


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 12/29 今日の出來事

0721/1229(養老05/1207):043天皇 元明066121、崩御

名は阿閇皇女(Ahe no Himemiko、阿部皇女とも)。
和風諡号は「日本根子天津御代豐國成姫天皇(YamatoNekoAmatsuMiyoToyokuniNarihime no Sumeramikoto)」

0875/1229:フランス王、Roi des Francs,
Charles le Chauve, est couronné comme empereur romain germanique Charles II.

Charles the Bald, King of the Franks, is crowned as Holy Roman Emperor Charles II.

1170/1229:Thomas Becket 111770、暗殺
Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, is assassinated inside Canterbury Cathedral by followers of King Henry II;


Thomas Becket:Archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 until his murder in 1170. He is venerated as a saint and martyr by both the Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion. He engaged in conflict with Henry II, King of England, over the rights and privileges of the Church and was murdered by followers of the king in Canterbury Cathedral. Soon after his death, he was canonised by Pope Alexander III.

T. S. Eliot, Meurtre dans la cathédrale, pièce traduite de l'anglais par Henri Fluchère, Paris, Seuil, 1946, 140 p. (dépôt légal, 2e trim. 46 no 213) (titre original : Murder in the Cathedral, Londres, Faber and Faber).
Jean Anouilh, Becket ou l'Honneur de Dieu, 1959. Dans cette pièce de théâtre, l'auteur fait de Thomas Becket un Saxon et non un Normand.
Ken Follett、Les Piliers de la terre, roman historique, évoque en arrière-plan la lutte entre le roi Henri et Thomas Becket jusqu'à son assassinat. L'un des assassins, William, est un des personnages centraux du roman.

After 53 years of construction, the Brunswick Cathedral of St. Blasii donated by Henry the Lion is completed.

Der Braunschweiger Dom ist die bedeutendste Kirche in Braunschweig.
Er wurde 1173 als Kollegiatstiftskirche von Heinrich dem Löwen, Herzog von Bayern und Sachsen, gegenüber seiner Burg Dankwarderode „zur Ehre St. Blasius’ und St. Johannis des Täufers“ gestiftet und von ihm zu seiner Grablege und der seiner zweiten Gemahlin Mathilde von England bestimmt.」

Martyrdom of Thomas Becket, frescoes in Brunswick Cathedral


Fujiwara no Shunzei」日本の公家、歌人
On le remarque pour ses innovations dans les waka 和歌 et pour sa compilation Senzai Wakashū 千載和歌集 commandée par l'empereur à la retraite Go-Shirakawa 077後白河112792天皇.



The Ming army begins its withdraw from Hanoi, ending the Chinese domination of Đại Việt.

España completa la conquista del reino de Nápoles en la Batalla de Garigliano.

The Battle of Garigliano was fought between a Spanish army under Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba and a French army commanded by Ludovico II, Marquess of Saluzzo

Portuguese forces under the command of Francisco de Almeida attack Khambhat at the Battle of Dabul.

The Battle of Dabul was an retaliatory attack by the forces of the Viceroy of Portuguese India, Francisco de Almeida, upon the port city of Dabul (now Dabhol) in the Kingdom of Bijapur December 29, 1508, for attacking the Portuguese armada en-route to the Battle of Diu.

1721/1229:Madame de Pompadour 172164、誕生

Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson, marquise de Pompadour, duchesse de Menars1, est une dame de la bourgeoisie française devenue favorite de Louis XV, roi de France et de Navarre.

par François Boucher, vers 1758.

Occupation et baptême de l'Île-de-France, future Île Maurice, par les Français.


Kimura Kenkadō, de son vrai nom: Kimura Kōkyō, surnom: Seishuku, noms de pinceau: Sonsai et Kenkadō est un peintre japonais du XVIIIe siècle.
Japanese literatians, literati painters, herbalists, librarians, collectors in the middle of the Edo period.

1743/1229:Hyacinthe Rigaud 165943、死去

un peintre français, spécialisé dans le portrait.

Louis XIV 163815

Louis XV 171074

1778/1229:American Revolutionary War、
 Three thousand British soldiers under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Archibald Campbell capture Savannah, Georgia.

French Revolution: The Assembly of Notables is convened.

1788/1229:Christian Jürgensen Thomsen 178865、誕生

ein dänischer Altertumsforscher und Begründer des Dreiperiodensystems, nach dem die europäische Urgeschichte in Steinzeit, Bronzezeit und Eisenzeit unterteilt wird.
a Danish antiquarian and founder of 「the three-period system」, according to which the prehistory of Europe is divided into 「Stone Age(石器時代), Bronze Age(青銅時代), Iron Age(鉄器時代)」.

