


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

今日が誕生日の Franz Marc 188616 の Rehe im Walde II, 1914

歴史暦:古今東西 02/08 今日の出來事

今日の出來事、Main Dish は「首切り事件」が二皿といったところです。それと、韓國で朝鮮戦争時代に韓國軍によって引き起こされた住民虐殺事件。氣分がわるくなるかも知れません、御注意ください。


Constantius III becomes co-Emperor of the Western Roman Empire.

0881/0208(元慶05/0106):日本の斎王 慧子内親王??0881、薨去



The Mongols burn the Russian city of Vladimir.

1250/0208:07十字軍=Seventh Crusade:
 Crusaders engage Ayyubid forces in the Battle of Al Mansurah.

第七回十字軍 1248~54 はフランス王 Louis IX 121470 が催した十字軍。アイユブ朝のエジプトを攻撃したが、敗北し捕虜となり、占領地すべてを放棄したうへに莫大な身代金を拂って撤退。
龍頭蛇尾にみっともない。だが、Louis IX はフランスきっての明王として、キリスト教の聖人として、その名は歴史に刻まれてゐる。セントルイス=Saint-Louis の Louis はこの Louis IX のことなのださうです。

1265/0208:Hulagu Khan 121865、崩去

Hulagu Khan, also known as Hülegü or Hulegu 旭烈兀; Xùlièwù , was a Mongol ruler who conquered much of Western Asia.
Son of Tolui and the Keraite princess Sorghaghtani Beki, he was a grandson of Genghis Khan and brother of Ariq Böke, Möngke Khan, and Kublai Khan.

1291/0208:ポルトガル王 Afonso IV de Portugal 129157、誕生

o Rei de Portugal e Algarve de 1325 até sua morte. Era o único filho homem do rei Dinis I e sua esposa Isabel de Aragão - canonizada como Santa Isabel.
(the King of Portugal and Algarve from 1325 until his death. He was the only son of King Dinis I and his wife Isabel of Aragon - canonized as St. Elizabeth.)


The Byzantine civil war of 1341–47 ends with a power-sharing agreement between John VI Kantakouzenos and John V Palaiologos.

1405/0208:最後の東ロウマ帝國皇帝 Constantine XI 140553、誕生

Constantine XI Dragases Palaiologos, Latinized as Palaeologus (Κωνσταντῖνος ΙΑ' Δραγάσης Παλαιολόγος, Kōnstantinos XI Dragasēs Palaiologos) was the last reigning Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Emperor, ruling as a member of the Palaiologos dynasty from 1449 to his death in battle at the fall of Constantinople.


Sacre d'Anne de Bretagne.

1529/0208:Giuseppe Castiglione 168866、死去

Baldassarre, Baldassar o Baldesar Castiglione è stato un umanista, letterato, diplomatico e militare italiano, al servizio dello Stato della Chiesa, del Marchesato di Mantova e del Ducato di Urbino.
His prose is considered one of the highest expressions of the Italian Renaissance. He stayed in many courts, including that of Francesco II Gonzaga in Mantua, that of Guidobaldo da Montefeltro in Urbino and that of Ludovico il Moro in Milan.

 Baldassare Castiglione, by Raffaello Sanzio

Nach der Fasnacht brechen in Basel Unruhen aus, die in einem Bildersturm kulminieren. Die Zünfte zwingen den Rat schließlich zur Einführung der Reformation.

After the Fasnacht riots break out in Basel, culminating in a storm of images. The guilds eventually force the Council to introduce the Reformation.

1561/0208(永禄04/0124):日本の儒家 藤原惺窩156119、誕生

Fujiwara Seika est un aristocrate (kuge) et philosophe japonais qui fonda une école néoconfucéenne.
Il bénéficia de la protection de Tokugawa Ieyasu et eut notamment pour disciple Hayashi Razan 林羅山158357.



Wilhelm I of Nassau-Oranien founds the University of Leiden as the first university of the then young Dutch Republic of the Seven United Provinces.

1587/0208:イングランドで、Mary Stuart (Queen of Scots) 154287、刑死(斷首)

Mary Stuart (Queen of Scots) 154287 is executed on suspicion of having been involved in the Babington Plot to murder her cousin (Queen Elizabeth I 153303).

