

11/28:世界の歴史への私の感慨「夏草やつはものどもが夢の跡 by 芭蕉

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

今日が誕生日の William Blake 175727 の Song of Los 

歴史暦:古今東西 11/28 今日の出來事


0587/1128:フランス地域「Treaty of Andelot」
Le traité d'Andelot, signé en 587 entre Gontran Ier, roi de Burgondie, et son neveu Childebert II, roi d'Austrasie, devait assurer une paix perpétuelle entre les deux royaumes.







Shi Jingtang is enthroned as the first emperor of the Later Jin by Emperor Taizong of Liao, following a revolt against Emperor Fei of Later Tang.
Tang 唐, known in history as LaterTang 後唐, was a short-lived imperial dynasty that lasted from 923 to 937 during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period in the history of China.


Mongol troops led by Batu Khan begin the siege of Kiev. The city walls are bombarded with catapults.

Batu(拔都)120756:also known as Sain Khan (Mongolian: Good Khan, Сайн хаан, Sayn hân) and Tsar Batu, was a Mongol ruler and founder of the Golden Horde, division of the Mongol Empire. Batu was a son of Jochi and grandson of Genghis Khan.

Skanderbeg and his forces liberate Kruja in central Albania and raise the Albanian flag.

After capturing Kruja fortress the day before, Albanian Prince Skanderbeg explains his apostasy from the Ottoman Empire.

At Grünberg Castle, the Grünberg Alliance(a Bohemian Catholic aristocratic alliance against Georg von Podiebrad)is created.

1470/1128:Champa–Đại Việt War
Emperor Lê Thánh Tông of Đại Việt formally launches his attack against Champa.


An expedition under the command of Ferdinand Magellan passes through the Strait of Magellan.


父の細川藤孝153410 とともに、若年より室町時代末期から戰國時代にかけての時代を、織田信長153482・豊臣秀吉153798・徳川家康154316と主君を變へながら生き延びて、徳川幕府の有力な大名となり、九州肥後一國を領して、現代に至る細川家の礎を据ゑた。

In Stratford-upon-Avon, William Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway pay a £40 bond for their marriage licence.


1592/1128(萬暦20/1025):清02皇帝 Hong Taiji 159243、生誕


皇太極(ホンタイジ)、清の第二代皇帝 清(後金)太宗皇太极,后金天聪汗,清朝皇帝
君主としての称号は満州語でスレハン(Sure han)、モンゴル語でセチェンハン。

The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Navy has its greatest and last victory in the Battle of Oliwa.

La bataille navale d'Oliwa a été livrée le 28 novembre 1627, durant la guerre suédo-polonaise (1620-1629), au large du port de Gdańsk (Dantzig à l'époque). Elle opposa une flotte polono-lituanienne à une escadre suédoise qui fut battue.

1628/1128:John Bunyan 162888、誕生

an English writer and Puritan preacher best remembered as the author of the Christian allegory The Pilgrim's Progress. In addition to The Pilgrim's Progress, Bunyan wrote nearly sixty titles, many of them expanded sermons.

バニヤンは『The Pilgrim's Progress 天路歴程』を二部構成で作り、第一部は1678年、第二部は1684年にロンドンで出版した。兩部を合本にした初版は1728年に出版された。
第三部が、誤ってバニヤンの名で1693年に出版され、1852年に再版された。この第三部の題名は The Pilgrim's Progress from This World to That Which Is to Come であった。

1632/1128:Jean-Baptiste Lully 163287、誕生

un compositeur et violoniste de la période baroque, français d'origine italienne, surintendant de la musique de Louis XIV.

