


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 10/23 今日の出來事


Liberators' civil war=Second Battle of Philippi

Mark Antony and Octavian decisively defeat Brutus's army.
Brutus commits suicide.


-042/1023:Marcus Junius Brutus -08542、敗死

un politico, oratore, filosofo e studioso romano, senatore della tarda Repubblica romana e uno degli assassini di Giulio Cesare; fu difatti una delle figure preminenti della congiura delle Idi di Marzo assieme a Gaio Cassio Longino e a Decimo Bruto.
He took a leading role in the assassination of Julius Caesar.

Valentinian III is elevated as Roman emperor at the age of six.

Con l'esclamazione Valentiniano III all'imperatore Westroms dall'imperatore romano Teodosio II, la madre Galla Placidia ha accettato l'attività governativa.

lavius Placidius Valentinianus Augustus 041955 was Western Roman Emperor from 425 to 455. His reign was marked by the ongoing dismemberment of the Western Empire. He is described as spoiled, pleasure-loving, and heavily influenced by sorcerers and astrologers.

Edward Gibbon 173794 said
≫ He faithfully imitated the hereditary weakness of his cousin and his two uncles, without inheriting the gentleness, the purity, the innocence, which alleviate in their characters the want of spirit and ability. Valentinian was less excusable, since he had passions without virtues: even his religion was questionable; and though he never deviated into the paths of heresy, he scandalised the pious Christians by his attachment to the profane arts of magic and divination.

The Synodus Palmaris(called by Gothic king Theoderic the Great) discharges Pope Symmachus of all charges, thus ending the schism of Antipope Laurentius.

In 501, the Senator Rufius Postumius Festus, a supporter of Laurentius, accused Symmachus of various crimes. The initial charge was that Symmachus celebrated Easter on the wrong date. The king Theodoric summoned him to Ariminum to respond to the charge. The pope arrived only to discover a number of other charges, including unchastity and the misuse of church property, would also be brought against him





0949/1023(天暦03/0929):天皇 057陽成086949、崩御


1086/1023:レコンキンスタ「Battle of Sagrajas」
the army of Yusuf ibn Tashfin defeats the forces of Castilian King Alfonso VI.

En la batalla de Zallaqa, el ejército almorávide, bajo Yusuf ibn Tashfin, derrotó a los caballeros castellanos bajo Alfonso VI. devastadora. Como resultado, los almorávides conquistan los reinos de Taifa en Andalucía.

a battle between the Almoravid army led by the Almoravid king Yusuf ibn Tashfin and a Christian army led by the Castilian King Alfonso VI. The battleground was later called az-Zallaqah (in English "slippery ground") because the warriors were slipping all over the ground due to the tremendous amount of blood shed that day, which gave rise to its name in Arabic.

1157/1023:デンマルク内戰「Battle of Grathe Heath」 ends
King Sweyn III is killed and Valdemar I restores the country.

between the Danish armies of Valdemar I and his rival for the Danish throne, Sweyn III. Valdemar's forces won the battle, and Sweyn III was slain while attempting to flee.

The first treaty forming the「Auld(Old) Alliance」between Scotland and France against England is signed in Paris.

Traité d'alliance défensive entre le roi d'Écosse Guillaume le Lion et Philippe le Bel. Début de l’Auld Alliance.
Un contrat est signé à Paris, premier témoignage écrit de l'Alliance Auld. Les rois John Balliol et Philip IV réaffirment l'alliance entre l'Ecosse et la France.
Old Alliance


曲直瀬正盛「Manase Shousei」

1596/1023:長いトルコの戰爭のなかの「Battle of Mezőkeresztes」
 in the Long Turkish War begins. It lasts until 26 October.

The Irish Confederation wars begin with the rebellion led by Phelim O'Neill.

Irish Catholic gentry from Ulster tried to seize control of Dublin Castle, the seat of English rule in Ireland, to force concessions to Catholics.

1642/1023:イングランド内戦「Battle of Edgehill」
First major battle of the First English Civil War.

The Battle of Edgehill is the first field battle of the English Civil War. The battle ends, but the Royalists have the opportunity to march to London, thereby gaining a quick victory over the parliamentarians.


Louis XIV entre solennellement dans Strasbourg ; la ville libre du Saint-Empire romain germanique est annexée depuis le 30 septembre.

Louis XIV enters solemnly into Strasbourg; the free city of the Holy Roman Empire has been annexed since 30 September.



British/American colonial forces, led by Sir William Phips, fail to seize Quebec from the French.

