


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

今日が命日のイタリアの画家、Giotto di Bondone 126737 の『ユダの接吻』

歴史暦:古今東西 01/08 今日の出來事

今日は「イタリアの日」と呼びたくなるほど、イタリアの著明な文化人が多く死去してゐた ――
東方への最初の大旅行家、Marco Polo 125424
西洋絵画の父とも呼ぶべき、Giotto di Bondone 126737
西洋科學の父とも呼ぶべき、Galileo Galilei 156242
西洋音樂の父の一人とも呼ぶべき、Arcangelo Corelli 165313

0307/0108:中國[晋] 惠帝025907、崩去(毒殺?)

Jin Hui Di Secretary Ma Zhong is the second son of Emperor Sima Jin, Western Jin Dynasty, the second emperor, 290 to 306 years in office. During the reign of Emperor Hachijin, the Western Jin Dynasty drowned. Jin Huidi, Chinese Emperor of the Jin dynasty, is poisoned and succeeded by Jin Huaidi.


0387/0108:マヤ、Siyaj K'ak' conquers Waka 

Siyaj K'ak' , also known as Fire is Born (formerly nicknamed "Smoking Frog"), was a prominent political figure mentioned in the glyphs of Classic Period Maya civilization monuments, principally Tikal (which he conquered on January 16, 378), as well as Uaxactun and the city of Copan. Epigraphers originally identified him by the nickname "Smoking Frog", a description of his name glyph, but later deciphered it as Siyaj K'ak' meaning "Fire is born."
He is believed to have been the general of the Teotihuacano ruler Spearthrower Owl.


 Returned from a trip in the western region where Tang 's Buddhist monk, Xuanba traveled for Buddhist scriptures. Six years have passed. 


Alfred the Great leads a West Saxon army to repel an invasion by Danelaw Vikings. At the Battle of Ashdown, the King of Wessex, Æthelred, defeats the invasion army of the Danish Nordmanns. 

1037/0108(景祐03/1219):中國の文人 蘇軾103601、誕生

蘇洵の一男で、弟に蘇轍あり。この三人に、韓愈076824・柳宗元077319・柳宗元・歐陽脩100772・曽鞏・王安石102186 を加へた八人を「唐宋八大家」と呼びならはしてゐる。

Election du pape Innocent III (Lotario Conti, de son vrai nom).

Pope at the height of the Pope 's heyday, famous for having intervened in Western politics 教皇権全盛期時代の教皇で、西欧諸国の政治に介入したことで有名

Naissance de la dynastie Grimaldi, celle de l'actuelle famille régnante de la principauté de Monaco.

François Grimaldi, disguised as a monk, leads his men to capture the fortress protecting the Rock of Monaco, establishing his family as the rulers of Monaco.

1324/0108:イタリアの旅行家 Marco Polo 125424、死去

un ambasciatore, scrittore, viaggiatore e mercante italiano. La sua famiglia apparteneva al patriziato veneziano.
He studied commercial transactions with his father Niccolo Polo and his uncle Maffeio Polo, he left for Asia with his father and uncle in 1271 and traveled throughout Asia for the next 24 years. After returning to Italy, he volunteered for a war with Genoa and was imprisoned as a prisoner of war, where he talked about a trip to prisoners and this later became "Devisement du monde".

Viaggi dei tre Polo in Asia

1337/0108:イタリアの画家 Giotto di Bondone 126737、死去

Giotto da Bondone, forse diminutivo di Ambrogio, Ambrogiotto o Angiolo, conosciuto semplicemente come Giotto è stato un pittore e architetto italiano.
Il suo stile pittorico è classificato come tardo gotico e un grande artista che ha aperto la strada al Rinascimento italiano
彼は生前から巨匠としての名声は得てゐたことは、十六世紀後半の画家にしてイタリアルネサンス期の藝術家の傳記作者にもなった Giorgio Vasari 151174 の著書で「それまでのビザンティン美術を徹底的に打ち壊し、洗練して現実味あふれる絵画をイタリアにもたらした」と絶賛した。


Assassinat de Charles de La Cerda.