1800/1229:Charles Goodyear 180060、誕生

an American self-taught chemist and manufacturing engineer who developed vulcanized rubber, for which he received patent number 3633 from the United States Patent Office on June 15, 1844.
He invented rubber vulcanization method.
Goodyear company of tire manufacturer is named after him, but there is no legal/capital relationship with Goodyear himself and clan.

1809/1229:William Gladstone 180998、誕生

a British statesman of the Liberal Party. In a career lasting over sixty years, he served for twelve years as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, spread over four terms beginning in 1868 and ending in 1894. He also served as Chancellor of the Exchequer four times.

Gladstone c. 1835,

生涯、敬虔なイングランド国教会の信徒であり、キリスト教の精神を政治に反映させることをめざした。多くの自由主義改革をおこなひ、帝國主義にも批判的であった。彼のライヴァルとなった保守党党首 Benjamin Disraeli 180481 とともにヴィクトリア朝イギリスの政党政治を代表する人物

1825/1229:Jacques-Louis David 174825、死去

un peintre et conventionnel français.
Il est considéré comme le chef de file du mouvement néo-classique, dont il représente le style pictural. Il opère une rupture avec le style galant et libertin de la peinture rococo du XVIIIe siècle représentée à l'époque par François Boucher et Carl Van Loo, et revendique l’héritage du classicisme de Nicolas Poussin et des idéaux esthétiques grecs et romains, en cherchant, selon sa propre formule, à « régénérer les arts en développant une peinture que les classiques grecs et romains auraient sans hésiter pu prendre pour la leur».

Simón Bolívar deja la presidencia de Bolivia a su teniente Antonio José de Sucre.

Simón Bolívar leaves the presidency of Bolivia to his lieutenant Antonio José de Sucre.

1835/1229:USA「Treaty of New Echota」is signed,
 ceding all the lands of the Cherokee east of the Mississippi River to the United States.

The treaty established terms under which the entire Cherokee Nation ceded its territory in the southeast and agreed to move west to the Indian Territory.

The Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, a residence of the Czar, burns down completely. The fire lasts 30 hours.

Зимний дворец в Санкт-Петербурге, резиденция царя, полностью сгорает. Огонь длится 30 часов.

le général Bugeaud est nommé gouverneur général de l'Algérie.

In accordance with International Boundary delimitation, the United States annexes the Republic of Texas, following the manifest destiny doctrine. The Republic of Texas, which had been independent since the Texas Revolution of 1836, is thereupon admitted as the 28th U.S. state.

The first American YMCA opens in Boston, Massachusetts.

1855/1229:(Guerre de Crimée) オウストリア、 ロシアへ最後通牒
Ultimatum autrichien à la Russie.

Occupation of Canton 広東 by a Franco-British expeditionary force.

The launch of HMS Warrior, with her combination of screw propeller, iron hull and iron armour, renders all previous warships obsolete.

The freshwater canal from the Nile to the Sue is completed. The drinking water supply for the 25,000 workers employed in the construction of the Suez Canal will thus become safer and cheaper.


Kitamura Tōkoku was the pen name of Kitamura Montarō (北村門太郎), a Japanese poet, essayist, and one of the founders of the modern Japanese romantic literary movement in the late Meiji period of Japan.



El general Martínez Campos declara rey de España al Infante Don Alfonso poniendo fin a la dictadura republicana del general Francisco Serrano.

The military coup of Gen. Martinez Campos in Sagunto ends the failed First Spanish Republic and Prince Alfonso is proclaimed King of Spain.

1876/1229:Pablo Casals 187673、誕生

Pau Carles Salvador Casals i Defilló, es uno de los músicos españoles más destacados del siglo XX.
有名な功績として、それまでは単なる練習曲とされてきた Johann Sebastian Bach 168550 の『無伴奏チェロ組曲』全六曲の名曲として「再発見」して、その深い精神性を感じさせる演奏で広く紹介した点がある。

The Ashtabula River railroad disaster occurs, leaving 64 injured and 92 dead at Ashtabula, Ohio.



1890/1229:USA「Wounded Knee Massacre」
 on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, 300 Lakota killed by the United States 7th Cavalry Regiment.


