


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

今日が命日の風刺画家 José Guadalupe Posada 185213『ドンキホウテ』

歴史暦:古今東西 02/02 今日の出來事


Sui destroyed Jiangnan's Chen and unified China



0880/0202:Battle of Lüneburg Heath:
 King Louis III of France is defeated by the Norse Great Heathen Army at Lüneburg Heath in Saxony.

0962/0202:Translatio imperii: 神聖ロウマ帝國の始まり
 Pope John XII crowns Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor, the first Holy Roman Emperor in nearly 40 years.

The Liudolfinger Otto I and his wife Adelheid are in Rome by Pope John XII. crowned Emperor and Empress. This is considered today as the founding date of the Holy Roman Empire, in which the Roman Empire in the sense of Translatio imperii persists.

Conrad II, Holy Roman Emperor becomes king of Burgundy.

1044/0202(寛徳01/0101):日本の公家 藤原隆家097944、死去

Fujiwara no Takaie est le gouverneur régional de Kyūshū (Dazai gon no sochi).
Il est fils de Fujiwara no Michitaka et de sa femme Takashina no Takako1 et ainsi petit-fils de Fujiwara no Morosuke. Il a une sœur Teishi.





The Great Comet of 1106 appears in the sky. The comet, a member of the Kreutz Group, can be seen in Japan, Korea, China and Europe until mid-March of the same year.


1141/0202:イングランド「Battle of Lincoln」
 at which Stephen, King of England is defeated and captured by the allies of Empress Matilda.

In the English Civil War for the succession of King Henry I, the first battle of Lincoln takes place. King Stephen gets captured at the battle of his army in captivity by troops loyal to Henry's daughter Matilda.


After the death of Taira no Kiyomori, Emperor GoShirakawa reopened the hospital administration.

Richard the Lionheart is released after paying a large ransom and declaring himself a vassal of the emperor



O rei João I de Portugal reafirma o tratado de amizade concluído entre Portugal e Inglaterra no dia 9 de maio do ano passado casando-se com Philippa de Lancaster, a irmã do futuro rei Henrique IV.

King John I of Portugal confirms the friendship treaty concluded on May 9 of the previous year between Portugal and England by marrying Philippa of Lancaster, the sister of the later King Henry IV.


The Chinese emperor Zhu Di dedicates the Forbidden City as a center of power.

Nine leaders of the Transylvanian peasant revolt are executed at Torda.

1461/0202:Wars of the Roses「Battle of Mortimer's Cross」
 is fought in Herefordshire, England.

The victory of the Yorkists in the Battle of Mortimer's Cross over the Lancastrians under Owen Tudor and Jasper Tudor, 1st Duke of Bedford, paves the way for the coronation of Edward, Earl of March, as English King in the same year during the Rose Wars.

1522/0202:イタリア数学者 Ludovico Ferrari 152265、誕生

un matematico italiano.
Born in Bologna, he began his career as an assistant to Girolamo Cardano. Lodovico proved extremely intelligent, so much so that Cardano began to teach him mathematics.

At the age of 14 he began working as a servant at the house of mathematician Jeroramo Cardano, accepting his talent, receiving the teachings of mathematics from Cardano, and helping with study.

1529/0202:イタリア宮廷人 Baldassare Castiglione 147829、死去

Baldassarre, Baldassar o Baldesar Castiglione è stato un umanista, letterato, diplomatico e militare italiano, al servizio dello Stato della Chiesa, del Marchesato di Mantova e del Ducato di Urbino.

His prose is considered one of the highest expressions of the Italian Renaissance. He stayed in many courts, including that of Francesco II Gonzaga in Mantua, that of Guidobaldo da Montefeltro in Urbino and that of Ludovico il Moro in Milan.

 Baldassare Castiglione, by Raffaello Sanzio

Il libro del cortegiano was his main work and was published in Venice in 1528. As a book preaching the social skills and education of the upper class, it was regarded as a norm of cultural people for a long time in Europe.

O português Cristóvão da Gama derrota um exército muçulmano do Sultanato de Adal na Batalha de Baçente com sua expedição em apoio ao negue Gelawdewos cristão etíope.

The Portuguese Cristóvão da Gama defeats a Muslim army of the Sultanate of Adal in the Battle of Baçente with his expedition in support of the Christian Ethiopian Negus Gelawdewos.

