


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 12/17 今日の出來事


2006/1217 春日若宮「おん祭」1『やまとまほろば』寧樂篇

The first Saturnalia festival was celebrated in ancient Rome.

{たんなる偶然だらうが、ロウマ古代のお祭りと日本の最も古いお祭りである奈良の春日若宮神社の「おん祭」が重なった。東と西、場所も時代もずいぶん異なるが、しかし、私には閃くものがあった。サテュルスと若宮、 …… これはおもしろいことになるかも知れない。

Siege of Rome: The Ostrogoths under king Totila plunder the city, by bribing the Byzantine garrison.

prise de Rome par Totila, roi des Ostrogoths, au cours de la guerre des Goths (535-553).

Romanos I Lekapenos is crowned co-emperor of the underage Constantine VII.

Assassination of William I of Normandy.

1273/1217:Djalal el Din Rûmi 120773、逝去

Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī (Persian: جلال‌الدین محمد رومی), also known as Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhī (جلال‌الدین محمد بلخى), Mevlânâ/Mawlānā (مولانا, "our master"), Mevlevî/Mawlawī (مولوی, "my master"), and more popularly simply as Rumi was a 13th-century Persian Sunni Muslim poet, jurist, Islamic scholar, theologian, and Sufi mystic.
彼の代表的著作はペルシャ語の詩集『مثنوی معنوی Masnavī-ye Ma'navī(精神的マスナヴィ)』

Rumi の思想業績の一つに、旋回舞踏により「神のなかへの消滅」と神秘体験の行法がある。彼のの没後、彼の弟子により、たゞひたすらに回転演舞する「サマウ(セマ)」がメヴレヴィ教団で作られていった。Rumi はヴレヴィ教団では始祖と仰がれている。

Sultan Nasir-u Din Mehmud's armies in Delhi are defeated by Timur.

The Tughlaq dynasty(also referred to as Tughluq or Tughluk dynasty)was a Muslim dynasty of Turko-Indian origin which ruled over the Delhi sultanate in medieval India. Its reign started in 1320 in Delhi when Ghazi Malik assumed the throne under the title of Ghiyath al-Din Tughluq. The dynasty ended in 1413.

Annulation du mariage de Louis XII et de Jeanne de France.

Louis XIII était marié à Anne, une femme de Bretagne, qui était une ambition pour la Bretagne, demanda au pape Alexandre VI de son temps d'invalider son mariage avec Jeanne, et fut la reine Charles VIII.

Pope Paul III excommunicates Henry VIII of England.

1583/1217:ドイツ「Cologne War」
Forces under Ernest of Bavaria defeat troops under Gebhard Truchsess von Waldburg at the Siege of Godesberg.


Sakai Tadatsugu was one of the most favored and most successful military commanders serving Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康154316 in the late-Sengoku 戰國後期 period. He is regarded as one of the Four Guardians of the Tokugawa (Tokugawa-Shitennō 徳川四天王). along with Honda Tadakatsu 本多忠勝154810, Ii Naomasa 伊井直政156102, and Sakakibara Yasumasa 榊原康政154806.

Mariage à Lyon de Henri IV et de Marie de Médicis.


Kaibara Ekken (ou Ekiken), aussi connu sous le nom d'Atsunobu (篤信) est un botaniste et philosophe néoconfucianiste japonais.

越し方は一夜ばかりの心地して 八十路あまりの夢を見しかな


Ukita Hideie was the daimyō of Bizen and Mimasaka Provinces , and one of the council of Five Elders 五大老 appointed by Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀頼159315. Son of Ukita Naoie 宇喜多直家, he married Gōhime 豪姫(a daughter of Maeda Toshiie 前田利家153799).
Having fought against Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康154316 in the Battle of Sekigahara 關ヶ原戰 he was exiled to the island prison of Hachijōjima 八丈島, where he died.

