


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

1979の今日死去しだ Catherine Hessling をモデルにした Jean Renoir『浴女』

歴史暦:古今東西 09/28 今日の出來事



Confucius (孔子) (Kong Qiu (孔丘), dit), philosophe chinois


-048/0928:Roman Republic「Assassination」
Pompeus is assassinated on the orders of King Ptolemy of Egypt after landing in Egypt.




0235/0928:Roman Church
Pope Pontian resigns. He & Hippolytus(church leader of Rome)are exiled to the mines of Sardinia.

After being exiled to Sardinia by Emperor Maximinus Thrax, Pontianus withdrew from office as bishop of Rome.

0351/0928:Roman Empire「Battle of Mursa Major」
 The Roman emperor Constantius II defeats the usurper Magnentius.

Der römische Kaiser Constantius II. besiegt den Usurpator Magnentius in der Schlacht bei Mursa.

0365/0928:Roman Empire「Usurper Procopius
 bribes two legions passing by Constantinople, and proclaims himself Roman emperor.

Procopius lässt sich als Gegenkaiser zum eigentlichen römischen Herrscher Valens ausrufen.

Duke Wenceslaus I of Bohemia is murdered by a group of nobles led by his brother Boleslaus I, who succeeds him.

Boleslav I. aus dem Geschlecht der Přemysliden wird, nachdem er seinen Bruder Wenzel von Böhmen hat ermorden lassen, Herrscher des in Böhmen dominierenden Fürstentums um Prag.

0935/0928:Václav I 090735、崩去

ein böhmischer Fürst aus der Dynastie der Přemysliden. Wenzel war Herrscher einer kleinen Region um Prag und zugleich Oberhaupt des böhmischen Stammesverbandes.

1066/0928:England「Norman coquest」
William the Conqueror invades England beginning the Norman conquest of England.


1106/0928:England「Battle of Tinchebray」
 Henry I of England defeats his brother, Robert Curthose.

Jaime I de Aragón, con sus tropas durante la Reconquista, sucedió, tras un asedio de cinco meses, en la toma de la ciudad de Valencia, sostenida por los almohades.

Muslim Valencia surrenders to the besieging King James I of Aragon the Conqueror.

1322/0928:Germany「Battle of Mühldorf」
Louis IV, Holy Roman Emperor defeats Frederick I of Austria in the Battle of Mühldorf.

1538/0928:Ottoman–Venetian War「Battle of Preveza」
 The Ottoman Navy scores a decisive victory over a Holy League fleet.

Bataille de Prévéza (guerre vénéto-ottomane). Victoire des Ottomans de Barberousse sur la Sainte Ligue d’Andrea Doria.

Navigator Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo of Portugal arrives at what is now San Diego, United States.

1573/0928:Caravaggio(Michelangelo Merisi)157310、誕生

un pittore italiano. Formatosi tra Milano e Venezia e attivo a Roma, Napoli, Malta e in Sicilia fra il 1593 e il 1610, è uno dei più celebri pittori italiani di tutti i tempi, assurto a fama universale solo nel XX secolo, dopo un periodo di oblio. I suoi dipinti, che combinano un'analisi dello stato umano, sia fisico, sia emotivo, con uno scenografico uso della luce, hanno avuto forte influenza sulla pittura barocca.

1681/0928:Johann Mattheson 168164、誕生

ein deutscher Opernsänger (Tenor), Komponist, Musikschriftsteller und Mäzen.

Johann Sebastian Bach 168550 や Georg Friedrich Händel 168559 の同時代人。

1708/0928:Grande guerre du Nord「Bataille de Lesnaya」
 Victoire des Russes sur les Suédois.

1745/0928:GreatBritain「God Save the King」
The later British national anthem God Save the King was premiered in an arrangement by Thomas Arne in honor of King George II of Hanover.


1746/0928:William Jones 174694、誕生

an Anglo-Welsh philologist, a puisne judge on the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William in Bengal, and a scholar of ancient India, particularly known for his proposition of the existence of a relationship among European and Indian languages, which would later be known as Indo-European languages.

≫ The Sanscrit language, whatever be its antiquity, is of a wonderful structure; more perfect than the Greek, more copious than the Latin, and more exquisitely refined than either, yet bearing to both of them a stronger affinity, both in the roots of verbs and the forms of grammar, than could possibly have been produced by accident; so strong indeed, that no philologer could examine them all three, without believing them to have sprung from some common source, which, perhaps, no longer exists; there is a similar reason, though not quite so forcible, for supposing that both the Gothic and the Celtic, though blended with a very different idiom, had the same origin with the Sanscrit; and the old Persian might be added to the same family.

