


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 01/20 今日の出來事


Emperor Decius begins a widespread persecution of Christians in Rome. Pope Fabian is martyred.

Decius (Caesar Gaius Messius Quintus Traianus Decius Augustus;) was Roman Emperor from 249 to 251. In the last year of his reign, he co-ruled with his son Herennius Etruscus until they were both killed in the Battle of Abritus.

King Chindasuinth(at the urging of bishop Braulio of Zaragoza) crowns his son Recceswinth as co-ruler of the Visigothic Kingdom.


評定衆(Political Judges)is a position in the shogunate during the Kamakura period and Muromachi period. In the Kamakura period, it was the highest administrative agency of the shogunate, and governed all of administrative, judicial and legislative affairs.

The first English parliament to include not only Lords but also representatives of the major towns holds its first meeting in the Palace of Westminster, now commonly known as the "Houses of Parliament".

Simon de Montfort forces the English King Henry III. To convene an Parliament, which for the first time includes the commoners - a forerunner of the lower house.

Duke Wladyslaw Lokietek becomes king of Poland.

In Krakau wird Władysław I Ellenlang zum polnischen König gekrönt.

Edward Balliol renounces in favor of David II on claims to the throne as King of Scotland. For this he receives a pension from the English King Eduard III.

1436/0120(永享08/0102):日本 08室町將軍 足利義政143690、誕生

Ashikaga Yoshimasa was the 8th shogun of the Ashikaga shogunate who reigned from 1449 to 1473 during the Muromachi period of Japan.
Yoshimasa was the son of the sixth shogun Ashikaga Yoshinori 足利義教139441.
His official wife was Hino Tomiko 日野富子.


Fundación de la Casa de Contratación en Sevilla.

Se crea la autoridad Casa de Contratación, que regula el comercio con las colonias españolas, en Sevilla.

Christian II is forced to abdicate as King of Denmark and Norway.

After the loss of the Swedish royal crown to Gustav I Wasa, King Christian II is now also forced to abdicate as King of Denmark and Norway.

1567/0120:Battle of Rio de Janeiro:
Portuguese forces under the command of Estácio de Sá definitively drive the French out of Rio de Janeiro.

Fundada em 1 de novembro de 1555 por Nicolas Durand de Villegagnon, a colônia francesa França Antarctica entre as cidades atuais do Rio de Janeiro e Cabo Frio é esmagada pelos portugueses sob a Estácio de Sá.

Fondation en France de l'Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture.

In England begins after his defeat in the English Civil War, the high treason trial of King Charles I in front of the rump parliament at the behest of Oliver Cromwell.

In Regensburg begins to discuss the threat of the Ottoman Empire, a Reichstag, from which the Everlasting Reichstag will emerge.

Louis XIV donne à l'Académie des Sciences, autrefois informelle, ses premiers règlements, fondés en 1666 par Jean-Baptiste Colbert. Elle reçoit le titre d'Académie royale et est située au Louvre.

A Roma, si svolge la prima mondiale dell'opera Amor d'un ombra e gelosia d'un aura (L'amore dell'ombra e la gelosia dell'alba) di Domenico Scarlatti.

In Rome, the world premiere of the opera Amor d'un ombra e gelosia d'un aura (Love of a Shadow and Jealousy of a Dawn) by Domenico Scarlatti takes place.

The Kingdom of Great Britain signs a peace treaty with France and Spain, officially ending hostilities in the American Revolutionary War.

Invading Siamese forces attempt to exploit the political chaos in Vietnam, but are ambushed and annihilated at the Mekong river by the Tây Sơn in the Battle of Rạch Gầm-Xoài Mút.

The third and main part of First Fleet arrives at Botany Bay. Arthur Phillip decides that Botany Bay is unsuitable for the location of a penal colony, and decides to move to Port Jackson.

A British-Portuguese army commanded by Arthur Wellesley ends the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo during the Napoleonic Wars on the Iberian Peninsula with the storming of the fortress held by the French.

1839/0120:南米、In the Battle of Yungay,
Chile defeats an alliance between Peru and Bolivia.

Britain occupies Hong Kong Island in the First Opium War against China.

An Antarctic expedition headed by Jules Dumont d'Urville discovers Adélieland.

1855/0120:フランス作曲家 Ernest Chausson 185599、誕生

un compositeur français.
Bien qu'il apprenne la loi, il entre au Conservatoire de Paris à l'âge de 24 ans et étudie la composition à Jules Massenet 184212 et César Franck 182290 . Cependant, j'ai abandonné dans un an, après quoi je vais souvent à Bayreuth tout en admirant fortement à Frank et a reçu une forte influence de Wagner.

