


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 10/19 今日の出來事

Second Punic War「Battle of Zama」Roman legions under Scipio Africanus defeat Hannibal Barca, Carthage.

P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus de victoria Romanorum ad Carthaginienses Hannibalem Carthaginiensem apud Zamam statuit bello punico secundo.

The Vandals, led by King Gaiseric, take Carthage in North Africa.

The vandals of the Iberian Peninsula, under King Geiserich, conquered Carthage, which, in place of Hippo Regius, became the new residence of the Vandals and the base for their fleet.

The Vandal Kingdom at its greatest extent in the 470s

1216/1019:John, King of England 116616、薨去

父の Henry III 120772 から領土を與へられなかったことから欠地王(John Lackland)と徒名されたが、長ずるに及んで、領土を多く失ったために「失地王」といふニュアンスでも John Lackland と呼ばれた。
無能でありながら陰謀好きの裏切り者で恥知らず、戰爭すれば負けつづけで領土を失ひ、教皇に屈服して國土を寄進して、それを預かるかたちで王位を存續、重税にたいする反亂に暴虐に対応するなど失政をつづけた(ために後世、イギリスには John といふ名の國王は皆無)。唯一の彼のイギリスへの貢獻は、失政により強制され『マグナカルタ』を認めてイギリスの政治を發展させたことと皮肉に云はれてゐる。

John and his legitimate children, (l to r) Henry, Richard, Isabella, Eleanor, Joan

John's campaign from September 1215 to March 1216

In September 1216 John began a fresh, vigorous attack. He marched from the Cotswolds, feigned an offensive to relieve the besieged Windsor Castle, and attacked eastwards around London to Cambridge to separate the rebel-held areas of Lincolnshire and East Anglia. ……
The king returned west but is said to have lost a significant part of his baggage train along the way. ……
John's illness grew worse and by the time he reached Newark Castle he was unable to travel any farther; John died on the night of 18/19 October
His body was escorted south by a company of mercenaries and he was buried in Worcester Cathedral in front of the altar of St Wulfstan.

The Universität Heidelberg holds its first lecture, making it the oldest German university.


1433/1019:Marsilio Ficino 143399、誕生

un filosofo, umanista e astrologo italiano
Leonard da Vinci 145219 より二十年ほど早く生まれた、イタリア、フィレンチェのメディチサロンの中心人物となる

Les troupes du roi de France Charles VII prennent le Bordeaux à la main anglaise. Après la guerre de Cent Ans, Calais reste la seule possession des Britanniques sur le continent.


The Thirteen Years' War ends with the Second Treaty of Thorn.

The Second Peace of Thorn ended the Thirteen Years War between the Teutonic Order on the one hand and the Prussian League and the kingdom of Poland, led by Kasimir the Jagiellonians, on the other. The power of the defeated Teutonic Order has thus finally been broken.

Fernando II de Aragón e Isabel I de Castilla se casan. Esto sentó las bases para una posterior unificación de los dos reinos de Aragón y Castilla a España.

Ferdinand II of Aragon marries Isabella I of Castile, a marriage that paves the way to the unification of Aragon and Castile into a single country, Spain.


Martin Luther becomes a doctor of theology (Doctor in Biblia).


「Mori Yoshinari」戰國時代、美濃國の金山城主、最初土岐氏、後に織田氏に仕へた。

森可成(右)と長可(左)の墓 (岐阜県可児市可成寺)


1609/1019:Jacobus Arminius 156009、死去

ein protestantischer Theologe aus den Niederlanden und der Begründer des Arminianismus und der Remonstranten, einer noch heute bestehenden christlichen Kirche, deren Hauptkennzeichen die Abwehr von Dogmen ist.
Jean Calvin 150964 の予定説を攻撃したコルンヘルトへの反駁するために思索を重ねるうちに「神は萬人に救ひをあたへ、その神の恩寵を受け入れるか否かは各人の自由意志に任されてゐる」といふ、カルヴァンとは一味違ったアルミニウス自身の說へと到達してしまった。

New Ross town, County Wexford, Ireland, surrenders to Oliver Cromwell.

