


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

今日が命日の Johannes Vermeer 163275 の「眞珠の耳飾り」
と云へば、Glenn Miller 190444 も今日死んだことになってゐる

歴史暦:古今東西 12/15 今日の出來事


0037/1215:Nero 003768、誕生

Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
Nero Claudius Caesar Drusus Germanicus
He was adopted by his great-uncle Claudius and became Claudius' heir and successor. Like Claudius, Nero became emperor with the consent of the Praetorian Guard. Nero's mother, Agrippina the Younger, was likely implicated in Claudius' death and Nero's nomination as emperor. She dominated Nero's early life and decisions until he cast her off. Five years into his reign, he had her murdered.


0533/1215:ビザンチンvsヴァンダル「Vandalic War」
Byzantine general Belisarius defeats the Vandals, commanded by King Gelimer, at the Battle of Tricamarum.

The victory of the East Roman troops under Belisari at the Battle of Tricamarum seals the end of the Vandal kingdom in North Africa. The former West Roman territory falls to the Byzantine Empire under Emperor Justinian I.

Map of the operations of the Vandalic War in 533-534

promulgation des Pandectes, recueils de lois connus sous leur nom latin de Digeste ou Code Justinien.


Jin–Song wars: Military officers conspire against the emperor Wanyan Liang of the Jin dynasty after a military defeat at the Battle of Caishi, and assassinate the emperor at his camp.


Sicilian Chancellor Stephen du Perche moves the royal court to Messina to prevent a rebellion.

Mongol forces under the command of Hulagu Khan enter and destroy the Hashshashin stronghold at Alamut Castle (Iran) as part of their offensive on Islamic southwest Asia.

Alamout Castle View

1467/1215:モルダビで「Battle of Baia」
, the army of the Principality of Moldova, led by Prince Ştefan III, defeats. cel Mare, the forces of the Hungarian King Matthias Corvinus.


The Battle of Baia (Romanian: Bătălia de la Baia) was fought between the Moldavian Prince, Stephen the Great and Hungarian King, Matthias Corvinus. The battle was the last Hungarian attempt to subdue the independent Moldavia, as previous attempts had ended in failure. Corvinus invaded Moldavia as a consequence of Stephen's annexation of Chilia—a fortress and harbour at the coast of the Black Sea, which at the time was controlled by Hungarian and Wallachian forces, though it had belonged to Moldavia centuries earlier.

1537/1215(天文06/13):室町15將軍 足利義昭153797、誕生

足利義昭 Ashikaga Yoshiaki est le quinzième et dernier des shoguns Ashikaga de la fin de la période Muromachi de l'histoire du Japon.
Yoshiaki est le troisième fils du douzième shogun Yoshiharu Ashikaga 12足利義晴152146 et règne de 1568 à 1573.
Avant cela, il est religieux à Nara, sous le nom de 覺慶(Kakukei ou Gakkei)'.







三瀬の變とは、この日、伊勢國の具教の隱居所である三瀬御所で、北畠具教152876や田丸城に招かれてゐた具教二男の長野具藤らが織田信長の手勢に襲撃され討死した事件 ――


Kitabatake Tomonori was the master of south Ise Province and ruled from Anotsu castle. His territory was invaded by Oda Nobunaga 織田信長153482 in 1569.

1584/1215:John Selden 158454、誕生

a scholar of England's ancient laws and constitution[1] and scholar of Jewish law.
He was known as a polymath showing true intellectual depth and breadth; John Milton hailed Selden in 1644 as "the chief of learned men reputed in this land

o duque João II de Bragança se torna o rei de Portugal como João IV, terminando a união pessoal com a Espanha desde 1580.

the Duke John II of Bragança becomes the king of Portugal João IV, finishing the personal union with Spain from 1580.

In Florence, the regular measurement and recording of the air temperature is started.

1675/1215:Johannes Vermeer 163275、死去

Peintre baroque néerlandais (Provinces-Unies).



les troupes françaises reprennent Rome et occupent le royaume de Naples.

1732/1215:Carl Gotthard Langhans 173208、誕生

deutscher Baumeister und Architekt. Seine Werke gehören zu den frühesten Bauten des Klassizismus in Deutschland. Sein bekanntestes Werk ist das Brandenburger Tor in Berlin.

Das Brandenburger Tor in Berlin

In the battle of Kesselsdorf in the Second Silesian War, the Prussian troops of the Old Dessauer win over Austro-Saxon associations under the command of Rutowski.
The winners arrive in Dresden two days later.

