


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

1912年の今日、エジプトで發見された女王 Nefertiti 像

歴史暦:古今東西 12/05 今日の出來事

Cicerone pronuncia la sua quarta catilina di fronte al Senato.

Cicero holds the last of his speeches against Catilina. Cato's expression then causes the death penalty to be imposed on the conspirators of the coup attempt in the Roman Empire.

Cicero holds the last of his speeches against Catilina. Cato's expression then causes the death penalty to be imposed on the conspirators of the coup attempt in the Roman Empire.
The Catiline or Catilinarian Orations is a set of speeches to the Roman Senate given in 63 BC by Marcus Tullius Cicero, one of the year's consuls, accusing Lucius Sergius Catilina (Catiline) of leading a plot to overthrow the Roman government.

Fourth Council of Toledo takes place.

The Fourth Council of Toledo was held at the church of Saint Leocadia in Toledo. Probably under the presidency of the noted Isidore of Seville, the council regulated many matters of discipline, decreed uniformity of liturgy throughout the Visigothic kingdom and took stringent measures against baptized Jews who had relapsed into their former faith.

Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Barcelona is assassinated.

Ramon Berenguer the Towhead(so called because of the thickness and colour of his hair)was killed while hunting in the woods in 1082. His brother(who went on to become the sole ruler of Catalonia)was credited by popular opinion of having orchestrated this murder.

le roi Jean le Bon signe à Compiègne l'ordonnance de création du franc à cheval, premier franc français.

Le franc à cheval est le premier franc français, monnaie d'or à 24 carats pesant 3,88 grammes, émise pour financer la rançon du roi Jean II le Bon, prisonnier des Anglais.

1377/1205:中國[明]02皇帝 建文帝1377??、誕生






Edigu, émir mongol de la Horde Blanche, atteint Moscou.

Emir Edigu of Golden Horde reaches Moscow.

Pope Innocent VIII issues the Summis desiderantes affectibus, a papal bull that deputizes Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger as inquisitors to root out alleged witchcraft in Germany.

Christopher Columbus becomes the first European to set foot on the island of Hispaniola (now Haiti and the Dominican Republic).

King Manuel I of Portugal issues a decree ordering the expulsion of "heretics" from the country.

1560/1205:François II 154460、死去

roi de France du 10 juillet 1559 jusqu'à sa mort.
Fils aîné d'Henri II et de Catherine de Médicis, il monte sur le trône de France à l'âge de quinze ans après la mort accidentelle de son père le 10 juillet 1559. Son règne éphémère n’a duré qu'un an et cinq mois mais constitue un prélude majeur au déclenchement des guerres de religion.

父は Henri II 155947、母は カトリヌ・ド・メディシスで、スコットランド女王となる Mary I of England 151658 を王妃とした。
王位は弟の Charles IX、Henri III が継承したが、男子が絶へてヴァロワ朝は断絶した。

1624/1205:Gaspard Bauhin 156024、死去

un naturaliste suisse ayant été parmi les premiers à tenter de réaliser une classification naturelle des plantes.

多くの植物を記載し、古今の名称が調べられた全12巻の(Pinax theatri botanici, sive Index in Theophrasti Dioscoridis, Plinii et Botanicorum qui a saeculo scripserunt opera;植物の劇場総覧とも)を作り、リンネら後世の植物学者に恩惠をあたへた。

1686/1205:Nicolaus Steno 163886、死去

ein dänischer Mediziner, Anatom und Naturforscher, später katholischer Priester und Bischof. Er wird in der römisch-katholischen Kirche als Seliger verehrt. Wilhelm von Humboldt bezeichnete ihn als „Vater der Geologie“.

化石の研究から地層の生成を考察した『固体の中に自然に含まれている固体についての論文への序文』1669 は地質学についての先駆的な著作となった。



「Seki Kouwa」日本の江戸時代の和算家(数学者)
1674延宝02 に『發微算法』を著し、「点竄術」すなわち筆算による代数の計算法を発明して、和算が高等数学として発展するための基礎を作った。


1757/1205:Seven Years' War「Battle of Leuthen」
Frederick II of Prussia leads Prussian forces to a decisive victory over Austrian forces under Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine.


In London, auctioneer James Christie holds his first sale.

