


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World



歴史暦:古今東西 01/15 今日の出來事



Otho proclaims himself Emperor in Rome and incites the Praetorian Guard to assassinate Emperor Galba and his heirs Lucius Calpurnius Piso Frugi Licinianus. His position as the second emperor of the Four Emperor Year, however, is weak from the beginning, since Vitellius had already proclaimed himself emperor on 2 January.


During the Nika uprising of the circus parties against the Byzantine emperor Justinian I, insurgents set fire to several buildings, including the Grand Palace and Hagia Sophia. For the first time, calls for a new King are being heard.





Philippe Auguste crée juridiquement l'université de Paris en octroyant une charte royale accordant le for ecclésiastique à ses membres.

Pierre de Castelnau est assassiné. Cet évènement est à l'origine de la croisade des Albigeois.

L'assassinat du bienheureux Pierre de Castelnau.

1362/0115:ヨウロパ北海沿岸「The second Marcellean flood
 begins, which will claim many thousands of lives on the North Sea coast by 17 January.

Carte des terres avant 1362 (à gauche) et après 1634 (à droite)

la rupture du traité de Calais provoque la reprise de la guerre. Édouard III se proclame à nouveau roi de France.

Publication d'une ordonnance royale de Charles VI sur la perception des aides, rétablissant des contributions indirectes (dites aides) sur les marchandises, en particulier sur le sel et le vin, qui va déclencher des révoltes populaires dans le royaume, sans même attendre son application au 1er mars.

Publication of a royal decree of Charles VI on the perception of the aids, restoring indirect contributions (said helps) on the goods, in particular on the salt and the wine, which will trigger popular revolts in the kingdom, without even wait until March 1st.

King Henry VIII takes the title of supreme head of the Church of England.

1539/0115(天文07/1225):戰國大名 前田利家153799、誕生

Maeda Toshiie was one of the leading generals of Oda Nobunaga following the Sengoku period of the 16th century extending to the Azuchi–Momoyama period.

King Francis I of France gives Jean-François Roberval a commission to settle the province of New France (Canada) and provide for the spread of the "Holy Catholic faith".

Elizabeth I is crowned Queen of England and Ireland in Westminster Abbey. Under her reign, England becomes a world power.

Elizabeth I is crowned Queen of England in Westminster Abbey, London, England.

The ceasefire of Jam Zapolski ends the Livonian War. Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible leaves Livonia to the Polish-Lithuanian crown under Stephan Báthory.

Die Erstausgabe des Aviso Relation oder Zeitung erscheint in Wolfenbüttel. Es handelt sich dabei um eine der ersten Zeitungen in Deutschland.

1622/0115:フランスの喜劇作者 Molière162273、誕生(洗禮日)

Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, dit Molière, est un comédien et dramaturge français, baptisé le 15 janvier 1622 à Paris et mort le 17 février 1673 à Paris.

1643/0115(寛永19/1125):日本の戰國大名 立花宗茂156743、死去

a samurai during the Azuchi–Momoyama period and an Edo Period daimyo.
He was the eldest biological son of Takahashi Shigetane 高橋重胤, a retainer of Ōtomo 大友 clan.
He was adopted by Tachibana Dōsetsu 立花道雪151385 , and later married his daughter Tachibana Ginchiyo 立花銀千代, succeeding the Tachibana 立花 clan.



Anne d’Autriche tient un lit de justice au parlement de Paris pour forcer l'enregistrement d'édits fiscaux. C'est le début de la Fronde.

1759/0115(寶暦08/1227):江戸時代の大名 松平定信175929、誕生

Matsudaira Sadanobu, Japanese daimyō of the mid-Edo period, famous for his financial reforms which saved the Shirakawa 白河 Domain, and the similar reforms he undertook during his tenure as chief senior councilor (老中首座 rōjū shuza) of the Tokugawa shogunate, from 1787 to 1793.

The British Museum opens.

1777/0115:American Revolutionary War:
 New Connecticut (Vermont) declares its independence.

Superintendent of Finance Robert Morris goes before the U.S. Congress to recommend establishment of a national mint and decimal coinage.