1778/1215:American Revolutionary War:
British and French fleets clash in the Battle of St. Lucia.

The United States Bill of Rights becomes law when ratified by the Virginia General Assembly.

during the Irish expedition, an army of 45 ships carrying 13,400 men leaves the military port of Brest, but it is quickly dispersed by the storm.


1802/1215:Bolyai János 180260、誕生

「ボイヤイ ヤノシュ」a Hungarian mathematician, one of the founders of non-Euclidean geometry — a geometry that differs from Euclidean geometry in its definition of parallel lines. The discovery of a consistent alternative geometry that might correspond to the structure of the universe helped to free mathematicians to study abstract concepts irrespective of any possible connection with the physical world.

ニコライ ロバチェフスキとともに非ユクリッド幾何学の提唱者の一人とみなされてゐる。

In the Treaty of Schönbrunn between Prussia and France's ruler Napoleon Bonaparte area changes are regulated.
Prussia leaves the Principality of Ansbach, Kleve and the Principality of Neuchâtel to France and receives the electorate of Hanover, which, however, belongs to the English royal family.

Napoléon signe le décret de création des maisons d'éducation de la Légion d'honneur.

Die napoleonische Armee besetzt im Vierten Koalitionskrieg das preußische Warschau. Aus Preußen wieder abgenommenen Teilen entsteht im Juni 1807 das Herzogtum Warschau.

Preußen 1801–1807

Napoléon Ier divorce de Joséphine de Beauharnais.

1832/1215:Gustave Eiffel183223、誕生

un ingénieur centralien et un industriel français, qui a notamment participé à la construction de la tour Eiffel à Paris, du viaduc de Garabit et de la statue de la Liberté à New York.

Le magazine satirique français Le Charivari imprime la première caricature de l'artiste Honoré Daumier, qui suit dans les quarante années suivantes environ 3 900 lithographies et gravures sur bois de sa main.

Les cendres de Napoléon Ier sont inhumées aux Invalides.


{ナポレオンの榮光と悲慘 ―― もうたくさんだ。


田中 正造 Tanaka Shōzō est un politicien et militant écologiste japonais. Il est particulièrement connu pour son engagement pour la défense des droits des ouvriers victimes de la pollution de la mine de cuivre d'Ashio 足尾銅山.

The Hungarian parliament under the leadership of Lajos Kossuth declared the abdication of Emperor Ferdinand I invalid and protested the accession of Emperor Franz Joseph I.

1852/1215:Henri Becquerel 185208、誕生

un physicien français. Il est lauréat de la moitié du prix Nobel de physique de 1903 (partagé avec Marie Curie et son mari Pierre Curie)

Section polie de pechblende

Becquerel (Bq) de l'unité SI de la radioactivité est nommé d'après Henri Becquerel.

1854/1215:Kamehameha III 181354 、死去

ハワイの王樣「カメハメハ」Kamehameha III (born Kauikeaouli) was the third king of the Kingdom of Hawaii from 1825 to 1854.

In 1825, death of his elder brother Kamehameha II and throbbed. Until 1832 the mother-in-law Ka Humanu served as regent. Kaafumanu baptized Kamehameha II and waste away the traditional Hawaiian faith.
At that time, Hawaii was attracting attention as an important whaling area and as a producing area for sugar. Under these circumstances, Kamehameha III endeavored to reform the kingdom, enacted the constitution of the Hawaiian language in 1840, and was approved as an independent country from England, France and the United States in the mid 1840's. However, the government after the establishment of the Constitution held white jobs in a key position, hindering the Hawaiians from actively participating in politics. A modern land system was also introduced, but the Hawaiian people who lacked their own ideas ended up losing their land.

Ua Mau ke Ea o ka ʻĀina i ka Pono
ハワイ語で「土地の生命(≒主権)は正義によりて永続す」( 現在ではハワイ州の標語となってゐるさうだが、なんといふ皮肉だらう。

1857/1215:George Cayley 177357、死去

Sir George Cayley, 6th Baronet was an English engineer, inventor, and aviator. He is one of the most important people in the history of aeronautics. Many consider him to be the first true scientific aerial investigator and the first person to understand the underlying principles and forces of flight.

Cayley's glider in Mechanics Magazine, 1852


The Austrian West Railway enters into service on the section from Vienna West Station to Linz.

