

02/21:Love&Peace ?「人間の歴史は絡みあふ愛憎の二重螺旋だい!

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
1918年の今日、絶滅した Carolina parakeet

歴史暦:古今東西 02/21 今日の出來事

0239/0221(景初03/0101):中國[魏]02皇帝 曹叡022639、崩去


Wei Mingdi Cao Rui, the word "Yuanzhong" is the second emperor of Wei Wei, who resigned from 226 to 239 at the age of 35. Cao Rui can poetry, but the literary achievements far less than Cao Zhi 019232 and Cao Pi 018726. Cao Rui was the last emperor with real power in Cao Wei. Since Cao Rui collapsed, Cao Shuang took power and Wei Emperor became a puppet since then. Then Cao Shuang was Sima Yi launched Kaohsiung Tomb change beheaded, Wei sovereignty completely fall into the hands of the Sima family.

Athanasius returns to Alexandria.

0921/0221(延喜21/0111):日本の陰陽家 安倍清明092105、誕生



Abe no Seimei est un onmyōji, un spécialiste du onmyōdō (une pratique occulte), au milieu de l'époque de Heian au Japon.

1173/0221(承安03/0108):日本の聖僧 明惠坊高辨117332、誕生

Myōe est un moine bouddhiste japonais de l'époque de Kamakura, également connu sous le nom Kōben (高弁), contemporain du moine Jōkei 貞慶115513 et de Honen 法然113312.

むらさきの 雲のうえへにぞ 身をやどす 
風にみだるる 藤をしたてて

栂尾の上人[明惠房高辨、京都北山の栂尾に住して華嚴宗中興の祖と仰がれた]、道を過ぎたまひけるに、河にて馬洗ふ男、「あしあし[足を洗ふため足と云つたのを阿字と聞いた]」と云ひければ、上人たちとまりて「あなたふとや。宿執開發の人[前世で修めた功徳が現世で現れた人]かな。阿字々々と唱ふるぞや。いかなる人の御馬ぞ。あまりにたふとく覺ゆるは」と尋ね給ひければ、「府生殿[六衞府等に屬する官、今度は不生と聞き間違へた]の御馬に候」と答へけり。「こはめでたきことかな。阿字本不生[眞言宗で阿字に不生不滅の原理があると觀ずる=阿字本不生]にこそあなれ。うれしき結縁をもしつるかな」とて、感涙を拭はれけるとぞ。 『徒然草』第一四四段



Charles IV le Bel est sacré roi de France à Reims.

Battaglia di Parabiago tra le truppe milanesi di Azzon Visconti, guidata dallo zio Luchino e dalla Compagnia di San Giorgio del suo altro zio Lodrisio.

Battle of Parabiago between the Milanese troops of Azzon Visconti, led by his uncle Luchino and the Compagnia di San Giorgio of his other uncle Lodrisio.

1413/0221:スコットランド王 James I 139413、崩去(暗殺)

King of Scots, although between 1406 and 1424, he was king only by name being held prisoner in England. 
He is the last son of Robert III of Scotland and his wife Annabella Drummond.

外交面では1428年にフランスとの (Auld Alliance) を再開した。その翌年には、フランスで Jeanne d'Arc 141231が登場したが、彼のスコットランド軍は彼女の許でイングランド相手に戦った。

Lors de son procès dans le château de Rouen (dans la chapelle royale, la salle dite de parement qui faisait partie des appartements royaux et dans la tour-prison lors de séances en comité restreint) qui dure du 21 février au 23 mai 1431, Jeanne d'Arc est accusée d'hérésie.

Jeanne d'Arc est accusée d'hérésie. Elle est emprisonnée dans une tour du château de Philippe Auguste à Rouen, 
Tour Jeanne-d'Arc, donjon du château de Philippe-Auguste à Rouen

{Jeanne d'Arc 141231 にかんする研究や創作は枚擧に遑がない。さうした歴史=物語の數々がジャンヌダルクの虚像を、虹(フランス語で虹のことを Arc en Ciel あるいはたんに Arc といふので Jeannne d'Arc と重ねてみました)のやうに幻影させてゐる。詳しくは書かない。詳しくも識らないし(このジャンヌダルクの時代で私の興味と關心を惹いたのは、ジャンヌの軍にも参加したことのあるジル・ド・レ Gilles de Rais 140540 であった。これも、Georges Bataille 189762 によるジル・ド・レであったが(さうしてその他のジル・ド・レ本は讀んでゐな。あ、ユイスマンスの『彼方』のはうが先であったか …… )。

The Prussian Confederation is formed.