1580/0202(天正08/0117):日本の戰國武將 別所長治155880、敗死(自害)

Bessho Nagaharu was a Japanese daimyō of the Sengoku period.
In 1578 Oda Nobunaga 織田信長153482 called on his retainers to attack the Mōri 毛利 clan. Nagaharu almost decided to lead the Oda troops, but after hearing that the low-born general Hashiba Hideyoshi, whom he did not respect, was allied with the Oda faction he revolted, instead allying himself with Hatano Hideharu of Tanba province.


Spaniard Pedro de Mendoza founds Buenos Aires, Argentina.

fondаtion de la colonie Nuestra Señora Santa María del Buen Ayre, la future ville de Buenos Aires.

Die von Johann Friedrich I. von Sachsen gegründete Hohe Schule zu Jena wird von Kaiser Ferdinand I. 1557 zur Universität Jena erhoben und nimmt mit ihrer Eröffnung die Lehrtätigkeit auf.

1594/0202:イタリア作曲家 Giovanni da Palestrina 152694、死去

un compositore italiano tra i più importanti del Rinascimento europeo.
He belongs to the generation under the influence of the northern European polyphonic style. In Italy this style was dominant because of the influence of Guillaume Dufay 140070 and Josquin Desprez 145021.
They spent much of their time in Italy and composed in Italy.

In 1577, Palestrina was ordered to reform the Gregorian chant from the Pope at the time.

1826/0202:フランスの食通 Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin 175526、死去

Avocat et magistrat de profession, est un gastronome et un auteur culinaire français.

Frontispice de la Physiologie du goût avec un portrait de Brillat-Savarin (1848).

彼の『美味礼讃』は1825年、死の二ヶ月前に出版された。原題は直訳すると『味覚の生理学、あるいは、超越的ガストロノミをめぐる瞑想録 文科学の会員である一教授によりパリの食通に捧げられる理論的、歴史的、時事的著述』

le roi de France Henri IV signe une alliance avec l'Union protestante allemande

Fondation de La Nouvelle-Amsterdam

1650/0202:イギリスの寵姫 Nell Gwyn 165087、誕生

Eleanor "Nell" Gwyn (also spelled Gwynn, Gwynne) was a long-time mistress of King Charles II of England and Scotland.
Called "pretty, witty Nell" by Samuel Pepys, she has been regarded as a living embodiment of the spirit of Restoration England and has come to be considered a folk heroine, with a story echoing the rags-to-royalty tale of Cinderella.
She was the most famous Restoration actress and possessed a prodigious comic talent.

In 1665, Nell stood on the stage of John Dryden's play "The Indian Emperor" at the age of 15. This was her first debut. This debut was a huge success, and Nell entered the theater company of the King House Theater. As a comedy actress, Nell quickly became a popular actress
The love affair between the King and Gwyn allegedly began in April 1668. Gwyn was attending a performance of George Etherege's She Wou'd if She Cou'd at the theatre in Lincoln's Inn Fields. In the next box was the King, who from accounts was more interested in flirting with Nell than watching the play. Charles invited Nell and her escort (a Mr. Villiers, a cousin of Buckingham's) to supper, along with his brother the Duke of York.

New Amsterdam (later renamed The City of New York) is incorporated.

Alexander Selkirk is rescued after being shipwrecked on a desert island, inspiring Daniel Defoe's adventure book Robinson Crusoe.

From the otherwise uninhabited island of Más a Tierra in the Juan Fernández archipelago, the Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk is salvaged. His fate provides material for Daniel Defoe's novel Robinson Crusoe.

Daniel Defoe's adventure book Robinson Crusoe.
Daniel Defoe 166031 が1719に出版した『Robinson Cruso』のモデルとなったとされる 、Aセルカークは1704船長との諍ひがもとで マスアティエラ島に置き去りになった。この島はチリの沖合にあるファンフェルナンデス諸島のなかで最大の島であるが、この島で四年四ヶ月、自給自足の生活をし、この日、バッカニアのウッズロジャーズに救ひだされた。彼の特異な體驗はロジャースの航海記で紹介され、それをロンドンの新聞が報じ、その話を耳にしたデフォは空想の物語を思ひつき、數年後に出版した。当時はまだフィクションは文藝において一般的でなかったので、冒險實録として評判になった。

A Mantoue capitulé après neuf mois de siège dans la première guerre de coalition, les troupes autrichiennes ci-joint sous le commandement de Dagobert Sigmund von Wurmser contre l'armée française dirigée par Napoléon Bonaparte.

