


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 01/01 今日の出來事



{今日の記事の多さと云ったら ―― 正月元旦に誕生した「幸運児」は多い。当然だらう。この日の前後に生まれた者の親で縁起擔ぎをしないではゐられない親は一月一日生まれにするだらう。私だったらきっとさうするだらう。今は無理かも知れないが、昔ならきっと、さうした例も多かったにすぎない ―― とその誕生者の多さにヘキエキしてゐる私であった。ほんとに多いよ。これでも嚴選したんだぜ。そのために余計に時間がかかった。いきなり「やるんじゃなかった」と後悔が始まる(と去年の一月一日に書いてゐるが、二周目も同樣、それ以上に


Roman consuls begin their year in office.

le consul ordinaire dans la Rome antique entre en charge le 1er janvier et non plus le 1er mars, ce premier jour de l'année consulaire est définitivement fixé à Rome.

The Julian calendar takes effect as the civil calendar of the Roman Empire, establishing January 1 as the new date of the new year.

The Roman Senate posthumously deifies Julius Caesar.

Gaius Julius Caesar -10044

Octavian can be called by the Senate to the "leader of Italy" (dux Italiae). He declares war on Cleopatra and thus de facto Marcus Antonius.

The Roman legions in Germania Superior refuse to swear loyalty to Galba. They rebel and proclaim Vitellius as emperor.

Commode devient coempereur romain.

0379/0101:Basilius Caesariensis 033079、死去

Βασίλειος Καισαρείας
the Greek bishop of Caesarea Mazaca in Cappadocia, Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). He was an influential theologian who supported the Nicene Creed and opposed the heresies of the early Christian church, fighting against both Arianism and the followers of Apollinaris of Laodicea. His ability to balance his theological convictions with his political connections made Basil a powerful advocate for the Nicene position.
Greek father, one of the most important Christian theologians of the 4th century

Telemachus, a Christian monk, is killed for attempting to stop a gladiators' fight in the public arena held in Rome.


Le roi des Wisigoths Athaulf épouse à Narbonne Galla Placidia, fille de l'empereur Théodose.

Honorius, le frère de Galla Placidia, lui impose de se marier à Constance, futur empereur romain d'Occident.

0766/0101:Ali al-Ridha 076618、誕生

‘Alī ibn Mūsā ar-Riḍā (Arabic: علي ابن موسى الرّضا), also called Abu al-Hasan, Ali al-Reza
a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad and the eighth Shi'ite Imam, after his father Musa al-Kadhim, and before his son Muhammad al-Jawad. He was an Imam of knowledge according to the Zaydi (Fiver) Shia school and Sufis.

0874/0101:Hasan al-Askari 084674、崩去

the 11th Imam of Twelver Shia Islam, after his father Ali al-Hadi. He was also called Abu Muhammad and Ibn al-Ridha.

Because Samarra, the city where he lived, was a garrison town, he is generally known as al-Askari (Askar is the word for military in Arabic). Al-Askari married Narjis Khatun and was kept under house arrest or in prison for most of his life, until, according to some Shia sources, he was poisoned at the age of 28 on the orders of the Abbasid caliph Al-Mu'tamid and was buried in Samarra.

0898/0101:Eudes (roi des Francs) 086098、崩去

un roi des Francs (888-898), premier roi de la dynastie des Robertiens.
Il repousse les Normands qui assiégèrent Paris de 885 à 886.
Il est venu au trône du Royaume de West Frank, la première fois de la famille Robert (de 888 à 898).

Grand Prince Stephen I of Hungary is named the first King of Hungary by Pope Sylvester II.

Romanos IV Diogenes marries Eudokia Makrembolitissa and is crowned Byzantine Emperor.

à la mort de Constantin X, sa femme l'impératrice Eudocie épouse Romain Diogène qui est couronné le jour même empereur byzantin.



Les barons anglo-normands prêtent serment de reconnaître Mathilde l'Emperesse comme héritière du trône.

Empress Matilda 110267, also known as the Empress Maude, was the claimant to the English throne during the civil war known as the Anarchy




Michael VIII Palaiologos is proclaimed co-emperor of the Empire of Nicaea with his ward John IV Laskaris.

Michel VIII Paléologue se fait couronner empereur conjointement avec sa femme Théodora Vatatzès et Jean IV.

Al-Muzaffar Sayf ad-Dîn Qutuz renverse Al-Mansur Nur ad-Dîn Ali ben Aybak et devient sultan sur l'Égypte

Louis II de Bourbon crée l'Ordre de l'Écu d'or.

