

12/13:Samuel Johnson の辞書作りと同じくらゐ「私の歴史作業も Dull いです。

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 12/13 今日の出來事




His father, Emperor Koutoku 孝徳天皇 moved the capital to Nanba Palace 難波宮 (January 1, 646), while the Prince Naka-no-Oho'e (the later Emperor Tenchi 天智天皇062671) who opposed it returned to the old capital of Yamato 倭京(0653).
Because the Emperor Kōtoku did not hear, the crown prince moved to Yamato without permission, and most of the royal family and the crowds (even the Empress of Emperor Kotoku) also returned to Yamato. Among the disappointed residents left alone, Emperor Koutokui collapsed (0654/1124).

After his father's death, he (有馬皇子) who became an orphan fell as a heart disease 心氣症 to avoid getting involved in a political struggle, called a medical treatment and went to Muro-no-yu 牟婁湯.
But the conspiracy of the crown prince(中大兄皇子) steadily pushed him to death.




0902/1213:バイキング「Battle of the Holme」
Anglo-Saxon forces are defeated by Danish Vikings under Æthelwold (a son of Æthelred of Wessex) who is killed in battle.

Süleyman I Shah seizes Antioch.

1204/1213:Moses Maimonides 113504、死去

He is a Jewish Rabbis of Spain and a philosopher. He was familiar with medicine, astronomy, and theology. Cabalist, Aristotelians, New Platonists.
His achievement was abolished as "without Moshe, in front of Mosher, without Moshe after Moshe", and was recognized as a pioneer of Renaissance humanism.


1250/1213:Federico II di Svevia 119450、崩去

re di Sicilia (come Federico I, dal 1198 al 1250), Duca di Svevia (come Federico VII, dal 1212 al 1216), Re dei Romani (dal 1212) e poi Imperatore del Sacro Romano Impero (come Federico II, eletto nel 1211, incoronato dapprima ad Aquisgrana nel 1215 e, successivamente, a Roma dal papa nel 1220) e re di Gerusalemme (dal 1225 per matrimonio, autoincoronatosi nella stessa Gerusalemme nel 1229).

学問と芸術を好み、時代に先駆けた行動的な君主として、歴史家 Jacob Burckhardt 181897 は彼を「王座上の最初の近代人」と評した。中世時代で最も進歩的な君主と評価され、同時代の年代記では「世界の驚異」と称賛された。

Saint Celestine V resigns the papacy after only five months to return to his previous life as an ascetic hermit.

1466/1213:Donatello 138666、死去

scultore, pittore e orafo italiano. イタリアの彫刻家、画家、彫金家。

1430年ごろに、当時の芸術のパトロンだったフィレンツェの銀行家 Cosimo de Mediciが、Palazzo Medici Riccardi のための裝飾彫刻として、ドナテロに旧約聖書ダヴィデの彫像を注文した。左足で刎ねたゴリアテの首を踏みつけ、右手に剣を下げたダヴィデを表した、その少年の裸體像は、古代ギリシアやロウマ以降で初めてとなる裸体表現とされてゐる。

1520/1213:227papa Sixtus V 152090、誕生

il 227º papa della Chiesa cattolica (226º successore di Pietro) dal 1585 alla morte; apparteneva all'ordine dei frati minori conventuali.
本名「Felice Peretti」
He savored tremendous efforts to restore the security of the Holy Family, to rebuild the political situation of the Roman Catholic Church, invested liberally in public works projects to create a city Rome close to the present age. There are many criticisms to him, but the size of the accomplishment left is the best among the successors.
As a youth, he joined the Franciscan order, where he displayed talents as a scholar and preacher, and enjoyed the patronage of Pius V, who made him a cardinal.


1521/1213:Manuel I de Portugal 146921、崩去

rey de Portugal. Fue el octavo hijo del infante Fernando de Portugal, duque de Viseu e hijo de Eduardo I, y de la infanta Beatriz de Aveiro, nieta de Juan I. En 1495 sucedió en el trono de Portugal a su primo Juan II quien, a la sazón, era también su cuñado al estar casado con su hermana Leonor de Viseu.

傍流の六男であったが、偶然が重なり王位につき、さらに彼の時代はポルトガルの隆盛期にあたり、インド航路の開設などポルトガル王国の黄金時代と重なった。その運の良さから「O Venturoso 幸運王」と呼ばれた。先王のジョアン二世が推進した中央集権化を継承し、海外交易による莫大な利益を背景に、ポルトガル絶対王政が実現した。

1553/1213:フランス王 Henri IV 155310、誕生

Roi français de la première dynastie des Bourbons (1589/0802~1610/0514)

Il est l'un des rois les plus populaires des peuples français, allant d'être régné à nos jours, et s'appelle (Henri le Grand), (le bon roi Henri).

