


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 10/22 今日の出來事


The world was created at approximately six o'clock in the evening, according to the Ussher chronology.

The Ussher chronology is a 17th-century chronology of the history of the world formulated from a literal reading of the Old Testament by James Ussher, the Archbishop of Armagh (Church of Ireland).

アッシャは1648頃から天地創造の時期の計算を始め、Annales veteris testamenti, a prima mundi origine deducti『世界の起源を示す旧約聖書年代記』1650 を出版した。そのなかで、天地創造の日時は、紀元前4004年の10月22日の午後六時におこなはれたと確定した。天地創造が紀元前4004、ノアの洪水が紀元前2348、モウゼの出エジプトが紀元前1491年、紀元前1012にエルサレム神殿が作られ、紀元前586、バビロン捕囚が始まった ……

The temple of Apollo at Daphne, outside Antioch, is destroyed in a mysterious fire.

The Council of Chalcedon adopts the Chalcedonian Creed regarding the divine and human nature of Jesus Christ.


King Fernando dies without a male heir to the Portuguese throne, sparking a period of civil war and disorder.


The Venetian Doge praised the Virgin Mary for the construction of a church when the plague raging in Venice for a year. As soon as the plague ends, his promise is fulfilled and the church of Santa Maria della Salute is erected.


Battle of Liaoluo Bay: The Ming dynasty defeats the Dutch East India Company.

This was the largest naval encounter between Chinese and European forces before the Opium Wars two hundred years later. 

Naval battle of Vigo:An Anglo-Dutch squadron attacks and seizes a Spanish convoy returning from Mexico despite the escort provided by the French ships of Chateaurenault.


Four British Royal Navy ships run aground near the Isles of Scilly because of faulty navigation. Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell and thousands of sailors drown.

More than 1600 people are killed while four ships of a squadron of the Royal Navy under Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell on the Isles of Scilly are navigating because of navigation errors, only 26 survive.

Construction of the Ladoga Canal is completed.

The College of New Jersey (later renamed Princeton University) receives its charter.

American Revolutionary War: American defenders of Fort Mercer on the Delaware River repulse repeated Hessian attacks in the Battle of Red Bank.


Russia founds a colony on Kodiak Island, Alaska.

Donatien Alphonse François de Sade commence avec l'inscription du roman en partie sommaire Les 120 jours de Sodome, qu'il complète en 37 jours.

Warriors of the Miami people under Chief Little Turtle defeat US troops under General Josiah Harmar at the site of present-day Fort Wayne, Indiana, in the Northwest Indian War.

lithograph of Little Turtle is reputedly based upon a lost portrait 

Premier saut en parachute de l'histoire, réalisé par l'aérostier français André-Jacques Garnerin.

André-Jacques Garnerin makes the first recorded parachute jump from 1000 meters above Paris.

1811/1022:Franz Liszt 181186、誕生

Franz Liszt(ハンガリ語 Liszt Ferenc)
ein ungarischer Komponist, Pianist, Dirigent, Theaterleiter, Musiklehrer und Schriftsteller mit deutscher Muttersprache.


1818/1022:Leconte de Lisle 181894、誕生

(Charles Marie René Leconte de Lisle, dit), poète français

Sam Houston is inaugurated as the first President of the Republic of Texas.

1844/1022:Sarah Bernhardt 184423、誕生

une des plus importantes actrices françaises du XIXe siècle et du début du XXe siècle.

The return of Jesus Christ, as expected by the Miller movement, is still to come. Disappointed followers later founded the Seventh-Day Adventists.

The Great Anticipation: Millerites=followers of William Miller, anticipate the end of the world in conjunction with the Second Advent of Christ. The following day became known as the Great Disappointment.


Spain declares war on Morocco.

España declara la guerra a Marruecos, después de que los residentes del Rif hayan invadido España varias veces antes.


Narcís Monturiol conducted the trial operation of the world's first non-atmospheric dependent propulsion system installed in Submarine Ictine II in the sea of Barcelona Port.