In 1369, Louis II "the Good", duke of Bourbon founded the Knights of the Golden Shield to commemorate the release from English captivity of noble hostages held along with the king John II of France. This release came in 1369, three years after the death of the captive king.

1431/0101:214papa Alexander VI 143103、誕生

Alessandro VI, nato Roderic Llançol de Borja, italianizzato Rodrigo Borgia, è stato il 214º papa della Chiesa cattolica dal 1492 alla morte.

ルネサンス期の世俗化した教皇の代表的かつ象徴的存在であり、好色さ・強欲さやフィレンチェの宗教改革者 Girolamo Savonarola 145298 との対立にかんしても批判と非難が多い。また、庶子教皇なのだから当然だが)のチェーザレボルジアを側近とし、彼の一族の繁栄とヴァチカンの軍事的自立に熱中してイタリアに戦火をもたらした。

1449/0101:Lorenzo de' Medici 144992、誕生

Il terzo della dinastia dei Medici. È stato anche uno scrittore, mecenate, poeta e umanista, nonché uno dei più significativi uomini politici del Rinascimento, sia per aver incarnato l'ideale del principe umanista, sia per l'oculatissima gestione del potere


prise de Harfleur par Charles VII.

le tout nouvel hôpital des Hospices de Beaune, l'Hôtel-Dieu, créé à l'initiative de Nicolas Rolin et de son épouse Guigone de Salins, accueille son premier patient.


1484/0101:Huldrych Zwingli 148431、誕生

ein Schweizer Theologe und der erste Zürcher Reformator. Aus der Zürcher und der Genfer Reformation ging die reformierte Kirche hervor.
Seine Theologie wurde in der zweiten Generation von Heinrich Bullinger und Johannes Calvin weitergetragen.

O navegador Gaspar de Lemos descobre a Baía de Guanabara, que confundiu com um rio e que batizou o Rio de Janeiro.

The present-day location of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is first explored by the Portuguese.

1509/0101:Melchor Cano 150960、誕生

, religieux dominicain, théologien, philosophe et évêque espagnol

1515/0101:Louis XII 146215、死去

surnommé le « Père du peuple » par les états généraux de 1506, est roi de France de 1498 à 1515. Durant son règne, il dut faire face aux guerres d'Italie, notamment la troisième et la quatrième qui s'achève avec la victoire de Marignan en 1515 et, au plan intérieur, la réforme de la justice et des impôts. Son image fut cultivée après sa mort comme symbole d'une monarchie modérée, s'appuyant sur les états généraux, par contraste avec la monarchie absolue.
Il s'appelait (le Père du Peuple).

Le porc-épicn 1 emblème de LouisXII, avec la devise : « de près et de loin »

King Francis I of France succeeds to the French throne.

la mort de Louis XII fait de François Ier le nouveau roi de France.

Croatian nobles elect Ferdinand I of Austria as King of Croatia in the Parliament on Cetin.

Fondation de la ville de Rio de Janeiro sur l'Océan Atlantique.

1554/0101:Pedro de Valdivia 150054、敗死(拷問處刑)

(Villanueva de la Serena, Extremadura) fue un militar y conquistador español de origen extremeño.
Conquistador. Francisco Pizarro's confidant became Chile's conqueror.


1560/0101:Joachim Du Bellay 152260、死去

Sa rencontre avec Pierre de Ronsard fut à l'origine de la formation de la Pléiade, groupe de poètes pour lequel du Bellay rédigea un manifeste, la Défense et illustration de la langue française. Son œuvre la plus célèbre, Les Regrets, est un recueil de sonnets d'inspiration élégiaque et satirique, écrit à l'occasion de son voyage à Rome de 1553 à 1557.

Papa Gregorio XIII impone il calendario gregoriano per ripristinare un ritardo di 10 giorni con il Sole. Decide che venerdì 15 ottobre 1582 succederà a giovedì 4. La riforma si applica solo a queste date in Spagna e in Italia.

Pope Gregory XIII imposes the Gregorian calendar to restore a delay of 10 days with the Sun. It decides that Friday 15 October 1582 will succeed to Thursday 4. The reform only applied to these dates in Spain and Italy.

1617/0101:Hendrick Goltzius 155817、死去

a German-born Dutch printmaker, draftsman, and painter. He was the leading Dutch engraver of the early Baroque period, or Northern Mannerism, noted for his sophisticated technique and the "exuberance" of his compositions.

le 1er janvier devient le jour de l'an dans tous les pays catholiques sur décision du Pape.

