


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


さうした古今東西の自國史を収集して、それらを丹念に張り合はせて、云はば Mirror Ball に形作っていく。その作業のなかで自省と懺悔がおのづとおこなはれる。それは、地上的ではない、天空からの「歴史の天使」の「硝子玉演戲」の作業だ。さうして、未來をひらくための世界史を創造していく。
これが、私が想像し妄想してゐる『明日等』の物語だ。この現代世界とパラレルに(やゝ先行して)進行する「もうひとつの世界」の SocialFiction、

歴史暦:古今東西 01/03 今日の出來事


-106/0103:Marcus Tullius Cicero -10643、誕生

un politico, avvocato, scrittore e filosofo romano, il più famoso oratore di Roma e console nel 63 DC.

His influence on the Latin language was so immense that the subsequent history of prose, not only in Latin but in European languages up to the 19th century, was said to be either a reaction against or a return to his style
Cicero introduced the Romans to the chief schools of Greek philosophy and created a Latin philosophical vocabulary (with neologisms such as evidentia, humanitas, qualitas, quantitas, and essentia) distinguishing himself as a translator and philosopher.

The Italian "Cicerone(チチェロネ)" derived from the name of Cicero means "guidance person", even with this one, he also well tells the tremendous influence he has played as a guide to the Western world of Greek philosophy .



Charles III devient roi des Francs.


Fujiwara no Michinaga represents the highpoint of the Fujiwara clan's control over the government of Japan.




Fujiwara no Yukinari est un calligraphe japonais (書道) de l'époque de Heian 平安朝時代. Ses prouesses dans son art le font nommer un des exceptionnels sanseki 三跡 « trois traces (de pinceau) », avec Ono no Michikaze 小野道風089466 et Fujiwara no Sukemasa 藤原佐理094498.


1018 行成 白氏詩卷

un forte terremoto si verifica nei pressi di Verona e tormenta l'Italia settentrionale. Il terremoto di Verona, tra le altre cose, sta danneggiando gravemente l'Arena di Verona, con il suo muro esterno parzialmente distrutto.

A heavy earthquake occurs near Verona and haunts northern Italy. The Verona earthquake, among other things, is severely damaging the Arena of Verona, with its outer wall being partially destroyed.

1196/0103:日本天皇 083土御門119631、誕生

L'empereur TsuchiMikado était le 083 Empereur du Japon, selon l'ordre traditionnel de la succession. Son règne était de 1198 à 1210.

Fin de la révolte des Maillotins.

La révolte des Maillotins est un soulèvement populaire qui s'est produit en 1382 à Paris sous le règne de Charles VI.

1437/0103:Catherine de Valois 140137、崩去

, fille du roi Charles VI de France, reine consort d'Angleterre de 1420 à 1422, épouse d'Henry V
the queen consort of England from 1420 until 1422. A daughter of Charles VI of France, she married Henry V of England, and gave birth to his heir Henry VI of England. Her liaison (and possible secret marriage) with Owen Tudor proved the springboard of that family's fortunes, eventually leading to their grandson's elevation as Henry VII of England. Catherine's older sister Isabella was queen of England from 1396 until 1399, as the child bride of Richard II.

Exkommunikation von Martin Luther.

Pope Leo X. decrees the papal bull Decet Romanum Pontificem, with whom he excommunicated the German reformer Martin Luther, after he had failed to comply with the request to revoke his teachings in the bull Exsurge Domine.

レオ10が回勅で Martin Luther 148346 の破門を通告。

對立は決定的となり、1521/05、ルタの Diet of Worms(ヴォルムス帝國議會)へ召喚された。神聖ロウマ皇帝の Karl Ⅴ 150058 はルタ問題が國家に影響することを懼れてゐた。 ‥‥
{この宗教と政事の絡みあひに人文主義Desiderius Erasmus 146636 が絡んでくる。かうした複雜な狀況のうちにヨウロパの北方は(同時代に進展してゐたイタリアのルネサンスと兩輪となって)中世から近代への強力な駆動輪となっていった。

1543/0103:João Rodrigues Cabrilho 149943、死去

um navegador e explorador português do século XVI.
He is a navigator / explorer from Portugal (an odd person) and is known for exploring the Pacific coast of North America for the Spanish Empire. He was a Westerner who sailed for the first time in the state of California coast in the United States of America.

By the Coonan Cross Oath, the Eastern Church in India cuts itself off from colonial Portuguese tutelage.