1688/1019:William Cheselden 168852、誕生

an English surgeon and teacher of anatomy and surgery, who was influential in establishing surgery as a scientific medical profession.
Via the medical missionary Benjamin Hobson, his work also helped revolutionize medical practices in China and Japan in the 19th century.

彼は Isaac Newton 164227 の死期を看取り、また、詩人 Alexander Pope 168844 と親友であった。
{といふことは ポウプの親友であった Jonathan Swift 166745 とも友人だった?

1745/1019:Jonathan Swift 166745、狂死

an Anglo-Irish satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer (first for the Whigs, then for the Tories), poet and cleric who became Dean of St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin
Swift is remembered for works such as A Tale of a Tub (1704), An Argument Against Abolishing Christianity (1712), Gulliver's Travels (1726), and A Modest Proposal (1729).
He was a master of two styles of satire, the Horatian and Juvenalian styles.
His deadpan, ironic writing style, particularly in A Modest Proposal, has led to such satire being subsequently termed "Swiftian".


1744には彼にとって大事な友人であった Alexander Pope 168844 が逝去した。そして、翌年、Jonathan Swift 166745 に死が訪れた。
その墓碑銘に刻まれたラテン語を後世のスヰフトと同じアイルランド詩人、William Butler Yeats 186539 は英譯した ――
Swift has sailed into his rest;
Savage indignation there
Cannot lacerate his breast.
Imitate him if you dare,
World-besotted traveller; he
Served human liberty.

At Yorktown, Virginia, representatives of British commander Lord Cornwallis hand over Cornwallis' sword and formally surrender to George Washington and the comte de Rochambeau.

Fondation du club des Jacobins.

John Jay is sworn in as the first Chief Justice of the United States.


L'expédition française Baudin débarque du Havre. Nicolas Baudin va explorer la côte australienne avec son équipe sur deux navires.

1805/1019:フランス「Napoleonic Wars」
Austrian General Mack surrenders his army to the Grande Armée of Napoleon Bonaparte at the Battle of Ulm; 30,000 prisoners are captured and 10,000 casualties inflicted on the losers.

Dans la troisième guerre de la coalition, les troupes de Napoléon sous Michel Ney ont défait une armée autrichienne sous Karl Mack von Leiberich dans la bataille d'Elchingen.
L'abattage international près de Leipzig pendant la guerre de libération prit fin avec la défaite décisive de Napoléon Bonaparte et l'invasion des troupes alliées prussiennes et russes à Leipzig.


Johann Wolfgang von Goethe und Christiane Vulpius werden in der Sakristei der Weimarer Jakobskirche getraut.

時に、Johan Wolgang von Goethe 174932、五十七歳、新婦の Christiane Vulpius 176516 は四十一歳。

Napoleon Bonaparte retreats from Moscow.

The Battle of Leipzig concludes, giving Napoleon Bonaparte one of his worst defeats.

In Parnaíba; Simplício Dias da Silva, João Cândido de Deus e Silva and Domingos Dias declare the independent state of Piauí.

Dans le quotidien parisien Le Journal des Débats, dernier épisode de la suite du roman, Mystères de Paris, dont l'écrivain français Eugène Sue fonde le genre du roman de feuilleton.

Die Uraufführung der Oper Tannhäuser von Richard Wagner findet im Königlich Sächsischen Hoftheater (Semperoper) in Dresden statt.




≫ 少くして学べば、則ち壮にして為すことあり。壮にして学べば、則ち老いて衰えず。老いて学べば、則ち死して朽ちず。

1864/1019:アメリカ南北戰爭「Battle of Cedar Creek」
Union Army under Philip Sheridan destroys a Confederate Army under Jubal Early.

1864/1019:アメリカ南北戰爭「St. Albans Raid
Confederate raiders launch an attack on Saint Albans, Vermont from Canada.

Venice, Annexation of Veneto and Mantua to Italy, at Hotel Europa, Austria hands over Veneto to France, which hands it immediately over to Italy.

la peseta está determinada en España por decreto sobre la futura moneda. El país está orientado hacia la Casa de la Moneda Latina.

