


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 02/11 今日の出來事



Traditional date for the foundation of Japan by Emperor Jimmu 神武天皇.
Legendary beginning of the reign of Jimmu, the mythical first tennō (emperor) of Japan, era of the Japanese era; according to the current state of research, however, the first emperor ruled only from the 5th century AD

0055/0211:ロウマ帝國 Britannicus 004155、死去(暗殺)

Tiberius Claudius Caesar Britannicus, heir to the Roman emperorship, dies under mysterious circumstances in Rome. This clears the way for Nero to become Emperor.

Tiberius Claudius Caesar Britannicus , usually called Britannicus, was the son of Roman emperor Claudius and his third wife Valeria Messalina.
For a time he was considered his father's heir, but that changed after his mother's downfall in 48, when it was revealed she had a bigamous marriage without Claudius' knowledge.
The next year, his father married Agrippina the Younger, Claudius' fourth and final marriage. Their marriage was followed by the adoption of Agrippina's son, Lucius Domitius, whose name became Nero as a result.
His step-brother would later be married to his sister Octavia, and soon eclipsed him as Claudius' heir.
Following his father's death in October 54, Nero became emperor.
Britannicus was murdered by Nero sometime on or before 11 February 55, his fourteenth birthday.

Messalina holding her son Britannicus, Louvre.

Sa mort prématurée inspirera la tragédie Britannicus 1669 de Jean Racine 163999, qui met en scène la dernière journée du jeune homme.
{かうして、歴史は物語となる=L'histoire devient l'histoire.


Dong Cheng ?? 0200 embraced the fear of Cao Cao, which intensifies power, and reconciled by mingling comrades. However, the conspiracy was discovered beforehand, the Dong Cheng clan and his faction were arrested and executed.

0244/0211:Gordianus III 022544、崩去(暗殺)
Emperor Gordian III is murdered by mutinous soldiers in Zaitha (Mesopotamia).

(Marcus Antonius Gordianus Pius Augustus) was Roman Emperor from 0238 to 0244. At the age of 13, he became the youngest sole legal Roman emperor throughout the existence of the united Roman Empire.
Gordian was the son of Antonia Gordiana and an unnamed Roman Senator who died before 238. Antonia Gordiana was the daughter of Emperor Gordian I and younger sister of Emperor Gordian II. Very little is known of his early life before his acclamation. Gordian had assumed the name of his maternal grandfather in 238 AD.

Philip transferred the body of the deceased emperor to Rome and arranged for his deification.
Gordian's youth and good nature, along with the deaths of his grandfather and uncle and his own tragic fate at the hands of the enemy, earned him the lasting esteem of the Romans. The soldiers held Gordian in high esteem, as he had possibly sacrificed his life to save them in 244


Minamoto no Yoshitomo was the head of the Minamoto clan and a general of the late Heian period of Japanese history.
His son Minamoto no Yoritomo 源頼朝114799 became shōgun and founded the Kamakura shogunate 鎌倉幕府, the first shogunate in the history of Japan.



John de Courcy's army defeats the native Dunleavey Clan in Ulster. The English establish themselves in Ulster.

1232/0211(寛喜04/0119):日本の高僧 明惠坊高辨117332、入定

Myōe est un moine bouddhiste japonais de l'époque de Kamakura, également connu sous le nom Kōben (高弁), contemporain du moine Jōkei 貞慶115513 et de Honen 法然113312.

むらさきの 雲のうえへにぞ みをやどす 
風にみだるる 藤をしたてて

Philippe le Bel fait brûler la bulle Ausculta fili.

# Ausculta, fili (en latin, Écoute, mon fils) est l'incipit et donc le titre donné à une bulle fameuse adressée par le pape Boniface VIII au roi Philippe IV le Bel (5 décembre 1301). Ausculta fili rappelle la supériorité du pouvoir spirituel sur le pouvoir temporel et convoque pour le mois de novembre 1302 un concile à Rome, où le roi de France peut se présenter.

La bataille de Courtrai, en 1302, est une lourde défaite de l'armée de Philippe le Bel en Flandre, mais qui est lavée par la victoire de Mons-en-Pévèle en 1304.


