

08/25:歴史にたいする疑惑と懷疑「探求しなさい。完成させなさい。出版しなさい。by Faraday

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 08/25 今日の出來事

 明日等のために ―― Friedrich Nietzsche 184400 より(今日は彼の命日です)

≫ Oh, mein Freund, der Mensch ist Etwas, das überwunden werden muss.
≫ 人間はいまだ確定されていない何者であり、克服されるべき何者かである。

≫ 眞の男のなかには永遠の少年が住んでゐる。この少年が遊びたがるのだ。
≫ 成熟とは、子供の時の遊戲の眞劍味を再び見出だすことである。
≫ 物事を完成させるには、才能や技倆よりも時間による成熟を信じながら絶えず進んでいくといふ氣質が決定的な役割をはたす。
≫ 心中に未來の理想を思ひ描け。けっして自分を歴史の末裔などと迷信するな。未來の生を思ひめぐらすことに集中せよ。

≫ 過去が現在に影響をあたへてゐるやうに、未來も現在に影響をあたへてゐる。
≫ 獨創的とは、何か新たなものを觀察することではなく、古くから知られてゐたもの、あるいは誰の目にも觸れてゐながら見逃されてゐたものを。あたかも新しいもののやうに注目することこそが、眞の意味での獨創である。

≫ He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying. {飛ぶことは足とは何の關係もない。むしろ、足を忘れることだ。飛びたければ。必要なのは、足ではない、翼だ。
≫ 高く登りたいなら自分の足を使へ。高い所へは他人によって運ばれてはならぬ。人の背や頭に乘って登ってはならない。
≫ 君以外には誰も歩いて行けぬ道がある。その道はどこへ行き着くのか、などと訊くな。ひたすら歩け。

≫ 君の魂のなかにゐる英雄をけっして放棄してはならない。

0357/0825:Battle of Strasbourg:
Julian, Caesar (deputy emperor) and supreme commander of the Roman army in Gaul, wins an important victory against the Alemanni at Strasbourg (Argentoratum).

Nort-est de la Gaule et frontière rhénane de l'Empire du temps de Julien.


Emperor Constantine V humiliates nineteen high-ranking officials, after discovering a plot against him. He executes the leaders, Constantine Podopagouros and his brother Strategios.

Κωνσταντίνος Εʹ ὁ Κοπρώνυμος, Kōnstantinos V ho Koprōnymos 071875 東ロウマ帝國イサウリア王朝02皇帝

The Dutch city of Ommen receives city rights and fortification rights from Otto III, the Archbishop of Utrecht.

1258/0825:Empire of Nicaea「Coup」
Regent George Mouzalon & his brothers are killed during a coup headed by the aristocratic faction under, paving the way for its leader, Michael VIII Palaiologos, to ultimately usurp the throne of the Empire of Nicaea(1204~61).

1270/0825:Lous IX 121470、崩去

Le roi français Louis IX. Mort pendant le siège de Tunis pendant la septième et dernière croisade. Son successeur sera son fils Philippe III.
Communément appelé Saint Louisa, est un roi de France capétien du XIIIe siècle, qui régna pendant plus de 43 ans de 1226 jusqu'à sa mort. Considéré comme un saint de son vivant, il est canonisé par l'Église catholique en 1297.

La France à la mort de Louis, en 1270.


a Christian army supported by Scottish knights succeeds in conquering a Moorish quarrection of the Nasrids in the battle of Teba. The Scottish soldier James Douglas is killed in battle.

1482/0825:Margaret of Anjou 142982、死去

フランス本名(Marguerite d'Anjou)
薔薇戰爭でランカスタ家を率ゐ意志薄弱な夫 Henry VI 142171 と幼少の息子に代はり、ヨウク家に徹底抗戰した。




1530/0825:Ivan IV Vasilevich 153084、誕生

Иван IV Васильевич Ivan IV le Terrible, tsar de Russie de 1533 à 1584

The first Europeans and firearms arrive in Japan.