The British passenger steamer Cambria bounces on the rugged rocky bank of the island of Inishtrahull in the storm ahead of the Irish coast and sinks. In the accident, 179 people are killed.

1871/1019:Walter Bradford Cannon 187145、誕生

an American physiologist, professor and chairman of the Department of Physiology at Harvard Medical School. He coined the term fight or flight response, and he expanded on Claude Bernard's concept of homeostasis.


1899/1019:Miguel Ángel Asturias 189974、誕生

un escritor, periodista y diplomático guatemalteco que contribuyó al desarrollo de la literatura latinoamericana, influyó en la cultura occidental y, al mismo tiempo, llamó la atención sobre la importancia de las culturas indígenas, especialmente las de su país natal, Guatemala.

グアテマラ伝説集』1930、最初スペインで出版され、翌年にフランス語訳されて出帆。シュルレアリストが高く評価、また Paul Valéry 187145 からはラテンアメリカ=魔術的アメリカにたいする驚異として絶賛され、文藝界の脚光を浴びることになった。

1900/1019:Mプランク Discover「Planck's law」
Max Planck discovers the law of black-body radiation.

1901/1019:Arleigh Burke、誕生

an admiral of the United States Navy who distinguished himself during World War II and the Korean War, and who served as Chief of Naval Operations during the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations.
ふとしたきっかけで元海軍中将の草鹿任一と知り合ふ機會があり、相識の仲となり、親日家となってゐた。その切っ掛けとなったのは、 ―― 軍人らしい二人の男のいい話だ。

Alberto Santos Dumont wins the German prize for the first successful round trip of an airship from the Paris suburb of Saint-Cloud to the Eiffel Tower over 5.5 km in 30 minutes with the airship Santos-Dumont No. 6.




1904/1019:フィリピン「Polytechnic University of the Philippines」
 is founded as Manila Business School through the superintendence of the American C.A. O'Reilley.

1909/1019:Cesare Lombroso 186309、死去

un medico, antropologo, sociologo, filosofo e giurista italiano, padre della moderna criminologia. Esponente del positivismo, è stato uno dei pionieri degli studi sulla criminalità, e fondatore dell'antropologia criminale. Il suo lavoro è stato fortemente influenzato dalla fisiognomica, dal darwinismo sociale e dalla frenologia.

以前より「天賦の才能」の研究をして『Genio e follia(天才と狂氣)』1864 などの著述を出版してゐた彼は、骨相學・観相学・遺伝学・統計学・人類学・社会学など種々の手法を總動員して、人間の身体的精神的特徴と犯罪との相関性を検証してみせた。そのために処刑された囚人の遺体を解剖、頭蓋骨の大きさや形状を丹念に觀測し、その数は383個になったといふ。また、刑務所や精神病院で四千人近くの受刑者の顏附きや骨格を、兵士のそれと比較した。こうした多大な労力を費やして彼が得た結論は「犯罪者には一定の身体的精神的特徴(Stigmata)がある」といふものであった。
しかし、それまで主に人文學的な見地からだけ考察されてきた従来の刑法学に実証主義的な手法を導入したといふ点において、彼の仕事は高く評価される。もっとも、彼の手法以前にすでに Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quételet の犯罪統計学などの例があるが。

1911/1019:Eugene Burton Ely 188611、墜落死

an aviation pioneer, credited with the first shipboard aircraft take off and landing.

On October 19, 1911, while flying at an exhibition in Macon, Georgia, his plane was late pulling out of a dive and crashed.[7] Ely jumped clear of the wrecked aircraft, but his neck was broken, and he died a few minutes later.[7] Spectators picked the wreckage clean looking for souvenirs, including Ely's gloves, tie and cap.[19] On what would have been his twenty-fifth birthday, his body was returned to his birthplace for burial.

Italy takes possession of Tripoli, Libya from the Ottoman Empire.

1913/1019:Vinícius de Moraes 191380、誕生

Marcus Vinícius da Cruz e Mello Moraes
a Brazilian poet, lyricist, essayist, and playwright who later became a seminal figure in modern Brazilian music and literature. He served as a diplomat; composed his own bossa nova music; and as an interpreter of his own lyrics, recorded several albums.