Auf Drängen der christlichen Handwerker ordnet der Regensburger Stadtrat die Vertreibung der städtischen Juden an. Während des folgenden Pogroms wird die zu diesem Zeitpunkt größte jüdische Gemeinde im Heiligen Römischen Reich zerstört.

At the insistence of the Christian craftsmen, the Regensburg city council orders the expulsion of the urban Jews. During the following pogrom, the largest Jewish community in the Holy Roman Empire was destroyed at that time.

1543/0221:エチオピア「Battle of Wayna Daga」
A combined army of Ethiopian and Portuguese troops defeats a Muslim army led by Ahmed Gragn.

east of Lake Tana in Ethiopia. Led by the Emperor Galawdewos, the combined army of Ethiopian and Portuguese troops defeated the Adal-Ottoman army led by Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi. Tradition states that Ahmad was killed by a Portuguese musketeer, who had charged alone into the Muslim lines. Once the Imam's soldiers learned of his death, they fled the battlefield.

1559/0221(嘉靖38/0105):中國[清]01皇帝 Nurgaci 155926、誕生

ヌルハチ(努爾哈赤、満州語: ᠨᡠᡵᡤᠠᠴᡳ、転写: nurgaci)は、後金の創始者。清の初代皇帝
In 1616, Nurhachu called Heavenly Khan in Hetullah, established the money of his death, and after two years of vowing to vindicate him, the KMT successively captured Fushun, Qinghe, Kaiyuan, Tieling, Shenyang, Liaoyang, Quang Ninh and other places in four years Moved to Shenyang

1591/0221:フランスの幾何學者 Girard Desargues 159161、誕生

「ジラル デサルグ」Girard Desargues, alias S.G.D.L. (le Sieur Girard Desargues Lyonnois comme il signe lui-même ses écrits) est un géomètre et architecte français

Considéré comme l’un des fondateurs de la géométrie projective, il en tira une théorie unifiée des coniques. On lui doit le théorème de Desargues sur les triangles en perspective, et aussi le théorème de Desargues sur l’involution.

Michail Romanov, fils du patriarche de Moscou, est élu tsar de Russie par le Zemski sobor.

Михаил Романов, сын Патриарха Московского, избирается Царём России Земским собором.
Mikhail I is unanimously elected Tsar by a national assembly, beginning the Romanov dynasty of Imperial Russia.

Galileo pubblica il Dialogo sui due grandi sistemi del mondo.

Galileo publishes the Dialogue on the Two Great Systems of the World.
{この翌年、彼は異端審問所の審査で、ロウマ教皇調から有罪判決を受け、終身刑を宣告されるが、直後にトスカナ大公ロウマ大使館での軟禁に減刑される。1600年の Giordano Bruno 154800、異端宣告と火刑に比べれば、運がよかったと云はなければなるまい。

1677/0221:オランダの思想家 Baruch Spinoza 163277、死去

un philosophe néerlandais d'origine portugaise dont la pensée eut une influence considérable sur ses contemporains et nombre de penseurs postérieurs.
Après sa mort, le spinozisme connut une influence durable et fut largement mis en débat. L'œuvre de Spinoza entretient en effet une relation critique avec les positions traditionnelles des religions monothéistes que constituent le judaïsme, le christianisme et l'islam.

James III, son of James II and pretender to the throne of England, is obliged to seek refuge in France.

1728/0221:ロシア皇帝 Pyotr III 172662、誕生

Пётр III Фёдорович — российский император в 1762, первый представитель Гольштейн-Готторп-Романовской династии на российском престоле.

1779/0221:ドイツ法學者 Friedrich Carl von Savigny 177961、誕生

ein deutscher Rechtsgelehrter und Kronsyndikus. Er begründete die Historische Rechtsschule.
ドイツのロウマ法学者。近代私法(民法・国際私法)の基礎を築いた法学者であり、大学教授、またプロイセンの枢密顧問 (Staatsrat)、裁判官、法律改正大臣でもあった


1794/0221:メキシコ將軍 Antonio de Santa Anna 179476、誕生

, politicien mexicain, héros militaire, 11 fois président

la liberté des cultes est instaurée en France.

A force of 1,400 French soldiers invaded Britain at Fishguard in support of the Society of United Irishmen.
They were defeated by 500 British reservists.

The first self-propelling steam locomotive makes its outing at the Pen-y-Darren Ironworks in Wales.