1638/0101:Nicolaus Steno 163886、誕生

ein dänischer Mediziner, Anatom und Naturforscher, später katholischer Priester und Bischof. Er wird in der römisch-katholischen Kirche als Seliger verehrt. Wilhelm von Humboldt bezeichnete ihn als „Vater der Geologie“.

Charles II is crowned King of Scotland.

1655/0101:Christian Thomasius 165528、誕生

ein deutscher Jurist und Philosoph. Er gilt als Wegbereiter der Frühaufklärung in Deutschland. Thomasius trug durch sein Eintreten für eine humane Strafordnung im Sinne der Aufklärung wesentlich zur Abschaffung der Hexenprozesse und der Folter bei.

Samuel Pepys begins his secret diary, which he will lead until March 31, 1669.

Beginning of regular mail distribution between New York and Boston.

Russia begins using the Anno Domini era instead of the Anno Mundi era of the Byzantine Empire.

John V is crowned King of Portugal.

1735/0101:Paul Revere 1818、誕生

an American silversmith, engraver, early industrialist, and Patriot in the American Revolution. He is best known for his midnight ride to alert the colonial militia in April 1775 to the approach of British forces before the battles of Lexington and Concord, as dramatized in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem, "Paul Revere's Ride"


「Minagaha KiEn」Confucian scholars in the middle term of the Edo period


The world's remotest island is discovered by French explorer Jean-Baptiste Charles Bouvet de Lozier.

1748/0101:Jean Bernoulli 166748、死去

un mathématicien et physicien suisse. Il est le frère de Jacques Bernoulli et le père de Daniel, Nicolas et Jean.
彼は兄とともに Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 164616 の微積分法の発展に寄与した。他にも、重力場における粒子の運動に関する問題など応用数学の分野で多くの貢献を成した。さらに、1690年には「カテナリ曲線」の方程式を発見し、1691年には指数関数の微積分法を確立した。

In the tenth edition of the Systema Naturae, the Swedish scientist Carl von Linné presents all of the organisms he describes in the binary notation that is still used today, which he first used for plants in his work Species Plantarum.
This marks the breakthrough for binary nomenclature in biology and the official beginning of zoological nomenclature.


The first traveler's cheques, which can be used in 90 European cities, go on sale in London, England.
émission des premiers chèques de voyage (travelers cheque) par la London Credit Exchange Company dans 90 villes européennes.

1776/0101:American Revolutionary War
: Norfolk, Virginia is burned by combined Royal Navy and Continental Army action.

1781/0101:American Revolutionary War
: 1500 soldiers of the 6th Pennsylvania Regiment under General Anthony Wayne's command rebel against the Continental Army's winter camp in Morristown, New Jersey in the Pennsylvania Line Mutiny of 1781.

The Iron Bridge, the first bridge in the world made of cast iron by Abraham Darby III at Coalbrookdale, opens.

The Daily Universal Register is published for the first time in London. Three years later, the newspaper will change its name to Times.

First edition of The Times of London, previously The Daily Universal Register, is published.

Création du ministère de la Police en France.



Utagawa Kuniyoshi est l'un des derniers grands maîtres japonais de l'estampe sur bois ('ukiyo-e').

He is one of the Ukiyo-e master who represents the late Edo period, has richness of ideas, innovative design power, fantastic outdoor idea, reliable drawing power, has a wide range of charm that is not limited to the frame of ukiyo-e It produced.

The legislative union of Kingdom of Great Britain and Kingdom of Ireland is completed to form the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

Première découverte d'une météorite sur la surface de la Terre

Ceres, the largest and first known object in the Asteroid belt, is discovered by Giuseppe Piazzi.

Emperor Gia Long orders all bronze wares of the Tây Sơn dynasty to be collected and melted into nine cannons for the Royal Citadel in Huế, Vietnam.

1804/0101:Indépendance d'Haïti
French rule ends in Haiti. Haiti becomes the first black republic and second independent country in North America after the United States


Abandon du calendrier républicain en France et retour au calendrier grégorien.

The French Republican Calendar is abolished.

The United States bans the importation of slaves.