1916/1019:Emil Grigoryevich Gilels 191685、誕生

Еміль Григорович Гілельс
советский пианист и музыкальный педагог, профессор.

1916/1019:Jean Dausset 191609、誕生

Immunologiste français, prix Nobel de physiologie ou médecine en 1980
フランスの免疫学者、1980年の Nobel(生理學・醫學」Prize の

1920/1019:John Silas "Jack" Reed 188720、逝去

an American journalist, poet, and socialist activist, best remembered for his first-hand account of the Bolshevik Revolution, Ten Days That Shook the World.

Reed's body lying in state, Moscow 1920

noite sangrenta em Portugal.

Portuguese Prime Minister António Granjo and other politicians are murdered in a Lisbon coup.
In Lisbon, the Portuguese Prime Minister António Joaquim Granjo is assassinated when the Republican National Guard and naval forces collapsed in Lisbon to overthrow the government. The occasion is a corruption allegation against the popular military and politician Liberato Ribeiro Pinto.


1931/1019:John le Carré 1931--、誕生

David John Moore Cornwell
is a British author of espionage novels. During the 1950s and '60s, he worked for both the Security Service and the Secret Intelligence Service. His third novel, The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (1963), became an international best-seller and remains one of his best-known works.

Germany withdraws from the League of Nations.

The League of Nations places economic sanctions on fascist Italy for its invasion of Ethiopia.

In Bad Dürkheim wird die Deutsche Weinstraße feierlich eröffnet. Sie soll sowohl heimischen Rebensaft stärker ins Bewusstsein rücken als auch den Tourismus fördern.


Lu Xun (鲁迅) (Zhou Shuren (周树人), dit), écrivain chinois



1937/1019:Ernest Rutherford 187137、死去

a New Zealand-born British physicist who came to be known as the father of nuclear physics.

1943/1019:Camille Claudel 186443、狂死

une sculptrice et artiste peintre française.
Collaboratrice, maitresse et muse du sculpteur Auguste Rodin2, sœur du poète, écrivain, diplomate et académicien Paul Claudel, sa carrière est météoritique, brisée par un internement psychiatrique et une mort quasi-anonyme

Camille Claudel, Paul Claudel à seize ans (1895), 
狂氣と晩年{スヰフトに続いて今日二人目か ――
その後、第一次世界大戦のために南佛の精神病院に移され、そこで生涯の殘りの年を過ごした。母はカミユを理解しなかったため、母と娘は生涯角つきあはせて暮らした。母と妹がカミユを見舞にいくことはなかった。弟のポウル(Paul Claudel 196855、日本駐在大使でもあった詩人劇作家)がパリに戻った時に見舞に行くだけだった。結婚して、外交官となってフランスを離れるとそれもなくなった。
精神を病んだ後、彼女は自分の多くの作品を破壞した。殘されたのは、約百点の彫像や繪畫、スケッチの類だけだった。姉の死後、弟はそれらをカミユには愛憎きはまりない Auguste Rodin 184017 の美術館で展示した。

The cargo vessel Sinfra is attacked by Allied aircraft at Souda Bay, Crete, and sunk; 2,098 Italian prisoners of war drown with it.


Streptomycin, the first antibiotic remedy for tuberculosis, is isolated by researchers at Rutgers University.

United States forces land in the Philippines.

In Japan, at the suggestion of Deputy Admiral Ōnishi Takijirō, the Shimpū Tokkōtai, which later became known abroad as Kamikaze, was founded as the last resort before the surrender of the Allies in the Pacific War.

A coup is launched against Juan Federico Ponce Vaides, beginning the ten-year Guatemalan Revolution

Im Stuttgarter Schuldbekenntnis benennt die Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland erstmals nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg die Mitschuld der evangelischen Christen und Kirche an den Verbrechen des Nationalsozialismus.

In the Stuttgart confession, the Protestant Church in Germany for the first time after the Second World War, the complicity of the evangelical Christians and Church in the crimes of national socialism.

1950/1019:Edna Millay 189250、逝去

an American poet and playwright.

The People's Liberation Army takes control of the town of Chamdo; this is sometimes called the "Invasion of Tibet".

