


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

1866年の今日が誕生日の Wassily Kandinsky の Fugue

歴史暦:古今東西 12/04 今日の出來事

196pape Ioannes XXII 124434 が死に、
Armand Jean du Plessis de Richelieu 158542 が死に、
Thomas Hobbes 158879 が死に、
Thomas Carlyle 179581 が生まれ、
Maurice Barrès 186223 が死に
Francisco Franco y Bahamonde 189275 が生まれ、
津田左右吉187361 が死に、
Hannah Arendt 190675 が死に、
入れてもいいと思ふが、Frank Zappa 194093 が死んだ、

0765/1204:Ja'far al-Sadiq 070265、死去

Jaʿfar ibn Muḥammad al-Ṣādiq (Arabic: جعفر بن محمد الصادق;), commonly known as Jaʿfar al-Sadiq or simply al-Sadiq (The Truthful), was the sixth Shia Imam and a major figure in the Hanafi and Maliki schools of Sunni jurisprudence

Jafar sadegh

à la mort de son jeune frère Carloman, corégent, Charles devient le seul maître du Royaume franc.

Austrasian king Carloman I dies, leaving his brother Charlemagne king of the now complete Frankish Kingdom.




Enchin (圓珍) was a Japanese Buddhist monk who founded of the Jimon school of Tendai 天臺 Buddhism and Chief Abbot of Mii-dera 三井寺 at the foot of Mount Hiei 比叡山. After succeeding to the post of Tendai Zasu 天臺座主, or "Chief Tendai Abbot", in 873, a strong rivalry developed between his followers and those of Ennin(圓仁079464)'s at Enryaku-ji 延暦寺

The Kingdom of Jerusalem captures Sidon.





1131/1204:Omar Khayyam 104831、死去

オマルハイヤアム (عمر خیام), philosophe, mathématicien et astronome perse
un écrivain et savant persan. On trouve son nom orthographié Omar Khayam dans les traductions d'Armand Robin (1958) ou de M. F. Farzaneh et Jean Malaplate (dans l'édition critique de Sadegh Hedayat, Corti, 1993). Sa date de naissance est supposée. Ses poèmes sont principalement écrits en persan alors que ses traités scientifiques le sont en arabe

Death of Lothair II, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. On the imperial throne succeeds his opponent, Conrad III de Hohenstaufen.



Kings Louis IX of France and Henry III of England agree to the Treaty of Paris, in which Henry renounces his claims to French-controlled territory on continental Europe (including Normandy) in exchange for Louis withdrawing his support for English rebels.

In the Treaty of Paris, Henry III. of England and the French King Louis IX. over the English mainland possession. France relinquishes part of previously conquered territory to England, while Henry relinquishes claims to some formerly English lands and swears his oath of allegiance to the French king.

1334/1204:196pape Ioannes XXII 124434、死去

Âgé de 72 ans lors de son élection, il inaugure la série des papes d’Avignon, série dont il assurera le plus long pontificat : il meurt à 90 ans après 18 ans d'exercice.

1370 /1204:百年戰爭中の一戰、フランス、イギリスに勝利
Victoire de Du Guesclin à la bataille de Pontvallin.

La bataille de Pontvallain est une victoire de l'armée française contre les Anglais pendant la guerre de Cent Ans, à Pontvallain, dans le comté du Maine1.

In Russia, aged three, Ivan IV succeeds his father, Vasili III.

В России в возрасте трех лет Иван IV преуспевает в отце, Василий III.

Sultan Suleiman I conquers the city of Baghdad in conflict with the Persian Safavids. Mesopotamia falls to the Ottoman Empire.

The final session of the Council of Trent is held. (It had opened on December 13, 1545.)


Thirty-eight colonists arrive at Berkeley Hundred, Virginia. The group's charter proclaims that the day "be yearly and perpetually kept holy as a day of thanksgiving to Almighty God."

