


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 10/20 今日の出來事


「Musou Soseki」夢窗は道號、疎石は法諱




1401/1020:ドイツのハンブルクで「Vitalienbrüder の徒を斬首處刑」
Auf dem Grasbrook in Hamburg werden Dutzende ehemaliger Vitalienbrüder, unter ihnen Klaus Störtebeker, enthauptet und die Köpfe zur Abschreckung aufgespießt.

Vitalienbrüder= Victual Brothers were a loosely organized guild of privateers who later turned to piracy. They affected maritime trade during the 14th century in both the North and Baltic Seas.

1448/1020:「Third Battle on the Amselfeld」ends
 with a crushing defeat of the cruiser against the Ottomans under Sultan Murat II.

Emperor Charles V lands with a fleet at Algiers, in order to lay the craftsmanship of the Algerian corsairs. A storm that distracts the ships, and heavy losses in the landed troops, lead to the return of the expedition.

The city of Nuestra Señora de La Paz is founded by Alonso de Mendoza by appointment of the king of Spain and Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V.

Alonso de Mendoza founds the town of Nuestra Señora de La Paz on the site of Laja today. Three days later, a new location is chosen for the new settlement some 25 km further east, and some of the village inhabitants are moved there because they offer better protection from weather conditions ,

1568/1020:スペインvsオランダ「Battle of Jodoigne」
the Spanish Duke of Alba defeats a Dutch rebel force under William the Silent.

à la bataille de Coutras, Henri de Navarre, bat l'armée royale, mal commandée par le duc Anne de Joyeuse, qui meurt dans la bataille.

Die ersten Studenten beginnen ihr Studium an der im Mai 1607 gegründeten Universität Gießen.

1620/1020:Aelbert Cuyp 162091、誕生

「アルベルト カイプ」one of the leading Dutch landscape painters of the Dutch Golden Age in the 17th century.

1632/1020:Christopher Wren 163223、誕生

, mathématicien et architecte anglais
one of the most highly acclaimed English architects in history. He was accorded responsibility for rebuilding 52 churches in the City of London after the Great Fire in 1666, including what is regarded as his masterpiece, St Paul's Cathedral, on Ludgate Hill, completed in 1710.


at the request of Tsar Peter the Great, the Russian Duma decides  the construction of a navy.

Caribbean pirate Calico Jack is captured by the Royal Navy.



Maria Theresa takes the throne of Austria. France, Prussia, Bavaria and Saxony refuse to honour the Pragmatic Sanction and the War of the Austrian Succession begins.

1781/1020:ドイツ(ハプスブルク)「Patent of Toleration」
 is approved in Habsburg Monarchy.

The Patent of Toleration (Toleranzpatent) was an edict of toleration issued on 13 October 1781 by the Habsburg emperor Joseph II. Part of the Josephinist reforms, the Patent extended religious freedom to non-Catholic Christians living in the crown lands of the Habsburg Monarchy, including Lutherans, Calvinists, and the Eastern Orthodox. Specifically, these members of minority faiths were now legally permitted to hold "private religious exercises" in clandestine churches



The United States Senate ratifies the Louisiana Purchase.

Location of Louisiana Purchase

In Halifax the clock tower, the landmark of the city, is opened.

1818/1020:USA & KB「Convention of 1818」
 is signed between the United States and the United Kingdom, which settles the Canada–United States border on the 49th parallel for most of its length.


1827/1020:木造帆船入り亂れての海戦「Battle of Navarino」
 a combined Turkish and Egyptian fleet is defeated by British, French, and Russian naval forces in the last significant battle fought with wooden sailing ships.



Richard Wagners tragische Oper Rienzi, der letzte der Tribunen wird am Königlichen Hoftheater Dresden uraufgeführt.

1854/1020:Arthur Rimbaud 185491、誕生

Bien que brève, la densité de son œuvre poétique fait d'Arthur Rimbaud une des figures premières de la littérature française.
Arthur Rimbaud écrit ses premiers poèmes à 15 ans. Selon lui, le poète doit être « voyant » et « il faut être absolument moderne

Le Bateau ivre 1871 阿呆船

Comme je descendais des Fleuves impassibles,
Je ne me sentis plus guidé par les haleurs :
Des Peaux-rouges criards les avaient pris pour cibles,
Les ayant cloués nus aux poteaux de couleurs.

J'étais insoucieux de tous les équipages,
Porteur de blés flamands ou de cotons anglais.
Quand avec mes haleurs ont fini ces tapages,
Les Fleuves m'ont laissé descendre où je voulais.

