


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World



歴史暦:古今東西 01/10 今日の出來事





Julius Caesar crosses the Rubicon, signalling the start of civil war.

"Alea iacta est", Gaius Julius Caesar crosses with his troops the Rubicon and moves towards Rome. This begins the civil war against his previous partner in the first triumvirate, Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus.




The Western Han dynasty ends when Wang Mang claims that the divine Mandate of Heaven called for the end of the dynasty and the beginning of his own, the Xin dynasty.


Lucius Calpurnius Piso Licinianus is appointed by Galba as deputy Roman Emperor.

The Roman Emperor Galba adopted for financial reasons Lucius Calpurnius Piso Frugi Licinianus as co-emperor and successor. By doing so, he brings against him the supportive Otho, who himself has hopes for succession.

Fabianus is enthroned after seven days Sedisvakanz as successor to Pope Anterus.


There are few things that can be proved as historical facts about being taught about Fabian, but we must admit that he left significant achievements in early Christianity.


Robert Guiscard conquers Palermo.
Roberto Guiscardo duca normanno di Puglia, Roberto Guiscardo, conquista la città siciliana di Palermo dagli arabi e fa suo fratello Ruggero il conte di Sicilia.


1156/0110(久壽02/1216):日本の皇后 藤原泰子109556、薨去

Fujiwara no Yasuko was an Empress consort of Japan. She was the consort of Emperor Toba 鳥羽天皇 of Japan.

1356/0110:フランス「Promulgation de la Bulle d'or

La Bulle d’or est un texte essentiel du Saint-Empire romain germanique, promulgué par l’empereur Charles IV en 1356 à Metz. 
Elle donne à l’institution impériale sa forme définitive et attribue le choix du roi aux princes-électeurs. Elle tire son nom de la forme du document original, scellé par une Bulle en or métallique.

1430/0110:フランス「Fondation de l'ordre de la Toison d'or

A l'occasion de son mariage avec Isabelle du Portugal, Philippe le Bon, duc de Bourgogne, fait don de l'Ordre de la Toison d'Or.



1475/0110:モルダビアvsオットマン帝國「Vaslui 戰」
Ştefan cel Mare, voivode of the Principality of Moldavia, and his men strike a superior Ottoman army under Vaslui, set by Sultan Mehmed II against him.


The scholar Peter of Ravenna publishes his book Phoenix, sive artificiosa memoria. For the first time, it provided an effective way for a broad audience to train memory and is the first copyrighted printing work.

Art of Memory
It was published in Latin under the title Phoenix seu artificiosa memoria, in 1491 at Venice. It ran to many further editions and translations, as one of the most popular of the memory treatises.
It remained influential for over two centuries. According to Frances Yates, it was quickly adopted by Gregor Reisch, and mentioned a little later by Johannes Romberch. It was also a major influence on Giordano Bruno 154800.

Graphical memory devices from the works of Giordano Bruno

Charles I of England is driven out of London.


1645/0110:大司教 William Laud の裁判と處刑
Archbishop William Laud is beheaded at the Tower of London.

James Laud, who has been imprisoned since 1640, is executed in the Tower of London on the basis of a Bill of Attainder, a judgment of the English Parliament.

1645/0110:William Laud 157345、死去

an English archbishop and academic. He was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1633, during the personal rule of Charles I. Arrested in 1640, he was executed in 1645.

Trial and execution
The Long Parliament of 1640 accused Laud of treason and, in the Grand Remonstrance of 1641, called for his imprisonment. Laud was imprisoned in the Tower of London, where he remained throughout the early stages of the English Civil War.
In the spring of 1644 he was brought to trial which, however, ended without a verdict: as with Strafford, it proved impossible to point to any specific action which could be seen as treasonable. Parliament took up the issue and eventually passed a bill of attainder under which he was beheaded on 10 January 1645 on Tower Hill, notwithstanding being granted a royal pardon.
Charles I was also executed in 1649 after being defeated by the civil war in England.

The trial of Laud, by Wenceslas Hollar.
This 1645 satirical print depicts Archbishop William Laud and Puritan Henry Burton. Burton's ears have been cut off as punishment for criticizing Laud. Their dialogue references Laud's impending beheading.


