


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

Paul Klee 187940 『新しき天使』

歴史暦:古今東西 01/27 今日の出來事

0098/0127:012ロウマ皇帝 Nerva 003098、崩去

Marcus Cocceius Nerva Caesar Augustus was Roman emperor from 96 to 98.
Nerva became emperor at the age of 65, after a lifetime of imperial service under Nero and the rulers of the Flavian dynasty.
Under Nero 003768, he was a member of the imperial entourage and played a vital part in exposing the Pisonian conspiracy of 65. Later, as a loyalist to the Flavians, he attained consulships in 71 and 90 during the reigns of Vespasian and Domitian, respectively.

Trajanus 005317 succeeded his adoptive father Nerva as Roman emperor; under his rule the Roman Empire would reach its maximum extent.

An earthquake severely damages the Constantinople's protective Theodosian wall. Some sections are destroyed and 57 towers collapse.

The co-emperors Stephen and Constantine are overthrown. Constantine VII becomes sole emperor of the Byzantine Empire.


Emperor Gaozong 高宗 of Song Dynasty of China and Qin Hui 秦檜, the prime minister, are to be guilty of innocence and poison Yue Fei 岳飛 in Lin'an Dali Temple.

1142/0127:中國宋の英雄 岳飛110342、毒殺



Henry VI(the son and heir of the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I)marries Constance of Sicily.


Dante Alighieri è esiliato da Firenze.

Dante Alighieri 126521 is exiled from Florence.

Pope Clement VI issues the papal bull Unigenitus to justify the power of the pope and the use of indulgences. Nearly 200 years later, Martin Luther would protest this.

1490/0127(延徳02/0107):08室町將軍 足利義政143690、薨去

Ashikaga Yoshimasa was the 8th shogun of the Ashikaga shogunate who reigned from 1449 to 1473 during the Muromachi period of Japan.
Yoshimasa was the son of the sixth shogun Ashikaga Yoshinori 足利義教139441.
His official wife was Hino Tomiko 日野富子144096.


Akbar devient le troisième empereur moghol.


1593/0127:イタリア、異端審問 Giordano Bruno 154800
Giordano Bruno, who defended the Copernicus grounds movement, is handed over to the Roman Inquisition. In the following seven years, he was detained in prison and the Inquisition started in 1600.

1606/0127:イギリス「Gunpowder Plot」
 The trial of Guy Fawkes and other conspirators begins, ending with their execution on January 31.

1615/0127:フランス経済人 Nicolas Fouquet 161580、誕生

un homme d'État français de haut rang, surintendant des finances à l'époque de Mazarin, procureur général au parlement de Paris.
Il eut un pouvoir et une fortune considérables. Promoteur des arts au sens le plus noble du terme, Nicolas Fouquet sut s'attirer les services des plus brillants artistes de son temps. De nos jours, il est possible de mesurer la grandeur qui fut la sienne au château de Vaux-le-Vicomte.
Destitué et arrêté sur l'ordre de Louis XIV en 1661 pour malversations, condamné à la confiscation de ses biens et au bannissement hors du royaume, il vit sa peine élargie par le roi4, en vertu de ses pouvoirs de justice, à l'emprisonnement à vie.

Après sa disgrâce, Nicolas Fouquet connut une réhabilitation posthume par le biais des nombreux romans et films, notamment Le vicomte de Bragelonne d'Alexandre Dumas.


OhoOku(Seroglio)in Edo Castle is forbidden for men.

1646/0127(正保02/1211):日本の傑僧 澤庵宗彭157346、示寂

Takuan Sōhō (沢庵 宗彭. Né à Izushi dans la province de Tajima, il est issu d'une famille de samouraï du clan Miura 三浦氏 mais commence ses études de prêtre dès l'âge de 10 ans en étudiant le bouddhisme Jōdo 淨土宗.
Il devient plus tard une figure majeure de l'école Rinzai-shu 臨濟宗 de bouddhisme zen 禪.
En 1608, à seulement 35 ans, il devient le père supérieur du temple Daitoku-ji 大徳寺 de Kyoto au Japon. Selon la légende, il fut le maître du célèbre Miyamoto Musashi 宮本武藏158445 mais cela n'est pas établi d'un point de vue historique.
Il était en contact avec le général Ishida Mitsunari 石田三成156000, le daimyo chrétien Kuroda Nagamas a 黒田長政156823 , Yagyū Munenori 柳生宗矩157146, le chef de l'école d'escrime Yagyū Shinkage-ryū 柳生新陰流, l'empereur Go-Mizunoo 後水尾天皇159680, et le shogun, Tokugawa Iemitsu 徳川家光160451. Il porta l'esprit du bouddhisme zen dans de nombreux aspects de la culture japonaise, tel que l'art du combat et la calligraphie.
Il est l'auteur de six volumes et son influence est toujours présente dans le bouddhisme Zen et les arts martiaux.