At Fort Ticonderoga, Henry Knox begins his historic transport of artillery to Cambridge, Massachusetts.

1791/1205:Wolgang Amadeus Mozart 175691、死去

Musiker und Komponist der Wiener Klassik. Sein umfangreiches Werk genießt weltweite Popularität und gehört zum Bedeutendsten im Repertoire klassischer Musik.

体調は十一月から悪化しはじめ、『レクイエム』K.626 に取り組んでゐた最中の二十日からは病床に伏すやうになり、二週間後の十二月五日の零時五十五分、呆氣なく逝去した。三十五歳と十ヶ月。


In the second presidential election in the United States, George Washington is re-elected as President and John Adams as Vice President of the Electoral College.

1803/1205:Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev 180373、誕生

Фёдор Иванович Тютчев
великий русский лирик, поэт-мыслитель, дипломат, консервативный публицист, член-корреспондент Петербургской Академии Наук с 1857 года, тайный советник.(the great Russian lyric poet, thinker, diplomat, conservative publicist, corresponding member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences since 1857, secret adviser.)

彼の最も有名な詩 “Silentium!”は、人は他者を最後まで理解することはできないといふこと、沈黙への悲痛な呼びかけである。また、その詩句である「語られた思想は偽りである」は「頭でロシアは分からない(Умом Россию не понять)」「我らの言葉への反応は予見できない」と並んで、きわめて頻繁に引用される。

Silentium! is an archetypal poem by Tyutchev. Written in 1830, it is remarkable for its rhythm crafted so as to make reading in silence easier than aloud toward others. Like so many of his poems, its images are anthropomorphic and pulsing with pantheism. As one Russian critic put it, "the temporal epochs of human life, its past and its present fluctuate and vacillate in equal measure: the unstoppable current of time erodes the outline of the present."

Speak not, lie hidden, and conceal
the way you dream, the things you feel.
Deep in your spirit let them rise
akin to stars in crystal skies
that set before the night is blurred:
delight in them and speak no word.

How can a heart expression find?
How should another know your mind?
Will he discern what quickens you?
A thought, once uttered, is untrue.
Dimmed is the fountainhead when stirred:
drink at the source and speak no word.

Live in your inner self alone
within your soul a world has grown,
the magic of veiled thoughts that might
be blinded by the outer light,
drowned in the noise of day, unheard...
take in their song and speak no word.

(trans. by Vladimir Nabokov)


La Symphonie Fantastique d'Hector Berlioz est créée au Conservatoire de Paris sous la direction de François-Antoine Habeneck.

La révolte des tisserands de soie à Lyon est réprimée de force par l'armée française. 10 000 personnes doivent quitter la ville par la suite.




1848/1205:USA「California Gold Rush」
In a message to the United States Congress, U.S. President James Polk confirms that large amounts of gold had been discovered in California.

Portsmouth Square, San Francisco, during the Gold Rush, 1851

After some military incidents with Spain, which shows ambitions to recapture its former colonies, Peru and Chile form a formal alliance. The Spanish-South American War begins.

1867/1205:Antti Amatus Aarne 186725、誕生

a Finnish folklorist.
師事していた K.L.Krohn が民話研究から叙事詩『カレヴァラ』研究に移ったたことから、その民話研究を引き継ぎ、民話研究における歴史的・地理的比較考証の方法を確立し、フィンランド学派と呼ばれる民俗学の一派を形成した。

1910、クロンが中心となって設立した Folklore Fellows の機関誌 FF Communication にて、ヨロッパ各地の昔話八百あまりを類型ごとに分類した『昔話の型目録』(Verzeichnis der Märchentypen)を発表した。そこでアルネは昔話を「動物の話・本格的な話・笑話」の三つのタイプに分類した。

1927年にアメリカの S.Thompson がこれを自著『昔話の型』(The types of folktale)で、アルネの三分類を五分類に分類しなほした。そしてこれが「アルネ・トンプソンのタイプ・インデックス」として世界的に受け入れられた。

1868/1205:Arnold Johannes Wilhelm Sommerfeld 186851、誕生

ein deutscher Mathematiker und theoretischer Physiker.

