


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 05/17 今日の出來事




靡他今日復何言 取義捨生吾所尊 快受電光三尺劔 只將一死報君恩
他に靡き今日また何をか言はん、義を取り生を捨つるは我が尊ぶ所 快く受けん電光三尺の劍、ただに一死をもつて君恩に報ひん





なかなかいい肖像畫 ―― 芥川龍之介189227の『鼻』が思ひだされた。

1395/0517:Battle of Rovine, Wallachians defeat 

an invading Ottoman army.

1510/0517:Sandro Botticelli 144510、死

Le Printemps, 1478-1482, Galerie des Offices, Florence.
La Naissance de Vénus, 1485, Galerie des Offices, Florence.

1521/0517:Henry III の犠牲者、Edward Stafford、斷首

Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham, is executed for treason.
https://is.gd/cYOcHu Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham - Wikipedia

# Henry III 120772、邪魔者は消せと

# Buckingham was one of few peers 貴族 with substantial Plantagenet blood and maintained numerous connections, often among his extended family, with the rest of the upper aristocracy, which activities attracted Henry's suspicion. During 1520, Buckingham became suspected of potentially treasonous actions and Henry VIII authorised an investigation. The King personally examined witnesses against him, gathering enough evidence for a trial. The Duke was finally summoned to Court in April 1521 and arrested and placed in the Tower. He was tried before a panel of 17 peers, being accused of listening to prophecies of the King's death and intending to kill the King. He was executed on Tower Hill on 17 May. Buckingham was posthumously attainted by Act of Parliament on 31 July 1523, disinheriting most of his wealth from his children.  Wikipedia en

1536/0517:Henry III の犠牲者、George Boleyn、斷首

George Boleyn, 2nd Viscount Rochford and four other men are executed for treason.
annulation du mariage d'Anne Boleyn d'avec Henri VIII d'Angleterre et exécution de George Boleyn, son frère.
George Boleyn 150336:Anne Boleyn 150736 兄、妹との近親相姦を Henry III 120772 に疑はれ妹ともどもロンドン塔で斷首
https://is.gd/2ZWpQT George Boleyn, 2nd Viscount Rochford - Wikipedia

# George Boleyn and the other four men were beheaded on Tower Hill on the morning of 17 May 1536. George's scaffold speech was extremely long and exemplified the orator's linguistic skills. For it to have been recorded in as much detail as it was, the vast crowd who witnessed the executions must have been virtually silent, and there could have been little booing or jeering as with normal state executions.[20] His scaffold speech was primarily concerned with defending his religious beliefs and his passion for reform. It was not the honourable thing to deny guilt once a guilty verdict had been given in a court of law, and therefore he followed the conventions of the day by admitting he was a sinner deserving of death. He begged forgiveness of anyone he may have offended and begged for God's forgiveness. He came close to denying his guilt by declaring, beware, trust not in the vanity of the world or the flatterys of the court, or the favour and treacheries of fortune. He said he would be alive if he had not done so. By blaming fortune for his fall he came as close as he dared to denying his guilt (i.e., he was dying because luck had been against him, not because he was guilty). He then went on to speak of his religious convictions before calmly submitting his neck to the axe. Anne was beheaded two days later.

1590/0517:Anne of Denmark is crowned Queen of Scotland.

In Holyrood Anna of Denmark, crowned Queen of Scotland since the beginning of the year, was crowned by King James VI.


The false Dimitri, who became the alleged son of Ivan IV during the turmoil of Russia, is murdered by rebellious nobles under the leadership of Vasili Shuiski.
Ложная Димитрий, который стал как предполагаемого сына Ивана IV во время Смутного времени царя России, убит возмущающих дворяне во главе с Василий Шуиски.


# On the morning of 17 May 1606, ten days after Dmitry's marriage to Tsarina Marina, a massive number of boyars and commoners stormed the Kremlin. Tsar Dmitry tried to flee, jumping out a window, but fractured his leg in the fall. He fled to a bathhouse and attempted to disappear within, but was recognized and dragged out before the populace by the boyars, who killed the tsar lest he successfully muster an appeal to the crowd.[6] His body was put on display and then cremated, with the ashes allegedly shot from a cannon towards Poland. According to Palitsyn, Dmitry's death was followed by the massacre of his supporters. Palitsyn boasted in his chronicle that, "a great amount of heretical blood was spilled on the streets of Moscow."  Wikipedia en

1648/0517:三十年戰爭、Battle of Zusmarshausen in Bavaria 

is the last major battle in the Thirty Years' War with the participation of foreign armies on German soil. The armies of France and Sweden defeated the united imperial and Bavarian army.


Die königliche Burg Tre Kronor in Stockholm fällt einem Brand zum Opfer, der das Bauwerk fast völlig zerstört.

1792/0517:New York Stock Exchange is formed 

under the Buttonwood Agreement.


