weiße Rose ein deutscher Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Nationalsozialismus. Er gilt als Hauptverfasser der von der Gruppe verbreiteten Flugblätter gegen die NS-Diktatur.


1943/0222:Sophie Scholl 192143、死去

, résistante allemande contre le nazisme (° 9 mai 1921).

1943/0222:Christoph Probst 191943、死去

Christoph Hermann Ananda Probst war Mitglied der Widerstandsgruppe gegen den Nationalsozialismus der Weißen Rose.
Scholl brother and sister tried to protect Probst who is also the father of three children, but at the People's Court of February 22, the sentence of death penalty was given by Roland Freisler presiding judge, and the sentence was executed on that day.

 American aircraft mistakenly bomb the Dutch towns of Nijmegen, Arnhem, Enschede and Deventer, resulting in 800 dead in Nijmegen alone.

 The Soviet Red Army recaptures Krivoi Rog.

1944/0222:WWⅡ、A Paris,
 Robert Desnos est arrêté par la Gestapo.

La IIIe armée américaine franchit la Sarre, au sud de Sarrebourg.

1946/0222:Cold war
US Ambassador to Moscow, George F. Kennan, lays out on request in the Long Telegram why the Soviet Union is not an ally for the United States.
In the X article, the telegram content in the following year is published in the journal Foreign Affairs and triggers discussions on further US foreign policy.

Communist coup in Czechoslovakia.

1949/0222:F1レイサ Niki Lauda 1949--、誕生

ein ehemaliger österreichischer Automobilrennfahrer, Unternehmer und Pilot. Er startete zwischen 1971 und 1985 in der Formel 1 und wurde dreimal Weltmeister.


:強盗殺人事件。東京都中央区築地にある中華料理店『八宝亭』で、經營者(48)、その妻(40)、長男(11)、長女(10) の一家四人が、すべて頭部を薪割り用の鉈で打ち割られてゐた。攻撃は四人にたいし五十回以上も繰り返されてゐて、血の海となった現場は凄慘な狀況であった。
{この事件は解決した。解決篇は御自分で ――

Ngô Đình Diệm of South Vietnam survives a communist shooting assassination attempt in Buôn Ma Thuột.

Egypt and Syria join to form the United Arab Republic.



1967/0222:日本の女流歌人 柳原白蓮188567、死去

Un poète(歌人) de Taisho à l'époque Showa.


In Indonesia, Lifetime President Sukarno resigns and is placed under house arrest. The background of this step remains unsolved. New strongman becomes General Suharto.



The Official Irish Republican Army detonates a car bomb at Aldershot barracks, killing seven and injuring nineteen others.

Tentative de putsch menée par Ange Diawara en République populaire du Congo.

The Organisation of the Islamic Conference summit begins in Lahore, Pakistan. Thirty-seven countries attend and twenty-two heads of state and government participate. It also recognizes Bangladesh.

Le Pakistan reconnaît l'indépendance de son ancienne province orientale devenue le Bangladesh.

The military government of Addis Ababa announces that 2,300 guerrillas have been killed in action in Eritrea.

1976/0222:ハンガリの思想家 Michael Polanyi 189176、死去

Hungarian-British polymath, who made important theoretical contributions to physical chemistry, economics, and philosophy. He argued that positivism supplies a false account of knowing, which if taken seriously undermines humanity's highest achievements.
1928年、Leo Szilard 189864、Eugene Paul Wigner 190295、John von Neumann 190357とともにソ連問題研究会をつくった。{このハンガリ人たちは物凄い。二十世紀における文化にはたしたハンガリ人の功績はユダヤ人のそれに勝るとも劣らないやうに私には思はれる。じつに物凄い天才ばかりだ。

≫ Any attempt to organize the group ... under a single authority would eliminate their independent initiatives, and thus reduce their joint effectiveness to that of the single person directing them from the centre. It would, in effect, paralyse their co-operation.

1980/0222:オストリの画家 Oskar Kokoschka 188680、死去

ein österreichischer Maler, Grafiker und Schriftsteller des Expressionismus und der Wiener Moderne.

{この人も アルママーラーと関係してゐたのか。

The notorious Broadway flop Moose Murders opens and closes on the same night at the Eugene O'Neill Theatre.

Start of the People Power Revolution in the Philippines.

Filipino army chief Fidel Ramos calls on President Ferdinand Marcos to resign after his fraudulent election victory on 7 February, marking the revolution against Marcos and the appointment of Corazon Aquino as president.

1987/0222:USA美術家 Andy Warhol 192887、死去

an American artist, director and producer who was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as pop art.
His works explore the relationship between artistic expression, celebrity culture, and advertising that flourished by the 1960s, and span a variety of media, including painting, silkscreening, photography, film, and sculpture.
Some of his best known works include the silkscreen paintings Campbell's Soup Cans (1962) and Marilyn Diptych (1962), the experimental film Chelsea Girls (1966), and the multimedia events known as the Exploding Plastic Inevitable (1966–67).


Aldrich Ames and his wife are charged by the United States Department of Justice with spying for the Soviet Union.

The Corona reconnaissance satellite program, in existence from 1959 to 1972, is declassified.


Jacques Chirac, président de la république, annonce la fin du service militaire obligatoire et la professionnalisation des armées.


In Roslin, Midlothian, British scientists announce that an adult sheep named Dolly has been successfully cloned.

Pesentation of the Dolly ewe to the media, the first mammal cloned in history from an adult somatic cell nucleus.

Angolan political and rebel leader Jonas Savimbi is killed in a military ambush.

The 6.4 Mw Zarand earthquake shakes the Kerman Province of Iran with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VIII (Severe), leaving 612 people dead and 1,411 injured.

At least six men stage Britain's biggest robbery, stealing £53m (about $92.5 million or €78 million) from a Securitas depot in Tonbridge, Kent.




New Zealand's second deadliest earthquake strikes Christchurch, killing 185 people.

2011/0222:Bahraini uprising:
 Tens of thousands of people march in protest against the deaths of seven victims killed by police and army forces during previous protests.

A train crash in Buenos Aires, Argentina, kills 51 people and injures 700 others.

President Viktor Yanukovych of Ukraine is impeached by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by a vote of 328–0, fulfilling a major goal of the Euromaidan rebellion.

A ferry carrying 100 passengers capsizes in the Padma River, killing 70 people.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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