{悲劇の女王といふか TroubleMaker といふべきか、スコットランド女王のメアリは、イングランドの女王エリザベスの永遠のライヴァルとなって。王權鬪爭に負けて斷頭臺の露と消えるが、メアリのたゞ一人の遺児の Charles James Stuart = James I 156625 が處女王のまゝ崩御したエリザベスの後のイングランド王を繼いで、以後の王統はすべてメアリの血を受け繼ぐことになる。この世で負けて、あの世で勝ったとでも云った感じ。

Luis de Carabajal the younger is tortured by the Inquisition in Mexico City.

Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, lover of Queen Elizabeth I, tries to gain control of England with a coup d'état, but the coup is defeated.

Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, rebels against Queen Elizabeth I and the revolt is quickly crushed.

The English king James I dissolves the parliament after it has not agreed to the wedding of his son Karl with the Spanish princess Maria Anna.

Fondation de l'Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture par Louis XIV.

1700/0208:スヰスの数学者 Daniel Bernoulli 170082、誕生

un médecin, physicien et mathématicien suisse,
a Swiss mathematician and physicist and was one of the many prominent mathematicians in the Bernoulli Brothers.
He is particularly remembered for his applications of mathematics to mechanics, especially fluid mechanics, and for his pioneering work in probability and statistics. His name is commemorated in the Bernoulli's principle, a particular example of the conservation of energy, which describes the mathematics of the mechanism underlying the operation of two important technologies of the 20th century: the carburetor and the airplane wing.

1725/0208:ロシア皇帝 Peter der Große 167225、崩去

последний царь всея Руси (с 1682 года) и первый Император Всероссийский (с 1721 года).
the last tsar of all Russia (since 1682) and the first Emperor of Russia (since 1721).



1805/0208:無政府主義者 Louis Auguste Blanqui 180581、誕生

un révolutionnaire socialiste français, souvent associé à tort aux socialistes utopiques. Il défend pour l'essentiel les mêmes idées que le mouvement socialiste du XIXe siècle. Il fait partie des socialistes non-marxistes.

フランス 社會主義 革命家(十九世紀フランスにおける革命騷動のほゞすべてに參加し収監時間は延べ三十三年あまり) カルボナリ黨員でもあり、多くの祕密結社や陰謀にも關はった。
武裝した少數精鋭の祕密結社による権力の奪取と人民武裝による獨裁を主張した François Noël Babeuf 176097 を尊敬。
1839 祕密結社『四季協會』、構成員は三ないし四段階の序列に分けられ、最小単位は七人で「週」、これが一個小隊を變成、「日曜」と呼ばれる者がその指揮を執る。週×4で中隊の「月」、三つの月で「季節」、春の大隊が全體の指揮を執る。その「年」の組織全體をブランキが指揮する。→ Gilbert Keith Chesterton 187436『木曜日の男』のヒントになった。

{0201の誕生で紹介したのは Wikipedia ja の誤りだった。

1807/0208:ナポレオン戦争「Battle of Eylau」
After two days of bitter fighting, the Russians and the Prussians  concede the Battle of Eylau to Napoleon.

Die am Vortag begonnene Schlacht bei Preußisch Eylau zwischen Frankreich unter Napoleon Bonaparte und einem russisch-preußischen Koalitionsheer unter Levin August von Bennigsen geht unentschieden zu Ende.

# La bataille d'Eylau a eu lieu le 8 février 1807 à Preußisch Eylau (de nos jours Bagrationovsk) dans le nord de la Prusse-Orientale (actuel oblast de Kaliningrad), entre l’Empire russe et l’Empire français. Napoléon Ier reste maître du terrain mais au prix de très lourdes pertes, et n’a pas la victoire décisive qu’il attendait.

1810/0208:隱秘思想家 Éliphas Lévi 181075、誕生

un ecclésiastique français et une figure de l'occultisme.
本名 (Alphonse Louis Constant)、パリ出身のロマン派詩人、隠秘学思想家。41歳の時、本名をヘブライ語風に改名し、隠秘学の研究に没頭した。

彼はオカルティストに影響を及ぼし、また文藝家たち、フランスだけでも Charles Baudelaire 182167、Auguste de Villiers de L'Isle-Adam 183889、Stephane Mallarme 184298、Arthur Rimbaud 185491、André Breton 189666、Georges Bataille 189762 などに引用された。

The Congress of Vienna passes a declaration against the slave trade at the urging of Great Britain.