Il est né à Pau, une ville dans le sud-ouest de la France, avec son père comme le père de la famille Bourbon Antoine, la mère de Jeanne d'Albre, la nièce de François I 149447 de France.

1565/1213:Conrad Gessner 151665、死去

Schweizer Arzt, Naturforscher, Altphilologe, Humanist, Polyhistor und Enzyklopädist. Sein offizielles botanisches Autorenkürzel lautet „Gesner“.

書誌学の基礎を築いたとされる『世界書誌』1545~55 を著したことで「書誌学の父」と呼ばれてゐる。

Sir Francis Drake sets sail from Plymouth, England, on his round-the-world voyage.

1636/1213:American colony
The Massachusetts Bay Colony organizes three militia regiments to defend the colony against the Pequot Indians. This organization is recognized today as the founding of the National Guard of the United States.

Découverte de la Nouvelle-Zélande par le navigateur hollandais Abel Tasman.

English Civil War: The Battle of Alton takes place in Hampshire.


Sen Sōtan (千宗旦) aussi appelé Genpaku Sōtan (元伯宗旦), est le petit-fils du fameux Sen no Rikyū 千利休152291 connu pour ses idéaux et son style de la cérémonie de thé japonaise.


1678/1213(康煕17/1030):清05皇帝 雍正帝167835、誕生

,爱新觉罗氏,名「胤禛(In Jen)」,法號破塵居士、圓明居士,汗號「纳伊拉尔图托布汗」,西藏方面尊為「文殊皇帝」,年號「雍正」。
Emperor Yongzheng, the fourth son of Emperor Kangxi, entered the throne on December 27, 1722 and was the third emperor of the Qing dynasty since its entry into the Qing Dynasty. His reign as a military officer at the airport strengthened the imperial power and implemented a series of policies including appalling the burden on the mongolian government, cracking down on corruption and corruption of the crown princes and officials, and played an important role in the continuation of the Kangxi-Laos and Qianlong's prosperity.

The English transport ship Duke William sinks in the North Atlantic, killing over 360 people.

Kaiserin Maria Theresia gründet die Bergakademie Schemnitz für Zwecke der montanwissenschaftlichen Ausbildung.

1769/1213:イギリス、Dartmouth College is founded
 by the Reverend Eleazar Wheelock, with a royal charter from King George III, on land donated by Royal governor John Wentworth.

1784/1213:Samuel Johnson 170984、死去

Often referred to as "Dr. Johnson", was an English writer who made lasting contributions to English literature as a poet, essayist, moralist, literary critic, biographer, editor and lexicographer.

{私のこの歴史作業もまた dull い。


1797/1213:Heinrich Heine 179756、誕生

der bedeutendsten deutschen Dichter, Schriftsteller und Journalisten des 19. Jahrhunderts.
Heine gilt als „letzter Dichter der Romantik“ und zugleich als deren Überwinder. Er machte die Alltagssprache lyrikfähig, erhob das Feuilleton und den Reisebericht zur Kunstform und verlieh der deutschen Literatur eine zuvor nicht gekannte elegante Leichtigkeit.
Although he belongs to the flow of Romanticism in the history of literature, since he experienced the era of political upheaval, he has published many satirical poems and current affairs poetry backed by criticism.

Capitulation de Madrid devant l'armée de Napoléon.

Le décret de Napoléon Bonaparte annexe les zones côtières du nord de l'Allemagne pour accroître l'efficacité du blocus continental. Entre autres choses, le duché d'Oldenbourg et les villes hanséatiques de Brême, Hambourg et Lübeck font partie de l'Empire français.

Napoleon Bonaparte's decree annexes the northern German coastal areas to increase the effectiveness of the continental blockade. Among other things, the Duchy of Oldenburg and the Hanseatic cities of Bremen, Hamburg and Lübeck become part of the French Empire.

1816/1213:Werner von Siemens 181692、誕生

ein deutscher Erfinder und Industrieller. Er entdeckte das dynamoelektrische Prinzip, auch elektrodynamisches Prinzip genannt, und gilt als Begründer der modernen Elektrotechnik, speziell der elektrischen Energietechnik.

Marc Seguin files the patent for the tubular boiler with internal water tubes.

En 1824 Marc Seguin choisit de chauffer les tubes par l’intérieur, l'eau étant autour de ceux-ci, multipliant ainsi par six la puissance du moteur. La chaudière tubulaire de Marc Seguin, conçue à l'origine pour équiper un bateau de halage sur le Rhône, trouve sa première application pratique sur la locomotive à vapeur qu'il utilise sur le chemin de fer de Saint-Étienne à Lyon.