In Mantua capitulated after nine months of siege in the First Coalition War, the enclosed Austrian troops under the command of Dagobert Sigmund von Wurmser against the French army led by Napoleon Bonaparte.

The British polar explorer James Clark Ross invades the Antarctic with the ships HMS Erebus and HMS Terror, the latter commanded by Francis Crozier, up to 78 ° 10 'south latitude, where they are prevented from advancing by an ice wall. This is the southernmost point people have reached for a long time.

1848/0202:Mexican–American War:
Tratado de Guadalupe Hidalgo, que marca el final de la Guerra México-Estados Unidos.

The end of the Mexican-American war brings substantial territorial growth to the west in the Guadalupe Hidalgo peace treaty.

{そして、今、また新たな、American-Mexican War が始まってゐる。今に、日本との戰爭もアメリカは始めるじゃないか、と歴史を見れば思はれてきたりもする。そのまへに、アメリカにとってバケモノの大きさになったチャイナとの關係が(トランプ政權の誕生で)際どいものになってゐるが。

Brigham Young declares war on Timpanogos in the Battle at Fort Utah.

1852/0202:メキシコの風刺画家 José Posada 185213、誕生

un grabador, ilustrador y caricaturista mexicano. Célebre por sus dibujos de escenas costumbristas, folclóricas, de crítica socio-política y por sus ilustraciones de «calacas» o calaveras, entre ellas La Catrina.

La Calavera Catrina
A skeleton appears in his many works. It is said to be a message saying "All rich and poor people die if they are all skeletons." Many people think about dead people such as "dead day of the year" in Mexico in association with the festival tradition.


1859/0202:イギリスの性科學者 Havelock Ellis 185939、誕生

an English physician, writer, progressive intellectual and social reformer who studied human sexuality.
He was co-author of the first medical textbook in English on homosexuality in 1897, and also published works on a variety of sexual practices and inclinations, as well as transgender psychology.
He is credited with introducing the notions of narcissism and autoeroticism, later adopted by psychoanalysis.

Ellis was among the pioneering investigators of psychedelic drugs and the author of one of the first written reports to the public about an experience with mescaline, which he conducted on himself in 1896. Like many intellectuals of his era, he supported eugenics and he served as president of the Eugenics Societ

The Dutch explorer and adventurer Alexandrine Tinné, together with the German explorer Baron Theodor von Heuglin, the botanist and physician Hermann Steudner, sets off 65 bodyguards and 40 mules from Khartoum to explore the gazelle river.

1875/0202:ヴァイオニスト Fritz Kreisler 187562、誕生

ein aus Österreich stammender Violinist und Komponist.
Wien Sigmund Freud 185639と親しい町医者の子として誕生
三歳頃からヴァイオリンを習ふ。あまりに上達が早く、七歳で特例としてウイン皇統音樂院に入學が許され、作曲はAnton Bruckner 182496 に學び、十歳で首席で卒業。その後、パリ高等音樂院に留學、こゝでも十二歳で首席で卒業。

1875/0202:USA、Patent「The sprocket wheel machine」
 of the American Frank Stephen Baldwin is patented in the USA.

The National League of Professional Baseball Clubs of Major League Baseball is formed.

The New Court Theater in Dresden, designed by Gottfried Semper, is inaugurated.

1882/0202:James Joyce 188241、誕生

an Irish novelist, short story writer, and poet.
He contributed to the modernist avant-garde and is regarded as one of the most influential and important authors of the 20th century.
Joyce is best known for Ulysses (1922), a landmark work in which the episodes of Homer's Odyssey are paralleled in a variety of literary styles, perhaps most prominently stream of consciousness. Other well-known works are the short-story collection Dubliners (1914), and the novels A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916) and Finnegans Wake (1939). His other writings include three books of poetry, a play, his published letters and occasional journalism.