Takeda Nobutora was a Japanese daimyō (feudal lord) who controlled the Province of Kai 甲斐, and fought in a number of battles of the Sengoku 戰國 period.
He was the father of the famous Takeda Shingen 武田信玄152173, who was originally named Harunobu 晴信, along with two other sons, Nobushige 信繁 and Nobukado 信廉.


1534/0211:Henry VIII of England is recognized as supreme head of the Church of England.

Proclamation of Henry VIII of England as supreme head of the Church and clergy of England.

1543/0211:King Henry VIII of England signs an alliance with Charles V against France.

Le siège de La Rochelle ordonné par le roi Charles IX commence. Dans la quatrième guerre huguenote, la partie catholique veut renverser la ville laissée aux huguenots comme un havre du protestantisme français et, en cas de succès, espère un effet domino sur d'autres lieux.

Emperor Susenyos I of Ethiopia and Patriarch Afonso Mendes declare the primacy of the Roman See over the Ethiopian Church, and Catholicism to be the state religion of Ethiopia.

1650/0211:René Descartes 159650、死去

(Renatus Cartesius)un mathématicien, physicien et philosophe français.
Il est considéré comme l’un des fondateurs de la philosophie moderne1. Il reste célèbre pour avoir exprimé dans son Discours de la méthode le cogiton — « Je pense, donc je suis » — fondant ainsi le système des sciences sur le sujet connaissant face au monde qu'il se représente.

by Halis

En physique, il a apporté une contribution à l’optique et est considéré comme l'un des fondateurs du mécanisme. En mathématiques, il est à l’origine de la géométrie analytique.
Certaines de ses théories ont par la suite été contestées (théorie de l’animal-machine) ou abandonnées (théorie des tourbillons ou des esprits animaux).
Sa pensée a pu être rapprochée de la peinture de Nicolas Poussin4 pour son caractère clair et ordonné. Le cogito marque la naissance de la subjectivité moderne.

1657/0211:Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle 165757、誕生

Bernard Le Bouyer (ou Le Bovier) de Fontenelle est un écrivain et scientifique français.
La note d'éclaircissement de la théorie multilatérale, «Dialogue sur la multitude du monde», a été traduite dans les langues de l'ère européenne et a influencé les intellectuels.


The assault on Copenhagen by Swedish forces is beaten back with heavy losses.

1745/0211(延享02/0111):日本地圖制作 伊能忠敬174518、誕生

Inō Tadataka was a Japanese surveyor and cartographer.
He is known for completing the first map of Japan using modern surveying techniques.
In 1800, after nearly five years of study, the Tokugawa shogunate permitted Inō to perform a survey of the country using his own money. This task, which consumed the remaining 17 years of his life, covered the entire coastline and some of the interior of each of the Japanese home islands. During this period Inō reportedly spent 3,736 days making measurements (and traveled 34,913 kilometres), stopping regularly to present the Shogun with maps reflecting his survey's progress. He produced detailed maps (some at a scale of 1:36,000, others at 1:216,000) of select parts of Japan, mostly in Kyūshū and Hokkaidō.


The Religious Society of Friends, also known as Quakers, petitions U.S. Congress for the abolition of slavery.

First session of United States Senate opens to the public.

1800/0211:写真発明家 William Henry Fox Talbot 180077、誕生

a British scientist, inventor and photography pioneer who invented the salted paper and calotype processes, precursors to photographic processes of the later 19th and 20th centuries. His work in the 1840s on photomechanical reproduction led to the creation of the photoglyphic engraving process, the precursor to photogravure. He was the holder of a controversial patent which affected the early development of commercial photography in Britain. He was also a noted photographer who contributed to the development of photography as an artistic medium.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/34/London_Street%2C_Reading%2C_c._1845.jpg/1280px-London_Street%2C_Reading%2C_c._1845.jpg London Street, Reading, c. 1845, a modern positive from Talbot's original calotype negative

Jesse Fell burns anthracite on an open grate as an experiment in heating homes with coal.

