

01/14:人間の歴史の世界こそが Wonderland「OK? Alice Riddle

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 01/14 今日の出來事

-038/0114:Nero Claudius Drusu -03809、誕生

a Roman politician and military commander.
He was a patrician Claudian on his legal father's side but his maternal grandmother was from a plebeian family.
He was the son of Livia Drusilla and the legal stepson of her second husband, the Emperor Augustus. He was also brother of the Emperor Tiberius, father to both the Emperor Claudius and general Germanicus, paternal grandfather of the Emperor Caligula, and maternal great-grandfather of the Emperor Nero.

Drusus' campaigns against the Germanic tribes, 12-9 BC


Hōjō Sadatoki was the ninth shikken (regent) 執權 of the Kamakura shogunate 鎌倉幕府 (reigned 1284~1301), and tokusō 得宗 (de facto ruler of Japan) from his appointment as regent until his death.


Mit dem Tod von König Andreas III stirbt in Ungarn die Dynastie der Árpáden aus.

Andrew III of Hungary dies, ending the Árpád dynasty in Hungary.

The winemaker Felice de Fredi discovers in his vineyards on the Esquiline in Rome, the marble Laocoon figurines of the sculptors Hagesandros, Polydoros and Athanadoros, created around the time of Christ's birth.

Signature du traité de Madrid.

On February 24, 1525, in the battle of Pavia, Francois I of France became a prisoner and was confined by Madrid. In 1526, the prisoner of war Francois I was obliged to conclude the Madrid treaty with Carl V, and withdrawing all the charges to Italy, Flanders, Burgundy in return.

Le 14 janvier 1526, François Ier avait signé le traité de Madrid selon lequel il devait renoncer à ses prétentions en Italie, céder la Bourgogne à l'Espagne, renoncer à sa souveraineté sur les Flandres et l'Artois et épouser Éléonore de Habsbourg, la sœur de Charles Quint. Mais à son retour en France après sa libération le 17 mars 1526, François Ier annule le traité et ne respecte par conséquent aucune des promesses qu'il avait faites pour être libéré.

Spain annexes Cuba.

Johann Christoph Denner entwickelt in Nürnberg die Klarinette.

1701/0114(元祿13/1206):日本の大名 徳川光圀162801、卒去

Tokugawa Mitsukuni (徳川 光圀) or Mito Kōmon (水戸黄門) was a prominent daimyō who was known for his influence in the politics of the early Edo period. He was the third son of Tokugawa Yorifusa 徳川頼房 (who in turn was the eleventh son of Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康154316) and succeeded him, becoming the second daimyō of the Mito 水戸 Domain.


Presuntamente el rey Felipe V de España abdicó por la depresión a favor de su hijo Luis I.


1742/0114:イギリス天文學者 Edmond Halley 165642、死去

an English astronomer, geophysicist, mathematician, meteorologist, and physicist who is best known for computing the orbit of Halley's Comet.

In August 1684, he went to Cambridge to discuss this with Isaac Newton 164227, much as John Flamsteed had done four years earlier, only to find that Newton had solved the problem, at the instigation of Flamsteed with regard to the orbit of comet Kirch, without publishing the solution. Halley asked to see the calculations and was told by Newton that he could not find them, but promised to redo them and send them on later, which he eventually did, in a short treatise entitled, On the motion of bodies in an orbit. Halley recognised the importance of the work and returned to Cambridge to arrange its publication with Newton, who instead went on to expand it into his Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica published at Halley's expense in 1687.

In 1705, applying historical astronomy methods, he published Synopsis Astronomia Cometicae, which stated his belief that the comet sightings of 1456, 1531, 1607, and 1682 were of the same comet, which he predicted would return in 1758. Halley did not live to witness the comet's return, but when it did, the comet became generally known as Halley's Comet.

1753/0114:イギリス哲學者 George Berkeley 168553、死去

known as Bishop Berkeley (Bishop of Cloyne) — was an Irish philosopher whose primary achievement was the advancement of a theory he called "immaterialism" (later referred to as "subjective idealism").
This theory denies the existence of material substance and instead contends that familiar objects like tables and chairs are only ideas in the minds of perceivers and, as a result, cannot exist without being perceived.
Berkeley is also known for his critique of abstraction, an important premise in his argument for immaterialism.