Las Heras crosses the Andes with an army to join San Martín and liberate Chile from Spain.

1819/0208:イギリスの美術批評家John Ruskin 181900、誕生

John Ruskin was the leading English art critic of the Victorian era, as well as an art patron, draughtsman, watercolourist, a prominent social thinker and philanthropist. He wrote on subjects as varied as geology, architecture, myth, ornithology, literature, education, botany and political economy.

1858年から、彼は或裕福なアイルランド人家庭の子弟に美術を教へてゐたが、そのなかの九歳の少女、Rose La Touche 魅惑されてしまった。彼女が十八歳になるまで彼は家庭教師を続けたが、十六歳になった彼女に繰り返し結婚を申し込んだ。が、宗旨が異なることを理由に断られた。1875年にロウズが二十七歳で急死したことを知らされたラスキンは精神的衝撃を受け、その後しばしば発作に見舞はれるやうになった。それでも懲りずに、彼女の亡靈との交信をしたいがために降靈術などスピリチュアリズムにのめり込んでいった。{Lewis Carroll 183298と云ひ、この頃のイギリス男子の戀愛感情は純情といふか、ちょっと呆れ返るな。

≫ Follow, not me, but the instincts of his own soul, and the guidance of its Creator.

The Pedagogical Institute in the Russian capital of Saint Petersburg receives the status of a university. Over time, it becomes the State University of St. Petersburg.

1820/0208:南北戦争時の戰略家 William Sherman 182091、誕生

William Tecumseh Sherman was an American soldier, businessman, educator, and author.
He served as a general in the Union Army during the American Civil War, for which he received recognition for his outstanding command of military strategy as well as criticism for the harshness of the "scorched earth" policies he implemented in conducting total war against the Confederate States


1825/0208:イギリスの博物學者 Henry Walter Bates 182592、誕生

an English naturalist and explorer who gave the first scientific account of mimicry in animals.
He was most famous for his expedition to the rainforests of the Amazon with Alfred Russel Wallace, starting in 1848.
イギリスの博物学者、昆虫学者で探検家。Alfred Russel Wallace 182313と一緒にアマゾンで動植物を収集し、進化論の発展に寄与した。

1828/0208:SFや冒險物の小説家 Jules Verne 182805、誕生

un écrivain français dont l'œuvre est, pour la plus grande partie, constituée de romans d'aventures utilisant les progrès scientifiques propres au XIXe siècle.


彼のお気に入りの作家であった Edgar Allan Poe 180949が小説に科学的事実を取り入れることによって、物語に真実味を持たせるという技法を示し、これに興味を持つようになっていった。
友人の ナダルが作った気球に啓示されて、1863年に書いた冒険小説『気球に乗って五週間』が大評判を呼び流行作家となった。その後、彼は編集者のエッツェルと契約を結んで、科学的な冒険小説を書きつづけた。

1834/0208:ロシアの化學者 Dmitri Mendeleïev 183407、誕生

(Дмитрий Иванович Менделеев), chimiste russe
Russian scientist-encyclopedist: chemist, physicist, physicist, metrologist, economist, technologist, geologist, meteorologist, oilman, teacher, teacher, aeronaut, instrument maker.
He created the Periodic Table of the Elements, lists the elements discovered so far, periodically confirms that elements with similar properties appear, and predicts the existence of numerous elements that were not discovered did.

Davy Crockett arrive à Alamo.

1845/0208:イギリス經濟學者 Francis Edgeworth 184526、誕生

an Anglo-Irish philosopher and political economist who made significant contributions to the methods of statistics during the 1880s. From 1891 onward he was appointed the founding editor of The Economic Journal.
He can speak French, German, Italian and Spanish, and quoting from classics like Milton, Pope, Virgil and Homer on every occasion. While maintaining a single, lifelong singular and international international network, I left a strong impression on my contemporaries with irony, dignity and a cowardly attitude, and many innovations and anecdotes.