Victoire de Napoléon à la bataille de Montmirail.

Une armée française sous Napoléon Bonaparte défait une armée alliée prusso-russe à la bataille de Montmirail pendant les guerres de libération.

Norway declared independence from Denmark Norway.

1823/0211:マルタ「Carnival tragedy of 1823」:
 About 110 boys are killed during a stampede at the Convent of the Minori Osservanti in Valletta, Malta.

University College London is founded as University of London.

The University of London emerges as an alternative to the religious universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

1839/0211:熱力學の開創 Willard Gibbs 183903、誕生

an American scientist who made important theoretical contributions to physics, chemistry, and mathematics.
His work on the applications of thermodynamics was instrumental in transforming physical chemistry into a rigorous inductive science.
Together with James Clerk Maxwell and Ludwig Boltzmann, he created statistical mechanics (a term that he coined), explaining the laws of thermodynamics as consequences of the statistical properties of ensembles of the possible states of a physical system composed of many particles.
Gibbs also worked on the application of Maxwell's equations to problems in physical optics. As a mathematician, he invented modern vector calculus (independently of the British scientist Oliver Heaviside, who carried out similar work during the same period).

He said
≫ A mathematician may say anything he pleases, but a physicist must be at least partially sane.
≫ Mathematics is a language. (at a Yale faculty meeting)

Gaetano Donizetti's opera La fille du régiment receives its first performance in Paris, France.

At the Opéra-Comique in Paris, the opera La fille du régiment (The Daughter of the Regiment) by Gaetano Donizetti is premiered on the libretto by Jean-François Bayard and Jules-Henri Vernoy de Saint-Georges with lasting success.


Tamenaga Shunsui was the pen name of Sasaki Sadataka (佐々木貞高), a Japanese novelist of the Edo period. In Japan, he is best known for the romantic novel Shunshoku Umegoyomi『春色梅児誉美 Colors of Spring: The Plum Calendar』, the representative text in the ninjōbon 人情本 genre.

1847/0211:Thomas Edison 184731、誕生

an American inventor and businessman, who has been described as America's greatest inventor.
He developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the long-lasting, practical electric light bulb.

The main streets of Washington, D.C. are lit with coal gas for the first time in the United States.


Shi Ta open rate of the Taiping army in Hunan Hukou defeated Zeng Guofan's Hunan.

Kassa Hailu is crowned Tewodros II, Emperor of Ethiopia, by Abuna Salama III in a ceremony at the church of Derasge Maryam

The Kingdom of Awadh is annexed by the British East India Company and Wajid Ali Shah, the king of Awadh, is imprisoned and later exiled to Calcutta.

Bernadette Soubirous, témoigne d'une apparition de la Vierge Marie à la grotte de Massabielle, à Lourdes.

According to their own statement, the 14-year-old Bernadette Soubirous witnesses her first Marian apparition near Lourdes.

・Bernadette Soubirous 184479:彼女は、南佛のルルド近くの村に生まれた貧乏な農夫の娘であったが、里子に出され羊飼ひになった。そして、1858/0211、彼女は妹らと食事のための薪を拾ひに行き、喘息の發作をおこした彼女は一人遲れて川を渡らうとした時「風の音のやうなものが聞こえて」振り返ったが何事もなかったので、もう一方の靴下を脱ごうとしたらまた同じやうな異變を感じた。周圍の森の木々がはげしく揺れ動き、暗い窪みには柔らかな光が射し、純白を纏った女性が兩手を廣げて、手招きをしてゐるやうであった。少女はおそれおののき、夢かと目を擦ってみたが、女性像は消えることがなかった。彼女はポケットのロザリオに手を伸ばそうとしたが手は動かなかった。聖なる女性像が十字を切ると手が動くやうになった。その後、彼女は先に行った二人に「何か見なかったか」と尋ねた。何も見なかったと答へた二人は好奇心に火を点け「何かあったの」と尋ね、ベルナデットは口外しないやうにと云ってから一部始終を話した。無論、二人は火のついた油紙となって村中に觸れ囘った。
・/0325、受胎告知の祝日であるこの日、ベルナデットは思ひ切って「それ」に名前を尋ねてみた。「それ」は「Que Soy Era Immaculada Councepciou」と答へた、といふ。これはルルド地方のビゴウル方言で「われは無原罪の宿り」といふ意味であった。ベルナデットはラテン語どころか標準フランス語の讀み書きのみならず、話すこともできなかった。


1861/0211:American Civil War:
 The United States House of Representatives unanimously passes a resolution guaranteeing noninterference with slavery in any state.