1623/1204:Jerôme de Angelis 156723、殉教

, missionnaire italien, brûlé vif à Nagasaki
# Jérôme de Angelis (ou, en italien, Girolamo degli Angeli), né en 1567 à Castrogiovanni (aujourd’hui Enna) en Sicile (Italie) et mort (exécuté) le 4 décembre 1623 à Nagasaki est un prêtre jésuite italien, missionnaire au Japon. Martyr de la foi chrétienne il fut mis à mort. Béatifié en 1867 par Pie IX (avec le groupe de martyrs japonais) il est liturgiquement commémoré le 6 février.


Jeremiah Horrocks succeeds in observing a transit of the Venus for the first time.

1642/1204:Armand Jean du Plessis de Richelieu 158542、死去

un ecclésiastique et homme d'État,
Pair de France, il a été le principal ministre du roi Louis XIII.






1679/1204:Thomas Hobbes 158879、死去

an English philosopher who is considered one of the founders of modern political philosophy.
René Descartes 159650 などともに機械論的世界觀の先驅者の一人であり、Baruch Spinoza 163277 などとともに唯物論的思考をおこなひ、社界契約説による近代的政治哲學理論を基礎付けた。
Hobbes is best known for his 1651 book Leviathan, which established the social contract theory that has served as the foundation for most later Western political philosophy. In addition to political philosophy, Hobbes also contributed to a diverse array of other fields, including history, jurisprudence, geometry, the physics of gases, theology, ethics, and general philosophy.


French ruler Philip II of Orleans grants John Law permission to convert his bank into Banque Royale. After the founding of the Mississippi Company, stock speculation is fueled, leading to the ruin of the two companies and the shareholding a few months later through inflationary paper money.

Charles Edward Stuart's army reaches Derby, its furthest point during the Second Jacobite Rising.

The first edition of The Observer, the world's first Sunday newspaper, is published.

1795/1204:Thomas Carlyle 179581、誕生

a Scottish philosopher, satirical writer, essayist, translator, historian, mathematician, and teacher.
Considered one of the most important social commentators of his time, he presented many lectures during his lifetime with certain acclaim in the Victorian era. One of those conferences resulted in his famous work On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and The Heroic in History where he explains that the key role in history lies in the actions of the "Great Man", claiming that "History is nothing but the biography of the Great Man".

1798/1204:Luigi Galvani 173798、死去

un fisiologo, fisico e anatomista italiano. Luigi Galvani è oggi ricordato per la scoperta dell'elettricità biologica e di alcune sue applicazioni, come la cella elettrochimica, il galvanometro e la galvanizzazione.


massacre à Hasselt par l'occupant français, mettant fin à la révolte belge débutée le 12 octobre.

massacre in Hasselt by the French occupation, putting an end to the Belgian revolt started on October 12th.

# Hasselt est une ville néerlandophone de Belgique située en Région flamande, chef-lieu de la province de Limbourg et chef-lieu de l'arrondissement du même nom.


「Negishi Shizumori」幕臣。旗本、第二十六代南町奉行


1835/1204:Samuel Butler 183502、誕生

the iconoclastic English author of the Utopian satirical novel Erewhon (1872) and the semi-autobiographical Bildungsroman The Way of All Flesh, published posthumously in 1903. Both have remained in print ever since.

1863年に出版された Charles Darwin 180982 の『種の起源』に彼は生涯反感と憎惡を持った。その一端が

The English novelist Aldous Huxley acknowledged the influence of Erewhon on his novel Brave New World. Huxley's Utopian counterpart to Brave New World, Island, also prominently refers to Erewhon.

après son coup d'État du 2 décembre, Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte écrase un soulèvement ouvrier.

after his coup d'état of December 2, Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte crushes a labor uprising.


American Civil War: Sherman's March to the Sea: At Waynesboro, Georgia, forces under Union General Judson Kilpatrick prevent troops led by Confederate General Joseph Wheeler from interfering with Union General William T. Sherman's campaign destroying a wide swath of the South on his march to the Atlantic Ocean from Atlanta.

1866/1204:Wassily Kandinsky186644、誕生

русский живописец, график и теоретик изобразительного искусства, один из основоположников абстракционизма. Был одним из основателей группы «Синий всадник».
Mit Franz Marc war er Mitbegründer der Redaktionsgemeinschaft Der Blaue Reiter, die am 18. Dezember 1911 ihre erste Ausstellung in München eröffnete. Der Blaue Reiter ging aus der 1909 gegründeten Neuen Künstlervereinigung München hervor, in der er zeitweise Vorsitzender war. In der Weimarer Republik war er als Lehrer am Bauhaus tätig.