Fondation de l'Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture.

1687/0127:ドイツの建築家 Johann Balthasar Neumann 168753、誕生

Johann Balthasar Neumann, gemeinhin bekannt als Balthasar Neumann , war einer der bedeutendsten Baumeister des Barock und des Rokoko in Süddeutschland.
St. Paulin in Trier

Basilika Vierzehnheiligen

Mustafa II becomes the Ottoman sultan and Caliph of Islam in Istanbul on the death of Ahmed II. Mustafa rules until his abdication in 1703.

1731/0127:ピアノ発明家 Bartolomeo Cristofori 165531、死去

un cembalaro, organaro e liutaio italiano. Fu uno dei più famosi costruttori di clavicembali del suo tempo. È considerato l'inventore del "fortepiano", principale precursore del pianoforte.

1756/0127:Wolgang Amadeus Mozart 175691、誕生

ein Salzburger Musiker und Komponist der Wiener Klassik.
Sein umfangreiches Werk genießt weltweite Popularität und gehört zum Bedeutendsten im Repertoire klassischer Musik. Er selbst nannte sich meist Wolfgang Amadé Mozart.

o Rio de Janeiro substitui Salvador da Bahia como a capital do vice-reino português do Brasil.

Rio de Janeiro replaces Salvador da Bahia as the capital of the Portuguese Viceroyalty of Brazil.

1775/0127:ドイツ思想家 Friedrich Schelling 177554、誕生

ein deutscher Philosoph, Anthropologe, Theoretiker der sogenannten Romantischen Medizin und einer der Hauptvertreter des Deutschen Idealismus. Schelling war der Hauptbegründer der spekulativen Naturphilosophie, die von etwa 1800 bis 1830 in Deutschland fast alle Gebiete der damaligen Naturwissenschaften prägte. Seine Philosophie des Unbewussten hatte Einfluss auf die Ausbildung der Psychoanalyse.

In 1790, he was admitted to the Tubingen Theological Seminary (an institution of the University of Tübingen) by a special exemption at the age of 15 (regulations entered from the age of 20). Two years ago, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 177031 and Friedrich Hölderlin 177043, five years older than him, entered the same seminary two years ago, and he was in the dormitory with two people in the dormitory. They were enthusiastic about the French Revolution, showed interest in the philosophy of a new era represented by Immanuel Kant, craving for progress and freedom.
Schelling did not become a pastor, and chose the philosophy or the way of literature. The philosopher who he particularly took up at this time was Johann Gottlieb Fichte 176214 and Baruch Spinoza 163277.
{その Fichte が1814年の今日、死去してゐる。

1776/0127:American Revolutionary War:
 Henry Knox's "noble train of artillery" arrives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

The University of Georgia is founded, the first public university in the United States.

1807/0127:ドイツの宗教哲學者 David Strauss 180874、誕生

ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Philosoph und Theologe.
a German liberal Protestant theologian and writer, who influenced Christian Europe with his portrayal of the "historical Jesus", whose divine nature he denied. His work was connected to the Tübingen School, which revolutionized study of the New Testament, early Christianity, and ancient religions. Strauss was a pioneer in the historical investigation of Jesus.

1814/0127:ドイツの思想家 Johann Gottlieb Fichte 176214、死去

ein deutscher Erzieher und Philosoph. Er gilt neben Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling und Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel als wichtigster Vertreter des Deutschen Idealismus.

Hatte sich Fichte zuvor als Anhänger der Französischen Revolution bezeichnet, so profilierte er sich nun insbesondere durch die flammend patriotischen Reden an die deutsche Nation (als Text veröffentlicht bis 1808) als Gegner Napoleons.


1823/0127:フランス作曲家 Édouard Lalo 182392、誕生

un violoniste et compositeur français.
Les sources sont en désaccord sur leur ascendance espagnole puisqu'il y a une preuve du nom de famille de la mère: Wacquez, mais on ne sait certainement pas si cela correspond au espagnol Vázquez ou pas.

