


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

1557 Pieter Bruegel 152569

歴史暦:古今東西 01/28 今日の出來事

0598/0128:China[唐] 太宗 李世民059849、誕生

Emperor Taizong, second generation of Chinese Tang Emperor


The Rashidun Caliphate is effectively ended with the assassination of Ali, the last caliph.

0814/0128:Charlemagne 074214、崩去

, empereur d'Occident de 0800 à 0814
Karl der Große (lateinisch Carolus Magnus oder Karolus Magnus, französisch und englisch Charlemagne; war von 768 bis 814 König des Fränkischen Reichs (bis 771 gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder Karlmann). Er erlangte am 25. Dezember 800 als erster westeuropäischer Herrscher seit der Antike die Kaiserwürde, die mit ihm erneuert wurde. Der Enkel des Hausmeiers Karl Martell war der bedeutendste Herrscher aus dem Geschlecht der Karolinger. Das Frankenreich gelangte unter ihm zu seiner größten Ausdehnung und Machtentfaltung.

He is succeeded by his son Louis the Pious as king of the Frankish Empire.

The 13-year-old Carolingian Charles II is raised in Reims to the antagonism of Robertin Odo of Paris, which leads to the civil war in burgeoning France.


Caliph Al-Mustakfi is blinded and deposed by Emir Mu'izz al-Dawla, ruler of the Buyid Empire. He is succeeded by Al-Muti as caliph of the Abbasid Caliphate.


The Chanyuan Treaty (澶淵之盟) in 1004-1005 was the pivotal point in the relations between the Northern Song (0960-1127) and the Liao Dynasties (0916-1125). The ruling class of the Liao were a people of nomadic origin known as the Khitan (Qidan in Chinese) who rose in the northeast around present-day Heilongjiang Province.

Robert de Comines(the Earl of Northumbria)is killed while attempting to subdue rebels in Durham, England.
This leads to the Harrying of the North by William the Conqueror.

1077/0128:カノッサの屈辱=Pénitence de Canossa.
 The excommunication of Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor is lifted.



1393/0128:フランス「Bal des ardents」
King Charles VI of France is nearly killed when several dancers' costumes catch fire during a masquerade ball.

King Charles VI. from France hosts a wedding eve for one of Queen Isabeau's honorary ladies. The ball, later known as Bal des Ardents ("Ball of the Burning"), has a fire that kills four friends of the king. This then completely falls into madness.

シャルル六世は le Bien-Aimé とか le Fol, le Fou とか徒名されてゐた。

1457/0128:Henry VII of England 145709、誕生

King of England from seizing the crown on 22 August 1485 until his death on 21 April 1509, and the first monarch of the House of Tudor.
He ruled the Principality of Wales until 29 November 1489 and was Lord of Ireland.
He defeated Richard Ⅲ 145285 in the Bosworth fight, won the throne, and became the last King of England who gained the throne in battle.

1521/0128:ドイツ「Diet of Worms」
die Eröffnung des Wormser Reichstags, der von Karl V. einberufen wurde, um unter anderem die Frage der protestantischen Reformation zu regeln.

Emperor Karl V opens the Reichstag at Worms, which will last until 25 May, and on which, in addition to problems of the Reich administration, such as the Reichsregiment and the Reichstag, the Lutheraus is treated as the last item.
The Diet of Worms begins, lasting until May 25.
{Worms を「虫」だとばかり思ひ、Diet を「食事」とばかり思ひ、私は「虫を食ひ始めた」と讀んで、「五月二十五日まで續く」と讀んで、すこしく首を捻った。 Wikipedia で見ると、ドイツの神聖ロウマ帝國の imperial diet とあり、それでやうやく氣付いていく、diet が「國會」で、Worms とはドイツの都市「ヴォルムス」のことであることが解ってきた。 この時、the Edict of Worms (Wormser Edikt) が發せられ、Martin Luther 148346 に異端が宣告された。その事でこの日は歴史の日となった。
{しかし、「ワアムダイエットの方法の流行でも十二分に Historical Day になっただらう」と、これは恥掻いた私の負け惜しみ。

1540/0128:Ludolph van Ceulen 154010、誕生

「ルドルフ ファン コウレン」ein deutsch-niederländischer Mathematiker aus Hildesheim. Er emigrierte in die Niederlande.
After immigrating to Delft he taught fencing and mathematics, and in 1594 he opened a training school for fencing in Leiden. In 1600 he became the first professor of mathematics at Leiden University.