Without a previous declaration of war, Russian troops cross the border to Sweden at Abborfors in eastern Finland, thus beginning the Finnish War, in which Sweden will lose the eastern half of the country (i.e. Finland) to Russia.

Initial issue of the Cherokee Phoenix is the first periodical to use the Cherokee syllabary invented by Sequoyah.

Samuel Morse presents his electric telegraph in front of the American president Martin Van Buren.

1842/0221:USA、SewingMachine に特許
John Greenough is granted the first U.S. patent for the sewing machine.

In the United States, John James Greenough receives the first US patent on a sewing machine. It is also intended for leather processing.

1848/0221:Marx & Engels『Communist Manifesto』
Publication du Manifeste du Parti communiste par Karl Marx et Friedrich Engels.

Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels veröffentlichen im Auftrag des Bundes der Kommunisten das Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei, in dem sie bereits weite Teile der später als Marxismus bezeichneten Gesellschaftstheorie entwickeln.

第1章 Bourgeois und Proletarier「ブルジョワとプロレタリア」
第2章 Proletarier und Kommunisten「プロレタリアと共産主義者
第3章 Sozialistische und kommunistische Literatur「社会主義的&共産主義的文献」
第4章 Stellung der Kommunisten zu den verschiedenen oppositionellen Parteien「種々の反対党に対する共産主義者の立場」

{今更、彼等の『共産党宣言』などに目を通したくもない。彼等のために後世が受けた影響は、利益よりも被害のほうが斷然大きいだらう。まさに、Utopia 思想がこの地球上に人間の手によって實現されたら、たちまちとんでもない Dystopia となってしまふ。彼等には人間がどういふイキモノかまるで理解できてゐなかったのだ。彼等自身が極端なゲバルト精神でしか世界史を理解できなかったために。

1848/0221:A Paris,
 l'interdiction de la réforme électorale par le Roi-Citoyen Louis Philippe d'Orléans conduit à des protestations publiques qui se développent dans la Révolution de Février.

1849/0221:In India,
 the British beat the Sikhs in Gujrat.

The army of the Sikhs loses the battle of Gujarat against the British troops under Hugh Gough. Their empire in Punjab is subsequently incorporated into British India.

An earthquake destroys the Greek city of Corinth.

1862/0221:American Civil War「Battle of Valverde」
 is fought near Fort Craig in New Mexico Territory.

Major Walter Windfield invents an outdoor game that he calls lawn tennis, which later became lawn tennis.

Lawn tennis in the U.S., 1887

New Haven, Connecticut has the world's first directory of telephone subscribers. It includes 50 entries.

1885/0221:USA「Washington Monument」complete
The Washington Monument designed by Robert Mills, a marble obelisk between the Capitol State Building and the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., is inaugurated.

Almost five years after the death of M.P.Mussorgsky, his opera Khovanschina, in the version of N.A.Rimsky-Korsakov, is premiered in the Music Dramatic Club in Saint Petersburg.

1887/0221:日本の軍人 阿南惟幾188745、誕生

Anami Korechika was a general in the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II, and was War Minister at the time of the surrender of Japan.


1893/0221:スペインのギタリスト Andrés Segovia 189387、誕生

Andrés Segovia Torres, I marqués de Salobreña fue un guitarrista clásico español, considerado como el padre del movimiento moderno de la guitarra clásica.

1894/0221:日本の細工師 尾崎谷斎183594、死去

「Ozaki Kokusa'i」、細工(根付)師。武田谷齋とも名乘った。本名は、尾崎惣藏。


1894/0221:フランス印象派画家 Gustave Caillebotte 184894、死去

un peintre français, collectionneur, mécène et organisateur des expositions impressionnistes de 1877, 1879, 1880 et 1882.

Il lègue sa collection de peintures impressionnistes et de dessins à l'État. Passionné de nautisme, membre du Cercle de la voile de Paris, dont le siège est à Argenteuil, Caillebotte est aussi un architecte naval et un régatier qui a marqué son époque.

Régates à Argenteuil (1893), coll. part.

Femme nue étendue sur un divan (1873), pastel,

1900/0221:フランス女優 Madeleine Renaud 190094、誕生

, actrice française

Cuba se convierte en una república independiente.

1903/0221:フランス文藝家 Raymond Queneau 190376、誕生

un romancier, poète, dramaturge français, cofondateur du groupe littéraire Oulipo.
Il rejoint Paris pour faire des études de philosophie à la Sorbonne et à l’École pratique des hautes études où il suit notamment les cours d’Alexandre Kojève sur Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.

