


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

1932年の今日が命日の写真家 Karl Blossffeldt『Cucurbita』 

歴史暦:古今東西 12/09 今日の出來事

Odoacer(first King of Italy)occupies Dalmatia. He later establishes his political power with the co-operation of the Roman Senate.

0536/1209:東ロウマ帝國vs東ゴウト王國「Gothic War」
The Byzantine general Belisarius enters Rome unopposed; the Gothic garrison flee the capital.

Flavius Belisarius 050065

0656/1209:イスラム教徒間の戦闘「Bataille du chameau」


0730/1209:イラン平原での「Battle of Marj Ardabil」
The Khazars annihilate an Umayyad army and kill its commander, Al-Jarrah Ibn Abdallah Al-Hakami.

The Battle of Marj Ardabil(Battle of Ardabil)was a battle fought on the plains surrounding the city of Ardabil in northwestern Iran.
A Khazar army led by Barjik, the son of the Khazar khagan, invaded the Umayyad provinces of Jibal and Adharybaydjian in retaliation for Caliphate attacks on Khazaria during the course of the decades-long Khazar-Arab War of the early 8th century.


After adopting the regency of his uncle, Mr. Fujiwara Yoshifusa, after the death of Yoshitsune, he grasped the court's real power over the four generations of Emperor Seiwa - Youzei - Koukou - Uda.
At the Emperor Udus, he raised an Akou case (disagreement of the affair) and showed his power to the world. It was entrusted to the great government from the Emperor, appointed Kanpaku 關白 for the first time in Japanese history.

Beginning of the reign of William I of Scotland.

William the Lion 114314:reigned as King of the Scots from 1165 to 1214. He had the second-longest reign in Scottish history before the Act of Union with England in 1707.

In the Morgartenbrief, the original cantons of the Swiss Confederation reaffirm their covenant.

Die Universität Löwen wird durch eine Bulle von Papst Martin V gegründet.

The Catholic University of Leuven is founded.

1447/1209:明09皇帝 成化帝144787、誕生

Ming Xianzong Zhu Ruruan. Formerly known as Chu see deep, Ming Yingzong emperor eldest son, the ninth generation of the Ming emperor. 谥 No. Following Tian Ning Road Cheng Ming Ren Wuling Chong Wugu Wu Hong De Shengxiao pure emperors. The age of Cheng Chenghua has the meaning of "Achievement Dehua."

1437/1209:Sigismund 136837、崩去

Er war Kurfürst von Brandenburg von 1378 bis 1388 und von 1411 bis 1415, König von Ungarn und Kroatien seit 1387 (siehe dazu Kroatien in Personalunion mit Ungarn), römisch-deutscher König seit 1411, König von Böhmen seit 1419 und römisch-deutscher Kaiser von 1433 bis zu seinem Tode.

Kaiser Sigismund von Albrecht Dürer

The Virgin of Guadalupe first appears to Juan Diego at Tepeyac, Mexico City.

Cuenta la leyenda que el indio Juan Diego aparece en el Monte Tepeyac la Virgen María. Desde entonces, la Patrona Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe ha sido venerada aquí.

1565/1209:224papa Pius IV 149965、他界

1608/1209:John Milton 160874、誕生

an English poet, polemicist, man of letters, and civil servant for the Commonwealth of England under Oliver Cromwell. He wrote at a time of religious flux and political upheaval, and is best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost (1667), written in blank verse.

Milton at age 10 by Cornelis Janssens van Ceulen


1641/1209:Anthony van Dyck 159941、死去

a Flemish Baroque artist who became the leading court painter in England, after enjoying great success in Italy and Flanders.
He is most famous for his portraits of Charles I of England and his family and court, painted with a relaxed elegance that was to be the dominant influence on English portrait-painting for the next 150 years.


The more intimate, but still elegant style he developed in England, c. 1638

1666/1209:Guercino 159166、死去

Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, soprannominato il Guercino
un pittore italiano.


1669/1209:238papa Clemens IX 160069、死去

1688/1209:イギリス「Glorious Revolution」
Williamite forces defeat Jacobites at Battle of Reading, forcing flight of James II from the country.