1547/0128:イングランド王 Henry VIII 149147、死去

King of England from 21 April 1509 until his death. Henry was the second Tudor monarch, succeeding his father, Henry VII.


Henry VIII dies. His nine-year-old son, Edward VI, becomes king.

But, Edwardは十五際で夭折し、後繼者は義理の妹となる Mary か Elizabeth かの選擇となり(これには宗教關係などの要素が複雜怪奇に絡まり)、Mary が卽位したが、Edward のプロテスタント改革を否定したこともあり、Elizabeth に代はった。
そして、エリザベス一世イングランドの黄金時代が William Shakespeare 156416 によって黒々とした輝かしさで記録されることになる。


The Warsaw Confederation grants full religious freedom to minority denominations in Poland.
The term "dissident" was used for the first time in the Tolerance Edict created in France under the influence of Bartholomew's Night.

1596/0128:イギリス航海探檢家 Francis Drake 154096、死去

an English sea captain, slave trader, and privateer of the Elizabethan era. He achieved the first round of the world as an Englishman and destroyed the Spanish invincible fleet as commander of the fleet in the battle of Armada.
Drake carried out the second circumnavigation of the world in a single expedition, from 1577 to 1580, and was the first to complete the voyage as captain while leading the expedition throughout the entire circumnavigation.
With his incursion into the Pacific Ocean, he claimed what is now California for the English and inaugurated an era of conflict with the Spanish on the western coast of the Americas, an area that had previously been largely unexplored by western shipping.
He has also been credited for introducing the potato to England; one of the most important European staple foods during the Renaissance and Modern era.

1611/0128:ドイツ天文學者 Johannes Hevelius 161187、誕生

ein Astronom und gilt als Begründer der Kartografie des Mondes.

Karte des Mondes von zu Selenographia

Sir Thomas Warner founds the first British colony in the Caribbean, on the island of Saint Kitts.

1687/0128:Johannes Hevelius 161187、死去


1688/0128:イエズス會宣教師 Ferdinand Verbiest 162388、死去

「フェルディナント フェルビイスト」康熙帝に仕えたイエズス会宣教師 Father Ferdinand Verbiest was a Flemish Jesuit missionary in China during the Qing dynasty. He was born in Pittem near Tielt in the County of Flanders (now part of Belgium).
He introduced European astronomy, science and technology such as geography to China, and also worked in Chinese, contributed to the Oriental science and technology of those days including Japan.
He is known as Nan Huairen (南懷仁) in Chinese. He was an accomplished mathematician and astronomer and proved to the court of the Kangxi Emperor that European astronomy was more accurate than Chinese astronomy. He then corrected the Chinese calendar and was later asked to rebuild and re-equip the Beijing Ancient Observatory, being given the role of Head of the Mathematical Board and Director of the Observatory.

He published the Kunyu Quantu world map in 1674.

1701/0128:Charles Marie de La Condamine 170174、誕生

est un explorateur et un scientifique français, astronome et encyclopédiste du XVIIIe siècle.

The Russian Academy of Sciences is founded in St. Petersburg by Peter the Great, and implemented by Senate decree. 

Horace Walpole coins the word "serendipity" in a letter to a friend.

The term Serendipity is first used by the English author Horace Walpole in a letter to Horace Mann for a random observation of something that was not the original target of an investigation.

Serendipity の意味は、 …… 自分で調べてみてください。きっと、探してゐるうちに豫想外の發見をしたり、さうした思ひもしなかった偶然に、幸運と出逢った氣分になれるかも知れません。

1794/0128:フランス英雄 Henri de La Rochejaquelein 177294、死去

「ロシュラクラン」Henri du Vergier, comte de La Rochejaquelein est l'un des chefs de l'armée vendéenne au cours des batailles de la Révolution française.


Along the Pall Mall in the City of Westminster, London, the first street lighting is set up with gas.

The Tyrolean freedom fighter Andreas Hofer is arrested by the French on the Pfandleralm near St. Martin in Passeier. His hiding place has betrayed Franz Raffl.

Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice is first published in the United Kingdom.

Somerset Maugham 187465『世界の十大小説』で『高慢と偏見』を選び、「たいした事件が起こらないのに、ペイジを繰らずにはいられない」と評し、するどい感性とユーモアのあふれる文体は比類がない。平凡な生活の中で見出した真実味のある多彩な描写は非常に巧みである、と論じている。
夏目漱石186716は『文学論』で「Jane Austenは写実の泰斗なり。平凡にして活躍せる文字を草して技神に入る」と絶賛している。
一方で、同じイギリスの小説家、Sブロンテは「情感に欠ける」と言ひ、Mark Twain 183510は「動物的な嫌悪を感じる」とし、D.H.Lawrence1 88530も批判的であった。
―― と大作家たちのあひだでも評價はさまざま、アテにならないものです。

A Russian expedition led by Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen and Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev discovers the Antarctic continent, approaching the Antarctic coast.

Después de un levantamiento exitoso en Perú contra Simón Bolívar, quien gobernó en unión personal con la Gran Colombia, Andrés de Santa Cruz se convierte en presidente peruano.

After a successful uprising in Peru against Simón Bolívar, who ruled in personal union with Greater Colombia, Andrés de Santa Cruz becomes Peruvian president.

1829/0128:ドイツの発明家 Albrecht Berblinger 177029、死去

ein deutscher Schneider, Erfinder und Flugpionier.



On his Antarctic expedition, the British polar explorer James Clark Ross discovers the Ross Ice Shelf in the Ross Sea with his ships HMS Erebus and HMS Terror and begins the extensive mapping.

1846/0128:インド「Battle of Aliwal」
, India, is won by British troops commanded by Sir Harry Smith.

The Battle of Aliwal takes place between the British East India Company and the Sikh Army of Punjab in the First Sikh War.

A locomotive on the Panama Canal Railway runs from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean for the first time.

Prussia forces after the victory in the German war and the occupation of Frankfurt am Main the princely house Thurn and taxis, which holds since the postal shelf of 1597 the post office transport in the Reich, to the conclusion of a contract over the abolishment of the postal service, effective from 1 July becomes.

1868/0128:オウストリアの作家 Adalbert Stifter 180568、死去

ein österreichischer Schriftsteller, Maler und Pädagoge.
Er zählt zu den bedeutendsten Autoren des Biedermeier.
an Austrian writer, poet, painter, and pedagogue. He was especially notable for the vivid natural landscapes depicted in his writing and has long been popular in the German-speaking world, while remaining almost entirely unknown to English readers.

Mondlandschaft mit bewölktem Himmel, um 1850

「シュティフタは世界文学の最も注目すべき、最も奥深い、最も内密な大胆さを持つ、最も不思議な感動を与える小説家の一人である」Thomas Mann 187555

After dropping off in Halifax, the British passenger steamer City of Boston of the Inman Line disappears with 191 people on board without a trace on the North Atlantic.

Franco-Prussian War: The Siege of Paris ends in French defeat and an armistice.

Menacer la crise alimentaire à Paris après plusieurs mois de siège oblige le gouvernement français à céder à la guerre germano-française.
A Versailles, une trêve négociée entre Otto von Bismarck et Jules Favre est convenue, ce qui ne s'applique pas expressément aux départements du Doubs, de la Côte-d'Or et du Jura. En fait, c'est le début de la défaite française.


1873/0128:フランスの文藝家 Colette 187354、誕生

Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette est une femme de lettres française, connue surtout comme romancière, mais qui fut aussi mime, actrice et journaliste

代表作のひとつ『ジジ』1944h、後にブロウヱイで舞台化され、さらに1958年に映画化もされた。ブロウドヱイ版『ジジ』のオウディションには彼女自身も立ち會ひ、主役にAudrey Hepburn 182993を抜擢した。

The first public telephone booth is set up in New Haven, Connecticut.

1881/0128:ロシアの作家 Fyodor Dostoyevsky 182181、死去

(Фёдор Михайлович Достоевский), écrivain russe
русский писатель, мыслитель, философ и публицист.
Considéré comme l'un des plus grands romanciers russes, il a influencé de nombreux écrivains et philosophes.