1580/0825:Spain vs Portugal「Battle of Alcântara」 

Bataille d’Alcántara. Victoire des forces espagnoles du duc d’Albe sur les Portugais.

Near the brook of Alcântara, in the vicinity of Lisbon, Portugal, and was a decisive victory of the Spanish Habsburg King Philip II over the Portuguese pretender to the Portuguese throne, Dom António, Prior of Crato.






A Venezia, Galileo Galilei presenta il suo primo telescopio costruito secondo il modello olandese.

Galileo Galilei demonstrates his first telescope to Venetian lawmakers.

1630/0825:SriLanka「Battle of Randeniwela」
Portuguese forces are defeated by the Kingdom of Kandy.




Prise de Gibraltar par les Britanniques.

1744/0825:Johann Gottfried von Herder 174403、誕生

ein deutscher Dichter, Übersetzer, Theologe sowie Geschichts- und Kultur-Philosoph der Weimarer Klassik.

1758/0825:Seven Years' War「Battle of Zorndorf」
Während des Siebenjährigen Krieges besiegt Friedrich der Große in der Schlacht bei Zorndorf eine überlegene russische Streitmacht.

 Frederick II of Prussia defeats the Russian army at the Battle of Zorndorf.

1767/0825:Louis Antoine de Saint-Just 176794、誕生

un homme politique français de la Révolution française. Le plus jeune des élus à la Convention nationale, Saint-Just était membre du groupe des Montagnards. Soutien indéfectible de Robespierre, il est emporté dans sa chute, le 9 thermidor.

Die barocke evangelische Ludwigskirche in Saarbrücken wird eingeweiht.

1776/0825:David Hume 171176、死去

a Scottish philosopher, historian, economist, and essayist, who is best known today for his highly influential system of philosophical empiricism, skepticism, and naturalism.

Lovranc Willomitzer is the first to climb the Triglav, the highest mountain in the Julian Alps and today's Slovenia.

The Briton Peter Durand receives a patent in the UK for the canned foods.

1814/0825:GB vs USA「War of 1812」
On the second day of the Burning of Washington, British troops torch the Library of Congress, United States Treasury, Department of War, and other public buildings.

1819/0825:James Watt 173619、死去

a Scottish inventor, mechanical engineer, and chemist who improved on Thomas Newcomen's 1712 Newcomen steam engine with his Watt steam engine in 1781, which was fundamental to the changes brought by the Industrial Revolution in both his native Great Britain and the rest of the world.

1819/0825:Allan Pinkerton 181984、誕生

, détective américain.

Présentation au Salon du Radeau de La Méduse, tableau de Géricault qui suscite le scandale.

1822/0825:William Herschel 173822、死去

a British astronomer and composer of German (and ultimately Czech-Jewish) origin,


1825/0825:Uruguay「Independence」from Brazil.

1830/0825:The Belgian Revolution begins.

The first Great Moon Hoax article is published in The New York Sun, announcing the discovery of life & civilization on the Moon.

1841/0825:Emil Theodor Kocher 184117、誕生

ein Schweizer Chirurg.
Kocher war einer der Wegbereiter der modernen Chirurgie.
Er erhielt 1909 als erster Chirurg den Nobelpreis für Physiologie oder Medizin.

1845/0825:Ludwig Otto Friedrich Wilhelm 184586、誕生

King of Bavaria from 1864 until his death in 1886. He is sometimes called the Swan King, Mad King Ludwig or der Märchenkönig (the 'Fairy Tale King').
He also held the titles of Count Palatine of the Rhine, Duke of Bavaria, Duke of Franconia, and Duke in Swabia.

1867/0825:Michael Faraday 179167、死去

an English scientist who contributed to the study of electromagnetism and electrochemistry. His main discoveries include the principles underlying electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism and electrolysis.


研究しなさい。完成させなさい。出版しなさい。若き William Crookes へ

1867/0825:Marcel Schwob186710、誕生

un écrivain français — conteur, poète, traducteur, érudit — proche des symbolistes.



