


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World




歴史暦:古今東西 11/06 今日の出來事

0015/1106:Iulia Agrippina Augusta 001559、誕生

una nobildonna e imperatrice romana, appartenente alla dinastia giulio-claudia.
Sposò l'imperatore romano Claudio, suo zio, il quale adottò il figlio da lei avuto dal precedente matrimonio con Gneo Domizio Enobarbo, Nerone, che sarebbe poi diventato a sua volta imperatore.
Nero 003768 の生母

Roman emperor Constantius II promotes his cousin Julian to the rank of Caesar, entrusting him with the government of the Prefecture of the Gauls.

0963/1106:キリスト教会會議「Synod of Rome」
Emperor Otto I calls a council at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Pope John XII is deposed on charges of a armed rebellion against Otto.



Pfalzgraf Ruprecht I. schlägt mit seinem Reichsheer die rheinischen Städte des Schwäbischen Städtebundes bei Worms.

Count Palatine Ruprecht I. beats with his imperial army the Rhenish cities of the Swabian city union near Worms.

1494/1106:Kanuni Sultan Süleyman I 149466、誕生

Soliman Ier (turc ottoman : سلطان سليمان اول (Sultān Suleimān-i evvel) ; turc : I. Süleyman)
Fils unique de Selim Ier Yavuz, il fut le dixième sultan de la dynastie ottomane de 1520 à sa mort en 1566. On le nomme Soliman le Magnifique en Occident et le Législateur en Orient (turc : Kanuni ; arabe : القانوني, al‐Qānūnī) en raison de sa reconstruction complète du système juridique ottoman.


El conquistador español Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca naufragó como el primer suelo de los europeos en Texas.

Shipwrecked Spanish conquistador Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca becomes the first known European to set foot in the area that would become Texas.

1558/1106:Thomas Kyd 155894、誕生

an English playwright, the author of The Spanish Tragedy, and one of the most important figures in the development of Elizabethan drama.







1656/1106:João IV de Portugal 160456、死去

João IV foi o líder da Guerra da Restauração pela conquista e reconhecimento da independência de Portugal do controlo da Espanha.


1672/1106:Heinrich Schütz 158572、死去

ein deutscher Komponist des Frühbarock.



1694元禄07、江戸で芭蕉の訃報を聞いた嵐雪は、その日のうちに一門を参め、芭蕉追悼の句会を開き、桃隣とともに芭蕉が葬られた膳所の義仲寺に向かった。義仲寺で嵐雪が詠んだ句は、「この下に かくねむるらん 雪佛 」であった。

Johann Sebastian Bach tritt wegen Wehrmachtsverbrechens gegen Herzog Wilhelm II. In Weimar in Haft. Er bleibt dort bis zum 2. Dezember.

Johann Sebastian Bach enters prison in Weimar for lèse-majesté crime against Duke William II. He stays there until December 2nd.

1771/1106:Johann Alois Senefelder 177134、誕生

ist der Erfinder der Lithografie. Außerdem war er Theaterschriftsteller, Sänger, Musiker und Komponist.

1796に彼は偶然のことから後に「リトグラフ(石版画)」と呼ばれることになる印刷法を發明した ――
彼は、自分の戯曲『Mathilde von Altenstein』の印刷費用多額の借金を作り、新作を出版する印刷費用が作れなかった。それで窮餘の一策、エッチングの方法で印刷用の原版を作ることを思ひつき、それで作業を始めたが、或時、油性クレヨンで原板の石灰岩にメモを書き付け、後で洗ひ落とそうしたが、クレヨンのメモは消えず、その部分はよく油が乘ることを見て、紙を押しあててみると転写ができた。それを見て「これは使へる」と思った。

1792/1106:フランス革命戦争「Battle of Jemappes」
the French Revolutionary Army under Charles-François Dumouriez defeated the Austrian troops under Duke Albert of Saxony-Teschen and Count Clerfait in the Battle of Jemappes. As a result, France occupies the Austrian Netherlands.

bataille de Jemmapes. Les troupes républicaines commandées par Dumouriez sortent vainqueurs de l’affrontement.

1814/1106:Adolphe Sax 181494、誕生

un facteur d'instrument de musique belge, surtout connu pour avoir inventé le saxophone et le saxhorn



In Österreichs Hauptstadt wird das k. k. polytechnische Institut, die heutige Technische Universität Wien, eröffnet.

O Príncipe herdeiro português Dom Pedro e os Habsburgo Maria Leopoldine da Áustria se casam no Rio de Janeiro.

1822/1106:Claude Louis Berthollet 174822、死去


The first Constitution of the Dominican Republic is adopted.

In Switzerland, the first Federal Assembly meets and elects the first Federal Council.

1851/1106:Charles Dow 185102、誕生

an American journalist who co-founded Dow Jones & Company with Edward Jones and Charles Bergstresser.

Dow also founded The Wall Street Journal, which has become one of the most respected financial publications in the world.
He also invented the Dow Jones Industrial Average as part of his research into market movements.
He developed a series of principles for understanding and analyzing market behavior which later became known as Dow theory, the groundwork for technical analysis.