1761/0114:インドのパニパトで「Third Battle of Panipat」
 is fought in India between the Afghans under Ahmad Shah Durrani and the Marathas.

The Afghan Durrani defeat the Marathas in the Third Battle of Panipat, taking power in the northern city of Delhi.

Der Wilderer und Räuber Matthias Klostermayr, genannt Bayerischer Hiasl, wird festgenommen.

On James Cook's second voyage to the South Seas, sailor Thomas Willis discovers an archipelago in the South Atlantic, which is called in his honor Willis Islands.

1784/0114:American Revolutionary War:
 Ratification Day, United States - Congress ratifies the Treaty of Paris with Great Britain.

Ratification par le Congrès des États-Unis du traité de Paris.


In the constellation Haar der Berenike, the astronomer Wilhelm Herschel finds a lenticular galaxy about 52 million light years away, known today as NGC 4459. It belongs to the Virgo galaxy cluster.

1788、Wilhelm Herschel wird Entdecker der Balkenspiralgalaxie NGC 2798 im Sternbild Luchs.

1797/0114:フランスナポレオン「Bataille de Rivoli」
In the Battle of Rivoli, the French troops under Napoleon Bonaparte prevail against the relieved to the rescue of Mantua Austrian Corps under Joseph Alvinczy of Berberek.
The besieged capitulate therefore later and for the French the way to the approach to Vienna is free.

1814/0114:ヨウロパ中を卷きこんで「Treaty of Kiel」
Sweden dictates the Kiel peace to the Denmark, which failed as an ally of France in the Sixth Coalition War.

The Treaty of Kiel  was concluded between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the Kingdom of Sweden on one side and the Kingdoms of Denmark and Norway on the other side on 14 January 1814 in Kiel. It ended the hostilities between the parties in the ongoing Napoleonic Wars, where the United Kingdom and Sweden were part of the anti-French camp (the Sixth Coalition) while Denmark–Norway was allied to Napoleon Bonaparte.

1822/0114:Greek War of Independence:
 Acrocorinth is captured by Theodoros Kolokotronis and Demetrios Ypsilantis.

1836/0114:フランス画家 Henri Fantin-Latour183604、誕生

「ファンタンラトゥル」Ignace Henri Jean Théodore Fantin-Latour, connu comme Henri Fantin-Latour, est un peintre réaliste et intimiste, et lithographe français.

Un coin de table, 1872,

1850/0114:フランス文人 Pierre Loti 185023、誕生

un écrivain et officier de marine français.

Pierre Loti à 17 ans,

Pierre Loti, dont une grande partie de l'œuvre est d'inspiration autobiographique, s'est nourri de ses voyages pour écrire ses romans, par exemple à Tahiti pour Le Mariage de Loti (Rarahu) (1882), au Sénégal pour Le Roman d'un spahi (1881) ou au Japon pour Madame Chrysanthème (1887).
Il a gardé toute sa vie une attirance très forte pour la Turquie, où le fascinait la place de la sensualité : il l'illustre notamment dans Aziyadé (1879), et sa suite Fantôme d’Orient (1892).

Promulgation de la Constitution Impériale instituant le Second Empire en France.

Napoleon III of France escapes an assassination attempt.

In front of the Paris Opera, a group around Felice Orsini commits a bomb attack against the incoming imperial motorcade, Napoleon III. and his wife Eugénie de Montijo, however, remain uninjured. The assassination will be the occasion for the construction of a new opera house.

1867/0114:フランス画家 Dominique Ingres 178067、死去

un peintre néo-classique français.

La Grande Odalisque (1814)

La Source (1820-1856)

Il a demandé au gouvernement français d'interdire la photographie inventée à cette époque comme "menacer la vie du peintre", mais d'un autre côté, il a utilisé des photographies pour son propre travail.(彼は当時発明された写真が「画家の生活を脅かす」としてフランス政府に禁止を求めたが、その一方で、自らの制作に写真を使ってゐた。




1875/0114:ドイツの偉人 Albert Schweitzer 187565、誕生

ein deutsch-französischer Arzt, Philosoph, evangelischer Theologe, Organist, Musikwissenschaftler und Pazifist.


1884/0114:日本の陸軍人 永田鐵山188435、誕生

Nagata Tetsuzan was a general of the Japanese Imperial Army who was assassinated during the Aizawa Incident.