The U.S. Congress approves Indian Territory (in what is present-day Oklahoma), clearing the way for forced relocation of the Eastern Indians on the "Trail of Tears".

1826/0127:ロシアの作家 Mikhaïl Saltykov-Chtchedrine 182689、誕生

シチェドリン」Russian writer, journalist, editor of the journal Otechestvennye Zapiski, Ryazan and Tver, vice-governor.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky 182181 のライヴァル的存在であった。

1827/0127(文政10/0101):日本の武人 河井繼之助182768、誕生

Kawai Tsugunosuke was a Japanese samurai of the late Edo period, who served the Makino clan of Nagaoka 長岡.
Kawai was a senior military commander of Nagaoka forces during the Boshin War 戊辰戰爭 of 1868-1869. He escaped to nearby Aizu 會津 after his domain's fall; however, he contracted gangrene from an untreated leg wound, and died in Aizu.

1827/0127(文政10/0101):海難漁師 ジョン萬次郎182798、誕生

Nakahama Manjirō, also known as John Manjirō (or John Mung), was one of the first Japanese people to visit the United States and an important translator during the Opening of Japan.

1832/0127:イギリス童話作者 Lewis Carroll 183298、誕生

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, better known by his pen name Lewis Carroll, was an English writer, mathematician, logician, Anglican deacon, and photographer.
His most famous writings are Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, its sequel Through the Looking-Glass, which includes the poem "Jabberwocky", and the poem The Hunting of the Snark – all examples of the genre of literary nonsense. He is noted for his facility at word play, logic and fantasy.

1836/0127:マゾヒズムの Leopold von Sacher-Masoch 183695、誕生

ein österreichischer Schriftsteller. Er schrieb auch unter den Pseudonymen Charlotte Arand und Zoë von Rodenbach.

二十世紀後半のフランスの思想家 Gilles Deleuze 192595 は『サドとマゾッホ』で、精神分析で二項対立的に語られた「サディズム」と「マゾヒズム」が、実は対立しない関係であることを主張した。{それじゃなんにもなるめえ。

1838/0127:USA, "Trail of tears"
Mandatory emigration to Cherokee Indians.


The Trail of Tears was a series of forced relocation, sometimes at gunpoint, of Native American nations from their ancestral homelands in the Southeastern United States to other areas, one of which was an area West of the Mississippi River that had been designated as Indian Territory. The forced relocations were carried out by government authorities following the passage of the Indian Removal Act in 1830. Many of the relocated native people suffered from exposure, disease, and starvation while en route to their new designated reserve, and many died before reaching their various designated reserve(s). The removal included members of the Cherokee, Muscogee (Creek), Seminole, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Ponca nations. The phrase "Trail of Tears" originates from a description of the many Native American tribes removal; including the infamous Cherokee Nation in 1838

1841/0127:ロシアの画家 Arkhip Kouïndji 191041、誕生

Архип Иванович Куинджи est un peintre paysagiste ukrainien d'origine grecque-pontine.

1841/0127:China[清] 第一次鴉片戰爭:清廷向英國宣戰。
The First Opium War: The Qing court declared war on Britain.

1848/0127(弘化04/1222):日本の軍人 東郷平八郎184834、誕生

Tōgō Heihachirō was a gensui or admiral of the fleet in the Imperial Japanese Navy and one of Japan's greatest naval heroes.
As Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet during the Russo-Japanese War he successfully confined the Russian Pacific
Fleet to Port Arthur before winning a decisive victory over a relieving fleet at Tsushima. Tōgō was termed by Western journalists as "the Nelson of the East".

1853/0127:ドイツの地理學者 Johannes Justus Rein 185318、誕生

a German geographer, author and traveler in East Asia. On the title page of each of his books, his name is given as either J.J. Rein or Johann J. Rein.

この年の七月、彼は白山の自然と白山信仰について調査するため白山に昇った。その歸途、に石川県白峰村で、手取川右岸の当時「大崩れ」と呼ばれてゐた所で、十数個の植物の化石を見付け、友人の Geyler に調査を依頼した。ガイラは、この化石がジュラ紀中期頃の物と斷定、1877年に論文発表した。

1856/0127:イギリスの進化論者 Edward Poulton 185643、誕生

Sir Edward Bagnall Poulton was a British evolutionary biologist who was a lifelong advocate of natural selection through a period in which many scientists such as Reginald Punnett doubted its importance.
He invented the term sympatric for evolution of species in the same place, and in his book The Colours of Animals (1890) was the first to recognise frequency-dependent selection.
Poulton is also remembered for his pioneering work on animal coloration. He is credited with inventing the term aposematism for warning coloration, as well as for his experiments on 'protective coloration' (camouflage).