1882/0202:日本の皇族 梨本伊都子188276、誕生


In 1882 (明治15), she was born in Rome as the second daughter of Naoto Nabeshima 鍋島直人, the Minister of State's Special Attorney General. Named Ichuko in the sense of "the child of the city of Italy"



1885/0202:ソ連の政事家 Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze 188525、誕生

Pеволюционер, советский государственный и военный деятель, один из наиболее крупных военачальников Красной армии во время Гражданской войны, военный теоретик. Revolutionary, a Soviet state and military leader, one of the largest commanders of the Red Army during the Civil War, a military theoretician.
One of the leaders of the Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution. He served as the Soviet Army and Sea Army People's Committee and Republican Revolutionary Military Conference Chairman.

In 1921, Frunze was appointed a member of the Central Committee of the party, and in January 1925 he became the Army People's Committee and Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Conference. Frunze received the support of Zinoviev was in conflict with Stalin, but died on 31 October 1925 during abdominal surgery. There is a doubt about Stalin's involvement about his death.

1887/0202:USA、In Punxsutawney,
Pennsylvania the first Groundhog Day is observed.

1896/0202:ポウランド数学者 Kazimierz Kuratowski 189680、誕生

ein polnischer Mathematiker und Logiker.
He left a great deal of achievements in topological space theory and set theory, in particular the two-volume masterpiece "Topologie" is a monumental topic of the Polish school point set topology

The Australian Premiers' Conference held in Melbourne decides to locate Australia's capital city, Canberra, between Sydney and Melbourne.

1901/0202:ヴァイオリニスト Jascha Heifetz 190187、誕生

a Lithuanian-born Russian violinist. Many consider him to be the greatest violinist of all time.
Born in Vilna (Vilnius), he moved as a teenager to the United States, where his Carnegie Hall debut was rapturously received.
He was a virtuoso since childhood—Fritz Kreisler, another leading violinist of the twentieth century, said on hearing Heifetz's debut, "We might as well take our fiddles and break them across our knees."

1901/0202:歌舞伎役者 三代目中村翫右衛門190182、誕生





1901/0202:GB、Funeral of Queen Victoria.

1905/0202:USA作家 Ayn Rand 190582、誕生

Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum Алиса Зиновьевна Розенбаум; was a Russian-American novelist, philosopher, playwright, and screenwriter.
She is known for her two best-selling novels, The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, and for developing a philosophical system she called Objectivism.
Educated in Russia, she moved to the United States in 1926. She had a play produced on Broadway in 1935 and 1936.
After two early novels that were initially unsuccessful, she achieved fame with her 1943 novel, The Fountainhead. In 1957, Rand published her best-known work, the novel Atlas Shrugged. Afterward, she turned to non-fiction to promote her philosophy, publishing her own periodicals and releasing several collections of essays until her death in 1982.


1907/0202:ロシアの化學者 Dmitri Mendeleïev 183407、死去

(Дмитрий Иванович Менделеев), chimiste russe
Russian scientist-encyclopedist: chemist, physicist, physicist, metrologist, economist, technologist, geologist, meteorologist, oilman, teacher, teacher, aeronaut, instrument maker.
He created the Periodic Table of the Elements, lists the elements discovered so far, periodically confirms that elements with similar properties appear, and predicts the existence of numerous elements that were not discovered did.


Grand Central Terminal is opened in New York City.

The New York Grand Central Terminal is inaugurated. It has since become the largest train station in the world.


The Tartu Peace Treaty is signed between Estonia and Russia.

Estonia's independence is recognized by Russia after the Estonian War of Independence, lasting almost two years, in the Peace of Dorpat.

France occupies Memel.


The novel Ulysses by James Joyce appears as a book in Paris

限定一千部の本は装幀により値段が異なってゐた。350フランから150フラン(これでも当時のパリのアパルトマンの家賃の半月分にあたる)。その値段の高さにGeorge Bernard Shaw 185650は購入を止める手紙を書いた。T.S.Eliot 188865 や Ernest Hemingway 189961 らは絶讃したが、Virginia Woolf 188241 は否定的だった。

{一九二二年は二十世紀の文藝の歴史において、特筆される年であった。フランスでは、Marcel Proust 187122 が『失はれた時を求めて』を書き、ドイツ語ではFranz Kafka 188324が無名を守りつつ、まったく別種の現代文學を創ってゐた。ヨウロパは大きな戰爭と戰爭のあひだで、束の間のベルエポックな時間を享受してゐた。

1924/0202:ジャズサキソフォニスト Sonny Stitt 192482、誕生

an American jazz saxophonist of the bebop/hard bop idiom. Known for his warm tone, he was one of the best-documented saxophonists of his generation, recording more than 100 albums.