ルイ14世の宮廷楽長であり、また寵臣であった。生まれは Giovanni Battista Lulli といふイタリア人だったが、1661年にフランス国籍を取得した。


The President, Council and Fellows of the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge, commonly known as the Royal Society, is a learned society for science and is possibly the oldest such society still in existence.
Founded in November 1660, it was granted a royal charter by King Charles II as "The Royal Society"


At Gresham College, twelve men, including Christopher Wren, Robert Boyle, John Wilkins, and Sir Robert Moray decide to found what is later known as the Royal Society.
Twelve scholars, including Christopher Wren, William Petty, Robert Boyle, and John Wilkins, graduate from Gresham College to found a scientific society, the later Royal Society in London.

1666/1128:スコットランドで「Battle of Rullion Green」
At least 3,000 men of the Royal Scots Army led by Tam Dalyell of the Binns defeat about 900 Covenanter rebels in the Battle of Rullion Green.

1667/1128:Jean de Thévenot 163367、死去

Jean de Thévenot, né à Paris le 16 juin 1633 et mort à Mianeh (Perse séfévide) le 28 novembre 1667, est un voyageur français, connu pour ses récits de voyages en Europe, en Afrique du Nord, au Moyen-Orient et en Inde. Il a introduit la fève de café en Paris en 1657 après que le marchand Jean de la Rocque, revenant de Constantinople, introduit des fèves à Marseille en 16441. https://is.gd/rD6exA

1680/1128:Gian Lorenzo Bernini 159880、死去

uno scultore, urbanista, architetto, pittore, scenografo e commediografo italiano.

Apollo e Dafne

Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Estasi di Santa Teresa (1647-1652);




1729/1128:アメリカ新天地で「Natchez Uprising」
 begins with an attack by the Natchez Indians on French settlers at Fort Rosalie in Natchez. During the day 229 colonists are killed by the attackers and more than 300 women, children and slaves captured.

The Natchez revolt, or the Natchez Massacre, was an attack by the Natchez people on French colonists near present-day Natchez, Mississippi, on November 29, 1729. The Natchez and French had lived alongside each other in the Louisiana colony for more than a decade prior to the incident, mostly conducting peaceful trade and occasionally intermarrying

Fort Rosalie was destroyed in the 1729 massacre

1758 drawing of the Natchez paramount chief Great Sun,

1757/1128:William Blake 175727、誕生

an English poet, painter, and printmaker.
Largely unrecognised during his lifetime, Blake is now considered a seminal figure in the history of the poetry and visual arts of the Romantic Age.


1785/1128:USA & Indian「first Treaty of Hopewell」is signed,
 by which the United States acknowedges Cherokee lands in what is now East Tennessee.

The Treaty of Hopewell is any of three different treaties signed at Hopewell Plantation. The plantation was owned by Andrew Pickens, and was located on the Seneca River in northwestern South Carolina.
The treaties were signed between the Confederation Congress of the United States of America and the Cherokee (1785), Choctaw and Chickasaw (1786) peoples. 
The historic site of the 'Treaty Oak', where the signings took place, is on Old Cherry Road in Pickens County, South Carolina. There is a historical marker placed near the bridge crossing Lake Hartwell, and a trail through the forest that allows access to the monument. The actual Treaty Oak is no longer alive.

1794/1128:Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben 173094、死去

名前の全部「Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard Augustin von Steuben」
ein preußischer Offizier und US-amerikanischer General. Er reorganisierte die Kontinentalarmee im Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg.
プロイセン王国の陸軍士官であったが、アメリカ独立戦争では George Washington 173299 将軍に仕へ、その大陸軍に軍隊の訓練と統制の基本を教へた。

1794/1128:Cesare Beccaria 173894、死去

un giurista, filosofo, economista e letterato italiano considerato tra i massimi esponenti dell'Illuminismo italiano, figura di spicco della scuola illuministica milanese.