後年になるとエッジワースは確率よりも統計学へと興味の中心が移行し、確信や見込みのような主観が大きく左右する対象を数学によって規定できるかということについて、疑いをもつようになってきたようだ。心理学では、全体は部分の総和に等しくなく、数量の比較は意味をなさず、小さな変化が大きな効果をもたらし、一様で等質な連続は仮定できない。ただ哲学上の普遍性は主張できないとしても、大量の統計資料は現実に応用して差し支えないほど確実性を備えている、と彼はJohn Maynard Keynes 188346に答へてゐる。

1851/0208(嘉永04/0108):日本の財閥 岩崎彌之助185108、誕生

Iwasaki Yanosuke was a Japanese businessman, central banker and the 4th Governor of the Bank of Japan (BOJ). He was created a Baron in 1900; and he was a member of Japan's House of Peers.

The Oregon Territory, founded in 1848, is divided. The northern part is named Washington Territory by the United States Congress in honor of the first American president. The capital of the new territory will be Olympia.

1856/0208:イタリアの自然學者 Agostino Bassi 177356、死去

un naturalista e botanico italiano, pioniere della moderna batteriologia.
彼は Louis Pasteur 182295 よりも早い時期に病気の原因が微生物であることを発見した。カイコの細胞が細菌によって侵される様子を観察し、1844年に、昆虫だけでなく麻疹や梅毒、ペストなどの人間の病気も微生物によって引き起こされるとする説を発表した。

1807年にmal de segnoと呼ばれたカイコの病気に彼は興味を持った。發病したカイコは白い粉で覆われた。この病気はイタリアでは1805年に発生し、1841年までにはフランスにも広がった。1849年、カイコの養殖場は壊滅的な被害を受けた。25年間の研究の後、彼は Del mal del segno, calcinaccio o moscardino (1835)という論文を発表し、微生物による感染を指摘し、罹病したカイコの廃棄と隔離と農園の消毒を推奨した。この論文は評價され、フランス語にも翻訳され、ヨウロパ中に配布された。
この研究から、彼は動植物や人間の病気も病原体によるものであると類推、この考へ方はLouis Pasteur 182295やRobert Koch 184310に受け繼がれた。

1864/0208(文久04/0101):日本の音曲師 川上音二郎186411、誕生

「Kawakami Wotojirou」オッペケペー節で一世を風靡した音曲師で興行師、後には新派劇の創始者となった。

1894年、郷土の先輩である金子堅太郎の媒酌で、人気芸者の貞奴(本名:小山 貞)と結婚した。 伊藤博文貞奴をひいきにしており、伊藤博文の三羽カラスといわれた金子堅太郎に媒酌の役目が回ってきたとも。

Gregor Mendel stellt in der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft Brünn seine Forschungen zu Pflanzenhybriden aus.

Gregor Johann Mendel 182284 resented his paper, "Versuche über Pflanzenhybriden" ("Experiments on Plant Hybridization"), at two meetings of the Natural History Society of Brno in Moravia on 8 February and 8 March 1865.


{どうでもいいことだけど、メンデルが死んだ時=Mendel died on 6 January 1884, at the age of 61, in Brno, Moravia, Austria-Hungary (now Czech Republic), from chronic nephritis. Czech composer Leoš Janáček 185428 played the organ at his funeral.  私はヤナチェクの音樂が(ドボルザアクやスメタナなどと同じくらゐかそれ以上に)好きで(弦楽四重奏曲の第二番や『シンフォニエッタ』など)よく聽いてゐたので「へえ」と思ったので。

Delaware refuses to ratify the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Slavery was outlawed in the United States, including Delaware, when the Amendment was ratified by the requisite number of states on December 6, 1865.
Delaware ratified the Thirteenth Amendment on February 12, 1901, which was the ninety-second anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln.

Signature du compromis austro-hongrois.

Première d'Aida, opéra de Verdi, à La Scala de Milan

1874/0208:ドイツの神學者 David Friedrich Strauß 180774、死去

ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Philosoph und Theologe.



Première au théâtre Mariinsky de Saint-Pétersbourg de Boris Godounov opéra de Modeste Petrovitch Moussorgski
Премьера оперы «Борис Годунов» Модеста Петровича Мусоргского после одноименной драмы Александра Сергеевича Пушкина состоится в Мариинском театре в Санкт-Петербурге.