Bataille navale de Vigo entre une flotte anglo-hollandaise et un convoi franco-espagnol.

In the sea battle near Vigo, an English-Dutch fleet defeated Spanish-French ships in the Spanish succession war, shielding treasure galleons from Cuba.
The attackers sink all enemy ships and capture not yet unloaded silver from the galleons.

The first Parliament of Great Britain meets.

# The Parliament of Great Britain was formed in 1707 following the ratification of the Acts of Union by both the Parliament of England and the Parliament of Scotland. The Acts created a new unified Kingdom of Great Britain and dissolved the separate English and Scottish parliaments in favour of a single parliament, located in the former home of the English parliament in the Palace of Westminster, near the City of London. This lasted nearly a century, until the Acts of Union 1800 merged the separate British and Irish Parliaments into a single Parliament of the United Kingdom with effect from 1 January 1801.

1739/1023:イギリス「War of Jenkins' Ear starts」
 British Prime Minister Robert Walpole, reluctantly declares war on Spain.

Its unusual name, coined by Thomas Carlyle in 1858, refers to an ear severed from Robert Jenkins, a captain of a British merchant ship. Despite stories to that effect, there is no evidence the severed ear was exhibited before the British Parliament.

A new & correct map of the trading part of the West Indies

La première de l'opéra Anacréon de Jean-Philippe Rameau se déroule à Fontainebleau.

1805/1023:Adalbert Stifter 180568、誕生

ein österreichischer Schriftsteller, Maler und Pädagoge. Er zählt zu den bedeutendsten Autoren des Biedermeier.


Tentative de coup d'État républicain contre le régime impérial par le général Malet.

The French General and convinced Republican Claude François de Malet undertook a coup d'etat, spreading the news of the death of Napoleon Bonaparte during his retreat from the failed Russia campaign on the basis of fake documents. The plan fails, however, Malet and his fellow conspirators are arrested and executed on 29 October.

The physician Joseph Constantine Carpue in the United Kingdom for rhinoplasty applies for the first time the method Indian nasalplasty in a nasal beauty surgery.

réorganisation des corps d'infanterie français.



Das in der Zeit der Deutschen Revolution vom Oktoberaufstand erfasste Wien wird von konterrevolutionären Truppen unter dem Befehl von Joseph Jelačić von Bužim und Alfred I. zu Windisch-Graetz eingeschlossen.

The Vienna(captured in the time of the German Revolution by the October uprising)is enclosed by the counterrevolutionary troops under the command of Joseph Jelačić of Bužim and Alfred I. to Windisch-Graetz.

The first National Women's Rights Convention begins in Worcester, Massachusetts, United States.


1861/1023:U.S. President Abraham Lincoln suspends the writ of habeas corpus(人身保護令状?)in Washington, D.C., for all military-related cases.

1864/1023:アメリカ内戦(南北戰爭)「Battle of Westport」
Union forces under General Samuel Curtis defeat Confederate troops led by General Sterling Price at Westport, Missouri, near Kansas City.


au Japon, début de l'ère Meiji, nouveau régime impérial.

1870/1023:フランスvsプロシア「Siege of Metz」
 concludes with a decisive Prussian victory.

1872/1023:Théophile Gautier 181172、死去

un poète, romancier et critique d'art français.

Hugo en condottiere du mouvement romantique avec Théophile Gautier, cheveux longs, moustachu et chapeauté


Charles Baudelaire 182167 はその處女詩集『悪の華』の獻辭で「完璧なる詩人にして完全なるフランス文学の魔術師、テオフィルゴーチエ氏に」と





1896/1023:Roman Jakobson 189682、誕生

(Роман Осипович Якобсон), linguiste et penseur russe

Max Brod trifft in der Prager „Lese und Redehalle der deutschen Studenten“ Franz Kafka, als dieser dort einen Vortrag über Arthur Schopenhauer hielt. Eine lebenslange Freundschaft beginnt.

Max Brod は Franz Kafka 188324 が死後、燒却を頼んだ原稿類を出版して二十世紀の文學に多大な貢献をした人物。

Alberto Santos-Dumont succeeds with the engine 14- to a 50-meter flight. He won the Archdeacon prize with a donation of 3,500 francs for the first engine flight over 25 meters.

1910/1023:Rama V 185310、死去

Phra Bat Somdet Phra Poraminthra Maha Chulalongkorn Phra Chunla Chom Klao Chao Yu Hua (Thai: 略), or Rama V

First use of aircraft in war: Italo-Turkish War: An Italian pilot takes off from Libya to observe Turkish army lines.