Dans les clapotements furieux des marées,
Moi, l'autre hiver, plus sourd que les cerveaux d'enfants,
Je courus ! Et les Péninsules démarrées
N'ont pas subi tohu-bohus plus triomphants.

La tempête a béni mes éveils maritimes.
Plus léger qu'un bouchon j'ai dansé sur les flots
Qu'on appelle rouleurs éternels de victimes,
Dix nuits, sans regretter l'œil niais des falots !

Plus douce qu'aux enfants la chair des pommes sures,
L'eau verte pénétra ma coque de sapin
Et des taches de vins bleus et des vomissures
Me lava, dispersant gouvernail et grappin.

1859/1020:John Dewey 185952、誕生

an American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer whose ideas have been influential in education and social reform. Dewey is one of the primary figures associated with the philosophy of pragmatism and is considered one of the fathers of functional psychology.
十五際、兄が通ってゐたバモント大學に入學。ダアヰンの進化論やコントの實證主義の社會學などに感化された。成績優等で、The Phi Beta Kappa Society への入會が許された。


1873/1020:USA「American football rules」試案
Yale, Princeton, Columbia, and Rutgers universities draft the first code of American football rules.



Abraham Kuyper founded the religiously oriented Free University of Amsterdam. Until the 1970s, it preserves its orientation from the founding period.

Peru and Chile sign the Treaty of Ancón, by which the Tarapacá province is ceded to the latter, bringing an end to Peru's involvement in the War of the Pacific.

Die Uraufführung von Gerhart Hauptmanns Drama Vor Sonnenaufgang durch die Freie Bühne bedeutet den Durchbruch des Naturalismus im deutschen Theater und die feste Etablierung des bis dahin fast unbekannten Hauptmann als Dramatiker.

The premiere of Gerhart Hauptmann's drama Before sunrise by the Freie Bühne means the breakthrough of naturalism in the German theater and the firm establishment of the hitherto almost unknown head man as dramatist.

1890/1020:Richard Francis Burton 182190、逝去

an English explorer, geographer, translator, writer, soldier, orientalist, cartographer, ethnologist, spy, linguist, poet, fencer, and diplomat. He was famed for his travels and explorations in Asia, Africa and the Americas, as well as his extraordinary knowledge of languages and cultures. According to one count, he spoke 29 European, Asian and African languages.

晩年、アラビアの物語を『千夜一夜物語』として英語に飜譯した。その他にも『Kama Sutra』や『 Perfumed Garden』やら、

Chile and Bolivia sign the Treaty of Peace and Friendship, delimiting the border between the two countries.



1931/1020:Mickey Mantle 193195、誕生

Michael « Mickey » Mantle, joueur de baseball américain
an American professional baseball player.
Mantle played his entire Major League Baseball (MLB) career with the New York Yankees as a center fielder and first baseman, from 1951 through 1968. Mantle was one of the best players and sluggers, and is regarded by many as the greatest switch hitter in baseball history



The Long March(a mammoth retreat undertaken by the armed forces of the Chinese Communist Party a year prior)ends.

1936/1020:「奇跡の人」Anne Sullivan 186636、死去

an American teacher, best known for being the instructor and lifelong companion of Helen Keller.
At the age of five, she contracted trachoma, a highly contagious eye disease, which left her blind and without reading or writing skills.[2] She received her education as a student of the Perkins School for the Blind where upon graduation she became a teacher to Keller when she was 20.

Pope Pius XII publishes his first major encyclical, entitled Summi Pontificatus.

1941/1020:WWⅡ、セルビアで「Kragujevac massacre」
Thousands of civilians in Kragujevac in German-occupied Serbia are murdered in the Kragujevac massacre.

The Soviet Army and Yugoslav Partisans liberate Belgrade, the capital of Yugoslavia

1944/1020:WWⅡ、マッカサ「I have returned」
US general Douglas MacArthur fulfills his promise to return to the Philippines when he commands an Allied assault on the islands, reclaiming them from the Japanese during the WWⅡ.



1946/1020:Elfriede Jelinek 1946--、誕生

, romancière autrichienne, prix Nobel de littérature en 2004.
eine österreichische Schriftstellerin, die in Wien und München lebt. Im Jahr 2004 erhielt sie den Literaturnobelpreis für „den musikalischen Fluss von Stimmen und Gegenstimmen in Romanen und Dramen, die mit einzigartiger sprachlicher Leidenschaft die Absurdität und zwingende Macht der sozialen Klischees enthüllen“.

American Activities Committee begins its investigation into Communist infiltration of the cinema of the United States, resulting in a blacklist that prevents some from working in the industry for years.

The United States of America and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan establish diplomatic relations for the first time.