1927/0202:ジャズサキソフォニスト Stan Getz 192791、誕生

an American jazz saxophonist. Playing primarily the tenor saxophone, Getz was known as "The Sound" because of his warm, lyrical tone, his prime influence being the wispy, mellow timbre of his idol, Lester Young. Influenced by João Gilberto and Antônio Carlos Jobim, he popularized bossa nova in America with the hit single "The Girl from Ipanema" (1964).

1961年にスヱデンからアメリカに帰国。1962当時、流行を始めた Bossa Nova を採り入れた『Jazz Samba』を録音。1963/03、には ジョアンジルベルト、アントニオカルロスジョビンらと『Getz/Gilberto』を録音。翌年三月にリリイス、グラミ賞を四部門を独占する大ヒットとなった。

1931/0202:ドイツの歴史考古学者 Walter Burkert 193115、誕生

ein deutscher Klassischer Philologe und wurde als hervorragender Kenner der griechischen Religion und Mysterienkulte bekannt.

In his preface to the English translation of Homo Necans、Burkert, who characterised himself on this occasion as "a philologist who starts from ancient Greek texts and attempts to find biological, psychological and sociological explanations for religious phenomena", expressed some of the principles underlying a book that had seemed somewhat revolutionary to German readers in 1972 in its consistent application of inter-relationships of myth and ritual, the application to texts of the kind of functionalism espoused in Jane Ellen Harrison's Themis and the use of structuralism to elucidate an ethology of Greek religion, its social aspect. Burkert confirmed that an impetus for his book had come from Konrad Lorenz, On Aggression, "which seemed to offer new insight into the disquieting manifestations of violence."
The book argues that solidarity was achieved among the Greeks through a sacred crime with due reparations: "for the strange prominence of animal slaughter in ancient religion this still seems to be the most economical, and most humane explanation" (p. xv).
Its first chapter "Sacrifice as an Act of Killing" offers conclusions that are supported in the ensuing chapters through individual inquiries into myth, festival and ritual, in which the role of poetic creation and re-creation are set aside "in order to confront the power and effect of tradition as fully as possible". The term gods, Burkert concludes, remains fluid, whereas sacrifice is a fact (p. xv).

Josef von Sternberg's film Shanghai-Express starring Marlene Dietrich premieres in New York.

The Export-Import Bank of the United States is incorporated.

Leonarde Keeler administers polygraph tests to two murder suspects, the first time polygraph evidence was admitted in U.S. courts.

1939/0202:ソ連の建築家 Vladimir Shukhov 185339、死去

ウラジミル シュホフ」русский, советский инженер, архитектор, изобретатель, учёный;
He was regarded as a pioneer of pipeline transportation and created a tower with a hyperbolic structure with a group of iron wires collectively called "Shukhov tower", which greatly influenced Russian avant-garde architecture.

1940/0202:ソ連の前衛演劇家 Vsevolod Meyerhold 187440、刑死

(Все́волод Эми́льевич Мейерхо́льд) (Karl Kasimir Theodor Meiergold, dit),

He is a director and actor in Russia. In Russia before and after the revolution, he developed a theatrical innovation movement that could be called a challenging one, and was one of the best contributors to contemporary theater.

He was a victim of Stalin's Great Purge.






1942/0202:ロシアの前衛作家 Daniil Harms 190542、刑死

(Дании́л Ива́нович Хармс), poète russe.
русский, советский писатель и поэт. Участник объединения ОБЭРИУ.
Un poète de surréaliste au début de l'ère soviétique. Il crée du théâtre et de la littérature enfantine et est considéré comme l'un des pionniers de la littérature absurde.



The Osvald Group is responsible for the first, active event of anti-Nazi resistance in Norway, to protest the inauguration of Vidkun Quisling.


Die Einheiten der deutschen 6. Armee im Nordkessel kapitulieren in der Schlacht von Stalingrad. Insgesamt rund 108.000 Soldaten gehen in sowjetische Gefangenschaft.

The Battle of Stalingrad comes to an end when Soviet troops accept the surrender of the last German troops in the city.