1920、駐スヰス大使館付駐在武官となり、 ―― 小畑敏四郎188547、岡村寧次188466、東條英機188448も合流して、陸軍内部の改革を話しあった=「バアデンバアデンの密約」→「一夕會」結成→「統制派」

(1929) 陸軍演習で昭和天皇に軍状奏上する歩兵第三連隊長永田鉄山大佐

1890/0114:イギリス地質学者 Arthur Holmes 189065、誕生

a British geologist who made two major contributions to the understanding of geology.
He pioneered the use of radiometric dating of minerals and was the first earth scientist to grasp the mechanical and thermal implications of mantle convection, which led eventually to the acceptance of plate tectonics.


1898/0114:イギリス童話作家 Lewis Carroll 183298、死去

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, better known by his pen name Lewis Carroll, was an English writer, mathematician, logician, Anglican deacon, and photographer.
His most famous writings are Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, its sequel Through the Looking-Glass, which includes the poem "Jabberwocky" – all examples of the genre of literary nonsense. He is noted for his facility at word play, logic and fantasy.


Japan passed a cabinet meeting, claiming that the Diaoyu Islands are "devoid of land" and established the national standard on the Diaoyu Islands to be officially placed into the territory of Japan.

1896/0114:John Dos Passos 189670、誕生

an American novelist and artist.
Born in Chicago, Illinois, he graduated from Harvard College in 1916.
He was well-traveled, visiting Europe and the Middle East, where he learned about literature, art, and architecture.
During World War I, he was an ambulance driver for American volunteer groups in Paris and Italy before joining the United States Army Medical Corps.
In 1928, he went to the Soviet Union to study socialism, and later became a leading participant in the 1935 First American Writers Congress sponsored by the communist-leaning League of American Writers.
He was in Spain in 1937 during the Spanish Civil War. The murder of his friend José Robles soured his attitude toward communism, and led to severing his relationship with fellow writer Ernest Hemingway.

Dos Passos is best known for his U.S.A. trilogy, which consists of the novels The 42nd Parallel (1930), 1919 (1932) and The Big Money (1936).

The first UK-based film is shown at the Royal Photographic Society in London. The one-minute silent movie Rough Sea at Dover features waves and a stormy sea off Dover.


The Swiss Matthias Zurbriggen is the first to climb the 6,962 m high Aconcagua in the Argentine Andes, America's highest mountain.

The German Emanuel Lasker defends his world champion title in chess by a clear victory (10: 2 victories, in addition to 5 draws) against his predecessor, the Austrian Wilhelm Steinitz.

Al Teatro Costanzi di Roma, si tiene la prima dell'opera verista Tosca di Giacomo Puccini.
Il libretto è di Giuseppe Giacosa e Luigi Illica, dopo l'omonimo dramma di Victorien Sardou.

1901/0114:フランス数学者 Charles Hermite 182201、死去

「シャルル エルミット」un mathématicien français.
Ses travaux concernent surtout la théorie des nombres, les formes quadratiques, les polynômes orthogonaux, les fonctions elliptiques et les équations différentielles. Plusieurs entités mathématiques sont qualifiées d'hermitiennes en son honneur. Il est aussi connu comme l'un des premiers à utiliser les matrices

1902/0114:ポウランド生の論理學者 Alfred Tarski 190283、誕生

a Polish-American logician and mathematician of Polish-Jewish descent.
A prolific author best known for his work on model theory, metamathematics, and algebraic logic, he also contributed to abstract algebra, topology, geometry, measure theory, mathematical logic, set theory, and analytic philosophy.


1905/0114:ドイツの光學者 Ernst Abbe 184005、死去

ein deutscher Physiker, Statistiker, Optiker, Industrieller und Sozialreformer.
Er schuf zusammen mit Carl Zeiss und Otto Schott die Grundlagen der modernen Optik und entwickelte viele optische Instrumente.
Seit 1899 war er Alleininhaber der Firma Carl Zeiss und war maßgeblich an der Gründung des Unternehmens Jenaer Glaswerk Schott & Gen (heute Schott AG) beteiligt.

An earthquake in Kingston, Jamaica kills more than 1,000 people.

1909/0114:USA映画監督 Joseph Losey 190984、誕生

an American theatre and film director, born in Wisconsin.
He studied in Germany with Bertolt Brecht and then returned to the United States, eventually making his way to Hollywood.
Blacklisted in the United States in the 1950s, he moved to Europe where he made the remainder of his films, mostly in the United Kingdom.
Among the most critically and commercially successful were three films with screenplays by Harold Pinter, The Servant (1963), Accident (1967) and The Go-Between (1971).