1781/0928:American Revolutionary War
 American forces backed by a French fleet begin the siege of Yorktown, Virginia.

1787/0928:US Congress「US Constitution」
The newly completed United States Constitution is voted on by the U.S. Congress to be sent to the state legislatures for approval.

1791/0928:French Revolution、
 Promulgation de la Loi sur l'émancipation des juifs.

France becomes the first country to emancipate its Jewish population.

1803/0928:Prosper Mérimée 180370、誕生

un écrivain, historien et archéologue français.


Bajo la dirección de Miguel Hidalgo irrumpió en la Alhóndiga de Granaditas en Guanajuato durante la Guerra de Independencia de México.

Under the direction of Miguel Hidalgo burst in the Alhóndiga de Granaditas in Guanajuato during the War of Independence of Mexico.

1821/0928:Mexican Empire「獨立宣言」
The Declaration of Independence of the Mexican Empire is drafted. It will be made public on 13 October.

The first children's festival takes place in St. Gallen. In the course of the school reforms of the beginning of the nineteenth century, it emerged from various older festivals.

1841/0928:Georges Clemenceau 184129、誕生

homme politique, médecin et journaliste français, président du Conseil des ministres de 1906 à 1909 puis de 1917 à 1920.

The British photographer William Usherwood succeeds with a picture of Donati(the first photo of a comet). The following night, the American astronomer William Cranch Bond succeeds in making a picture.

1859/0928:Carl Ritter 177959、死去

a German geographer. Along with Alexander von Humboldt, he is considered one of the founders of modern geography. From 1825 until his death, he occupied the first chair in geography at the University of Berlin.
近代科學的な地理學の確立に尽力し、その業績は同時期の Alexander von Humboldt 176959 と並称され「近代地理學の父」と呼ばれてゐる。

In total, Ritter intended to write an all-encompassing geography spanning the entire globe. His work was to consist of three parts:
1. The solid form or the continents
2. The fluid form or the elements
3. The bodies of the three realms of nature
Part one was to undertake the continents of the globe beginning with the “Old World” and work to the “New World”. The dynamic of old and new proposed here does not correspond to contemporary notions, rather refers to the evolution of human activity on the planet as Ritter understood it.

Marx&Engels「International Workers Association」formed




Toronto becomes the capital of Ontario, having also been the capital of Ontario's predecessors since 1796.

1868/0928:Spain「Battle of Alcolea」
 causes Queen Isabella II of Spain to flee to France.

1870/0928:Franco-German war,
 the city of Strasbourg surrenders after several weeks of violent bombardment by the German troops.

The Brazilian Parliament passes the Law of the Free Womb, granting freedom to all new children born to slaves, the first major step in the eradication of slavery in Brazil.


1873/0928:Émile Gaboriau 183273、死去

un écrivain français, considéré comme le père du roman policier.
Son personnage, l'enquêteur Lecoq, a influencé Conan Doyle pour la création de Sherlock Holmes. Il a lui-même été très influencé par Edgar Allan Poe.

1889/0928:CGPM「General Conference on Weights and Measures」
first defines the length of a meter as the distance between two lines on a standard bar of an alloy of platinum with ten percent iridium, measured at the melting point of ice.

1891/0928:Herman Melville 181991、死去

an American novelist, short story writer, and poet of the American Renaissance period.

1892/0928:The first night game for American football takes place in a contest between Wyoming Seminary and Mansfield State Normal.

1895/0928:Louis Pasteur 182295、死去

un scientifique français, chimiste et physicien de formation, pionnier de la microbiologie, qui, de son vivant même, connut une grande notoriété pour avoir mis au point un vaccin contre la rage.
ドイツの Robert Koch 184310 とともに「近代細菌學の開祖」と並称される。

1862/0420、パスツルと クロド・ベルナルは、のちに低温殺菌法(パスチャライゼーション)として知られる最初の実験を始めた。

≫ 科學には國境はないが、科學者に祖國がある。









1901/0928:Philippine–American War:
 Filipino guerrillas kill more than forty American soldiers while losing 28 of their own, in a surprise attack in Balangiga, Eastern Samar.