1706/1217:Émilie du Châtelet 170649、誕生

本名「Gabrielle Émilie Le Tonnelier de Breteuil, marquise du Châtelet, communément appelée Émilie du Châtelet」長い
Mathématicienne, femme de lettres et physicienne française. フランス啓蒙時代の女流科學者
Elle est renommée pour la traduction en français des Principia Mathematica de Newton qui fait encore autorité aujourd'hui. Elle-même expérimentatrice, elle a contribué non seulement à populariser en France l'œuvre du physicien Leibniz, mais a aussi démontré par l'expérience que l'énergie cinétique (appelée à l'époque « force vive »), était bien proportionnelle, comme il l'avait formulé, à la masse et au carré de la vitesse. Voltaire, avec qui elle entretient une liaison de quinze ans, l'encouragea à poursuivre ses recherches scientifiques.

1718/1217:GB vs スペイン
War of the Quadruple Alliance: Great Britain declares war on Spain.

1770/1217:Ludwig van Beethoven 177027、誕生(洗禮日)

Er führte die Wiener Klassik zu ihrer höchsten Entwicklung und bereitete der Musik der Romantik den Weg.


American Revolution: France formally recognizes the United States.

1778/1217:Humphry Davy 177829、誕生

Cornish chemist and inventor, who is best remembered today for isolating a series of substances for the first time: potassium and sodium in 1807 and calcium, strontium, barium, magnesium and boron the following year, as well as discovering the elemental nature of chlorine and iodine.
He also studied the forces involved in these separations, inventing the new field of electrochemistry. In 1799 Davy experimented with nitrous oxide and became astonished that it made him laugh, so he nicknamed it "laughing gas", and wrote about its potential anaesthetic properties in relieving pain during surgery
This paper has become the core of various chemical affinity theory in the first half of the 19th century. In 1815 he invented the "Davy Light" and even if there was a flammable gas, the miners could work safely.

en la Ciudad de México, la Piedra del Sol, una piedra de calendario de los aztecas, se excavó durante la construcción.

Discovery of the Aztec calendar stone.

Napoleonic Wars: France issues the Milan Decree, which confirms the Continental System.

la gran Colombia está formada por Simón Bolívar.

Simón Bolívar declares the independence of Gran Colombia in Angostura (now Ciudad Bolívar in Venezuela).

そして(奇しき偶然)十一年後の同日付の日に死去することになる ――

1830/1217:Simón Bolívar 178330、死去

un militar y político venezolano, fundador de las repúblicas de la Gran Colombia y Bolivia. Fue una de las figuras más destacadas de la emancipación hispanoamericana frente a España. Contribuyó a inspirar y concretar de manera decisiva la independencia de las actuales Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panamá,4​ Venezuela y la reorganización del Perú.

≫ 私は自由と栄光を求めきて、両方を手に入れた。だから、もうこれ以上の望みはない。
≫ 自由と栄光のために働く者は、自由と栄光以外のいかなる報酬も手にすべきではない。

≫ 歴史上最大の馬鹿者を三人あげるなら、イエスキリストとドンキホウテと私、シモンボリバルだ。

1830/1217:Jules de Goncourt 183070、誕生

un écrivain français, fondateur de l'Académie Goncourt qui décerne chaque année le prix du même nom. Une partie de son œuvre fut écrite en collaboration avec son frère, Edmond de Goncourt. Les ouvrages des frères Goncourt appartiennent au courant du naturalisme.

Edmond, Jules by Nadar 182010

1833/1217:Kaspar Hauser 181233、死去

Deutsche Waise. Er sollte lange Zeit im Untergrundgefängnis gewesen sein, bis er mit 16 Jahren beschützt wurde und wird oft als wildes Kind eingestuft.

a German youth who claimed to have grown up in the total isolation of a darkened cell. Hauser's claims, and his subsequent death by stabbing, sparked much debate and controversy. Theories propounded at the time linked him with the grand ducal House of Baden. These have long since been rejected by historians.

The second Great Fire of New York destroys 50 acres (200,000 square meters) of New York City's Financial District.

A fire in the Winter Palace of Saint Petersburg kills 30 guards.

American Civil War: General Ulysses S. Grant issues General Order No.11, expelling Jews from parts of Tennessee, Mississippi, and Kentucky.