1745/0110:オランダの東方見聞家 Isaac Titsingh 174512、誕生

「イザク ティチング」a Dutch scholar, merchant-trader and ambassador.
During a long career in East Asia, Titsingh was a senior official of the Dutch East India Company (Dutch: Dutch: Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC)). He represented the European trading company in exclusive official contact with Tokugawa Japan, traveling to Edo twice for audiences with the shogun and other high bakufu officials.



1769/0110:フランス軍人 Michel Ney 174515、誕生

, duc d’Elchingen, prince de la Moskowa, maréchal d’Empire, est un général français de la Révolution, élevé à la dignité de maréchal d'Empire en 1804

1770/0110:フランス軍人 Charles-André Merda 177012、誕生

Le baron Charles-André Merda dit Méda est un Général de la Révolution et du Premier Empire.
Il fut le coup d'Etat de Thermidor, laissant son nom dans l'histoire en tirant un coup de pistolet sur Robespierre et en lui broyant la mâchoire. 史實性には疑問あり。

After that, he raised the class to plain in the army of Napoleon, and became brigadier general. He was named Baron, renamed "Meda". On September 7, 1812, he was injured in the fight of the Borodino, died the following day.

Thomas Paine publishes his pamphlet Common Sense.

During the American Revolutionary War, Thomas Paine publishes the Common Sense pamphlet, which will have a major impact on Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence. Among other things, it is the first time the name United States of America proposed.

Constitution of the United States as proposed by Thomas Paine in Common Sense


1778/0110:スヱデンの博物學者 Carl von Linné 170778、死去

ein schwedischer Naturforscher, der mit der binären Nomenklatur die Grundlagen der modernen botanischen und zoologischen Taxonomie schuf. Sein offizielles botanisches Autorenkürzel lautet „L.“


1753年に Species Plantarum 『植物の種』を出版。植物の学名は現在でもここが出発点とされる。


1794/0110:ドイツの啓蒙思想家 Georg Forste 175494、死去

ein deutscher Naturforscher, Ethnologe, Reiseschriftsteller und Revolutionär in der Zeit der Aufklärung. Er gilt als einer der ersten Vertreter der wissenschaftlichen Reiseliteratur und trat auch als Übersetzer, Journalist und Essayist hervor.

Forster participated in James Cook's second circumnavigation of the globe and made important contributions to the comparative South African country and ethnology. He taught natural history at colleges in Kassel and Vilnius. As a German Jacobin and member of the Mainz Jakobinerklub, he was one of the protagonists of the short-lived Mainz Republic.
彼はドイツにおける啓蒙思想の中心人物の一人であり、Georg Christoph Lichtenberg 174299 など多くの啓蒙思想家と交流した。
彼の思想と人格は後世のドイツの科学者、Alexander von Humboldt 176959 に大きな影響を与えた。


1797/0110:ドイツの文藝家 Annette von Droste-Hülshoff 179748、誕生

「ドロステ ヒュルスホフ」本名全部「Anna Elisabeth Franzisca Adolphina Wilhelmina Ludovica Freiin von Droste zu Hülshoff」eine deutsche Schriftstellerin und Komponistin. Sie gilt als eine der bedeutendsten deutschen Dichterinnen.

Born in a nobleman's house, she learned Greek, Latin, French, English, Italian, and natural sciences, mixed with his older brothers, attempted poetry early, and also showed talent to paintings and music.
In the Münster era, she was encouraged by the Grimm brothers and later interacted with Adele Johanna(a sister of the philosopher Arthur Schopenhaue 178860)and received a philosophical sensitization.
She spent her entire life as a single person, spent a quiet time in reading and writing, and died in Lake Constance in Mersburg in 1848.

Dutch settlers in Cape Town surrender to the British.


Le mariage entre Napoléon I et Joséphine est divorcé au tribunal comme le premier mariage après le Code Napoléon.


Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen, Admiral in Russian service, discovers an island in the Southern Ocean and names it after Tsar Peter the Great Peter I Island.


1833/0110:フランスの数学者 Adrien-Marie Legendre 175233、死去

un mathématicien français.


Le 30 mars 1783, il devient adjoint mécanicien de l'académie des sciences en remplacement de Laplace.
En 1785, il croit avoir démontré la loi de réciprocité quadratique formulée par Euler.
En 1787, il est nommé commissaire chargé des opérations géodésiques aux côtés de Pierre Méchain et Jean-Baptiste Delambre.


a Japanese author, writer, teacher, translator, entrepreneur and journalist who founded Keio University, Jiji-Shinpō (a newspaper) and the Institute for Study of Infectious Diseases.
Fukuzawa was an early Japanese civil rights activist and liberal ideologist. Fukuzawa's ideas about the government work, and the structure of social institutions made a lasting impression on a rapidly changing Japan during the Meiji Era. He is regarded as one of the founders of modern Japan.