1859/0127:ドイツ皇帝 Wilhelm II 185941、誕生

Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albert von Preußen war von 1888 bis 1918 letzter Deutscher Kaiser und König von Preußen

1860/0127:ハンガリの数学者 János Bolyai 180260、死去

a Hungarian mathematician, one of the founders of non-Euclidean geometry — a geometry that differs from Euclidean geometry in its definition of parallel lines. The discovery of a consistent alternative geometry that might correspond to the structure of the universe helped to free mathematicians to study abstract concepts irrespective of any possible connection with the physical world.


España y Perú concluyen la paz en la Guerra Hispano-Sudamericana, que, sin embargo, es rechazada por el pueblo peruano y el Congreso.

pain and Peru conclude peace in the Spanish-South American War, which is rejected by the Peruvian population and Congress.

Boshin War: The Battle of Toba–Fushimi between forces of the Tokugawa shogunate and pro-Imperial factions begins, which will end in defeat for the shogunate, and is a pivotal point in the Meiji Restoration.

Boshin War: Tokugawa rebels establish the Ezo Republic in Hokkaidō.


Thomas Alva Edison receives US Patent Number 223898 for his invention of a better bulb.

1885/0127:Jerome Kern 188545、誕生

an American composer of musical theatre and popular music. One of the most important American theatre composers of the early 20th century, he wrote more than 700 songs, used in over 100 stage works, including such classics as "Ol' Man River", "Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man", "A Fine Romance", "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes", "All the Things You Are", "The Way You Look Tonight", "Long Ago (and Far Away)" and "Who?".

{私は Beatles の Yesterday よりもやゝ、この人の Yesterdays のはうが好きです。

1886/0127:ドイツの辯護士 Radhabinod Pal 188667、誕生

an Indian Bengali jurist, who was a member of the United Nations' International Law Commission from 1952 to 1966.
He was one of the Asian judges appointed to the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, the "Tokyo Trials" of Japanese war crimes committed during the Second World War.
Among all the judges of the tribunal, he was the only one who submitted a judgment which insisted all defendants were not guilty. The Yasukuni Shrine and the Kyoto Ryozen Gokoku Shrine have monuments specially dedicated to Judge Pal.

Established the National Geographic Society in Washington, D.C.

élection du général Boulanger comme député de Paris.

セエヌ県の下院補欠選挙で Georges Boulanger 183791 が共和各派の統一候補に大差をつけて当選。これが、

犬猿の仲でである獨佛の感情が、普佛戰爭に負けたフランスでドイツへの憎惡は沸騰してゐた。國力は低下し、ドイツ・ビスマルクはフランスをさらに孤立させる外交を展開、こゝにフランスのナショナリズムは沸騰して政府に迫った。だが、多党連立の政権はなすすべもなく、右も左もそれぞれ深く分裂してゐた。そんななか、シャルルドフレシネ内閣の陸軍大臣として登用されたのが Georges Boulanger 183791 であった。彼は野心を抱いてゐた。後は、 Boulangisme でも


1891/0127:ロシアの作家 Ilya Ehrenbourg 189167、誕生

Илья Григорьевич Эренбург
русский писатель, поэт, публицист, журналист, переводчик с французского и испанского языков, общественный деятель, фотограф
Auteur prolifique il joua aussi un rôle important pour la propagande soviétique notamment durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Il contribua avec Vassili Grossman à l'élaboration du Livre noir.

The developer liquid Rodinal for black and white films is patented. Momme Andresen invented the product that has since been sold by Agfa.

1893/0127:中國の孫文夫人 宋慶齡199381、誕生

In the 20th century, Chinese politicians, social activists and international activists were the second formal wife of the late Chinese revolutionist, the prime minister of the Chinese Kuomintang, and the founding father of the Republic of China, Dr. Sun Yat-sen. Month smoked.

1893/0127:日本の經濟學者 矢内原忠雄189361、誕生

Yanaihara Tadao was a Japanese economist, educator and Christian pacifist.
The first director of Shakai Kagaku Kenkyūjo (Institute of Social Science or Shaken) at the University of Tokyo, he studied at Toynbee Hall and School of Economics and Political Science (London School of Economics).