Narcís Monturiol:a Spanish artist and engineer. He was the inventor of the first air-independent and combustion-engine-driven submarine.
On 22 October 1867, Ictineo II made her first surface journey under steam power, averaging 3.5 kn (4.0 mph; 6.5 km/h) with a top speed of 4.5 kn (5.2 mph; 8.3 km/h). On 14 December, Monturiol submerged the vessel and successfully tested his anaerobic engine, without attempting to travel anywhere.
On 23 December that same year, Monturiol's company went bankrupt and could attract no more investment.

1873/1022:Gustaf John Ramstedt 187350、誕生

Finland Swedish diplomat and linguist.
As an undergraduate, he attended the University of Helsinki, where he studied Finno-Ugric languages under Eemil Nestor Setälä. He was later attracted to the study of Altaic languages and went to Mongolia to study the Mongolian language at the suggestion of Otto Donner. He later became professor extraordinarius in Altaic languages at the same university.


Signature de l'entente des trois empereurs.

Im Schloss Schönbrunn unterschreiben Kaiser Wilhelm I. für Deutschland, Kaiser Franz Joseph I. für Österreich-Ungarn und Zar Alexander II. für Russland das Dreikaiserabkommen, das auf eine Isolation Frankreichs abzielt.


The Blantyre mining disaster in Scotland kills 207 miners.

The first rugby match under floodlights takes place in Salford, between Broughton and Swinton.

Using a filament of carbonized thread, Thomas Edison tests the first practical electric incandescent light bulb (it lasted 13½ hours before burning out).

1882/1022:Edmond Dulac 188253、誕生

un illustrateur français, naturalisé britannique en 1912
a French-born, British naturalised magazine illustrator, book illustrator and stamp designer

The Metropolitan Opera House in New York City opens with a performance of Gounod's Faust.

The Royal Observatory in Britain is adopted as the prime meridian of longitude by the International Meridian Conference.

In the dispute between Germany and Spain on the supremacy over the Carolines, the pope Leo XIII, acting as arbitrator, decides by mutual consent. in favor of Spain.

1887/1022:John Silas "Jack" Reed 188720、誕生

an American journalist, poet, and socialist activist, best remembered for his first-hand account of the Bolshevik Revolution, Ten Days That Shook the World.




In Paris an express train derails after overrunning the buffer stop, crossing almost 30 metres (100 ft) of concourse before crashing through a wall and falling 10 metres (33 ft) to the road below.


Shortly after midnight, on the way to the battlefields of the Russo-Japanese War at the Doggerbank in the North Sea, the Russian fleet attacked English fishing boats, which it considers to be Japanese torpedo boats.
The relations between Great Britain and Russia are severely impacted by the Doggerbank incident.


1905/1022:Joseph Kosma 190569、誕生

, compositeur français d’origine hongroise

1906/1022:Paul Cézanne 183906、死去

un peintre français, membre du mouvement impressionniste, considéré comme le précurseur du post-impressionnisme et du cubisme.


Panic of 1907: A run on the stock of the Knickerbocker Trust Company sets events in motion that will lead to a depression.

1908/1022:Giacomo Manzù 190891、誕生

uno scultore italiano.

Dr. Crippen is convicted at the Old Bailey of poisoning his wife and is subsequently hanged at Pentonville Prison in London.

Hawley Harvey Crippen 186210 was an American homeopath, ear and eye specialist and medicine dispenser. He was hanged in Pentonville Prison in London for the murder of his wife Cora Henrietta Crippen, and was the first suspect to be captured with the aid of wireless telegraphy.

1913/1022:Bao Dai 191397、誕生

Empereur du Viêt Nam de 1926 à 1945, président du Conseil de 1949 à 1950 puis chef de l'État de 1949 à 1955.

1913/1022:Robert Capa 191351、誕生

(Endre Ernő Friedmann, dit), photographe américain.