1868/0211:実験化学者 Léon Foucault 181968、死去

Jean Bernard Léon Foucault est un physicien et astronome français.
Connu principalement pour son expérience démontrant la rotation de la Terre autour de son axe (pendule de Foucault), il détermina aussi la vitesse de la lumière et inventa le gyroscope.

1869/0211:Else Lasker-Schüler 186945、誕生

eine bedeutende deutsch-jüdische Dichterin. Sie gilt als herausragende Vertreterin der avantgardistischen Moderne und des Expressionismus in der Literatur. Sie trat aber auch als Zeichnerin hervor.




Proclamación de la Primera República Española.

During the Third Carlist War, after the abdication of Amadeus of Savoy as King of Spain the day before, the First Spanish Republic is proclaimed.


Uchida Ryōhei was a Japanese ultranationalist political theorist, Pan-Asianist, and martial artist, active in the pre-war Empire of Japan.
He was the son of Shinto Muso-ryu practitioner Uchida Ryōgorō, and from an early age was interested in many forms of Japanese traditional martial arts, including kyudo, kendo, judo and sumo.
In 1895, he attended the Toyogo University, where he studied the Russian language and in 1897, made a trip to Siberia.
As a youth, Uchida joined the Genyosha 玄洋社 nationalist group, and soon became the leading disciple of its founder, Toyama Mitsuru 頭山滿185544. The Genyosha was active in raising funds and agitating for a more aggressive foreign policy towards the Asian mainland.
When the Donghak Rebellion began in Korea in 1894, he went to Korea to help the rebels.
After his return to Japan, in 1901, he founded the Black Dragon Society 黒龍會, an ultranationalist society which advocated a strong foreign policy towards Russia and Japanese expansionism towards Korea 朝鮮 and Manchuria 滿洲.


Osaka Conference: On this day, the main characters of the Meiji government, Okubo Toshimitichi 183078, Kido Kouin 183377, Itagaki Ta'isuke 183719 met in Osaka and discussed on future political policies (establishment of constitutional politics) and inauguration of inauguration did.

livraison de la première ligne de chemin de fer de La Réunion, entre Saint-Denis et Saint-Benoît.


Kobayashi Kokei est un peintre néoclassique.
À l'âge de seize ans, il vient à Tokyo et entre dans l'atelier du peintre Kajita Hanko 梶田半古 et, dès 1912, il expose au Salon du Ministère de l'Éducation (Bunten 文展).
En 1922, il fait un voyage en Europe.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/54/Hair_by_Kobayashi_Kokei_%28Eisei_Bunko%29.jpg/800px-Hair_by_Kobayashi_Kokei_%28Eisei_Bunko%29.jpg 『髪』 1931


Orikuchi Shinobu est un ethnologue, poète et romancier, spécialiste de la religion, de la langue et de la littérature japonaises. Comme poète, il a surtout écrit sous le nom de plume de Shaku Chōkū 釋迢空.



Meiji Constitution of Japan is adopted; the first National Diet convenes in 1890.
In Japan, the Meiji constitution is passed under Emperor Meiji, a modern constitution based on the European model. Through this act in the course of the Meiji Restoration, Japan is turning from an absolute to a constitutional monarchy.


The Minister of Education Mori Arinori, who was reported as having an unfavorable attitude in Ise Jingu, is stabbed by Nishino Buntaro, a nationalist. Death the next day.