Matsunaga Teitoku est un lettré et poète japonais de haikai. Son vrai nom est Matsunaga Katsuguma (松永 勝熊), mais il écrit aussi sous les noms Shōyuken (逍遊軒) et Chōzumaru (長頭丸)



その後、私塾を開き俳諧の師匠となった。俳諧連歌や和歌の通俗化、LowCulture として積極的に考へ、俗語などを大膽に用ゐるべきことを主張した。

The first issue of Berlingske, Denmark's oldest continually operating newspaper, is published.

Kjøbenhavnske Danske Post-Tidender, forerunner of today's Danish newspaper Berlingske, appears in Copenhagen.

American General George Washington defeats British General Lord Cornwallis at the Battle of Princeton.

The Continental Army of the Thirteen Colonies under General George Washington defeats British and Hessian units under Charles Cornwallis at the Battle of Princeton in the American Revolutionary War.


1795/0103:ポウランド分割をめぐるロシアオウストリアの秘密協定Russian-Austrian secret treaty for a third partition of Poland

In einem Vertrag zwischen Russland und Österreich wird die Teilung Polens beschlossen. Die Dritte Teilung Polens, mit der Polen von der Landkarte gelöscht wird, kommt mit dem Beitritt Preußens am 24. Oktober endgültig zustande.

Austria, the United Kingdom, and France form a secret defensive alliance against Prussia and Russia.



Britain gains control of the Falkland Islands by setting up a naval base.





Qing Emperor Daoguang appointed Lin Zexu as imperial commissioner, presided over the ban on opium.

1840/0103:Père Damien 184089、誕生

(Damien de Veuster, dit), missionnaire belge et saint catholique
un missionnaire catholique membre de la congrégation des Sacrés-Cœurs de Jésus et de Marie.
Il est connu pour son travail de missionnaire dans le Pacifique, spécialement auprès des lépreux relégués par les gouvernements locaux sur l'île de Molokai à Hawaï. Durant son ministère, il contracta lui-même la lèpre en 1884. S'identifiant totalement avec ses fidèles il accepta de ne plus quitter Molokai et y poursuivit son travail pastoral et missionnaire jusqu'à sa mort en 1889.

Première expérience du pendule de Foucault dans la cave du physicien français Léon Foucault.

The French physicist Léon Foucault conducts an experiment in the cellar of his house for the first time with the Foucault pendulum, with which he succeeds in proving the Earth's rotation.

1852/0103:点字の發明者 Louis Braille 180952、死去

l’inventeur français du système d’écriture tactile à points saillants, à l’usage des personnes aveugles ou fortement malvoyantes : le braille.

Louis Braille en braille

Assassinat de l'archevêque de Paris, Marie Dominique Auguste Sibour.

American Civil War: Delaware votes not to secede from the United States.

Meiji Restoration in Japan: The Tokugawa shogunate is abolished; agents of Satsuma and Chōshū seize power.

Japans Kaiser Meiji erklärt in Japan die Wiederherstellung seiner eigenen Macht und jene des Shōguns für beendet. Der zurückgetretene Shōgun 將軍 Tokugawa Yoshinobu 徳川慶喜183713 hält das für illegal und zettelt in der Folge den Boshin-Krieg 戊辰戰爭 an.

Construction of the Brooklyn Bridge begins.

1871/0103:フランスvsプロシア「Battle of Bapaume」
, a battle in the Franco-Prussian war occurs.

Die Schlacht bei Bapaume im Deutsch-Französischen Krieg endet unentschieden. Die französische Armée du Nord zieht sich am Abend zurück.

La bataille de Bapaume eut lieu le 3 janvier 1871, durant la guerre franco-prussienne lorsque les Français tentèrent de mettre fin au siège de Péronne. Elle se déroula près du village de Bapaume et se termina par une victoire stratégique prussienne[réf. nécessaire].

Henry Bradley receives a US patent for the production of margarine.


Kobayashi Ichizō, occasionally referred to by his pseudonym Itsuō (逸翁), was a Japanese industrialist.
He is best known as the founder of Hankyu Railway, Takarazuka Revue, and Toho. He represented Japanese capital in government.