1859/1215:Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof 185917、誕生

Polish-Jewish medical doctor, inventor, and writer.
He is most widely known for creating Esperanto, the most successful constructed language in the world.
He grew up fascinated by the idea of a world without war and believed that this could happen with the help of a new international auxiliary language, which he first developed in 1873 while still in school.

1860/1215:Niels Ryberg Finsen 186004、誕生

Faroese physician and scientist of Icelandic and Danish descent.
He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology in 1903 "in recognition of his contribution to the treatment of diseases, especially lupus vulgaris, with concentrated light radiation, whereby he has opened a new avenue for medical science.


1862/1215:American Civil War「Battle of Fredericksburg」
 ends with the withdrawal of the Union troops that devastated the southern Virginia army in the days before.

1864/1215:American Civil War「Battle of Nashville」
Union forces under George Thomas almost completely destroy the Army of Tennessee under John Hood.



なかなかに惜しき命にありなから 君のためにはなに厭ふべき
うれしさよ つくす心のあらはれて 君に代はれる 死出の旅立


1878/1215:Hans Carossa 187856、誕生

deutscher Arzt sowie Lyriker und Autor von Erzählungen.

1885/1215:Robert Toombs 181085、死去

American politician who was a founding father of the Confederacy and its first Secretary of State.




Japanese Army soldier, novelist, translator. Graduated from the military academy, the last rank is the lieutenant army.




1890/1215:インディアン戰士 Sitting Bull 183190、射殺

Sitting Bull (Lakota: Tȟatȟáŋka Íyotake [tˣaˈtˣə̃ka ˈi.jɔtakɛ] in Standard Lakota Orthography, also nicknamed Húŋkešni [ˈhʊ̃kɛʃni] or "Slow"; c. 1831 – December 15, 1890) was a Hunkpapa Lakota holy man who led his people during years of resistance to United States government policies. He was killed by Indian agency police on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation during an attempt to arrest him, at a time when authorities feared that he would join the Ghost Dance movement.

タタンカ イヨタケ(座せる雄牛=Sitting Bull)


Hunkpapa Lakota leader Sitting Bull is killed on Standing Rock Indian Reservation, leading to the Wounded Knee Massacre.
Indian chief Sitting Bull is shot dead in North Dakota by a reserve police officer.

Antonin Dvorak's "Symphony No. 9" published

A score was published on December 15, 1893. Premiere was performed by Carnegie Hall, New York on December 16, 1893, by Anton Zaidor, the New York Philharmonic Orchestra Orchestra. The premiere has been told that it was a great success.


Britain suffers the third defeat in the Battle of Colenso within a week of the Second Boer War. The week goes down in the history of Great Britain as Black Week.


Tamanishiki San'emon was the sport's 32nd yokozuna. He won a total of nine top division yūshō or tournament championships from 1929 to 1936, and was the dominant wrestler in sumo until the emergence of Futabayama. He died whilst still an active wrestler.

The Pushkin House is established in Saint Petersburg, Russia, to preserve the cultural heritage of Alexander Pushkin.

The London Underground's Great Northern, Piccadilly and Brompton Railway opens.

The Great Northern, Piccadilly & Brompton Railway, a subway line between Hammersmith and Finsbury Park, opens in London.


1907/1215:Oscar Niemeyer 190712、誕生

Oscar Ribeiro de Almeida Niemeyer Soares Filho foi um arquiteto brasileiro,


Melitta Bentz, together with her husband Hugo, founds the company Melitta, which is to use the filter bag, which is protected as a utility model by the inventor, economically.

1909/1215:Francisco Tárrega 185209、死去


Navy soldiers, aircraft engineers, railway engineers in the Japan Imperial Japanese Empire. The final class is Major Navy Technology. Developer of Shinkansen.

1910/1215:John Hammond 191087、誕生

American record producer, civil rights activist and music critic from the 1930s to the early 1980s. In his service as a talent scout, Hammond became one of the most influential figures in 20th century popular music.

Hammond was instrumental in sparking or furthering numerous musical careers, including those of Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Benny Goodman, Harry James, Charlie Christian, Billie Holiday, Count Basie, Teddy Wilson, Big Joe Turner, Pete Seeger, Babatunde Olatunji, Aretha Franklin, George Benson, Freddie Green, Leonard Cohen, Arthur Russell, Jim Copp, Asha Puthli and Stevie Ray Vaughan. He is also largely responsible for the revival of delta blues artist Robert Johnson's music.