1873/0120:日本の小説家 岩野泡鳴187320、誕生

Iwano Hōmei est un traducteur et écrivain japonais. Iwano est considéré comme un représentant du naturalisme littéraire au Japon



With the Pangkor Treaty between Britain and the Raja Abdullah of Perak, British influence on Malay states begins.

1875/0120:フランス画家 Jean-François Millet 181475、死去

un artiste-peintre réaliste, pastelliste, graveur et dessinateur français du XIXe siècle, l’un des fondateurs de l’école de Barbizon. Il est célèbre notamment pour ses scènes champêtres et paysannes réalistes.

L'Angélus (1857-1859)

{Basic Income が將來実現した時、勞働から解放された人間はどう生きていくのか、

Bergère avec son troupeau, 1863 ou 1864,

1876/0120:ドイツのピアニスト Josef Hofmann 187657、誕生

ein polnisch-amerikanischer Pianist, Komponist, Musiklehrer und Erfinder.


1877/0120:Raymond Roussel 193377、誕生

un poète, un romancier, un dramaturge, un musicien et un enthousiaste d'échecs français. À travers ses romans, poèmes et pièces de théâtre, il exerce une profonde influence sur certains groupes de la littérature française du XXe siècle, notamment les surréalistes, Oulipo et les auteurs du nouveau roman.

音楽より詩人の素質に自分は優れてゐると思ひ、1896年に処女作となる長編韻文小説『代役』を書きあげ、自費出版する。この執筆中に、彼は誇大妄想的「栄光の感覚」を味わい、この至福感は後々まで彼が追求するものとなった。彼のこの体験については、後に彼の神経症の治療にあたったピエール ジャネの『不安から恍惚へ』で、症例の一つとして記録された。


The last day of the Constantinople Conference results in agreement for political reforms in the Balkans.

1885/0120:日本の放浪詩人 尾崎放哉188526、誕生

Ozaki Hōsai est le haigo 俳號 (haikai nom de plume) d'Ozaki Hideo 尾崎秀雄, poète japonais de la fin de l'ère Meiji et de l'ère Taishō.
Alcoolique, Ozaki est témoin de l'apparition du vers libre dans la poésie haiku moderne. Ses vers sont imprégnés du sentiment de solitude, probablement à la suite de l'isolement, de la pauvreté et de la mauvaise santé de ses dernières années.


US-American LaMarcus Adna Thompson has patented the first realized roller coaster.

The United States Senate allows the Navy to lease Pearl Harbor as a naval base.

1891/0120:ハワイ王 David Kalākaua 183691、死去

Kalākaua , born David Laʻamea Kamananakapu Mahinulani Naloiaehuokalani Lumialani Kalākaua and sometimes called The Merrie Monarch, was the last king (and second to last monarch) of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi.
He reigned from February 12, 1874 until his death in San Francisco, California, on January 20, 1891.
Kalākaua had a convivial personality and enjoyed entertaining guests with his singing and ukulele playing. At his coronation and his birthday jubilee, the hula that had been banned from public in the kingdom became a celebration of Hawaiian culture.

In 1890 King Kalakaua lost physical condition due to alcoholism and moved to San Francisco as a doctor's recommendation. Died on January 20, 1891. After his death, the younger sister Liliuokalani, who is the last queen of the Kingdom of Hawaii, succeeded.



1894/0120:日本の詩人 西脇順三郎189482、誕生

Nishiwaki Junzaburō est un critique littéraire et poète japonais de l'ère Shōwa, tourné vers le modernisme, le dadaïsme et le surréalisme.

1899/0120:日本の工学者 高柳健次郎189990、誕生

Takayanagi Kenjirō was a Japanese engineer and a pioneer in the development of television.
Although he failed to gain much recognition in the West, he built the world's first all-electronic television receiver, and is referred to as "the father of Japanese television".

1900/0120:イギリスの文人 John Ruskin 181900、死去

John Ruskin was the leading English art critic of the Victorian era, as well as an art patron, draughtsman, watercolourist, a prominent social thinker and philanthropist. He wrote on subjects as varied as geology, architecture, myth, ornithology, literature, education, botany and political economy.