Le 8 janvier 1354, Philippe de Navarre, frère de Charles II de Navarre dit « Charles le Mauvais », assassine le connétable de France Charles de La Cerda, dit « Charles d'Espagne », dans une auberge de la ville de L'Aigle.

The papal bull Romanus Pontifex awards the Kingdom of Portugal exclusive trade and colonization rights to all of Africa south of Cape Bojador.

1499/0108:フランス、ルイXII 結婚 アンヌブルタニュ
Mariage de Louis XII de France et d'Anne de Bretagne.

Le roi de France Louis XII. et Anne de Bretagne se marient dans la chapelle du château de Nantes.

1556/0108(弘治01/1127):日本の戰國大名 上杉景勝155623、誕生

Uesugi Kagekatsu fut un daimyo actif pendant la période Sengoku et le début de la période Edo au Japon. Il naquit le 8 janvier 1556 et mourut à Yonezawa le 19 avril 1623.
Il était un fils de Nagao Masakage. Il était un neveu et le fils adoptif de Kenshin Uesugi, par conséquent un membre du puissant clan Uesugi. Après la mort de Kenshin en 1578, Kagekatsu attaqua Kagetora Uesugi et l'ayant vaincu prit la tête du clan.


1642/0108:イタリアの科學者 Galileo Galilei 156242、死去

un fisico, astronomo, filosofo e matematico italiano, considerato il padre della scienza moderna. Il suo nome è associato a importanti contributi in dinamica e in astronomia (legati al perfezionamento del telescopio, che gli permise importanti osservazioni astronomiche) oltre all'introduzione del metodo scientifico (detto spesso metodo galileiano o metodo scientifico sperimentale).

 Fasi della Luna disegnate da Galileo nel 1616


Yoshida Mitsuyoshi, aussi connu sous le nom Yoshida Kōyū, est un mathématicien japonais de l'époque d'Edo. Son travail publié populaire et largement diffusé fait de lui l'écrivain sur les mathématiques le plus connu de son époque.
京都の豪商角倉家の一員として誕生、角倉了以155414 は外祖父にあたる。初の和算家と云はれる毛利重能に師事した後、一族の角倉素庵のもとで中國の数学者、程大位153306の『算法統宗』を研究、それをもとに『塵劫記』1628寛永05を出版した。


René Robert Cavelier de La Salle atteint les chutes du Niagara.


When conducting a new motet Jean-Baptiste Lully beats the baton in the foot. It develops gangrene and because he refuses to have a toe amputated, the composer dies of it a few weeks later.

1697/0108:Thomas Aikenhead 167697、神聖冒瀆の罪で處刑

Execution of Thomas Aikenhead in Scotland for blasphemy.

# Thomas Aikenhead 167697 was a Scottish student from Edinburgh, who was prosecuted and executed at the age of 20 on a charge of blasphemy.
He was the last person in Britain to be executed for blasphemy.
This was 85 years after the death of Edward Wightman (1612), the last person to be burned at the stake for heresy in England.

1712/0108(正徳01/1201):日本の儒學者 淺見絅齋165212、死去

Conjugologues à l'époque d'Edo au Japon.


1713/0108:イタリアの音樂家 Arcangelo Corelli 165313、死去

un compositore e violinista italiano del periodo barocco.
Considerato tra i più grandi compositori del periodo barocco, fondamentale fu il suo contributo allo sviluppo della forma della sonata strumentale e del concerto grosso, che portò ad un alto livello di equilibrio e perfezione formale.



Premiere performance of George Frideric Handel's Ariodante at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden.

Alliance of England, Austria, Saxony and the United Provinces against Prussia.

In a quadruple alliance, during the Second Silesian War, Austria, Great Britain, the Republic of the Seven United Provinces and Saxons met in Warsaw to contain Prussian expansion. The closed alliance becomes obsolete in the same year by the peace of Dresden.

Second Jacobite rising: Bonnie Prince Charlie occupies Stirling.

Capitulation de la garnison française de Pondichéry.

1775/0108:イギリスの活字作者 John Baskerville 170675、死去

an English businessman, in areas including japanning and papier-mâché, but he is best remembered as a printer and type designer.
His printed works for the University of Cambridge in 1758 and, printed a splendid folio Bible in 1763. His typefaces were greatly admired by Benjamin Franklin, a printer and fellow member of the Royal Society of Arts, who took the designs back to the newly created United States, where they were adopted for most federal government publishing.

