


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

1945/0716、USA successfully detonates a plutonium-based test nuclear weapon near Alamogordo, New Mexico.

歴史暦:古今東西 07/16 今日の出來事

0622、イスラムマホメットの移動を記念して Hijra といふ太陰暦が始まり、
1194、アッシジの聖女 Santa Chiara が亡くなり、
1951、アメリカで Salinger の The Catcher in the Rye が刊行され、
1973、アメリカ大統領が WaterGate の犯罪に手を染め、


Oumi Kanu 近江毛野 of Yamato regime comes out to recover the lost ground of Mimana. This caused the disturbance of Iwai at Tsukushi, Kyushu.


0622/0716:Islam、0662/0716(the Gregorian calendar)is the January 1st year of the Hijra calendar.

第二代正統代理人のウマルイブンハッタブが、預言者ムハンマドヒジュラ(マッカからマディナへ聖遷したこと)したユリウス暦で0622年を「ヒジュラ暦元年」とする新暦を制定した。その日が現在のグレゴリウス暦にすると 0622/0716(ユリウス通日1948439)であった。

1054/0716:Christian church, split in the east & west.

Excommunication de Michel Ier Cérulaire, point de départ traditionnel du Schisme oriental.
Three Roman legates break relations between Western & Eastern Christian Churches through the act of placing an invalidly-issued Papal bull of Excommunication on the altar of Hagia Sophia during Saturday afternoon divine liturgy. Historians frequently describe the event as the start of the East–West Schism.
東西教会の分裂: カトリック教会の使節としてコンスタンディヌーポリを訪問していた枢機卿フンベルトが、正教会コンスタンディヌーポリ総主教ミハイル1世とその同調者に対する破門状を聖堂の宝座に叩きつける。ミハイル1世もフンベルト一行を破門。(東西教会の相互破門)

The East–West Schism, also called the Great Schism and the Schism of 1054, was the break of communion between what are now the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches, which has lasted since the 11th century

Division between the Eastern and Western Churches

The religious distribution in 1054

1194/0716:Santa Chiara d'Assisi 119453、誕生

Claire d'Assise, sainte de l'église catholique

1212/0716:Reconquista、Batalla de las Navas de Tolosa en España, etapa decisiva de la Reconquista.

Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa: After Pope Innocent III calls European knights to a crusade, forces of Kings Alfonso VIII of Castile, Sancho VII of Navarre, Peter II of Aragon and Afonso II of Portugal defeat those of the Berber Muslim leader Almohad, thus marking a significant turning point in the Reconquista and in the medieval history of Spain.

The Reconquista is the period of history of the Iberian Peninsula spanning approximately 780 years between the Islamic conquest of Hispania in 711 and the fall of the last Islamic state in Iberia at Granada to the expanding Christian kingdoms in 1492. The Reconquista was completed just before the European discovery of the Americas—the "New World"—which ushered in the era of the Portuguese and Spanish colonial empires.








1377/0716:Richard II of England is crowned.




Der Frieden von Murten am Ende des Freiburgkriegs bürdet der Schweizer Stadt Freiburg eine hohe Entschädigung an das Herzogtum Savoyen auf.

The peace of Murten at the end of the Freiburg war puts the Swiss city of Freiburg on a high level of compensation to the Duchy of Savoy.

1465 /0716:
Bataille de Montlhéry entre Louis XI et la Ligue du Bien public.

Battle of Montlhéry between Louis XI and the Ligue du Bien public.

1482/0716:World Map
In Ulm druckt Lienhart Holl den ersten deutschen Weltatlas, die Cosmographia des Claudius Ptolemäus in der Ausgabe des Nicolaus Germanus.

1536 /0716:Expedition of Canada
Retour à Saint-Malo de la deuxième expédition de Jacques Cartier au Canada.


Successor of Oda Nobunaga who was killed in the coup d'etat decided to grandchild, SanBoushi(三法師=織田秀信).



On the island group Vestmannaeyjar located south of Iceland, corsairs are captured by local women and young people to sell them as slaves in North Africa. Other inhabitants are killed.

1641/0716:Thirty Year's War,
Kaiserliche Truppen unter dem Feldmarschall Melchior von Hatzfeldt beginnen im Dreißigjährigen Krieg mit der Belagerung von Dorsten.

Imperial troops under Field Marshal Melchior von Hatzfeldt began the siege of Dorsten in the Thirty Years' War.

The first banknotes in Europe are issued by the Swedish bank Stockholms Banco.

1664/0716:Andreas Gryphius 161664、死去

ein deutscher Dichter und Dramatiker des Barocks. Mit seinen sprachgewaltigen Sonetten, welche „das Leiden, Gebrechlichkeit des Lebens und der Welt“ beinhalten, gilt Gryphius als einer der bedeutendsten Lyriker des deutschen Barock.

≫ この世にあるのは虚無ばかり。――『すべては虚無』1658

Mme de Brinvilliers est reconnu coupable d'une chambre de la Haute Cour de Paris pour avoir empoisonné son père et ses deux frères. La peine de mort a été effectuée le lendemain par décapitation. Son cas déclenche l'affaire de poison soi-disant et a conduit à la fondation de la Chambre Ardente par Louis XIV.