All countries require the Qing government to suppress the Boxers.

1901/0127:イタリアのオペラ作曲家 Giuseppe Verdi 181301、死去

Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi è stato un compositore italiano tra i massimi autori di melodrammi.
Verdi compose sia musica operistica, che musica non destinata al teatro; tuttavia la mole e la qualità della sua produzione lirica hanno fatto di lui il più grande drammaturgo musicale italiano, subentrando ai grandi protagonisti del primo Ottocento: Gioachino Rossini, Gaetano Donizetti e Vincenzo Bellini. Come il suo contemporaneo Richard Wagner, il più importante esponente e riformatore dell'opera romantica tedesca, interpretò in modo attento e originale, seppure differente, gli elementi romantici presenti nei suoi melodrammi.

Das Deutsche Kaiserreich weiht als Kolonialmacht in Lome die Landungsbrücke ein, mit der die tückische Brandung in Ufernähe überbrückt werden kann. Bis 1914 erfolgt hierüber der Großteil des Schiffsverkehrs von und nach Togoland.

The German Empire inaugurates as a colonial power in Lome the jetty, with which the treacherous surf near the shore can be bridged. Until 1914, most of the shipping traffic to and from Togoland takes place here.

British astronomer Philibert Jacques Melotte discovers another moon of Jupiter, later called Pasiphae.

1918/0127:USAブルウス演者 Elmore James 191863、誕生

an American blues guitarist, singer, songwriter and bandleader.
He was known as "King of the Slide Guitar" and was noted for his use of loud amplification and his stirring voice.

The Finnish Civil War begins in Finland, which has only recently become independent, and will last until 5 May. The Red Guards bring Helsinki under their control during the night, while the White Guard Corps encounter little resistance in the north.

1922/0127:イタリアの小説家 Giovanni Verga 184022、死去

Giovanni Carmelo Verga è stato uno scrittore, drammaturgo e fotografo italiano, considerato il maggior esponente della corrente letteraria del verismo

ヴェリズモ」と呼ばれる十九世紀イタリアのリアリズム文芸運動の代表的作家の一人。シチリア島を舞台に、市井の人々の生活を描いた一連の小説、なかでも後にピエトロマスカニがオペラにした短編『Cavalleria Rusticana』が有名。

1922/0127:USA女性記者 Nellie Bly 186422、死去

「ネリ ブライ」Elizabeth Cochran Seaman, better known by her pen name Nellie Bly, was an American journalist who was widely known for her record-breaking trip around the world in 72 days, in emulation of Jules Verne's fictional character Phileas Fogg, and an exposé in which she worked undercover to report on a mental institution from within.
She was a pioneer in her field, and launched a new kind of investigative journalism. Bly was also a writer, industrialist, inventor, and a charity worker.

1888年に、Jules Verne 182805 の『八十日間世界一周』を、実際に世界一周させるといふ企画に、彼女がその役に選ばれた。1889年11月14日に彼女はニュウヨウクを出発し、24,899マイルの旅に出た。

Italian-Yugoslav pact, Italian annexation of Fiume.

With the Treaty of Rome between Italy and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the Free State of Fiume is dissolved. The city of Fiume becomes Italian, while the neighboring town Sušak goes to Yugoslavia. The exile government Fiumes does not recognize the contract.

1926/0127:スヱデンの女優 Ingrid Thulin 192604、誕生

a Swedish film actress.
Elle était, avec Greta Garbo et Ingrid Bergman, la plus connue des actrices suédoises.
Elle incarna l’archétype de la beauté nordique, froide et mystérieuse. Une des égéries du cinéaste Ingmar Bergman, elle a également travaillé sous la direction de Luchino Visconti, Vincente Minnelli et d'Alain Resnais.


In front of members of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, John Logie Baird performs functioning mechanical television.

1930/0127:USAブルウス演者 Bobby Blue Bland 193013、誕生

Robert Calvin Bland, known professionally as Bobby "Blue" Bland, was an American blues singer.
Bland developed a sound that mixed gospel with the blues and R&B.[1] He was described as "among the great storytellers of blues and soul music..



Ice plates floating in the Niagara River press on the fighters of the Canada and the United States connecting Upper Steel Arch Bridge; this breaks down then.