Former Minnesota farmer Oliver Hudson Kelley founds the Order of the Patrons of Husbandry (better known today as the Grange).

Im Deutschen Reich wird die Goldmark zu 100 Pfennig als einheitliche Währung eingeführt.

The Prussian Monetary Law of December 4 instituted the mark as the single currency of the German Empire.

The crewless American ship Mary Celeste is found by the Canadian brig Dei Gratia. The ship had been abandoned for nine days but was only slightly damaged.


1875/1204:Rainer Maria Rilke 187526 、誕生

(René Karl Wilhelm Johann Josef Maria Rilke, dit)
Lyriker deutscher Sprache. Mit seiner in den Neuen Gedichten vollendeten, von der bildenden Kunst beeinflussten Dinglyrik gilt er als bedeutender Dichter der literarischen Moderne.


Notorious New York City politician Boss Tweed escapes from prison; he is later recaptured in Spain.

1881/1204:USA「LosAngeles Times」創刊
The first edition of the Los Angeles Times is published.

The Los Angeles Daily Times appears for the first time. After bankruptcy, the newspaper under the current name Los Angeles Times is a high-circulation US daily.

Révolution Kapsin en Corée, provoquée par les élites progressistes.


1892/1204:Francisco Franco 189275、誕生

un militar y dictador español, integrante del grupo de altos cargos de la cúpula militar que dio el golpe de Estado de 1936 contra el Gobierno democrático de la Segunda República, cuyo fracaso desembocó en la guerra civil española.

1893/1204:南アフリカ「First Matabele War」
A patrol of 34 British South Africa Company soldiers is ambushed and annihilated by more than 3,000 Matabele warriors on the Shangani River in Matabeleland.

The meteorologist Arthur Berson sets a new world altitude record in a scientific aviation with 9155 m.

The Turkish-Greek War ends with a peace treaty. Despite the Ottoman victory, Crete will become an international protectorate, but Greece will have to pay so much reparations that the country will subsequently become insolvent.

1902/1204:Charles Dow 185102、死去

an American journalist who co-founded Dow Jones & Company with Edward Jones and Charles Bergstresser.
Dow also founded The Wall Street Journal, which has become one of the most respected financial publications in the world.
He also invented the Dow Jones Industrial Average as part of his research into market movements. He developed a series of principles for understanding and analyzing market behavior which later became known as Dow theory, the groundwork for technical analysis.

1903/1204:William Irish 190368、誕生

an American novelist and short story writer who sometimes wrote under the pseudonyms William Irish and George Hopley.



U.S. President Woodrow Wilson sails for the World War I peace talks in Versailles, becoming the first US president to travel to Europe while in office.

1922/1204:Gérard Philipe 192259、誕生

(Gérard Philip, dit),
un acteur français. Actif au théâtre comme au cinéma, il fut en France, jusqu'à sa mort prématurée, l'une des principales vedettes de l'après-guerre. Le public garde de lui une image juvénile et romantique, qui en fait l'une des icônes du cinéma français.

1923/1204:Maurice Barrès 186223、死去

un écrivain et homme politique français, figure de proue du nationalisme français.
Le premier axe de sa pensée est « le culte du Moi » : Barrès affirme que notre premier devoir est de défendre notre moi contre les « Barbares », c'est-à-dire contre tout ce qui risque de l'affaiblir dans l'épanouissement de sa propre sensibilité.
Le second axe est résumé par l'expression « La terre et les morts » qu'approfondissent les trois volumes du Roman de l'énergie nationale : Les Déracinés (1897), L'Appel au soldat (1900) et Leurs Figures (1902) qui témoignent de l'évolution de Maurice Barrès vers le nationalisme républicain et le traditionalisme, l'attachement aux racines, à la famille, à l'armée et à la terre natale.

inauguration of new Bauhaus building transferred to Dessau-Roßlau.

In Dessau, Germany, the new building designed by Walter Gropius, the so-called Bauhaus, the art, design and architecture school of classical modernism, is inaugurated.