1905/0928:Max Schmeling 190505、誕生

Maximillian Adolph Otto Siegfried « Max » Schmeling, boxeur allemand.
ein deutscher Schwergewichtsboxer und zwischen 1930 und 1932 Schwergewichts-Boxweltmeister. Ein Comeback als Champion gelang ihm, trotz des Sieges 1936 gegen Joe Louis, im entscheidenden zweiten Kampf von 1938 nicht mehr. Er gilt bis heute als einer der populärsten Sportler Deutschlands.

 The Ulster Covenant is signed by some 500,000 Ulster Protestant Unionists in opposition to the Third Irish Home Rule Bill.

1914/0928:WWⅠ「Siège d’Anvers」début.
 Victoire allemande.




1918/0928:Georg Simmel 185818、死去

ein deutscher Philosoph und Soziologe. Er leistete wichtige Beiträge zur Kulturphilosophie, war Begründer der „formalen Soziologie“ und der Konfliktsoziologie. Simmel stand in der Tradition der Lebensphilosophie, aber auch der des Neukantianismus.

ユダヤ人だったがキリスト教徒だった。「生の哲學」を Hegel 的にやるなど複雜な段取りの人であった。が、

Dyad and triad

Distance The Stranger
Simmel’s concept of distance comes into play where he identifies a stranger as a person that is far away and close at the same time.
≫ The Stranger is close to us, insofar as we feel between him and ourselves common features of a national, social, occupational, or generally human, nature. He is far from us, insofar as these common features extend beyond him or us, and connect us only because they connect a great many people.  Georg Simmel The Stranger 1908




1924/0928:First round-the-world flight completed.

In Seattle, the first round-the-world flight in an airplane ends in numerous stages after 175 days. Four of the Douglas World Cruiser's two Douglas, the Chicago and the New Orleans, are again taking off.

Alexander Fleming notices a bacteria-killing mold growing in his laboratory, discovering what later became known as penicillin.

The bacteriologist Alexander Fleming accidentally remarks that one of his staphylococcal cultures, into which molds of the genus Penicillium have fallen, is killed. His further investigations lead to the development of the antibacterial active ingredient penicillin.

1930/0928:Immanuel Wallerstein 1930--、誕生

an American sociologist, historical social scientist, and world-systems analyst, arguably best known for his development of the general approach in sociology which led to the emergence of his world-systems approach.


1934/0928:Brigitte Bardot 1934--、誕生

une actrice de cinéma, mannequin, chanteuse et militante de la cause animale française.
Figure féminine des années 1950 et 1960, elle est une star mondiale, l'égérie et la muse de grands artistes de l'époque. Emblème de l'émancipation des femmes et de la liberté sexuelle, elle passe des rôles de femme enfant à ceux de femme fatale.

1935/0928:William Kennedy Dickson 186035、死去

a Scottish inventor who devised an early motion picture camera under the employment of Thomas Edison (post-dating the work of Louis Le Prince).

1936/0928:Mylène Demongeot 1936--、誕生

une actrice et productrice française.

1939/0928:WWⅡ「Division Poland」
Nazi Germany & the Soviet Union agree on a division of Poland after their invasion.

Das Deutsche Reich und die Sowjetunion schließen einen Grenz- und Freundschaftsvertrag, mit dem die Grenzvereinbarungen des deutsch-sowjetischen Nichtangriffspaktes abgeändert werden.

1939/0928:Warsaw surrenders to Nazi Germany.

Die polnische Hauptstadt Warschau kapituliert im Zweiten Weltkrieg nach der dreiwöchigen Belagerung von Warschau durch die deutsche Wehrmacht.

1944/0928:Josef Bürckel 189544、死去

ナチスの軍人。ein nationalsozialistischer Gauleiter und Bürokrat in hohen politischen Ämtern. Zwischen 1935 und 1936 war er „Reichskommissar für die Rückgliederung des Saargebiets“, ab 1938 „Reichskommissar für die Wiedervereinigung Österreichs mit dem Deutschen Reich“ und von 1940 bis 1944 „Reichsstatthalter der Westmark“ mit Sitz in Saarbrücken sowie „Chef der Zivilverwaltung“ (CdZ) in Lothringen

1921 ナチスに入党
1933 突撃隊に入隊、三年後、突撃隊大將
1937 親衛隊に入隊。五年後、親衛隊大將
1939 ウイン大管區指導者を建武
1944 夫人とともに死亡してゐるのが發見される。自殺とも他殺とも云はれてゐる。この死の直前となる八月に二人の息子のうちの一人が戰死してゐる。

Soviet Army troops liberate Klooga concentration camp in Klooga, Estonia.