1814/0101(嘉慶18/1210):洪秀全181464 、誕生

是清末宗教組織拜上帝會創始人、太平天國運動的民變領袖以及太平天國的建立者。客家人。原名洪仁坤,小名火秀,廣東花縣人 He was the founder of the Patriarchs of God in the late Qing Dynasty, the civil leader of the Taiping Rebellion, and the founder of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Hakka people. Formerly known as Hong Renkun, nicknamed fire show, Huaxian people


Proclamation du comte de Provence (le futur Louis XVIII) invitant ses sujets français à bien accueillir les envahisseurs alliés.

オット・フォン・コツェブが新島を発見し「ノイヤル島(新年島)」と命名。現在の Marshall Islands のメジット島。

The Greek Constitution of 1822 is adopted by the First National Assembly at Epidaurus.

1823/0101:Sándor Petőfi 182349、誕生

ein ungarischer Dichter und Volksheld der ungarischen Revolution 1848.
Hungarian poet, and an important figure in the Hungarian revolution in 1848.

The United Kingdom claims sovereignty over the Falkland Islands.

1839/0101:Ouida 183908、誕生

Ouida (/ˈwiːdə/) was the pseudonym of the English novelist Maria Louise Ramé (although she preferred to be known as Marie Louise de la Ramée).
The real name is (Marie Louise de la Ramée). A novelist known for "Flanders dog" announced in 1872.


「IshiZaka SouTetsu」江戸時代の鍼医の名跡だが、特に斷らないかぎりは「竿斎(KanSai)」をさす。石坂流鍼術の創始者で、多くの著書を遺した。

1820年3月15日にはオランダ商館医として来日中の Philipp Franz von Siebold 179666 に『鍼灸知要一言』および鍼治療道具一式などを献上、


According to "Nanjing Treaty", Ningbo opened.

1845/0101:William Imbrie 184528、誕生

an American missionary to Japan. アメリカが日本に派遣した宣教師
After visiting Japan in 1875, he is a missionary of the Presbyterian Episcopal Church who has conducted Christian missionary work for over 40 years. Although he has remarkable achievements among the past missionary visits to Japan, there are very few documents mentioning his achievement. For that reason it is best known as the victim of "Imbrie incident".


Le vicomte Miura Gorō est un lieutenant général de l'armée impériale japonaise.


The world's first "Mercy" Hospital is founded in Pittsburgh by the Sisters of Mercy; the name will go on to grace over 30 major hospitals throughout the world.

1854/0101:James George Frazer 185441、誕生

a Scottish social anthropologist influential in the early stages of the modern studies of mythology and comparative religion.
He is often considered one of the founding fathers of modern anthropology.

His most famous work, The Golden Bough (1890), documents and details the similarities among magical and religious beliefs around the globe. Frazer posited that human belief progressed through three stages: primitive magic, replaced by religion, in turn replaced by science.

Porfirio Díaz conquers Mexico City, Mexico.

1863/0101:Pierre de Coubertin 186337、誕生

un historien et pédagogue français fortement influencé par la culture anglo-saxonne, qui a particulièrement milité pour l'introduction du sport dans les établissements scolaires français. Dans ce cadre, il prend part à l'éclosion et au développement du sport en France dès la fin du XIXe siècle avant d'être le rénovateur des Jeux olympiques de l'ère moderne en 1894 et de fonder le Comité international olympique, dont il est le président de 1896 à 1925.

L'important, c'est de participer.(重要なことは、參加すること。This creed is the word that Ethelbert Talbot of the Anglican Archbishop of Pennsylvania told American players during the London Olympics in 1908

Connais-toi, règle-toi, surmonte-toi, c'est ce que les humains doivent poursuivre

1863/0101:American Civil War
: The Emancipation Proclamation takes effect in Confederate territory.

The Emancipation Proclamation, or Proclamation 95, was a presidential proclamation and executive order issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863.

1864/0101:Alfred Stieglitz 186446、誕生

an American photographer and modern art promoter who was instrumental over his fifty-year career in making photography an accepted art form.
In addition to his photography, Stieglitz was known for the New York art galleries that he ran in the early part of the 20th century, where he introduced many avant-garde European artists to the U.S.
He was married to painter Georgia O'Keeffe.



The John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge built by John August Roebling over the Ohio River near Cincinnati, which at this time with 322 meters span the longest suspension bridge in the world, is opened.





「KaTori HotsuMa」He is a Japanese casting craft 鑄金工藝 artist and poet.
He established the history of goldsmithing 金工 as an academic and was excellent as a researcher.