1854/1106:John Philip Sousa 185432、誕生

an American composer and conductor of the late Romantic era, known primarily for American military and patriotic marches.
Because of his mastery of march composition, he is known as "The March King", or the "American March King" due to his British counterpart Kenneth J. Alford also being known by the former nickname.

1860/1106:Ignacy Paderewski 186041、誕生

a Polish pianist and composer, politician, statesman and spokesman for Polish independence.

If I miss one day’s practice, I notice it. If I miss two days, the critics notice it. If I miss three days, the audience notices it. 一日練習を怠ると自分には分かる。二日怠ると批評家に分かる。三日怠ると聴衆に分かる。

Abraham Lincoln is elected as the 16th president of United States.


1861/1106:American Civil War:
Jefferson Davis is elected president of the Confederate States of America.


1861/1106:James Naismith 186139、誕生

a Canadian-American physical educator, physician, chaplain, sports coach and innovator.
He invented the game of basketball at age 30 in 1891.

{じつは、私も獨自の「バスケットボウル」を發明してある。それは、今のバスケットボウルが長身にあまりにも利点があるといふ事実に氣が付いて、その不平等性を解消し、眞に平等な球戯とすべく工夫された「バスケットボウル」である。「バスケットボウル」と云ふ以上は今のバスケットボウルを踏襲し、しかも革命的にアレンヂさせた球技である ―― と云へば、もうお分かりの方にはお分かりだらう(あたりまへだな)、お分かりにならない方には、 ……

1865/1106:American Civil War
CSS Shenandoah is the last Confederate combat unit to surrender after circumnavigating the globe on a cruise on which it sank or captured 37 unarmed merchant vessels.


Completed Blackfriars Bridge officially opened in London by Queen Victoria.

1880/1106:Robert Musil 188042、誕生

ein österreichischer Schriftsteller und Theaterkritiker. Für sein literarisches Schaffen bedeutsame Einschnitte waren der Erste Weltkrieg sowie die Errichtung der nationalsozialistischen Herrschaft in Deutschland und Österreich.





Le docteur militaire français Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran découvre le parasite du paludisme Plasmodium falciparum dans un échantillon de sang.

1892/1106:Harold Ross 189251、誕生

an American journalist who co-founded The New Yorker magazine in 1925 and served as editor-in-chief of the publication from its inception until his death.

1893/1106:Piotr Ilitch Tchaïkovski 184093、死去(自殺ではない?)

(Пётр Ильич Чайковский), compositeur russe

1901/1106:Kate Greenaway 184606、死去

a Victorian children's book illustrator and writer whose work influenced the children's style of the day. The only daughter of a successful draftsman and wood engraver, she studied graphic design and art between 1858 and 1869.

Ole Olsen founds Nordisk Film A / S, the oldest existing film company in the world in Copenhagen.




Mohandas Gandhi is arrested while leading a march of Indian miners in South Africa.

Nach dem Bekanntwerden diskriminierender Äußerungen deutscher Offiziere gegenüber der Bevölkerung in der elsässischen Garnisonsstadt Zabern kommt es zu öffentlichen Protesten.

Zabern Affair: After the announcement of discriminatory statements by German officers against the population in the Alsatian garrison town of Zabern, there are public protests.
Zabern Affair:ツァベルンに駐屯してゐたプロイセン軍将校のエルザス人への侮蔑的発言から生じた軍と住民の衝突事件、事件はドイツ帝國内に廣がり政事的危機を招來した。この

1917/1106:WWⅠ「Battle of Passchendaele」 ends
 After three months of fierce fighting, Canadian forces take Passchendaele in Belgium.



The Second Polish Republic is proclaimed.

With the dissolution of the Habsburgs on the basis of a parliamentary resolution, Hungary becomes a kingdom without a king. The imperial administrator Miklós Horthy, provisionally appointed as early as 1920, is finally gaining the function of head of state.



1931/1106:Mike Nichols 193114、誕生

(Michael Igor Peschkowsky, dit), réalisateur américain

Die NSDAP verliert bei den vorgezogenen Reichstagswahlen in der Weimarer Republik Stimmen und Mandate, bleibt aber weiterhin stärkste Partei vor der SPD. Wahlgewinner sind die KPD und die DNVP unter Alfred Hugenberg.

The NSDAP loses votes and mandates in the early Reichstag elections in the Weimar Republic, but remains the strongest party before the SPD. Election winners are the KPD and the DNVP under Alfred Hugenberg.

1935/1106:Henry Fairfield Osborn 185735、死去

an American geologist, paleontologist, and eugenist, and the president of the American Museum of Natural History for 25 years.

Edwin Armstrong presents his paper "A Method of Reducing Disturbances in Radio Signaling by a System of Frequency Modulation" to the New York section of the Institute of Radio Engineers.

El gobierno español deja Madrid, que se encuentra directamente en la zona de batalla de la Guerra Civil Española, y se traslada a Valencia.

The Spanish government leaves Madrid, which lies directly in the battle zone of the Spanish Civil War, and moves back to Valencia.