The Serbian Army recaptures Belgrade from the invading Austro-Hungarian Army.

A gas explosion at Mitsubishi Hōjō 方城 coal mine, in Kyushu, Japan, kills 687.

After the loss of all previously made land gains, the German attack on French Verdun, which began on February 21, was broken off by the Supreme Army Command during the First World War. The Battle of Verdun has killed a total of 350,000 French and 335,000 German soldiers.

An armistice between Russia and the Central Powers is signed.


a Japanese Baseball Hall of Fame outfielder who began his career after World War II.
Known for his trademark blue bat, he hit a record 20 home runs in a season and was home run king and leading hitter three times for the Toei Flyers.
Ohshita was also a heavy hitter with the Nishitetsu Lions of the Pacific League during the 1950s.

1923/1215:Freeman John Dyson 1923--、誕生

English-born American theoretical physicist and mathematician. He is known for his work in quantum electrodynamics, solid-state physics, astronomy and nuclear engineering.
He theorized several concepts that bear his name, such as Dyson's transform, Dyson tree, Dyson series, and Dyson sphere.

Reza Pahlavi takes the oath of office in front of the Iranian parliament (Majlis) as Shah.



1928/1215:Friedensreich Hundertwasser 192800、誕生

österreichischer Künstler, der vorrangig als Maler, aber auch in den Bereichen Architektur und Umweltschutz tätig war. Sein Künstlername ergibt sich daraus, dass sto in slawischen Sprachen hundert heißt.



1931/1215:谷川俊太郎 1931--、誕生

Japanese poet and translator. He is one of the most widely read and highly regarded of living Japanese poets,

The Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution officially becomes effective, repealing the Eighteenth Amendment that prohibited the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcohol.

Gone with the Wind (highest inflation adjusted grossing film) receives its premiere at Loew's Grand Theatre in Atlanta, Georgia, United States.

The Japanese land in northern Borneo.

German troops murder over 15,000 Jews at Drobytsky Yar, a ravine southeast of the city of Kharkiv, Ukraine, Soviet Union.

The Battle of Mount Austen、the Galloping Horse, and the Sea Horse begins during the Guadalcanal Campaign.

The Battle of Arawe begins during the New Britain campaign.

1944/1215:Glenn Miller 190444、行方不明(戰死)

The plane with the American bandleader Glenn Miller disappears in the Second World War on the way from London to Paris without a trace over the English Channel.
American big-band musician, arranger, composer, and bandleader in the swing era. He was the best-selling recording artist from 1939 to 1943, leading one of the best-known big bands.
Miller's recordings include "In the Mood", "Moonlight Serenade", "Pennsylvania 6-5000", "Chattanooga Choo Choo", "A String of Pearls", "At Last", ……

Occupation of Japan/Shinto Directive: General Douglas MacArthur orders that Shinto be abolished as the state religion of Japan.

General Douglas MacArthur, as Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, bans state Shinto in a directive directed at the Japanese government in terms of the separation of religion and state.

In Cambodia, Prince Sisowath Youtevong, leader of the Democratic Party and winner of the elections, becomes Prime Minister.

1947/1215:Arthur Machen 186347、死去

Arthur Machen(Arthur Llewelyn Jones)is a Welsh author and mystic of the 1890s and early 20th century. He is best known for his influential supernatural, fantasy, and horror fiction. His novella The Great God Pan (1890; 1894) has garnered a reputation as a classic of horror (Stephen King has called it "Maybe the best [horror story] in the English language").

He is also well known for his leading role in creating the legend of the Angels of Mons.
第一次世界大戦中、イギリスの守護聖人である聖ジョージがベルギーの戦場に現れてイギリス兵を助けるという作品「弓兵」(The Bowman) を、1914年9月29日『イヴニング・ニューズ』に発表すると、戦場におもむくイギリス兵士や一般の人々がこれを本当の話だと思い込み、実際に弓兵を見たという噂まで飛び交った。マッケンは作り話であることを表明したが、噂はますます広まるばかりとなった。後に「弓兵」が収められた短篇集は、マッケンの生涯で唯一のベストセラーとなった。

1947/1215:勝利した四ヶ國の外相「London conference」
 of foreign ministers of the four victorious powers in the Second World War is ended because the Allies disagree on the German issue and there is a break between the Soviet Union and the United States.

The Federal Republic of Germany joins the Marshall Plan.