1874/0101:Gustave Albin Whitehead 187427、誕生

an aviation pioneer who emigrated from Germany to the United States where he designed and built gliders, flying machines and engines between 1897 and 1915. Controversy surrounds published accounts and Whitehead's own claims that he flew a powered machine successfully several times in 1901 and 1902, predating the first flights by the Wright Brothers in 1903.
He is said to have succeeded in the world's first manned power flight at Fairfield, Connecticut on August 14, 1901, before the Wright brothers.

Disappearance of the English East India Company.

Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom is proclaimed Empress of India.

1879/0101:Edward Morgan Forster 187970、誕生

an English novelist, short story writer, essayist and librettist. Many of his novels examined class difference and hypocrisy in early 20th-century British society, notably A Room with a View (1908), Howards End (1910), and A Passage to India (1924), which brought him his greatest success.

"Good-night, my lad, for nought's eternal; No league of ours, for sure."


Sugiyama Hajime / Sugiyama Gen was a field marshal who served as successively as chief of the Army General Staff, and minister of war in the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II between 1937 and 1944.
As War Minister in 1937, he was one of the principal architects of the China Incident or Second Sino-Japanese War. Later, as Army Chief of Staff in 1940 and 1941, he was a leading advocate of expansion into Southeast Asia and later preventive war against the United States.


Ferdinand de Lesseps entame la construction du canal de Panama.

1881/0101:Louis Auguste Blanqui 180581、死去

「ブランキ」un révolutionnaire socialiste français, souvent associé à tort aux socialistes utopiques. Il défend pour l'essentiel les mêmes idées que le mouvement socialiste du XIXe siècle. Il fait partie des socialistes non-marxistes.

武装した少数精鋭の秘密結社による権力の奪取と人民武装による独裁の必要を主張した ブランキは François Noël Babeuf 176097 を尊敬しており、彼の主張はバブフから学んだものであった。

Ferdinand de Lesseps begins French construction of the Panama Canal.


「Hatoyama Ichirō」was a Japanese politician and 35th Prime Minister of Japan, serving terms from 10 December 1954 through 19 March 1955, from then to 22 November 1955, and from then through 23 December 1956.


Kinoshita Rigen est le nom d'auteur de l'écrivain japonais, vicomte Kinoshita Toshiharu, connu pour sa poésie tanka 短歌, actif durant les époques Meiji 明治 et Taishō 大正 du Japon.



1886/0101:Joseph Opatoshu 188654、誕生

ein jiddischsprachiger Schriftsteller, einer der bedeutendsten Novellisten und Romanciers der jiddisch-amerikanischen Literatur.

1887/0101:Wilhelm Franz Canaris 188745、誕生

deutscher Admiral und während der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus von 1935 bis 1944 Leiter der Abwehr, des militärischen Geheimdienstes der Wehrmacht.
Admiral of the German Navy. Director of the Defense Forces Information Department. The final class is General Navy. While assisting Adolf Hitler as a top German military intelligence agency under the Nazi party regime, he was found and executed as being involved in anti-Nazi movement including Hitler's assassination plan.

During the Great War, Canalis had a relationship with Margaret, Herrrotroda, Celle, and was a lover as well as "Mata Hari".


Eritrea is consolidated into a colony by the Italian government.

Premier numéro du Mercure de France.

1894/0101:Heinrich Rudolf Hertz 185794、死去

ein deutscher Physiker. Er konnte 1886 als Erster elektromagnetische Wellen im Experiment erzeugen und nachweisen und gilt damit als deren Entdecker.

He further clarified Maxwell's electromagnetic theory and developed it. We demonstrated for the first time the existence of radiation of electromagnetic waves in 1888 by constructing a machine that generates and detects it.

1895/0101:John Edgar Hoover 189572、誕生

an American detective and the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the United States.
He was appointed as the fifth director of the Bureau of Investigation — the FBI's predecessor — in 1924 and was instrumental in founding the FBI in 1935, where he remained director until his death in 1972 at the age of 77.
Hoover has been credited with building the FBI into a larger crime-fighting agency than it was at its inception and with instituting a number of modernizations to police technology, such as a centralized fingerprint file and forensic laboratories.


Kinugasa Teinosuke est un réalisateur et scénariste japonais
Il remporta le Grand Prix au festival de Cannes 1954 pour La Porte de l'enfer (Jigokumon).