1883/0103:Clement Attlee 188367、誕生

a British statesman of the Labour Party who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1945 to 1951 and Leader of the Labour Party from 1935 to 1955. 
In 1940, Attlee took Labour into the wartime coalition government and served under Winston Churchill, becoming the first person to hol

1885/0103:Sino-French War:
 Beginning of the Battle of Núi Bop


1887/0103:August Macke 188714、誕生

deutschen Maler des Expressionismus. Er beteiligte sich an den beiden Ausstellungen des Blauen Reiters.
In the 1910's, he joined Wassily Kandinsky 186644, Franz Marc 188016 and others "Blue Knight" which was a avant-garde art movement.
However, he was convened in the First World War and killed at the age of 27. Therefore, his activity period was only a few years.
His paintings had a simplified form and a fantastic color, and had a unique style that was heterogeneous both expressiveism and abstract painting.

The James Lick telescope at the Lick Observatory, measuring 91 cm in diameter, is used for the first time. 

The 91 cm refractor of the Lick Observatory at the summit of Mount Hamilton, California is put into operation. It is at this time the largest telescope in the world.

1892/0103:John Ronald Reuel Tolkien 189273、誕生

an English writer, poet, philologist, and university professor who is best known as the author of the classic high-fantasy works `The Hobbit`, `The Lord of the Rings`, `The Silmarillion`....
Tolkien devised several themes that were reused in successive drafts of his legendarium, beginning with The Book of Lost Tales, written while recuperating from illnesses contracted during The Battle of the Somme.

1893/0103:Pierre Drieu la Rochelle 189345、誕生

Écrivain français. Il a évalué le fascisme comme le capitalisme opposé et le communisme, comme une idée pour régénérer l'Europe de la corruption et est devenu un collaborateur avec l'Allemagne.

Sa mort
En 1944, lorsque l'armée allemande se retire de France, il reste en France. En automne, il a essayé de se suicider en buvant du poison mais il a été tenté. Bien qu'il se soit caché à cause d'un mandat d'arrêt de la France, il s'est suicidé à Paris en latence en mars 1945 pour échapper à la vengeance par la résistance.
彼の死 1944年にドイツ軍がフランスからの撤収に際して、彼はフランスに留まった。秋には彼は毒薬を飲んで自殺を図ったが、未遂に終わった。フランスからの逮捕状が出ていたため彼は身を隠していたが、潜伏先のパリで1945年3月、レジスタンスによる復讐を逃れるため自殺した。


1896/0103:Jay Laurence Lush 189682、誕生

a pioneering animal geneticist who made important contributions to livestock breeding. 
He is sometimes known as the father of modern scientific animal breeding.

1897/0103:Pola Negri 189787、誕生

a Polish stage and film actress who achieved worldwide fame during the silent and golden eras of Hollywood and European film for her tragedienne and femme fatale roles.
She was the first European film star to be invited to Hollywood, and became one of the most popular actresses in American silent film.

Automobile (car) is the first time it can be used in paper advertisement of NewYorkTimes.

Automobile(自動車)といふ新語が NewYorkTimes の紙上広告で初めて使はれる。

1901/0103:Ngo Dinh Diem 190163、誕生

「ゴ ジン ジェム」
, homme politique et mandarin vietnamien, président de la République du Viêt Nam de 1955 à 1963


Takamatsu-no-miya Nobuhito Shinnō was the third son of Emperor Taishō (Yoshihito) and Empress Teimei (Sadako) and a younger brother of Emperor Shōwa (Hirohito).
He became heir to the Takamatsu-no-miya (formerly Arisugawa-no-miya), one of the four shinnōke or branches of the imperial family entitled to inherit the Chrysanthemum throne in default of a direct heir.


Toyoda Shirō est un réalisateur japonais.
{『夫婦善哉』1955https://is.gd/ArzWAV織田作之助の小説『夫婦善哉https://is.gd/CudF6N青空文庫で讀めまっせ)を原作にした豊田お得意の文藝物だが、彼のもっとも成功した映畫だと私は思ってゐる。昭和初期の大阪を舞台に、放蕩で勘當されたボンボンの森繁久彌と貧乏に生まれて藝者となった淡島千景がじつに不可思議な愛の物語を描きだす。名演、二人の代表作となってゐる。『夫婦善哉』は多分、映画が原作を凌駕してゐるであらうと私はおもふ。 同じ年、同じ森繁と淡島で、今度は井伏鱒二の原作にもとづく『驛前旅館』1958を撮ってゐる。この映画はヒットして、その後「驛前旅館」物は東宝のドル箱シリイズとなった。


The area of the Kaziranga in Assam, India, is protected as a national park. It is today a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

1910/0103:John Sturges 191092、誕生

an American film director.
His movies include Bad Day at Black Rock (1955), Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (1957), The Magnificent Seven (1960), The Great Escape (1963), and Ice Station Zebra (1968). 