1891/1229:Léopold Kronecker 182391、死去

ein deutscher Mathematiker. ドイツの数学者


1893/1229:天文「Galaxienpaar IC 298」發見
French astronomer Stéphane Javelle discovers galaxy pair IC 298 in the constellation Walfisch.

Galaxienpaar IC 298

1896/1229:David Alfaro Siqueiros 189674、誕生

David Alfaro Siqueiros​ fue un pintor y militar mexicano. メキシコの画家
Es considerado uno de los tres grandes exponentes del muralismo mexicano junto con Diego Rivera y José Clemente Orozco.

La Marcha de la Humanidad


Tanaka Kinuyo est une actrice et réalisatrice japonaise,

Elle était une grande star qui a soutenu l'industrie cinématographique japonaise depuis l'aube et était l'une des grandes actrices représentant l'histoire du cinéma japonais. Ozu Yasujiro, Gosho Hiranosuke, Mizoguchi Kenji, Naruse Mikio, Shimizu Hiroshi, Kinoshita Keisuke, etc. Il a été très utilisé comme réalisateur et est apparu dans environ 260 œuvres.


1911/1229:Klaus Fuchs 191188、誕生

ein deutsch-britischer Kernphysiker und sowjetischer Spion.
He is a theoretical physicist born in Germany. Contributing to the development of the atomic bomb in the United States in the Manhattan plan, but behind it was keeping confidential information flowing to the Soviet Union as a spy. After being convicted as a spy and being sentenced to prison, after being released it became an important figure of the theoretical physics of East Germany.

Mongolia gains independence from the Qing dynasty, enthroning 9th Jebtsundamba Khutughtu as Khagan of Mongolia.


Sun Yat-sen becomes the provisional President of the Republic of China; he formally takes office on January 1, 1912.


A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, the first novel by James Joyce, was first published as a book by an American publishing house B. W. Huebschis after it had been serialized in The Egoist (1914–15).


Naissance du Parti communiste français.

Signature by the United States, France, Great Britain, Italy and Japan of the treaty limiting naval armaments.


Kōno Hironaka was a politician and cabinet minister in the Empire of Japan.
Kōno was a native of Mutsu Province, where his father, Iwamura Hidetoshi, was a samurai in the service of Miharu Domain,

For the iconoscope invented by him, Vladimir Zworykin filed a patent application in the USA. It is a fundamental development for the television system.

After right-wing radicals attempted to destroy the film negative in November, the feature film Nathan the Wise will be premiered by Manfred Noa with Werner Krauss in the title role in Berlin's Alhambra. The film receives positive reviews, but soon falls victim to anti-Jewish propaganda. It is the only film adaptation of the eponymous piece by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing.

1926/1229:Rainer Maria Rilke 187526 、死去

war Lyriker deutscher Sprache.
Mit seiner in den Neuen Gedichten vollendeten, von der bildenden Kunst beeinflussten Dinglyrik gilt er als bedeutender Dichter der literarischen Moderne.Aus Rilkes Werk sind etliche Erzählungen, ein Roman und Aufsätze zu Kunst und Kultur sowie zahlreiche Übersetzungen von Literatur und Lyrik bekannt. Sein umfangreicher Briefwechsel gilt als wichtiger Bestandteil seines literarischen Schaffens.


Zhang Kein, who led the Feng Zong faction, replaced the Beijing flag of the Northern Government with the red flag of the National Government's Blue Sky White Day, indicating the surrender. Chiang Kai-shek's finishing of the wood has ended, the Chinese Kuomintang unit unified China.


1931/1229:USA、特許「Statiscal machine」
The statistical machine of Emanuel Goldberg is registered as a US patent. With the aid of photocells and pattern recognition, it can be used to search the metadata on rolls of microfilm. It follows the same principle as the later Memex.

Assassination of Ion Duca, Romanian Prime Minister, by members of the Iron Guard.

Japan renounces the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922 and the London Naval Treaty of 1930.

Madrid estrena el drama Yerma de Federico García Lorca, la segunda parte de una trilogía que retrata la opresión de la mujer en la sociedad española de los años treinta.

Madrid premieres Federico García Lorca's Yerma drama, the second part of a trilogy depicting the oppression of women in Spanish society of the 1930s.

The Irish Free State is replaced by a new state called Ireland with the adoption of a new constitution.

The strategic bomber Consolidated B-24 completes its maiden flight.

In the Second Great Fire of London, the Luftwaffe fire-bombs London, England, killing almost 200 civilians.


