


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 07/20 今日の出來事

les monstres, les mystères Arthur Rimbaud 185491    


作品の怪物性をひとまづ事前に保證するためには、作者たる私も怪物的でならければなるまい。だから、せいぜい背伸び、それで足らねば跳躍して、古今東西の智慧知識を闇雲に振り囘して「切り裂く虹の童子」を演じてゐるといふわけだ ―― と明かしてしまってはまづかったか。

-356/070720:Ἀλέξανδρος ὁ Μέγας(Aléxandros ho Mégas)-35623、誕生

Alexander was born on the sixth day of the ancient Greek month of Hekatombaion, which probably corresponds to 20 July 356 BC, although the exact date is disputed.

-070/0720:Siege of Jerusalem:
Titus(son of emperor Vespasian)storms the Fortress of Antonia north of the Temple Mount. The Roman army is drawn into street fights with the Zealots.

Kardam of Bulgaria defeats Byzantine Emperor Constantine VI at the Battle of Marcellae.




鳥羽法皇画像 安楽寿院所蔵 作者不詳

Richard I of England officially invested as Duke of Normandy.

Ferdinand Ⅲ et l'évêque Don Mauricio posent la première pierre de la cathédrale de Burgos.

1304/0720:Francesco Petrarca 130474、誕生


1304/0720:Wars of Scottish Independence:
Fall of Stirling Castle: King Edward I of England takes the stronghold using the War Wolf.

1402/0720:Ottoman-Timurid Wars:
Battle of Ankara: Timur, ruler of Timurid Empire, defeats forces of the Ottoman Empire sultan Bayezid I.


1552/0720:After the conquest of Temesvar, the Banat became part of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans spread Islam.


During the first Japanese invasion of Korea, Japanese forces led by Toyotomi Hideyoshi captured Pyongyang, although they were ultimately unable to hold it.

Il cardinale Scipione Borghese acquisisce scandaloso quadro di Caravaggio, Madonna con Bambino e Sant'Anna.




The Kirstine Svensdatter lace finds the longest of the two golden horns of Gallehus.



1659/0720:Hyacinthe Rigaud 1659443、誕生

un peintre français, spécialisé dans le portrait.
Rigaud doit sa célébrité à la fidélité de la dynastie des Bourbons, dont il peint les effigies sur quatre générations.

Self portlait



江戸幕府の重臣、井伊直孝159059、酒井忠勝158762、松平信綱159662、阿部忠秋160275、松平乘壽160054 らが江戸城内の大奥を巡察して、不用の建物をことごとく取り壊させる。
The shogunate 's secretaries inspected Ōoku and let all unnecessary buildings be torn down.
# Ōoku (大奥 great interior) refers to the harem of Edo Castle, the section where the women connected to the reigning Shogun resided.

1656/0720:Europe, Northern War、finished

Approximate extent of Swedish-occupied (light blue) and Russian-occupied (light green) Poland-Lithuania


Territorial gains of the Swedish Empire after the Treaty of Roskilde (green outline) and Treaty of Copenhagen (1660) (light green). The Second Northern War marked the height of Sweden's stormaktstiden.




L'empereur Go-Mizunoo. 

Canadian explorer Pierre Gaultier de Varennes et de La Vérendrye reaches the western shore of Lake Michigan.

Tekle Giyorgis I begins his first of six reigns as Emperor of Ethiopia.

Nicéphore Niépce is awarded a patent by Napoleon for the Pyréolophore, the world's first internal combustion engine, after it successfully powered a boat upstream on the river Saône in France.

1810/0720:South America、
Citizens of Bogotá, New Granada declare independence from Spain.

The highest mountain of the Pyrenees, the Aneto, is climbed by the Russian ex-officer Plato de Tchihatcheff & his companions for the first time.


1822/0720:Gregor Johann Mendel 182284、誕生

Die sieben Merkmale, deren Vererbung Mendel untersuchte


James Biddle 178348(the head of the East India fleet of the United States)arrived in Uraga to request trade.



「Shirase Nobu」日本の陸軍軍人(輜重兵中尉)、南極探檢家。

1866/0720:Bernhard Riemann 182666、死去

ein deutscher Mathematiker, der trotz seines relativ kurzen Lebens auf vielen Gebieten der Analysis, Differentialgeometrie, mathematischen Physik und der analytischen Zahlentheorie bahnbrechend wirkte.

「Manifold 多樣體」に關係した年表
1854年 0610『幾何学の基礎に関する仮説について』(リーマン)
1872年 エルランゲン目録(クライン)
1916年 一般相対性理論アインシュタイン

1866/0720:Austro-Prussian War: Battle of Lissa:
The Austrian Navy , led by Admiral Wilhelm von Tegetthoff, defeats the Italian Navy near the island of Vis in the Adriatic Sea.



Emperor Meiji riding the lighthouse surveillance ship finishes the Tohoku region cruise and returns to Yokohama Port.


a Japanese statesman during the Bakumatsu and Meiji period.