1958/1215:Wolfgang Pauli 190058、死去

österreichischer Wissenschaftler und Nobelpreisträger, der zu den bedeutendsten Physikern des 20. Jahrhunderts zählt. Er formulierte 1925 das später nach ihm benannte Pauli-Prinzip, das eine quantenmechanische Erklärung des Aufbaus eines Atoms darstellt und weitreichende Bedeutung auch für größere Strukturen hat.

アインシュタインの推薦により、1945年に「1925年におこなは排他律、またはパウリの原理と呼ばれる新たな自然法則の発見を通じた重要な貢献」にたいして Nobel物理学賞。

"Das ist nicht nur nicht richtig, es ist nicht einmal falsch!"

パウリの論文「ケプラーの科学的理論構築に与えた元型的イデアの影響」にて、彼のプラトンピタゴラス的な世界観を、Carl Gustav Jung 187561とともに檢討したことが、彼の友人のハイゼンベルクの『限界を超えて』に書かれてゐる。それによれば、体験した情報から自然法則が引き出せるといった純粋な経験主義ではなく、感覚的知覚と概念、もしくは「感覚的知覚とイデア」を結びつけるものを探し、それをユングの「元型」のなかに見つけて、元型のようにイメジが先行するといふ見解の源流にはプラトンの思想であり、西洋思想では十九世紀の科学が客観的な物質的世界を生み出したが、東西を問はず古くから一体性を体験しようとする神秘主義があり、この二極が相補的であることを認める必要があるとした。

Richard Pavlick is arrested for plotting to assassinate U.S. President-Elect John F. Kennedy.

King Mahendra of Nepal suspends the country's constitution, dissolves parliament, dismisses the cabinet, and imposes direct rule.

Der frühere SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann, im Reichssicherheitshauptamt zuständig für die bürokratische Abwicklung der „Endlösung der Judenfrage“, wird im Eichmann-Prozess vom Bezirksgericht Jerusalem nach dem Schuldspruch vom 11. Dezember zum Tode verurteilt.

Adolf Eichmann is sentenced to death after being found guilty by an Israeli court of 15 criminal charges, including charges of crimes against humanity, crimes against the Jewish people, and membership of an outlawed organization.


Mitsuhiro Momota (Japanese: 百田 光浩 Momota Mitsuhiro) (born Kim Sin-rak; 김신락; Hanja: 金信洛, better known as Rikidōzan (力道山), was a Korean-Japanese professional wrestler, known as the "Father of Puroresu プロレス" and one of the most influential men in professional wrestling history.
nitially, he had moved from his native country Korea to mainland Japan to become a sumo wrestler. He was credited with bringing the sport of professional wrestling to Japan at a time when the Japanese needed a local hero to emulate and was lauded as a national hero.
He was murdered by a member of the Yakuza ヤクザ in 1963.

Canada receives its maple leaf flag.

1965/1215:USA「Project Gemini」ランデブウ飛行、成功
: Gemini 6A, crewed by Wally Schirra and Thomas Stafford, is launched from Cape Kennedy, Florida. Four orbits later, it achieves the first space rendezvous, with Gemini 7.

1966/1215:Walt Disney 190166、死去

American entrepreneur, animator, voice actor and film producer. A pioneer of the American animation industry, he introduced several developments in the production of cartoons.

1967/1215:USA、Silver Bridge, 崩落
a suspension bridge over the Ohio River, collapses. 46 people die, 9 are seriously injured.

Soviet spacecraft Venera 7 successfully lands on Venus. It is the first successful soft landing on another planet

The sinking of the South Korean ferry Namyong Ho in Korea Street costs 308 lives.

John Paul Getty III, grandson of American billionaire J. Paul Getty, is found alive near Naples, Italy, after being kidnapped by an Italian gang on July 10.

1974/1215:Anatole Litvak 190274、死去

Russian-born American filmmaker who wrote, directed, and produced films in various countries and languages. He began his theatrical training at age 13 in Leningrad.


井上 成美 Inoue Shigeyoshi was an admiral in the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II.
He was commander of the Japanese 4th Fleet and later served as Vice-Minister of the Navy. A noted naval theorist, he was a strong advocate of naval aviation within the Japanese Navy.