1768年からミラノ大学の法学と経済学の教授となり、その講義で Adam Smith 172390や Thomas Robert Malthus 176632 などの新しい経済理論に近い見解を示した。
彼の名を有名にした『Dei delitti e delle pene 犯罪と刑罰』1764 は二ヶ月の短期間で描きあげたもので、常識であった拷問と死刑への反対論を主張し、犯罪防止は教育によっておこなふべきと説き、Voltaire 169478 らに賛同された。
社会政策の思想ではCharles-Louis de Montesquieu 168955 の流れを受け、Jeremy Bentham 175832 に影響したと云はれてゐる。

哲学的な言語論と文体論である『Ricerce intorno alla natura dello stile』1770 も有名。

Russian Tsar Alexander I joins Napoleon on the side of his ally Prussia in the Fourth Coalition War. On the same day, French units occupy Warsaw, which belongs to Prussia.

La bataille d’Alba de Tormes eut lieu le 28 novembre 1809 à Alba de Tormes, entre toutes les forces françaises de Vieille-Castille rassemblée par François Étienne Kellermann, qui marcha sur l’armée d’Estremadure et infligea au duc del Parque, le vainqueur de Tamames, une sévère défaite.

Vue d'Alba de Tormes depuis la rivière Tormes.

1811/1128:Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5
 in E-flat major, Op.73, premieres at the Gewandhaus in Leipzig.



During the retreat across the Beresina during the Russian campaign, the Grande Armée suffers a heavy defeat in the Battle of Beresina. Only the timidity of the Russian army leaders Wittgenstein and Chichagov preserves Napoléon's troops from total annihilation.

La retraite de Moscou de Napoléon, peinture d'Adolph Northen.

British troops fight off a US invasion attempt in Canada during the Battle of Frenchman's Creek in the British-American War.

The Times of London becomes the first newspaper to be produced on a steam-powered printing press, built by the German team of Koenig & Bauer.

1820/1128:Friedrich Engels 182095、誕生

ein deutscher Philosoph, Gesellschaftstheoretiker, Historiker, Journalist und kommunistischer Revolutionär. Darüber hinaus war er ein erfolgreicher Unternehmer in der Textilindustrie. Er entwickelte gemeinsam mit Karl Marx die heute als Marxismus bezeichnete Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftstheorie.
Karl Marx 181883と一心同體になって協力、科学的社会主義のための世界観を構築、労働者階級の歴史的使命を明らかにし、労働者階級の革命による資本主義がもたらした発達した生産力の継承と資本主義そのものの廃絶、共産主義社会の構築による人類の持続的発展を構想し、世界の労働運動、革命運動、共産主義運動の発展に指導的な役割を果たした。

1821/1128:パナマの獨立「Panama Independence Day」
Panama separates from Spain and joins Gran Colombia.

1829/1128:Anton Rubinstein 182994、誕生

(Антон Григорьевич Рубинштейн), compositeur et chef d'orchestre russe
русский композитор, пианист, дирижёр, музыкальный педагог. Брат пианиста Николая Рубинштейна.

1843/1128:ハワイの獨立「Ka Lā Hui (Hawaiian Independence Day)」
 The Kingdom of Hawaii is officially recognized by the United Kingdom and France as an independent nation.

1853/1128:Helen Magill White 185344、誕生

, première femme américaine à obtenir un doctorat († 28 octobre 1944).
an American academic and instructor. She holds the distinction as the first woman to earn a Ph.D. in the United States.

Bulgarian victory in the Serbo-Bulgarian War preserves the Unification of Bulgaria.





1859/1128:Washington Irving 178359、死去

an American short story writer, essayist, biographer, historian, and diplomat of the early 19th century.
He is best known for his short stories "Rip Van Winkle" (1819) and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" (1820), both of which appear in his collection, The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.

1862/1128:American Civil War「Battle of Cane Hill」
Union troops under General James Blunt defeat General John Marmaduke's Confederates.

1870/1128:フランスvsプロシア「Bataille de Beaune-la-Rolande」La bataille de Beaune-la-Rolande désigne un conflit militaire qui s'est déroulé le 28 novembre 1870 sur le territoire de la commune française de Beaune-la-Rolande, dans le département du Loiret, durant la guerre franco-prussienne de 1870. Elle s'achève par une victoire prussienne.