1945/0202:反ナチ運動家 Carl Friedrich Goerdeler 188445、刑死

ein deutscher Jurist, Politiker (DNVP) und Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Nationalsozialismus.
Er gehörte zu den führenden zivilen Köpfen der Widerstandsbewegung und sollte nach dem Attentat vom 20. Juli 1944, an dessen Planung er maßgeblich beteiligt war, das Amt des Reichskanzlers übernehmen.
German politician. Anti-Nazi activist. While joining the Hitler assassination plan during World War II, he failed and was executed.


1945/0202:反ナチ運動家 Alfred Delp 190745、刑死

Alfred Friedrich Delp SJ war ein deutscher Jesuit und Mitglied des Kreisauer Kreises im Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus.
Delpe joined the "Kreisau Circle" in 1942 to cooperate with the new administration after the coup against the anti-Nazi group. After Hitler's assassination plan failed on July 20, 1944, Delpe was arrested, sentenced to death by the People's Court, executed on February 2, 1945 at the Pretzensee Prison in Berlin.

„Wie lange ich nun hier warte, ob und wann ich getötet werde, weiß ich nicht. Der Weg hierher bis zum Galgen nach Plötzensee ist nur zehn Minuten Fahrt. Man erfährt es erst kurz vorher, dass man heute und zwar gleich "dran" ist. Nicht traurig sein. Gott hilft mir so wunderbar und spürbar bis jetzt. Ich bin noch gar nicht erschrocken. Das kommt wohl noch. Vielleicht will Gott diesen Wartestand als äußerste Erprobung des Vertrauens. Mir soll es recht sein. Ich will mir Mühe geben, als fruchtbarer Same in die Scholle zu fallen, für Euch alle und für dieses Land und Volk, dem ich dienen und helfen wollte“ – Alfred Delp aus Berlin Plötzensee am 2. Februar 1945

The Malta Conference is ended.

The official maiden flight of Horten H IX takes place in Oranienburg.
As a flying wing construction, the aircraft is technically and conceptually far ahead of its time, but is no longer used in the last phase of the war.


1952/0202:USAコンピュウタ科學者 Ralph Merkle 1952--、誕生

a computer scientist.
He is one of the inventors of public key cryptography, the inventor of cryptographic hashing, and more recently a researcher and speaker of cryonics.
Merkle devised a scheme for communication over an insecure channel: Merkle's puzzles as part of a class project while an undergraduate.
The scheme is now recognized to be an early example of public key cryptography.
He co-invented the Merkle–Hellman knapsack cryptosystem, invented cryptographic hashing (now called the Merkle–Damgård construction based on a pair of articles published 10 years later that established the security of the scheme), and invented Merkle trees. While at Xerox PARC, Merkle designed the Khufu and Khafre block ciphers, and the Snefru hash function.

日本航空が日本で戦後初の国際航空路「東京 - ホノルル - サンフランシスコ」線を開設。

Japan Airlines established the first international post-war international route "Tokyo - Honolulu - San Francisco"

At the settlement of Tjuratam, the Soviet Union begins construction of a test area for intercontinental ballistic missiles, which develops into the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

Nine experienced ski hikers in the northern Ural Mountains in the Soviet Union die under mysterious circumstances.

事件は、ホラート・シャフィル山(死の山の意味)の東斜面で起こった。一行のリーダーだったディアトロフの名から現地は Перевал Дятлова ディアトロフ峠と呼ばれるやうになった。

YouTube で探したら、事件の概要を遺された寫眞などと解説してゐるのがあった。ちょっと恐いところもあります。

Unsolved Mysteries - The Dyatlov Pass Case - YouTube

Pakistan suggests a six-point agenda with Kashmir after the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965.

1969/0202:イギリスの怪物俳優 Boris Karloff 188769、死去

(William Henry Pratt, dit), acteur britannique
an English actor who was primarily known for his roles in horror films.
He portrayed Frankenstein's monster in Frankenstein (1931), Bride of Frankenstein (1935), and Son of Frankenstein (1939). He also appeared as Imhotep in The Mummy (1932).

1970/0202:Bertrand Russell 187270、死去

a British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, writer, social critic, political activist and Nobel laureate.
At various points in his life, Russell considered himself a liberal, a socialist and a pacifist, but he also admitted that he had "never been any of these things, in any profound sense".

Idi Amin replaces President Milton Obote as leader of Uganda.