Napoleon Bonaparte a décrété l'annexion des Etats pontificaux pour son empire.
Napoleon I of France orders the annexation of the Papal States to the French Empire.


Occupation of Monaco changes from French to Austrian.


The Constitution of Norway is signed and Crown Prince Christian Frederick of Denmark is elected King of Norway by the Norwegian Constituent Assembly.




Antonio López de Santa Anna Pérez de Lebrón 179476、メキシコ大統領に就任。


1861/0517:JK Maxwell 講義のなかで初めて「カラア写真」を紹介

The Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell introduces the first color photo in a lecture at the Royal Institution.


Thomas Cook organizes the first package with accommodation and food. British workers travel by ship and train to Paris.



Rosalía de Castro publishes Cantares Gallegos, the first book in the Galician language.
El poeta española Rosalía de Castro publica Cantares Gallegos (Las canciones de Galicia), su primera planta en lengua gallega. El día de hoy todavía está de vacaciones en la región autónoma de Galicia.
https://is.gd/zXpXc3 Rosalía de Castro - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

1865/0517:International Telegraph Union is established

国電信連合(現 国際電気通信連合)、發足。
A Paris, le club aujourd'hui télégraphique internationale Union internationale des télécommunications, une agence spécialisée des Nations Unies est créée à l'initiative du gouvernement français.

1866/0517:Erik Satie 186625、生






1875/0517:USA、First Kentucky Derby Open




L'opera Cavalleria Rusticana (contadino siciliano Onore) di Pietro Mascagni, con il libretto di Giovanni Verga ha presentato in anteprima al Teatro Costanzi di Roma. L'opera è il più grande successo del compositore.

1900/0517:イギリス、南アフリカで Second Boer War: 

British troops relieve Mafeking.


Greek archaeologist Valerios Stais discovers the Antikythera mechanism, an ancient mechanical analog computer.

1914/0517:Protocol of Corfu is signed, 

recognising full autonomy to Northern Epirus under nominal Albanian sovereignty.


João Pinheiro Chagas é eleito após a queda da "ditadura de Espadas" em 14 de maio, mais uma vez como primeiro-ministro de Portugal, o Gabinete, no entanto, não substitui. José de Castro como o novo primeiro-ministro.

João Pinheiro Chagas is again elected Prime Minister of Portugal after the overthrow of the "dictatorship of the swords" on May 14, but the office does not appear. José de Castro becomes the new head of government.

1924/0517:ハリウッドで、映画制作會社 MGM、創立

The company Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer is founded in Hollywood, Los Angeles by the merger of the film production companies Metro Pictures Corporation, Goldwyn Picture Corporation and Louis B. Mayer Pictures. Louis B. Mayer will head the new company.


日中戦争: 徐州会戦で西住小次郎戦車小隊長が戦死。日中戦争初の軍神となる。

1939/0517:USA、Play of "Lions & Tigers"、初めてテレビ中繼 

The Columbia Lions and the Princeton Tigers play in the United States' first televised sporting event, a collegiate baseball game in New York City.



Germany occupies Brussels, Belgium.


WWⅡ:Dambuster Raids commence by No. 617 Squadron RAF.


Prima esecuzione del film Ossessione dal regista italiano Luchino Visconti, che segna l'inizio della Neorealismus italiana.

1949/0517:Balázs Béla 188449、死

彼が1924年に出版した『 Der Sichtbare Mensch 視覺的人間』を私は映画の文法の理論書として採用してゐた。
しかも、彼は友人であった Béla Bartók 188145 に『かかし王子』『青髭公の城』の原作を提供もしてゐた。



1967/0517:エジプト、Six-Day War: 

President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt demands dismantling of the peace-keeping UN Emergency Force in Egypt.

1973/0517:USA、Watergate scandal: Televised hearings begin 

in the United States Senate.
アメリカ上院、WaterGate 特別委員会の公聴会を開始。


The Troubles: Thirty-three civilians are killed and 300 injured when the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) detonates four car bombs in Dublin and Monaghan, Republic of Ireland.


General Chun Doo-hwan of South Korea seizes control of the government and declares martial law in order to suppress student demonstrations.




On the eve of presidential elections, Maoist guerrilla group Shining Path attacks a polling location in Chuschi (a town in Ayacucho), starting the Internal conflict in Peru.


Lebanon, Israel, and the United States sign an agreement on Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon.


The General Assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO) eliminates homosexuality from the list of psychiatric diseases.





Troops of Laurent Kabila march into Kinshasa. Zaire is officially renamed Democratic Republic of the Congo.
コンゴ・ザイール解放民主勢力連合 (AFDL) のロラン・カビラが勝利宣言をして大統領に就任、国名をザイールからコンゴ民主共和国に変更する。


Trains from North and South Korea cross the 38th Parallel in a test-run agreed by both governments. This is the first time that trains have crossed the Demilitarized Zone since 1953.

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World