1791/0115:オウストリア作家 Franz Grillparzer 179172、誕生

ein österreichischer Schriftsteller, der vor allem als Dramatiker hervorgetreten ist. Aufgrund der identitätsstiftenden Verwendung seiner Werke, vor allem nach 1945, wird er auch als österreichischer Nationaldichter bezeichnet.
Er wurde in der Wiener Anwaltsfamilie geboren und studierte Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Wien. Er verlor seinen Vater in College-Tagen, danach er brachte sich selbst als Tutor bei, während er studierte, um seine Mutter und drei jüngere Brüder zu ernähren.
Er wurde 1814 vom Finanzministerium adoptiert und begann zu arbeiten. 1816 traf er Joseph Schleifogel, den Direktor des Burgtheaters,

Victoire de Bonaparte sur les Autrichiens à Rivoli en Italie.

1809/0115:フランス無政府主義者 Pierre Proudhon 180965、誕生

un polémiste, journaliste, économiste, philosophe et sociologue français. Précurseur de l'anarchisme, il est le seul théoricien révolutionnaire du XIXe siècle à être issu du milieu ouvrier

1815/0115:北米での「War of 1812」
 American frigate USS President, commanded by Commodore Stephen Decatur, is captured by a squadron of four British frigates.

In the British-American War, four British warships succeed in capturing the USS President, a heavy frigate of the United States Navy.

1822/0115:Greek War of Independence:
 Demetrios Ypsilantis is elected president of the legislative assembly.


les Parisiens découvrent le premier numéro de l'hebdomadaire Le Figaro.

# Le Figaro est un quotidien français fondé en 1826 sous le règne de Charles X.

1844/0115:USA「University of Notre Dame」
 receives its charter from the state of Indiana.

1848/0115:お傭ひ外國人 Raphael von Koeber 182823、誕生

ein deutsch-russischer Philosoph und Musiker, der an der Universität Tokio lehrte.

German father and Russian mother. He studied the piano at the age of 6, entered the Moscow Conservatory in 1867, graduated in 1872 with a studying under Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and Nikolai Rubinstein.
However, he abandoned the way of the musicians, learned the natural science at Jena University in Germany, turned to philosophy later,
After obtaining his doctorate at the age of 30, he took music history and music aesthetics at Berlin University, Heidelberg University and Munich University.
After that, he went to Japan in June, 1893 according to the recommendation of the friend Eduard von Hartmann 184206, and stayed at Tokyo Imperial University for 21 years He mainly taught German philosophy, also taught Western classical studies such as philosophical history and Greek philosophy.

1850/0115:ロシア数学者 Sofia Kovalevskaïa 185091、誕生

русский математик и механик, с 1889 года иностранный член-корреспондент Петербургской Академии наук.

1858/0115:イタリア画家 Giovanni Segantini 185898、誕生

un pittore italiano, tra i massimi esponenti del divisionismo.

Le cattive madri, 1894,

1865/0115:American Civil War:
 Fort Fisher in North Carolina falls to the Union, thus cutting off the last major seaport of the Confederacy.

1869/0115:ロシア作家 Stanisław Wyspiański 186907、誕生

, dramaturge, poète, peintre, architecte et ébéniste polonais

A political cartoon for the first time symbolizes the Democratic Party with a donkey ("A Live Jackass Kicking a Dead Lion" by Thomas Nast for Harper's Weekly).

"A Live Jackass Kicking a Dead Lion" 

1871/0115(明治03/1125):日本の社会運動家 堺利彦187133、誕生

Sakai Toshihiko was a Japanese socialist, writer, and historian. He is also known by the pen name Saka Kosen (堺枯川). He is also known for his translation with Shūsui Kōtoku 幸徳秋水187111.