The international Ramsar Convention for the conservation and sustainable utilization of wetlands is signed in Ramsar, Mazandaran, Iran.


Reports surface that the FBI is targeting allegedly corrupt Congressmen in the Abscam operation.

1982/0202:シリア「Hama massacre
 The government of Syria attacks the town of Hama.

Syrian troops under the presidential brother Rifaat al-Assad begin a grenade bombardment on the city of Hama, the center of the anti-government Muslim Brotherhood. The massacre of Hama kills between 20,000 and 30,000 people.

1987/0202:JazzBlueNote創業者 Alfred Lion 190987、死去

a Jewish German-born American record executive who co-founded Blue Note Records in 1939.
Blue Note recorded many of the biggest names in jazz throughout the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s.

{Blue Note とか Rudy van Gelder とか、懷かしい。 

1987/0202:冒険小説家 Alistair MacLean 192287、死去

a Scottish novelist who wrote popular thrillers and adventure stories. His works include The Guns of Navarone, Ice Station Zebra and Where Eagles Dare – all three were made into popular films.

After the 1986 People Power Revolution, the Philippines enacts a new constitution.

Soviet war in Afghanistan: The last Soviet armoured column leaves Kabul.

Overthrow of Alfredo Stroessner in Paraguay.

Apartheid: F. W. de Klerk announces the unbanning of the African National Congress and promises to release Nelson Mandela.

In a parliamentary speech, South African President Frederik Willem de Klerk promises comprehensive reforms. Among other things, the two banned parties African State Congress and Pan Africanist Congress re-admitted restrictions on press freedom and the state of emergency lifted and loosening in apartheid policy in prospect.

1995/0202:日本の詩人 谷川雁192395、死去

Japanese poets, critics, circle activists, educational activists. Known as a poet based on socialistic realism,

1996/0202:ミュウジカル俳優 Gene Kelly 191296、死去

Eugene Curran Kelly was an American dancer, actor of film, stage, and television, singer, film director, producer, and choreographer. He was known for his energetic and athletic dancing style, his good looks, and the likable characters that he played on screen.

While approaching Cagayan de Oro, a Douglas DC-9 of the Cebu Pacific bounces against a mountain with 104 people on board. There are no survivors.

Investidura del presidente de la República de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez.

After his victory in the elections on 6 December last year, Hugo Chávez is sworn in as president of Venezuela. His invitation to the former dictator Marcos Pérez Jiménez causes irritation.

First digital cinema projection in Europe (Paris) realized by Philippe Binant with the DLP CINEMA technology developed by Texas Instruments.

The Government of Canada introduces the Civil Marriage Act. This legislation would become law on July 20, 2005, legalizing same-sex marriage.

2009/0202:日本のプロ野球選手 山内一弘193209、死去

Yamauchi Kazuhiro was a Japanese baseball player and manager.
He played for the Mainichi Orions, the Hanshin Tigers and the Hiroshima Toyo Carp over the span of an 18 season-long career (1952–1970).


Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe forces the central bank to issue the Fourth Zimbabwe Dollar. One trillion of the third Zimbabwe dollar will receive the value of 1 (fourth) Zimbabwean dollars in the currency reform.

100 Billionen, auf englisch trillion, Simbabwe-Dollar von 2008, in Verkehr gebracht Januar 2009

In Egypt, protesters of the anti-Mubarak school collided with demonstrators of the Mubarak school. Take out numerous casualties.

The ferry MV Rabaul Queen sinks off the coast of Papua New Guinea near the Finschhafen District, with an estimated 146-165 dead.

2013/0202:USAスナイパ Chris Kyle 197413、射殺される

Christopher Scott « Chris » Kyle, tireur d'élite américain.
a United States Navy SEAL veteran and sniper.
Kyle served four tours in the Iraq War and was awarded several commendations for acts of heroism and meritorious service in combat. He was awarded one Silver Star Medal, four Bronze Star Medals with "V" devices, a Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal and numerous other unit and personal awards.
Kyle was honorably discharged from the U.S. Navy in 2009 and published his bestselling autobiography, American Sniper, in 2012. An eponymous film adaptation of Kyle's book, directed by Clint Eastwood, was released two years later.

On February 2, 2013, Kyle was murdered by Eddie Ray Routh at a shooting range near Chalk Mountain, Texas.A former Marine with post traumatic stress disorder, Routh was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison without parole


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