1939/1106:WWⅡ、ドイツ「Sonderaktion Krakau」
Bei der Sonderaktion Krakau werden 183 Professoren und Universitätsmitarbeiter in Krakau von den Nationalsozialisten verhaftet und in die Konzentrationslager Sachsenhausen und Dachau verschleppt.

1941/1106:Maurice Leblanc 186441、死去

Auteur de nombreux romans policiers et d’aventures, il est le créateur du célèbre personnage d’Arsène Lupin, le gentleman-cambrioleur.


During the Battle of Moscow, Joseph Stalin addresses the Soviet people for only the second time.

The Soviet Red Army recaptures Kiev. Before withdrawing, the Germans destroy most of the city's ancient buildings.

In the Battle of the Dnieper, the Red Army succeeded in reconquering Kiev, which had previously been occupied by the Germans during the Second World War.

The RAF's heaviest air strike in a series of air strikes on Koblenz leads to the destruction of the city.

Plutonium is first produced at the Hanford Atomic Facility and subsequently used in the Fat Man atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan.

British Middle East minister Lord Moyne and his driver are killed in Cairo by two activists of the Zionist underground group Lechi. The minister rejected a Jewish state in Palestine.

Concerned that her cover was about to be blown, Elizabeth Bentley turns herself in to the FBI and confesses she had been spying for the Soviet Union.


1946/1106:Sally Field 1946--、誕生

an American actress and director. Field began her career on television, starring on the sitcoms Gidget (1965–66), The Flying Nun (1967–70), and The Girl with Something Extra (1973–74). She ventured into film with Smokey and the Bandit (1977) and later Norma Rae (1979), for which she received the Academy Award for Best Actress.

Deputy commander-in-chief of the Eastern China Field Army General Su Yu launches a massive offensive toward Xuzhou, defended by seven different armies under the General Suppression Headquarters of Xuzhou Garrison, the Huaihai Campaign. The largest operational campaign of the Chinese Civil War begins.

Several commands of the Royal Marines land in the Suez Crisis with amphibious vehicles and fire support from battleships on the beaches of Egypt and begin the invasion of the country. Port Said is almost completely destroyed by devastating fires.

On the Zambezi River, the construction of the arch dam for the Kariba Dam begins.

The United Nations General Assembly passes a resolution condemning South Africa's apartheid policies and calls for all UN member states to cease military and economic relations with the nation.


Following the November 1 coup and execution of President Ngo Dinh Diem, coup leader General Dương Văn Minh takes over leadership of South Vietnam.

1965/1106:Edgar Varèse 188365、死去

Formé, dans un premier temps, à la Schola Cantorum et au Conservatoire, Varèse trouve auprès d'artistes plus indépendants, comme Debussy et Busoni, les encouragements nécessaires pour son expression personnelle.


Cuba and the United States formally agree to begin an airlift for Cubans who want to go to the United States. By 1971, 250,000 Cubans had made use of this program.

1968/1106:Charles Munch 189168、死去

Chef d'orchestre et musicien français

The United States Atomic Energy Commission tests the largest U.S. underground hydrogen bomb, code-named Cannikin, on Amchitka Island in the Aleutians.




The Kelly Barnes Dam, located above Toccoa Falls Bible College near Toccoa, Georgia, fails, killing 39.

In Colombia, leftist guerrillas of the 19th of April Movement seize control of the Palace of Justice in Bogotá, eventually killing 115 people, 11 of them Supreme Court justices.

1986/1106:Lili Kraus 190386、死去

Lili Kraus was born in Budapest in 1903. Her father was from Czech Lands, and her mother from an assimilated Jewish Hungarian family. She enrolled at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music, and at the age of 17 entered the Budapest Conservatory where she studied with Zoltán Kodály, and Béla Bartók.

1986/1106:イギリス「Sumburgh disaster」
A British International Helicopters Boeing 234LR Chinook crashes 21⁄2 miles east of Sumburgh Airport killing 45 people. It is the deadliest civilian helicopter crash on record.





Because of his involvement in the August Putsch in Moscow, the Soviet secret service KGB is dissolved. Its tasks will be transferred to the new FSB and Slushba wneschnei raswedki.

1998/1106:Niklas Luhmann 192798、死去

ein deutscher Soziologe und Gesellschaftstheoretiker. Als wichtigster deutschsprachiger Vertreter der soziologischen Systemtheorie und der Soziokybernetik zählt Luhmann zu den herausragenden Klassikern der Sozialwissenschaften im 20. Jahrhundert.

1984年に主著『Soziale Systeme=社会の諸システ』を出版。社会システム理論に「オウトボイエシス」概念を導入。

Australians vote to keep the Head of the Commonwealth as their head of state in the Australian republic referendum.

2001/1106:Anthony Shaffer 192601、死去

an English playwright, screenwriter, novelist, barrister and advertising executive.
Shaffer was born to a Jewish family in Liverpool,
Shaffer's most notable work was the play Sleuth (1970), which he adapted for the film version which starred Laurence Olivier and Michael Caine, and was Oscar nominated. He received Edgar Awards from the Mystery Writers of America for both versions: for Best Play in 1971, and Best Screenplay in 1973.

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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