1902/0511 まで連載され、「前編」「中編」「後編」「純金色夜叉」「續續金色夜叉」「新續金色夜叉」からなる。執筆中に作者死亡のため未完。紅葉門下の小栗風葉187526が1909に『終編金色夜叉』を作って、師に奉じた。

{私は一時期箱根に棲んでゐたので、熱海にも海を見に行くことがあったが、そこで、主人公の學生が許嫁だったお宮を高下駄で蹴り飛ばし「來年の今月今夜のこの月を僕の涙で曇らせてみせる」と怒りに任せたミエを切り、人生觀をすっかり變へて金こそすべてと高利貸しになり、その後の自分の、そしてお宮の人生を狂はせてしまふ、そんな物語のこの小説にとって核心ともなるべき所に立ってみたことがある。國道の脇に松と石碑が立ってゐた。虚構の小説の、そのまた架空の場所に感慨するのもバカらしく、舌打ちして早々に立ち去った。ま、『金色夜叉』の詳しいことは Wikipedia ででも見てくれ。三島由起夫が譽め上手にその日本文藝における貴重な意義を解説してくれてゐる。https://is.gd/YdIsM1
{小説は今時讀むのはかったるい。昔からさうだったのか、映畫化が繰り返しおこなはれてゐる。私が YouTube で垣間見た(とても通して見てゐられない)のは、1930年前後に作られたうちのどれかだらう(この頃、映画會社が競ふやうに映畫化してゐる)。その後も、敗戰後も(映畫からテレビに移り)繰り返し作り続けれてゐる。日本人って、ほんたうに復讐劇が好きなんだなあ(曾我兄弟の仇討ちも赤穗義士の忠臣蔵も復讐物)。

New York, formerly part of the Manhattan and Bronx districts, includes Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island; the American metropolis is enriched at the same time by 1.4 million inhabitants to count a total of 3.4 million citizens.

Spanish rule ends in Cuba.

Cuba está bajo administración provisional de los EE. UU.

1900/0101:Xavier Cugat 190090、誕生

サビア クガト」a Spanish-American bandleader and native of Spain who spent his formative years in Havana, Cuba.
A trained violinist and arranger, he was a leading figure in the spread of Latin music in United States popular music.

1901/0101:Indépendance de l'Australie.
The British colonies of New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, and Western Australia federate as the Commonwealth of Australia; Edmund Barton is appointed the first Prime Minister.

1902/0101:USA、アメフト『Rose Bowl』始まる
The first American college football bowl game, the Rose Bowl between Michigan and Stanford, is held in Pasadena, California. 


Tomita Tsuneo est un romancier japonais.
Ce dernier, qui fut le premier disciple de Kanō Jigorō, le fondateur du judo, est célèbre pour avoir contribué à la diffusion de son art aux États-Unis et participé à de nombreux combats contre des Occidentaux.


1905/0101:Japan vs Russia「日露戦争」旅順、開城


「Haniya Yutaka」est un écrivain japonais.
Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Haniya fonde une petite revue littéraire intitulée Kindai Bungaku (« Littérature moderne ») qui devient très influente. En tant qu'éditeur, il découvre et publie Kōbō Abe, qui se joint ensuite au groupe d'avant-garde d'Haniya, le Yoru no Kai (« Groupe de nuit »).

Death Spirits, (Shirei, 死靈), 1946-1996
Chevaux noirs dans l'obscurité et autres histoires, (Yami no naka no kuroi uma, 闇のなかの黒い馬), 1970

1912/0101:Kim Philby 191288、誕生

a high-ranking member of British intelligence who worked as a double agent before defecting to the Soviet Union in 1963. He served as both an NKVD and KGB operative.
In 1963, Philby was revealed to be a member of the spy ring now known as the Cambridge Five, the other members of which were Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess, Anthony Blunt and, possibly, John Cairncross. Of the five, Philby is believed to have been most successful in providing secret information to the Soviet Union. His activities were moderated only by Joseph Stalin's fears that he was a triple agent providing Soviet intelligence to British authorities.
Philby was an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) from 1946 to 1965, and he was awarded the Order of Lenin in 1965.



Sun Yat-sen was sworn in as president of the Republic of China at the presidential palace in Nanjing, and the Republic of China was formally established.
The Republic of China is established.

The SPT Airboat Line becomes the world's first scheduled airline to use a winged aircraft.


Yuyu Kai, to be the emperor

1919/0101:Jerome David Salinger 191919、誕生

an American writer who is known for his widely-read novel The Catcher in the Rye. Following his early success publishing short stories and The Catcher in the Rye, Salinger led a very private life for more than a half-century. He published his final original work in 1965 and gave his last interview in 1980.


a Japanese ryūkōka and enka singer, songwriter, and electric guitarist.