The Football Association legalizes professionalism in association football under pressure from the British Football Association.

1890/0720:Giorgio Morandi 189064、誕生

un pittore e incisore italiano. Fu uno dei protagonisti della pittura italiana del Novecento ed è considerato tra i maggiori incisori mondiali del secolo.

Lo studio bolognese fotografato da Paolo Monti nel 1981

1903/0720:USA、Ford Motor ships its first car.


Explosion accident at Fengoku coal mine in Fukuoka prefecture. It was the worst coal mine accident in the Meiji era, where 365 people were killed.


"Emperor Meiji is heavy due to uremia", the Imperial Household Agency announced in the Official Gazette . The Tokyo stock market crashed.

The Corfu Declaration, which leads to the creation of the post-war Kingdom of Yugoslavia, is signed by the Yugoslav Committee and Kingdom of Serbia.

1919/0720:Edmund Hillary1919108、誕生

a New Zealand mountaineer, explorer, and philanthropist.

The Greek Army takes control of Silivri after Greece is awarded the city by the Paris Peace Conference; by 1923 Greece effectively lost control to the Turks.

1923/0720:Pancho Villa 187823、死去


The International Chess Federation is inaugurated in Paris.

1925/0720:Franz Fanon 192561、誕生

un psychiatre et essayiste français fortement impliqué dans la lutte pour l'indépendance de l'Algérie et dans un combat international dressant une solidarité entre « frères » opprimés.

Durant toute sa vie, il cherche à analyser les conséquences psychologiques de la colonisation à la fois sur le colon et sur le colonisé. Dans ses livres les plus connus, il analyse le processus de décolonisation sous les angles sociologique, philosophique et psychiatrique. Il a également écrit des articles importants dans sa discipline, la psychiatrie.

≫ Le colon fait l'histoire. Sa vie est une épopée, une odyssée. Il est le commencement absolu : "Cette terre, c'est nous qui l'avons faites." Il est la cause continuée : "Si nous partons, tout est perdu, cette terre retournera au Moyen-Age." En face de lui, des êtres engourdis, travaillés de l'intérieur par les fièvres et les "coutumes ancestrales", constituent un cadre quasi minéral au dynamisme novateur du mercantilisme colonial. Les Damnés de la Terre, 1961
≫ コロン(Colonist)は歴史を作り、かつそのことを自覚している。そのうえたえず本国の歴史に拠り所を求めているから、植民地にいるコロンは本国の延長であることを明らさまに示すことになる。したがってコロンの記述する歴史とは、彼らが荒らしまわる國の歴史ではなく、コロン自身の国の歴史、異民族を掠奪し、犯し、飢えさせた歴史である。原住民はぴくりとも動かぬものときめつけられており、それが疑問視されるためには、植民地化の歴史、掠奪の歴史に、原住民が終止符をうち、民族の歴史、非植民地化の歴史を出現させるべく決意を固めるときをまたねばならない 『地に呪われたる者』

1926/0720:Феликс Эдмундович Дзержинский(Félix Dzerjinski)187726、死去

a Polish and Soviet Bolshevik revolutionary and a Soviet statesman.
Dzerzhinsky is best known for establishing and developing the Soviet secret police forces, serving as their director from 1917 to 1926. Later he was a member of the Soviet government heading several commissariats, while being the chief of the Soviet secret police. The Cheka soon became notorious for mass summary executions, performed especially during the Red Terror and the Russian Civil War.

Dzerzhinsky's mug shots 1909, 1914,1916

{ポウランド人がロシア=ソ連の最も嫌惡すべき、暗黒の部分の組織を作りだす。これもまた歴史の皮肉だらうか。 ‥‥ しかし、彼にしてみれば、コミュニズムによって國家などは超越してしまってゐたのかも知れないが。

1932/0720:"Prussian coup"
In the Preußenschlag , German President Paul von Hindenburg dissolves the government of Prussia

1932/0720:USA、In Washington, D.C.,
police fire tear gas on World War I veterans, part of the Bonus Expeditionary Force, who attempt to march to the White House.

1933/0720:France & RCC
Concludato concluded between Deputy Prime Minister Franz von Papen of Nazi Germany and Cardinal Pacelli of the Roman Catholic Church (later Pope Pius XII).

1934/0720:Uwe Johnson 193484、誕生

1934/0720:Labor unrest in the U.S.:
Police in Minneapolis fire upon striking truck drivers, during the Minneapolis Teamsters Strike of 1934, killing two and wounding sixty-seven.

West Coast waterfront strike: In Seattle, police fire tear gas on and club 2,000 striking longshoremen. The governor of Oregon calls out the National Guard to break a strike on the Portland docks.

A Royal Dutch Airlines plane en route from Milan to Frankfurt crashes into a Swiss mountain, killing 13.

The Montreux Convention is signed in Switzerland, authorizing Turkey to fortify the Dardanelles and Bosphorus but guaranteeing free passage to ships of all nations in peacetime.