{1866年の十二月四日にバウハウスの中心的存在だった Wassily Kandinsky186644 が誕生してゐる偶然の不思議。まさか彼の誕生日に合はせたわけじゃないだらう、から。

Der Film Im Westen nichts Neues nach dem gleichnamigen Roman von Erich Maria Remarque wird im Berliner Mozartsaal am Nollendorfplatz uraufgeführt, woraufhin sofort eine massive Kampagne der Nationalsozialisten gegen den pazifistischen Film beginnt.



Tamanishiki San'emon (玉錦 三右衛門) was a sumo wrestler 相撲取り from Kōchi 高知, Japan. He was the sport's 32nd yokozuna 横綱. He won a total of nine top division yūshō 優勝 or tournament championships from 1929 to 1936, and was the dominant wrestler in sumo until the emergence of Futabayama. He died whilst still an active wrestler


China's Anti-Japanese War: Japanese occupation of Kunlun Pass.

Im Sudetenland wird nach dessen Anschluss an das Deutsche Reich eine Ergänzungswahl zum Großdeutschen Reichstag durchgeführt.

In the Sudetenland, after its annexation to the German Reich, a supplementary election to the Greater German Reichstag is held.

HMS Nelson is struck by a mine (laid by U-31) off the Scottish coast and is laid up for repairs until August 1940.


Nakajima was sent to Palau in 1941 to teach Japanese but returned in 1942 after being tormented by severe asthma, and died later that year after contracting pneumonia. He completed one major novel, Light, Wind and Dreams, based on the life of Robert Louis Stevenson, and controversial short stories about Micronesia.

{まことに惜しいことに、彼が敬愛した Robert Louis Stevenson 185094 の亡日と一日だけずれた。同じやうな病氣で、同じやうに太平洋の島に住んだ二人であった。『對のあそび』にしよう。

In Yugoslavia, resistance leader Marshal Josip Broz Tito proclaims a provisional democratic Yugoslav government in-exile.

The air raid on Heilbronn, which has already been preceded by some weaker attacks, destroys the entire historic city center of the city. With over 6,500 dead is one of the heaviest air strikes of World War II.

During World War II, the GDuring World War II, the German city of Heilbronn was bombed many times by the British and the United States Air Forces. The largest air-raid occurred on December 4, 1944, but Heilbronn was targeted several times before and after until the end of World War II. In 1944 Heilbronn was attacked to a point where alarms in the city were almost daily. Altogether, an estimated 7,000 inhabitants lost their lives during the bombing.erman city of Heilbronn was bombed many times by the British and the United States Air Forces. The largest air-raid occurred on December 4, 1944, but Heilbronn was targeted several times before and after until the end of World War II. In 1944 Heilbronn was attacked to a point where alarms in the city were almost daily. Altogether, an estimated 7,000 inhabitants lost their lives during the bombing.

Modell des zerstörten Heilbronn 1944

1945/1204:Thomas Hunt Morgan 186645、死去

an American evolutionary biologist, geneticist, embryologist, and science author who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1933 for discoveries elucidating the role that the chromosome plays in heredity

By a vote of 65–7, the United States Senate approves United States participation in the United Nations. 

The fast food chain's first fast-food restaurant Burger King serves its customers in Miami, Florida.

1956/1204:USA、最初で最後の「Million Dollar Quartet
(Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, and Johnny Cash) get together at Sun Studio for the first and last time.

Benin leaves the French colonies in Africa as an autonomous republic.

1959/1204:USA、サルを乘せて「Mission Mercury」
As part of the Mercury program, NASA fires rhesus monkey Sam into space with the mission Mercury-Little-Joe 2 to test the functionality of the rescue system. The test is successful.


un historien et universitaire japonais, spécialiste du Japon antique.

The Grateful Dead's first concert performance under this new name.