Motoori Haruniwa (本居 春庭) est un érudit du kokugaku et étudiant du japonais. Il est le fils ainé de Motoori Norinaga 本居宣長173001.


Governor-General Henry Hardinge declares war on the Punjab. The First Sikh War begins.

1846/1213:Nikolai Alexandrovich Yaroshenko 184698、誕生

「ニコライ ヤロシェンコ」、軍人を職業としながら描いた繪で名を殘す。
русский живописец и портретист, член Товарищества Передвижников.


1862/1213:American Civil War
At the Battle of Fredericksburg, Confederate General Robert E. Lee defeats Union Major General Ambrose Burnside.

1863/1213:Friedrich Hebbel 181363、死去

deutscher Dramatiker und Lyriker.


Paraguay declara la guerra a Brasil, desencadenando la Guerra de la Triple Alianza en América del Sur.

1867/1213:アイルランド「Fenian Bomb」
A Fenian bomb explodes in Clerkenwell, London, killing six.

en Irlande, second échec d'un soulèvement de féniens.


Ito Kashitaro Takeaki (伊東甲子太郎武明) était un guerrier japonais, conseiller en stratégie militaire du Shinsen gumi, le plus puissant des groupes de samouraï qui, sous les ordres du shogun Tokugawa, devait maintenir l'ordre à Kyoto durant le Bakumatsu, à la fin de l'ère Edo (1860-1868). Il fut ensuite chef du groupe Goryo Eji, scission du Shinsen gumi.

1871/1213:Emily Carr 187145、誕生

Canadian artist and writer inspired by the Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast. One of the first painters in Canada to adopt a Modernist and Post-Impressionist painting style
She was born in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, moved to San Francisco in 1890, began to learn art after being separated from her parents.
She was influenced largely by the scenery of British Columbia and Alaska, and indigenous culture.

Heinrich Hertz informiert in seinem Bericht „Über Strahlen elektrischer Kraft“ die Berliner Akademie der Wissenschaften über die Existenz elektromagnetischer Wellen. Seine Entdeckung liefert den entscheidenden Impuls für die Entwicklungen in Richtung drahtloser Telegrafie und Rundfunk.

Heinrich Hertz informs the Berlin Academy of Sciences about the existence of electromagnetic waves in his report "On Rays of Electric Power". His discovery provides the crucial impetus for developments in the direction of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting.

Port-Arthur, sur la mer Jaune, est occupé par les Russes.


Nakae Chōmin (中江兆民=中江篤介, Nakae Tokusuke) est un écrivain et penseur politique japonais actif de l'époque Meiji.



1911/1213:Thomas Blake Glover 183811、死去

Scottish merchant in Bakumatsu and Meiji period Japan.


1902/1213:Talcott Parsons 190279、誕生

American sociologist of the classical tradition, best known for his social action theory and structural functionalism.
Parsons is considered one of the most influential figures in the development of sociology in the 20th century
He is regarded as a representative researcher of functionalism, along with Niklas Luhmann, Robert King Merton, etc., one of the most well-known sociologists after the Second World War.


# 構造機能分析とは、社会システムを「構造」と「機能」に分けて分析したもので、構造部分は社会システムのなかでも安定的な部分で、「構造は定数部分である」と定義される。機能とは、その構造の安定に寄与する部分であり、社会システム内で変化が見られる部分であり「機能は変数部分である」と定義される。そして、この構造と機能の分析により、社会一般を分析できるとした

Italian New Yorker Italo Marchiony wins patent for ice cream cone.



1915/1213:Curd Jürgens 191582、誕生

deutsch-österreichischer Bühnen- und Film-Schauspieler, der auch in zahlreichen internationalen Filmen zu sehen war.

1918/1213:Rosalia Lombardo 191820、誕生

Una ragazza che è morta in malattia con meno di 2 anni e riposa nella "Cappella di Santa Rosalia" nel convento francescano dei Capuccini (Catacombe) a Palermo, Italia.

{Ogni volta che vedo un'immagine, lei diventa carina.

Karl Kraus veröffentlicht den Epilog seiner Tragödie Die letzten Tage der Menschheit in einem Sonderheft seiner Zeitschrift Die Fackel.

1919/1213:Hans-Joachim Marseille 191942、誕生

deutscher Jagdflieger und Offizier im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Als Fliegerass mit den meisten Abschüssen auf dem nordafrikanischen Kriegsschauplatz wurde er durch die nationalsozialistische Propaganda unter dem Namen Stern von Afrika bekannt.