The People's Republic of China joins the Korean War by sending thousands of troops across the Yalu River to fight United Nations forces.

The People's Republic of China intervenes with the sending of a "volunteer army" on the side of North Korea into the Koreakrieg.

Iran becomes the first country to accept technical assistance from the United States under the Point Four Program.




Herbert Tichy, Sepp Jöchler und Pasang Dawa Lama gelingt die Erstbesteigung des 8188 m hohen Cho Oyu.

Egypt and Great Britain conclude the Suez Agreement, which provides the withdrawal of British troops stationed within twenty months. The international statute of the Sueskanalzone recognizes Egypt in the Treaty.

The Soviet Union and Japan sign a Joint Declaration, officially ending the state of war between the two countries that had existed since August 1945.


Die erste Diskothek Deutschlands wird gegründet, der Scotch-Club.


The United States government imposes a near-total trade embargo against Cuba.

1965/1019:ドイツ演劇、Peter Weiss’ Theaterstück
 Die Ermittlung, das den ersten Frankfurter Auschwitzprozess thematisiert, wird im Rahmen einer Ring-Uraufführung zeitgleich an fünfzehn west- und ostdeutschen Theatern sowie von der Royal Shakespeare Company in London uraufgeführt.

Peter Weiss' Theaterstück The investigation, which focuses on the first Frankfurt Auschwitz process, will be premiered at a fifteen West and East German theaters and the Royal Shakespeare Company in London.


1973/1019:USA「Water Gate Scandal
President Richard Nixon rejects an Appeals Court decision that he turn over the Watergate tapes.

1974/1019:Niue becomes a self-governing colony of New Zealand.


During gardening the Roman temple treasures of Weißenburg are discovered.

1983/1019:Maurice Rupert Bishop 194483、暗殺

a Grenadian politician and the leader of New Jewel Movement – popular efforts in the areas of socio-economic development, education, and Black liberation – that came to power during the 13 March 1979 revolution that removed Eric Gairy from office. Bishop headed the People's Revolutionary Government of Grenada from 1979 to 1983, when he was dismissed from his post and shot during the coup by Bernard Coard, a staunch Marxist-Leninist in the government, leading to upheaval

1984/1019:Henri Michaux 189984、死去

un écrivain, poète et peintre d'origine belge d'expression française naturalisé français en 1955.



Roman Catholic priest from Poland, Jerzy Popiełuszko, associated with the Solidarity Union, is murdered by three agents of the Polish Communist internal intelligence agency.

1987/1019:Jacqueline du Pré 194587、死去

an English cellist. At a young age, she achieved enduring mainstream popularity.

In 1971, du Pré’s playing declined as she began to lose sensitivity in her fingers and other parts of her body.
Du Pré died in London on 19 October 1987 at age 42, and is buried in Golders Green Jewish Cemetery.

1987/1019:US Navy「Operation Nimble Archer」
The United States Navy conducts Operation Nimble Archer, an attack on two Iranian oil platforms in the Persian Gulf.

1987/1019:USA「Black Monday」
The Dow Jones Industrial Average falls by 22%, 508 points.


The British government imposes a broadcasting ban on television and radio interviews with members of Sinn Féin and eleven Irish republican and Ulster loyalist paramilitary groups.

The convictions of the Guildford Four are quashed by the Court of Appeal of England and Wales, after they had spent 15 years in prison.

1999/1019:Nathalie Sarraute 190099、死去

(Natalia (Natacha) Tcherniak, dite),
une femme de lettres française d'origine russe. Elle est l'une des figures du Nouveau Roman à partir de la publication de L’Ère du soupçon en 1956.

raids on Rhino and Gecko, the first major ground action of the second war in Afghanistan.

SIEV X, an Indonesian fishing boat en route to Christmas Island, carrying over 400 asylum seekers, sinks in international waters with the loss of 353 people.

Saddam Hussein goes on trial in Baghdad for crimes against humanity.

2005/1019:USA「Hurricane Wilma」
 becomes the most intense Atlantic hurricane on record with a minimum pressure of 882 mb.

A bomb explosion kills eight people and injures 110 people in Beirut, Lebanon.

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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