Manchu Qing dynasty naval forces under traitorous commander Shi Lang defeat the Kingdom of Tungning in the Battle of Penghu near the Pescadores Islands.

1723/0716:Joshua Reynolds 172392、誕生

an influential 18th-century English painter, specialising in portraits. According to John Russell, he was one of the major European painters of the 18th Century.
 He said
If you have great talents, industry will improve them; if you have but moderate abilities, industry will supply their deficiency.

1760/0716:Seven Years' War
Im Gefecht bei Emsdorf gelingt den alliierten Truppen im Siebenjährigen Krieg ein Sieg über ein französisches Korps.

In the battle near Emsdorf, the Allied troops won a victory over a French corps during the Seven Years' War.

1761/0716:Seven Years' War
Die zweitägige Schlacht bei Vellinghausen im Siebenjährigen Krieg endet mit einem Sieg der Preußen unter Ferdinand von Braunschweig über die Franzosen unter dem Befehl von Charles de Rohan, prince de Soubise und Victor-François de Broglie.

The two-day battle of Vellinghausen in the Seven Years' War ended with a victory of the Prussians under Ferdinand von Braunschweig over the French under the command of Charles de Rohan, prince de Soubise and Victor-François de Broglie.

1773/0716:Josef Jungmann 177347、誕生

ein tschechischer Sprachwissenschaftler und eine führende Persönlichkeit der tschechischen Nationalen Wiedergeburt während des 19. Jahrhunderts.
引用 Wikipedia ja

1779/0716:American Revolutionary War:
Light infantry of the Continental Army seize a fortified British Army position in a midnight bayonet attack at the Battle of Stony Point.

1782/0716:Mozart's Opera
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarts deutschsprachige komische Oper Die Entführung aus dem Serail hat ihre Uraufführung im Wiener Burgtheater. Das Libretto von Johann Gottlieb Stephanie basiert auf einem Singspiel von Christoph Friedrich Bretzner, der gegen die unautorisierte Umarbeitung seines Werkes protestiert.


1789/0716:French Revolution
Deux jours après la prise d'assaut de la Bastille leur démolition finale commence.

Two days after the assault of the Bastille their final demolition begins.

The District of Columbia is established as the capital of the United States after signature of the Residence Act.


Signature du Concordat de 1801 entre Napoléon Bonaparte et le pape Pie VII (dans la nuit du 15 au 16 juillet).

The city of La Paz, in what is today Bolivia, declares its independence from the Spanish Crown during the La Paz revolution and forms the Junta Tuitiva, the first independent government in Spanish America, led by Pedro Domingo Murillo.






Antonio María Claret y Clará founds the Congregation of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, popularly known as the Claretians in Vic, in the province of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.

1861/0716:American Civil War:
At the order of President Abraham Lincoln, Union troops begin a 25-mile march into Virginia for what will become the First Battle of Bull Run, the first major land battle of the war.


1860/0716:Jens Otto Harry Jespersen 186043、誕生

「イェンス オト ハァイ イェスパスン」a Danish linguist who specialized in the grammar of the English language.
初期の著作である『Progress in Language』(1894)で、アウグスト・シュライヒャーによる言語発展の方向にかんする説(孤立語膠着語屈折語)を否定し、逆に屈折語から分析的な孤立語へ向かふと主張した。

1862/0716:American Civil War:
David Farragut is promoted to rear admiral, becoming the first officer in United States Navy to hold an admiral rank.

1872/0716:Roald Amundsen 187228、誕生

a Norwegian explorer of polar regions. He led the Antarctic expedition of 1910–12 which was the first to reach the South Pole, on 14 December 1911. In 1926, he was the first expedition leader for the air expedition to the North Pole.


1894(明治27)/0716:Japan, 『日英通商航海条約』調印。初めて領事裁判権が撤廃されるが、関税自主権は回復されず。

Signed the "Japan-UK Trade Navigation Treaty". Although consular jurisdiction will be eliminated for the first time, tariff autonomy is not restored.




1909/0716:Persian Constitutional Revolution:
Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar is forced out as Shah of Persia and is replaced by his son Ahmad Shah Qajar.

イラン立憲革命: 革命を支持する國民軍が首都テヘランを占領、國王モハンマド・アリ・シャはロシアへ亡命し、アフマド・シャが即位。

1916/0716:Илья Ильич Мечнико 184516(Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov)、死去

老化自家中毒説 ヨウグルト推獎者

1917/0716:Russian Revolution、July Days
The July Days refers to events in 1917 that took place in Petrograd between 16~20 July when soldiers & industrial workers engaged in spontaneous armed demonstrations against the Russian Provisional Government. The Bolsheviks initially attempted to prevent the demonstrations and then decided to support them.

Lénine entre dans la clandestinité, tandis que les autres dirigeants sont arrêtés, ce qui entraîne une baisse temporaire de l'influence bolchevik.

1918/0716:Russian Revolution、
Assassinat de la famille impériale russe à Iekaterinbourg en Russie (dans la nuit du 16 au 17 juillet).