1898/0211:ハンガリ物理學者 Leo Szilard 189864、誕生

a Hungarian-born German and American physicist and inventor. He conceived the nuclear chain reaction in 1933, patented the idea of a nuclear reactor with Enrico Fermi in 1934, and in late 1939 wrote the letter for Albert Einstein's signature that resulted in the Manhattan Project that built the atomic bomb.
He is known as a person who made a chance to develop atomic bombs through advice to President Roosevelt through Einstein. Despite playing a major role in the start of the atomic bomb explosion, he tried to prevent the absence of a warning atomic bomb to Japan at the end of World War II

1900/0211:落語家 初代談洲樓燕枝183700、死去


1900/0211:哲學的解釋學 Hans-Georg Gadamer 190002、誕生

ein deutscher Philosoph. International bekannt wurde er durch sein für die philosophische Hermeneutik grundlegendes Werk Wahrheit und Methode (1960).
この理解をプラトンの問答術を援用して「問答の弁証法」としても記述 ―― 過去から伝承されたテクストが解釈者に語りかけ、問いかける。テクストの内容の真実性に動かされ、解釈者にとって自明で無意識であった(先入見)が自明性を失ひ、これによってはじめて解釈者は自分の先入見を反省し、問いを立てるようになる。

1900/0211:創価學會 戸田城聖19058、誕生

Toda Jōsei was a teacher, peace activist and second president of Soka Gakkai from 1951 to 1958.
Imprisoned for two years during World War II under violating the Peace Preservation Law and the charge of lèse-majesté, he emerged from prison intent on rebuilding the Soka Gakkai.


1902/0211:建築家 Arne Jacobsen 190271、誕生

Arne Emil Jacobsen gilt als einer der international bedeutendsten Architekten und Designer Dänemarks im 20. Jahrhundert. Seine Entwürfe folgten dem Stil des Funktionalismus.


Mit der Sinfonie Nr. 9 d-Moll wird in Wien das letzte unvollendete Werk Anton Bruckners in der überarbeiteten Version von Ferdinand Löwe zur Uraufführung gebracht.

Anton Bruckner's 9th Symphony receives its first performance in Vienna, Austria.

In Rhode Island Sound, after a collision with a schooner, the paddle steamer Larchmont sinks. 140 people die.

1915/0211:Richard Hamming 191598、誕生

an American mathematician whose work had many implications for computer engineering and telecommunications. His contributions include the Hamming code (which makes use of a Hamming matrix), the Hamming window, Hamming numbers, sphere-packing (or Hamming bound), and the Hamming distance.
In April 1945 he joined the Manhattan Project at the Los Alamos Laboratory, where he programmed the IBM calculating machines that computed the solution to equations provided by the project's physicists.

≫ コンピューティングの目的は数ではなく洞察である。

In New York, anarchist and peace activist Emma Goldman is arrested after a speech on birth control.

Wahl von Friedrich Ebert zum Reichspräsidenten.

Friedrich Ebert (SPD), is elected President of Germany.

The discovery of insulin by Frederick Banting and Charles Best is announced in Toronto.

Kingdom of Italy and the Vatican sign the Lateran Treaty.

1931/0211:Charles Algernon Parsons 185431、死去

an Anglo-Irish engineer, best known for his invention of the compound steam turbine.
He worked as an engineer on dynamo and turbine design, and power generation, with great influence on the naval and electrical engineering fields. He also developed optical equipment, for searchlights and telescopes.

First compound steam turbine, built by Parsons in 1887

1934/0211:Manuel Noriega 193417、誕生

a Panamanian politician and military officer who was the de facto ruler of Panama from 1983 to 1989. He had longstanding ties to United States intelligence agencies: however, he was removed from power by the U.S. invasion of Panama.

Thomas Mann beginnt eine Auslandsvortragsreise zum Thema Leiden und Größe Richard Wagners; er wird erst nach 1945 erstmals wieder nach Deutschland kommen.

Thomas Mann begins a foreign lecture tour on the subject of suffering and greatness of Richard Wagner; He will not return to Germany until 1945.


After 44 days of strike with occupation of factories, General Motors admits the representativeness of the United Auto Workers.

BBC Television produces the world's first ever science fiction television program, an adaptation of a section of the Karel Čapek play R.U.R., that coined the term "robot".