In addition to Max Planck, Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr, Sommerfeld is one of the researchers who, at the beginning of the 20th century, created modern theoretical physics with its fundamental pillars of quantum physics and relativity theory and made it the foundation of physics.

1906年からはミュンヘン大学の物理の教授になり、Albert Einstein 187955 の特殊相対性理論に数学的基礎をあたへる研究をおこなった。また、ボアの量子条件を一般化している。(ボア・ゾンマフェルトの量子条件)。

1870/1205:Alexandre Dumas père 180270、死去

un écrivain français

Blason de Alexandre Dumas{デュマを髣髴とさせるな




un poète et traducteur japonais.




1889/1205:Damia (chanteuse) 188978、誕生

Marie-Louise Damien, dite Damia ou Maryse Damia,
une chanteuse et actrice française Réputée pour ses chansons et rôles tragiques, elle est très célèbre dans les années 1930.

1936年に発表された“Sombre Dimanche” は当時の世相を反映し、フランス国内では放送禁止に、日本国内では発禁になった。

Otto Lilienthal veröffentlicht in Berlin seine wissenschaftliche Publikation Der Vogelflug als Grundlage der Fliegekunst.

1890/1205:Fritz Lang 189076、誕生

Friedrich Christian Anton « Fritz » Lang, réalisateur allemand
ein österreichisch-deutsch-US-amerikanischer Schauspieler, Filmregisseur und Drehbuchautor. Nach seiner Heirat mit der deutschen Drehbuchautorin Thea von Harbou erwarb der Österreicher 1922 auch die deutsche und nach seiner Emigration 1939 die US-amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft.



1901/1205:Werner Heisenberg 190176、誕生

ein deutscher Wissenschaftler und Nobelpreisträger, der zu den bedeutendsten Physikern des 20. Jahrhunderts zählt.
He published his work in 1925 in a breakthrough paper. In the subsequent series of papers with Max Born and Pascual Jordan, during the same year, this matrix formulation of quantum mechanics was substantially elaborated. He is known for the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which he published in 1927.



松平容保 Matsudaira Katamori was a samurai who lived in the last days of the Edo period and the early to mid Meiji 明治 period.
He was the 9th daimyō of the Aizu han 會津藩 and the Military Commissioner of Kyoto during the Bakumatsu 幕末 period.



In Berlin wird mit der feierlichen Schlusssteinlegung das Reichstagsgebäude seiner Bestimmung übergeben.

1901/1205:Walt Disney 190166、誕生

an American entrepreneur, animator, voice actor and film producer. A pioneer of the American animation industry, he introduced several developments in the production of cartoons.


1904/1205:Japan vs Russia「旅順攻囲戦」

The roof of London's Charing Cross station collapses.


原名育蓉,字阳春,一字祚大 ,號育容、育榮、雨融、毓蓉、尤勇,乳名春儿。湖北黄冈人,中国共产党党员、政治家、军事家。中华人民共和国开国元勋,中华人民共和国、中国人民解放军第一代主要领导人之一,中华人民共和国元帅。


He was the sport's 33rd yokozuna. He had a rapid rise through the ranks, setting several youth records, and was very popular with the public. However he did not fulfill his great potential at sumo's highest rank, missing many matches because of injury and winning no tournaments.


1911/1205:Władysław Szpilman 191100、誕生

a Polish pianist and classical composer of Jewish descent. Szpilman is widely known as the central figure in the 2002 Roman Polanski film The Pianist, which was based on Szpilman's autobiographical account of how he survived the German occupation of Warsaw and the Holocaust.


a Japanese film director.
Kinoshita was highly prolific, turning out some 42 films in the first 23 years of his career. For this, Kinoshita explained that he "can’t help it. Ideas for films have always just popped into my head like scraps of paper into a wastebasket."

{私も、溝口小津黒澤の他に、彼等の同時代の日本映画監督をあげるなら、市川崑191508に木下恵介191298、それに内田吐夢189870 をあげるだらう。あ、それから大事な人を忘れてゐた、川島雄三191863。まったくのところ、敗戦後の日本映画は燦然たる黄金時代であった。戦後の日本は、映画の時代から漫画の時代と移っていったのだ。

Ludwig Borchardt of the German Oriental Society (DOG) finds the famous bust of Nefertiti in the sculpture workshop of Thutmose in Tell el-Amarna in Egypt.