1949/1020:Jacques Copeau 187949、死去

, homme de théâtre français

1949/1020:Japan[敗戰四年後]『きけ わだつみのこゑ』出版
戦没学生の手記を集めた『きけ わだつみのこゑ』を日本戦歿学生手記編集委員会が刊行。

Korean war:the United Nations army occupied Pyongyang of the extraordinary capital of North Korea.

1951/1020:USA、オクラホマで「Johnny Bright incident」occurs
 in Stillwater, Oklahoma

1952/1020:Michael Rostovtzeff 187952、死去

Михаи́л Ива́нович Росто́вцев
an ancient historian whose career straddled the 19th and 20th centuries and who produced important works on ancient Roman and Greek history

Governor Evelyn Baring declares a state of emergency in Kenya and begins arresting hundreds of suspected leaders of the Mau Mau Uprising, including Jomo Kenyatta, the future first President of Kenya.

1955/1020:イギリス、トルキン『Lord of the Rings』第三部、刊行
The third part of Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings appears with Return of the King.

The Soviet Union performs the first armed test of a submarine-launched ballistic missile, launching an R-13 from a Golf-class submarine.


People's Republic of China launches simultaneous offensives in Ladakh and across the McMahon Line, igniting the Sino-Indian War.

déclenchement de la guerre sino-indienne.

1964/1020:Herbert Clark Hoover 187464、死去

彼は、コロンビア大学から、Thomas Edison 184731とともに「アメリカ史上、偉大な二人の技術者」として表彰されている。







1973/1020:USA「WaterGate Scandal」"Saturday Night Massacre"
: US President Richar Nixon fires U.S. Attorney General Elliot Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus after they refuse to fire Watergate special prosecutor Archibald Cox, who is finally fired by Robert Bork.

The Sydney Opera House is opened by Elizabeth II after 14 years of construction.

Queen Elizabeth II opens the opera house of Sydney. The opening, at which Beethoven's 9th Symphony is performed, is broadcast live on television and celebrated with a large firework display.

During the UEFA Cup match between FC Spartak Moscow and HFC Haarlem, 66 people are crushed to death in the Luzhniki disaster.

The meter is redefined in Paris by the 17th General Conference for Measurement and Weight as a distance that covers the light in a vacuum in 1 / 299.792.458 second.

1984/1020:Paul Dirac 190284、死去

, physicien britannique, prix Nobel de physique en 1933
an English theoretical physicist who made fundamental contributions to the early development of both quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics.
Among other discoveries, he formulated the Dirac equation which describes the behaviour of fermions and predicted the existence of antimatter. Dirac shared the 1933 Nobel Prize in Physics with Erwin Schrödinger "for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory". He also made significant contributions to the reconciliation of general relativity with quantum mechanics.

When Niels Bohr complained that he did not know how to finish a sentence in a scientific article he was writing, Dirac replied, "I was taught at school never to start a sentence without knowing the end of it." He criticised the physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer's interest in poetry: "The aim of science is to make difficult things understandable in a simpler way; the aim of poetry is to state simple things in an incomprehensible way. The two are incompatible."

1985/1020:Japan「成田空港問題 10.20成田現地闘争」

1987/1020:Andreï Kolmogorov 190387、死去

アンドレイ コルモゴロフ」 (Андрей Николаевич Колмогоров), mathématicien soviétique
a Soviet mathematician who made significant contributions to the mathematics of probability theory, topology, intuitionistic logic, turbulence, classical mechanics, algorithmic information theory and computational complexity





1994/1020:Burt Lancaster 191394、死去

an American film actor. Initially known for playing "tough guys", Lancaster went on to achieve success with more complex and challenging roles. He was nominated four times for Academy Awards and won once for his work in Elmer Gantry in 1960.

A cinema in Mumbai leads the Hindi film for the first time. Since then, it has been shown continuously.




2011/1020:Mouammar Kadhafi 194211、處刑死

Libyan Civil War: National Transitional Council rebel forces capture ousted Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi in his hometown of Sirte and kill him shortly thereafter.
known as Colonel Gaddafi, was a Libyan revolutionary, politician, and political theorist. He governed Libya as Revolutionary Chairman of the Libyan Arab Republic from 1969 to 1977, then as the "Brotherly Leader" of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya from 1977 to 2011. He was initially ideologically committed to Arab nationalism and Arab socialism, but later came to rule under his own Third International Theory.

2014/1020:Oscar de la Renta 193214、死去

a Dominican fashion designer. Born in Santo Domingo, he was trained by Cristóbal Balenciaga and Antonio del Castillo.

2016/1020:登山家 田部井淳子193916、死去


2016/1020:ラガマン 平尾誠二196316、死去



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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