Isaac Pitman offers the first distance education. His students can learn by post the British shorthand he invented.

# The first distance education course in the modern sense was provided by Sir Isaac Pitman in the 1840s, who taught a system of shorthand by mailing texts transcribed into shorthand on postcards and receiving transcriptions from his students in return for correction. The element of student feedback was a crucial innovation of Pitman's system. This scheme was made possible by the introduction of uniform postage rates across England in 1840.


1861/0110:American Civil War:
Florida secedes from the Union.


1862/0110:USA銃器制作者 Samuel Colt 181462、死去

an American inventor, industrialist, businessman, and hunter. He founded Colt's Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Company (today Colt's Manufacturing Company) and made the mass production of the revolver commercially viable.

1832年、父親の指示で海での交易を習得するために船に乗った。ボストンから船出したコルトはカルカッタへ宣教のために向かう宣教師に従った。この時、彼はリヴォルヴァ拳銃のヒントを得た、と後に語ってゐる。「動輪がどっちの方向に回転しようと、それぞれのスポウクが常にクラッチと噛みあふやうに接してゐることに氣付き、その時、リボルヴァ拳銃のアイデアができあがってゐた 」。

Colt 1851 Navy Revolver


Opening of the first subway in London.

The Metropolitan Railway, the world's oldest underground railway, opens between Paddington and Farringdon, marking the beginning of the London Underground.


1868/0110(慶應03/1216):日本の小説家 尾崎紅葉186803、誕生

Ozaki Kōyō est un écrivain japonais.

Il étudie au collège de la préfecture de Tokyo et plus tard à l'Université de Tokyo 東京帝國大學.
C'est à l'université qu'il commence la publication d'une revue littéraire appelée Ken'yūsha 硯友社 (« Société des amis de l'écritoire ») en 1885 avec ses amis. Des textes de Yamada Bimyo 山田美妙186810 et Kawakami Bizan 川上眉山186908 sont aussi publiés dans cette revue.
Les livres les plus connus d'Ozaki sont L'usurier (金色夜叉, Konjiki Yasha?) (aussi connu sous le titre Le démon doré), qui paraît pour la première fois en 1887 dans le magazine Nihon Taika Ronshū (日本大家論集?) de l'éditeur Hakubunkan 博文館。


1870/0110:USA、ロックフェラ「Standard Oil」設立
John D. Rockefeller reorganizes as a co-owner a refinery company in Cleveland, Ohio, and calls the company Standard Oil Company.


Assassinat de Victor Noir par Pierre-Napoléon Bonaparte.


Dictation order is enforced in Japan


Bei der Reichstagswahl im Deutschen Kaiserreich erreichen die liberalen Parteien mehr als 50 % der Mandate.


1883/0110:ロシア作家 Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy 188345、誕生

русский советский писатель и общественный деятель из рода Толстых.
L'auteur de romans socio-psychologiques, historiques et de science-fiction, d'histoires et de nouvelles, d'ouvrages publicistes. Lauréat de trois prix staliniens du premier degré (1941, 1943, 1946 - à titre posthume).

At the time of this photography, his father died and 30,000 rubles and a famous family name were left behind. Later,
He filled the walls of the apartment with darkened portraits and talked to visitors about the Tolstoy family's ancestors (afterwards all the portraits were bought at neighborhood old furniture stores, ancestor anecdotes were completely It came to be known by being a fake tale).

The first great Texas oil gusher is discovered at Spindletop in Beaumont, Texas.

A giant oil spill shoots at a Rotary Drilling hole on Spindletop Hill near Beaumont, Texas, triples US oil production overnight and creates Texas oil companies (including Texaco).

Tibet and Mongolia sign a mutual recognition treaty.


In the Erzurum Offensive, Russia defeats the Ottoman Empire.


1917/0110:USA西部男 Buffalo Bill 184617、死去

William Frederick "Buffalo Bill" Cody」an American scout, bison hunter, and showman.
Buffalo Bill started working at the age of eleven, after his father's death, and became a rider for the Pony Express at age 14. During the American Civil War, he served the Union from 1863 to the end of the war in 1865.