1876/0208:ドイツの画家 Paula Modersohn-Becker 187607、誕生

eine deutsche Malerin und eine der bedeutendsten Vertreterinnen des frühen Expressionismus.

1878/0208:神學者 Martin Buber 187865、誕生

ein österreichisch-israelischer jüdischer Religionsphilosoph.


Berlin 1902: Gründungsmitglieder des Jüdischen Verlags. V.l.n.r.: (stehend) E. M. Lilien, Chaim Weizmann, Davis Trietsch, (sitzend) Berthold Feiwel und Martin Buber.

The first government-approved Japanese immigrants arrived in Hawaii.

The Dawes Act authorizes the President of the United States to survey Native American tribal land and divide it into individual allotments.



{この變更の理由は、興味のある方は Wikipedia jp を御覧ください。

1880/0208:ドイツの画家 Franz Marc 188616、誕生

Franz Moritz Wilhelm Marc war ein deutscher Maler, Zeichner und Grafiker.
Er gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Maler des Expressionismus in Deutschland. Neben Wassily Kandinsky war er Mitbegründer der Redaktionsgemeinschaft Der Blaue Reiter, die am 18. Dezember 1911 ihre erste Ausstellung in München eröffnete. Der Blaue Reiter ging aus der Neuen Künstlervereinigung München hervor, in der Marc kurzzeitig Mitglied war. Für den Almanach Der Blaue Reiter und andere Veröffentlichungen verfasste er kunsttheoretische Schriften.


1883/0208:經濟學者 Joseph Schumpeter 188350、誕生

ein österreichischer Nationalökonom und Politiker. Er nahm 1925 die deutsche und 1939 die US-Staatsbürgerschaft an.
In seinem Frühwerk Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung (1912) unternimmt er den Versuch, die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung des Kapitalismus zu erklären.[1] In seinem späten Opus Kapitalismus, Sozialismus und Demokratie (1942) geht er auch auf gesellschaftspolitische Implikationen ein. Mit seinen umfangreichen Werken gilt er als einer der herausragenden Ökonomen des 20. Jahrhunderts.

企業者がおこなふ不断の Innovation(革新)が経済を活動させるとする理論を構築した。また、彼は経済成長の創案者でもある


1894/0208:USA映画監督 King Vidor 189462、誕生

an American film director, film producer, and screenwriter whose career spanned nearly seven decades.
In 1979, he was awarded an Honorary Academy Award for his "incomparable achievements as a cinematic creator and innovator."
He was nominated five times for a Best Director Oscar, and won eight international film awards during his career. Vidor's best known films include The Big Parade (1925), The Crowd (1928), Stella Dallas (1937), and Duel in the Sun (1946).

1903/0208:マレイシアの父 Tunku Abdul Rahman 190390、誕生

Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj ibni Almarhum Sultan Abdullah Allahyarham Haseem Hamid Halim Shah II (Jawi: تونكوعبدالرحمن ڤوترا الهاج ابن المرحوم سلطان عبدالحميد حاليم شه ; was a Malaysian politician who served as the first Chief Minister of the Federation of Malaya from 1955 to 1957, before becoming Malaya's first Prime Minister after independence in 1957. He remained Prime Minister following the formation of Malaysia in 1963, when Sabah, Sarawak, and Singapore joined the federation, until his resignation in 1970.


1904/0208:南モンゴルの父 Demchigdonrov 190266、誕生

人稱德王,字希賢。內蒙古錫林郭勒盟蘇尼特右旗人,蘇尼特扎薩克杜棱郡王,曾任錫林郭勒盟盟長,主張內蒙古獨立。 20世紀30年代起與大日本帝國陸軍關東軍合作,在當時中華民國的察哈爾省、綏遠省等地建立了蒙疆聯合自治政府,並擔任要職。

1925/0208:USA映画男優 Jack Lemmon 192501、誕生

John Uhler "Jack" Lemmon III was an American actor and musician.
Lemmon was an eight time Academy Award nominee, with two wins.
He starred in over 60 films, such as Some Like It Hot, The Apartment, Mister Roberts (for which he won the 1955 Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor), Days of Wine and Roses, The Great Race, Irma la Douce, The Odd Couple and

1904/0208:日露戰爭「旅順港戰=Battle of Port Arthur」
 A surprise torpedo attack by the Japanese at Port Arthur, China starts the Russo-Japanese War.