It was the only substantial military action in England during the Glorious Revolution and ended in a decisive victory for forces loyal to William of Orange.

Alleged illegitimate Venetian merchants lead to the declaration of war of the Ottoman Empire against the Republic of Venice. However, military operations in the Venetian-Austrian Turkish War did not begin until the summer of 1715.

The Seventh Ottoman–Venetian War was fought between the Republic of Venice and the Ottoman Empire between 1714 and 1718. It was the last conflict between the two powers, and ended with an Ottoman victory and the loss of Venice's major possession in the Greek peninsula, the Peloponnese (Morea).

Dutch amateur astronomer Dirk Klinkenberg discovers the Great Comet C / 1743 X1. The comet is later named after its discoverer Klinkenberg.

1775/1209:American Revolutionary War:
British troops lose the Battle of Great Bridge, and leave Virginia soon afterward.

The victory by colonial Virginia militia forces led to the departure of Royal Governor Lord Dunmore and any remaining vestiges of British power over the Colony of Virginia during the early days of the conflict.

1793/1209:Yolande Martine Gabrielle de Polastron 174993、死去

Amie et confidente de la reine Marie-Antoinette, elle est l'une des étoiles et l'un des personnages les plus emblématiques de la cour royale sous le règne de Louis XVI. Extrêmement impopulaire, la duchesse est également l'une des figures les plus détestées de la Révolution française, archétype de l'aristocratie décadente de l'Ancien Régime.

そんな彼女と対照的な女官だった Marie Thérèse Louise de Savoie-Carignan 174992, Princesse de Lamballe, とは奇しくも生まれた年月日が同じであった。

New York City's first daily newspaper, the American Minerva, is established by Noah Webster.


Ichikawa Danjūrō V (五代目 市川 團十郎 Godaime Ichikawa Danjūrō)also known as Ichikawa Ebizō (市川 海老蔵), was one of the most famous and popular Japanese Kabuki actors of all time.
Throughout his career, Danjūrō would hold some of the highest ranks in the hyōbanki 評判記, an annual Edo publications which evaluated actors and performances.

五代目團十郎の扮する竹村定之進 東洲齋寫樂176320

1824/1209:ペル獨立戰爭「Batalla de Ayacucho」
Patriot forces led by General Antonio José de Sucre defeat a Royalist army in the Battle of Ayacucho, putting an end to the Peruvian War of Independence.

The battle of Ayacucho was the last great confrontation within the terrestrial campaigns of the Hispano-American wars of independence (1809-1826) and it meant the definitive end of the Spanish administrative domain in South America

1835/1209:USA vs Mexico「Texas Revolution」
The Texian Army captures San Antonio, Texas.

San Antonio is conquered by troops of the soon-to-be-declared Republic of Texas in an uprising against the Mexican regime of Antonio López de Santa Anna.

1842/1209:Pjotr Aljeksjejevich Kropotkin 184221、誕生

(Пётр Алексеевич Кропоткин), русский революционер-анархист, учёный географ и геоморфолог.

Along with Pierre Joseph Proudhon 180965 and Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin 181476, he is a man who has devoted himself to the development of modern anarchism, criticized the social evolution theory and Marxism that brought about the world at that time, based on long-standing academic research as a scholar, and set mutual aid as the central concept I advocated Anarchic Communism.
In 1862, Kropotkin wanted himself and went to Irkutsk himself, besides military affairs, he conducted a field survey from Siberia around Manchuria and brought geographical knowledge to Russia.
On the other hand, he became acquainted with writings such as John Stuart Mill, Alexandre Geltzen and Pierre Joseph Proudhon, and deepened interest in anarchism.
In 1874 Kropotkin was arrested on the revolutionary conspiracy and detained in the prison of Petropavlovsk Fortress. He was moved to a medical prison because he lost his health in prison, but he escaped there and exiled to the UK via Scandinavia.

≫ Within the people, constantly fighting for truth, justice and equality ... ... perhaps no more precious life can be hoped for.
≫ Successful revolution is hope, not despair.


a Japanese educator and athlete, the founder of Judo.
Well-known mottoes attributed to Kanō include "Maximum Efficiency with Minimum Effort" (精力善用 Sei-ryoku Zen-you)and "Mutual Welfare and Benefit"(自他共栄 Ji-ta Kyou-ei).