Roald Amundsen's South Pole expedition makes landfall on the eastern edge of the Ross Ice Shelf.

Commissioning of the first assembly line at Ford automobile plants.

Maxime Gorki est autorisé à rentrer en Russie après huit ans d’exil.

The Japanese battleship Tsukuba sinks after a fire and the explosion of ammunition chambers in Yokosuka Bay. In the process, 200 of the 817-strong crew are dying.

1925/0114:日本小説家 三島由紀夫192570、誕生

Mishima Yukio (nom de plume de Hiraoka Kimitake (平岡 公威) est un écrivain japonais, s'est suicidé par seppuku le 25 novembre 1970.


1927/0114:日本詩人 原口統三192746、誕生

Un poète japonais. Auteur de "Etude de vingt ans"
朝鮮半島京城府に生まれ大連一中卒業後、旧満州国を転々として、第一高等学校文科に入学。在校中は Arthur Rimbaud 185491 に熱中。そして、


1930/0114:USA、ガアシュイン『Strike up the Band』初演
The New York Times Square Theater premieres the musical Strike up the Band by George Gershwin.

1938/0114:日本政事家 細川護熙1938--、誕生

a Japanese politician who was the 79th Prime Minister of Japan from 9 August 1993 to 28 April 1994.
He is since 2005, the 18th Head of the Kumamoto-Hosokawa clan, one of the noble families in Japan.

1941/0114:USA女優 Faye Dunaway 1941--、誕生

an American actress.
She has won an Academy Award, three Golden Globes, a BAFTA, an Emmy, and was the first recipient of a Leopard Club Award that honors film professionals whose work has left a mark on the collective imagination.

Japan begins Operation Ke, the successful operation to evacuate its forces from Guadalcanal during the Guadalcanal Campaign.

1943/0114:WWⅡ「Conférence de Casablanca」
Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill begin the Casablanca Conference to discuss strategy and study the next phase of the war.



KMT-CPC Civil War: Mao Zedong's "Statement on the Current Situation" In response to Chiang Kai-shek's "New Year's Day message," he proposed eight conditions for ending the civil war.

1953/0114:日本の民俗學者 鳥居龍蔵187053、死去

Torii Ryūzō est un ethnologue, anthropologue japonais, connu pour ses recherches anthropologiques à Taïwan.
Il a également conduit des fouilles archéologiques et essayé de comprendre la préhistoire de l'Asie du nord-est.



Josip Broz Tito is inaugurated as the first President of Yugoslavia.

1954/0114:USA、Mariage de MM
Marilyn Monroe marries former baseball star Joe DiMaggio. The Catholic Church then excommunicates the divorced DiMaggio for bigamy.

1957/0114:USA男優 Humphrey Bogart 189957、死去

an American screen and stage actor whose performances in 1940s noir films such as The Maltese Falcon, Casablanca, and The Big Sleep earned him status as a cultural icon

Kripalu Maharaj was named fifth Jagadguru (world teacher) after giving seven days of speeches before 500 Hindu scholars.

Confirmed the survival of Taro and Giro of a colorful dog left behind in Antarctica for one year


a Ginevra inizia davanti a una giuria il procedimento penale contro Pierre Jaccoud. Con la successiva condanna del convenuto, l'affare Jaccoud si sviluppò come uno scandalo giudiziario.

De Gaulle opposes the entry of the United Kingdom in the common market and refuses the authorization of the parking in France of the American Polaris missiles.

French President Charles de Gaulle announced at a press conference that he rejected Britain's application for membership of the EEC. His veto surprises the EEC Commission and the five other member states.



CPC Central Committee to carry out the four clear movement.

1966/0114:ソ連のロケット設計家 Sergueï Korolev 190766、死去

советский учёный, инженер-конструктор, главный организатор производства ракетно-космической техники и ракетного оружия в СССР и основоположник практической космонавтики.

He worked as the lead Soviet rocket engineer and spacecraft designer during the Space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1950s and 1960s.
He is regarded by many as the father of practical astronautics.[4][5] He was involved in the development of the R-7 Rocket, Sputnik 1, and launching Laika and the first human being into space

Counterculture of the 1960s: The Human Be-In takes place in San Francisco, California's Golden Gate Park, launching the Summer of Love.