The Japanese fleet stole the Russian fleet stationed at Lvshunkou in China and the Russo-Japanese War broke out.
With a surprise attack without declaration of war of the Japanese fleet under Admiral Tōgō Heihachirō on the Russian port city Port Arthur begins the Russian-Japanese war. Among other things, the Russian warship Varyag is heavily damaged.

Création de la première entreprise de publicité cinématographique : La publicité animée

The Boy Scouts of America is incorporated by William D. Boyce.

The entrepreneur and philanthropist William D. Boyce founds the US Scout Association under the name Boy Scouts of America.

1915/0208:日本の小説家 長塚節187915、死去

Nagatsuka Takashi est un romancier et poète japonais.

Il est surtout connu pour son roman « La Terre » (Tshuchi), publié en 151 épisodes de feuilleton entre juin et novembre 1910 dans le Asahi Shinbun. Le roman sera publié dans son intégralité en 1912. Il dépeint la vie dans le Japon rural à Kossho, une ville près du lieu où l'auteur a vécu pendant son enfance. Les personnages sont basés sur des personnes réelles, bien que leurs noms sont modifiés.

D. W. Griffith's controversial film The Birth of a Nation premieres in Los Angeles.

The silent film The Birth of a Nation by D. W. Griffith will premiere in Los Angeles, it will be the most financially successful film of the silent movie era. Recognized as a milestone in film history, however, it is also considered a racist glorification of the Ku Klux Klan.

Création collective du mouvement Dada, au Cabaret Voltaire à Zurich


Henri Farman fonde la première compagnie aérienne régulière au monde avec son frère Maurice. Les Lignes Farman deviennent un prédécesseur d'Air France en 1933.

1921/0208:革命家 Pierre Alexeiévitch Kropotkine 184221、死去

(Пётр Алексеевич Кропоткин), géographe et théoricien anarchiste russe

「民衆の中にゐて真理と正義と平等のために不断に闘うこと・・・これ以上に尊い生活はおそらく望みえないであろう」 『青年に訴える』



1922/0208:ソ連、祕密警察 GPU を設置

GPU=ГПУ( Государственное политическое управление при)、日本語に飜譯すると「國家・政治・保安部→ロシア・ソビエト連邦社会主義共和国内務人民委員部附属国家政治局」となるらしい。

1924/0208:USA「Capital punishment」
 The first state execution in the United States by gas chamber takes place in Nevada.

1926/0208:イギリスの生物学者 William Bateson 186126、死去

the first person to use the term genetics to describe the study of heredity, and the chief populariser of the ideas of Gregor Mendel following their rediscovery in 1900 by Hugo de Vries and Carl Correns. His 1894 book Materials for the Study of Variation was one of the earliest formulations of the new approach to genetics.

1931/0208:USA映画男優 James Dean 193155、誕生

an American actor.
He is remembered as a cultural icon of teenage disillusionment and social estrangement, as expressed in the title of his most celebrated film, Rebel Without a Cause (1955), in which he starred as troubled teenager Jim Stark. The other two roles that defined his stardom were loner Cal Trask in East of Eden (1955) and surly ranch hand Jett Rink in Giant (1956).

1932/0208:映画音樂作者 John Williams 1932--、誕生

n American composer, conductor, and pianist.
With a career spanning over six decades, he has composed some of the most popular and recognizable film scores in cinematic history, including the Star Wars series, Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Superman: The Movie, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, the Indiana Jones series, the first two Home Alone films, the first two Jurassic Park films, Schindler's List, and the first three Harry Potter films.







en la Guerra Civil Española, la Batalla de Málaga, iniciada cinco días antes, finaliza con la retirada de las tropas republicanas y la captura de Málaga por parte de los nacionalistas respaldados por los italianos al mando de Gonzalo Queipo de Llano.

In the Spanish Civil War, the Battle of Málaga, begun five days earlier, ends with the withdrawal of Republican troops and the capture of Malaga by Italian-backed nationalists under Gonzalo Queipo de Llano.

 Japan invades Singapore.