Captain Matthew Webb became the first person to swim across the English Channel, traveling from Dover to Calais, in 22 hours.

Thomas Edison receives the patent for the invention of the 35mm film.

1883/0825:France & VietNam「Treaty of Huế」,
 recognizing a French protectorate over Annam & Tonkin.



Kitasato Shibasaburō 北里柴三郎 discovers the infectious agent of the bubonic plague and publishes his findings in The Lancet.




700 Greek civilians, 17 British guards & the British Consul of Crete are killed by a Turkish mob in Heraklion, Greece.

1900/0825:Friedrich Nietzsche 184400、死去

ein deutscher klassischer Philologe.

≫ Insanity in individuals is something rare - 
but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. 

≫ 私が人間だといふいふのは偏見です。。私はインドにゐた頃には佛陀でしたし、ギリシアではディオニュソスでした。アレクサンドロスカエサルは私の化身です。ヴォルテエルとナポレオンだったこともあります。。リヒャルトヴァグナだったことがあるやうな氣がしないでもありません。。十字架にかけられたこともあります。 いとしのアリアドネへ、ディオニュソスより

1900/0825:Hans Adolf Krebs 190081、誕生

ein deutscher, später britischer Mediziner, Internist und Biochemiker.
Er wirkte ab 1945 als Professor an der Universität Sheffield und erhielt für die Entdeckung des Citratzyklus im Jahr 1953 den Nobelpreis für Physiologie oder Medizin.

1904/0825:Henri Fantin-Latour 186304、死去

un peintre réaliste et intimiste, et lithographe français.

1908/0825:Henri Becquerel 185208、死去

un physicien français. Il est lauréat de la moitié du prix Nobel de physique de 1903 (partagé avec Marie Curie et son mari Pierre Curie)








1912/0825:China、Naissance du Kuomintang.


1912/0825:Võ Nguyên Giáp 191213、誕生

「ヴォゲンザップ」ベトナムの軍人。ベトナム共産党政治局員。ベトナム人民軍 (QĐND) 総司令官。最終階級は大將。

1912/0825:Erich Honecker 191294、誕生

ein deutscher kommunistischer Politiker. Vom 3. Mai 1971 bis zum 18. Oktober 1989 war er als Erster Sekretär bzw. Generalsekretär des Zentralkomitees (ZK) der SED der mächtigste Politiker der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik.

1914/0825:WWⅠ: ドイツ人の文化破壞
The library of the Catholic University of Leuven is deliberately destroyed by the German Army. Hundreds of thousands of irreplaceable volumes and Gothic and Renaissance manuscripts are lost.

1916/0825:USA「National Park Service」

The National Park Service is being built in the USA. It is responsible for making the managed sites accessible and preserving the natural landscape and animal world as well as historical monuments.

1918/0825:Leonard Bernstein 181890、誕生

compositeur et chef d’orchestre américain

1920/0825:Polish–Soviet War「Battle of Warsaw」
 which began on August 13, ends with the Red Army's defeat.

Les troupes polonaises de maréchal Piłsudski l'emportent sur l’armée bolchévique du maréchal Toukhatchevski.


Kuomintang's goverment founded the capital, Nanjing, China

1930/0825:Sean Connery 1930--、誕生

a retired Scottish actor and producer who has won an Academy Award, two BAFTA Awards (one of them being a BAFTA Academy Fellowship Award) and three Golden Globes (including the Cecil B. DeMille Award and a Henrietta Award).

Air Port「羽田飛行場(現東京国際空港)」開港。

1933/0825:Wayne Shorter 1933--、誕生

an American jazz saxophonist and composer.
Many of Shorter's compositions have become jazz standards, and his output has earned worldwide recognition, critical praise and various commendations.

The Diexi earthquake strikes Mao County, Sichuan and kills 9,000 people.