Nella guerra italo-turca, la ricognizione militare viene eseguita per la prima volta. Il Carlo Piazza italiano vola su una posizione turca a Bengasi per un'osservazione nemica.

1912/1023:First Balkan War「Battle of Kumanovo」
 between the Serbian and Ottoman armies begins.

In the First World War the British submarine HMS E8 torped the German war ship Prince Adalbert in the Baltic Sea. With the Great Cruiser, 672 crewmembers are lost, only three men survive the shipwreck a few miles off Libau.

Women's suffrage: In New York City, about 30,000 women march on Fifth Avenue to advocate their right to vote.

Lenin calls for the October Revolution.

On 23 October 1917, the Bolsheviks' Central Committee voted 10–2 for a resolution saying that "an armed uprising is inevitable, and that the time for it is fully ripe".
On 25 October 1917, Bolsheviks led their forces in the uprising in Petrograd (modern day Saint Petersburg), then capital of Russia, against the Kerensky Provisional Government.

The Hamburg uprising, with which the KPD wants to seize the power in the Weimar Republic, is knocked down on the same day.


十月革命から九年後、最高指導者の Владимир Ленин 187024が死に、十月革命の英雄だった Лев Троцкий 187940 が權力鬪爭に敗れ(といふよりさうしたセンスを彼は持ち合はせてゐなかったやうだ)、革命は最も指導者としてはならない者の手に掌握されてしまった。スタリンのやうな権力者を戴くと、人間はたちまち變節する。變節できない者は變節した者により狂暴に(さうした狂暴さで自分をアピルする)排除されていく。さうして、この地獄化は行く所まで行かなければ終らない。獨裁者となりゆくスタリンにとって好都合なことにヨウロパの政事情勢が焦臭くなって發火したことであった。

1929/1023:USA「Wall Street Crash of 1929」
After a steady decline in stock market prices since a peak in September, the New York Stock Exchange begins to crash.

At 709.209 km / h, an Italian M.C.72 records the existing world record for propeller-driven watercrafts.

1935/1023:USA「Chophouse Massacre」
The killer Emanuel Weiss and Charles Workman, on behalf of ranghoher bosses of the organized crime on the Mobster Dutch Schultz, his accountant Otto Berman and two other members of the gangs kill fatal shots in Newark (New Jersey).


The Japanese Mitsubishi G4M twin-engine "Betty" Bomber makes its maiden flight.

1940/1023:Pelé 1940--、誕生

本名「Edson​ Arantes do Nascimento」、ペレは徒名。ブラジル人。

Adolf Hitler trifft General Franco in Hendaye.

Adolf Hitler trifft mit Francisco Franco im französischen Hendaye zusammen, um ihn zum Eintritt in den Zweiten Weltkrieg auf Seiten der Achsenmächte zu bewegen.

Field Marshal Georgy Zhukov takes command of Red Army operations to prevent the further advance into Russia of German forces and to prevent the Wehrmacht from capturing Moscow.

1942/1023:WWⅡ「Second Battle of El Alamein」
At El Alamein in northern Egypt, the British Eighth Army under Field Marshal Montgomery begins a critical offensive to expel the Axis armies from Egypt.

All 12 passengers and crewmen aboard an American Airlines DC-3 airliner are killed when it is struck by a U.S. Army Air Forces bomber near Palm Springs, California. Amongst the victims is award-winning composer and songwriter Ralph Rainger ("Thanks for the Memory", "Love in Bloom", "Blue Hawaii").

1942/1023:WWⅡ「Battle for Henderson Field」begins
 during the Guadalcanal Campaign and ends on October 26.

 Kassel wird bei einem Luftangriff zu 80 Prozent zerstört, über 10.000 Menschen sterben.

1944/1023:WWⅡ「Battle of Leyte Gulf レイテ湾」
The largest naval battle in history begins in the Philippines.

In the Pacific War the sea and air battle begins in the Gulf of Leyte. The Imperial Japanese Navy is trying to ward off the Allied landing operation in the Philippines.

1946/1023:Ernest Thompson Seton 186046、死去

an author (published in the United Kingdom, Canada, and the US), wildlife artist, founder of the Woodcraft Indians in 1902 (renamed Woodcraft League of America) and one of the founding pioneers of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) in 1910.
イギリスで生まれ、事業に失敗した父に連れられて五歳でカナダへ移住。『シートン動物記』の Seton です。

The United Nations General Assembly convenes for the first time, at an auditorium in Flushing, Queens, New York City.