1915/1022:Wilhelm Windelband 184815、死去

ein deutscher Philosoph, Professor, Vertreter des Neukantianismus, der so genannten Wertphilosophie und Begründer der „Südwestdeutschen Schule“ oder „Badischen Schule“ des Neukantianismus.

彼は、自然科學と精神科學の境界設定に傾注した。自然科學は nomothetisch 法則鼎立的な方法を用ゐる。その對象を普遍妥當的な法則をとほして記述する。精神科學は、個別的なもの、一回限りのもの、の idiographisch 個性記述的な方法を取る。

1917/1022:Joan Fontaine 191713、誕生

(Joan de Beauvoir de Havilland, dite), actrice britannique, naturalisée américaine.
a British-American actress best known for her starring roles in Hollywood films. Fontaine appeared in more than 45 feature films in a career that spanned five decades. She was the younger sister of actress Olivia de Havilland.
Her career prospects improved greatly after her starring role in the Alfred Hitchcock-directed Rebecca (1940), for which she received the first of what would be three nominations for the Academy Award for Best Actress; the following year, she won for her role in Suspicion (1941).

The royalist Leonardopoulos–Gargalidis coup d'état attempt fails in Greece, discrediting the monarchy and paving the way for the establishment of the Second Hellenic Republic.

1925/1022:Robert Rauschenberg 192508、誕生

an American painter and graphic artist whose early works anticipated the pop art movement. Rauschenberg is well known for his "Combines" of the 1950s, in which non-traditional materials and objects were employed in innovative combinations.

≫ 芸術も生活も作ることはできない。我々は、その間の、定義しようのない空隙で仕事をしなければならない。{?


Nikola Tesla introduces six new inventions including single-phase electric power.



In East Liverpool, Ohio, Federal Bureau of Investigation agents shoot and kill notorious bank robber Pretty Boy Floyd.




Chester Carlson succeeds in the first production of a photocopy of a script, in a laboratory near New York.

In the Wagner-Bürckel campaign more than 6,000 German Jews are deported by the National Socialists to the Camp de Gurs camp in France.


48 otages sont fusillés à Nantes, Châteaubriant et au mont Valérien en représailles après la mort de Karl Hotz.

French resistance member Guy Môquet and 29 other hostages are executed by the Germans in retaliation for the death of a German officer.

1943/1022:Catherine Deneuve 1943--、誕生

(Catherine Dorléac, dite), actrice française.

In the Second firestorm raid on Germany, the Royal Air Force conducts an air raid on the town of Kassel, killing 10,000 and rendering 150,000 homeless.

A bomb attack on Kassel by the Royal Air Force in the Second World War destroyed large parts of the city and demanded about 7,000 people's lives.


GHQ directed the prohibition of militaristic / supra-nationalistic education.

1946/1022:ソ連、ドイツ人の「Ossawakim action」
From the Soviet occupation zone, some 2,100 scientists and specialists, together with their families, are sent to the Soviet Union for reparations.

Soviet Operation Osoaviakhim takes place, recruiting of thousands of military-related technical specialists from the Soviet occupation zone of post-World-War-II Germany for employment in the Soviet Union.

1947/1022:インドvsパキスタンKashmir conflict」starts,
 a territorial conflict primarily between India and Pakistan, having started just after the partition of India in 1947.

Walter Ulbricht declares the Oder-Neisse border between Germany and Poland as final.

Indépendance du royaume du Laos.

Vietnam War: First United States casualties in Vietnam.

Japan's first full-length color animation movie "Hakuja Den" is released.

1962/1022:USA vs USSR「キュウバ危機」海上封鎖
Cuban Missile Crisis: US President J.F. Kennedy announces that American reconnaissance planes have discovered Soviet nuclear weapons in Cuba, and that he has ordered a naval "quarantine" of the Communist nation.

In the Soviet Union Colonel Oleg Penkowski is arrested for espionage for the USA and Great Britain.

Jean-Paul Sartre refuse le prix Nobel de littérature.

Jean-Paul Sartre is awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, but turns down the honor.