Publication in Nature of the historical article by Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch on the mechanism of fission. That same month, Leó Szilárd proposes the blackout of any publication on the subject.

Die Physiker Lise Meitner und Otto Frisch beschreiben in der erschienenen Ausgabe der Wissenschaftszeitschrift Nature theoretische Überlegungen nach der Entdeckung der Kernspaltung und sorgen damit in der Fachwelt für Aufsehen.

A Lockheed P-38 Lightning flies from California to New York in 7 hours 2 minutes.


 the first units of the German Afrika Korps in Tripoli, which were requested to support the Italian armed forces in Italian Libya, arrived.

 The Battle of Bukit Timah is fought in Singapore.

General Dwight D. Eisenhower is selected to command the allied armies in Europe.


closing of the Yalta conference.(4 au 11 février 1945)
US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet leader Josef Stalin sign a statement on the final day of the Yalta Conference setting Europe's post-World War II reorganization. Among other things, Germany is to be divided into four occupation zones.

1948/0211:映画監督 Sergueï Eisenstein 189848、死去

(Сергей Михайлович Эйзенштейн) was a Soviet film director and film theorist, a pioneer in the theory and practice of montage.

He is noted in particular for his silent films Strike (1925), Battleship Potemkin (1925) and October (1928), as well as the historical epics Alexander Nevsky (1938) and Ivan the Terrible (1944, 1958).


1953/0211:Cold War:
 U.S. President Eisenhower denies all appeals for clemency for Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.

The Soviet Union breaks off diplomatic relations with Israel.

The Federation of Arab Emirates of the South, which will later become South Yemen, is created as a protectorate of the United Kingdom.


1963/0211:詩人 Sylvia Plath 193263、死去(自殺)

Sylvia Plath was an American poet, novelist, and short-story writer.

Plath was clinically depressed for most of her adult life, and was treated multiple times with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). She took her own life in 1963.
Plath is credited with advancing the genre of confessional poetry and is best known for two of her published collections, The Colossus and Other Poems and Ariel, and The Bell Jar, a semi-autobiographical novel published shortly before her death.

And I
Am the arrow,
The dew that flies
Suicidal, at one with the drive
Into the red
Eye, the cauldron of morning.

from the poem Ariel, October 12, 196


The Beatles record their entire first album Please Please Me between 10:30 and 23:00.


Chinese Communist Party to carry out "four clear movement."

Greeks and Turks begin fighting in Limassol, Cyprus.

Cultural Revolution: "February Countercurrent"

1968/0211:Pitirim Alexandrowitsch Sorokin 188968、死去

русский, американский социолог и культуролог. Один из основоположников теорий социальной стратификации и социальной мобильности.
Russian, American sociologist and culturologist. One of the founders of theories of social stratification and social mobility.

a Russian-born American sociologist and political activist, best known for his contributions to the social cycle theory.
Sorokin was a leader among the Democrats leading up to the Russian revolution, and was sought by Lenin's forces after Lenin consolidated his power. After months in hiding, he escaped from the Soviet Union in 1922 and emigrated to the United States, becoming a naturalized citizen in 1930
Sorokin was personally requested to accept a position at Harvard University, founding the Department of Sociology and becoming a vocal critic of his colleague, Talcott Parsons.
Sorokin was an ardent opponent of communism, which he regarded as a "pest of man," and was a deputy of the Russian Constituent Assembly.

In his Social and Cultural Dynamics, his magnum opus, Sorokin classified societies according to their 'cultural mentality', which can be "ideational" (reality is spiritual), "sensate" (reality is material), or "idealistic" (a synthesis of the two).
He suggested that major civilizations evolve from an ideational to an idealistic, and eventually to a sensate mentality. Each of these phases of cultural development not only seeks to describe the nature of reality, but also stipulates the nature of human needs and goals to be satisfied, the extent to which they should be satisfied, and the methods of satisfaction.
Sorokin has interpreted the contemporary Western civilization as a sensate civilization, dedicated to technological progress and prophesied its fall into decadence and the emergence of a new ideational or idealistic era. In Fads and Foibles, he criticizes Lewis Terman's Genetic Studies of Genius research, showing that his selected group of children with high IQs did about as well as a random group of children selected from similar family backgrounds would have done

The historically fourth building complex under the name Madison Square Garden opens in New York City.