Écrivain admiré après la publication de Crime et Châtiment (1866) et de L'Idiot (1869), l'auteur publie ses œuvres les plus abouties, Les Démons (1871) et Les Frères Karamazov (1880).

1884/0128:スヰスの科學者 Auguste Piccard 188462、誕生

un physicien, aéronaute et océanaute suisse.
Il avait un grand intérêt pour l'univers et l'océan profond.

1931、宇宙線やオゾンの研究のため、自分が設計し、ベルギイ国立科学研究基金からの資金援助で製作した水素気球FNRS-1にみづから乗ってドイツのアウクスブルク上空16,000 mの成層圏に達した。これは世界初の気球による成層圏到達であり、ピカルはこの業績によりハモントロフィを獲得した。


1886/0128:日本の発明家 八木秀次188676、誕生

a Japanese electrical engineer from Osaka, Japan. When working at Tohoku University, he wrote several articles that introduced a new antenna designed by his colleague Shintaro Uda to the English-speaking world.
The Yagi antenna, patented in 1926, allows directional communication using electromagnetic waves, and is now installed on millions of houses throughout the world for radio and television reception.

1887/0128:ポウランドのピアニスト Arthur Rubinstein 188782、誕生

a Polish American classical pianist. He received international acclaim for his performances of the music written by a variety of composers and many regard him as the greatest Chopin interpreter of his time.

1887/0128:USA死刑囚 Robert Franklin Stroud 188763、誕生

known as the "Birdman of Alcatraz", was an American federal prisoner and author who has been cited as one of the United States' most notorious criminals.
During his time at Leavenworth Penitentiary, he reared and sold birds and became a respected ornithologist, but because of regulations, he was not permitted to keep birds at Alcatraz, where he was incarcerated from 1942 to 1959.
Stroud was never released from the Federal prison system.

Mug shot 29 October 1951.

Début de la construction de la tour Eiffel.

1892/0128:ドイツの映画監督 Ernst Lubitsch 189247、誕生

a German American film director, producer, writer, and actor. His urbane comedies of manners gave him the reputation of being Hollywood's most elegant and sophisticated director; as his prestige grew, his films were promoted as having "the Lubitsch touch". Among his most famous works are Trouble in Paradise, Ninotchka, The Shop Around the Corner and To Be or Not to Be.

Rudolf Diesel setzt mit Erfolg den von ihm erfundenen Motor in Gang.

The Carnegie Institution of Washington is founded in Washington, D.C. with a $10 million gift from Andrew Carnegie.

Members of the Portuguese Republican Party fail in their attempted coup d'état against the administrative dictatorship of Prime Minister João Franco.


150 people are killed in a blast with subsequent coal dust explosion in the pit Reden in Landsweiler-speeches, today's Schiffweiler near Neunkirchen.

United States troops leave Cuba with the exception of Guantanamo Bay Naval Base after being there since the Spanish–American War.

1912/0128:USA画家 Jackson Pollock 191256、誕生

Paul Jackson Pollock was an American painter and a major figure in the abstract expressionist movement. He was well known for his unique style of drip painting.


An act of the U.S. Congress creates the United States Coast Guard as a branch of the United States Armed Forces.

Após o golpe de Estado de 25 de janeiro em Portugal, o presidente Manuel de Arriaga nomeia o líder do golpe, o general Joaquim Pimenta de Castro, como novo primeiro-ministro.

Following the 25 January coup d'état in Portugal, President Manuel de Arriaga appoints the leader of the coup, General Joaquim Pimenta de Castro, as the new prime minister.

1917/0128:日本の女優 望月優子191777、誕生

Mochizuki Youko」une actrice japonaise,
Elle monte sur scène au Moulin Rouge Shinjuku. Marié en 1942. Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Takizawa Osamu fonde la compagnie théâtrale "MinGei 民藝" et en 1950, elle signe avec Shochiku 松竹 et apparaît dans les films, jouant le rôle d'une mère japonaise dans la "Tragédie du Japon 日本の悲劇木下恵介監督)", etc. 1958 "Rice(今井正監督)" remporte le Blue Ribbon Best Actress Award.

Finnish Civil War: The Red Guard rebels seize control of the capital, Helsinki; members of the Senate of Finland go underground.

Der Spartakusbund um Karl Liebknecht und Rosa Luxemburg ruft zum Spartakusstreik für bessere Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen, das Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs und Demokratisierung auf.