東西冷戦が朝鮮戦争を引き起こしても全面講和論を主張してGHQの反発を買ひ、GHQは笠の追放を要求したが、朝日新聞は拒否した。1960年の第一次安保闘争では、安保条約の改定反対、岸内閣退陣の論陣を張った(1960/0521付の朝日新聞社説「岸退陣と総選挙を要求す」は一面トップに置かれた)、0615に國會議事堂前での安保反対デモ隊と警官隊の衝突で東大女子学生が死亡すると、一転して「暴力を排し 議会主義を守れ」という新聞七社の共同宣言の中心的存在となり、今度は安保反対運動に冷水を浴びせた。


1967/1204:Vietnam War:
U.S. and South Vietnamese forces engage Viet Cong troops in the Mekong Delta.

Black Panther Party members Fred Hampton and Mark Clark are shot and killed during a raid by 14 Chicago police officers.

The Indian Navy attacks the Pakistan Navy and Karachi.

Fire breaks out during a Frank Zappa & the Mothers concert in Montreux - the event inspires Deep Purple to Smoke on the Water.

{これもフシギな偶然 ―― 1993年の今日、フランクザッパが死んでゐる。

Honduras: overthrow of President Ramón Ernesto Cruz Uclés by General Oswaldo López Arellano.

A Dutch Douglas DC-8 with Indonesian Muslims on the pilgrimage to Mecca on board crashes over Colombo, Sri Lanka. All 191 people die.


1975/1204:Hannah Arendt 190675、死去

eine jüdische deutsch-amerikanische politische Theoretikerin und Publizistin.

≫ 現実において「ナチは我々自身のやうな人間である」といふこと。つまり、人間が何をなし得るかかといふことを、彼らが明確に証明したのだといふこと。言いかへれば、悪の問題はヨロッパの戦後の知的生活の根本問題となるだろう。…

The Lao People's Democratic Republic is proclaimed.

1976/1204:Benjamin Britten 191376、死去

an English composer, conductor and pianist. He was a central figure of 20th-century British classical music, with a range of works including opera, other vocal music, orchestral and chamber pieces.

Jean-Bédel Bokassa, president of the Central African Republic, crowns himself Emperor Bokassa I of the Central African Empire.



Malaysian Airline System Flight 653 is hijacked and crashes in Tanjong Kupang, Johor, killing 100.

A hijacked Boeing 737 of Malaysia Airlines explodes for unknown reasons via Joho Bahrain, Malaysia. All 100 people die on board.

Led Zeppelin rock band dissolves.

After the death of drummer John Bonham on September 25, Led Zeppelin announce their breakup.

Creation of the Intelligence Community in the United States.

South Africa grants independence to the Ciskei "homeland" (not recognized by any government outside South Africa).

Homeland Ciskei is released from South Africa into formal independence. Independence, however, is not recognized internationally due to the rejection of apartheid policy.


The People's Republic of China adopts its current constitution.

Sri Lankan Civil War: Sri Lankan Army soldiers kill 107–150 civilians in Mannar.

Terry Anderson is released after seven years in captivity as a hostage in Beirut; he is the last and longest-held American hostage in Lebanon.

Pan American World Airways ceases its operations after 64 years.

Somali Civil War: President George Bush orders 28,000 U.S. troops to Somalia in Northeast Africa.

1993/1204:Frank Zappa 194093、死去

an American musician, composer, activist and filmmaker. His work was characterized by nonconformity, free-form improvisation, sound experiments, musical virtuosity, and satire of American culture

The London Conference on Nazi Gold comes to an end. The return of an existing gold stock of 5.5 tons in Allied administration to Holocaust victims is not universally accepted.

Tens of thousands of people in Hong Kong protest for democracy and call on the government to allow universal and equal suffrage.

113 people died in a fire catastrophe caused by fireworks in a nightclub in the Russian city of Perm.

Islamic insurgents kill three state police at a traffic circle before taking an empty school and a "press house" in Grozny. Ten state forces die with 28 injured in gun battles ending with ten insurgents killed.

A firebomb is thrown into a restaurant in the Egyptian capital of Cairo, killing 17 people.

in un referendum, gli elettori italiani votano a larga maggioranza contro la riforma costituzionale progettata dal premier Matteo Renzi. Renzi si è dimesso alcuni giorni dopo a causa della sconfitta del voto.

In a referendum Italian voters vote by a clear majority against the constitutional reform projected by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. Renzi resigned a few days later as a result of the voting defeat.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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