1969昭和44の建國記念日の日に、国会議事堂の前でガソリンをかぶって焼身自決した。理由は ――
あらあらし 空にこみとり大楠の 大御心を誰ぞ知るらん
かくすれば かくなるものと知りつつも やむにやまれぬ 大和魂


Japan is the fourth country to put a satellite in orbit: Ōsumi

1971/0211:Cold War:
87 countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union, sign the Seabed Arms Control Treaty outlawing nuclear weapons on the ocean floor in international waters.

The Seabed Treaty is signed in Washington DC, London and Moscow. The negotiated agreement prohibits the stationing of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction on the seabed. It will enter into force on ratification on 18 May 1972.

The open-air museum for Thai architecture, culture and art Mueang Boran, which is located 30 km south of Bangkok, opens.

1973/0211:Johannes Hans Jensen 190773、死去

ein deutscher Physiker und Nobelpreisträger.
Er erstellte als theoretischer Physiker gemeinsam mit Maria Goeppert-Mayer das Schalenmodell des Atomkerns auf. Hauptwirkungsort nach 1949 war die Universität Heidelberg


1973/0211:Vietnam War:
 First release of American prisoners of war from Vietnam takes place.

Assassinat du président malgache Richard Ratsimandrava.

Margaret Thatcher is elected to the head of the British Conservative Party.

In a battle vote against incumbent Edward Heath, the British Conservatives, with Margaret Thatcher, elect a woman as party leader for the first time.

 China lifts a ban on works by Aristotle, William Shakespeare and Charles Dickens.


The Iranian Revolution establishes an Islamic theocracy under the leadership of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

Iranian Prime Minister Shapur Bakhtiar is overthrown. The counter-government of Mehdi Bazargān set up by Chomeini on February 5, 1979, takes over the government.

1981/0211:女權運動家 市川房枝189381、死去

Ichikawa Fusae was a Japanese feminist, politician and women's suffrage leader.
 Ichikawa was a key supporter of women's suffrage in Japan, and her activism was partially responsible for the extension of the franchise to women in 1945.

Libération de Nelson Mandela.

Around 100,000 US gallons (380 m3) of radioactive coolant leak into the containment building of TVA Sequoyah 1 nuclear plant in Tennessee, contaminating eight workers.

1982/0211:七人の侍 志村喬190582、死去

Shimura Takashi est l'un des plus grands acteurs japonais du XXe siècle.
He is particularly noted for his appearances in 21 of Akira Kurosawa's 30 films (more than any other actor), including as a lead actor in Drunken Angel (1948), Rashomon (1950), Ikiru (1952) and Seven Samurai (1954).

1985/0211:USA映画監督 Henry Hathaway 189385、死去

an American film director and producer. He is best known as a director of Westerns, especially starring Randolph Scott and John Wayne. He directed Gary Cooper in seven films.

1986/0211:SF作家 Frank Herbert 192086、死去

Franklin Patrick Herbert, Jr. was an American science fiction writer best known for the novel Dune and its five sequels. Though he became famous for science fiction, he was also a newspaper journalist, photographer, short story writer, book reviewer, ecological consultant and lecturer.
The Dune saga, set in the distant future and taking place over millennia, deals with complex themes such as human survival and evolution, ecology, and the intersection of religion, politics, and power. Dune itself is the best-selling science fiction novel of all time and the series is widely considered to be among the classics of the genre.

The Oregon Dunes, near Florence, Oregon, served as an inspiration for the Dune saga.