The Belorussian Communist Organisation is founded as a separate party.

1923/0101:Milt Jackson 192399、誕生

an American jazz vibraphonist, usually thought of as a bebop player, although he performed in several jazz idioms.
He is especially remembered for his cool swinging solos as a member of the Modern Jazz Quartet and his penchant for collaborating with several hard bop and post-bop players.

Britain's Railways are grouped into the Big Four: LNER, GWR, SR, and LMS.

At the Annual Meeting of the American Astronomical Society Edwin Hubble presents his findings about the Andromeda Nebula M31 as a galaxy outside the Milky Way.

1927/0101:Maurice Béjart 192707、誕生

un danseur et chorégraphe français
Maurice Béjart, danseur et chorégraphe français

La «fête du printemps», qui se dit inspirée par la copulation du cerf en 1959, réussit et, l'année suivante, il forme un groupe de ballet du XXe siècle avec le soutien de la Belgique. Et le "Bolero" annoncé a acquis une renommée intemporelle dans le film "Boléro d'amour et de chagrin" du réalisateur Claude Lelouch dans lequel Georges Don a dansé un rôle de premier plan.


The Cristero War begins in Mexico.


Boris Bazhanov defects through Iran. He is the only assistant of Joseph Stalin's secretariat to have defected from the Eastern Bloc.

The United States Post Office Department issues a set of 12 stamps commemorating the 200th anniversary of George Washington's birth.

Alcatraz Island becomes a United States federal prison.

Nazi Germany passes the "Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring".


Mustafa Kemal, head of the Turkish state, takes the name of Kemal Atatürk.

Safety glass in vehicle windscreens becomes mandatory in the United Kingdom.

1941/0101:ウインフィルの NewYearConcert、恒例となる

Das Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker findet erstmals am Neujahrstag statt.

The Declaration by United Nations is signed by twenty-six nations.

Jean Moulin est parachuté en France comme représentant du général de Gaulle auprès des mouvements de résistance de la zone sud.


In retaliation for the Malmedy massacre, U.S. troops kill 60 German POWs at Chenogne.

Massacre de Chenogne en représailles de celui de Baugnez.

The German Luftwaffe launches Operation Bodenplatte, a massive, but failed attempt to knock out Allied air power in northern Europe in a single blow.





The American and British occupation zones in Germany, after World War II, merge to form the Bizone, which later (with the French zone) became part of West Germany.



United Nations cease-fire takes effect in Kashmir from one minute before midnight. War between India and Pakistan stops accordingly.


Le prince Nashimoto Morimasa (梨本宮守正王, Nashimoto no miya Morimasa ō?), 9 mars 1874 – 2 janvier 1951, est un membre de la famille impériale du Japon, maréchal dans l'armée impériale japonaise.
Oncle par alliance de l'empereur Hirohito, un oncle de sa consort, l'impératrice Kōjun et beau-frère du prince héritier Yi Un de Corée, le prince Nashimoto est le seul membre de la famille impériale arrêté pour crime de guerre pendant l'occupation américaine du Japon à la suite de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.


Corée les forces nord-coréennes et chinoises franchissent les frontières fixées par l'ONU, sur le 38e parallèle.

1953/0101:Hank Williams 192353、死去

, chanteur, guitariste et compositeur américain de musique country et de rock



Sudan achieves independence from Egypt and the United Kingdom.



1958/0101:Edward Weston 188658、死去

He is an American photographer and a founding member of group f / 64. His photographs are taken with a large 8 x 10 in wooden large camera (view camera).

Nautilus (1927) by Weston

Pepper No. 30 (1930) by Weston

1932年に彼は仲間の写真家 John Adams 173526 たちと『Group f/64』を結成した。f/64とは大判カメラにおける最小の絞りの値のことであり、最大の被写界深度を確保し、前景も背景もむらなく均等に鮮明に撮影できる値である。これによって精密で即物的な造形美が得られるのであった。

Entrée en vigueur des traités instituant le Marché commun et l'Euratom.

European Economic Community established on this day.

Fulgencio Batista, dictator of Cuba, is overthrown by Fidel Castro's forces during the Cuban Revolution.

Victoria de los revolucionarios cubanos liderados por Fidel Castro: el dictador Fulgencio Batista se refugia en Dominica.

Cameroon achieves independence from France and the United Kingdom.

le Cameroun devient la première des 18 colonies africaines à accéder à l'indépendance.

Western Samoa achieves independence from New Zealand; its name is changed to the Independent State of Western Samoa.