クノがフランスで一般の注目を浴びたのは、1959年の小説『地下鉄のザジ』であった。これを早速 ルイマルが翌年に映画化、フランスヌウヴェルヴァグの先駆けとなったこともあって彼の文名はあがった。当時のフランス小説は規範的な文語表現であったが『地下鐵のザジ』では口語表現が多用されており、正書法を無視して、"D'où qu'ils puent donc tant?"という表現に"Doukipudonktan"という音声学的転記を試みたりした。

1903/0221:USA女流作家 Anaïs Nin 190377、誕生

une écrivaine américaine d’origine franco-cubaine.
Elle doit sa notoriété à la publication de journaux intimes qui s'étalent sur plusieurs décennies et offrant une vision profonde de sa vie privée et de ses relations.
La version non censurée de ses journaux n'a pu être publiée qu'après sa mort et celle de son mari. Elle est aussi l'une des premières femmes à écrire des ouvrages érotiques.


1907/0221:イギリス詩人 Wystan Hugh Auden 190773、誕生

Wystan Hugh Auden was an English-American poet.
Auden's poetry was noted for its stylistic and technical achievement, its engagement with politics, morals, love, and religion, and its variety in tone, form and content.


外務大臣小村壽太郎185511 の殊勲。


Ioannina is incorporated into the Greek state after the Balkan Wars.

1914/0221:フィンランドの飛行士 Ilmari Juutilainen 191499、誕生

Eino Ilmari "Illu" Juutilainen was a fighter pilot of the Ilmavoimat (Finnish Air Force), and the top scoring non-German fighter pilot of all time.
This makes him the top flying ace of the Finnish Air Force, leading all Finnish pilots in score against Soviet aircraft in World War II (1939–40 and 1941–44), with 94 confirmed aerial combat victories in 437 sorties. He himself claimed 126 victories. He achieved 34 of his victories while flying the Brewster Buffalo fighter.


1916/0221:WWⅠ、In France「Battle of Verdun
The Battle of Verdun, which lasted until 18 December, began in the First World War. For the first time, the German side uses twelve captive balloons in the attack. The field airships provide information on battlefield reconnaissance.


The last Carolina parakeet dies in captivity at the Cincinnati Zoo.


 Der Student Anton Graf von Arco auf Valley verübt ein Attentat auf den bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten Kurt Eisner.
 Die Ermordung des sozialistischen Staatsmannes ist eine der Ursachen für die Ausrufung der Münchner Räterepublik am 7. April.

German socialist Kurt Eisner is assassinated. His death results in the establishment of the Bavarian Soviet Republic and parliament and government fleeing Munich, Germany.

1921/0221:USA政治思想家 John Rawls 192102、誕生

John Bordley Rawls was an American moral and political philosopher in the liberal tradition.

Rawls' theory of "justice as fairness" recommends equal basic rights, equality of opportunity, and promoting the interests of the least advantaged members of society. Rawls's argument for these principles of social justice uses a thought experiment called the "original position", in which people select what kind of society they would choose to live under if they did not know which social position they would personally occupy.
In his later work Political Liberalism (1993), Rawls turned to the question of how political power could be made legitimate given reasonable disagreement about the nature of the good life.

Constituent Assembly of the Democratic Republic of Georgia adopts the country's first constitution.

Rezā Shāh takes control of Tehran during a successful coup

1925/0221:USA映画監督 Sam Peckinpah 192584、誕生

David Samuel Peckinpah was an American film director and screenwriter who achieved prominence following the release of the Western epic The Wild Bunch (1969).
He was known for the visually innovative and explicit depiction of action and violence as well as his revisionist approach to the Western genre.

1925/0221:USA「The New Yorker」創刊
The first issue of Harold Ross founded US magazine The New Yorker appears.

1926/0221:オランダ物理學者 Heike Kamerlingh Onnes 185326、死去

a Dutch physicist and Nobel laureate.

He exploited the Hampson–Linde cycle to investigate how materials behave when cooled to nearly absolute zero and later to liquefy helium for the first time. Kamerlingh Onnes was significantly influenced by the pioneering molecular theory of Johannes Diderik van der Waals. In 1908, he became the winner of the race to make liquid helium and because of this, he was also the discoverer of superconductivity in 1911: for certain materials, electrical resistance abruptly vanishes at very low temperatures.