 …… 『萬朝報』の記者となり、社会改良を主張する論説や言文一致体の普及を論ずる一方で、社主の黒岩涙香、同僚の内村鑑三幸徳秋水らと『理想団』を結成。この時期に社会主義思想に共鳴し「非戦論」を唱へるやうになる。が、『萬朝報』は日露戦争について主戦論に転じたため、内村幸徳とともに退社。平民社を開業して週刊『平民新聞』を発行、週刊『平民新聞』第53号(1904/1113)に幸徳との共訳で『共産党宣言』を翻訳して掲載した。

Pendant la guerre franco-prussienne, la Prusse et ses alliés défont une armée française commandée par le général Charles Denis Bourbaki à la bataille de Lisaine, près de Belfort.
Celui-ci, épuisé par le froid prolongé et le manque de nourriture ainsi que l'opposition de l'adversaire, a dû reculer.


In the Budapest Treaty, the major powers Russia and Austria-Hungary agree on the Balkan issues.

The first newspaper in Afrikaans, Die Afrikaanse Patriot, is published in Paarl.

The American Wilson Bentley makes the first photograph of a snowflake.


The Coca-Cola Company, then known as the Pemberton Medicine Company, is incorporated in Atlanta.

The Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg premieres the ballet Sleeping Beauty by Marius Petipa with the music of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

1892/0115:日本の作詞家 西条八十189270、誕生

Poète japonais, parolier, littéraire français.

早稲田大学在学中に日夏耿之介らと同人誌『聖盃』を刊行。三木露風の『未来』にも同人として参加し、1919年(大正8年)に自費出版した第一詩集『砂金』で象徴詩人としての地位を確立した。後に、フランス留学して、ソルボンヌ大学で Paul Valéry 187145 らと交遊。帰国後、早稲田大學の佛文科教授となる。


les Anglais et les Français signent un accord sur leurs influences respectives dans le Sud-Est asiatique. La France confirme l'indépendance du Siam et se voit reconnaître le protectorat sur le Laos.

parution de Cyrano de Bergerac d'Edmond Rostand.

1905/0115:日本の俳優 藤原釜足190585、誕生

Fujiwara Kamatari was a Japanese actor.
Fukiwara worked regularly and extensively with Akira Kurosawa, and was known for both being adept at comic acting, as well as being able to do serious rol

1908/0115:水爆の父 Edward Teller 190803、誕生

a Hungarian-American theoretical physicist who was born in Hungary, and is known colloquially as, "the father of the hydrogen bomb", although he claimed he did not care for the title.

同じハンガリ出身の Leo Szilard 189864が、Albert Einstein 187955 の署名入りの書簡でアメリカ政府に原子爆弾の研究を働きかけた際には、その活動に加はってゐた。

Construction ends on the Buffalo Bill Dam in Wyoming, United States, which was the highest dam in the world at the time, at 325 ft (99 m).

In the US state of Wyoming the Shoshone Dam is completed. At 99 meters, the structure on the Shoshone River is the highest dam on earth so far.

1918/0115:エジプト大統領 Gamal Abdel Nasser 191870、誕生

ナセル(جمال عبد الناصر) was the second President of Egypt, serving from 1956 until his death.
Nasser led the 1952 overthrow of the monarchy and introduced far-reaching land reforms the following year.

Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, two of the most prominent socialists in Germany, are tortured and murdered by the Freikorps at the end of the Spartacist uprising.

In Berlin werden Rosa Luxemburg und Karl Liebknecht nach der Niederschlagung des Spartakusaufstandes von Reichswehrsoldaten ermordet. Gegen den Hauptverantwortlichen Waldemar Pabst wird keine Anklage erhoben, auch die anderen Mittäter werden nie zur Verantwortung gezogen. Die Verwicklung von Reichswehrminister Gustav Noske und Reichskanzler Friedrich Ebert in die Morde ist bis heute ungeklärt. Beide Opfer werden bis in die Gegenwart u. a. durch die Liebknecht-Luxemburg-Demonstration geehrt.

1919/0115:Karl Liebknecht 187119、虐殺

1919/0115:Rosa Luxemburg 187119、虐殺

By 13 January, the uprising had been extinguished. Liebknecht and Luxemburg were captured by Freikorps troops on 15 January 1919 and brought to the Eden Hotel in Berlin, where they were tortured and interrogated for several hours. Following this, Luxemburg was beaten with rifle butts and afterwards shot, and her corpse thrown into the Landwehr Canal, while Liebknecht was forced to step out of the car in which he was being transported, and he was then shot in the back. Official declarations said he had been shot in an attempt to escape. Although the circumstances were disputed by the perpetrators at the time, the Freikorps commander, Captain Waldemar Pabst, later claimed, "I had them executed".