San Francisco's Golden Gate Park hosts Human Be-In with 20,000 to 30,000 members of the hippie movement. This is considered the beginning of the Summer of Love.

At the Frontier Hotel in Las Vegas, Diana & The Supremes complete their farewell performance. 


Elvis Presley's concert Aloha from Hawaii is broadcast live via satellite, and sets the record as the most watched broadcast by an individual entertainer in television history.

1976/0114:タンゴの王樣 Juan D’Arienzo 190076、死去

Juan D'Arienzo fue un músico y director de orquesta argentino de tango, conocido como “El rey del compás タンゴの王樣”.

"Darienzo Style" which emphasized the rhythm by sharp staccato
In Darienzo's distinctive way of playing, he suddenly went out of the staccato of Fortissimo when he went to pianissimo suddenly.

1977/0114:USA作家 Anaïs Nin 190377、死去

une écrivaine américaine d’origine franco-cubaine.
Elle doit sa notoriété à la publication de journaux intimes qui s'étalent sur plusieurs décennies et offrant une vision profonde de sa vie privée et de ses relations.
La version non censurée de ses journaux n'a pu être publiée qu'après sa mort et celle de son mari. Elle est aussi l'une des premières femmes à écrire des ouvrages érotiques.

1978/0114:オウストリ論理學者 Kurt Gödel 190678、死去

ein österreichisch-amerikanischer Mathematiker, Philosoph und einer der bedeutendsten Logiker des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Considered along with Aristotle, Alfred Tarski and Gottlob Frege to be one of the most significant logicians in history, Gödel made an immense impact upon scientific and philosophical thinking in the 20th century, a time when others such as Bertrand Russell,
{といふことは、今日、論理學史上四人のうちの二人が誕生し死去したといふことか。Alfred North Whitehead, and David Hilbert were analyzing the use of logic and set theory to understand the foundations of mathematics pioneered by Georg Cantor.


1978/0114:日本の雜誌編集者 花森安治191178、死去

Hanamori Yasuji éditeur japonais, graphiste, journaliste, rédacteur publicitaire. Le créateur du magazine vivant "Handbook of Living 暮らしの手帖"

第二次世界大戦中の代表的な信条「欲しがりません 勝つまでは」は花森の咲くと云はれるが、事実ではない。

The first Paris-Dakar Rally, launched on December 26, reached its destination in Dakar.

1984/0114:USAマクドナルド創業 Ray Kroc 190284、死去

Raymond Albert "Ray" Kroc joined the Californian chain McDonald's in 1954 and built it into a nationwide and eventually global franchise, making it the most successful fast food corporation in the world.

Hun Sen est nommé Premier ministre au Cambodge.

1988/0114:ソ連政事家 Gueorgui Malenkov 190286、死去

советский государственный и партийный деятель, соратник И. В. Сталина, председатель Совета Министров СССР (1953—55). Участник антипартийной группы.

A United Nations tribunal sentences five Bosnian Croats to up to 25 years in prison for the 1993 killing of more than 100 Bosnian Muslims.

2002/0114:Michael Young 191594、死去

a British sociologist, social activist and politician who coined the term "meritocracy".

In 1958, Young also wrote the influential satire The Rise of the Meritocracy, originally for the Fabian Society, which refused to publish it. In it he coined the word "meritocracy," to which he gave negative connotations, and he became disappointed with how the concept came to be seen as an achievable concept worth pursuing

2006/0114:Shelley Winters 192006、死去

an American actress


Yemen declares an open war against the terrorist group al-Qaeda.

le président Ben Ali quitte la Tunisie après un mois d'émeutes. Le Premier ministre assure l'intérim.

Former president of Tunisia, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali flees his country to Saudi Arabia after a series of street demonstrations against his regime and corrupt policies, asking for freedom, rights and democracy, considered as the anniversary of the Tunisian Revolution and the birth of the Arab Spring.

2017/0114:中國の中國語學者 周有光190617、死去


He has concerns over the recent nationalism of China and said,
Chinese people should not see the world from China, but should see China from the world.
共產黨說民主不符合中國的國情,但共產黨不符合中國的國情 The Communist Party says the democracy does not match the national situation of China, but it is the Communist Party that does not match the national situation of China


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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