In 2013, The Magnificent Seven was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".


A magnitude 7.7 earthquake destroys the city of Almaty in Russian Turkestan.

A gun battle in the East End of London left two dead and sparked a political row over the involvement of then-Home Secretary Winston Churchill.

An Atlantic coast storm sets the lowest confirmed barometric pressure reading for a non-tropical system in the continental United States.

Fayçal-Weizmann agreement on Palestine.

At the Paris Peace Conference, Emir Faisal I of Iraq signs an agreement with Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann on the development of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.


après l'échec de la révolte des Boxers l'impératrice-douairière Cixi réintègre la Cité interdite de Pékin.

1923/0103:Jaroslav Hašek 188323、死去

a Czech writer, humorist, satirist, journalist, bohemian and anarchist. 
He is best known for his novel The Good Soldier Švejk, an unfinished collection of farcical incidents about a soldier in World War I and a satire on the ineptitude of authority figures. The novel has been translated into about 60 languages, making it the most translated novel in Czech literature.

Benito Mussolini annuncia che sta assumendo poteri dittatoriali sull'Italia.

Benito Mussolini delivers a speech to Parliament in which he claims the assassination of opposition politician Giacomo Matteotti
Benito Mussolini assume la "piena responsabilità morale, politica e storica" per l'omicidio del socialista Giacomo Matteotti in un discorso parlamentare del 10 giugno scorso e chiede ai suoi avversari politici di processarlo. Benito Mussolini takes the "full moral, political and historical responsibility" for the murder of the socialist Giacomo Matteotti in a parliamentary speech on 10 June last year and calls on his political opponents to accuse him.

in the Soviet Union, Leon Trotsky was relieved of his duties as Commissioner for War (chronology of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).

в Советском Союзе Леон Троцкий был освобожден от обязанностей Уполномоченного по войне (хронология Союза Советских Социалистических Республик).

1926/0103:George Martin 192616、誕生

an English record producer, arranger, composer, conductor, audio engineer, and musician. 
He was referred to as the "Fifth Beatle", including by Paul McCartney, in reference to his extensive involvement on each of the Beatles' original albums


Hankow broke out "one and three" incident, the Chinese government announced the reclamation of Hankow British concession.

1929/0103:Sergio Leone 192989、誕生

un regista, sceneggiatore e produttore cinematografico italiano.
In the 1960s, Italian-made western play including "Per un pugno di dollari (A Fistful of Dollars)" was hit, causing Macaroni Western boom all over the world.

1929/0103:Gordon Moore 1929--、誕生

an American businessman, co-founder and chairman emeritus of Intel Corporation, and the author of Moore's law.
In 1965, he advocated "Moore's Law" will play a role as a guideline for the semiconductor industry.



1932/0103:ホンデュラスで Martial law is declared
 in Honduras to stop a revolt by banana workers fired by the United Fruit Company.


Japanese army scored Shanhaiguan.


{その後のロシアでの二人の悲慘な運命。二人はすぐにGPU(後のKGB)によって引き離され、その後再會することはなかった。訊問は拷問となり、岡田は「スパイ目的で越境した」と自白させられた。杉本への訊問は過酷をきはめ、自分自身をふくめ土方與志や、ロシヤアヴァンギャルドの演出家、メイエルホリド Всеволод Эмильевич Мейерхольд 187440 までスパイと自白した。1939/0927、二人の裁判がおこなはれ、岡田は起訴事實を全面的に認めて、自由剥奪十年の刑、杉本は全面否認し無罪を主張したが、銃殺刑の判決、處刑された。 ……



Top Ace Major Greg "Pappy" Boyington is shot down in his Vought F4U Corsair by Captain Masajiro Kawato flying a Mitsubishi A6M Zero.

1945/0103:Edgar Cayce 187745、死去

an American Christian mystic who answered questions on subjects as varied as healing, reincarnation, wars, Atlantis, and future events while claiming to be in a trance. A biographer gave him the nickname, "The Sleeping Prophet". A nonprofit organization, the Association for Research and Enlightenment, was founded to facilitate the study of Cayce's work.
Christian mystic who answered questions on subjects as varied as healing, reincarnation, wars, Atlantis, and future events while in a trance.
彼の思想には神智學 Teosophy の影響が強いとされる。そして、New Age Movement へ影響した。

Admiral Chester W. Nimitz is placed in command of all U.S. Naval forces in preparation for planned assaults against Iwo Jima and Okinawa in Japan.