Die Unvollendete Sinfonie von Franz Schubert wird 37 Jahre nach dessen Tod im großen Redoutensaal der Wiener Hofburg uraufgeführt.

First performance of the Unfinished Symphony by Franz Schubert.



# 赤彦の歌論の中心は「鍛錬道」であると言われている。「一心集中」と言われることもあるが、これらは、表裏一体のものである。これらの歌論は、「一心の道」、「鍛錬せられざる心」、「鍛錬と徹底」、また万葉集批評などに掲載されているものであり、いわく「万葉集の作者は、どんな事柄に對しても苟も歌ふとなれば、何處迄も眞面目に正面から其の事柄に向き合つている。そうして一心をそれに集中してゐる。其處から力が生れてくる」「永久の徹底は、常住の鍛錬であり、常住の鍛錬は終生の苦行である」、などと言うのがその考え方である。 Wikipedia




1881/1217:Lewis Henry Morgan 181881、死去

a pioneering American anthropologist and social theorist who worked as a railroad lawyer.
He is best known for his work on kinship and social structure, his theories of social evolution, and his ethnography of the Iroquois. Interested in what holds societies together, he proposed the concept that the earliest human domestic institution was the matrilineal clan, not the patriarchal family.

In his main work "ancient society", as a conclusion derived from the observation of the Indian society, he divided the development of human society into three stages of "savage", "unexplored" and "civilization". 彼は主著『古代社会』で、インディアンの社会の観察から導き出した結論として、人間社会の発展を「野蛮」「未開」「文明」の三段階に分けた。
And this his theory is supported by anthropologists of the time as a proof of the advantage of white European culture in the United States, white species which is the ruling class "opening up" the so-called "savage ethnic group", "evolving I made it. " It was used to justify and universal the white influence of this hypothesis, often white racial discrimination.

The study of Morgan's ancient history is said to have had a major impact on contemporaries Marx and Engels

la reine de Madagascar Ranavalona III signe un traité d'alliance avec la France.

1892/1217:USA、First issue of ”Vogue" is published

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania's Schenley Park Casino, which was the first multi-purpose arena with the technology to create an artificial ice surface in North America, is destroyed in a fire.


Teshigahara Sōfu was the founder of the Sōgetsu-ryū school of ikebana flower arranging. いけばな草月流初代家元

He denied the important type in the existing flower arrangement world, he was heresy because he advocated free "Ikebana". However, in 1957, Michel Tapié of the avant-garde art critic who came from France got rave reviews of his work and got international evaluation by introducing it to the world, so that it will be recognized in Japan as well Became.

The Wright brothers make the first controlled powered, heavier-than-air flight in the Wright Flyer at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.

1907/1217:William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) 182407、死去

a Scots-Irish mathematical physicist and engineer who was born in Belfast in 1824.
At the University of Glasgow he did important work in the mathematical analysis of electricity and formulation of the first and second laws of thermodynamics, and did much to unify the emerging discipline of physics in its modern form.

Especially the introduction of absolute temperature which developed Carnot's theory, achievement such as discovery of cloudius and independent law of thermodynamics (principle of Thomson), discovery of Joule-Thomson effect jointly with Jules is there. With these contributions, Claudeus, Rankin and others are seen as one of the pioneers of classical thermodynamics. In addition, he published over 600 papers in most fields of classical physics, including electromagnetics and fluid dynamics. It is also a person who began using "vectors" to represent electromagnetic induction and magnetic force.

Der bisherige britische Statthalter Ugyen Wangchuk wird in Punakha zum ersten König von Bhutan gekrönt.

Frank Wild discovers coal in the Antarctic for the first time during the Nimrod Expedition.

1915/1217:Robert Alan Dahl 191514、誕生

a political theorist and Sterling Professor of Political Science at Yale University.
He established the pluralist theory of democracy—in which political outcomes are enacted through competitive, if unequal, interest groups—and introduced "polyarchy" as a descriptor of actual democratic governance. An originator of "empirical theory" and known for advancing behavioralist characterizations of political power, Dahl's research focused on the nature of decision making in actual institutions, such as American cities.