Die ersten sechs Bände der Bibliothek Suhrkamp erscheinen. Die Buchreihe konzipiert der Verleger Peter Suhrkamp für eine Leser-Elite.

The first six volumes of the library Suhrkamp appear. The publisher Peter Suhrkamp designed the book series for a reader elite.

In Deutschland wird die Sozialistische Reichspartei (SRP) wegen ihrer offenen Bezugnahme auf die NSDAP verboten.


The Paris Treaties are signed. This includes:
・the German treaty, on the sovereignty of Germany.
・the enlargement of the Brussels Pact and its transformation into the Western European Union (WEU).
・the accession of Germany to the WEU and NATO.
・the European Saar Statute on the Europeanization of Saarland.

Prime Minister Ngô Đình Diệm defeats former emperor Bảo Đại in a referendum and founds the Republic of Vietnam.


Thousands of Hungarians protest against the government and Soviet occupation. (The Hungarian Revolution is crushed on November 4).


1958/1023:USA「Springhill Mine bump」
An underground earthquake traps 174 miners in the No.2 colliery at Springhill, Nova Scotia, the deepest coal mine in North America at the time. By November 1, rescuers from around the world had dug out 100 of the victims, marking the death toll at 74.


Japan won the gold medal in the Tokyo Olympic Games women 's volleyball, defeating the Soviet Union.

Gary Gabelich sets a land speed record in a rocket-powered automobile called the Blue Flame, fueled with natural gas.

For the first time a land vehicle reaches a speed of more than 1000 kilometers per hour. In the Great Salt Desert in the US state of Utah, Gary Gabelich sets this milestone in the history of technology in the rocket car Blue Flame.

1972/1023:ベトナム戦争「Operation Linebacker」
a US bombing campaign against North Vietnam in response to its Easter Offensive, ends after five months.

1973/1023:USA「Watergate scandal
 US President Richard Nixon agrees to turn over subpoenaed audio tapes of his Oval Office conversations.




A gunfight breaks out between police officers and members of a religious cult known as the "Christ Miracle Healing Center and Church" in Miracle Valley, Arizona. The shootout leaves two cultists dead and dozens of cultists and police officers injured.

In Lebanon, 241 US soldiers and 58 French parachute hunters were killed during the Civil War during two suicide bombings at the headquarters of the US and French troops.

The Hungarian Republic is officially declared by president Mátyás Szűrös, replacing the communist Hungarian People's Republic.

1992/1023:Japan、平成今上天皇、PRChina 訪問。

Heisei Emperor is visiting the People's Republic of China. For the first time in history the Emperor steps on the land of China.

1993/1023:アイルランド「Provisional IRA bomb」
 prematurely detonates in the Shankill area of Belfast, killing the bomber and nine civilians.


Israeli–Palestinian conflict: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Chairman Yasser Arafat reach a "land for peace" agreement.

2001/1023:アップル「携帯音樂プレイヤ iPad」發表
The first iPod with 5 GB hard disk is presented.

2002/1023:ロシア「Moscow theater hostage crisis」
Chechen terrorists seize the House of Culture theater in Moscow and take approximately 700 theater-goers hostage.

В московском театре Дуброва, чеченские террористы берут 800 заложников во время выступления на музыкальном северо-востоке.



{三世紀を生きた人! 百年以上生きたとしても三世紀に跨ることは至難である。それだけでもなんといふ強運の生まれ合はせだらう。そのことにだけ感心した。

2003/1023:USA、ロスに「Walt Disney Concert Hall」built
 according to the plans of the architect Frank Gehry, was opened.

A powerful earthquake and its aftershocks hit Niigata Prefecture in northern Japan, killing 35 people, injuring 2,200, and leaving 85,000 homeless or evacuated.


A powerful 7.2 magnitude earthquake strikes Van Province, Turkey, killing 582 people and injuring thousands.

The Libyan National Transition Council deems the Libyan Civil War over.

le président du Conseil national de transition libyen, Moustapha Abdeljalil, proclame la libération de la Libye, mettant officiellement fin à la guerre civile qui durait depuis huit mois.

2015/1023:メキシコ湾「Hurricane Patricia」
The lowest sea-level pressure in the Western Hemisphere, and the highest reliably-measured non-tornadic sustained winds, are recorded in Hurricane Patricia, which strikes Mexico hours later, killing at least 13 and causing over $280 million in damages.

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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