Fondation de l'Armée rouge.

Фонд Красной Армии.

Foundation of the Spanish Legion.

Inauguration de la Tombe du Soldat inconnu à Paris.


1922/0128:USA「Knickerbocker Storm」
 Washington D.C.'s biggest snowfall, causes the city's greatest loss of life when the roof of the Knickerbocker Theatre collapses.

1927/0128:日本の前衛作家 勅使河原宏192701、誕生

Teshigahara Hiroshi est un réalisateur japonais, célèbre pour son film d'avant-garde La Femme des sables 砂の女, prix spécial du jury au festival de Cannes de 19641, adapté, comme une partie de ses films (Le Visage d'un autre 他人の顏, Le Plan déchiqueté 燃えつきた地圖) d'un roman de son contemporain Kōbō Abe 安部公房192493.

1932/0128:Japan vs China「第一次上海事變」勃發

The Japanese army attacked the Zhabei area by the Shanghai concession and encountered the resistance of the 19th Route Army of the Chinese National Revolutionary Army. The January 28 Incident broke out.
occupation japonaise de Shanghai.


・『戦争と人間 第一部 運命の序曲』1970 山本薩夫監督
・『紫蝴蝶(パープルバタフライ)』2003  婁燁(ロウ・イエ)監督


Nach einem Gespräch mit Reichspräsident Paul von Hindenburg tritt der deutsche Reichskanzler Kurt von Schleicher zurück und empfiehlt die Ernennung Adolf Hitlers zum Reichskanzler. Mit der zwei Tage später erfolgenden „Machtergreifung“ endet die Weimarer Republik.

After a conversation with Reich President Paul von Hindenburg, the German Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher resigns and recommends the appointment of Adolf Hitler as Reich Chancellor. With the two days later "seizure of power" ends the Weimar Republic.

The name Pakistan is coined by Choudhry Rahmat Ali Khan and is accepted by Indian Muslims who then thereby adopted it further for the Pakistan Movement seeking independence.

Iceland becomes the first Western country to legalize therapeutic abortion.

The World Land Speed Record on a public road is broken by Rudolf Caracciola in the Mercedes-Benz W195 at a speed of 432.7 kilometres per hour (268.9 mph).


1939/0128:William Butler Yeats 186539、死去

an Irish poet and one of the foremost figures of 20th century literature. A pillar of both the Irish and British literary establishments, he helped to found the Abbey Theatre, and in his later years served as an Irish Senator for two terms. Yeats was a driving force behind the Irish Literary Revival along with Lady Gregory, Edward Martyn and others.

1941/0128:フランスvsタイ Franco-Thai War:
 Final air battle of the conflict. A Japanese-mediated armistice goes into effect later in the day.

 Supplies begin to reach the Republic of China over the newly reopened Burma Road.




1949/0128:日本の歌舞伎役者 七代目松本幸四郎187049、死去

Matsumoto Kōshirō VII est l'un des plus importants acteurs tachiyaku du genre kabuki du théâtre japonais, de l'ère Meiji jusqu'à la fin des années 1940.

as Benkei, in the 1943 production of Kanjinchō



Rediscovery of the Bermuda Petrel, a species considered extinct.



1956/0128:日本の政事家 緒方竹虎188856、死去

Ogata Taketora was a Japanese journalist, Vice President of the Asahi Shimbun 朝日新聞 and later a politician.
During the war, he joined the Imperial Rule Assistance Association. After the end of the war, he was purged from public service. Later, he became the Chief Secretary of the 4th Yoshida Cabinet, Vice President and then President of the Liberal Party of Japan of Japan, but he died before becoming a prime minister.



The State Council of Mainland China passed the "Simplified Chinese Character Scheme" and formally promoted the simplified characters on February 1.

Elvis Presley makes his first American television appearance.

American serial killer Charles Starkweather kills the family of his 14-year-old friend Caril Ann Fugate.

The Danish company Lego applies for a patent for the Lego stone in its present form.

1962/0128:日本の歌舞伎役者 四代目中村時藏192762、死去

Nakamura Tokizou Acteur Kabuki japonais



An unarmed United States Air Force T-39 Sabreliner on a training mission is shot down over Erfurt, East Germany, by a Soviet MiG-19.