 Dutch Colonial Army General Destruction Unit (AVC, Algemene Vernielings Corps) burns Banjarmasin, South Borneo to avoid Japanese capture.

 The United Kingdom and Canada commence Operation Veritable to occupy the west bank of the Rhine.

 Mikhail Devyataev escapes with nine other Soviet inmates from a Nazi concentration camp in Peenemünde on the island of Usedom by hijacking the camp commandant's Heinkel He 111.

 The Voronezh Red Army Front attacked Army Group Center in World War II, opening the Lower Silesian Operation, which will last until February 24, during which two bridgeheads on the Glatzer Neisse can be conquered.

The first portion of the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, the first serious challenge to the popularity of the Authorized King James Version, is published.


The Catholic Primate of Hungary, Cardinal József Mindszenty, is sentenced to life imprisonment for espionage following a show trial. In this process, along with other Paul Esterházy receives a long prison sentence.

The Stasi, the secret police of East Germany, is established.





・2001、事件犠牲者の遺族は韓國政府を相手取り訴訟を起こし、 ……

Elizabeth II is proclaimed Queen of the United Kingdom.

{彼女にとっても先祖となる Mary Stuart が處刑された日(命じたのはエリザベス一世)と同じ日に女王を宣言することになったのは、偶然とも思はれず、なんらかの理由があったのだらうかと思ってみる。

The Government of Sindh, Pakistan, abolishes the Jagirdari system in the province. One million acres (4000 km2) of land thus acquired is to be distributed among the landless peasants.



1957/0208:ハンガリの数学者 John von Neumann 190357、死去

John von Neumann (Hungarian: Neumann János Lajos;) was a Hungarian-American mathematician, physicist, and computer scientist. He made major contributions to a number of fields, including mathematics (foundations of mathematics, functional analysis, ergodic theory, representation theory, operator algebras, geometry, topology, and numerical analysis), physics (quantum mechanics, hydrodynamics, and quantum statistical mechanics), economics (game theory), computing (Von Neumann architecture, linear programming, self-replicating machines, stochastic computing), and statistics.

1960/0208:イギリスの思想家 John Langshaw Austin 191160、死去

a British philosopher of language and leading proponent of ordinary language philosophy, perhaps best known for developing the theory of speech acts.
He was one of the main characters of the everyday language school and served as a professor at Oxford University. Known for pioneering research on speech acts (linguistic acts), along with Ludwig Wittgenstein it occupied an important position in British language philosophy.
Austin pointed out that we use language to do things as well as to assert things, and that the utterance of a statement like "I promise to do so-and-so" is best understood as doing something — making a promise — rather than making an assertion about anything. Hence the name of one of his best-known works How to Do Things with Words.

Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom issues an Order-in-Council, stating that she and her family would be known as the House of Windsor, and that her descendants will take the name Mountbatten-Windsor.

1962/0208:フランス「Charonne massacre」
 Nine trade unionists are killed by French police at the instigation of Nazi collaborator Maurice Papon, then chief of the Paris Prefecture of Police.

Travel, financial and commercial transactions by United States citizens to Cuba are made illegal by the John F. Kennedy administration.

The regime of Prime Minister of Iraq, Brigadier General Abd al-Karim Qasim is overthrown by the Ba'ath Party.


1964/0208:ドイツの心理學者 Ernst Kretschmer 188864、死去

ein deutscher Psychiater. Er erforschte die menschliche Konstitution und stellte eine Typenlehre auf. Er wurde 1929 für den Nobelpreis für Physiologie oder Medizin nominiert.



細長型 - 分裂気質。静か、控えめ、真面目。(敏感性と鈍感性)
肥満型 - 躁うつ気質(循環気質)。社交的、親切、温厚。
闘士型(筋骨型) - 粘着気質。几帳面、熱中しやすい、頑固、興奮しやすい。

Eastern Air Lines Flight 663 crashes into the Atlantic Ocean and explodes, killing everyone aboard.

Das schwedische Mehrzweckkampfflugzeug Saab 37 Viggen absolviert seinen Erstflug.

1968/0208:American civil rights movement:
 The Orangeburg massacre: An attack on black students from South Carolina State University who are protesting racial segregation at the town's only bowling alley, leaves three or four dead in Orangeburg, South Carolina.