ラスキンは1858年から或裕福なアイルランド人家庭の子供に美術を教へてゐたが、そのなかに九歳の少女、Rose La Touche に魅惑された。彼は彼女が十八歳になるまで家庭教師を続けたが、十六歳の時に執拗に結婚を申し込んだ。が、信仰宗教を理由に断られた。そのロウズ二十七歳で急死、それを知ったラスキンはその後、しばしば発作を起こすやうになった。彼はロウズの魂と交はりたいがためにスピリチュアリズムの研究も始める始末であった。
Lewis Carroll 183298 と言ひ、 …… しかし、思慕しつづけたのだから純愛物語として受け取るべきか。

≫ Follow, not me, but the instincts of his own soul, and the guidance of its Creator.

In St. Petersburg, the Egyptian Bridge, a building from the first third of the 19th century, collapses.
A carrying rope breaks as a cavalry squadron crosses the Chain Bridge. All 60 fallen soldiers in the river Fontanka are rescued, several horses die.

1910 (France)/0120:フランス、長雨で水浸し
Après une longue période de pluie, la France est sous les eaux : inondations en Seine-et-Marne, dans l'Est, le Loiret, en Normandie, dans les Alpes, en Bretagne et à Paris, où la Seine a débordé.
Les Parisiens improvisent des ponts de planches et chaussent des bottes. Ce jour, on se rend à la gare Saint-Lazare pour le plaisir en bateau et des barques transportent les députés.

1917/0120:歌舞伎女形 六代目中村歌右衛門191701、誕生

Nakamura Utaemon VI was a Japanese kabuki performer and an artistic director of the Kabuki-za in Tokyo.


1920/0120:イタリア映画監督 Federico Fellini 192093、誕生

un regista, sceneggiatore, fumettista e scrittore italiano.
Considerato uno dei più grandi registi della storia del cinema, vincitore di quattro premi Oscar al miglior film straniero, per la sua attività da cineasta gli è stato conferito nel 1993 l'Oscar alla carriera. Vincitore due volte del Festival di Mosca (1963 e 1987), ha inoltre ricevuto la Palma d'oro al Festival di Cannes nel 1960 e il Leone d'oro alla carriera alla Mostra del Cinema di Venezia nel 1985.
I titoli dei suoi più celebri film - La strada, Le notti di Cabiria, La dolce vita, 8½ e Amarcord - sono diventati dei topoi citati, in lingua originale, in tutto il mondo.


The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is founded.

The first Constitution of Turkey is adopted, making fundamental changes in the source and exercise of sovereignty by consecrating the principle of national sovereignty.

1922/0120:世界戰爭を反省して「Pacifist New Fatherland,
 founded in the First World War and including Albert Einstein, Stefan Zweig and Ernst Reuter, is renamed the German League for Human Rights in line with the French model of the French League for Human Rights.

1923/0120:日本の映画俳優 三國連太郎192313、誕生

Mikuni Rentarō was a Japanese film actor from Gunma Prefecture. He appeared in over 150 films since making his screen debut in 1951, and won three Japanese Academy Awards for Best Actor, and a further seven nominations.

{あんまり好きなタイプの俳優じゃなかったが、内田吐夢が監督した『飢餓海峡』1965 の彼はすばらしかった。

1924/0120:フランスのピアニスト Yvonne Loriod 192410、誕生

「イボンヌ ロリオ」une pianiste classique française
Elle donnera en première audition mondiale toutes les œuvres avec piano d'Olivier Messiaen comme les Visions de l'Amen en (1943), les Vingt Regards sur l'Enfant-Jésus en 1944 Salle Gaveau

Olivier Messiaen 190892 の夫人

1924/0120:China 内戰「第一次国共合作」成立

The First National Congress of the Chinese Kuomintang opened at the auditorium of the Guangdong Higher Normal School in Guangzhou, and will adopt the policy of joint ruling with Russia.

1925/0120:Japan & USSR「日ソ基本条約」締結

1829/0120:USAジャズドラマ Jimmy Cobb 1829--、誕生

Wilbur James « Jimmy » Cobb, batteur de jazz américain.
Probably Cobb's most famous work is on Miles Davis' Kind of Blue (1959), considered by many to be the quintessential jazz record.

1931/0120:日本の小説家 有吉佐和子193184、誕生

Romancier japonais, dramaturge, réalisateur. Elle a demandé à de grands sujets de l'histoire japonaise et de l'art classique du spectacle aux problèmes sociaux contemporains, en créant une littérature de masse de haute qualité.