Sidónio Pais entra no poder em Portugal. O presidente Bernardino Machado se recusa a demitir-se e é temporariamente preso.


1925/1205:Władysław Reymont 186725、死去

ein polnischer Schriftsteller, Prosaist und Novellist und einer der Hauptvertreter des Realismus (mit Einflüssen aus dem Naturalismus). Er gehörte zur Bewegung Młoda Polska (Junges Polen). Zu seinem Nachlass zählen neben seinen Hauptwerken auch Gedichte.


1926/1205:Claude Monet 184026、死去

un peintre français et l’un des fondateurs de l'impressionnisme.

Impression, soleil levant (1872).

Saint-Georges Majeur au crépuscule

1926/1205:Japan 政事「社会民衆党」結党。


Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow was destroyed on orders from Joseph Stalin.



a Japanese actress famous for her roles in films like Tokyo Story, Sansho the Bailiff and High and Low. She has appeared in 118 films.


German-born Swiss physicist Albert Einstein is granted an American visa.

The prohibition of alcohol in the United States, which has existed since 1919, ends in federal law by the ratification of the 21st Amendment to the United States Constitution in the state of Utah. However, individual states continue to uphold prohibition.


1934/1205:イタリア軍による「Abyssinia Crisis」
Italian troops attack Wal Wal in Abyssinia, taking four days to capture the city.

In the USSR, a Stalinist constitution is passed. It replaces the Soviet Constitution of 1924.

В СССР сталинская конституция проходит. Он заменяет советскую конституцию 1924 года.

The Soviet Union adopts a new constitution and the Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic is established as a full Union Republic of the USSR.


Hōjō est infecté par la lèpre à l'âge de 20 ans. Encouragé par Yasunari Kawabata 川端康成189972, il raconte sa vie dans une léproserie dans le roman Maki rōjin 槇老人(« Maki le vieil homme »), paru en 1935. Jusqu'à sa mort prématurée suivent les romans Inochi no shoya いのちの初夜(« (Le premier jour de vie ») et Raiin jutsai (« grossesse dans la colonie de lépreux »).

1941/1205:WWⅡ「Battle of Moscow」
, Georgy Zhukov launches a massive Soviet counter-attack against the German army.

During the Battle of Moscow, the Red Army begins a major offensive against the Wehrmacht, which leads to the end of German Blitzkrieg tactics in the Russian campaign and ultimately to the turn of the Second World War.

Great Britain declares war on Finland, Hungary and Romania.

Allied air forces begin attacking Germany's secret weapons bases in Operation Crossbow.



Only two years after the last general election in Berlin, due to the division of the city in the western sectors of Berlin elections are again held for the city council. With 64.5% of the votes cast, the SPD achieves the highest result ever achieved by a party in democratic elections in Germany.

1950/1205:Sri Aurobindo 187250、死去

an Indian philosopher, yogi, guru, poet, and nationalist. He joined the Indian movement for independence from British rule, for a while was one of its influential leaders and then became a spiritual reformer, introducing his visions on human progress and spiritual evolution.

朝鮮戦争: 中国義勇軍北朝鮮軍が平壌を奪回。

1952/1205:ロンドン「Great Smog」
A cold fog descends upon London, combining with air pollution and killing at least 12,000 in the weeks and months that follow.

Germany ratifies the European Convention on Human Rights.

The American Federation of Labor and the Congress of Industrial Organizations merge and form the AFL–CIO.

The two major US unions AFL and CIO join forces to form an organization called the American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO).

The launching of the atomic icebreaker Lenin takes place in the Soviet Union.

Subscriber Trunk Dialling (STD) is inaugurated in the United Kingdom by Queen Elizabeth II when she speaks to the Lord Provost in a call from Bristol to Edinburgh.

The Preston By-pass, the UK's first stretch of motorway, opens to traffic for the first time. (It is now part of the M6 and M55 motorways.)

1964/1205:Vietnam War:
For his heroism in battle earlier in the year, Captain Roger Donlon is awarded the first Medal of Honor of the war.

Lloyd J. Old discovered the first linkage between the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and disease—mouse leukemia—opening the way for the recognition of the importance of the MHC in the immune response.