Tabriz and the surrounding region are devastated by a severe earthquake. At least 50,000 people die from the forces of nature.


# タブリズ(ペルシア語: تبریز; Tabrīz)はイラン北西部の都市。東アゼルバイジャン州の州都。人口は約140万人でイラン四番目。

1789/0108:イギリスの運動家 Jack Broughton 170489、死去

an English bare-knuckle boxer.
He was the first person to codify a set of rules to be used in such contests; prior to this the "rules" that existed were very loosely defined and tended to vary from contest to contest. His seven rules of how boxing would be conducted at his amphitheatre (the largest and most influential at that time) evolved later into the London Prize Ring rules which are widely regarded as the foundation stone of the sport that would become boxing, prior to the development of the Marquess of Queensberry rules in the 1860s.

George Washington delivers the first State of the Union address in New York City.

deuxième amalgame de l'armée Française.

Cape Colony becomes a British colony.

Britain conquers the Cape Colony, which was returned to the Batavian Republic in 1803, after the resumption of fighting with Napoleonic France and its allies, and turns it into a British colony to secure the sea route to India.

An unsuccessful slave revolt is led by Charles Deslondes in St. Charles and St. James, Louisiana.

Signature d'un traité d'alliance entre l'Autriche et Naples. C'est ce qu'on appelle la « trahison de Murat ».

1815/0108:USA「War of 1812: Battle of New Orleans」
 Andrew Jackson leads American forces in victory over the British.

Unaware of the signing of the Ghent peace treaty, US militia forces under Andrew Jackson defeat a British invasion force led by Sir Edward Michael Pakenham at the Battle of New Orleans. This ends the so-called "War of 1812".

1823/0108:イギリスの科學者 Alfred Russel Wallace 182313、誕生

a British naturalist, explorer, geographer, anthropologist, and biologist.
He is best known for independently conceiving the theory of evolution through natural selection; his paper on the subject was jointly published with some of Charles Darwin's writings in 1858.
This prompted Darwin to publish his own ideas in On the Origin of Species. Wallace did extensive fieldwork, first in the Amazon River basin and then in the Malay Archipelago, where he identified the faunal divide now termed the Wallace Line, which separates the Indonesian archipelago into two distinct parts: a western portion in which the animals are largely of Asian origin, and an eastern portion where the fauna reflect Australasia.

1825/0108:アメリカの發明家 Eli Whitney 176525、死去

an American inventor best known for inventing the cotton gin. This was one of the key inventions of the Industrial Revolution and shaped the economy of the Antebellum South.

Cotton Gin Patent. It shows sawtooth gin blades, which were not part of Whitney's original patent.

The Democratic Party of the United States is organized.

1830/0108:ドイツの指揮者 Hans von Bülow 183094、誕生

ein deutscher Klaviervirtuose, Dirigent und Kapellmeister des 19. Jahrhunderts.

The United States national debt is zero for the only time.

1836/0108:オランダの画家 Lawrence Alma-Tadema 183612、誕生

a Dutch painter of special British denizenship.
He is a painter of the Victorian era, have drawn realistic paintings on the theme of history such as ancient Rome, ancient Greece, ancient Egypt, and had a great influence on Hollywood's early history films.

The Roses of Heliogabalus (1888)

1856/0108:USAで初めて「borax deposit」を發見
Chemist John A. Veatch discovers the first borax deposit in the United States.

1863/0108:USAの地理學者 Ellen Churchill Semple 186332、誕生

an American geographer and the first female president of the Association of American Geographers. She contributed significantly to the early development of the discipline of geography in the United States, particularly studies of human geography. She is most closely associated with work in anthropogeography and environmentalism, and the debate about "environmental determinism".
The achievements of Semple are deeply involved in human geography (human geography) and environmental theory.


1863/0108:American Civil War: Second Battle of Springfield

1877/0108:USA、Indian War「CrazyHorse 最後の戰ひ」
Crazy Horse and his warriors fight their last battle against the United States Cavalry at Wolf Mountain, Montana Territory.