Les Samoa Occidentales deviennent le premier État indépendant de Polynésie.


The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland is divided into the independent republics of Zambia and Malawi, and the British-controlled Rhodesia.

après le coup d'État de la Saint-Sylvestre, Jean-Bedel Bokassa devient le 2e président de la République centrafricaine.


The US Congress passes a law limiting the military role of the United States in Southeast Asia.

Cigarette advertisements are banned on American television.

1972/0101:Maurice Chevalier 188872、死去

un chanteur, acteur, écrivain et parolier français.

1972/0101:世界中で「協定世界時 (UTC)」 の運用を開始




Denmark, the United Kingdom, and Ireland are admitted into the European Economic Community.


「Ogino Kyūsaku」was a Japanese doctor specializing in obstetrics and gynecology.
He is known for his pioneering work of studying the relationship between women's menstrual cycle and pregnancy.



Air India Flight 855 Boeing 747 crashes into the sea, due to instrument failure and pilot disorientation, off the coast of Bombay, India, killing 213.

1979/0101:USA & PRChina「國交回復」
Formal diplomatic relations are established between China and the United States.

Greece is admitted into the European Community.

{これも今後、EC, EUの致命傷となりかねない事態の原点。

The ARPANET officially changes to using the Internet Protocol, creating the Internet.

The original American Telephone & Telegraph Company is divested of its 22 Bell System companies as a result of the settlement of the 1974 United States Department of Justice antitrust suit against AT&T.

Brunei becomes independent of the United Kingdom.

The Montreal Protocol comes into force, stopping the use of chemicals contributing to ozone depletion.

Dissolution of Czechoslovakia: Czechoslovakia is divided into the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The Zapatista Army of National Liberation initiates twelve days of armed conflict in the Mexican state of Chiapas.

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) comes into effect.


1995/0101:Fred West 194195、死去

English serial killer who committed at least 12 murders between 1967 and 1987 in Gloucestershire, the majority with his second wife, Rosemary West.
All the victims were young women. At least eight of the murders involved the Wests' sexual gratification and included rape, bondage, torture and mutilation; the victims' dismembered bodies were typically buried in the cellar or garden of the Wests' Cromwell Street home in Gloucester, which became known as the "House of Horrors".
In addition, Fred is known to have committed at least two murders on his own, while Rose is known to have murdered Fred's stepdaughter, Charmaine. The pair were apprehended and charged in 1994.

The World Trade Organization goes into effect.

The Draupner wave in the North Sea in Norway is detected, confirming the existence of freak waves.

1996/0101:Arleigh Albert Burke 190196、死去

an admiral of the United States Navy who distinguished himself during World War II and the Korean War, and who served as Chief of Naval Operations during the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations.



Euro currency is introduced in 11 member nations of the European Union (with the exceptions of the United Kingdom, Denmark, Greece and Sweden; Greece later adopts the euro).

歐州連合=EC内で通貨「euro」導入。2001にはギリシアでも。 2002ユウロ紙幣とユウロ硬貨、流通開始。



In a vote of confidence, General Pervez Musharraf wins 658 out of 1,170 votes in the Electoral College of Pakistan, and according to Article 41(8) of the Constitution of Pakistan, is "deemed to be elected" to the office of President until October 2007.

Adam Air Flight 574 disappears over Sulawesi Strait, Indonesia with 102 people on board.


66 people die in a nightclub fire in Bangkok, Thailand.


A suicide car bomber detonates at a volleyball tournament in Lakki Marwat, Pakistan, killing 105 and injuring 100 more.

A bomb explodes as Coptic Christians in Alexandria, Egypt, leave a new year service, killing 23 people.

2015/0101:Ulrich Beck 194415、死去

ein deutscher Soziologe. Weit über die Fachgrenzen hinaus bekannt wurde Beck mit seinem 1986 erschienenen und in 35 Sprachen übersetzten Buchtitel Risikogesellschaft. Auf dem Weg in eine andere Moderne.
His work focused on questions of uncontrollability, ignorance and uncertainty in the modern age, and he coined the terms "risk society" and "second modernity" or "reflexive modernization" . He also tried to overturn national perspectives that predominated in sociological investigations with a cosmopolitanism that acknowledges the interconnectedness of the modern world.


En Turquie, un attentat meurtrier a lieu dans une boîte de nuit, à Istanbul.

An attack on a nightclub in Istanbul, Turkey, during New Year's celebrations, kills at least 39 people and injures more than 60 others.


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