From 1882 to 1923 Kamerlingh Onnes served as professor of experimental physics at the University of Leiden. In 1904 he founded a very large cryogenics laboratory and invited other researchers to the location, which made him highly regarded in the scientific community. The laboratory is known now as Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory. Only one year after his appointment as professor he became member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.

On 8 April 1911, Kamerlingh Onnes found that at 4.2 K the resistance in a solid mercury wire immersed in liquid helium suddenly vanished. He immediately realized the significance of the discovery (as became clear when his notebook was deciphered a century later). He reported that "Mercury has passed into a new state, which on account of its extraordinary electrical properties may be called the superconductive state". He published more articles about the phenomenon, initially referring to it as "supraconductivity" and, only later adopting the term "superconductivity".


1934/0221:ニカラグァ革命家 Augusto César Sandino 189534、死去

Augusto Nicolás Calderón Sandino fue un patriota y revolucionario nicaragüense.

1927年から1933年にかけての駐ニカラグアアメリカ海兵隊に対する抵抗運動の指導者。政治的な理由によりアメリカ政府からは盗賊と見なされたが、その功績は彼をラテンアメリカナショナリズム(アメリカ主義)の英雄とした。自由な人々の将軍(General de hombres libres)とも呼ばれた。


Le parfumeur français Armand Petitjean fonde la société Lancôme à Paris, qui devient rapidement célèbre pour ses parfums. La marque de luxe est vendue en 1964 au groupe L'Oréal.



The League of Nations bans foreign national "volunteers" in the Spanish Civil War.


Exécution de 22 membres du groupe Manouchian au Mont Valérien.

 During the Battle of Iwo Jima, Japanese kamikaze planes sink the escort carrier USS Bismarck Sea and damage the USS Saratoga.

Opening of the Chapultepec Conference, bringing together 21 states of the American continent, which will try to establish a treaty on inter-American solidarity.

1946/0221:ドイツ『Die Zeit』創刊
Die erste Ausgabe der überregionalen deutschen Wochenzeitung Die Zeit erscheint als Lizenzzeitung mit einer Auflage von 25.000 Exemplaren.

Demonstration of the Polaroid camera.

In New York City, Edwin Land demonstrates the first "instant camera", the Polaroid Land Camera, to a meeting of the Optical Society of America.

The British government, under Winston Churchill, abolishes identity cards in the UK to "set the people free".

The Bengali Language Movement protests occur at the University of Dhaka in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).

In Dhaka, East Pakistan (currently Bangladesh), police opened fire on a protest by students protesting against the establishment of Pakistan as Pakistan's sole official language. Currently this day is declared as "day of the movement for language" by UNESCO.

Francis Click and James Watson discovered a double spiral structure of DNA.

グアニン (G) と シトシン (C)、アデニン (A) と チミン (T) の四つの塩基とデオキシリボース(糖)とリン酸基の分子模型を使い、MウィルキンスらのX線回折の写真を参考にしながら、DNAの二重螺旋構造を発見。この発見は、論文『デオキシリボ核酸の分子構造』でまとめられ、1953年4月25日に発行された『ネイチャー』171巻1356号に掲載された。

1958/0221:Peace &Love
The CND symbol, aka peace symbol, commissioned by the Direct Action Committee in protest against the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, is designed and completed by Gerald Holtom.

le symbole de la paix ☮ est créé par Gerald Holtom, un artiste membre de la Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.

{Peace & Love なんといふタテマヘの、まやかしのコトバだらう。

Gamal Abdel Nasser est choisi par voie de référendum président de la nouvelle République arabe unie.

1960/0221:フランス映画作家 Jacques Becker 190660、死去

un scénariste et réalisateur français.
Becker a d'abord travaillé dans les années 1930 en tant qu'assistant du réalisateur Jean Renoir pendant ce qui est considéré comme la période de pointe de ce dernier, incluant des œuvres comme La Grande Illusion (1938) et The Rules of the Game (1939).

During the occupation, he became a director in his own right. He would go on to direct the period romance Casque d'Or (1952), the influential gangster film Touchez pas au grisbi (1954), and the prison escape drama Le Trou (1959). While he remains lesser-known internationally than peers such as Marcel Carné and Renoir, Becker is nonetheless regarded as a major French filmmaker, with Casque d'Or held in high esteem among film critics.

Im Schauspielhaus Zürich wird Friedrich Dürrenmatts groteske Komödie Die Physiker mit Therese Giehse in der Rolle der Anstaltsleiterin uraufgeführt.

The Soviet Union warns the United States that an American attack on Cuba would trigger a world war.