George Gershwin's An American in Paris is first performed.

1930/1213:Fritz Pregl 186939、死去

slowenisch-österreichischer Physiologe und Chemiker. 1923 erhielt er den Nobelpreis für Chemie.


1931/1213:Gustave Le Bon 184131、死去

un médecin, anthropologue, psychologue social et sociologue français.
Esprit universel, polygraphe, intervenant dans des domaines variés, il est l'auteur de nombreux ouvrages dans lesquels il aborde le désordre comportemental et la psychologie des foules.
Le Bon reste une personnalité controversée. D’une part, à une époque où la méthode devient importante, son « amateurisme » gêne ses contemporains tels que Durkheim, sans que cela ait vraiment d’influence sur son début de carrière. D’autre part, Le Bon dégage une image pseudo-raciste, qui renvoie à « l’idéologie coloniale de son époque ». Il avait des tendances anticléricales et compte au nombre des anti-colonisateurs.





Japanese film actor famous for the wide variety of characters he has portrayed and many collaborations with famous Japanese film directors.

Die deutsche Reichsregierung verschärft die Ahndung von „verleumderischen Äußerungen“ gegen Regierung, NSDAP oder Reich per Änderung des so genannten Heimtückegesetzes.

The German government intensifies the punishment of "slanderous statements" against government, NSDAP or Reich by amending the so-called "Heimtückegesetz".

# The Treachery Act of 1934 was a German law established by the Third Reich on 20 December 1934.[1] Known as the Heimtückegesetz, its official title was the "Law against Treacherous Attacks on the State and Party and for the Protection of Party Uniforms" (Gesetz gegen heimtückische Angriffe auf Staat und Partei und zum Schutz der Parteiuniformen). It established penalties for the abuse of Nazi Party badges and uniforms, restricted the right to freedom of speech, and criminalized all remarks causing putative severe damage to the welfare of the Third Reich, the prestige of the Nazi government or the Nazi Party.

1935/1213:François Auguste Victor Grignard 187135、死去

un chimiste français, lauréat avec Paul Sabatier du prix Nobel de chimie en 1912

第一次世界大戦では伍長として従軍し、毒ガス(ホスゲンの合成及びイペリットの検出)の研究をおこなった。ドイツ側には、彼と対抗したのが Fritz Haber 186834 であった。二人ともノベル賞を授与された。

日軍攻陷中華民國首都南京,對當地軍民展開長達六週的大屠殺,超過30萬人被殺害。 2014年2月27日中國全國人大常委會經表決將12月13日確定為南京大屠殺死難者國家公祭日。

Second Sino-Japanese War: Battle of Nanking: The city of Nanjing, defended by the National Revolutionary Army under the command of General Tang Shengzhi, falls to the Japanese. This is followed by the Nanking Massacre, in which Japanese troops rape and slaughter hundreds of thousands of civilians.

The Neuengamme concentration camp opens in the Bergedorf district of Hamburg, Germany.

1939/1213:WWⅡ「Battle of the River Plate」
Captain Hans Langsdorff of the German Deutschland-class cruiser (pocket battleship) Admiral Graf Spee engages with Royal Navy cruisers HMS Exeter, HMS Ajax and HMNZS Achilles.

1943/1213:WWⅡ「Massacre of Kalavryta」
 by German occupying forces in Greece.

1944/1213:Wassily Kandinsky186644、死去

русский живописец, график и теоретик изобразительного искусства, один из основоположников абстракционизма. Был одним из основателей группы «Синий всадник».

The Dachau main process in Dachau ends with the verdict. There were 36 death sentences, as well as one life sentence and three prison sentences.

1947/1213:Nicholas Roerich 187447、死去

русский художник, сценограф, философ-мистик, писатель, путешественник, археолог, общественный деятель. Академик Императорской (Российской) академии художеств (1909).
Russian artist, scenographer, philosopher-mystic, writer, traveler, archaeologist, public figure. Academician of the Imperial (Russian) Academy of Arts (1909).
Igor Stravinsky 188271 の『春の祭典』の構想や舞台デザインにかかはった美術家としても名高い。

«Заморские гости». 1901

«Ангел Последний». 1912

«И мы трудимся». Серия «Sancta». 1922

{同じ日に死去した カンディンスキとレリヒ、同じロシア出身でロシアから出て、個性的な繪を描いた二人、『對のあそび』にせよと云はれてゐるやうな。

The Knesset votes to move the capital of Israel to Jerusalem.