1978/1215:USA、PRChina を承認、台湾との外交関係を絶つ
U.S. President Jimmy Carter announces that the United States will recognize the People's Republic of China and sever diplomatic relations with Taiwan

A suicide car bombing targeting the Iraqi embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, levels the embassy and kills 61 people, including Iraq's ambassador to Lebanon. The attack is considered the first modern suicide bombing.

Argentine President Raúl Alfonsín appoints the Comisión Nacional sobre la Desaparición de Personas. For the period of the military dictatorship from 1976 to 1983 it is to examine the fate of disappeared persons and violations of human rights.


Yamaguchi Seison(nom véritable Yamaguchi Kichirō 山口吉朗)est un poète japonais de haïku et un prospecteur d'exploitation minière.

Tampopo ya//chōkō nigoru//tokoshinae.
« Oh, le pissenlit et le fleuve Yangtze, éternellement nuageux ».

Kohōrogi no//kotokireshi yo o//ta mo shirazu.
« Personne ne connaît la nuit durant laquelle le grillon respirait l'esprit ».

The US enters into dialogue with the PLO.

In front of the home of the Hungarian Reformed pastor László Tőkés in Timişoara, Romania, around 200 people gather to prevent his deportation. This is the beginning of the Romanian Revolution against dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu.

Kyrgyzstan proclaims its sovereignty and thus its withdrawal from the Soviet Union.

1991/1215:Vasily Zaytsev 191591、死去

Soviet sniper and a Hero of the Soviet Union during World War II. Prior to 10 November, he killed 32 Axis soldiers with a standard-issue rifle.[1] Between 10 November 1942 and 17 December 1942, during the Battle of Stalingrad, he killed 225 enemy soldiers, including 11 snipers.


The Troubles: The Downing Street Declaration is issued by British Prime Minister John Major and Irish Taoiseach Albert Reynolds.

British Prime Minister John Major and Irish Prime Minister Albert Reynolds sign the so-called Downing Street Declaration, an agreement designed to facilitate a peace settlement for the Northern Ireland conflict.


Die Altstadt von Quedlinburg in Sachsen-Anhalt und die Eisenhütten von Völklingen im Saarland kommen auf die UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe-Liste.

Quedlinburg 1647 von Merian

Tajikistan Airlines Flight 3183 crashes in the desert near Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, killing 85.

In a referendum in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, with an overwhelming vote of more than two-thirds of the vote, the new Bolivarian constitution drafted by Hugo Chávez is adopted.

The third reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant is shut down.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa reopens after 11 years and $27,000,000 spent to stabilize it, without fixing its famous lean.


He worked as a second baseman in the Nishitetsu Lions golden era of the 1950s, and after retiring as a coach and manager of Nishitetsu, Kintetsu and Orix. Especially from the 1980s to the 1990s, he won the nominees called 10.19 and after completing the Great Hanshin Earthquake, "Good luck KOBE" went on to make a good progress and led the team to the A class for 11 consecutive years.


First flight of Boeing 787.

2010/1215:Blake Edwards 192210、死去

William Blake Crump (July 26, 1922 – December 15, 2010), better known by his stage name Blake Edwards, was an American filmmaker.
Edwards began his career in the 1940s as an actor, but he soon began writing screenplays and radio scripts before turning to producing and directing in television and films. His best-known films include Breakfast at Tiffany's, Days of Wine and Roses, 10, Victor/Victoria, and the hugely successful Pink Panther film series with British actor Peter Sellers. Often thought of as primarily a director of comedies, he also directed several drama, musical, and detective films. Late in his career, he transitioned to writing, producing, and directing for theater.

A boat carrying 90 asylum seekers crashes into rocks off the coast of Christmas Island, Australia, killing 48 people.



The US troops stationed in Iraq were dissolved, and the Iraq war that had been on since 2003 has ended.

2013/1215:Joan Fontaine 191713、死去

Joan de Beauvoir de Havilland, known professionally as Joan Fontaine; was a British-American actress best known for her starring roles in Hollywood films. Fontaine appeared in more than 45 feature films in a career that spanned five decades. She was the younger sister of actress Olivia de Havilland.

The South Sudanese Civil War begins when opposition leaders Dr. Riek Machar, Pagan Amum and Rebecca Nyandeng vote to boycott the meeting of the National Liberation Council at Nyakuron.

Police clearance of Causeway Bay marks the end of Hong Kong protests in 2014.

Man Haron Monis takes 18 hostages inside a café in Martin Place for 16 hours in Sydney. Monis and two hostages are killed when police raid the café the following morning.



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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