≫ A man is a fool not to put everything he has, at any given moment, into what he is creating. You're there now doing the thing on paper. You're not killing the goose, you're just producing an egg. So I don't worry about inspiration, or anything like that. It's a matter of just sitting down and working. I have never had the problem of a writing block. I've heard about it. I've felt reluctant to write on some days, for whole weeks, or sometimes even longer. I'd much rather go fishing, for example, or go sharpen pencils, or go swimming, or what not. But, later, coming back and reading what I have produced, I am unable to detect the difference between what came easily and when I had to sit down and say, "Well, now it's writing time and now I'll write." There's no difference on paper between the two. — Frank Herbert

During the third and last agent exchange on the Glienicke Bridge between West Berlin and Potsdam, among other things, the Soviet dissident Anatoli Scharanski comes to the West.

Nelson Mandela is released from Victor Verster Prison outside Cape Town, South Africa after 27 years as a political prisoner.

The South African human rights activist and leader of the African National Congress, Nelson Mandela, is released on condition of Prime Minister Frederik Willem de Klerk after over 27 years of imprisonment without conditions from prison. This marks the beginning of the end of apartheid in South Africa.

The Hague Peace Palace establishes the Organization of Unrepresented Nations and Peoples (UNPO) based in The Hague. The non-governmental organization receives consultative status from the UN Economic and Social Council.

Collision between the USS Baton Rouge and K-276 Kostroma near Murmansk in Russia.

A collision of the US nuclear submarine USS Baton Rouge with the Russian submarine K-239 beats political waves: Russian President Boris Yeltsin complains publicly about this incident near the territorial waters of his country.

Queen Elizabeth II agrees to pay taxes on her personal income on the same terms as the ordinary taxpayer.

1994/0211:Paul Karl Feyerabend 192494、死去

an Austrian-born philosopher of science best known for his work as a professor of philosophy

His major works include Against Method (published in 1975), Science in a Free Society (published in 1978) and Farewell to Reason (a collection of papers published in 1987). Feyerabend became famous for his purportedly anarchistic view of science and his rejection of the existence of universal methodological rules. He was an influential figure in the sociology of scientific knowledge.

Space Shuttle Discovery is launched on a mission to service the Hubble Space Telescope.

For the first time since February 7, 1979, Pluto is further away from the Sun than Neptune.

Pluto crosses Neptune's orbit, ending a nearly 20-year period (since 1979) when it was closer to the Sun than the gas giant; Pluto is not expected to interact with Neptune's orbit for another 228 years.

2000/0211:Roger Vadim 192800、死去

Roger Vladimir Plémiannikov (né Roger Vadim Ardilouze), dit Roger Vadim est un réalisateur, scénariste, acteur, romancier et poète français.
Passionné de cinéma, de littérature, de musique, mais également célèbre « homme à femmes », il a aussi écrit et réalisé des films pour mettre en scène certaines de ses épouses et en faire des stars du grand écran. Parmi elles :
Brigitte Bardot (1952-1957) ;
Annette Stroyberg (1957-1960) ;
Catherine Deneuve (1961-1963) ;
Jane Fonda (1964-1972).

2001/0211:Internet Virus
A Dutch programmer launched the Anna Kournikova virus infecting millions of emails via a trick photo of the tennis star.


"Omotesando Hills" opened on the site of the "Aoyama apartment" in Omotesando in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo.

Rebel East Timorese soldiers seriously wound President José Ramos-Horta. Rebel leader Alfredo Reinado is killed in the attack.

In Dili's assassination of East Timor's leadership, President and Nobel Peace Prize laureate José Ramos-Horta is seriously injured, while Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão remains uninjured. The assassin Alfredo Alves Reinado is killed, whereupon his rebel organization collapses.

2011/0211:エジプト「Arab Spring」
 After mass protests in Egypt, President Husni Mubarak resigned after nearly 30 years in power. A military council of senior officers takes office.

Égypte, démission du président Hosni Moubarak à la suite des protestations égyptiennes de 2011.

A military transport plane crashes in a mountainous area of Oum El Bouaghi Province in eastern Algeria, killing 77 people.

A university student was murdered as she resisted an attempted rape in Turkey, sparking nationwide protests and public outcry against harassment and violence against women.

A man shoots six people dead at an education center in Jizan Province, Saudi Arabia.

North Korea prompts international condemnation by test firing a ballistic missile across the Sea of Japan.


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