In the Franco-Prussian War there is a battle near Amiens, in which Prussian troops prevail against retreating Frenchmen. The battle for Beaune-la-Rolande, the numerically superior French army of the Loire, was lost on the same day by the Prussians who were following in the evening.


「Terada Torahiko」a Japanese physicist and author who was born in Tokyo.
He was a professor at Tokyo Imperial University, a researcher at RIKEN, and worked on a wide range of topics in physics.
Also, he was a professor at the Earthquake Research Institute.
He is best known for his numerous essays on a wide variety of topics ranging from science to cinema, from haiku to manga.


1881/1128:Stefan Zweig 188142、誕生

ein österreichischer Schriftsteller.
an Austrian novelist, playwright, journalist and biographer. At the height of his literary career, in the 1920s and 1930s, he was one of the most popular writers in the world.

Stefan (standing) in Vienna with his brother Alfred, circa 1900

ツヴァイクは長編小説と短編、多数の伝記文学を著した。歴史小説の評価が高く、{私が讀んだのは『Joseph Fouché』1929 だった。
Zweig is best known for his novellas (notably The Royal Game, Amok, and Letter from an Unknown Woman – which was filmed in 1948 by Max Ophüls), novels (Beware of Pity, Confusion of Feelings, and the posthumously published The Post Office Girl) and biographies (notably of Erasmus of Rotterdam, Ferdinand Magellan, and Mary, Queen of Scots, and also the posthumously published one on Balzac). At one time his works were published without his consent in English under the pseudonym "Stephen Branch" (a translation of his real name) when anti-German sentiment was running high. His 1932 biography of Queen Marie Antoinette





1885/1128:イギリス、third Anglo-Burmese War,
the British conquer the Burmese city of Mandalay and capture King Thibaw.

1887/1128:Ernst Röhm 188734、誕生

a German officer, politician (NSDAP) and Kampfbundführer.
Röhm was a longtime leader of the Sturmabteilung (SA) and was in the Cabinet Hitler as Reich Minister without business for a short time member of the National Socialist Reich government, before he was murdered on the orders of Adolf Hitler, ostensibly in response to a supposedly planned coup, the so-called Röhm putsch.

1931年から突撃隊幕僚長に就任したが、後に路線対立から Adolf Hitler 188945によって粛清された=„Nacht der langen Messer“ 長いナイフの夜

Women's suffrage in New Zealand concludes with the New Zealand general election, 1893.

Im Deutschen Reich erscheint zum ersten Mal die Deutsche Tageszeitung.

The first American automobile race takes place over the 54 miles from Chicago's Jackson Park to Evanston, Illinois.
Frank Duryea wins in approximately 10 hours.




1899/1128:イギリス「Second Boer War」
a British column is engaged by Boer forces at the Battle of Modder River; although the Boers withdraw, the British suffer heavy casualties.

1905/1128:アイルランド「シンフェイン党」創設Irish nationalist Arthur Griffith founds Sinn Féin as a political party with the main aim of establishing a dual monarchy in Ireland.

Arthur Griffith founds the Sinn Féin Party in Dublin with the aim of establishing a separate Irish Parliament within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

1907/1128:Stanisław Wyspiański186907、死去

un dramaturge, poète, peintre, metteur en scène, architecte et ébéniste polonais. Il fut l'un des artistes européens les plus prolifiques et remarquables de son époque.

1907/1128:Alberto Moravia 190790、誕生

uno scrittore, giornalista, saggista, drammaturgo, reporter di viaggio e critico cinematografico italiano.