Adolf Hitler setzt per Gesetz den Z-Plan in Kraft, einen von der deutschen Kriegsmarine unter ihrem Oberbefehlshaber Erich Raeder entwickelten Flottenrüstungsplan, der über das deutsch-britische Flottenabkommen hinausgeht.

Adolf Hitler enacts by law the Z-Plan, a naval development plan developed by the German Navy under its Commander-in-Chief Erich Raeder, which goes beyond the German-British naval agreement.

First flight of the Lockheed P-38 Lightning.


With an air raid on Wilhelmshaven, flown by 55 bombers, the bombardments of the American air force begin on the day. From now until the end of the war Germany will be attacked almost daily by airplanes.

The Eighth Air Force sorties ninety-one B-17s and B-24s to attack the U-boat construction yards at Wilhelmshaven, Germany. This was the first American bombing attack on Germany.

Mit der Vertreibung der letzten deutschen Soldaten aus dem Südteil von Leningrad endet die 900 Tage andauernde Belagerung der Stadt im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Die Einschließung durch die deutsche Wehrmacht während des Russlandfeldzugs hat rund eine Million Menschenleben gefordert.

The expulsion of the last German soldiers from the southern part of Leningrad ends the 900-day siege of the city during the Second World War. The encirclement by the German Wehrmacht during the Russian campaign has claimed about one million lives.

1945/0127:日本の作詞家 野口雨情188245、死去

Noguchi Ujō est un poète et parolier japonais de chansons pour enfants et de musique traditionnelle folklorique min'yō.
Il est l'auteur de quelques-unes des pièces les plus aimées et familières pour enfants et chorales de jeunes telle que Akai Kutsu 赤い靴 (Chaussures rouges ).
Avec Kitahara Hakushū 北原白秋188542 et Saijō Yaso 西条八十189270, il est considéré comme l'un des trois grands poètes et compositeurs de chansons pour enfants du Japon


The Red Army liberates the remaining inmates of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

the Red Army liberates the remaining 7,500 prisoners of the largely evacuated Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp. The date of this event is commemorated in 1996 as a day of remembrance of the victims of National Socialism for the National Day of Remembrance in the Federal Republic of Germany and 2005 proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations on the International Day of Remembrance to the victims of the Holocaust.


Nuclear testing at the Nevada Test Site begins with Operation Ranger.

At the Nevada National Security Site, the first of a total of 119 above-ground atomic bomb tests will be conducted.

US Secretary of State John Foster Dulles gave a speech on "reworking policy" that insists against military confrontation with the communist zone

The Soviet submarine S-80 sinks when its snorkel malfunctions, flooding the boat.

rétablissement des relations diplomatiques franco-chinoises.


Military coup in South Vietnam. General Nguyen Khan has a real power.

1965/0127:日本の柔道家 三船久蔵188365、死去

Mifune Kyūzō est un judoka japonais, classé comme l'un des plus grands pratiquants de l'art du judo 柔道 après son fondateur, Kano Jigoro 嘉納冶五郎186038. Il est considéré par beaucoup comme le plus grand technicien de judo, après Kano. Il était 10e dan.

 Mifune (à gauche) avec J. Kano.


Assassinat du Premier ministre iranien Hassan Ali Mansour.

Il fut Premier ministre d'Iran sous le règne de Mohammad Reza Chah durant la Révolution Blanche, et fut assassiné par un membre des Fedayin de l'Islam.

Astronauts Gus Grissom, Edward White and Roger Chaffee are killed in a fire during a test of their Apollo 1 spacecraft at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida.

United States, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union sign the Outer Space Treaty in Washington, D.C., banning deployment of nuclear weapons in space, and limiting use of the Moon and other celestial bodies to peaceful purposes.

The United States, Britain and the Soviet Union sign the Treaty on the Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, or space contracts, to regulate their activities in outer space.




1972/0127:USAゴスペル歌手 Mahalia Jackson 191172、死去

an American gospel singer. Possessing a powerful contralto voice,[2] she was referred to as "The Queen of Gospel".
She became one of the most influential gospel singers in the world and was heralded internationally as a singer and civil rights activist.

The Paris Peace Accords officially end the Vietnam War. Colonel William Nolde is killed in action becoming the conflict's last recorded American combat casualty.


Chinese archaeologists unearthed the sites of Xia Dynasty capital in Dengfeng area of Henan province.

1980/0127:USA & Canada
Through cooperation between the U.S. and Canadian governments, six American diplomats secretly escape hostilities in Iran in the culmination of the Canadian Caper.