A young Buffalo Bill in 1871



Sitting Bull and Buffalo Bill, Montreal, Quebec, 1885

One of the most colorful figures of the American Old West, Buffalo Bill's legend began to spread when he was only twenty-three. Shortly thereafter he started performing in shows that displayed cowboy themes and episodes from the frontier and Indian Wars. He founded Buffalo Bill's Wild West in 1883, taking his large company on tours in the United States and, beginning in 1887, in Great Britain and continental Europe.

The Treaty of Versailles takes effect, officially ending World War I.

The Treaty of Versailles signed into force enters into force. It also establishes the League of Nations based on the 14-point program of Woodrow Wilson, which, under the impression of World War I, aims to secure lasting peace.

1922/0110:日本の政事家 大隈重信183822、死去

Ōkuma Shigenobu was a Japanese politician in the Empire of Japan and the 8th and 17th Prime Minister of Japan. Ōkuma was also an early advocate of Western science and culture in Japan, and founder of Waseda University.



Arthur Griffith was appointed Chairman of the National Assembly of Ireland Free State.


1924/0110:USAジャズドラマー Max Roach 192407、誕生

an American jazz drummer and composer. A pioneer of bebop, Roach went on to work in many other styles of music, and is generally considered alongside the most important drummers in history.

Deutsche Veröffentlichung von Fritz Langs Metropolis.

The hitherto most expensive film in German film history is a financial flop and drives because of the Parufamet contract with Paramount and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer anyway already deficient UFA in even greater difficulties.

Publication de Tintin au pays des Soviets dans Le Petit Vingtième.


1934/0110:ドイツ國會議事堂放火犯 Marinus van der Lubbe 190934、處刑

ein politisch links orientierter niederländischer Arbeiter, der am 27. Februar 1933 im brennenden Reichstagsgebäude in Berlin festgenommen und ab März Hauptangeklagter beim Reichstagsbrandprozess war.


The Greek army captures Kleisoura.


Die Rote Armee beginnt im Verlauf der Schlacht von Stalingrad mit einer Großoffensive, die zur Zerschlagung der eingekesselten deutschen 6. Armee führen wird.

The Red Army begins a major offensive during the Battle of Stalingrad, which will lead to the destruction of the encircled German 6th Army.

The first General Assembly of the United Nations opens in London. Fifty-one nations are represented.


1946/0110:USA、Project Diana
The United States Army Signal Corps successfully conducts Project Diana, bouncing radio waves off the Moon and receiving the reflected signals.

The US electrical engineer John Hibbett DeWitt succeeds in proving that the ionosphere is permeable to radio waves. As part of the first Earth-Moon-Earth radio link, the Research Group of Project Diana hears the echo of their signal of the moon used as a reflector.


1947/0110:日本の小説家 織田作之助191347、死去

Oda Sakunosuke est un romancier japonais.




Victor released a 45-turn record (donut).


1951/0110:日本の物理學者 仁科芳雄189051、死去

a Japanese physicist. He was called "the founding father of modern physics research in Japan". He led the efforts of Japan to develop an atomic bomb during World War II.


1951/0110:USA作家 Sinclair Lewis 188551、死去

an American novelist, short-story writer, and playwright. In 1930, he became the first writer from the United States to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature, which was awarded "for his vigorous and graphic art of description and his ability to create, with wit and humor, new types of characters." His works are known for their insightful and critical views of American capitalism and materialism between the wars.
He is also respected for his strong characterizations of modern working women.


BOAC Flight 781, a de Havilland DH.106 Comet 1, explodes and falls into the Tyrrhenian Sea killing 35 people.


1961/0110:USA作家 Dashiell Hammett 189461、死去

an American author of hard-boiled detective novels and short stories, screenwriter, and political activist. Among the enduring characters he created are Sam Spade (The Maltese Falcon), Nick and Nora Charles (The Thin Man), and the Continental Op (Red Harvest and The Dain Curse).

Hellman wrote that during the 1950s Hammett became "a hermit", his decline evident in the clutter of his rented "ugly little country cottage", where "signs of sickness were all around: now the phonograph was unplayed, the typewriter untouched, the beloved foolish gadgets unopened in their packages."
He may have meant to start a new literary life with the novel Tulip but left it unfinished, perhaps because he was "just too ill to care, too worn out to listen to plans or read contracts. The fact of breathing, just breathing, took up all the days and nights."
Hammett could no longer live alone, and they both knew it, so he spent the last four years of his life with Hellman. "Not all of that time was easy, and some of it very bad", she wrote, but, "guessing death was not too far away, I would try for something to have afterwards.