七歳で、カリエスに冒されたために小学校を中退し、三年間の自宅療養と二年間のサナトリウム生活を余儀なくされる。病床でドストエフスキに読み耽った經驗から小説を書き始め、1925年、退院の年から処女長篇『Gli Indifferenti 無關心な人々』を書き始め、1929年に自費出版。それがイタリアの読書界に大きな反響を呼ぶ。

1908/1128:Claude Lévi-Strauss 190809、誕生

un anthropologue et ethnologue français qui a exercé une influence majeure à l'échelle internationale sur les sciences humaines et sociales dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle. Il est devenu notamment l'une des figures fondatrices du structuralisme à partir des années 1950 en développant une méthodologie propre, l'anthropologie structurale, par laquelle il a renouvelé en profondeur l'ethnologie et l'anthropologie en leur appliquant les principes holistes issus de la linguistique, de la phonologie, des mathématiques et des sciences naturelles.

Albania declares its independence from the Ottoman Empire.

Following a war-induced closure in July, the New York Stock Exchange re-opens for bond trading.

Im Zuge der Novemberrevolution unterzeichnet Kaiser Wilhelm II. in seinem niederländischen Exil auf Schloss Amerongen die Abdankung vom deutschen und preußischen Thron.

In the course of the November Revolution Emperor Wilhelm II signed the abdication of the German and Prussian throne in his Dutch exile at the Amerongen Castle.

Irish War of Independence: Kilmichael Ambush: The Irish Republican Army ambush a convoy of British Auxiliaries and kill seventeen.

Time Inc. is founded in New York City and, over time, becomes the largest publisher in the United States.

1924/1128:Australopithecus africanus
Raymond Dart(an anatomist from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg)receives from a foreman of the Buxton Limestone Quarry a fossil skull found at Taung. The so-called child of Taung is the first find of an Australopithecus africanus.


1925/1128:USA『Grand Ole Opry』 begins
 broadcasting in Nashville, Tennessee, as the WSM Barn Dance.

In Nashville, the radio station WSM broadcasts the Barn Dance Show for the first time. The country broadcast, later known as Grand Ole Opry, is today the oldest surviving American radio music program.


1936/1128:Philippe Sollers 1936--、誕生

(Philippe Joyaux, dit), écrivain français.
フランスの小説家、批評家、映像作家。実験性や主題性を持った小説を発表する一方、雑誌『Tell Quel』を主催し、思想や文学理論、さらにはアンガジュマンなどで、戦後のフランス文学の重要人物の一人と目されている。

1941/1128:Laura Antonelli 194115、誕生

un'attrice italiana. Raggiunse l'apice del successo negli anni 1970 e 1980 percorrendo diversi generi cinematografici, dalla commedia leggera erotica al dramma, al cinema d'evasione e al film d'autore.

1942/1128:USA、In Boston、ナイトクラブ火災
a fire in the Cocoanut Grove nightclub kills 492 people.

1943/1128:WWⅡ「Tehran Conference」
U.S.President Franklin Roosevelt, British P.M Winston Churchill and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin meet in Tehran, Iran, to discuss war strategy.


1954/1128:Enrico Fermi 190154、死去

un fisico italiano naturalizzato statunitense


Chad, the Republic of the Congo, and Gabon become autonomous republics within the French Community.


1960/1128:Richard Wright190860、死去

an American author of sometimes controversial novels, short stories, poems, and non-fiction.


Mauritania becomes independent of France.

1962/1128:Wilhelmina of the Netherlands 188062、崩去

Queen of the Netherlands from 1890 until her abdication in 1948.


1964/1128:USA「Mariner program」
 NASA launches the Mariner 4 probe toward Mars.

Vietnam War: National Security Council members agree to recommend that U.S. President Lyndon Johnson adopt a plan for a two-stage escalation of bombing in North Vietnam.

Vietnam War: In response to U.S. President Lyndon Johnson's call for "more flags" in Vietnam, Philippine President-elect Ferdinand Marcos announces he will send troops to help fight in South Vietnam.

Michel Micombero overthrows the monarchy of Burundi and makes himself the first president.