Jimi Hendrix first appears in London with his Jimi Hendrix Experience.

1971/0128:イギリスの心理學者 Donald Winnicott 189671、死去

an English paediatrician and psychoanalyst who was especially influential in the field of object relations theory.
Winnicott is known for ideas such as real self and false self, migration target, ability to be alone.

彼の精神療法において決定的な主張となった「支持的な環境」(holding environment)、「移行対象」(transitional object)「安心感を与える毛布」(security blanket)など

ほどよい母親(good enough mother)とは、
移行対象(transitional object)とは、
独りでいる(いられる)能力(the capacity to be alone)とは

The first day of the Great Lakes Blizzard of 1977 which dumps 10 feet (3.0 m) of snow in one day in Upstate New York, with Buffalo, Syracuse, Watertown, and surrounding areas are most affected.


Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping visits the United States.

USCGC Blackthorn collides with the tanker Capricorn while leaving Tampa, Florida and capsizes, killing 23 Coast Guard crewmembers.

US Army general James L. Dozier is rescued by Italian anti-terrorism forces from captivity by the Red Brigades.

Tropical Storm Domoina makes landfall in southern Mozambique, eventually causing 214 deaths and some of the most severe flooding so far recorded in the region.

Supergroup USA for Africa (United Support of Artists for Africa) records the hit single We Are the World, to help raise funds for Ethiopian famine relief.

An artificial fertilization method was developed in the Munich Gynecological Clinic, in which the fusion of egg and sperm cell does not take place in the test tube, but in the fallopian tube of the patient.

1986/0128:USA「Space Shuttle program」
 STS-51-L mission: Space Shuttle Challenger explodes after liftoff, killing all seven astronauts on board.

Mikhail Gorbachev in his speech and closing remarks in the plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU calls for reforms: the beginning of glasnost and perestroika.

Михаил Горбачев в своем выступлении и заключительном слове на пленуме ЦК КПСС призывает к реформам: началу гласности и перестройки.

1988/0128:東ドイツのスパイ Klaus Fuchs 191188、死去

ein deutsch-britischer Kernphysiker und sowjetischer Spion.
He is a theoretical physicist born in Germany. Contributing to the development of the atomic bomb in the United States in the Manhattan plan, but behind it was keeping confidential information flowing to the Soviet Union as a spy. After being convicted as a spy and being sentenced to prison, after being released it became an important figure of the theoretical physics of East Germany.

1989/0128:日本の鳥類學者 山階芳麿190089、死去

Yamashina Yoshimaro was a Japanese ornithologist. He was the founder of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology.

1989/0128:チベット 10th Panchen Lama 193889、死去

Lobsang Trinley Lhündrub Chökyi Gyaltsen was the tenth Panchen Lama of the Gelug School of Tibetan Buddhism.
He was often referred to simply as Choekyi Gyaltsen (which can be Choekyi Gyaltse, Choskyi Gyantsen, etc.), although this is also the name of several other notable figures in Tibetan history.









Ishinomori Shōtarō was a Japanese manga artist who became an influential figure in manga, anime, and tokusatsu, creating several immensely popular long-running series such as Cyborg 009, the Super Sentai series and the Kamen Rider Series.
He mass-produced works in a wide variety of fields from SF manga to learning manga, and was described as "King of Manga" and "Emperor of Manga".


2002/0128:Astrid Lindgren 190702、死去

a Swedish writer of fiction and screenplays. She is best known for children's book series featuring Pippi Longstocking, Emil i Lönneberga, Karlsson-on-the-Roof, and the Six Bullerby Children (Children of Noisy Village in the US), as well as the children's fantasy novels Mio, My Son, Ronia the Robber's Daughter, and The Brothers Lionheart.

TAME Flight 120, a Boeing 727-100 crashes in the Andes mountains in southern Colombia, killing 92.

The crash of a Boeing 727-134 Tame Ecuador in Colombia, kills its 92 passengers and crew members.

The roof of one of the buildings at the Katowice International Fair in Poland, collapses due to the weight of snow, killing 65 and injuring more than 170 others.


In Dhaka, five military personnel involved in the assassination of President Mujibur Rahman and his family in August 1975 are being hanged.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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