1936/0825:Lev Borisovich Kamenev 188336、肅清

a Bolshevik revolutionary and a prominent Soviet politician. He was one of the seven members of the first Politburo, founded in 1917 to manage the Bolshevik Revolution: Lenin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Trotsky, Stalin, Sokolnikov and Bubnov.


1936/0825:Grigorii Yevseevich Zinoviev 188336、肅清

a Bolshevik revolutionary and a Soviet Communist politician.



1938/0825:Frederick Forsyth 1938--、誕生

an English author, former journalist & spy, and occasional political commentator. He is best known for thrillers such as The Day of the Jackal, The Odessa File, The Fourth Protocol, The Dogs of War, The Devil's Alternative, The Fist of God, Icon, The Veteran, Avenger, The Afghan, The Cobra and The Kill List.

1939/0825:UK & Poland
The United Kingdom and Poland form a military alliance in which the UK promises to defend Poland in case of invasion by a foreign power.

The first Bombing of Berlin by the British Royal Air Force.



1942/0825:WWⅡ:Japan vs USA「Battle of Eastern Solomons」
Japanese naval transport convoy headed towards Guadalcanal is turned back by an Allied air attack.

Paris is liberated by the Allies. 

1944/0825:France「Massacre de Maillé」
 Les nazis tuent 124 civils français habitant la commune de Maillé en représailles des résistances locales à l’envahisseur.


The Romanian Kingdom declared war on Germany

Ten days after WWⅡ ends with Japan announcing its surrender, armed supporters of the Chinese Communist Party kill U.S. intelligence officer John Birch, regarded by some of the American right as the first victim of the Cold War.

The House Un-American Activities Committee holds first-ever televised congressional hearing: "Confrontation Day" between Whittaker Chambers and Alger Hiss.

President Harry Truman orders the U.S. Army to seize control of the nation's railroads to avert a strike.

1956/0825:Alfred Kinsey 189456、死去

an American biologist, professor of entomology and zoology, and sexologist who in 1947 founded the Institute for Sex Research at Indiana University, now known as the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction.

1958/0825:Japan「Instant Rarmen」


President Jânio Quadros resigns after just 7 months in power, initiating a political crisis that culminates in a military coup in 1964.

A patient who died the day before at a hospital in Narashino, Chiba Prefecture, proved to be a patient infected with cholera.




Voyager 2 spacecraft makes its closest approach to Saturn

1984/0825:Truman Capote 192484、死去

an American novelist, screenwriter, playwright, and actor.


1985/0825:Samantha Smith 197285、(飛行機)事故死?

écolière américaine, ambassadrice de bonne volonté en Union soviétique.

On August 25, 1985, Smith and her father were returning home aboard Bar Harbor Airlines Flight 1808 after filming a segment for Lime Street. While attempting to land at Lewiston-Auburn Regional Airport in Auburn, Maine, the Beechcraft 99 commuter plane struck some trees 4,007 feet (1,221 m) short of the runway and crashed, killing all six passengers and two crew on board.

Voyager 2 spacecraft makes its closest approach to Neptune, the second to last planet in the Solar System at the time.

1991/0825:Belarus「Independence」 from the Soviet Union

1991/0825:「Battle of Vukovar」begins.
An 87-day siege of Vukovar by the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA), supported by various Serb paramilitary forces, between August and November 1991 (during the Croatian War of Independence).

Linus Torvalds announces the first version of what will become Linux.

Linus Torvalds announces the work on a free operating system in a Usenet posting to the newsgroup dedicated to the Minix system. It is Linux.

1997/0825:Germany「Berlin Wall」
Egon Krenz(the former East German leader)is convicted of a shoot-to-kill policy at the Berlin Wall.

American singer Aaliyah and several members of her record company are killed as their overloaded aircraft crashes shortly after takeoff from Marsh Harbour Airport, Bahamas.

Former Prime Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Lazarenko is sentenced to nine years imprisonment for money laundering, wire fraud, and extortion.

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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