In the 1960s he did a famous controversy with Wright Mills 191662 over the essence of the politics of the United States of America.

『民主主義とその批判』1989 で、彼は民主主義概念を再検討 ―― 近代国家で民主主義の理想を実現した国はない。彼によれば、政治的先進国は「Polyarchy」の状態にある。この状態下では公職従事者は自由で公正な選挙によって選出される。包括的な投票がおこなれ、公職を求める権利(立候補権)が認められ、表現・報道・結社の自由が保証されてゐる。これらの制度のために政治権力の中心が複数生じる。だが、これは民主主義の基準を満たさない。

In How Democratic Is the American Constitution? (2001) Dahl argued that the US Constitution is much less democratic than it ought to be, given that its authors were operating from a position of "profound ignorance" about the future. However, he adds that there is little or nothing that can be done about this "short of some constitutional breakdown, which I neither foresee nor, certainly, wish for.

Antanas Smetona assumes power in Lithuania as the 1926 coup d'état is successful.

Indian revolutionary Rajendra Lahiri is hanged in Gonda jail, Uttar Pradesh, India, two days before the scheduled date.

Rajendra Lahiri 190127(Rajendra Nath Lahiri)was an Indian revolutionary, who participated in some activities of the Hindustan Republican Association aimed at ousting the British from India.

Indian revolutionaries Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev Thapar and Shivaram Rajguru assassinate British police officer James Saunders in Lahore, Punjab, to avenge the death of Lala Lajpat Rai at the hands of the police.
The three were executed in 1931.

1933/1217:Paul Marie Louis Pierre Richer 184933、死去

un neurologue, anatomiste, historien de la médecine, dessinateur et sculpteur français.
フランスの解剖学者、生理学者、彫刻家で解剖美術家。パリのエコール・デ・ボザールで美術解剖学の教授で、また、国立医科大学(Académie Nationale de Médecine)の一員でもあった。
1890、出版の『Anatomie artistique』は当時の画家の多くに参考にされた。

First flight of the Douglas DC-3.

Otto Hahn entdeckt zusammen mit seinem Assistenten Fritz Strassmann in Berlin die Kernspaltung des Uranatoms – die wissenschaftliche und technologische Grundlage der Kernenergie.

The phenomenon of nuclear fission is discovered by Otto Hahn and his young assistant Fritz Strassmann. This will be considered as the birth certificate of nuclear energy.

1939/1217:WWⅡ「Battle of the River Plate」
The Admiral Graf Spee is scuttled by Captain Hans Langsdorff outside Montevideo.


1941/1217:WWⅡ 日米太平洋戰爭
Japanese forces land in Northern Borneo.

1944/1217:WWⅡ「Battle of the Bulge」Malmedy massacre
 American 285th Field Artillery Observation Battalion POWs are shot by Waffen-SS Kampfgruppe Joachim Peiper.


Typhoon Cobra in Philippine Sea overnight, three American destroyers are sunk, 790 dead.


1946/1217:Constance Clara Garnett 186146、死去

an English translator of nineteenth-century Russian literature. Garnett was one of the first English translators of Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Anton Chekhov and introduced them on a wide basis to the English-speaking public.

First flight of the Boeing B-47 Stratojet strategic bomber.

The Finnish Security Police is established to remove communist leadership from its predecessor, the State Police.

The American Civil Rights Congress delivers "We Charge Genocide" to the United Nations.

1957/1217:Dorothy Leigh Sayers 189357、死去

a renowned English crime writer and poet. She was also a student of classical and modern languages.
She is best known for her mysteries, a series of novels and short stories set between the First and Second World Wars that feature English aristocrat and amateur sleuth Lord Peter Wimsey, which remain popular to this day. However, Sayers herself considered her translation of Dante's Divine Comedy to be her best work. She is also known for her plays, literary criticism, and essays.

The United States successfully launches the first Atlas intercontinental ballistic missile at Cape Canaveral, Florida.

Troops loyal to Emperor Haile Selassie in Ethiopia crush the coup that began December 13, returning power to their leader upon his return from Brazil. Haile Selassie absolves his son of any guilt.