The Iranian city of Bushehr surrenders to occupying British forces.

1861/1209:American Civil War
The Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War is established by the U.S. Congress.

1868/1209:Fritz Haber 186834、誕生

ein deutscher Chemiker und Nobelpreisträger für Chemie.
He developed the "Haber–Bosch process" which synthesizes ammonia from nitrogen in the air. He was also referred to as "the father of chemical weapons" because it was in the leading position of various poison gas use including chlorine at the time of World War I.

Protestant that was a Jew, but converted from Judaism
When the First World War broke out, Fritz, who was strongly patriotic, volunteered for the troops. But that request was rejected and instead ordered the military to develop additives to prevent gasoline freezing. And Fritz was involved in the development of poison gas.
He worked diligently on the development of poison gas, and the army also trusted him and gave him full power on the development of poison gas. Fritz has secured the material of the poison gas by utilizing the connection with the company which was made at the time of ammonia synthesis and the like.
At that time, Otto Hahn 187968, who was in the laboratory, said that the use of poison gas would violate the Hague Convention. Fritz said that the French army used poison gas first, and additionally, using a poison gas to finish the war quickly would lead to saving a lot of lives.{原子爆彈を落としたアメリカ人もまったく同じ論理を使ってゐたな。
There were many opposites to the development of poison gas. His wife Clara also continued to oppose her husband in developing poison gas weapons. And finally on May 2, 1915, she committed suicide to reform her husband.

Clara Immerwahr 187045


1875/1209:USA「Gun Club」創立
The Massachusetts Rifle Association, "America's Oldest Active Gun Club", is founded.


「Inoue Shigeyoshi」日本の軍人、海軍大將
an admiral in the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II. He was commander of the Japanese 4th Fleet and later served as Vice-Minister of the Navy. A noted naval theorist, he was a strong advocate of naval aviation within the Japanese Navy.


un peintre et graveur japonais.
Il est allé en France en 1918 et est compétent dans diverses techniques d'impression de cuivre. En particulier, il a relancé l'ancienne technique de gravure appelée mezzotint et l'a établi comme un style unique.


A Japanese novelist.
She published many romance novels in the magazine "女學世界 Female Study World" and boasted tremendous popularity among female students. The world reputed as "the return of Higuchi Ichiyou 樋口一葉187296."

A Paris, l'anarchiste Auguste Vaillant lance un explosif autoproclamé depuis la galerie du public jusqu'à la Chambre des députés du Palais Bourbon pour protester contre la politique répressive du Premier ministre Jean Casimir-Périer. 50 personnes sont blessées dans l'action. 

L'auteur est plus tard condamné à mort et exécuté le 5 février 1894.


a Japanese potter.
He was a significant influence on studio pottery of the twentieth century, and a major figure of the mingei 民藝(folk-art) movement, establishing the town of Mashiko 益子 as a world-renowned pottery centre.

Activist Marguerite Durand founds the feminist daily newspaper La Fronde in Paris.




adoption de la Loi de séparation des Églises et de l'État en France.

In France, the law separating church and state is passed.
La loi sur la séparation de l'Église et de l'État a établi en France le principe encore dominant de la laïcité. La séparation de l'Eglise et de l'Etat aggrave pendant des années la relation entre la France et l'Eglise catholique.

An der Dresdner Hofoper wird die Oper Salome von Richard Strauss uraufgeführt.

Salome (op.54) ist eine Oper in einem Akt von Richard Strauss. Sie beruht auf dem gleichnamigen Drama von Oscar Wilde aus dem Jahr 1891 und stellt eine der ersten Literaturopern dar.


a Japanese army officer and business leader.
Prior to the war he was appointed staff of 大本營作戦参謀 and the last rank was Colonel Army.
After the war he took office as many important positions including Chairman of 伊藤忠商事(ITOCHU Corporation) and former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, who had influence in the political and economic circle and was called "昭和の參謀 Staff of Showa".

A mine explosion near Briceville, Tennessee, kills 84 miners despite rescue efforts led by the United States Bureau of Mines.