1878/0108:ロシアの詩人 Nikolaï Nekrassov 182178、死去

(Николай Алексеевич Некрасов), русский поэт, писатель и публицист, классик русской литературы un poète russe, écrivain, critique et éditeur associé de Vissarion Bielinski et auteur du célèbre poème intitulé Les Femmes de Russie (1871-72).


Herman Hollerith registers the patent for a system for processing punched cards and thus establishes the machine data processing.


1892/0108:日本の詩人 堀口大學189281、誕生

Horiguchi Daigaku est un traducteur de littérature française et poète japonais des ères Taishō et Shōwa. Il est crédité de l'introduction du surréalisme français dans la poésie japonaise, et de la traduction d'œuvres de plus de 66 auteurs français en japonais.

As part of the Dundee Whaling Expedition, the ship's captain Thomas Robertson discovers an island in the Weddell Sea, to which he gives the name Dundee Island.

1896/0108:フランスの詩人 Paul Verlaine 184496、死去

un écrivain et poète français

Il s'essaie à la poésie et publie son premier recueil, Poèmes saturniens en 1866, à 22 ans.
Sa vie est bouleversée quand il rencontre Arthur Rimbaud en septembre 1871. Leur vie amoureuse tumultueuse et errante en Angleterre et en Belgique débouche sur la scène violente où, à Bruxelles, Verlaine blesse superficiellement au poignet celui qu'il appelle son « époux infernal » : jugé et condamné, il reste en prison jusqu'au début de 1875, renouant avec le catholicisme de son enfance et écrivant des poèmes qui prendront place dans ses recueils suivants : Sagesse (1880), Jadis et Naguère (1884) et Parallèlement (1889). Usé par l'alcool et la maladie, Verlaine meurt à 51 ans, le 8 janvier 1896, d'une pneumonie aiguë. Il est inhumé à Paris au cimetière des Batignolles (11e division).

Arthur Rimbaud を撃った銃、5260万円で落札 国際ニュース:AFPBB News

La dernière partie du roman de Gaston Leroux, Le Fantôme de l'Opéra, paraît dans le journal Le Gaulois.

The African National Congress is founded.

naissance de l'ANC (African National Congress), parti politique d’Afrique du Sud.
In South Africa's Bloemfontein, the South African Native National Congress, the predecessor organization of the African National Congress, is founded in South Africa because of the discrimination and oppression of black people.

First use of radium to cure cancer.

Sarah Bernhardt est décorée de la Légion d'honneur.

U.S. President Woodrow Wilson announces his "Fourteen Points" for the aftermath of World War I.

In his 14-point program, US President Woodrow Wilson describes the post-World War I peace plan he plans in Europe in front of both houses of the US Congress. A key point here is the right of peoples to self-determination.

1920/0108:The steel strike of 1919 ends
 in a complete failure for the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers labor union.

Occupation française de la Ruhr.

1925/0108:日本の牧師 植村正久185825、死去

Uemura Masahisa est un pasteur, théologien et critique japonais des ères Meiji et Taishō

Crown Prince Nguyễn Phúc Vĩnh Thuỵ ascends the throne, the last monarch of Vietnam.




# 昭和天皇の暗殺を狙った襲撃事件で、四事件ある大逆事件の最後となった事件。犯人は朝鮮出身者の李奉昌で、天皇への大逆罪に問はれ、死刑となった。



1935/0108:USAの歌手 Elvis Presley 193577、誕生

an American singer, musician, and actor. Regarded as one of the most significant cultural icons of the 20th century, he is often referred to as the "King of Rock and Roll" or simply "the King".

Kashf-e hijab decree is enforced by Reza Shah ordering the police to physically remove the Hijab from any woman in public.

The Battle of Suomussalmi in the Winter War ends with success for the Finnish troops. They succeed in thwarting the Soviet attempt to disrupt Finland's transport links to Sweden.

1941/0108:ボウイスカウト創立者 Robert Baden-Powell 185741、死去

a British Army officer, writer, author of Scouting for Boys which was an inspiration for the Scout Movement, founder and first Chief Scout of The Boy Scouts Association and founder of the Girl Guides.