Der Kellerraum, in dem die Zarenfamilie mit ihrem Gefolge ermordet wurde.
Die Schäden an der Wand entstammen der Suche nach Beweisen durch weiße Ermittler.



Augusto César Sandino leads a raid on U.S. Marines and Nicaraguan Guardia Nacional that had been sent to apprehend him in the village of Ocotal, but is repulsed by one of the first dive-bombing attacks in history.

Emperor Haile Selassie signs the first constitution of Ethiopia.





Adolf Hitler erlässt die Weisung Nummer 16 zur Vorbereitung einer Invasion in England, das Unternehmen Seelöwe.

Adolf Hitler issued the directive number 16 to prepare for an invasion in England, the company Sea Lion.

Joe DiMaggio hits safely for the 56th consecutive game, a streak that still stands as a MLB record.



1942/0716:France、Holocaust、Rafle du Vélodrome d'Hiver,
la plus grande arrestation massive de Juifs réalisée en France pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

Par ordre du gouvernement de Vichy de Pierre Laval, les lecteurs de la police française dans le raid Rafle du Vel'd'Hiv de 13000 à 20000 Juifs ensemble dans un stade.
Holocaust: Vel' d'Hiv Roundup (Rafle du Vel' d'Hiv): The government of Vichy France orders the mass arrest of 13,152 Jews who are held at the Winter Velodrome in Paris before deportation to Auschwitz.

1945/0716:USA、Manhattan Project:
The Atomic Age begins when the United States successfully detonates a plutonium-based test nuclear weapon near Alamogordo, New Mexico.

The heavy cruiser USS Indianapolis leaves San Francisco with parts for the atomic bomb "Little Boy" bound for Tinian Island.

1948/0716:In the 1948 Arab–Israeli War、
Following token resistance, the city of Nazareth, revered by Christians as the hometown of Jesus, capitulates to Israeli troops during Operation Dekel in the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.

The storming of the cockpit of the Miss Macao passenger seaplane, operated by a subsidiary of the Cathay Pacific Airways, marks the first aircraft hijacking of a commercial plane.

1950/0716:Chaplain–Medic massacre:
American POWs are massacred by North Korean Army.

King Leopold III of Belgium abdicates in favor of his son, Baudouin I of Belgium.

1951/0716:USA、The novel The Catcher in the Rye by Jerome D. Salinger appears. 

≫ I'm sort of glad they've got the atomic bomb invented. If there's ever another war, I'm going to sit right the hell on top of it. I'll volunteer for it, I swear to God I will.



1960/0716:Albert Kesselring 188160、死去

, German field marshal (b. 1881)

1962/0716:Theodor Litt 188062、死去

、教育学者、哲学者 「指導か放任か」

The Mont Blanc Tunnel linking France and Italy opens.

South Vietnamese Colonel Phạm Ngọc Thảo, a formerly undetected communist spy and double agent, is hunted down and killed by unknown individuals after being sentenced to death in absentia for a February 1965 coup attempt against Nguyễn Khánh.

1969/0716:USA、Apollo program:
Apollo 11, the first mission to land astronauts on the Moon, is launched from the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Kennedy, Florida.

1973/0716:USA、Watergate scandal:
Former White House aide Alexander Butterfield informs the United States Senate that President Richard Nixon had secretly recorded potentially incriminating conversations.

1979/0716:Iraqi President Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr resigns and is replaced by Saddam Hussein.


Mahathir Bin Mohamad is appointed Prime Minister of Malaysia. Since then he has served 22 years until 2003.

1983/0716:Sikorsky S-61 disaster:
A helicopter crashes off the Isles of Scilly, causing 20 fatalities.

1985/0716:Heinrich Böll 191785、死去

≫ どこまで行けるかを知るには、そこより遠くまで行ってみなくてはならない。




1989/0716:Herbert von Karajan 190889、死去

The Luzon earthquake strikes the Philippines with an intensity of 7.7, affecting Benguet, Pangasinan, Nueva Ecija, La Union, Aurora, Bataan, Zambales and Tarlac.

The Parliament of the Ukrainian SSR declares state sovereignty over the territory of the Ukrainian SSR.

1994/0716:Julian Schwinger 191894、死去


1994/0716:Japan, 古代遺跡。

John F. Kennedy Jr., piloting a Piper Saratoga aircraft, dies when his plane crashes into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Martha's Vineyard. His wife and sister-in-law are also killed.

1999/0716:Japan、Night Train Express
Night train limited express "Cassiopeia" connecting Ueno station and Sapporo station started operation.



Chinese President Jiang Zemin and Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Sino-Russian Treaty of Good-Neighborly Friendship and Cooperation in Moscow, declaring "friendship for generations and never be an enemy." The treaty has expanded its investment in the field of energy, including oil, nuclear energy, coal, natural gas, electricity, new energy and other cooperation, based on mutual benefit to build a strategic and long-term energy partnership for the two countries laid a solid foundation.

An earthquake of magnitude 6.8 & 6.6 aftershock occurs off the Niigata coast of Japan killing 8 people, injuring at least 800 & damaging a nuclear power plant.

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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