Minakata Kumagusu est un écrivain polyglotte, ethnologue et naturaliste japonais connu pour ses études relatives à la mycologie.


naissance des Forces françaises de l'intérieur.

Richard Feynman gives his speech There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom, which for the first time suggests the potential of nanotechnology.

1960/1229:Eden Phillpotts 186260、死去

an English author, poet and dramatist. He was born in Mount Abu, India, was educated in Plymouth,
別名に(Harrington Hext)


Naissance du Front national de libération du Sud Viêt Nam, appelé Viêtcông par ses adversaires.


un poète, auteur de livres pour la jeunesse et essayiste japonais1. Rofū Miki est considéré comme le principal représentant du symbolisme japonais.
En tant que poète et parolier représentant le Japon moderne, avec Kitahara Hakushu, il a été appelé "ère Haku-Ro(白秋&露風)".





「Yamada Kousaku」ein japanischer Komponist und Dirigent. Er gilt als Pionier klassischer Instrumentalmusik in Japan und war einer der ersten japanischen Opern- und Symphoniekomponisten.

He made many songs with melodies that made use of the inflection of Japanese.

Independence of Bechuanaland (future Botswana).


Eastern Air Lines Flight 401 (a Lockheed L-1011 TriStar) crashes on approach to Miami International Airport, Florida, killing 101.

Filipino President Ferdinand Marcos comes to the end of his elective mandate, but remains in power and governs by decree.

A bomb explodes at LaGuardia Airport in New York City, killing 11 people and injuring 74.

1986/1229:Andreï Tarkovski 193286、死去

советский кинорежиссёр, сценарист. Его «Андрей Рублёв», «Зеркало» и «Сталкер» регулярно включаются в списки лучших фильмов всех времён
Soviet film director, screenwriter. His "Andrei Rublev", "Mirror" and "Stalker" are regularly included in the lists of the best films of all time


Braving the ban on Communist dictatorship, thousands of students demonstrate in Beijing.

The Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Viktorovich Romanenko returns to Earth after 326 days on board the Mir space station.


Ishikawa Jun est le nom de plume d'un écrivain moderniste, traducteur et critique littéraire japonais de l'ère Shōwa.


日経平均株価が算出開始以来の最高値を記録(ザラ場 38957.44円、終値38915.87円)。その後バブル経済崩壊へ。

Czech writer, philosopher and dissident Václav Havel is elected the first post-communist President of Czechoslovakia.

The (Communist) People's Republic of Poland becomes the Republic of Poland again.

Fernando Collor de Mello, president of Brazil, tries to resign amidst corruption charges, but is then impeached.


Guatemala and leaders of Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity sign a peace accord ending a 36-year civil war.

Hong Kong begins to kill all the nation's 1.25 million chickens to stop the spread of a potentially deadly influenza strain.

1998/1229:Robert Guillain 190898、死去

Journaliste français, connu sous le nom d'Asie, en particulier le Japon.
Né à Paris, Guillain rejoint la société de communication Avas en France (devenue plus tard la société de communication AFP) en 1934 après avoir obtenu son diplôme universitaire. Après avoir rejoint l'entreprise, il a été affecté comme correspondant à Londres après avoir travaillé au siège et a été envoyé à Shanghai de la République de Chine pendant la guerre sino-japonaise.

Leaders of the Khmer Rouge apologize for the 1970s genocide in Cambodia that claimed over one million lives.


Wakayama District Court, indictment of housewife's woman for murder and attempted murder charges such as toxic curry incidents.

The demonstration of fireworks causes a fire catastrophe in Lima, causing 282 dead and 134 injured.

2004/1229:Julius Axelrod 191204、死去

an American biochemist.
He worked on research on the release and reuptake of catecholamine-based neurotransmitters (a group of substances that function in the brain such as adrenaline, noradrenaline and later discovered dopamine). He also made important work on the adjustment function of the pineal gland with respect to the sleep cycle. 彼はカテコールアミン系神経伝達物質(アドレナリン、ノルアドレナリンや後に発見されたドーパミンなど脳内で機能する一群の物質)の放出および再取り込みに関する研究で業績を殘した。彼はまた睡眠周期に対する松果体の調節機能についても重要な業績を残した。


A Tupolev Tu-204 airliner crashes in a ditch between the airport fence and the M3 highway after overshooting a runway at Vnukovo International Airport in Moscow, Russia, killing five people and leaving three others critically injured.

A suicide bomb attack at the Volgograd-1 railway station in the southern Russian city of Volgograd kills at least 18 people and wounds 40 others.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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