Le pianiste et compositeur Ignacy Paderewski devient le premier chef de gouvernement de la nouvelle République polonaise.

1919/0115:USA「Great Molasses Flood」
 A wave of molasses released from an exploding storage tank sweeps through Boston, Massachusetts, killing 21 and injuring 150.

1923/0115:台湾の総統 李登輝1923--、誕生

a Taiwanese politician. He was the President of the Republic of China and Chairman of the Kuomintang (KMT) from 1988 to 2000. He was the first president of the Republic of China to be born in Taiwan. During his presidency, Lee promoted the Taiwanese localization movement and led an ambitious foreign policy to gain allies around the world.

1926/0115:オウストリア女優 Maria Schell 192605、誕生

eine österreichisch-schweizerische Schauspielerin. Sie gehörte zu den größten Stars des deutschsprachigen Films der 1950er und 1960er Jahre.


1929/0115:Martin Luther King 192968、誕生

an American Baptist minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the civil rights movement. He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using the tactics of nonviolence and civil disobedience based on his Christian beliefs and inspired by the nonviolent activism of Mahatma Gandhi.




それから映画の世界へと ――

Die NSDAP gewinnt die Landtagswahl in Lippe, was Hitler den Weg zur Machtübernahme im Deutschen Reich ebnet.

1934/0115:オウストリの文藝者 Hermann Bahr 186334、死去

ein österreichischer Schriftsteller, Dramatiker sowie Theater- und Literaturkritiker. Er gilt als geistreicher Wortführer bürgerlich-literarischer Strömungen vom Naturalismus, über die Wiener Moderne bis hin zum Expressionismus.

The 8.0 Mw Nepal–Bihar earthquake strikes Nepal and Bihar with a maximum Mercalli intensity of XI (Extreme), killing an estimated 6,000–10,700 people.

les Japonais quittent la conférence navale de Londres.

The first building to be completely covered in glass, built for the Owens-Illinois Glass Company, is completed in Toledo, Ohio.

l'esercito di Mussolini schiaccia gli etiopi.

Spanish Civil War: Nationalists and Republican both withdraw after suffering heavy losses, ending the Second Battle of the Corunna Road.



Americans hunt Japanese forces from Guadalcanal in the Pacific.

The Soviet counter-offensive at Voronezh begins.

One of the largest office buildings in the world, the Pentagon, built under the direction of Leslie R. Groves, is inaugurated in Arlington, Virginia.

1947/0115:USA、未解決に終った殺人事件「Black Dahlia murder」
 the dismembered corpse of Elizabeth Short was found in Los Angeles.

le corps d'Elizabeth Ann Short (Le Dahlia noir) est retrouvé, mutilé, sectionné par le milieu, dans un terrain vague de Los Angeles.


Chinese Civil War: The Communist forces take over Tianjin from the Nationalist Government.


Das Schwurgericht Augsburg verurteilt Ilse Koch, die Ehefrau des ersten Lagerkommandanten des KZ Buchenwald zu lebenslanger Haft wegen Anstiftung zum Mord und schwerer körperlicher Misshandlung.
The court in Augsburg condemns Ilse Koch, the wife of the first camp commandant of the Buchenwald concentration camp, to life imprisonment for incitement to murder and severe physical abuse.

1955/0115:フランス画家 Yves Tanguy 190055、死去

un peintre et un dessinateur surréaliste français naturalisé américain.

1918年に軍隊に入隊。そこで Jacques Prévert 190077と出会い、生涯交友をもった。1922年に兵役を終え、その後偶然 Giorgio de Chirico 188878 の絵画を見て、絵画に目覚めた。それまで彼には美術経験はなく、正規の教育を受けずに独学で絵画を学んだ。
プレヴェルの紹介で、1924年に André Breton 189666 率いるシュルレアリスム運動の画家達と出会ひ。彼はは独自の絵画様式を身につけた。1927年に初めての個展。ブルトンは「もっとも純粋なシュルレアリスト」と評した。

Akira Kurosawa's film Kumonosu-jō (The Castle in the Spiderweb Forest), based on Shakespeare's Macbeth, premieres in Japan.