The so-called Allende meteorite bursts over the Mexican state of Chihuahua. One of the many falling debris just barely missed the post office in the town of Pueblito de Allende, which leads to the naming.

The NASDAQ is trading in New York as the first electronic exchange.

South Vietnamese ground troops launch an incursion into Laos to try to cut off the Ho Chi Minh trail and stop communist infiltration.

After 84 days in space, the crew of Skylab 4, the last crew to visit American space station Skylab, returns to Earth.

1975/0208:Jan Mukařovský 189175、死去

a Czech literary, linguistic, and aesthetic theorist.
He is well known for his association with early structuralism as well as with the Prague Linguistic Circle, and for his development of the ideas of Russian formalism. Among other achievements, he applied ideas from Geneva linguist and semiotician Ferdinand de Saussure to the analysis of literary and artistic expression, systematically applying and extending the concept of linguistic function to literary works and their reception in different periods. Mukařovský had a profound influence on structuralist theory of literature, comparable to that of Roman Jakobson.


The Melbourne dust storm hits Australia's second largest city. The result of the worst drought on record and a day of severe weather conditions, a 320 metres (1,050 ft) deep dust cloud envelops the city, turning day to night.


1984/0208:フランスの歴史家 Philippe Ariès 191484、死去

un journaliste, essayiste et historien français.
Il est connu pour son étude sur L'Enfant et la vie familiale sous l'Ancien Régime et pour son étude sur l'évolution de l'attitude de l'homme devant la mort (L'Homme devant la mort). Héritier de l'école des Annales, il est considéré comme un pionnier de l'histoire des mentalités.


1985/0208:Jaguar創業者 William Lyons 190185、死去

Sir William Lyons, known as "Mr. Jaguar", was with fellow motorcycle enthusiast William Walmsley, the co-founder in 1922 of the Swallow Sidecar Company, which became Jaguar Cars Limited after the Second World War.

1986/0208:カナダ「Hinton train collision」
 23 people are killed when a VIA Rail passenger train collides with a 118-car Canadian National freight train near the town of Hinton, Alberta, west of Edmonton.
It is the worst rail accident in Canada until the Lac-Mégantic, Quebec derailment in 2013 which killed forty-seven people.

Independent Air Flight 1851 strikes Pico Alto mountain while on approach to Santa Maria Airport (Azores) killing all 144 passengers on board.

In the collision of a launching Tupolev Tu-154 Iran Airtour with a landing Suchoi Su -22 in Tehran, all 131 inmates of the Tupolev and the two of the Sukhoi die.

The U.S. Congress passes the Communications Decency Act.

1998/0208:アイスランド小説家 Halldór Laxness 190298、死去

「ハルドル ラクスネス」Halldór Kiljan Laxness was a twentieth-century Icelandic writer.
Laxness wrote poetry, newspaper articles, plays, travelogues, short stories, and novels. Major influences included August Strindberg, Sigmund Freud, Knut Hamsun, Sinclair Lewis, Upton Sinclair, Bertolt Brecht and Ernest Hemingway

1999/0208:イギリス小説家 Iris Murdoch 191999、死去

Dame Jean Iris Murdoch was an Anglo-Irish novelist and philosopher, best known for her novels about good and evil, sexual relationships, morality, and the power of the unconscious.
Her first published novel, Under the Net, was selected in 1998 as one of Modern Library's 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century.


2005/0208:USAジャズオルガニスト Jimmy Smith 192505、死去

James Oscar « Jimmy » Smith, musicien américain

2005/0208:Sri Lankan Civil War:
 Sri Lankan Tamil politician and former MP A. Chandranehru dies of injuries sustained in an ambush the previous day.

A freak storm in the Hindu Kush mountains of Afghanistan triggers a series of at least 36 avalanches, burying over two miles of road, killing at least 172 people and trapping over 2,000 travelers.

Russian scientists announce successful drilling of ice-covered Antarctic Lake Vostok.

Российские ученые объявили об успешном бурении ледяного антарктического озера Восток.

A blizzard disrupts transportation and leaves hundreds of thousands of people without electricity in the Northeastern United States and parts of Canada.


2016/0208:フランスのバレリナ Violette Verdy 193316、死去

, danseuse française

2017/0208:日本の映画男優 土屋嘉男192717、死去



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