1948/0928:Gregg Toland 190448、死去

an American cinematographer noted for his innovative use of lighting and techniques such as deep focus, examples of which can be found in his work on Orson Welles' Citizen Kane, William Wyler's The Best Years of Our Lives, and John Ford's The Long Voyage Home.

Welles & Toland at work on Citizen Kane 1941

1951/0928:USA「Color TV」
 CBS makes the first color televisions available for sale to the general public, but the product is discontinued less than a month later.

1952/0928:Sylvia Kristel 195212、誕生

une actrice et mannequin néerlandaise
Elle est connue pour avoir tenu le rôle principal dans cinq des sept films (au cinéma) de la série Emmanuelle dans les années 1970 et 1980.

{私は、西洋近代の世界にたいする帝國&植民地主義のの象徴として、娯楽映画のイギリスの 007 James Bond とフランスの Madame Emmanuelle とを冗談半分、といふことは半分は眞面目になって分析してみたことがあった。彼等は西洋の尖兵となって、かつてのキリスト教宣教師のやうに文化的な裝ひのなかに宗教的情熱を祕めた侵略者となる。ボンドは何の疑念もなく相手を惡と決めて疑ふことなく西洋の守護者として振舞ふ。彼の最初の敵は「Dr No」といふアジアの血を持つ怪人であった。エマニュエルは性愛のはてしなき欲望にアジアに向かふ。アジアは西洋近代にとって「旅への誘ひ」のミステリアスゾンであった。その最も奥深い所、極東に日本といふ神祕の國がある。いや、あった。 ‥‥ もうずっと昔のことですっかりうろ覺えになってゐる。

1953/0928:Edwin Hubble 188953、死去

an American astronomer. He played a crucial role in establishing the fields of extragalactic astronomy and observational cosmology and is regarded as one of the most important astronomers of all time.

1956/0928:William Edward Boeing 188156、死去

an American aviation pioneer who founded The Boeing Company.

1958/0928:France「Nouvelle Constitution」
 Lors d'un référendum, les Français adoptent une nouvelle constitution, marquée par Charles de Gaulle, qui donne au président un pouvoir plus fort. L'entrée en vigueur de la présente Constitution, le 4 octobre, met fin à la quatrième République française et est remplacée par la Cinquième République.

1961/0928:United Arab Republic
 A military coup in Damascus effectively ends the United Arab Republic, the union between Egypt and Syria.

1966/0928:André Breton 189666、死去

un poète et écrivain français, principal animateur et théoricien du surréalisme.
Auteur des livres Nadja, L'Amour fou et des différents Manifestes du surréalisme, son rôle de chef de file du mouvement surréaliste, et son œuvre critique et théorique pour l'écriture et les arts plastiques, font d'André Breton une figure majeure de l'art et de la littérature française du XXe siècle.

Indonesia, which had withdrawn from the United Nations in January of the previous year, is re-joining.



1970/0928:John Dos Passos 189670、死去

an American novelist and artist active in the first half of the twentieth century. Born in Chicago, Illinois, he graduated from Harvard College in 1916. He was well-traveled, visiting Europe and the Middle East, where he learned about literature, art, and architecture.

His major work is the U.S.A. trilogy, comprising The 42nd Parallel (1930), 1919 (1932), and The Big Money (1936). Dos Passos used experimental techniques in these novels, incorporating newspaper clippings, autobiography, biography, and fictional realism to paint a vast landscape of American culture during the first decades of the 20th century. Though each novel stands on its own, the trilogy is designed to be read as a whole. Dos Passos' political and social reflections in the novel are deeply pessimistic about the political and economic direction of the United States, and few of the characters manage to hold onto their ideals through the First World War.

1970/0928:Gamal Abdel Nasser 191870、

(جمال عبد الناصر), homme d'État égyptien, président de la République égyptienne de 1956 à 1970.
the second President of Egypt, serving from 1956 until his death. Nasser led the 1952 overthrow of the monarchy and introduced far-reaching land reforms the following year.

Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser dies of a heart attack in Cairo. Anwar Sadat is named as Nasser's temporary successor, and will later become the permanent successor.



The Parliament of the United Kingdom passes the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 banning the medicinal use of cannabis.


1971/0928:Japan, Tokyo「ゴミ戦争宣言」

The ITT Building in New York City is bombed in protest at ITT's alleged involvement in the September 11, 1973 coup d'état in Chile.

Muhammad Ali wins his boxing match and the heavyweight world title against Ken Norton at the Yankee Stadium, Bronx, New York.