The Cross Mountain Mine disaster was a coal mine explosion that occurred on December 9, 1911 near the community of Briceville, Tennessee, in the southeastern United States. In spite of a well-organized rescue effort led by the newly created Bureau of Mines, 84 miners died as a result of the explosion. The likely cause of the explosion was the ignition of dust and gas released by a roof fall.


{私は彼の一代記は成瀬巳喜男190569の映画『桃中軒雲右衛門』1936 で見た。雲右衞門を演じた月形龍之介がなかなかよかった。 YouTube で見たが、まだあるだらうか。

1915/1209:Elisabeth Schwarzkopf 191506、誕生

deutsch-britische Opern und Liedsängerin. Sie galt als eine der führenden Sopranistinnen der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts, die besonders für ihre Interpretationen von Mozart- und Strauss-Opern bekannt war.



un auteur japonais de romans et de nouvelles, représentatif de la transition du Japon vers la modernité, pendant l'ère Meiji.

夏目漱石書 五言絶句
「芳菲看漸饒 韶景蕩詩情 却愧丹青枝 春風描不成」

1916/1209:Kirk Douglas 1916--、誕生

an American actor, producer, director, and author. He is one of the last living people of the film industry's Golden Age.

opening of peace negotiations between the Bolshevik Republic and the German Empire in Brest-Litovsk.

Field Marshal Allenby captures Jerusalem, Palestine.

Tristan Tzara pubblica il Manifesto del dadaismo del 1918.


Gabriel Narutowicz is elected the first president of Poland.

1925/1209:Ernest Gellner 192595、誕生

a British-Czech philosopher and social anthropologist described by The Daily Telegraph, when he died, as one of the world's most vigorous intellectuals, and by The Independent as a "one-man crusader for critical rationalism".

His work "Nations and Nationalism"1983 points out the relevance of the rise of the industrial society and the formation of the people and, along with Benedict Anderson 193615 "Imagined Communities"1983 and Eric Hobsbawm 191712 "The Invention of Tradition"1983, represents the modernist approach in the study of nationalism It is known as a work.


Acteur japonais qui était actif à la fin des années 1940 et 1960.

1929/1209:John Cassavetes 192989、誕生

a Greek-American actor, film director, and screenwriter. Cassavetes was a pioneer of American independent film, writing and directing over a dozen movies, which he partially self-financed, and pioneered the use of improvisation and a realistic cinéma vérité style. He also acted in many Hollywood films, notably Rosemary's Baby (1968) and The Dirty Dozen (1967).

The Constituent Cortes approves a constitution which establishes the Second Spanish Republic.

1932/1209:Karl Blossfeldt 186432、死去

ein deutscher Fotograf, der besonders durch streng-formale Pflanzenfotografien bekannt wurde. Er gilt fotokünstlerisch als Vertreter der Neuen Sachlichkeit.



Walter Liggett, American newspaper editor and muckraker, is killed in a gangland murder.

on December 9, 1935. Walter Liggett was murdered by a Thompson submachine gun in a drive by shooting outside his apartment. His wife and children were in a car only inches away and witnessed his death. Weeping and saying that she would never forget his grinning face, Mrs. Liggett picked Blumenfeld out of a police lineup as her husband's killer. Three other witnesses identified Blumenfeld as the shooter, too.

1937/1209:Nils Gustaf Dalén 186937、死去

a Swedish Nobel Laureate and industrialist, the founder of the AGA company and inventor of the AGA cooker and the Dalén light. In 1912 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his "invention of automatic regulators for use in conjunction with gas accumulators for illuminating lighthouses and buoys".

The AGA production and development center around 1920.


Second Sino-Japanese War「Battle of Nanking」Japanese troops under the command of Lt. Gen. Asaka Yasuhiko launch an assault on the Chinese city of Nanjing (Nanking).

1940/1209:WWⅡ「Operation Compass
British and Indian troops under the command of Major-General Richard O'Connor attack Italian forces near Sidi Barrani in Egypt.

The Republic of China, Cuba, Guatemala, and the Philippine Commonwealth, declare war on Germany and Japan.

The American 19th Bombardment Group attacks Japanese ships off the coast of Vigan, Luzon.