1962/0110:USA「Apollo program」
 NASA announces plans to build the C-5 rocket launch vehicle, which became known as the Saturn V Moon rocket, which launched every Apollo Moon mission.


1966/0110:インド&パキスタン「Tashkent Declaration」
, a peace agreement between India and Pakistan signed that resolved the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965.


1967/0110:極東裁判判事 Radhabinod Pal 188667、死去

an Indian Bengali jurist, who was a member of the United Nations' International Law Commission from 1952 to 1966.
He was one of the Asian judges appointed to the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, the "Tokyo Trials" of Japanese war crimes committed during the Second World War.
Among all the judges of the tribunal, he was the only one who submitted a judgment which insisted all defendants were not guilty.


1971/0110:フランスのモウド仕掛人 Coco Chanel 188371、死去

Gabrielle Chasnel, dite « Coco Chanel », est une créatrice de mode, modiste et grande couturière française,



Sheikh Mujibur Rahman returns to the newly independent Bangladesh as president after spending over nine months in prison in Pakistan.


The People's Republic of Kampuchea is founded after Vietnamese troops drove the Khmer Rouge out of power. Heng Samrin acts as the new head of state.


1981/0110:サルバドル「Salvadoran Civil War」
 The FMLN launches its first major offensive, gaining control of most of Morazán and Chalatenango departments


Holy See–United States relations: The United States and Holy See (Vatican City) re-establish full diplomatic relations after almost 117 years, overturning the United States Congress's 1867 ban on public funding for such a diplomatic envoy.


1985/0110:ウインのチタ奏者、Anton Karas 190685、死去

ein österreichischer Zitherspieler, Komponist und Gastwirt. Seine erfolgreichste Komposition war das Harry-Lime-Thema (englisch: The Third Man Theme) zu Carol Reeds Film Der dritte Mann.



Sandinista Daniel Ortega becomes president of Nicaragua and vows to continue the transformation to socialism and alliance with the Soviet Union and Cuba; American policy continues to support the Contras in their revolt against the Nicaraguan government.



Time Warner is formed by the merger of Time Inc. and Warner Communications.


Presidents Heydər Əliyev, Azerbaijan and Vladimir Putin, Russia, agree on political, economic and military cooperation.


North Korea declares its withdrawal from the Non-Proliferation Treaty.


In Italy, the ban on smoking is extended to premises in public buildings, restaurants, restaurants, bars, cafés and pubs.


2007/0110:イタリアの映画制作者 Carlo Ponti 191207、死去

Carlo Fortunato Pietro Ponti (Magenta, 11 dicembre 1912 – Ginevra, 10 gennaio 2007) è stato un produttore cinematografico italiano.
He reigned over the years in the Italian film industry, and since 1941 he has produced over 130 works.


A general strike begins in Guinea in an attempt to get President Lansana Conté to resign.


More than 100 people are killed and 270 injured in several bomb blasts in Pakistan.


2015/0110:イタリアの映画監督 Francesco Rosi 192215、死去

un regista e sceneggiatore italiano.

戦後の崩壊したイタリアを扱った1962年の『シシリーの黒い霧』で第12回ベルリン国際映画祭銀熊賞 (監督賞)を受賞。翌年1963年の『都会を動かす手』でヴェネツィア国際映画祭金獅子賞を受賞。1972年の『黒い砂漠』でカンヌ国際映画祭パルムドル受賞により世界三大映画祭の全てで受賞を成し遂げた。さらに1979年の『エボリ』でモスクワ国際映画祭金賞を受賞した。

A mass poisoning at a funeral in Mozambique involves beer that was deliberately contaminated with crocodile bile leaving at least 56 dead and nearly 200 hospitalized.


A traffic accident between an oil tanker truck and passenger coach en route to Shikarpur from Karachi on the Pakistan National Highway Link Road near Gulshan-e-Hadeed, Karachi, killing at least 62 people.


2016/0110:イギリス歌手 David Bowie 194716、死去

(David Robert Jones, dit),
an English singer, songwriter and actor. He was a leading figure in popular music for over five decades, acclaimed by critics and other musicians for his innovative work. His career was marked by reinvention and visual presentation, his music and stagecraft significantly influencing popular music.



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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