1946/0103:William Joyce 190646、死去

nicknamed Lord Haw-Haw, was an American-born, Anglo-Irish Fascist politician and Nazi propaganda broadcaster to the United Kingdom during World War II. 
He took German citizenship in 1940. 
He was convicted of one count of high treason in 1945 and was sentenced to death. The Court of Appeal and the House of Lords upheld his conviction. 
He was hanged at Wandsworth Prison by Albert Pierrepoint on 3 January 1946, making him the second to last person to be executed for treason in the United Kingdom (before Theodore Schurch the following day).


Proceedings of the U.S. Congress are televised for the first time.

A fire damages the top part of the Eiffel Tower.

The Hamilton Watch Company introduces the first electric watch.

The US Hamilton Watch Company offers the first electrically powered wristwatch for sale to customers.

The West Indies Federation is formed.

Alaska is admitted as the 49th U.S. state.

1960/0103:Victor Sjöström 187960、死去

a pioneering Swedish film director, screenwriter and actor. He began his career in Sweden, before moving to Hollywood in 1924. 
Sjöström worked primarily in the silent era; his best known films include The Phantom Carriage (1921), He Who Gets Slapped (1924) and The Wind (1928). 
Sjöström was Sweden's most prominent director in the "Golden Age of Silent Film" in Europe. 
Later in life, he played the leading role in Ingmar Bergman's Wild Strawberries (1957).

1961/0103:USA & キュウバ
The United States severs diplomatic relations with Cuba over the latter's nationalization of American assets.

The SL-1 nuclear reactor is destroyed by a steam explosion in the only reactor incident in the United States to cause immediate fatalities.

A protest by agricultural workers in Baixa de Cassanje, Portuguese Angola, turns into a revolt, opening the Angolan War of Independence, the first of the Portuguese Colonial Wars.

Pope John XXIII excommunicates Fidel Castro.


西口云はく「詐欺はしんどいね やっぱり殺すのが一番面倒がなくていいよ」 - YouTube

この事件を佐木隆三は『復讐するは我にあり』1975 のタイトルでノベライズした。そして、それを原作に今村昌平が映画化、1979/0421に公開。キャッチコピイは「惜しくない、俺の一生こげなもん」。同年度のキネマ旬報ベストテン、第一位。

1967/0103:Jack Ruby 191167、死去

(Jacob Leon Rubenstein, dit), Américain, assassin de Lee Harvey Oswald
the Dallas, Texas nightclub owner who fatally shot Lee Harvey Oswald on November 24, 1963, while Oswald was in police custody after being charged with assassinating U.S. President John F. Kennedy


Jiang Qing and Lin Biao and others plotted the "January Storm." The former leadership of Shanghai Municipal Party Committee such as Chen Pixian and Cao Diqiu was criticized. Wang Hongwen and others captured the power of party and government in Shanghai.


1972/0103:USA & Japan「日米繊維協定」調印

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights entered into force.


Apple Computer is incorporated.

~二月半ばまで、東京そして大阪で發生した無差別連續殺人事件。シアン化ナトリウム入りの Coca-Cola を呑んだ會社員ら、三人死亡(一人は自殺)


1979/0103:Conrad Hilton 188779、死去

an American hotelier and the founder of the Hilton Hotels chain.

Manuel Noriega, former leader of Panama, surrenders to American forces.

Después de pasar once días escondido en la Embajada del Vaticano, Manuel Noriega, el antiguo gobernante de Panamá, recurre a las fuerzas invasoras de los Estados Unidos.

In Moscow, Russia, George Bush and Boris Yeltsin sign the second Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START).


More than seven million people from the former apartheid Homelands receive South African citizenship.

Final daily Peanuts comic strip.


Israeli forces seize the Palestinian freighter Karine A in the Red Sea, finding 50 tons of weapons.

Flash Airlines Flight 604 crashes into the Red Sea, resulting in 148 deaths, making it one of the deadliest aviation accidents in Egyptian history.

2009/0103:Digital World、最初の「Blockchain」
The first block of the blockchain of the decentralized payment system Bitcoin, called the Genesis block, was established by the creator of the system, Satoshi Nakamoto.


2015/0103:アフリカ、ボコハラム「Baga Massacre」

Boko Haram militants raze the entire town of Baga in north-east Nigeria, starting the 2015 Baga massacre and killing as many as 2,000 people.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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