1960/1217:飛行機事故、Munich C-131 crash:
Twenty passengers and crew on board as well as 32 people on the ground are killed.

1961/1217:ブラジルのリオデジャネロでも火事、Niterói circus fire:
 Fire breaks out during a performance by the Gran Circus Norte-Americano in the city of Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, killing more than 500.

Harold Holt, Prime Minister of Australia, disappears while swimming near Portsea, Victoria, and is presumed drowned.

1969/1217:USA「Project Blue Book」
The United States Air Force closes its study of UFOs.

1970/1217:ポウランド「1970 Polish protests」
In Gdynia, soldiers fire at workers emerging from trains, killing dozens.

Thirty passengers are killed in an attack by Palestinian terrorists on Rome's Leonardo da Vinci–Fiumicino Airport.

1981/1217:Mark Gayn 190281、死去

an American and Canadian journalist, who worked for The Toronto Star for 30 years.
He stayed in Japan from December 1945 to May 1948 and published "Nippon Diary" after the departure date, describing the inner curtain of Indirect Occupation Governance by the Allied Command Force General Command (GHQ)

American Brigadier General James Dozier is abducted by the Red Brigades in Verona, Italy.


Hashikawa Bunzō est un historien et politologue japonais.
Il a écrit à propos de l'écrivain nationaliste Yukio Mishima et de l'ethnologue Kunio Yanagita et publie en 1960 un examen de l'école romantique japonaise. Avec Sannosuke Matsumoto, il donne Kindai Nihon seiji shisō shi (« Histoire de la pensée politique moderne japonaise »).


Provisional IRA members detonate a car bomb at Harrods Department Store in London. Three police officers and three civilians are killed.

1987/1217:Marguerite Yourcenar 190387、死去

(Marguerite Antoinette Jeanne Marie Ghislaine Cleenewerck de Crayencour, dite), femme de lettres française, membre de l'Académie française
主な作品に、『アレクシス あるいは空しい戦いについて』1929、東洋の伝承を翻案した作品集『東方綺譚』1938、第一次大戦の動乱期を背景とする『とどめの一撃』1939、ロウマ皇帝の個人的な回想の形をとった歴史小説ハドリアヌス帝の回想』1951、ルネサンス期の錬金術師の激動の生涯を描く『黒の過程』1968、作家自身のルーツをたどった『世界の迷宮』三部作など。

≫ Le véritable lieu de naissance est celui où l'on a porté pour la première fois un coup d'œil intelligent sur soi-même : mes premières patries ont été les livres. "The true place of birth is when one has for the first time taken a clever look at oneself: my first homelands have been books. "

Romanian Revolution: Protests continue in Timișoara, Romania, with rioters breaking into the Romanian Communist Party's District Committee building and attempting to set it on fire.

Landscapes of Nazca, cultural properties of ancient capital Kyoto register as world heritage

In Lima, the revolutionary Tupac Amaru commando takes four hundred people hostage at the Japanese embassy.


Résolution no 1284 du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies sur la situation entre l'Irak et le Koweït, modification des sanctions contre l'Irak pour autoriser nourriture et médicaments.

2002/1217:Second Congo War:
The Congolese parties of the Inter Congolese Dialogue sign a peace accord which makes provision for transitional governance and legislative and presidential elections within two years.


The Soham murder trial ends at the Old Bailey in London, with Ian Huntley found guilty of two counts of murder. His girlfriend, Maxine Carr, is found guilty of perverting the course of justice.

2009/1217:Jennifer Jones 191909、死去

(Phyllis Flora Isley, dite), actrice américaine

Mohamed Bouazizi sets himself on fire. This act became the catalyst for the Tunisian Revolution and the wider Arab Spring.


朝鮮民主主義人民共和国北朝鮮)国防委員長、朝鮮労働党総書記 Kim Jong-il (김정일), homme politique nord-coréen, chef suprême (dictateur) de la Corée du Nord de 1994 à 2011

2014/1217:USA & Cuba「外交関係」復活
The United States and Cuba re-establish diplomatic relations after severing them in 1960.



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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