The pilot shaft of the Seikan Tunnel, the world's longest sub-aqueous tunnel (53.85 km) between the Japanese islands of Honshū and Hokkaidō, breaks through.

1985/0127:日本のヤクザ組長 竹中正久193385、暗殺(射殺)

the short-lived 4th kumicho of the Yamaguchi-gumi, Japan's largest yakuza gang.
He took the role of kumicho (supreme Godfather) in 1984, but was assassinated at a girlfriend's home in Osaka early the next year by a rival faction, the Ichiwa-kai. The killing sparked a massive yakuza war, the Yama-Ichi War, in which more than 20 people died.



le président somalien Siad Barre fuit la capitale, Mogadiscio, conduisant ainsi à l'effondrement du régime de la République démocratique somalie.

In a military coup Colonel Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara deposes the first democratically elected president of Niger, Mahamane Ousmane.

2000/0127:オウストリアのピアニスト Friedrich Gulda 193000、死去

ein österreichischer Pianist und Komponist.

In the Indian state of Gujarat, an earthquake measuring 7.7 calls for some 20,000 lives.


An explosion at a military storage facility in Lagos, Nigeria kills at least 1,100 people and displaces over 20,000 others.

The first selections for the National Recording Registry are announced by the Library of Congress.

All Nippon Airways' Boeing 767-300 aircraft causes an overrun accident at the Narita International Airport due to mishandling.

2008/0127:インドネシア大統領 Suharto 192106、死去

, 2e président de la République d’Indonésie de 1967 à 1998
General of the Army Hajji Suharto was the second President of Indonesia, holding the office for 31 years from the ousting of Sukarno in 1967 until his resignation in 1998.


2009/0127:USA作家 John Updike 193209、死去

John Hoyer Updike was an American novelist, poet, short story writer, art critic, and literary critic.
One of only three writers to win the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction more than once (the others were Booth Tarkington and William Faulkner), Updike published more than twenty novels, more than a dozen short-story collections, as well as poetry, art and literary criticism and children's books during his career.

2010/0127:USA作家 J. D. Salinger 191910、死去

an American writer known for his widely-read novel The Catcher in the Rye. Following his early success publishing short stories and The Catcher in the Rye, Salinger led a very private life for more than a half-century. He published his final original work in 1965 and gave his last interview in 1980.

The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one. 未熟な男の特徴は、理想のために高貴な死を望む。一方、成熟した男は理想のために質素たらんと望む。

I’m sick of not having the courage to be an absolute nobody. 完全な無名氏になる勇氣を持てない自分にウンザリしてるんだ。

Happily, some of them kept records of their troubles. You’ll learn from them—if you want to. Just as someday, if you have something to offer, someone will learn something from you. It’s a beautiful reciprocal arrangement. And it isn’t education. It’s history. It’s poetry. 幸福なことに、彼等のうちの何人かが彼等の苦惱を記録しておいた。それから君は學ぶことができるだらう、キミが望むなら。同じやうに何時の日か、キミが何事か書き遺せば、それで誰かが學ぶことになる。それは美しい相互援助といふものだ。これは教育じゃない。歴史だ。詩だ。

Don’t ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody. 誰にも何も話さないはうがいいぜ。話したら、誰も彼も失踪を

The 2009 Honduran constitutional crisis ends when Porfirio Lobo Sosa becomes the new President of Honduras.

Arab Spring: The Yemeni Revolution begins as over 16,000 protestors demonstrate in Sana'a.

242 peoples die in a nightclub fire in the Brazilian city of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul.

2014/0127:USAフォウク歌手 Pete Seeger 191914、死去

an American folk singer and social activist.
A fixture on nationwide radio in the 1940s, he also had a string of hit records during the early 1950s as a member of the Weavers, most notably their recording of Lead Belly's "Goodnight, Irene", which topped the charts for 13 weeks in 1950. Members of the Weavers were blacklisted during the McCarthy Era. In the 1960s, Seeger re-emerged on the public scene as a prominent singer of protest music in support of international disarmament, civil rights, counterculture, and environmental causes.

2015/0127:USA科學者 Charles Hard Townes 191515、死去

an American physicist and inventor of the maser and laser.
Townes worked on the theory and application of the maser, for which he obtained the fundamental patent, and other work in quantum electronics associated with both maser and laser devices

Townes was religious and believed that science and religion are converging to provide a greater understanding of the nature and purpose of the universe


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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