1965/0221:USA黒人指導者 Malcolm X 192565、死去(暗殺)
Malcolm X is assassinated at the Audubon Ballroom in New York City.

(Malcolm Little), activiste noir américain des droits civiques
an African-American Muslim minister and human rights activist.
To his admirers he was a courageous advocate for the rights of blacks, a man who indicted white America in the harshest terms for its crimes against black Americans; detractors accused him of preaching racism and violence. He has been called one of the greatest and most influential African Americans in history.

Malcolm X photographs Cassius Clay 1964

Malcom inspired the boxer Cassius Clay (later known as Muhammad Ali) to join the Nation, and the two became close; In January 1964, Clay brought Malcolm X and his family to Miami to watch him train for his fight against Sonny Liston. When Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam, he tried to convince Clay to join him in converting to Sunni Islam, but Clay instead broke ties with him‍—‌which Clay later described as one of his greatest regrets

The Audubon Ballroom stage after the murder. 
Circles on backdrop mark bullet holes.

Due to a bomb blast shortly after take-off, a passenger plane of the Swissair crashes on the way from Zurich to Tel Aviv. 47 people died in the attack, which was actually an El Al flight. On the same day, a bomb explodes in an Austrian Airlines machine on the way from Frankfurt to Vienna, which, however, can safely land again in Frankfurt.

The Convention on Psychotropic Substances is signed at Vienna.

In Vienna comes the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, an international agreement aimed at containing private drug use and regulating its use for scientific and medical purposes.

1972/0221:ロシアの舞踏家 Bronislava Nijinska 189172、死去

Бронислава Фоминична Нижинская
une danseuse, chorégraphe et maîtresse de ballet russe

US President Richard Nixon visits the People's Republic of China to normalize Sino-American relations.

Richard Nixon est le premier président américain à visiter la République populaire de Chine

The Soviet unmanned spaceship Luna 20 lands on the Moon.

1973/0221:Over the Sinai Desert,
 Israeli fighter aircraft shoot down Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114 jet killing 108 people.

The Israeli Air Force fires a Libyan Airlines Boeing 727 over the Sinai Peninsula because it considers it an enemy aircraft. Of the 113 people on board, only five survive.



The last Israeli soldiers leave the west bank of the Suez Canal pursuant to a truce with Egypt.

1975/0221:USA「Watergate scandal
Former United States Attorney General John Mitchell and former White House aides H.R.Haldeman and John Ehrlichman are sentenced to prison.

Field Marshal Ye Jianying resigns as Chinese Head of State at the behest of Deng Xiaoping.


1984/0221:ソ連小説家 Mikhaïl Cholokhov 190564、死去

ミハイル ショウロフ, écrivain russe, Prix Nobel de littérature 1965
русский советский писатель и киносценарист, журналист. Лауреат Нобелевской премии по литературе (1965 год — «за художественную силу и цельность эпоса о донском казачестве в переломное для России время»),

The South African government opens up all of Johannesburg's and Durban's central districts, previously reserved for whites only.

1991/0221:イギリス舞踏家 Margot Fonteyn 191991、死去

(Dame Margot Fonteyn de Arias) an English ballerina. She spent her entire career as a dancer with the Royal Ballet, eventually being appointed Prima Ballerina Assoluta of the company by Queen Elizabeth II.

Nureyev and Fonteyn in La Bayadère

1999/0221:フィンランド飛行士 Ilmari Juutilainen 191499、死去

Eino Ilmari "Illu" Juutilainen was a fighter pilot of the Ilmavoimat (Finnish Air Force), and the top scoring non-German fighter pilot of all time.
This makes him the top flying ace of the Finnish Air Force, leading all Finnish pilots in score against Soviet aircraft in World War II (1939–40 and 1941–44), with 94 confirmed aerial combat victories in 437 sorties. He himself claimed 126 victories. He achieved 34 of his victories while flying the Brewster Buffalo fighter.


In Rome, the first pan-European party to be founded is the European Green Party. They include 35 parties from 32 European countries.

At least 17 people are killed and 119 injured following several bombings in the Indian city of Hyderabad.

2017/0221:USA經濟思想家 Kenneth Arrow 192117、死去

an American economist, mathematician, writer, and political theorist.
In economics, he was a figure in post-World War II neo-classical economic theory.
His most significant works are his contributions to social choice theory, notably "Arrow's impossibility theorem", and his work on general equilibrium analysis. He has also provided foundational work in many other areas of economics, including endogenous growth theory and the economics of information.



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