After the Battle of the Changjin Reservoir in the Korean War, the Americans have to withdraw from North Korea, but add heavy losses to the Chinese troops.

1955/1213:António Egas Moniz 187455、死去

médico, neurologista, investigador, professor, político e escritor português.

ロボトミで知られることになった精神外科手術、前頭葉切断手術を精神疾患を根本的に治療する目的で考案された。これが功績として認められ、1949年にスイスの神経生理学者ヴァルタ ルドルフ ヘスとともにノベル生理学医学賞を受賞した。受賞の理由は「ある種の精神病に対する前頭葉白質切截術の治療的価値に関する発見」

NASA launches Relay 1, the first active repeater communications satellite in orbit.


Liu Shaoqi issued an amnesty for the chairman of the People's Republic of China to pardon the war criminals who really changed their evil regime in Manchukuo and the Mongolian self-government. At the same time the so-called "KMT Chiang Kai-shek Group," the implementation of amnesty.

Constantine II of Greece attempts an unsuccessful counter-coup against the Regime of the Colonels.


Brazilian President Artur da Costa e Silva issues AI-5 (Institutional Act No. 5), enabling government by decree and suspending habeas corpus.


Shishi Bunroku 獅子 文六; nom véritable : Iwata Toyoo (岩田 豊雄); 1er juillet 1893 à Yokohama - 13 décembre 1969) est un écrivain japonais, directeur de la compagnie théâtrale Bungakuza à Tokyo.

During blasting work in the building land of the Buchenwald district of Ebenwald near the Odenwald, the entrance to a stalactite cave is discovered.
The Eberstadter stalactite cave is released on September 9, 1973 for the public.

1972/1213:USA「Apollo program」
Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt begin the third and final extra-vehicular activity (EVA) or "Moonwalk" of Apollo 17. To date they are the last humans to set foot on the Moon.

Malta becomes a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations.

Air Indiana Flight 216 crashes near Evansville Regional Airport, killing 29, including the University of Evansville basketball team, support staff, and boosters of the team.

General Wojciech Jaruzelski declares martial law in Poland, largely due to the actions by Solidarity.


The 6.0 Ms North Yemen earthquake shakes southwestern Yemen with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VIII (Severe), killing 2,800, and injuring 1,500.


Masahiro Yasuoka (安岡正篤 Yasuoka Masahiro, February 13, 1898 – December 13, 1983) was a Japanese scholar of yangmingism who, through his philosophy, reportedly exerted considerable influence on many Japanese politicians, including postwar prime ministers of Japan. He has been considered a backroom power broker or eminence grise.

PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat gives a speech at a UN General Assembly meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, after United States authorities refused to grant him a visa to visit UN headquarters in New York.

1989/1213:北アイルランド「The Troubles: Attack on Derryard checkpoint」
The Provisional Irish Republican Army launches an attack on a British Army temporary vehicle checkpoint near Rosslea, Northern Ireland. Two British soldiers are killed and two others are wounded.


Sansad Bhavan, the building housing the Indian Parliament, is attacked by terrorists. Twelve people are killed, including the terrorists.

2002/1213:EU「European Union enlargement」
The EU announces that Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia will become members from May 1, 2004.

Iraq War: Operation Red Dawn: Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is captured near his home town of Tikrit.

The Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein is found in a hole in the Iraq war by the US military near his birthplace Tikrit and arrested.

The poet, draftsman and painter Robert Gernhardt receives the Duesseldorf Heinrich Heine Prize, awarded every two years and endowed with 25,000 euros.

2005/1213:Stanley Tookie Williams 195305、刑死

Despite international protests, Stanley Williams, convicted of fourfold murder, is executed by lethal injection after California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has refused a pardon.
American gang member and convicted murderer, who co-founded the West Side Crips, a street gang which has its roots in South Central Los Angeles in 1969.[1] In 1979, he was convicted of murdering four people— a 7-Eleven employee, and in a separate occasion, an elderly Taiwanese couple and their daughter — and sentenced to death.

On December 13, 2005, Williams was executed by lethal injection after clemency and a four-week stay of execution were both rejected by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, amid debate over the death penalty. Williams was the second inmate in California to be executed in 2005.


2009/1213:Paul Samuelson 191509、死去

American economist and the first American to win the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.


2011/1213:ベルギイ、A murder–suicide
 in Liège, Belgium, kills six and wounds 125 people at a Christmas market.

2013/1213:USA、Arapahoe High School shooting:
Murder-suicide: A female student seeking the librarian is shot dead in a hallway by another student after the librarian had demoted him on the debate team. The shooter takes his own life shortly afterwards.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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