Canada: A Multi-Party Parliamentary Committee selects the design which becomes the new official flag of Canada.

1966/1022:USA、ポップス「The Supremes」
 become the first all-female music group to attain a No. 1 selling album (The Supremes A' Go-Go).

The Soviet Union launches Luna 12.


With the Gun Control Act US President Lyndon B. Johnson signed one of the most important weapons control laws at federal level in the USA.

Apollo program: Apollo 7 safely splashes down in the Atlantic Ocean after orbiting the Earth 163 times.

In an attack by the CIA, the commander-in-chief of the Chilean armed forces, René Schneider, is seriously wounded. He dies three days later in the hospital.



Vietnam War: In Saigon, Henry Kissinger and South Vietnamese President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu meet to discuss a proposed cease-fire that had been worked out between Americans and North Vietnamese in Paris.

1973/1022:Pablo Casals 187673、死去

uno de los músicos españoles más destacados del siglo XX.

チェロの近代的奏法を確立し、深い精神性を感じさせる演奏は二十世紀最高のチェリストと評價されてゐる。それまでたんなる練習曲として扱はれてきた JSバッハの『無伴奏チェロ組曲』の音樂的価値を見いだした。

1973/1022:Ichro Suzuki 1973、誕生

Ichiro Suzuki (鈴木一朗 Suzuki Ichirō), often referred to mononymously as Ichirō), is a Japanese professional baseball outfielder for the Miami Marlins and NewYork Yankees of MLB. Some regard him to be the best hitter of the modern era. With 26 seasons combined in top-level professional leagues,


1975/1022:Arnold Joseph Toynbee 188975、死去

a British historian, philosopher of history, research professor of international history at the London School of Economics and the University of London and author of numerous books.
He is best known for his 12-volume A Study of History (1934–1961). With his prodigious output of papers, articles, speeches and presentations, and numerous books translated into many languages, Toynbee was a widely read and discussed scholar in the 1940s and 1950s.


The Soviet unmanned space mission Venera 9 lands on Venus.

1979/1022:Nadia Boulanger 188779、死去

une pédagogue, pianiste, organiste, chef de chœur, chef d'orchestre et compositrice française.

The rock churches of Ivanovo in Bulgaria are declared a World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.

The United States Federal Labor Relations Authority votes to decertify the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO) for its strike the previous August.


1986/1022:葉劍英(Ye Jianying)189786、死去

, militaire et homme politique chinois, chef d’État de la république populaire de Chine de 1978 à 1983

1987/1022: Lino Ventura 191987、死去

Angiolino « Lino » Ventura, acteur français

1990/1022:Louis Pierre Althusser 191890、死去

un philosophe et membre du Parti communiste, à l'origine d'un important renouvellement de la pensée marxiste dans une perspective généralement associée au structuralisme, théorie caractéristique du Zeitgeist des années 1960, avec notamment Roland Barthes et Claude Lévi-Strauss1.


Hurricane Mitch appears, causing 10,000 to 18,000 deaths in Central America.

Maurice Papon(an official in the Vichy France government during World War II)is jailed for crimes against humanity.

2001/1022:VideoGame「Grand Theft Auto III」was released,
 popularizing a genre of open-world, action-adventure video games as well as spurring controversy around violence in video games.

Tropical Storm Alpha forms in the Atlantic Basin, making the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season the most active Atlantic hurricane season on record with 22 named storms.

The Tropical Storm Alpha is formed in the Caribbean. Alpha is the 22nd named system in the hurricane season 2005, surpassing the previous record of 1933.

Raid on Anuradhapura Air Force Base is carried out by 21 Tamil Tiger commandos. All except one died in this attack. Eight Sri Lanka Air Force planes are destroyed and 10 damaged.


India launches its first unmanned lunar mission Chandrayaan-1.

The new Deputy Greek Security Minister Spiros Vougias visits the refugee camp Pagani on the island of Lesbos. He compares the camp with Dante's hell, asks the people in the camp for forgiveness and makes it close.







Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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