In search of radio sources in the universe, Jocelyn Bell Burnell and Antony Hewish discover the first pulsar PSR B1919 + 21.

The first pulsar known as PSR B1919+21 in the constellation of Vulpecula was discovered by two astronomers Jocelyn Bell Burnell and Antony Hewish.

Wasfi al-Tal, Prime Minister of Jordan, is assassinated by the Black September unit of the Palestine Liberation Organization.

Last executions in Paris: Claude Buffet and Roger Bontems are guillotined at La Santé Prison.


East Timor declares its independence from Portugal.

Air New Zealand Flight 901, a DC-10 sightseeing flight over Antarctica, crashes into Mount Erebus, killing all 257 people on board.

A New Zealand McDonnell Douglas DC-10 of the Air New Zealand on a scenic flight over the Antarctic bounces against Mount Erebus. All 257 people die on board. This ends the era of commercial tourist flights across the continent.

1980/1128:イライラ戰爭 Iran–Iraq War「Operation Morvarid」
 The bulk of the Iraqi Navy is destroyed by the Iranian Navy in the Persian Gulf. 

1982/1128:Hélène de Grèce 189682、死去

(Ελένη της Ελλάδας), fille du roi Constantin Ier, reine de Roumanie de 1940 à 1947, mère du roi Michel Ier (° 2 mai 1896).

La première de l'opéra Saint François d'Assise d'Olivier Messiaen se déroule au Grand Opéra Paris.



「葬式無用 戒名不用」

South African Airways Flight 295 crashes into the Indian Ocean, killing all 159 people on board.

On the South African Airways flight 295, a fire breaks out on board a Boeing 747. The plane crashes near Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. All 159 inmates are killed. The cause of the fire remains unclear and is the subject of various conspiracy theories.

1989/1128:チェコスロバキア「Velvet Revolution」
In the face of protests, the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia announces it will give up its monopoly on political power.

Während der friedlichen Revolution in der DDR wird der Aufruf „Für unser Land“ von 31 bekannten Intellektuellen auf einer Pressekonferenz veröffentlicht, der etwa 1,17 Mio. Zustimmungen erhielt.

During the peaceful revolution in the GDR, the call "For Our Country" was published by 31 well-known intellectuals at a press conference, which received about 1.17 million votes.

in Singapore, resignation of Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, in office since 1959.

British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher resigns as leader of the Conservative Party and the prime ministry, and is succeeded as both by John Major.


South Ossetia declares independence from Georgia.


1994/1128:連続殺人犯 Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer、刑務所内で撲殺

also known as the Milwaukee Cannibal, was an American serial killer and sex offender, who committed the rape, murder, and dismemberment of 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991. Many of his later murders involved necrophilia,[1] cannibalism, and the permanent preservation of body parts—typically all or part of the skeletal structure.

1994/1128、ウィスコンシン州ポテジにあるコロンビア連邦刑務所のシャワルウムで、黒人収容者スカーヴァに鉄棒で撲殺された。Dahmer とスカヴァともう一人の囚人でシャワルウム清掃に従事していたとき、スカヴァはトレイニングルウムから持ち出したベンチプレスの鉄棒で二人を殴打した。ただちに Dahmer 病院へ搬送されたが、その途中でで死亡が確認された。


In Barcelona, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona (MACBA), designed by US architect Richard Meier, opens a collection of contemporary art.


Ukrainian MP Olexander Moros publishes tape recordings showing the planning of the murder of journalist Heorhij Gongadze. As possible participants in the conversation, President Leonid Kuchma and Minister of Interior Yury Kravchenko are accepted.

Suicide bombers blow up an Israeli-owned hotel in Mombasa, Kenya; their colleagues fail in their attempt to bring down Arkia Israel Airlines Flight 582 with surface-to-air missiles.





A chartered Avro RJ85 plane carrying at least 81 people, including the Chapecoense football team, crashes near Medellín, Colombia.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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