1967/1205:ベトナム戦争「Massacre de Dak Son」
Le massacre de Đắk Sơn est un massacre commis par le Front national de libération du Sud Viêt Nam (Viêt-Cong) durant la Guerre du Viêt Nam dans le village de Đắk Sơn, dans la province de Dak Lak, au Sud Viêt Nam.

1969/1205:ベトナム戦争「Massacre of My Lai」
The US Life magazine brings the report by Seymour Hersh on the massacre of My Lai from 16 March 1968 and shocked the world public.

1973/1205:Robert Watson-Watt 189273、死去

a Scottish pioneer of radio direction finding and radar technology


1974/1205:Pietro Germi 191474、死去

un regista, sceneggiatore, attore e produttore cinematografico e televisivo italiano.


The final episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus airs on BBC Two.

Egypt breaks diplomatic relations with Syria, Libya, Algeria, Iraq and South Yemen. The move is in retaliation for the Declaration of Tripoli against Egypt.

NATO introduces the AWACS early warning system.


1983/1205:Robert Aldrich 191883、死去

an American film director, writer and producer, notable for such films as Vera Cruz (1954), Kiss Me Deadly (1955), The Big Knife (1955), What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962), Hush… Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964), The Flight of the Phoenix (1965), The Dirty Dozen (1967) and The Longest Yard (1974).
Aldrich had worked on crews for films starring Burt Lancaster and Lancaster hired him to direct Apache (1954). It was a big hit and Aldrich's next movie, also for Lancaster, Vera Cruz (1954), did even better.


Venue médiatisée et controversée de Bernard Kouchner en Somalie confrontée à la famine, avec le fameux sac de riz porté sur l'épaule.

Sri Lankan Civil War: Sri Lanka's government announces the conquest of the Tamil stronghold of Jaffna.

2001/1205:Franco Rasetti 190101、死去

un fisico, paleontologo e botanico italiano.

Rasetti in toga accademica (a sinistra) con Enrico Fermi (al centro) ed Emilio Segrè
Rasetti attended the University of Pisa, first as an engineering student, then as a physics student, where he met Enrico Fermi, graduating in 1922.


The Afghanistan Conference on the Petersberg near Bonn ends with the Petersberg Agreement, which regulates the political reorganization of the country after the fall of the Taliban.

2002/1205:Ne Win 191102、死去

(Burmese: နေဝင်း IPA: [nè wɪ́ɴ];
ビルマ(現在のミャンマ)の軍人、政治家。本名はシュ・マウン。独立運動の功労者であり、独立後、軍参謀総長、連邦革命評議会議長、大統領、ビルマ社会主義計画党 (BSPP) 議長を務めたが独裁者として非難された。日本名は高杉晋。
a Burmese politician and military commander. He was Prime Minister of Burma from 1958 to 1960 and 1962 to 1974 and also head of state from 1962 to 1981. He founded the Burma Socialist Programme Party in 1962 and served as its chairman until 1988. He was the military leader of Burma for 26 years.

The Civil Partnership Act comes into effect in the United Kingdom, and the first civil partnership is registered there.


Commodore Frank Bainimarama overthrows the government in Fiji.

2007/1205:Karlheinz Stockhausen 192807、死去

ein deutscher Komponist. Er gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Komponisten des 20. Jahrhunderts.



un historien des idées, encyclopédiste et médecin japonais


2012/1205:Dave Brubeck192012、死去

David Warren « Dave » Brubeck, pianiste et compositeur de jazz américain

Take Five、私もテイクファイヴしたいけど時間がない、

2013/1205:Nelson Mandela 191813、死去

a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader, and philanthropist, who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999.

2013/1205:Colin Wilson 193113、死去

an English writer, philosopher and novelist. He also wrote widely on true crime, mysticism and the paranormal, eventually writing more than a hundred books. Wilson called his philosophy "new existentialism" or "phenomenological existentialism", and maintained his life work was "that of a philosopher, and (his) purpose to create a new and optimistic existentialism".


Militants attack a Defense Ministry compound in Sana'a, Yemen, killing at least 56 people and injuring 200 others.

Arrestation de l'ancien ministre chinois Zhou Yongkang.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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