1937/0720:Guglielmo Marconi 187437、死去

un fisico, inventore, imprenditore e politico italiano.

Denmark leaves the League of Nations.

The US American magazine Billboard announces the first top ten in the US. Tommy Dorsey has the first number one hit.

Soviet leader Joseph Stalin consolidates the Commissariats of Home Affairs and National Security to form the NKVD and names Lavrentiy Beria its chief.


1944/0720:WWⅡ:Deutsch、Operation Walküre:
Claus Graf Schenk von Stauffenberg verübt ein Attentat auf Adolf Hitler, das jedoch scheitert.

Adolf Hitler survives an assassination attempt led by German Army Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg.


1945/0720:Paul Valéry 187145、死去

un écrivain, poète et philosophe français,

Trouver n'est rien. Le difficile est de s'ajouter ce qu'on trouve. Finding is nothing. The difficulty is to add affix what one finds. 發見など何でもない。困難はそれを身に付けることだ。`Monsieur Teste`

L'historien fait pour le passé ce que la tireuse de cartes fait pour le futur. Mais la sorcière s'expose à une vérification et non l'historien. The historian makes for the past what the card-shooter does for the future. But the sorceress is exposed to a verification and not the historian. 歴史家は(占ひ師が未來を作りだすやうに)過去を作りだす。占い師はその正しさを示してみせるが、歴史家はさうではない。

Le pouvoir sans abus perd le charme. Power without abuse loses its charm.

L´espoir fait vivre, mais comme sur une corde raide. Hope gives life, but as on a tightrope. 希望は息づいてゐる、張り渡したロウプのうへで。

1945/0720:WWⅡ:Atomic bomb drops to Japan:
the US military started dumping atomic bombs by pumpkin bomb.


Israel & Syria sign a truce to end their nineteen-month war.

1950/0720:Cold War: USA、
In Philadelphia, Harry Gold pleads guilty to spying for the Soviet Union by passing secrets from atomic scientist Klaus Fuchs.

1951/0720: Wilhelm von Preußen 188251、死去

Kronprinz Wilhelm, Ausschnitt aus einem Familienportrait.

King Abdullah I of Jordan is assassinated by a Palestinian while attending Friday prayers in Jerusalem.

Otto John(head of West Germany's secret service)defects to East Germany.

西ドイツ連邦憲法擁護庁 (BfV) 長官、オットゥ・ヨンが西ベルリンから失踪。0723、ラジオで東ドイツへの亡命を表明。

Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) elects Sirimavo Bandaranaike Prime Minister, the world's first elected female head of government.

1964/0720:Vietnam War:
Viet Cong forces attack the capital of Định Tường Province, Cái Bè, killing 11 South Vietnamese military personnel and 40 civilians (30 of whom are children).


Cultural Revolution: In the city of Wuhan, Hubei Province the crowd surrounded the dormitory where Mao Zedong stayed. As a result of this, armed conflict intensified in various parts of the city (Wuhan incident).

1969/0720:NASAApollo program:
Apollo 11's crew successfully makes the first manned landing on the Moon in the Sea of Tranquility. 

A cease fire is announced between Honduras & El Salvador, six days after the beginning of the "Football War".



MacDonald’sfirst japanese store opens in Mitsukoshi, Tokyo Ginza.

1973/0720:Михаил Васильевич Исаковский 190073、死去


1973/0720:Bruce Lee 194073、死去

Lee Jun-fan (Chinese: 李振藩)as Bruce Lee, was a Hong Kong and American actor, film director, martial artist, philosopher and founder of the martial art Jeet Kune Do.


Dubai Nikko Machine hijacking incident. The Japanese Red Army and the Palestinian Liberation Front Combined Forces hijacked the Japanese aircraft from Paris to Haneda.

1974/0720:Turkish occupation of Cyprus:
Forces from Turkey invade Cyprus after a coup d'état, organised by the dictator of Greece, against president Makarios.

The American Viking 1 lander successfully lands on Mars.

The Central Intelligence Agency releases documents under the Freedom of Information Act revealing it had engaged in mind-control experiments.

1982/0720:UK、Hyde Park & Regent's Park bombings:
The Provisional IRA detonates two bombs in Hyde Park and Regent's Park in central London, killing eight soldiers, wounding forty-seven people, and leading to the deaths of seven horses.

Burma's ruling junta puts opposition leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest.


Václav Havel resigns as president of Czechoslovakia.


Le Falun Gong, le gouvernement chinois a officiellement qualifiée des organisations « illégales » et commence interdits.
The Chinese Communist Party begins a persecution campaign against Falun Gong, arresting thousands nationwide.


Miyazaki Hayao's animated movie "Spirited Away" is released.

Début de la guerre en Somalie.

2011/0720:Lucian Freud 192211、死去

a British painter and draftsman, specialising in figurative art, and is known as one of the foremost 20th-century portraitists.

James Eagan Holmes kills 12 people and wounds 59 others in the Aurora shooting.

2015/0720:United States & Cuba
resume full diplomatic relations after five decades.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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