Nürnberger Prozesse: Der Nürnberger Ärzteprozess vor dem Ersten Amerikanischen Militärgerichtshof beginnt.

The "Subsequent Nuremberg trials" begin with the "Doctors' trial", prosecuting physicians and officers alleged to be involved in Nazi human experimentation and mass murder under the guise of euthanasia.

The Constituent Assembly of India meets for the first time to write the Constitution of India.

Security Council passes a resolution to internationalize Jerusalem.

1950/1209:Cold War: アメリカに暗躍したスパイ
Harry Gold is sentenced to 30 years in jail for helping Klaus Fuchs pass information about the Manhattan Project to the Soviet Union. His testimony is later instrumental in the prosecution of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.

1953/1209:USA「Red Scare」
General Electric announces that all communist employees will be discharged from the company.

Die Rodenkirchener Autobahnbrücke über den Rhein wird freigegeben. Sie ist einige Jahre lang die längste europäische Hängebrücke.


Trans-Canada Air Lines Flight 810, a Canadair North Star, crashes near Hope, British Columbia, Canada, killing all 62 people on board.

Tanganyika becomes independent from Britain.

1962/1209:USA「National Park」
The Petrified Forest National Park is established in Arizona.

1965/1209:USA「Kecksburg UFO incident」
 A fireball is seen from Michigan to Pennsylvania; witnesses report something crashing in the woods near Pittsburgh. In 2005 NASA admits that it examined the object.

1965/1209:USA「A Charlie Brown Christmas」
, first in a series of Peanuts television specials, debuts on CBS.

Nicolae Ceauşescu becomes, in addition to his post as Central Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party, also State Council Chairman of Romania.

Douglas Engelbart gave what became known as "The Mother of All Demos", publicly debuting the computer mouse, hypertext, and the bit-mapped graphical user interface using the oN-Line System (NLS).


U.S. Secretary of State William Rogers proposes his plan for a ceasefire in the War of Attrition; Egypt and Jordan accept it over the objections of the PLO, which leads to civil war in Jordan in September 1970.

1971/1209:Indo-Pakistani War:
The Indian Air Force executes an airdrop of Indian Army units, bypassing Pakistani defences.

British and Irish authorities sign the Sunningdale Agreement in an attempt to establish a power-sharing Northern Ireland Executive and a cross-border Council of Ireland.

Tanaka Kakuei cabinet resigned in full with the problem of Tanaka, and Takeo Miki cabinet is inaugurated.


The eradication of the smallpox virus is certified, making smallpox the first and to date only human disease driven to extinction.

à Paris, ouverture du musée d’Orsay.

1987/1209:Israeli–Palestinian conflict:
The First Intifada begins in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.



a prominent post-World War II Japanese novelist, short-story writer, essayist, literary critic, and television documentary writer. He was distinguished by his knowledge, intellect, sense of humor and conversational skills, and although his style has been criticized as wordy and obtuse, he was one of the more popular Japanese writers in the late Showa period.

In Poland, Lech Wałęsa clearly defeats the Polish-Canadian businessman Stanisław Tymiński in the runoff election.

American troops land in Somalia for Operation Restore Hope.



In London the time of the Routemaster comes to an end. The red double decker buses no longer shape the cityscape.

The Governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich, is arrested by federal officials for crimes including attempting to sell the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by President-elect Barack Obama.

At least seven are dead and 63 are injured following a train accident near Bintaro, Indonesia.


un romancier, chanteur et parolier japonais et ancien membre de la Chambre des conseillers.
Il a obtenu le Prix Naoki pour ses deux nouvelles, La Tombe des lucioles (火垂るの墓, Hotaru no haka) et Les Algues d'Amérique (アメリカひじき, Amerika hijiki) en 19682.

The start of the thirty-sixth GCC summit in Riyadh business.

President Park Geun-hye of South Korea is impeached by the country's National Assembly in response to a major political scandal. Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn becomes Acting President, later denying to run for a full term.

At least 57 people are killed and a further 177 injured when two schoolgirl suicide bombers attack a market area in Madagali, Northeastern Nigeria in the Madagali suicide bombings.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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