The Derveni papyrus, Europe's oldest surviving manuscript dating to 340 BC, is found in northern Greece.

The First Nigerian Republic, led by Abubakar Tafawa Balewa is overthrown in a military coup d'état.

Floods on the heights of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, left more than 400 dead and many homeless.

1967/0115:USA、最初の「Super Bowl」
The first Super Bowl is played in Los Angeles. The Green Bay Packers defeat the Kansas City Chiefs 35–10.

The Soviet Union launches Soyuz 5.


Nigerian Civil War: Biafran rebels surrender following an unsuccessful 32-month fight for independence from Nigeria.

Muammar Gaddafi is proclaimed premier of Libya.

1973/0115:Vietnam War:
 Citing progress in peace negotiations, President Richard Nixon announces the suspension of offensive action in North Vietnam.

1974/0115:PRChina vs ベトナム西沙諸島の戦闘




The Alvor Agreement is signed, ending the Angolan War of Independence and giving Angola independence from Portugal.

Gerald Ford's would-be assassin, Sara Jane Moore, is sentenced to life in prison.

1983/0115:Meyer Lansky 190283、死去

known as the "Mob's Accountant", was a major organized crime figure who, along with his associate Charles "Lucky" Luciano, was instrumental in the development of the National Crime Syndicate in the United States.

The intense cold and heavy snowfall of recent days in Europe leave a sad toll: nearly 300 people lost their lives.

Bangladesh records the worst railway tragedy in history, as a crowded passenger train collides with a convoy. The death toll is 110 dead and 1,000 wounded.

Mehrere Tausend Demonstranten stürmen und verwüsten die ehemalige Zentrale des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit der DDR.

1991/0115:Operation Desert Storm
The United Nations deadline for the withdrawal of Iraqi forces from occupied Kuwait expires, preparing the way for the start of Operation Desert Storm.

Elizabeth II, in her capacity as Queen of Australia, signs letters patent allowing Australia to become the first Commonwealth realm to institute its own Victoria Cross in its honours system.

Un dipartimento speciale dei Carabinieri italiani arrestò a Palermo i decenni ricercati dal boss di Cosa Nostra Salvatore "Totò" Riina.

Il capo della mafia Toto Riina, che è ricercato da oltre 20 anni, viene arrestato a Palermo.

la chambre d'accusation de la cour d'appel de Paris décide de rendre un non-lieu au bénéfice d'Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, dit Carlos, dans le dossier de l'attentat du Drugstore Saint-Germain du 15 septembre 1974.

the Indictment Division of the Paris Court of Appeal decides to dismiss the case against Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, said Carlos, in the case of the attack on the Drugstore Saint-Germain of 15 September 1974.

US entrepreneur Jimmy Wales and philosophy lecturer Larry Sanger found the free encyclopedia Wikipedia.

Wikipedia, a free wiki content encyclopedia, goes online.

2005/0115:ソプラノ歌手 Victoria de los Ángeles 192305、死去

a Spanish operatic lyric soprano and recitalist whose career began after the Second World War and reached its height in the years from the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s.

Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti, former Iraqi intelligence chief and half-brother of Saddam Hussein, and Awad Hamed al-Bandar, former chief judge of the Revolutionary Court, are executed by hanging in Iraq.


2013/0115:日本の映画監督 大島渚193213、死去

Ōshima Nagisa est un cinéaste japonais.
Plusieurs de ses films font scandale au Japon ou en Europe, par leur aspect politique (Nuit et brouillard du Japon, Furyo) ou transgressif (L'Empire des sens).

The Kenyan Army suffers it worst defeat ever in a battle with Al-Shabaab Islamic insurgents in El-Adde, Somalia. An estimated 150 soldiers die.

"Karuizawa ski bus fall accident" occurred, 15 people died.



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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