1978/0928:Ioannes Paulus PP. I 191278、急死。

ロウマ教皇(在位: 1978/0826~1978/0928)、

1979/0928:Catherine Hessling 190079、死去

une actrice française
elle fut l'un des derniers modèles du peintre Pierre-Auguste Renoir et la première épouse de son fils, le réalisateur Jean Renoir. C'est pour elle que le cinéaste abandonna la céramique et débuta dans le cinéma. Il en fit l'héroïne de ses cinq premiers films muets.



1985/0928:André Kertész 189485、死去

un photographe hongrois, naturalisé américain,
Acteur important de la scène artistique parisienne durant l'entre-deux-guerres, il est reconnu comme un photographe majeur de la photographie du XXe siècle.

Circus, Budapest, 19 May 1920

Fork, or Fourchette, was taken in 1928

The Democratic Progressive Party was established under the martial law in Taiwan, becomes the first opposition party in Taiwan.

1989/0928:Ferdinand Marcos 191789、死去

homme politique et avocat philippin, président de la République des Philippines de 1965 à 1986.
a Filipino politician and kleptocrat who was President of the Philippines from 1965 to 1986. He ruled as a dictator under martial law from 1972 until 1981 . His regime was infamous for its corruption, extravagance and brutality.

1991/0928:Miles Davis 192691、死去

an American jazz trumpeter, bandleader, and composer. He is among the most influential and acclaimed figures in the history of jazz and 20th century music. Davis adopted a variety of musical directions in his five-decade career which kept him at the forefront of a number of major stylistic developments in jazz.

SAC stands down from alert all ICBMs scheduled for deactivation under START I, as well as its strategic bomber force.

A Pakistan International Airlines Airbus A300 crashes in a hill in Kathmandu, Nepal killing all 167 passengers and crew.

The cruise ferry MS Estonia sinks in Baltic Sea, killing 852 people.

Bob Denard and a group of mercenaries take the islands of the Comoros in a coup.

1995/0928:Israel & PLO「Interim Agreement」
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat sign the Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

2000/0928:Pierre Elliott Trudeau 191900、死去

a Canadian statesman who served as the 15th Prime Minister of Canada (1968–1979 and 1980–1984). He is the 3rd longest-serving Prime Minister in Canadian history (behind William Lyon Mackenzie King and John A. Macdonald), having served for 15 years, 164 days.

2000/0928:Al-Aqsa Intifada:
 Ariel Sharon visits Al-Aqsa Mosque known to Jews as the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.


2003/0928:Elia Kazan 190903、死去

a Greek-American director, producer, writer and actor, described by The New York Times as "one of the most honored and influential directors in Broadway and Hollywood history".
Noted for drawing out the best dramatic performances from his actors, he directed 21 actors to Oscar nominations, resulting in nine wins. He directed a string of successful films, including A Streetcar Named Desire (1951), On the Waterfront (1954), and East of Eden (1955). During his career, he won two Oscars as Best Director and received an Honorary Oscar, won three Tony Awards, and four Golden Globes.


2005/0928:Leo Henryk Sternbach 190805、死去

a Croatian-Jewish chemist who is credited with discovering benzodiazepines, the main class of tranquilizers.

化合物 R0 6-690 を基にしたリブリウムは1956年にスタンバックによって見出され、1960年に使用が認可された。1963年、改良版であるヴァリウムが発表され、驚異的な人気を得た。1969年から1982年にかけてアメリカで最も処方された医薬品であり、1978年には23億錠以上が売れた

≫ 私はつねに私が望んだことをやってきた。

SpaceX launches the first private spacecraft, the Falcon 1 into orbit.

2009/0928:Africa, Guinea「Stade du 28 Septembre」
The military junta leading Guinea(headed by Captain Moussa Dadis Camara)raped, killed, and wounded protesters during a protest rally in a stadium called Stade du 28 Septembre.

2010/0928:Arthur Penn 192210、死去

an American director and producer of film, television and theater. Penn directed critically acclaimed films throughout the 1960s such as the drama The Chase (1966), the biographical crime film Bonnie and Clyde (1967) and the comedy Alice's Restaurant (1969). He also got attention for his revisionist Western Little Big Man (1970).

 Somali and African Union forces launch a coordinated assault on the Somali port city of Kismayo to take back the city from al-Shabaab militants.

2014/0928:Hong Kong protests:
 Benny Tai announces that Occupy Central is launched as Hong Kong's government headquarters is being occupied by thousands of protesters. Hong Kong police resort to tear gas to disperse protesters but thousands remain.

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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