1942/0108:Joseph Franklin Rutherford 186942、死去

also known as "Judge" Rutherford, was the second president of the incorporated Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. He played a primary role in the organization and doctrinal development of Jehovah's Witnesses, which emerged from the Bible Student movement established by Charles Taze Russell.

1942/0108:Stephen Hawking 1942--、誕生

an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author and Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology within the University of Cambridge.
His scientific works include a collaboration with Roger Penrose on gravitational singularity theorems in the framework of general relativity and the theoretical prediction that black holes emit radiation, often called Hawking radiation. Hawking was the first to set out a theory of cosmology explained by a union of the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. He is a vigorous supporter of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics


Koizumi Jun'ichirō is a Japanese politician who was the 56th Prime Minister of Japan from 2001 to 2006. He retired from politics when his term in parliament ended in 2009, and is the sixth longest serving PM in Japanese history.


In order to stop the Japanese advance in the Pacific War, the Allies found the joint command ABDACOM in Singapore.

Philippine Commonwealth troops under the Philippine Commonwealth Army units enter the province of Ilocos Sur in Northern Luzon and attack Japanese Imperial forces.

1947/0108:イギリスの歌手 David Bowie 194716、誕生

an English singer, songwriter and actor. He was a leading figure in popular music for over five decades, acclaimed by critics and other musicians for his innovative work.
He emerged as a pioneer of gram rock and gains worldwide fame in the field of popular music. We also advanced to the actor's world, and have received numerous awards

1948/0108:ドイツの藝術家 Kurt Schwitters 188748、死去

ein deutscher Künstler, Maler, Dichter, Raumkünstler und Werbegrafiker, der unter dem Kennwort MERZ ein dadaistisches „Gesamtweltbild“ entwickelte.
Seine Werke umfassen die Stilrichtungen Konstruktivismus, Surrealismus und Dadaismus, dem sie aber nur durch Gegensätzlichkeit ähnlich waren. Aus heutiger Sicht zählt Schwitters zu den einflussreichsten Künstlern des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts.


1949/0108:日本の軍人 梅津美治郎188249、死去

Umezu Yoshijirō was a general in the Imperial Japanese Army in World War II. He was convicted of war crimes and sentenced to life imprisonment.



1950/0108:オウストリアの經濟學者 Joseph Schumpeter 188350、死去

ein österreichischer Nationalökonom und Politiker. Er nahm 1925 die deutsche und 1939 die US-Staatsbürgerschaft an.
In seinem Frühwerk Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung (1912) unternimmt er den Versuch, die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung des Kapitalismus zu erklären. In seinem späten Opus Kapitalismus, Sozialismus und Demokratie (1942) geht er auch auf gesellschaftspolitische Implikationen ein. Mit seinen umfangreichen Werken gilt er als einer der herausragenden Ökonomen des 20. Jahrhunderts.

Innovation is the central concept of Schumpeter's theory. By the way, Schumpeter uses the word "neue Kombination" rather than innovation in the early book Theory of Economic Development. This is consistent with the definition of innovation called "thinking that seems to be irrelevant at first sight" by Clayton Christensen. Innovation is not limited to the field of technology.
He calls the performer of innovation (entrepreneur), but in this sense (entrepreneur) is not a business manager (combining land and labor) that only performs a certain task but produces a completely new combination It is a person who combines elements and creates a new business.

Elvis Presley records in a recording studio in Memphis, Tennessee, the songs I'll never stand in your way and Casual Love Affair.

Bobby Fischer wins 14 years of chess championships in the United States.

Bobby Fischer wins the United States Chess Championship at the age of fourteen, making him the youngest chess champion in the US and, until 1991, worldwide.

Charles de Gaulle devient le premier président de la Cinquième République française.

Fidel Castro reaches Havana and completes the victory of the revolution in Cuba.

en France, le « Oui » l'emporte au référendum sur l'autodétermination en Algérie.

In France a referendum supports Charles de Gaulle's policies in Algeria.

Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa is exhibited in the United States for the first time, at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.

Almost 27 years after being stolen by Stalin, a revised and disarmed version of Mzensk's Lady Macbeth's opera is premiered by Dmitry Dmitriev Shostakovich under the title Katerina Ismailova.

Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District (novella)

President Lyndon Johnson declares a "War on Poverty" in the United States.


Une personne prétendument dérangée utilise un couteau pour couper à travers la peinture La Vierge aux anges de Peter Paul Rubens au Louvre de Paris.

Bowing to international pressure, President of Pakistan Zulfikar Ali Bhutto releases Bengali leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from prison, who had been arrested after declaring the independence of Bangladesh.

1973/0108:USA、Watergate scandal:
 The trial of seven men accused of illegal entry into Democratic Party headquarters at Watergate begins.

1976/0108:中國の政事家 周恩來189876、死去




Three bombs explode in Moscow, Russia, Soviet Union, within 37 minutes, killing seven. The bombings are attributed to an Armenian separatist group.

1980/0108:ノルヱイの冒険家 Tryggve Gran 188980、死去

a Norwegian aviator, explorer and author.
He was the skiing expert on the 1910–13 Scott Antarctic Expedition and was the first person to fly across the North Sea in a heavier-than-air aircraft.
The first to cross the North Sea by air were two German balloonists, Distler and Joerdens, who took off from Munich. They were blown across the North Sea by strong winds, landing in Kirkwall, Orkney on 4th December 1910.

A local farmer reports a UFO sighting in Trans-en-Provence, France, claimed to be "perhaps the most completely and carefully documented sighting of all time".

1983/0108:ドイツの撃墜王 Gerhard Barkhorn 191983、死去

Während des Zweiten Weltkrieges deutscher Offizier und Jagdflieger der Luftwaffe. Mit 301 bestätigten Abschüssen und 1104 Feindflügen ist er der zweiterfolgreichste Jagdflieger der Militärluftfahrt. Bei der Bundesluftwaffe erreichte er den Rang eines Generalmajors.
Ace pilot of the German Air Force during World War II. The last rank at the time of the war was Major. Major General of the West German Air Force later.
Number of sorties of 1104. Among them, the total number of shots to kill over 500 air fighting opportunities is 301. This is the score next to Erich Hartmann's 352, and over 300 is outside of these two people in history as well.

その死は ――
On 6 January 1983 he and his wife were involved in a car crash near Cologne. His wife died instantly and Barkhorn, without regaining consciousness, died in hospital in Frechen/Cologne on 8 January 1983. They were buried in Tegernsee, Bavaria

1986/0108:フランスのチェリスト Pierre Fournier 190686、死去

un violoncelliste français. Il est l'un des grands noms français du violoncelle, aux côtés de Maurice Maréchal, Paul Tortelier, Maurice Gendron, André Navarra et Pierre Penassou.

Kegworth air disaster: British Midland Flight 92, a Boeing 737-400, crashes into the M1 motorway, killing 47 of the 126 people on board.


Russian cosmonaut Valeri Polyakov on Soyuz TM-18 leaves for Mir. 

He would stay on the space station until March 22, 1995, for a record 437 days in space.

1996/0108:日本の歌手 三橋美智也193096、死去

Mihashi Michiya was a famous enka singer in postwar Japan.
Along with Hachiro Kasuga and Hideo Murata, he was regarded as one of the most notable singers to have established the genre enka.

An Antonov An-32 cargo aircraft crashes into a crowded market in Kinshasa, Zaire, killing up to 223 on the ground; two of six crew members are also killed.

Turkish Airlines Flight 634 crashes near Diyarbakır Airport, Turkey, killing the entire crew and 70 of the 75 passengers.

Air Midwest Flight 5481 crashes at Charlotte-Douglas Airport, Charlotte, North Carolina, killing all 21 people on board.

The largest passenger ship in the world at that time is christened Queen Mary 2 in Southampton by the British Queen Elizabeth II.

The nuclear sub USS San Francisco collides at full speed with an undersea mountain south of Guam. One man is killed, but the sub surfaces and is repaired.

Russia temporarily interrupts gas supply in Poland and Germany via its Nord Stream gas pipeline through Belarus.

Gunmen from an offshoot the Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda attack a bus carrying the Togo national football team on its way to the 2010 Africa Cup of Nations, killing three.

en Israël, à Jérusalem, un attentat au camion-bélier tue quatre soldats israéliens.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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