1931/0120:日本の作曲家 中村八大193192、誕生

Nakamura Hachidai est un parolier et pianiste de jazz japonais.
Il a été un fabricant de succès de la fin des années 1950 aux années 1960, comme «Allons vers le haut 上を向いて歩こう», «Je veux aller loin 遠くへ行きたい», «Salut bébé こんにちわ赤ちゃん», «Il y a demain 明日があるさ», et ainsi de suite.

sortie dans la salle du Vieux-Colombier du film expérimental Le Sang d'un poète réalisé par Jean Cocteau.

Mit dem Gesetz zur Ordnung der nationalen Arbeit wird nachträglich die im Vorjahr erfolgte Gründung der nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeitsfront formal legitimiert. In den Wirtschaftsunternehmen wird damit das Führerprinzip eingeführt. Ihrem Vorgesetzten gegenüber werden Mitarbeiter zu absolutem Gehorsam verpflichtet.

The law on the organization of national labor later formally legitimizes the founding of the National Socialist German Labor Front in the previous year. In the business enterprises thus the leader principle is introduced. Employees are committed to absolute obedience to their superiors.

With the death of George V, his eldest son Eduard VIII becomes the British king.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt and John Nance Garner are sworn in for their second terms as U.S. President and U.S. Vice President, the first occasion a Presidential Inauguration to take place on January 20 following the ratification of the 20th Amendment


四年後 ――

1941/0120:US President Franklin Roosevelt has entered its third term for the first time in history.
He will enter the fourth term on the same day in 1945.

A German officer is killed in Bucharest, Romania, sparking a rebellion and pogrom by the Iron Guard, killing 125 Jews and 30 soldiers.

Am Großen Wannsee in Berlin findet eine von Reinhard Heydrich einberufene Konferenz statt, bei der über organisatorische Fragen einer „Endlösung der Judenfrage“, den Holocaust, beraten wird. Protokollführer der Konferenz ist Adolf Eichmann.

At the Wannsee Conference held in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee, senior Nazi German officials discuss the implementation of the "Final Solution to the Jewish question".

The British Air Force is Berlin Air Raid. Dropped 2,300 tons of bombs.

 The provisional government of Béla Miklós in Hungary agrees to an armistice with the Allies.

 Germany begins the evacuation of 1.8 million people from East Prussia, a task which will take nearly two months.

Démission du général de Gaulle du Gouvernement provisoire de la République française.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 39 relating to India and Pakistan is adopted.

Dwight Eisenhower is inaugurated as the 34th President of the United States of America, becoming the first President to begin his presidency on January 20 following the ratification of the 20th Amendment.

戦後初となるの地下鉄「営団地下鉄 丸ノ内線池袋駅御茶ノ水駅」開業


John F. Kennedy is inaugurated the 35th President of the United States, becoming the youngest man to take the office in U.S History


1974/0120:PRChina の今もつづく野望、はやくも

Battle of Xisha, Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy expel forces of South Vietnam, control of the Xisha Islands.

Condamnation de Patrick Henry par la cour d’assises de l’Aube à la réclusion criminelle à perpétuité pour l'enlèvement et le meurtre de Philippe Bertrand, un enfant de sept ans qui habitait la ville de Troyes.



la Première ministre britannique Margaret Thatcher et le président français François Mitterrand conviennent qu'un double tunnel ferroviaire reliera les villes de Douvres et de Calais en



The Red Army crackdown on civil protests in Baku, Azerbaijan during the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Sudan's government imposes Islamic law nationwide, worsening the civil war between the country's Muslim north and Christian south.

Air Inter Flight 148, an Airbus A320-111, crashes into a mountain near Strasbourg, France killing 87 of the 96 people on board.


1993/0120:映画女優 Audrey Hepburn 192993、死去

Audrey Hepburn was a British actress, model, dancer and humanitarian. Recognised as a film and fashion icon, Hepburn was active during Hollywood's Golden Age.

Inauguration du pont de Normandie, qui franchit d'un seul saut l'estuaire de la Seine entre Le Havre et Honfleur. l'ouvrage, complété après 7 ans de travaux, comporte une chaussée longue de 2 kilomètres et une travée centrale de 856 mètres, record du monde dans la catégorie des ponts à haubans.


1996/0120:USAジャズ演奏家 Gerry Mulligan 192796、死去

Gerald Joseph Mulligan was an American jazz saxophonist, clarinetist, composer and arranger.
Though Mulligan is primarily known as one of the leading jazz baritone saxophonists – playing the instrument with a light and airy tone in the era of cool jazz

President of the Philippines Joseph Estrada is ousted in a nonviolent 4-day revolution, and is succeeded by Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

A protest movement in Iceland culminates as the 2009 Icelandic financial crisis protests start.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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